DO YOU WORK IN FESTIVAL FINANCE? The first in a new series of festival forums, this afternoon workshop is for everyone who works with festivals and their finances - be it your entire job or one of many roles be it paid or as a volunteer When? Thursday 29 September 2011 Where: Central London Time: 13.00-17.30 Led by BAFA & fundraising professionals Alison Giles and Gill Moody, each of the three sessions will reference delegate initiated issues: Session One: Fundraising Session Two: Round table open topic discussion Session Three: Breakouts: A: Bid writing. B: Legacies. C: ?The third breakout will be directed by the delegates: Legacy giving - VAT cultural exemption – Sponsorship - Social media Corporate sponsorship - On line ticketing - Credit/debit card payments Lapsed donors - Cross cultural issues in giving Accounting for volunteers time in funding applications Bid writing - New bribery law - ? - ? - ? PLUS Festival Focus: Shared experience Festivals talk about their own experiences Delegate fee: Members £30 Everyone Else £45 plus VAT Early Bird: Pay before 31 August: Members £25 Everyone Else £40 plus VAT
More information: British Arts Festivals Association
Work Smarter:Stay Connected:Mean Business
BAFA announces a new series of dedicated debates each focussing on a constituent part of your festival. This first event investigates Festival Finance and is aimed at anyone whose job involves festival finance – be it as your entire job or as just a part of it – whether you are in a paid or unpaid position. Run by BAFA and fundraising professionals Alison Giles and Gill Moody, the afternoon programme mixes presentation, discussion and breakout sessions. Key to the design of the event is that delegates will have the opportunity to formulate much of the programme to reflect their own particular interests. Festivals from the full range of our sector will also present live Festival Focus case studies. When: Thursday 29 September 2011 Where: Central London Time: 13.00-17.30 Cost: Members £30 (if in doubt please double check your eligibility) Everyone Else £45
Work Smarter:Stay Connected:Mean Business
FUNDRAISING Delegates will be asked for their input before hand so that the session can be targeted at the right level >Making the case for support, its strengths, appeal and targets. >Resource assessment and its effective use. >Monitoring performance This will be an interactive session and notes/check lists will be available
ROUND TABLE A facilitated group discussion Delegates will be invited to submit subjects/questions/problems/issues beforehand to ensure the appropriate resource will be available.
Work Smarter:Stay Connected:Mean Business
SESSION THREE BREAK OUT SESSIONS Break out ONE: Bid-writing workshop: Trusts and foundations, Arts Council, lottery funded schemes, etc... Led by Alison Giles Alison has worked in fundraising, marketing and general management for English National Opera, the Monteverdi Choir and Orchestra, The Sixteen, Music at Oxford, Chipping Norton Theatre, the National Youth Choir, Tewkesbury and Presteigne Festivals. She has undertaken major Arts Council England and Heritage Lottery Fund bids amongst fundraising activities which have encompassed individual giving campaigns, a major capital campaign, reviews of membership schemes, trust fundraising plus event planning and management. Break out TWO: Legacy workshop: The taboos, getting over them, practical strategies, tax, the law. Led by Gill Moody Gills early career included major fundraising campaigns for the Church Urban Fund, first as London Appeals Director then as National Campaign Director, and for the NHS. Gill works with national charities, hospitals, arts and heritage organisations, hospices, schools and churches. She has extensive experience of mounting co-ordinated community arts initiatives. She is a member of the Institute of Fundraising and a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE), and Chair of the Association of Fundraising Consultants. Break out THREE: ? Delegates are invited to email their suggestions and BAFA will facilitate this session accordingly. Subjects already suggested include: >VAT cultural exemption >Sponsorship – brands >Social media >Corporate sponsorship >On line ticketing >Credit/debit card payments >Lapsed donors >Cross cultural issues in giving >Accounting for volunteers time in funding application
Work Smarter:Stay Connected:Mean Business
Group round up – discuss what next online forum/email groups - a reflection on the afternoon Space has been made in the BAFA Annual Conference programme in Leicester over 2, 3 & 4 November to continue themes developed with this forum.
Visit the BAFA Website to book your place: and you will receive more information on your involvement in the programme Or ask any questions here: Places are deliberately limited to ensure this will be a meeting where everyone has the chance to participate
Work Smarter:Stay Connected:Mean Business