1 minute read
ly can cause anxiety and depression. I could do without that.
When I was younger, I never used to think through my actions, what I did to my body. I would throw myself into chaos, confronting anyone who challenged me. That’s what happened with May and Ben. I don’t regret my actions and I don’t have remorse for them either. They were shaping me into a monster. Provoking me and Michael to our most primal instincts. They got what they deserved. Michael was the real victim, a casualty of war. He was sweet and innocent, but weak.
Flashback (five years)
The room is childish, with bright blue walls plastered with children’s drawings of predatory and carnivorous animals. A single bed with a dinosaur duvet occupies the furthest end of the room. Above the bed is a large window from which natural light illuminates the two BOYS who sit on the floor near the end of the bed.
HENRY JACOB is the taller of the two and looks significantly older. He is thirteen but thick set.
MICHAEL is the smaller and younger boy. He is eight years old, but due to his weak and skinny frame appears to be younger.
Henry Jacob
Can I show you what I found?
MICHAEL nods his head, smiles and leans in closer.
Well, you’re gonna have to promise not to tell. It’s a real secret and it will stay that way. Right?
I promise, I promise, I promise.
Henry Jacob micHael
Well maybe I shouldn’t tell you. How can I trust you?
HENRY JACOB taunts MICHAEL by slapping the drawer under his bed and pulling a smug face.
I promise I’m not going to tell mum or-
Henry Jacob
Well in that case. Look at these … micHael micHael
HENRY JACOB then pulls the drawer out from beneath his bed. This shows us Lego, drawing materials, plastic dinosaurs and a pile of winter clothes. From underneath a blue fisherman’s-knit jumper HENRY JACOB shows a sock with a suspicious weight in it and dangles it in front of MICHAEL. He swings it from side to side and watches MICHAEL’S entranced face follow it.
What is it?
MICHAEL fidgets and shifts his position. HENRY JACOB pulls out a mottled yellow CARDBOARD BOX of MATCHES. They look water damaged and dirt encrusted.
Why- Where did you get matches?