Housing News - Winter 2019

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Winter 2019

News for Bristol City Council tenants and leaseholders

Chalcroft House Community Garden

A blooming marvellous transformation (see p 6)

What does Brexit mean to me? Community Repair CafĂŠ in Stockwood

Could you be saving money this winter?

News for all Bristol City Council tenants and leaseholders Winter 2019

Housing News If English is not your first language and you need a translation, we can get one for you. If you would like this information in another language, Braille, audio tape, large print, easy English, BSL video or CD rom or plain text please contact: 0117 352 1444

Welcome to the Winter issue of Housing News Foreword In this edition of Housing News, I am pleased to include for the first time a full copy of our annual report for tenants and leaseholders, which provides information about how we performed as your landlord in the last financial year (April 2018 – March 2019). Making sure we are improving the things that matter to you most as tenants and leaseholders is really important to us. That’s why this autumn we launched a feedback survey to find out what’s important to you about your home, and the services you receive from us as your landlord. I would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to give us their feedback. We’ve had a great response and expect to have the results in December.

At the time of writing this foreward (in early November) we are in uncertain times in respect of Brexit. Whilst we are now awaiting a general election ahead of Brexit, we’ve included some useful information about what Brexit could mean for you and your friends, neighbours, colleagues or family (see page 4). Finally, we know that as winter approaches it can be a challenging time for families and vulnerable residents, so we’ve shared some hints and tips to help you save money and stay warm (see page 3). We’ve also shared some information about new opportunities you could explore in the new year, such as our Future Bright career coaching programme (see page 7). In the meantime, I wish you all a safe and happy festive season. Julian Higson Director for Housing and Landlord Services

We need YOU to join the Housing Scrutiny Panel The Housing Scrutiny Panel is a small team made up of council tenants and leaseholders who meet monthly and work together to influence council services which manage their homes. It’s a great way to meet new people, increase your knowledge about housing issues and make recommendations for improvements.

Want to get involved? Attend the Housing Scrutiny Panel open morning: Tuesday 28 January 2020, 10am – 1pm Bristol Tenant Resource Centre, Redcliffe Hill, Bristol, BS1 6TB For more information, visit: www.bristol.gov.uk/hsp page 2

www.bristol.gov.uk/housingnews visit our website www.bristol.gov.uk

Saving you money this winter Last year the Tenants’ Energy Advice Service helped 296 council tenants apply for the Warms Homes Discount. The discount is a one-off £140 payment towards an electricity bill, which all the ‘big six’ energy companies (and some smaller suppliers) offer. You can qualify for this scheme if you: • are in receipt of the guaranteed credit element of Pension Credit • have a low income and meet your energy suppliers criteria.

Combatting condensation 10 winter tips

The deadline to claim for the Warms Homes Discount is Friday 28 February 2020 If you think you may be eligible, get in touch now with your energy supplier, or contact the Tenants’ Energy Advice Service by calling: 0800 082 2234 or emailing: home.energy@cse.org.uk Some energy suppliers have already stopped taking Warm Home Discount applications. If you get in touch with the Tenants’ Energy Advice service, they can check your eligibility and make sure you don’t miss out next year.

Council garages to rent

Keep your heating on low. This can be turned up and down as necessary to keep you warm 1


Make sure your extractor fans are switched on and working

Keep window vents open 4 Use specialist paints for redecorating, especially for bathrooms and kitchens 3


Keep your bathroom door closed while running a bath or taking a shower

Keep lids on pots while cooking 7 Wipe down any excess moisture around window frames, sills, etc. to prevent mould growth 6


If possible, leave windows open in a lockable position for ventilation

Allow heat to circulate by positioning furniture away from radiators 9

10 Ensure

tumble driers have a small gap around them for ventilation.

Did you know we’ve got a number of garages across Bristol that you can rent? Council tenants can rent a garage for a vehicle or storage purposes for just £12.94 per week*. Garages are currently available to rent on Bradwell Grove in Southmead, Mede Close in Redcliffe, Pensford Court in Stockwood and Silcox Road in Hartcliffe. To apply, or for more information, visit: www.bristol.gov.uk/tenantgarages *We do not allow tenants to store hazardous liquids or gases. All items must be removed when the garage tenancy is ended. page 3

News for all Bristol City Council tenants and leaseholders Winter 2019

What does Brexit mean for me? Are you a UK citizen? If you are born in the UK, or have been granted UK citizenship, you only need to make special preparations for Brexit if you run your own business or are going on holiday to Europe. For advice about preparing your business, go to:

www.gov.uk/brexit If you are going on holiday to Europe, you’ll need to: l check if your passport needs to be renewed before travelling l get travel insurance, which covers your healthcare l check you have the right driving documents

What is the EU Settlement Scheme? After Brexit, the UK will no longer be part of the European Union. This means freedom of movement – which allows EU citizens to move, live and work in EU countries – will end. If you are an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen, you and your family should apply to the EU Settlement Scheme if you wish to continue living in the UK after Tuesday 30 June 2021. The EEA includes the EU countries and also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Successful applicants will be given either settled or pre-settled status.

l organise pet travel (you’ll need to contact your vet at least four months before you go).

How to apply

Are you a non-UK EU citizen?


If you are from a European Union (EU) country outside of the UK and Ireland, you are welcome in Bristol. We hope you will want to stay here after Brexit. The government has said that EU citizens must apply for the EU Settlement Scheme, so you can continue to live, work and access services after Brexit.

Find out more about the EU Settlement Scheme and how to apply online at:

Get help Most people should be able to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme themselves using the government’s website. If you are worried about applying on your own, ask a friend, relative or support worker to help you. You can also call the government’s helpline: To call from inside the UK: 0300 123 7379 To call from outside the UK: +44 203 080 0010 Mon-Fri, 8am to 8pm Sat-Sun, 9:30am to 4:30pm

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Help to verify your identity The first thing you’ll need to do when applying for the EU Settlement Scheme is to verify your identity, which you can do yourself online. If needed, you can get help at the council’s Citizen Service Point at 100 Temple Street, Bristol, BS1 6AE.

“It’s fantastic Bristol offers this service, thank you for helping me.” Jack, EU Citizen from the Netherlands

For more information, visit:


Further information and advice ●● The Europe Direct Information Centre has free advice and resources for citizens on immigration policy, such as the EU Settlement Scheme. Europe Direct Information Centre is located at the Bristol and Avon Law Centre, 2 Hide Market, West Street, BS2 0BH. Find out more at:

www.bristollawcentre.org.uk/europedirect ●● The Law Centre Network has also published some leaflets on the rights of EU nationals living in the UK:

www.lawcentres.org.uk/lcn-s-work/ living-rights-project

Jack, a Dutch national, has been in the UK since the 1950’s. He has been really worried about if he could continue living here after Brexit. He didn’t know how to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme, so he went into the Citizen Service Point at 100 Temple Street for help. The team put Jack at ease straight away and helped him to verify his ID documents and complete the application form. Within a few hours, Jack received confirmation from the government that he had been granted settled status.

Do you have friends, neighbours, colleagues or family from a non-UK EU country? Make sure they are aware that the deadline to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme is Thursday 31 December 2020.

Please encourage them to apply sooner rather than later, so their rights are continued.

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News for all Bristol City Council tenants and leaseholders Winter 2019

Community Development Across Bristol people are taking action on the things they care about in their neighbourhoods. Here are few examples of the things your neighbours are doing…

Can we fix it? Stockwood can!

Chalcroft House Community Garden While painting and decorating contractors Bell Group were refurbishing Chalcroft House, on behalf of the council, they realised that the communal garden needed to be refreshed. To help make this a reality, Bell Group staff volunteered to help plant new flowers and shrubs and install some new benches. The company also donated patio umbrellas and a new pressure washer, to help create the perfect relaxed seating area that can be easily maintained.

Amanda had an idea of setting up a ‘Repair Café’ in her local area, Stockwood, as a way to connect with new and likeminded people. In December 2018, she shared this desire with Community Development Practitioner, Heather, who helped her look at how she could take her idea forward. An initial free Repair Café was set up at the beginning of April 2019, where local residents could work together with volunteer fixers to repair and maintain their broken or faulty products. Amanda shared the event through local newspapers and social media – and 15 people came along, including an electrical specialist, seamstress and bike mechanic, and some residents even helped by baking homemade cakes. Repairs made at the first event included fixing an iPad, two radios, a Kindle, a pair of trousers, a sewing machine, a kettle and a hosepipe. Following keen interest from local residents, two additional Repair Cafés have since been held successfully welcoming 25 visitors. Amanda, the founder of the Repair Café in Stockwood, said: “The concept is simple; local people with skills help others learn and save things from landfill. I’ve been delighted with the support I’ve received with organising and setting up the Stockwood Repair Café and, after three sessions, I’m confident it will get bigger and better as time goes on. A huge thank you to everyone who has played a part in setting this up.” page 6

The new garden was opened at the annual residents’ barbeque, with Chris (a surveyor at Bell Group) taking up the position of Head Chef. Jon Wiltshire, Regional Manager of Bell Group, said: “It is important to us that we deliver works to the highest level for our clients at Bristol City Council, however it is just as important to listen to residents. We are delighted to be helping the residents of Chalcroft House improve their gardens, providing a welcoming and peaceful space for all residents to enjoy.” A resident of Chalcroft House said: “I am sure to speak on behalf of many of the residents when I say that the donations from the Bell Group have not gone unnoticed. The lovely plants have enhanced our already much loved garden and the new benches provide extra seating to enjoy the sun...The residents also enjoyed the summer barbeque with all food donated by the Bell Group and the proceeds from the barbeque being donated to charity.”


Training for tenants Are you up for the challenge of chairing a meeting such as our Local Housing Forums, but need some help and advice on how to do it? Do you need to sharpen up your existing skills to help build your confidence? We run FREE Chairing Skills training events to help boost your skills. To book a place, please call: 0117 352 1444 or email: tpu@bristol.gov.uk

Free career coaching to help secure your dream job Future Bright offer FREE career coaching, training and support to help people develop the skills and confidence they need to progress their career and improve their pay. Experienced career coaches can help you with:

Are you struggling to pay your rent? Let us help you Are you worried about how you will pay your rent? Have your circumstances changed and it’s getting difficult to manage? It is your responsibility to ensure that rent is paid for your home, but we want to support you and help prevent you getting into debt. Our Citizen Service Point at 100 Temple Street (Bristol, BS1 6AE) can help and advise on how best to deal with and pay your rent. They can also put you in touch with other organisations who can offer specialist financial and debt management advice if needed. If you want to talk about options to help pay your rent, please call: 0117 922 2200 (Mon-Fri, 8.30am to 6pm). Over 3,000 council tenants in Bristol now claim Universal Credit. If you are one of them, it is really important that you: l talk to the Citizen Service Point about moving to monthly payments and how to manage your rent payment l consider paying by direct debit l contact the Citizen Service Point as soon as you can if you are struggling to pay your rent, or need advice on other debts.

l advice and support – your dedicated coach will work with you to create an individual action plan, showing where you want to be and how you can get there l developing skills – your coach will help you to identify and access support and training, as well as look at ways you can get more from your current role l personal budgets – Future Bright can help you to pay for the training and equipment you need to reach your goals. To qualify for help from Future Bright, you need to be over 19 years old, in paid employment and claiming one of the following benefits: l Working Tax Credit l Child Tax Credit l Housing Benefit l Means-tested Council Tax Reduction l Universal Credit l Jobseekers’ Allowance l Employment and Support Allowance l Income Support. If you think you are eligible and would like to speak to someone about the support and advice available, please call: 0117 922 2250 or email: futurebright@bristol.gov.uk

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Local H

News for all Bristol City Council tenants and leaseholders Winter 2019

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Come along and talk about housing issues or make suggestions for improvements to your council home. Free tea and coffee is provided and you can claim travel and carer expenses.

Attend the Local Housing Forum meeting in your area Area 1:

Area 2:

Mon 25 November, 1.30-4pm Moorgrove House Community Room, Aldergrove Road, Bristol BS9 2QF

Mon 2 December, 1.30-4pm City Hall (come to main reception), College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR

Area 3:

Area 4:

Wed 27 November, 1.30-4pm Tues 10 December, 6.15-8.30pm Hillfields Community Hub, Thicket City Hall (come to main reception) Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR BS16 4EH Wed 4 December, 1.30-4.00pm Little Cross House Community Room, Phipps Street, Bristol BS3 1SL

As part of Bristol Waste’s reuse project, high quality electrical equipment and furniture is on sale via eBay. All items have come from Bristol’s Household Waste and Recycling Centres, and all electrical items are fully tested.

To see what items are on sale, visit: www.ebay.co.uk/user/


Image: Arnaldo Aldana

Area 6:

Area 5:


Mon 16 December, 6.15-8.30pm Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Road, Bristol BS4 1JP

After these meetings the next Forums will be held in March 2020

For information about the forums, visit: www.bristol.gov.uk/localhousingforums or contact Tenant Participation on: 0117 352 1444 or email: tpu@bristol.gov.uk.

Which Forum covers your area? Area 1:

• Avonmouth & Lawrence Weston • Clifton • Clifton Down • Hotwells & Harbourside • Stoke Bishop • Westburyon-Trym & Henleaze

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Area 2:

• Bishopston & Ashley Down • Cotham • Horfield • Henbury & Brentry • Redland • Southmead

Area 3:

• Eastville • Frome Vale • Hillfields • Lockleaze

Area 4:

• Ashley • Central • Lawrence Hill • St George, Central • St George, Troopers Hill • St George, West • Easton

Area 5

• Bedminster • Brislington East • Brislington West • Knowle • Southville • Windmill Hill

Area 6:

• Bishopsworth • Filwood • Hartcliffe & Withywood • Hengrove & Whitchurch • Stockwood

Six little ways to be more healthy and sustainable everyday

Bristol is aiming to become a Gold Sustainable Food City by the end of 2020. Join a city-wide effort to improve the way we grow, buy and eat food in Bristol by following six simple steps…

1. Better buying – ditch the packaging, buy local and don’t throw away 2. Food waste – recycle your remaining food waste and share leftovers 3. Urban growing – start growing one small thing such as a tomato or chilli plant 4. Community action – share your cooking and growing skills with others 5. Eating better – eat more meat-free meals and cut down on sugar 6. Food equality – buy Fair Trade certified products. For more hints and tips, visit: www.goingforgoldbristol.co.uk

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