Housing News - Summer 2019

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HousingNews Summer 2019

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Homes for Heroes 100

Celebrating 100 years of council housing in Bristol (see p 4-5)

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campaign ’ e M e ik L ‘Tenants

Tell us what matters to you Ultrafast broadband pilot Local Housing Forums

St Pauls Community Garden

Main cover photo: Annie Crossman

News for Bristol City Council tenants and leaseholders

News for all Bristol City Council tenants and leaseholders Summer 2019

Housing News If English is not your first language and you need a translation, we can get one for you. If you would like this information in another language, Braille, audio tape, large print, easy English, BSL video or CD rom or plain text please contact: 0117 352 1444

Welcome to the Summer issue of Housing News Foreword One of our priorities this year is to ensure that the services we provide meet the needs of our tenants, leaseholders and their families. To do this we need you to tell us what it is about the housing service that matters most to you. It might be quicker repairs, being able to easily contact us, dealing with anti-social behaviour, keeping our promises or maybe something else entirely. We need the views of as many residents as possible, so that we get the most accurate results. We’re already working with our tenant and leaseholder groups and over the coming months we’d like everyone else to have their say.

There will be a range of ways to do this, including: • telephone and written surveys • giving feedback online • taking part in events, such as meetings and roadshows • face-to-face conversations with us. Please look out for details of these opportunities on our web pages and Housing Facebook page soon – we need your help to shape and deliver better housing services. Alternatively you can sign up now to get involved at www.bristol.gov.uk/ housing/tenant-participation-form, or call Tenant Participation on: 0117 352 1444 or email: tpu@bristol.gov.uk. Julian Higson Director for Homes and Landlord Services

Take and r part ecei a £25 ve shop p vouc ing her!

Tenants Like Me Could you be the face of our ‘Tenants Like Me’ campaign? We want our leaflets and publicity to reflect the people who actually use our services, by featuring images of real tenants – that’s you! We’re looking for tenants from across Bristol to get involved and appear in materials promoting events, services or initiatives targeted at tenants, such as posters, leaflets, social media or Housing News. If you fancy taking part, send us a brief explanation of why you want to get involved, together with your name and full address, by 30 June to: housing.news@bristol.gov.uk

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We will contact you with further information and details of photoshoots (terms and conditions apply).

Reasonable travel expenses will be provided, plus participants will receive a £25 shopping voucher as a thank you for taking part.


www.bristol.gov.uk/housingnews visit our website www.bristol.gov.uk

The importance of Fire Safety in your home Smoke detectors save lives – remember to test yours regularly.

Did you know? Avon Fire & Rescue Service offer

●● Put candles out when you leave the room; make

To request one please phone 0117 926 2061 or text ‘visit’ to 07507 319 694.

sure they’re put out completely at night. ●● Plan your escape routes in the event of a fire and

make sure they’re kept clear. ●● Keep doors closed to stop the spread of any

smoke and fire. ●● Keep matches and lighters up high, out of the

reach of children. ●● Stub cigarettes out properly and dispose of them


If there is a fire in your home:

free Home Fire Safety Visits.

All fire safety queries should be sent to asset.management@bristol.gov.uk Report any concerns such as damaged doors or smoke detectors to Responsive Repairs on 0117 922 2200.

If there is a fire in your flat

Alert all the occupants and get out as soon as possible. Don’t tackle a fire by yourself. Leave it to the fire and rescue service. Get out and call 999.

Ultrafast broadband pilot Bristol City Council has made a commitment to ensure everyone living in social housing has access to affordable and ultrafast broadband. Ultrafast broadband helps make everything online quicker and easier – whether you’re streaming the latest movie in HD, playing games, learning online or accessing digital public services. By working with a telecoms provider, we’ll be piloting the latest ultrafast broadband, starting with housing blocks with poor connectivity. The pilot will give us the opportunity to learn, review and gain feedback before we roll out to other areas. We’ll also be looking to improve digital opportunities and learning to help our residents get online and get the most out of the internet. To help us plan the wider roll out of faster and better broadband services, please complete our short survey at: www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/ betterbroadband. If you are not online, please call 0117 357 4445 and we’ll post you a paper copy.

HomeChoice Review We are carrying out a review of HomeChoice Bristol, the system used by Bristol City Council and Housing Associations to prioritise and let social housing to households on the Bristol Housing Register. Our objective is to involve residents, tenants, partners and stakeholders in designing a new policy for allocating social housing. The focus will be on: l who we house – to meet an increasing demand for affordable housing l how we let properties – getting feedback on the current choice-based lettings system l creating mixed and balanced communities. It’s hoped the review will help to better address current issues such as the reduction in the supply of properties resulting in households waiting longer to be housed. There will be events over the summer and autumn, where we’ll be asking you for your views. Please check the council’s website and Housing Facebook page for more details.

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News for all Bristol City Council tenants and leaseholders Summer 2019

Homes for Heroes 100

Celebrating 100 years of council estates and their residents – past, present and future Homes for Heroes 100 is a programme of community projects, events, publications and other activity marking the centenary of council estates in the city.

Residents in Sea Mills, Hillfields, St Judes and Knowle West have already started to explore the history of their communities and the people who have lived and worked there over the last century, The 1919 Housing and but there are still plenty Town Planning Act (known of opportunities to get as ‘The Addison Act’), involved. led to the building of large-scale council house estates in the UK. The act was originally promoted as homes for the returning heroes of World War I.



Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June

Image: Forest Avenue, Hillfields Park © Bristol Archives

For further information, visit the Festival of Ideas blog: www.ideasfestival.co.uk/themes/homes-forheroes-100 You can also follow the project on Twitter using the hashtag #HomesForHeroes100 Homes for Heroes 100 is coordinated by the Bristol Cultural Development Partnership, and is supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Bristol City Council.

100 Years of Knowle West Style Knowle West Media Centre is bringing local people, artists and archivists together to explore what is iconic, special and unique about the area. To find out more, visit: www.kwmc.org.uk/projects/knowleweststyle or call Melissa Mean or Martha King on: 0117 903 0444.

Visit Sea Mills’ mini museum in the old red phone box on Sea Mills Square, take part in a heritage trail around the estate and enjoy music and drama performances. There are lots more events happening throughout the year. To find out more, visit: www.seamills100.co.uk

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Bristol Open Doors Festival 13 to 15 September The Architecture Centre is looking for residents from Sea Mills, St Pauls and Hillfields to lead guided tours of their local area, as part of Bristol Open Doors Festival in September. It’s a great opportunity to show what you love about your neighbourhood and free training and support will be provided. If you’re interested in getting involved, contact: amy.harrison@ architecturecentre.org.uk or phone: 0117 922 1540


Aerial view of the Hillfields Estate taken in the mid-1920s © Bristol Archives

Hillfields is where the first ‘Addison Act’ council houses were built in Bristol. The design of these houses was the result of an architectural competition and went on to define the homes we see in many areas of Bristol today, from Southmead to Knowle. Local Learning are working with the community on a programme of events celebrating the significance of Hillfields, including a guided tour of the estate on 11 September and a ‘Sharing Memories’ event at Hillfields Library on 14 September. To find out more, visit: www.locallearning.org.uk/ hillfields-homes-for-heroes or email Ruth Myers: ruth@locallearning.org.uk Development Team. Text or phone

A postcard based on early plans of different types of council homes.

Appeal for family photos Homes for Heroes 100 is collecting family photos from people who have lived in council housing anywhere in Bristol, to use on their blog and in social media. They can be the most ordinary of family photos – everyone watching TV, celebrating Christmas, larking about in the garden, kids with pets, or two or three generations posing to have their picture taken. They can be from anytime between the 1920s and 1980s. To take part, email a high-resolution image to: mel.kelly@businesswest.co.uk with some information on when and where the photo was taken and the names of the people in it.

Also look out for… • A day of sessions exploring the past, present and future of council housing, as part of Festival of the Future City (16 -18 October) • A book of stories from people who have grown up on council estates in Bristol and the UK

Image of John Thompson and his daughter Shirley in their garden at Charfield Road, Southmead in 1937.

• A book of walks around the council homes of Hillfields, Knowle West, Sea Mills and St Pauls • The story of council housing in Bristol told in a comic book style. Free copies will be available to pick up in locations across the city, including libraries.

Illustration from ‘A century of Bristol housing’, written by Eugene Byrne and illustrated by Antony Forbes. page 5

News for all Bristol City Council tenants and leaseholders Summer 2019

Community development Tenants across Bristol are taking action on the things they care about in their neighbourhoods. Here are a couple of examples of the things your neighbours are getting up to...

A room for the community

St Pauls Community Garden St Pauls resident, Tara, wanted to revitalise the community garden and allotments located between Grosvenor Road and Burnell Drive, to create an open, welcoming space that the whole community could enjoy. Tara worked with the council’s community development, housing and parks teams to move the project forward. Tara designed a poster inviting people to a meeting to share ideas about how to use the space, while the local housing officer arranged to have the overgrown area cut back so it would be easier for a new group to take on.

Sylvia, a Walwyn Gardens resident, with Hayley. Sue, a warden at Walwyn Gardens in Hartcliffe, wanted the under-used community room to be used by more residents and the wider community. Sue had a chat with Claire, an Inclusive Communities Facilitator, about how to take her idea forward.

Seven residents attended the first meeting in March and now a dedicated team of volunteers, of all ages, come together regularly to garden, learn new skills or simply to just be together.

Claire and Hayley (a local volunteer) organised an afternoon tea in the community room and invited other residents to drop-in to share their ideas. Resident Sylvia talked to her friends to encourage them to come along. Eight residents attended the event, continuing the conversations they’d had on their doorstep, while enjoying tea and cake. The group came up with lovely ideas for social activities, including crafting, flower arranging, card games, knitting, a fish and chip supper (happening soon!) and trips. Sue and Claire will continue to meet with residents to build on their ideas. Have you got an idea for a community project? If so, drop Terry a line in the Community Development team. Text or phone: 07342 031 852 or email: terry.black@bristol.gov.uk

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Algis, a local resident, has been an inspiration and was keen for the project to be a shared, supportive community effort, rather than a number of individuals doing their own thing and growing for themselves. He said: “It shouldn’t be about – I put in this much effort, therefore I get this much produce out of it”. Another resident said: “So wonderful when a plan comes together! I love gardening for that. It was for me a gentle return and stepping back into being in a community effort since last year. And it was uplifting and inspiring.” To find out more, visit the St Pauls Community Garden Facebook group, or call April Richmond, the Community Development Officer, on: 07810 506 964.

www.bristol.gov.uk/housingnews visit our website www.bristol.gov.uk

Contact your local housing officer

Improve your area We need your ideas The Environment Improvement Budget is a dedicated fund available for tenants who want to introduce small improvements to communal areas. Examples include creating new flower beds, installing new benches, improving lighting or projects which encourage involvement. If you have an idea for something that might benefit your local community, talk to other tenants to see if they’ll support you. You’ll need the support of at least two tenants to move your suggestion forward.

Housing Officer, Kirsty Browne, attending a coffee morning with tenants on her patch. We have around 60 housing officers who can help you with any problems or queries you have about your tenancy. You can now access information on who your housing officer is, and how to contact them, at: www.bristol.gov.uk/housingofficers or call: 0117 922 2200 (option 4).

Installation of railings at Button Close, Whitchurch.

To find out how to make a suggestion, visit www.bristol.gov.uk/communalimprovements or contact: 0117 922 2200 (option 4)

In other news… Are you looking for a career which helps others?

Working in care involves more than you might expect. It’s not just about assisting people with their daily routines – it’s supporting others to live the best lives they can. If you’re looking for excellent job security, flexible hours, competitive pay,

training and opportunity for career progression, visit: www.proudtocarebristol.org.uk/ jobs Read Easy Bristol Read Easy helps adults learn to read by providing them with free, confidential, one-to-one coaching from trained volunteers. If you know someone who might benefit from this support, or if you’re interested in becoming a coach, contact Andrew Barnes: andrewNbarnes@ blueyonder.co.uk Please note this is not a council funded project.

Tell us about tenancy fraud Anybody who commits tenancy fraud can be prosecuted and if proven in court, they can end up with a criminal record, a prison sentence and a fine of up to £50,000. If you think someone you know is committing tenancy fraud, please come forward and report it. You can tell us by email: tenancy.fraud@bristol.gov.uk or phone: 0117 922 2470.

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News for all Bristol City Council tenants and leaseholders Summer 2019

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The local housing forums give you the chance to ask questions and influence your housing service. The forums also provide a valuable link between council tenants, local decision making organisations, other agencies and service providers.

Attend the Local Housing Forum meeting in your area Forum 1:

Forum 4:

Mon 10 June, 5.45-8pm City Hall (come to main reception) College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR

Mon 17 June, 6.15-8.30pm City Hall (come to main reception) College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR

Forum 2:

Forum 5:

Tues 4 June, 5.45-8pm Upper Horfield Community Trust, Eden Grove, Bristol BS7 0PQ

Forum 3:

Wed 19 June, 6.15-8.30pm City Hall Meeting Spaces First Floor - 1P 09, City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR

Forum 6: Thurs 6 June, 1.30-4pm Farringford House, Gadshill Road, Thurs 13 June, 6.15-8.30pm The Withywood Centre, 146 Eastville BS5 6LL Queens Road, Bristol BS13 8QA After these meetings the next Forums will be held in September.

The Housing Scrutiny Panel needs you! The Housing Scrutiny Panel lets council tenants and leaseholders have a say and influence services that relate to the management of their homes. If you care about tenants having a voice, we’d love to hear from you. By joining the panel, you can: • have a say about how the council could improve services to tenants and leaseholders

For information about the forums, visit: www.bristol.gov.uk/localhousingforums or contact Tenant Participation on: 0117 352 1444 or email: tpu@bristol.gov.uk. Free tea and coffee is provided and you can claim travel expenses.

• learn new skills for your CV and increase your knowledge about housing issues

Which Forum covers your area?

Information support and training is available to help you get started. We will also pay travel expenses for you to get to the meetings.

Forum 1:

• Avonmouth & Lawrence Weston • Clifton • Clifton Down • Hotwells & Harbourside • Stoke Bishop • Westburyon-Trym & Henleaze

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Forum 2:

• Bishopston & Ashley Down • Cotham • Horfield • Henbury & Brentry • Redland • Southmead

Forum 3:

• Eastville • Frome Vale • Hillfields • Lockleaze

Forum 4:

• Ashley • Central • Lawrence Hill • St George, Central • St George, Troopers Hill • St George, West • Easton

Forum 5

• Bedminster • Brislington East • Brislington West • Knowle • Southville • Windmill Hill

Forum 6:

• meet new people and work as part of a team.

To find out more, visit: www.bristol.gov.uk/ housingscrutiny If you're interested in getting involved, please email: tpu@bristol.gov.uk or call: 0117 352 1444

• Bishopsworth • Filwood • Hartcliffe & Withywood • Hengrove & Whitchurch • Stockwood

BD10737 Bristol Design, Printed on FSC approved paper.

Get in touch

You can contact us in several ways. Information about our services is available on our website 24 hours a day, seven days a week at: bristol.gov.uk/councilhousing

Caretaking www.bristol.gov.uk/caretaking

Citizen Service Point 100 Temple Street, Bristol. Opening hours Monday: 9am to 5pm Tuesday: 9am to 5pm Wednesday: 10am to 5pm Thursday: 9am to 5pm Friday: 9am to 5pm We don’t deal with all housing services face-to-face at our citizen service point, but we will help you contact services online or by telephone.

Complaints or feedback www.bristol.gov.uk/complaints Email: complaints.feedback@ bristol.gov.uk Tel: 0117 922 2723 (Monday to Friday,10am to 4pm).

Emergency repairs Please call the Emergency Control Centre:

Get Involved Find out about Local Housing Forums and other resources: www.bristol.gov.uk/ tenantparticipation

Grounds maintenance Email: bristolparks@bristol.gov.uk Tel: 0117 922 2100 (Option 4)

Housing benefit and council tax reduction www.bristol.gov.uk/benefits

My Account Register for ‘My Account’ Using ‘My Account’ is quick and easy. Find out how you can manage your Council Tax, Rent, Housing Benefit and Landlords services all in one place! Visit: www.bristol.gov.uk/myaccount

Rehousing www.homechoicebristol.co.uk Email:hcb.enquiries@bristol.gov.uk Tel: 0117 922 2400

8.30am to 6pm (office hours): Tel: 0117 922 2200 (option 1)

Rents and housing payments

6pm to 8.30am (out of hours): Tel: 0117 922 2050


Textphone: 0117 922 3892

Estate management www.bristol.gov.uk/counciltenants Tel: 0117 922 2200 (Option 4)

Find it in Bristol www.maps.bristol.gov.uk/ pinpoint

If you are struggling to pay, call: Tel: 0117 922 2200 (Option 3) (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6pm) Manage your tenancy online: www.bristol.gov.uk/ tenantaccount

Report repairs www.bristol.gov.uk/ reportarepair Tel: 0117 922 2200 (Option 1)

Report street problems www.bristol.gov.uk/report-astreet-issue

Social media facebook.com/ bristolcouncilhousing twitter.com/BristolCouncil

youtube.com/ bristolcitycouncil

Smell gas? Report gas immediately to National Grid Gas Emergency Service. Tel: 0800 111 999

Tenants energy advice www.cse.org.uk/bristoltea

Tenancy fraud Email: tenancy.fraud@bristol.gov.uk Tel: 0117 922 2470

Tenant services online Available 24/7 www.bristol.gov.uk/ councilhousing

Travel planning www.travelwest.info/ journeyplanner

What’s on Bristol museums and galleries: www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/ whats-on

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