Changes to Hong Kong Employment Law Employers must keep abreast of proposed changes in Hong Kong’s Employment Law slated for 2020. – By Catherine Leung and David Kong
n 2020, there will likely be some significant changes to the employment-related legislation in Hong Kong in various areas, including antidiscrimination, employment benefits, pensions, and data privacy. As of now, there are no fixed dates for any such changes to come into effect in 2020. However, employers are recommended to keep abreast of these changes.
(i) The proposal to amend the existing anti-discrimination legislation The Discrimination Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2018 was gazetted in November 2018. It seeks to amend Hong Kong’s existing antidiscrimination legislation to implement the prioritised recommendations given by the Equal Opportunities Commission in its Discrimination Law Review. Some of the key employment-related amendments include: 1. prohibiting discrimination on breastfeeding under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance (the “SDO”); 2. prohibiting racial discrimination and racial harassment by imputation under the Race Discrimination Ordinance (the “RDO”); 3. prohibiting disability and racial harassment by customers against services providers under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (the “DDO”) and the RDO respectively; 4. expanding the scope of protection from sexual, disability and racial harassment at a common workplace under the SDO, DDO and RDO respectively. The bill is currently under discussion at the Legislative Council, but some of the proposed changes are expected to come into effect in 2020. In particular, the Sex Discrimination (Amendment) Bill 2020, which seeks to amend the SDO to provide for protection from harassment of breastfeeding women, was gazetted in January 2020 and was due to be introduced to the Legislative Council for First Reading on 19 February 2020.
(ii) Statutory maternity leave update In December 2019, the Employment (Amendment) Bill 2019 was gazetted. This bill seeks to implement the Chief Executive’s proposed amendments to statutory maternity benefits in her 2018 Policy Address. The bill proposes that statutory maternity leave entitlement be extended from the current 10 weeks to 14 weeks, and that the payment for the additional 4 weeks of statutory maternity leave be at 80% of the employee’s daily average wages, subject to a cap of HK$36,822 per employee (which is equivalent to 80% of the wages of an employee with a monthly wage of HK$50,000). The bill was introduced into the Legislative Council for First Reading in January 2020.
(iii) The proposal to increase the number of statutory holidays from 12 days to 17 days On 14 January 2020, the Chief Executive announced the government’s plan to increase the number of statutory holidays from the current 12 days to 17 days. Currently, an employee is entitled to 12 statutory holidays under the Employment Ordinance (the “EO”). However, there are five additional general holidays under the General Holidays Ordinance which are observed by banks, educational institutions, and public offices. Under the government’s proposal, the statutory holidays would be aligned with the general holidays.
(iv) Review of the Personal Data Privacy Ordinance (the “PDPO”) On 20 January 2020, the Legislative Council Panel on Constitutional Affairs considered the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data’s (“PCPD”) proposed amendments to the PDPO, which include the following: 1. imposing a mandatory data breach notification requirement; 2. requiring data users to have in place a data retention policy; 3. empowering the PCPD to impose administrative fines directly for breaches of the PDPO;