intro My name is George, a south/west England based designer trained in graphics and animation. I have an appreciation for both 3-D and digital and believe they can compliment each other. Much of my work combines the practises. I like to experiment by turning 2-D designs into 3-D and vice versa.
Breath In
FABRI Cation An experiment in product design. A set of lung cusions that can be used as a neck rest, designed to relax.
Custom isation This is a Vinyl toy customised to commemorate my time spent working with Aardman studios, on a stop motion shoot called ‘Gulp’.
King Muertos is a self customisable vinyl concept that I am currently looking to produce.
Paper Craft An origami cloud design created as a hanging mobile. Originally characters designed for a 2-D poster I set my self the challege to realise them in 3-D.
Mixed Media A 3-D stereographic poster for a design project.
Plasticine Universe
Created from plasticine, for an animation on glass.
3-D A desk top decoration that can also hold your pencils.
H.E.C.T.O.R This is the Hopelessly Eccentric, Clockwork Turned, Operating Robot or H.E.C.T.O.R for short. The title character from a 2-D children’s series I am developing. The premise revolves around a Victorian robot waking in the 21st century, attempting to understand modern life with the help of human friends.
The Victorian Gentle Bot
Circus Grimm was my final year project whilst studying at the University of the West of England. It was designed as a way in which to showcase my modelmaking. and puppet building skills. It involved designing and creating the sets and performers of a very strange circus...
Grimm The title character Ringmaster Grimm. Production involved intial designs through to digitising and eventually producing in 3-D for animation.
GRimM - Ringmaster Polymorph Wire Tubing K and S
Tie Downs
Cedric - Lion Tamer
Glum - Clown
Marcel - Jongleur
Flex+pose - strongmen
Contact Feel free to contact me about any of the work you see or any future productions.
Telephone 07716761578
Email georgestapleton@live.co.uk
Website www.crookedstudio.com
Cut me out and stick me together.
Cut me out and stick me together
Designer and
M oO dD eE lL M aA kK eE r