3 minute read
Or we could set Rex’s poop on fire and then we could put it on the Ghoulie’s porch. So they have to stomp it out and they get poop all over their shoes.
MICHAEL laughs and his leg begins to bounce.
Henry Jacob
I like the way you think. May and Ben always look at us like we’re devils. Why not live up to the old bat’s expectations? But I think we should save that prank until they really hate us.
Both BOYS laugh with excitement. HENRY JACOB picks up the MATCH BOX and tucks into the waist band of his trousers.
1. ext. may and ben’s House. day
MAY and BEN’S HOUSE is white and small. It is constantly under construction so there is a skip in the driveway and scaffolding on the left-hand side of the house. There are no flowers in the garden only weeds and dying roses. The door is mossy green as are the curtains in the window and the tiles on the roof.
HENRY JACOB and MICHAEL inaudibly whisper to each other and repress their laughter. They press the DOORBELL and it rings the chime of BIG BEN. With each bong MICHAEL’S face gets paler and visibly fearful.
Henry Jacob
Run! Run!
HENRY JACOB and MICHAEL sprint away. In the background there is a faint noise as MAY and BEN shout at MICHAEL and HENRY JACOB. The boys continue running until they reach home. HENRY JACOB is faster and looks back to make sure his brother is still behind him.
We can hear the boys laughing and MICHAEL’S rapid heartbeat.
The CLASSROOM is a sickly cream-coloured room, lit by large windows on the left side. Natural light brightens the room, which is decorated with posters of mathematical formulae (relevant to secondary education), famous mathematicians and corresponding theories, and progress charts for each student.
The room holds thirty children but not all the seats and desks are being used. The window shows that the classroom is on the second level of the building. It also shows a playing field outside.
The TEACHER is a woman, dressed conservatively in a long-patterned skirt and black jumper. Her hair is pulled back in a low loose bun. Her face is stern but fascinated by what she is teaching. She is energetic and makes large body movements to engage students.
We hear the TEACHER’S muffled and distorted lecture as we focus on HENRY JACOB who is sitting near the back of the class. He is fixated on looking out the window, oblivious to the lesson.
A SPIDER runs off the windowsill and onto HENRY JACOB’S DESK. He stops daydreaming and watches the SPIDER run across his desk. When the SPIDER is standing on the Math’s worksheet HENRY JACOB corners it with his left hand and with his right hand index finger presses down on the SPIDER slowly. He prevents the SPIDER’S escape but presses down slowly enough to see the SPIDER squirm and flail its legs. teacHer
Henry Jacob, can you solve the equation on the board? What is x when 4x + 3 = 23?
HENRY JACOB quickly presses down on the SPIDER, killing it. He looks up at the TEACHER and quickly answers the question.
Henry Jacob
X equals five, Miss.
He triumphantly smiles and wipes his hands on his trouser legs. Her returns to looking out the window as the class continues and fades into a droning background noise.
1. ext. suburban Garden. day
It is a sunny day, bright and humid. The GARDEN is square, boxed in by other houses but private. Perfectly pruned flowers and bushes run along the length of the GARDEN. Nature seems plastic and manmade as no plant has the freedom to grow.
MICHAEL and HENRY JACOB play in the GARDEN of their house. Their mother (ELEANOR)and Father (FRANK) sunbathe.
ELEANOR is a 40-year-old woman. Auburn hair, tall and youthful.
She is breaking a small sweat due to the heat of the day. FRANK is seemingly older than ELEANOR. Age has given him an overweight and tired appearance.
The two boys are play fighting with sticks, a Three Musketeers’ styled sword fight. They laugh and run around, disrupting the stillness of the GARDEN and neighbourhood.
Boys do be quiet, I am trying to get some rest, and God knows your father needs his beauty sleep.
The BOYS stop running to look at their mother sadly. MICHAEL rubs the ball of his foot into the grass and soil.
Henry Jacob
Please play with us. It’s more fun when you do.
frank Your mother and I will play in a bit. Entertain yourselves for a few hours … quietly.
We see the shadows of trees and buildings move, indicating time passing. With muffled laughter and playing in the distance. FRANK and ELEANOR get up from the cushioned sunbed to play with MICHAEL and HENRY JACOB. It’s less bright than earlier, indicating it is after midday.
ELEANOR runs into the house and comes back carrying four pieces of brightly coloured plastic. She hands a YELLOW WATER PISTOL to FRANK, a BLUE WATER PISTOL to MICHAEL and a RED WATER PISTOL to HENRY JACOB, keeping a SECOND YELLOW WATER PISTOL for herself.
The rules are no eyes, mouths or ears. If any of you get my hair wet there will be hell to pay.