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Through partnership, advocacy, direct action and intervention, Council supports a clean, green and sustainable Brisbane.

Medium-term (five-year) highlights

Installed 388 kW of solar system capacity at 18 community leased facilities as part of the Resilient Clubs Support Program

Increased the amount of green waste diverted from landfill each year by approximately 12% since 2017-18 Hosted 9495 electric vehicles for free charging in King George Square car park since 2017-18 Facilitated an increase in e-mobility ridership of 148% since introducing the first shared e-scooters in 2018


Maintain carbon neutral status of Council

Reduced household carbon emissions On track

On track

Increased sustainable transport patronage and active travel

Improved environmental health of the city On track

On track

Reduced waste generation and increased resource recovery Monitor closely

Increased resilience and reduced risks to residents and property from natural hazards Monitor closely

Improved quality and network of natural habitat and greenspaces within the city On track

Increased community participation in Council environmental programs and education activities On track

Strategic focus areas for future years

• Natural disasters have significant social and economic consequences and Council remains committed to building resilience. While repairing flood damage and addressing the 37 recommendations in the Brisbane

City Council 2022 Flood Review, and through the rebuild and recovery process, Council will maintain long-term financial sustainability and continue delivering projects that are important for our future. • Council’s focus on being a carbon neutral organisation through practical solutions, like emission reduction projects and engaging communities to live more sustainably, demonstrates Council’s commitment to our sustainable city. External factors, including the steep rise of carbon offset pricing, must be carefully managed in support of our commitment to carbon neutrality, and advocating for a low-carbon city. • Food waste currently accounts for more than a quarter of general waste bins content. External factors are influencing waste behaviours with people spending more time at home, but also through the disposal of disaster-related waste. Through community partnerships and the implementation of the Food Waste Recycling program, Council aims to significantly reduce food waste that is generated and disposed of in general waste.

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