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Digital transformation to improve educational outcomes
Think about all the new technology you have learned to use over the past five years. It might be in the form of software, apps, streaming services and even payment methods.
Can you imagine the world the graduates of 2025 will emerge into?
We are investing in our digital future to enhance our capability to optimise educational outcomes for our boys.
The School’s Digital Transformation Program will upgrade our digital capability over the next four years to support each BGS graduate to realise his potential in and beyond the classroom as he enters a digital economy.
Our ICT infrastructure will be improved to gather and use our data most effectively. As we collect and utilise information about student wellbeing, academic achievements and cocurricular involvement, we can better understand how a student is progressing and where improvements can be made.
This personalised learning approach is part of the School’s overall vision to be the best school for boys in Australia. A snapshot of some of the enhancements for students, parents and teachers is below.
For Students
• receive support quicker on aspects of progress intheir subjects
• find all their administrative tasks in one place
• access resources 24/7
• provide reflections on their learning more easily
• develop skills critical to being able to evaluateinformation sources
For Parents
• access real-time information for a transparent view of how their son is progressing
• view a personalised student dashboard
• provide feedback on Student Learning Plans
• receive proactive communication from teachers and coaching staff about their son
For Teachers
• deliver technology-enabled lessons, providing variety and interest for both them and their students’ digital literacy
• design and deliver engaging learning experiences usingdigital tools
• view a single source of truth via a central, completestudent record
• enable efficient communication with parents
• consistent staff experience
• automate business processes, eliminating time-consumingadministrative tasks
The program is in the early stages, with various BGS staff working with external experts to create the environment for digital transformation to succeed.