Britain in Hong Kong July/August 2011

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J u l y /A ug ust 2 0 1 1 • V o l 26 • No 7

In This Issue


Capturing Culture:


Managing Inflation By Ian Cruz


a city renowned for business and

government and the arts industry in their

W ith a view to tur ning Hong Kong into

finance, the subject of arts and culture has

approach towards reigniting the art-scene

a metropolis of international culture and

long been a point of contention in Hong

in Hong Kong.

changing people’s perception of Hong Kong as a finance-focused city, the ambitious

Kong, almost as if a rich involvement in art



and culture might somehow get in the way

Though the number of homegrown artists

d e s i g n f o r t h e We s t K o w l o o n C u l t u r a l

of the business machine which helps drive

may have been bolstered in recent years,

District (WKCD) is the jewel in the crown

the Asian economy.

artists have found that their expanding

of the Hong Kong government’s strategic

community is being hindered by regulations

promotion of art and culture. The plan is to

Still, there is no question that Hong Kong’s

and lack of capacity. This has mainly been

build an integrated art and culture district

art and culture scene has been on the

attributed to the lack of sufficient options

with world-class facilities, which will feature

rise again in the last few years. Institutions

for space and venues in which the city’s

distinguished talent, iconic architecture

around town, such as the Arts Centre

art, cultural and creative industries can

and will embrace new technologies, new

and the Academy of Performing Arts have

further expand. With expensive land costs

applications of IT, and numerous sustainable

continued to champion arts and culture,

and rising rents to contend with, artists

features. The West Kowloon Cultural District

b o t h t h ro u g h e d u c a t i o n a s w e l l a s i n

are finding it hard to maintain a space to

Authority (WKCDA) was given 40 hectares of

performances and exhibitions. From plays

work, and therefore these industries often

land, where they will build 15 core arts and

and musicals, to operas and symphonies,

lack a solid foundation for growth at the

cultural facilities, including a contemporary

both local and international artists and

grassroots level.

art museum, a mega-performance venue,

UK Property



Annual Ball

concert halls and theatres, as well as

performers are re-emerging. Meanwhile, art galleries have popped up in every corner of

Partly as a means to try to help artists,

facilities which will provide a framework to

Hong Kong, while our local art fair ART HK

the government enacted new industrial

groom and educate local artists and provide

at the HKCEC has grown to become one of

building policies, introduced during

the best possible environment for them to

the most lauded amongst art aficionados,

its 2009 policy address, outlining

learn and grow.

with this year’s event showcasing works of

tax incentives for building owners to

260 galleries from 38 countries, and more

convert industrial properties for high-

Recently speaking to British Chamber

than 1000 artists, drawing in a record crowd

end commercial use. As it happened, the

members at the Hong Kong Club, Dr

of over 63,000 art collectors and enthusiasts

policy drove up rent in industrial buildings,

M a n Wa i C h a n , E x e c u t i v e D i re c t o r o f

from around the world.

effectively compromising the operations

Project Delivery at the WKCDA provided

of local artists and musicians who had

members with an update on the project’s

However, while there may be strong support

enjoyed the relatively low rent in various

progress. Despite the lengthy planning

for arts and culture on the surface, there

industrial spaces throughout the outskirts

processes that have been put into the

is still a certain skepticism towards the

of the city. As a result, the measure has

WKCD so far, the project is still very much

arts and culture community from one very

actually been counter-productive for Hong

in the early stages, with the WKCDA

crucial element – the artists themselves.

Kong’s art and culture industries, and has

having decided to move forward using the


The city’s lifeblood of local talent commonly

presented the creative community with

concept design from renowned architect

• News / New Appointments • New Members • Shaken Not Stirred

complains of a disconnect between the

new obstacles.

Norman Foster. The Foster team is now




(Continued on page 2)

COVER STORY (Continued from cover)

modifying the concept plan following the second round of public engagement which

for the venues’ design and

took place in August last year. Currently, the WKCDA are still in the process of finalising

building process. It has also

its Procurement Strategy for the venues and infrastructures – a crucial step due to

been decided that at least

the complicated nature of the project. Meanwhile, the Concept Planner (Foster +

three of the WKCD’s iconic

Partners) and Project Consultant, Mott MacDonald are assisting with the Development

buildings will be subject to

Plan process. However, the WKCDA has yet to finalise the appointment of Design

an international architecture

Consultants for the buildings.

competition which will e n s u re t h a t t h e d i s t r i c t ’s

Given the grand scale of this infrastructure project, the WKCD will eventually take up

architecture will be of world-

a considerable portion of the West Kowloon District. As the district’s focal point, the

class standard.

consultations with the general public have not just given the WKCDA a clear indication of what they want to see in terms of art and culture, but also the kind of environment

The construction process is

they want the WKCD to provide. It was evident that the public did not just want an

currently predicted to start

arts-and-culture hub, but also a place for the general public to enjoy and spend time

in 2013 and will be opened

in. Apart from the retail, dining and entertainment facilities within the district, the

in phases to ensure that all

WKCDA will also be setting aside a minimum of 23 hectares of open space out of the

venues will be fully functional

40 hectares of land being used, much of which will feature green spaces that take

and utilised during the initial

advantage of the surrounding waterfront view. With a strong emphasis on international

opening in 2015. Although

cultural exchange, transport access to the district will be convenient from other areas

the first phase of the WKCD

of Hong Kong, and the new Express Rail Link will provide an easy and direct route to

is years away, and the construction has yet to begin, the WKCDA will soon begin

China as well.

to build the framework of promoting art and culture by holding interim programmes of outdoor activities and events, such as staging the Hong Kong International Jazz

Moving forward, the chosen WKCD Project Consultant will be completing and finalising

Festival, Cantonese operas, and exhibitions, all of which will give people a taste of

the development plan by the end of the year, followed by the third and final public

what the future WKCD will have to offer. In the next 20 years, the WKCD hopes to set

engagement exercise, and finally a submission to the Town Planning Board. The process

the tone, and be the focal point for arts, culture and the creative industries in Asia.

of town planning is especially crucial as it can be considerably lengthy, and major

How the people of Hong Kong, and the international arts and culture community

construction work cannot begin before the approval of the land grant. At the same time,

at large will respond to the end result remains to be seen. But no doubt artists and

the Project Consultant will also be helping the WKCDA on their functional brief and

the public alike will have their eyes firmly on West Kowloon when the WKCD opens

schedule of accommodation for the core art and cultural buildings, which will be essential

in 2015.

The Magazine of the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong



With the summer upon us, I am sure most of us are away on holidays, enjoying a well earned break and more importantly, spending

Ian Cruz Sam Powney

quality time with the family.


For those who attended the annual Britcham ball, I can sum it up with the UK (1975) hit single - Oh, What a Night! Themed as ‘We Will

Bill Mo Alan Wong Ken Ng

Rock You’, we were all transported back to the Rock ‘n Roll era as we toasted to the good times for businesses in Hong Kong and

Advertising Contact

members and supporters for their continued support, and to express a special word of appreciation to the team at Britcham who put

Charles Zimmerman

a successful year ahead. The ball was yet again the best evening in town. I would like to use this opportunity to thank our sponsors,

together such fantastic events and who are truly the ‘engine’ of the British Chamber in Hong Kong.

Project Management Vincent Foe The Greek debt crisis has spread wider and as I write this article, Italy is coming under tremendous pressure with the cost of borrowing

Jointly Published by Speedflex Medianet Ltd and The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong 1/F, Hua Qin International Building 340 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Tel: 2542 2780 Fax: 2542 3733 Email: Editorial: Advertising:

starting to raise major concerns in Europe. The economic challenges Europe faces should not be underestimated, and with US debt continuing to grow without a strong, agreed-upon fiscal plan, the global economy continues to be under pressure. Such developments place the spotlight of expectation firmly upon Asia to continue providing strong economic momentum. As investment continues to flow into Asia and into Hong Kong from China, sustaining high growth, it also raises concerns about asset price inflation, especially in residential property markets, where values in some markets including Hong Kong have soared since the beginning of 2009. While the Asia story remains strong, we have to remain cautious about inflationary pressures.

As you know, one of the challenges that we have long highlighted is the almost impossible task of getting children into quality primary schools in Hong Kong. I am delighted that this has now become a firm fixture on the political agenda. With cross-chamber collaboration between the Italian, American, Canadian Chambers, our own Chamber, and the international business community,

British Chamber of Commerce Secretariat Executive Director CJA Hammerbeck CB, CBE

General Manager Cynthia Wang

Marketing and Communications Manager Emily Ferrary

the government has now accepted we have a problem impacting business and investment on Hong Kong Island. However, the government feels that we do not have a primary school issue in Kowloon and the New Territories regarding high-quality Englishbased education. This is not correct, and we will continue to supply our collected facts and figures on the subject independently. The most concerning issue is that in some cases, local state schools are struggling to fill their places whilst international schools at the primary level are completely full. It is surely not beyond reasonable expectation for the government, with the support of the business community, to allow more school accommodation to be made available to the international schools in order to satisfy demand, or to involve the local schools in creating a quality, shared, international-based education system with an international curriculum environment. We will not let this subject drop, and we are making progress.

Special Events Manager Becky Roberts

The brand new Baker Tilly Hong Kong Business Angels website has now been launched; this wonderfully successful programme has

Events Assistant

grown fantastically over the past four years, giving more entrepreneurs the opportunity to pitch their business plans to angel investors

Mandy Cheng

Business Development Manager Dovenia Chow

Membership Executive

and move their business to the next stage. Please do help spread the good word about this dedicated website and encourage both startup companies and investors to register at

Lucy Jenkins

In chamber news and events, Britcham and the Irish Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong are together celebrating the recent historic


visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Ireland. This is in memory of Ireland and Britain’s war dead and in honour of the Queen’s visit marking the

Michelle Cheung

culmination of the peace process and a new era in the relationship between our two countries. This can only be positive.

Executive Assistant Jessie Yip

Finally, do have a great holiday, enjoy your break and we’ll see you soon.

Secretary Yammie Yuen

Happy Holidays!

Office Assistant Sam Chan Kevin Taylor

Room 1201, Emperor Group Centre, 288 Hennessy Road, Wanchai Tel: 2824 2211 Fax: 2824 1333 Website: © All published material is copyright protected. Permission in writing from the Publishers must be obtained for the reproduction of the contents, whole or in part. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily the opinions of the Publishers. The Publishers assume no responsibility for investment or legal advice contained herein.

MANAGING INFLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CHINA AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 UK TAXES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 BUSINESS ANGEL PROGRAMME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PROPERTY INVESTMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ANNUAL BALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TADA! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE WESTMINSTER TERRACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIEWPOINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS AND NEW APPOINTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHAKEN NOT STIRRED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

15 17 18 20 21 22 23



Guarding against By Jason Powell, Sales Manager, ipac financial planning Hong Kong limited


oil prices are fueling inflation and reducing people’s

disposable income. This is exacerbated in Hong Kong by rising costs of food imports and housing. The combined effect lifted Hong Kong’s Consumer Price Index to 4.6% in April 2011 over a year earlier, which is on average 3.1% higher than the preceding 12-month period*. If you do nothing, inflation will undermine your spending power and leave you with less money to spend. So how can you guard your assets and prevent inflation from jeopardising your long-term goals?

Review your budget An effective way to deal with inflation is to plan for it in your budget. While your income is most likely fixed, your expenses will vary and are more likely to increase than decrease. Review your budgets to ensure your savings plans and long-term goals are still on track. Make a monthly direct debit for your tax payment to a tax reserve account, and a second monthly debit for your savings to your investment plan. What you don’t see you don’t

economic cycle. Diversification across asset classes, as well as within each asset class

miss; instead you are forced to review what is left in your wallet and to cut back on

across different regions, is an important and effective inflation defense.

discretionary spending without putting your long-term goals in danger.

Means to an end Invest into Growth assets for long term

So review your budgets, set up your savings plans and invest in robust, well-diversified

Inflation makes it difficult to see what is happening to your family balance sheet. If

portfolios that focus on long-term performance. This is the best inflation defense and the

you have money invested in the bank at, say, 2 per cent per annum and inflation is

best attack. Regular portfolio reviews and strategy adjustments are also critical to ensure

running at 5 per cent per annum, your

your investment plan reflects changes in the market, as well as that in your life.

real wealth is actually reversing at 3 per cent per annum. In real terms $100 can

We know it’s tough to keep a balanced view of things around money in turbulent times

quickly become $97. This means your

and a financial guide with a compatible philosophy can help to keep you grounded,

investments are losing spending power,

even when the markets are not.

and that will ultimately mean you need to save more, work longer, or expect a less

Ultimately, combating inflation is just part of your journey to protect and grow your wealth

comfortable retirement lifestyle.

in order to achieve what you aim at in life. Remember smart money management and investing are a means to an end – and they mean little without linking them directly to how

Long term wealth is built through exposure

you want to lead your life.

to assets with real earnings power and strong growth potential. Equities are the best placed asset class to fill this role. The key is to invest in companies which

*Source: Consumer Price Indices for April 2011 (23 May 2011), The Census and Statistics

can continue to grow earnings and those

Department, HKSAR

less exposed to economic cycles. An investment climate characterised by rising

If you would like to discuss this article, or would like to learn more about ipac, please email

inflation presents a challenging environment or visit

for investors, but it also presents new

Shop 7, G/F, Paramount Bldg., 12 Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong.


www.brit cha m.c o m

o p p o r t u n i t i e s . N o t a l l c o u n t r i e s a re

The above information is of general advice only, which has not taken into account

experiencing the same levels of inflationary

the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person.

pressures. US interest rates are very low,

Before making an investment decision, you should speak to a financial planner

while Europe, Japan and developing

to consider whether this information is appropriate to your needs, objectives

markets are all at different stages in the

and circumstances.


Automobiles ‘Made in China’ or ‘Made by China’ By Daniel Lin, Managing Partner, Grant Thornton Jingdu Tianhua


was an important year for the China automotive industry. This was the year

leading the way and also hopes to see the

that China exceeded the United States and Japan in becoming the top car manufacturer

cost of producing batteries reduced by half

by production volume. 2010 saw China produce just under 14 million units, a 33% increase

by 2015.

from 2009 and therefore consolidating its position as the world’s largest automotive manufacturer. Into 2011, China’s position in the automotive market remains strong and this

With this drive to move up the value chain

is unlikely to change for the foreseeable future.

and with M&A activity being encouraged, we have already seen the big local car

As well as being the largest manufacturer, China is recognised as the largest automotive

manufacturers acquire famous European

market in the world, given the size of the population where only one in five owns a car.

brands and parts manufactures. By

The forecast is that by 2015, the demand for cars in China will reach 25 – 30 million units.

acquiring overseas brands and know-how, it

Foreign car manufacturers are therefore naturally drawn to such an exciting market where

allows the benefits of learning how the ever

the number of potential consumers is staggering.

popular western market automobiles are made without having to surrender domestic

Foreign brands currently hold approximately 85% of the Chinese market and in the recently

market share.

announced 12th Five-Year Plan of the People’s Republic of China (12.5 plan), one of the key goals is to see market share for domestic brands reach 50% by 2015 and for exports

Indeed, after acquiring a foreign manufacturer, besides obtaining the brand, you will

to reach 10%. The 12.5 plan also emphasises the need for Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

have access to their technology, R&D, management know-how, distribution channel and

to consolidate the industry and, in fact, many people believe that M&A activity is the key to

supply chain which can take many years of development to acquire. The affiliation with

achieving the main goals of the 12.5 plan.

a high end brand would also send a strong message to the market place regarding your own brand. The acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover by Tata of India, for example, saw

To date, we have seen numerous partnerships develop, where large Chinese car

people’s perception of Tata change. Another example would be Skoda cars, where the

manufacturers are cooperating with foreign brands. These partnerships allow foreign brands

brand was considered to be at the low end of the market in the 90s, but since joining

to gain access to the Chinese market due to the 50% ownership of a domestic entity

the VW group, a Skoda Octavia is well-known to be a variation of an Audi A3 or a

restriction, whilst the domestic manufacturer can learn what makes a foreign automobile so

Volkswagen Golf.

desirable to the Chinese and Western consumer. Besides foreign M&A activity, the Chinese government is keen to consolidate the domestic The direction for the next five years is to

market and reduce the number of manufacturers. There are currently more than 50, but

move the Chinese automotive industry up

15 is seen as a more appropriate number. Manufacturers in China may therefore look at

the value chain and for China to become

sharing knowledge and merging. By working together, the domestic players will have an

leaders in the green energy vehicle sector.

increasingly significant role in the global market.

The 12.5 plan includes objectives and funding for the sector to develop a new

Although the 12.5 plan is keen for M&A activity, it is also cautious of merging for the sake of

energy car where one million units could be

merging. It is important that the merger is of commercial sense and is well executed in order

produced by 2015. With over urbanisation

to be successful.

and cities like Shanghai restricting the number of non-electric car registrations,

Most people will know what the famous foreign brands are, but the challenge is: how

going green is high on the agenda and is

do you know who is for sale and whether your target company can fit in with your

perhaps the golden prize of the automotive

portfolio? How will you structure post-acquisition in order to retain talent and know-


how? Tax planning? How will you merge culture and experience? It is important to engage with local automotive M&A specialists who know the lay of the land and can

We saw a number of new hybrid and energy

assist you in your expansion.

vehicles being revealed at the recent Shanghai Motor Show, where the intention is for some

M&A indeed may not be the only solution. Manufacturers could consider forming local

of these models to go into production. The

partnerships to share intellectual property (IP) and know-how. In the past, we have seen

ultimate desire, however, is to develop a

alliances such as Nissan with Renault and Rover with Honda, where knowledge has been

workable pure fossil fuel-free automobile

shared. Chinese companies may also form such alliances in future with mutual respect and

which will require significant battery

common objectives. With Chinese technology consistently improving and with the drive to

development time. Indeed, the government

develop a new breed of automobiles, we may indeed see a shift of the domestic and global

expects to see three to five major enterprises

automotive market place within this decade.

July/August 2011 • Vol 26 • No 7



A statutory definition of UK tax residency By Katie Graves, Partner, and Philip Munro, Associate, Withers Hong Kong “…the residence rules are vague, complicated and perceived to be subjective. In certain circumstances it is not possible for a person to be sure whether they are tax resident in the UK or to know what activities or circumstances would make them tax resident. ….”


Using these factors, a sliding scale is then set out for each of the ‘Arrivers’ and ‘Leavers’ dictating when they will be resident, based on their day counts and the number of factors that they meet. By using these tests, individuals will be able to determine when they will be resident. The government’s hope is that this “will allow individuals to assess their residence status simply and without the need to resort to specialist advice.” While the consultation is refreshingly light in terms of anticipating abuses, there is a proposal to extend the temporary

these words the UK Treasury launched, on 17 June 2011, its consultation on

non-resident rules. These currently tax capital gains and offshore income gains made by

a new statutory test of what constitutes tax residency in the UK. The new test is designed

an individual who is non-resident for less than five tax years on their return (where such an

to provide certainty for taxpayers in assessing their residency treatment. While this certainty

individual was resident in the UK in four out of the seven years before leaving). It is proposed

will be welcomed given the unsatisfactorily vague nature of the current UK tests of tax

that they should be extended to some types of investment income; dividends from close

residency, it does come at a price and some of the permissiveness of the current regime will

companies are mentioned, while bank interest and dividends from listed companies are

be lost. The new rules are intended to be introduced with effect from 6 April 2012.

excluded. It would seem likely that profits from insurance policies may also be caught by this rule when enacted.

For the purposes of the new test a distinction is to be made between three classes of taxpayer: 1. ‘Arrivers’ – individuals who have not been resident in all of the previous three tax years; 2. ‘Leavers’ – individuals who have been resident in one or more of the previous three tax years; and 3. ‘Full time workers abroad’ – individuals who leave the UK to work abroad. Full time workers are classified as those who work aboard for at least a tax year, who do a 35 hour working week and spend less than 20 days working in the UK. Each class will have its own set of rules and ‘safe-harbours’ – clear guidelines that confirm when individuals will not be regarded as UK resident. This contrasts with the current position where it is not possible to say definitively that even an individual who does not step foot in the UK during a tax year is not UK resident. While these rules are clear (for the most part) they cannot always be described as generous. The rules are still based on a day count and will take the existing “presence at midnight” test as to whether an individual was present in the UK on a particular day. For each class of individual there is then a safe harbour day count, within which an individual will not be treated as resident.


Fewer than 45 days in the UK


Fewer than 10 days in the UK

Full time workers abroad

Fewer than 90 days in the UK (up to 20 working days)

For those seeking to establish residency in the UK there are two factors that will show UK residency conclusively: 1. being resident in the UK for 183 days or more in one tax year; and 2. having your only home (or homes) in the UK. Between these safe harbours, there is a sliding day count scale for ‘Arrivers’ and ‘Leavers’ that sets out when individuals falling within those categories will be treated as resident. In contrast to the current position, where all the facts of an individual’s life are relevant (from homes to shotgun certificates and parking permits), only five defined factors are relevant: 1. Whether your family is UK resident 2. Whether you have ‘substantial’ employment in the UK 3. Whether you have ‘accessible’ accommodation in the UK 4. Whether you have been resident for more than 90 days in the previous two years 5. Whether you spend more days in a single other country than you do in the UK


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This article is provided for information only and cannot be relied on as tax advice.


Angels Go Online New Website for the Baker Tilly Hong Kong Business Angel Programme 15 June, 2011 Kee Club


large gathering crowded the Kee Club on June 15th for the launch of a new

website for the Baker Tilly Hong Kong Business Angel Programme. With food and drinks generously provided by Baker Tilly Hong Kong, the evening was indicative of the great interest the programme has generated in a city often criticised for its lack of new investment opportunities. Launched in 2007, the Baker Tilly Hong Kong Business Angel Programme committee has reviewed hundreds of enterprises looking for initial or growth investment, and has put many in touch with investors from the British Chamber of Commerce. This is the first such programme to be launched by a chamber of commerce in Hong Kong. In reaction to its tremendous appeal, Baker Tilly Hong Kong and the British Chamber of Commerce have been working to improve the programme by building a new website with the capabilities needed to handle the growing number of applicants and Angel investors. In mid June, this came to fruition with, a new website setting out the programme’s aims and mechanisms and providing an attractive, easy-to-use online registry for investors and enterprises seeking investment. “This takes, in my view, an already excellent programme to the next level,” said Andrew Ross, Managing Director of Baker Tilly Hong Kong. The new website provides separate pages for business Angels to see the benefits and to register, and for entrepreneurs to fill in their details and upload their business plan. Angels can see a full list of vetted businesses looking for investment for only HK$5,000 per annum. If entrepreneurs receive approval of their business plans by the committee, they can simply wait for interested investors to get in touch. Of course, they may also be invited to present their plan in front of assembled Angels at the regular and muchanticipated Baker Tilly Hong Kong Business Angel Programme breakfast events, the next of which will be taking place at the end of September. This remains the greatest opportunity for entrepreneurs to share their ideas face to face with interested investors.

Take your business to new heights

For more information about the Baker Tilly Hong Kong Business Angel Programme and the next event, which is taking place at the end of September, please visit the website or contact:

Baker Tilly Hong Kong Business Angel Programme Calling all Start Ups If you have a great idea, or have started a new business and are looking to grow, the Chamber would like to help. The Baker Tilly Hong Kong Business Angel Programme is run by the British Chamber of Commerce to bring entrepreneurs and investors together to create exciting new partnerships. This programme gives entrepreneurs with new business ventures, or SMEs looking for funding to expand, the opportunity to present their business plan to potential investors (known as Angels). Shortlisted applicants will be given advice and assistance by a sub-committee of experienced professionals. Applicants, who do not need to be members of the British Chamber of Commerce, should be seeking to raise between USD100,000 to USD2,000,000. The deadline for applications for the next event is Friday 2nd September 2011. If you’re an entrepreneur or SME looking for investment, and would like to find out more about this programme, please visit our website or email

July/August 2011 • Vol 26 • No 7



Top Tips on UK Property Investment for Overseas Investors By Ian Clark, MD of Midas Estates


more overseas banks such as The Bank of

China coming into the market, there is a massive opportunity

Top Tips on Property Investment

in the UK for overseas investors and expats. One area of

1. Be duly diligent and carry out as much research as

the UK that has huge potential is Cornwall. Here, locals find


it difficult to buy property in their area as wages are much

2. Location, location, location.

lower in this part of the UK, but overseas investors have

3. Remember that this is an investment. You’re not

realised the huge potential in the area and are making the

looking for a home that you would like to live in

most of the opportunities.

yourself. 4. Always go for growth if possible so you can refinance and buy again to keep building your portfolio. 5. Don’t buy anything smaller than 450 square feet. 6. Get to know the area you’re looking to buy in - visit the shops, pubs and restaurants and speak to the locals. Ask them if it’s safe at night and enquire about the schools etc. Local people will tell you everything and these are the people who will rent your investment property. 7. Look for easy access to motorways, train stations and public transport links. 8. Always have a buffer or slush fund and increase it as you build your portfolio. This will cover, for example, lack of rent, repairs or an increase in mortgage rates and will let you ride out any storm. 9. Research rental properties within the area and take £100 off to make sure you get it spot on. 10. You should not buy your first buy-to-let investment if you are not prepared to give it 5 to 10 years.

So why the UK? With over 500,000 inhabitants moving to the UK every year, housing is very much in demand. After all we are only a relatively small island and we’re running out of space. Ignore the negative press; if you invest and sit tight on your portfolio, it will always do well. Ian Clark, MD of Midas Estates comments: “Think back to the first house you bought and what it would be worth now. Mine was £19k and is now worth £250k. There is no way that I could have made that kind of money from any other kind of investment. Never panic and don’t sell prematurely, that’s how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” •

The UK has fantastic opportunities within the student market and student rentals are very much in demand - year upon year this market expands allowing student landlords the chance to profit. Key areas in the UK for this type of investment are Bristol, Swindon, Reading and Cardiff.

London will never stop growing, even in a recession properties here are sound investments.

Coastal locations remain popular and landlords can expect to achieve £1,000-£3,000 a week nearly all year round.


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For more information, please visit




By Fiona Donnelly


Thursday 16 June, if any of your colleagues said they were off to Hong Kong

Disneyland (HKDL) for a business trip, you might have been wrong to doubt them! Thanks to the Chamber’s Environment Committee, 22 participants enjoyed an afternoon in the Magic Kingdom, learning about the environmental measures and plans that Mickey and the cast members (ie. their staff) live by. Starting in the Sleeping Beauty conference room of the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel, Tina Chow, Manager for Environmental Affairs and her team gave a very thought-provoking overview of the business and the environmental challenges it faces. There are so many aspects to operations – the hotel, theme park, F&B outlets, shops, vehicles etc – but also sourcing, waste management, indoors, outdoors and more. You could virtually hear the visitors (or guests in HKDL speak) contemplating the different ways the resort can achieve its ‘3 R principle’ (reduce, reuse, recycle) and meet its goals to reduce electricity consumption, cut green house gas emissions and send less waste to landfill.

On to Inspiration Lake Our tour took us through one kitchen, housing a rainbow of recycle bins – and that was just

Around the corner we had a briefing on the lawn

one of eleven central collection depots for waste. With simple instructions on what was to

where we learned about some of the key aspects

be disposed of where, cast members were busy matching ‘rubbish’ to bin – it was very clear

of the irrigation system, the landscaped areas of the

and simple waste separation, yet on an industrial scale. The less typical recyclable items

premises accounting for the lion’s share of the water

were particularly fascinating: empty glass bottles from wine etc are taken to Tuen Mun where

consumed. No doubt, starting from a greenfield site,

they are converted into bricks, and food waste and green waste are channeled off site into a

HKDL has had more chances than most to set things

machine where they are converted into compost – which is then used throughout the grounds.

up right – and in this infrastructural aspect they have seized the chance. Inspiration Lake is man-made and fills from channels in the surrounding hilly catchment area. HKDL meets 70% of its water needs through this rainfall capture. Furthermore, there are ‘smart’ sprinklers that keep the lawns croquet-ready. The electronic wizardry that controls the water fed to these areas record the rainfall, and switch on automatically only to the extent that the lawn has received a deficit in water supply naturally. No automatic timers, just water switched on when it is genuinely needed.


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Jiminy Cricket, the rooms are fabulous too! We proceeded to a guest bedroom where we learned about more gadgetry. HKDL has adopted Energy Management Systems. In each hotel room this sensor activated system switches off lights – energy efficient compact fluorescent and LED light bulbs where possible – and air-conditioning when the room is empty. It can also calculate sunrise and sunset times every day and adjust the on and off times of lighting automatically. HKDL has enjoyed electricity consumption reductions through this system alone. The character we saw the most during our visit was Jiminy Cricket, the emblem chosen by Disney as the internal logo for their ‘environmental mentality’, or EnvironmentalityTM as they call it. The Jiminy character, as the conscience of Pinocchio in the movie of the same name, is an apt reminder to all cast members that every little bit makes a big difference, another mantra of the company.

Calling all cast members! In learning about HKDL’s steps to incorporate reusable cutlery and glasses in all of the park’s dining outlets, to roll out more solar lights, use more green vehicles and solar club cars and much more, what was very clear was the process of getting ALL cast members involved. At local site level, various steering committees combining cast members from different business sectors throughout the organisation meet regularly, track progress against goals, monitor technologies and keep developing Environmentality TM. Mixing up the teams and involving everyone resulted in one particularly simple yet ingenuous solution to a problem. Hotel Engineering Services have to change the batteries in safes before they run out, so guests don’t get their goods stuck in the safe, but rather than waste these not wholly used batteries, they are now passed to the Merchandise team, who use them for the toys that are used for demos. Mixing up teams, another waste to energy idea is discovered. HKDL are very conscious of their plans to grow but do so living by their EnvironmentalityTM ethos. They are founding members of Hong Kong Green Purchasing Charter, Gold Award winners in the hotels, Restaurant and Catering Companies at the inaugural 2008 and 2011 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence, but these are very much rosettes for what they want to do. Programmes like Earth Days, Tree Care and Nature Walks are part of their attempt to inspire children, parents, employees and communities to make a lasting, positive change to the world and their total commitment to living with EnvironmentalityTM. As the great man Walt Disney said himself in 1950, “conservation isn’t just the business of a few people. It's a matter that concerns all of us.” It’s good to remember Jiminy’s anthem: Always let your conscience be your guide.

For more information on HKDL’s environmental work, visit: environment July/August 2011 • Vol 26 • No 7




you to everyone who joined us and rocked out at

the Grand Hyatt on Friday 24th June for the Standard Chartered Bank and The British Chamber of Commerce Annual Ball. Inspired by the theme, guests donned their best rock star outfits and enjoyed a riot of rocking entertainment in a ballroom decked out in glitter balls, slash curtains and ballroom glitz! Guests were welcomed with themed cocktails, before indulging in a spectacular five star rock concert menu. Highlights included an Iced Tomato Martini served with Scallop Tartar, a Grilled Wagyu Rock Burger, and Jim Beam Chocolate Pralines. Guests were able to sample some fine British real ales with their meal – kindly sponsored by After dinner whisky was kindly provided by Glenmorangie. A night of non-stop entertainment started with guests being ‘met’ on arrival by Freddie Mercury, courtesy of Madame Tussauds who provided one of their world famous waxworks for the occasion. The crowd went wild for the highlight of the evening’s show – live performances from two very special acts flown in from the UK by Virgin Atlantic Airways, who kept the dance-floor full with their tributes to Tina Turner and Freddie Mercury. The British Chamber chose the KELY Support Group as the designated Charity for the Ball, and through various fundraising activities, raised over HK$525,000. Prizes in the Live Auction were generously donated by Chamber members and luxury British brands and included: a studded clutch donated by legendary British handbag designer Lulu Guinness, a pair of gemstone earrings from Melville Fine Jewellery and Bridges Tsavorite, a rock star retreat in glamorous Bali donated by Aman Resorts and Garuda Airlines, a night in the Rock Star Suite at the Hard Rock Hotel at City of Dreams, Macau, and a stunning limited edition print of the famous Beatles Sergeant Pepper album cover signed by the artist and ‘godfather of British pop art,’ Sir Peter Blake. All guests at the Ball took home a great gift bag with prizes kindly donated by Chamber members, including: Elemis skincare products, a mug from Jaguar, gifts from British fashion brand Accessorize, BBC Worldwide DVD’s and books, an Alessi napkin holder from Colourliving, a TaDa! ‘We Will Rock You’ gift experience, and a gift from Jaguar. A huge thank you to all those who sponsored the event, which really would not be possible without the support of our members.


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You can see more photos of the Ball on the Chamber’s website: If you would like copies of any of these photos, please contact: July/August 2011 • Vol 26 • No 7


EVENTS With thanks to our sponsors: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Title Sponsor ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Gold Sponsors ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Silver Sponsors ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Other Sponsors and Supporters ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

––––––– Many thanks to the following companies who donated prizes for the Annual Ball 2011 –––––––


Drumming By Hilary Thomas



up last year, TaDa! are taking the gift world by storm

with their eye-catching and creative gifts. In Asia, where gift giving is a must in corporate culture, it’s often difficult to know what to buy. TaDa! make it easy. Packaged up in fun, bright boxes, the gift set is beautifully presented making the ‘unwrapping’ part of the experience. The gift packages come in a variety of different options including Zen, Life, Delicious, Excite, Escape and Ultimate. Each box has sixteen options to choose from so your gift is sure not to disappoint even the fussiest of clients. However, what I liked most about TaDa! gift experiences was not the concept, but the content. The TaDa! team are not ones for gender stereotyping. For women, the options aren’t all facials and shopping. Obviously the Britcham team are into more than that… promise! We were given a Life box by the lovely team at TaDa! and with a wealth of diverse and creative options from which to choose – Henna body painting, boxing, painting, and Japanese flower arranging, to name but a few – we were overwhelmed with choice. After much discussion, we opted for Batucada – a Brazilian drumming experience in the small Pelourinho Brazilian Cultural Centre in Sheung Wan. TaDa! make it very easy – one phone call to their concierge with our preferred dates, an email confirmation and we were good to go. Given that the Britcham team’s only previous musical performance took place in a karaoke room in Kowloon, it was with some trepidation that our rhythmically challenged group made the trip to Des Voeux Road West. On arrival we were met by our host William, an enthusiastic drumming guru in a small studio absolutely bursting with fascinating percussion instruments, many that we’d never seen before. William was patient and good-humoured, both traits that were needed for working with our group! He introduced us to the world of Brazilian beats and started us off on the relatively simple shaker. Easy enough you might think until we were promoted from that to the frenzied world of the full Batucada set including large drums, snare, tambourine and, at one point, coconuts. The journey through the different Brazilian music was fascinating and, with each of us given a separate rhythm, the drumming session was both a real test of concentration and nerve and also a great team-building exercise. Only by working together and LISTENING could we produce anything resembling proper percussion music and, by the end of the hour long introductory session, we were all pretty pleased with ourselves. The best part of all was that by the end of it the stress of the working week had completely faded away. Of course, we had to celebrate that with a Friday night drink. For more information on TaDa! original gift experiences, please visit

July/August 2011 • Vol 26 • No 7



Redefining Luxury By Sam Powney

Grosvenor and Asia Standard International’s new development The Westminster Terrace at Approach Bay aims to redefine extravagant living in Hong Kong, offering new benchmarks for space and sweeping views of the surrounding bay. Sam Powney spent the day at the new development to discover its intriguing designs, and how it offers the luxury of both seclusion and accessibility.

It’s really too tempting to imagine living here. For a start, I arrived by taxi from Hong Kong Central in only fifteen minutes. You drive straight off the main highway into a quiet, leafy road and up to the imposing building itself. The entrance itself is in shade; overhung, as I later discover, by the jutting projection of the club-house. Hard to believe that the city is so close by. In fact, The Westminster Terrace is framed by a pristine backdrop of wooded hills. It’s only when you get inside the building and look back across the water towards Tsing Yi and the city that you become aware that this really is the gateway to the city. It must be a reassuring feeling to arrive here after a long day at work. The lobby is designed entirely in marble and is inhabited by just one, eminently capable receptionist. To add to this discretion, the elevators can only be activated by card-carrying residents. I head up towards a suite designed by acclaimed designer Ikebuchi-san, who also designed the residence’s public areas, and in a few seconds the lift doors open – straight into the apartment itself. Ikebuchi-san’s work is delightfully understated, a truly delicate and thoughtful use of space. Moving around the apartment, every inch of every room seems full of natural light. On the wall hangs a subtle, smoky modern painting of a wood scene, complimenting a thin gold leaf panel near the entrance - the kind of detail one is often aware of only subconsciously. All this comes as a welcome relief from the ostentatious and miscalculated displays of luxury so common in downtown Hong Kong. It must be a great relief to come back to this refuge, and to watch the boats making their way across the water from the quiet of the dining room table. The furnishings too are elegantly simple. Ikebuchi’s bathrooms are walled entirely in a light marble which strings the light out across its skeins. Yet the wash-sink, the shower, the mirror and the cupboards are all very practical and immediately obvious, with none of the irritating ‘little tricks’ and decorations that have crept into bathroom styles in recent decades. The main bathroom does have one major surprise though, before you ever reach it in fact: from the master bedroom its sliding doors masquerade as one of the cupboards. It would be perfect for having friends to stay. The guest bedroom is amply sized, simple, but extremely comfortable. Throughout the rooms of this suite, oak floor boards and window sills contribute to the overall feel of orderly comfort, yet once again this aspect is easy to overlook. Rather than stand out with polished grains or patterns, the wood’s soft, dark hue allows one to focus exclusively on the bright space above. Adding to this almost dreamy effect is the matching oak window sill which juts out just enough that the guest can use it as a very admirable desk. Perhaps the most wonderful aspects of the Ikebuchi suite however, were the wonderful views out over Approach Bay and the Ting Kau Bridge, including one spectacular vista…from the bathtub!


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Tara Bernerd is a young British designer whose design has a charm of its own. Her style is more overt than Ikebuchi’s but also draws the eye straight out across the harbour by opening up the kitchen/dining room with a sizeable balcony, perfect for relaxing with friends or family. Hers also has a more contemporary feel, with built-in plasma screens and a small but funlooking music system. Despite the modern, cutting edge look, taking all the aspects together I detected an atmosphere very conducive to young families especially. The kitchen, is one place in which one can immediately visualise the ease of living in Suite 2. Though apparently compact, the kitchen includes all the modern gadgets one could hope for, and manages to allow space for an eating area, complete with high stools for children. Winningly for adults and children alike, space has also been found for a classic, full-size brass telescope. Personally speaking, this is a great attraction – though I fear that spying on boats and bridges could easily take up most of my day.

The Club-House The club-house is another reservoir of sedate charm, with a spacious armchair lounge and two dining areas set back close to the entrance. This is the perfect place to entertain - there must be capacity for 40 or 50 people. A pair of enormous fibre-frame lamps dominate the high ceiling, but once again the eyes of the visitor are drawn outside. This time, it is not just to the harbour, but also to the garden and the set-piece pool. True to modern form, the water appears to flow over the pool sides into vertical space (I eventually spot a very discreet barrier beyond). The deliberately tropical garden, with its stone banks and terraces, allows one to meander around a surprising diversity of plant-life. Altogether, the club-house allows precisely the kind of versatility of space that makes for a great social event. In other words, after spending some time sipping cocktails in the marble-panelled main hall, relaxing by the pool and then chatting with friends on the vast sofas at the far end of the club-house, it still remains for one to go and play snooker in the billiards room! Bringing to bear all the background and talent of the world-famous Grosvenor and Asia Standard International, the designers of The Westminster Terrace have created a truly unique refuge in one of the most crowded cities in the world. It’s a great achievement, and a delightful experience.

For more information, please visit or call (+852) 2772 3889.

July/August 2011 • Vol 26 • No 7




The British Chamber’s Sterling Members

Interview with Kevin Taylor, Managing Director, BT Asia Pacific

How’s business?

How long have you been in Hong Kong?

Business is developing nicely. We’re continuing to grow in the Asian

18 years.

region supporting both the multinational corporations investing in Asia Pacific and the emerging Asia based multinationals. We are investing another £78 million in adding to our product portfolio, expanding our professional services capability and adding another six hundred employees over the next couple of years. It’s a good sign. We currently employ about five thousand people in the region, and thirty thousand with our joint ventures. The investment provides us with more scale. Our customers continually want more in terms of network and associated services. Overall I’m very pleased with our current situation.

How do you spend your time outside the office? Firstly, with family. I particularly love coaching rugby on the weekends. That’s down at HKFC with the kids – including my nine-year old boy, James. This is part of my life where I enjoy giving something back. I also enjoy swimming and doing the usual weekend stuff with the family. You can usually catch me for a drink around town on Friday evenings with friends.

What is the secret of BT’s success? Our people. We have an incredibly strong multicultural population of employees, and we’re very focused on diversity. We also have a real focus on developing talent in our business.

What’s your favourite spot in Hong Kong? Driving down the Island Eastern Corridor towards Central, with the Yacht Club to your right and all of Central and Kowloon beyond. That’s an unbeatable view.

How do you ensure that? Our brand helps. That’s a strong attractor. We are also linked in with higher education, the foremost universities and the vocational training councils. We hire kids from both the top

A transitory moment then… It’s not a picnic spot. But it does provide a truly panoramic view of Hong Kong.

universities and those who haven’t had the best educational opportunities as well.

If you could save one building in Hong Kong from reclamation, which would it be?

What’s the most exciting business-related news you’ve heard recently?

I suppose that would be St. John’s Cathedral. It’s there in

Our latest Customer Survey report. I am always keen to ensure that our customer service continues to improve. Customers always come first in my book.

How does the British Chamber of Commerce add value to your business? In many ways, the Chamber has a positive influence within Hong Kong, ensuring that the framework for doing business here stays healthy. We are also an excellent entry point for

all the old photographs of Hong Kong, the one thing that has remained constant throughout the last hundred and fifty years. Forever and a day it will always be an important part of this city.

One thing you would change if it was up to you? I wouldn’t change anything. Of course there are issues you can mention, but basically I’m delighted to be here. Hong Kong is a wonderful international city.

organisations who want to invest in Hong Kong. We connect very closely to and represent British and Inter national business interests. It’s a great opportunity for networking and, more importantly, for our community to link together. We have a large number of committees – and those are o p e r a t i n g e x t re m e l y w e l l . I t ’s a s t ro n g c h a m b e r a n d I believe we are highly respected by the government. The

Thank you for your continued support 20

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Chamber wants to continue to be of service to the broader international community. All this fits very well with BT’s aims and ethos.

One thing you’ve learnt recently that you didn’t know before? I’m always amazed by the number of people who have connections to Hong Kong. Last week I had lunch in London with John Ridding, the CEO of the Financial Times. I wasn’t aware before that John was previously a reporter here. Hong Kong is such an important hub for so many people.

NEWS / NEW APPOINTMENTS Foreign banks see growth opportunities in China despite continued challenges Findings revealed in the sixth PwC Foreign Banks in China survey show that despite an environment of increasing funding constraints, foreign banks operating in China are surprisingly confident about their prospects in the Chinese market, more so than ever. In fact, they expect revenue to continue to grow over the next three years. Their optimism stems from the continued opening up of the Chinese economy, and its transition towards a convertible currency. The high level of confidence belies the continued struggle of the foreign banks in trying to gain a foothold in China. The 127 foreign players operating in the country commanded only 1.83% of the Chinese banking market in 2010, a slight increase from 1.7% the year before. Notwithstanding this, the 42 foreign banks that participated in this year’s survey, made it very clear that their commitment to China remains resolute. As in the past three surveys, debt capital markets continue to be viewed as the area with greatest future opportunity, and despite concerns about the broader economy, the majority of foreign banks believe that corporate and consumer credit remains stable, as evidenced by the rise in luxury spending by Chinese consumers.

Record results for the mining industry According to a new report from PwC, Mine: The game has changed, revenues for the world’s 40

Her Majesty The Queen honours Hong Kong residents

largest miners leapt 32% to a record $435 billion, driven by surging commodity prices and a 5% increase in production output in 2010. The strong top-line result catapulted the miners’ net profits

The Queen honoured Hong Kong residents, Dr John Edward Wenham Meredith and Mrs Wai

to an impressive $110 billion – a 156% increase over the previous year. To keep up with demand,

Lan Linda Yau, in the recently announced Birthday Honours List 2011. Dr John Meredith,

the top 40 have announced more than $300 billion of capital programs, of which more than $120

Group Managing Director, Hutchison Ports Holdings, Hong Kong was made a Commander

billion is planned for 2011, doubling 2010 capital expenditure.

of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for services to the international ports industry. Mrs

Despite the challenges, the top 40 is well positioned to capitalise on the upside. Collectively, they own nearly $1 trillion in assets, including $100 billion of cash. The report also highlights the

Yau, British Consulate-General, was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for an exemplary record of public service stretching over more than twenty years.

growing trend of emerging market producers outperforming those from ‘traditional’ locations

British Consul-General Mr Andrew Seaton said, “I offer my warm congratulations to Dr

such as Australia, US, Canada, South Africa, and the UK. Over the past four years, the average

Meredith and Mrs Yau for these well deserved awards. Dr Meredith has made an outstanding

Total Shareholder Return of companies from emerging markets, more than doubled that of

contribution to trade and investment links between Hong Kong and the UK and it gives me

those from traditional mining locations.

great personal pleasure to see a long-standing, valued and well-respected member of my staff included in the Birthday Honours.”

Accountancy firm BDO has recently appointed Christine Chau as a

Educated at the London School of Economics, Paul joined BDO

Principal of assurance services.

from the corporate finance team of an international accounting firm

Christine has extensive experience in providing audit and business advisory services. She deals with a wide range of companies including manufacturing, international trading, engineering consulting and other services companies of various sizes which are privately held or listed in Hong Kong. She is also

Christine Chau

experienced in working on due diligence assignments.

in 2001. Paul has led teams on a range of roles including accelerated IPO’s and quoted company acquisitions, with a broad range of experience including financial and vendor due diligence, private equity investigations, MBO’s, MBI’s and sales mandates. Paul has assisted many Chinese companies to access capital

Christine is a Certified Public Accountant in Hong Kong and Certified

Paul Williams

markets, and has worked on projects involving Asian companies listing in London, Germany, Hong Kong and Singapore. Paul has also assisted Chinese and Asian

Practising Accountant of CPAs Australia.

companies in a range of other transactions, including corporate M&A, private equity investment Accountancy firm BDO has recently appointed Paul Williams as a Principal within the corporate

and fund-raising, and is seeking to develop better channels that allow Chinese companies to

finance team of BDO Hong Kong, specialising in transaction services and lead advisory projects.

source international investors.

MEMBER DISCOUNTS To enjoy exclusive member discounts please log onto, log in and click on membership discounts. If you have forgotten your login details please email to request them. Accor


The Mira Hong Kong


Compass Offices

Pure Bar + Restaurant

Allied Pickfords

Dot Cod

Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong

B&W Group Asia Limited

Grand Hyatt

Ta Da

Berry Bros & Rudd

Hyatt Regency

Virgin Atlantic

British Airways

Le Meridien Cyberport


For up to date event listings and information, check out July/August 2011 • Vol 26 • No 7





Klako Group

Mazars CPA Limited

Changepoint Consulting Limited

Sven Koehler

Jack Clipsham

Changepoint Consulting Limited

Business Policy Unit Tim Peirson-Smith Executive Counsel

Group Managing Director

Head of Corporate Finance

Jonathan Berney


2345 7555


2909 5555



2357 5452


2810 0032


2297 2374

China Committee David Watt DTZ


2297 2289

10A, Seapower Industrial Centre

42/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road

177 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong,

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Level 8-5, 2 Exchange Square

Kowloon, Hong Kong


8 Connaught Place, Central

Chairs of Specialist Committees

Construction Industry Group Derek Smyth Gammon Construction Education Committee Stephen Eno Baker & McKenzie Environment Committee Anne Kerr Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited Financial Services Interest Group Debbie Annells Azure Tax Consulting HR Advisory Group Brian Renwick Boyden Search Global Executive

Mace Limited


PT Garuda Indonesia

Helen Amos

Amy Yeung

Project Manager

Maroon Ventures Ltd

Executive Assistant Manager - Marketing


2994 2341

Barry Jones


2846 4371


2994 3434



2801 4819


Room 2203, 22/F, Tower 1, Lippo Centre

Unit 01, 10/F 68 Yee Wo Street

89 Queensway, Hong Kong

17/F, Comfort Court, 52 Third Street

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


Hong Kong

9177 0576


Aviation & Aerospace

South China Cosmetics Simba Logistics

Mark Russell

Michael Saunders


ICT IT Committee Craig Armstrong Standard Chartered

General Manager - Business Development



305 Wilson House

Iain Brymer

Marketing & Communications Committee Adam O’Conor Ogilvy & Mather Group

Room 2005-2008, 20/F, Ladford Centre

19-27 Wyndham Street, Central

Regional Manager, Far East &

838 Lai Chi Kok Road, Kowloon

Hong Kong

Southeast Asia

Hong Kong

Well-being & Beauty


Real Estate Committee Jeremy Sheldon Jones Lang LaSalle

3188 3730

9018 3600



3485 3769

IP Global Limited

London Megal Terminal

Chris Purdon

Thurrock Park Way, Tilbury, Essex

Scottish Business Group Dr. Jim Walker Asianomics Limited

Chief Investment Officer

RM18 7HD, United Kingdom


Freight Forwarding / Logistics & Delivery

Logistics Committee Mark Millar M Power Associates

17/F, 88 Gloucester Road, Wanchai

Small & Medium Enterprises Committee Kate Kelly Women in Business Committee Lisa Bowman DG3 Asia Limited YNetwork Committee Fiona Foxon Business Angel Programme Neil Orvay Asia Spa & Wellness Limited Tim Hay-Edie Pilot Simple Software


Hong Kong


www.brit cha m.c o m

3965 9356

INDIVIDUAL Mary Rafferty

Gladwell Fine Art Limited

Hong Kong

Glenn Fuller

Property / Real Estate Services



2849 0333


+44 207 629 4119


2849 6127


+44 207 499 0119

68 Queen Victoria Street, London

41, Mount Kellet Road, The Peak

EC4N 4SJ, United Kingdom

Hong Kong

Fine Art


Shaken Not Stirred June 2011 Pure Bar + Restaurant Gregory Brossard (Goedhuis & Co), Ben Lester (Elite Capital Solutions)

Victoria Coplans, Emily Ferrary (The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong), Stuart Northrop (Widnell Sweett)

Steven Resco (Widnell Sweett), Maureen Mills (Executive Homes)

James Fearnside (Giles Publications), Ally Lung (Hong Kong Government) Naveen Qureshi (Tanner De Witt), Andrew Tam (Skadden)

Pretty Chu (Travelex), Gregory Seitz (AGS Four Winds) Maureen Gleeson (Simmons & Simmons), Gregory Seitz (AGS Four Winds)

Bong Miquiabas (Giles Publications), Eliza Lee (AIA), Dorothy Luo (AIA) Graham Price (Halifax Fan), Liz Hamerton (Strategic Office Solutions)

Naveen Qureshi (Tanner De Witt), Sasha Koch-Belova

Anthony Richman (Venson), Derek Lynch (BT), Lee Wainwright (BT), Kunal Pradhan (BT)

Nick Gowlland (Sateri), Ally Lung (Hong Kong Government), Roslyn Lau

Ruth Rowan (BT), Roger Wu (Purcell Miller Tritton), Elise von Stolk (Santa Fe Relocation Services), Peter Hodges (Standard Chartered), Graham Price (Halifax Fan) July/August 2011 • Vol 26 • No 7


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