British Biker Spring '19

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The British-manufactured 1951 Vincent Black Lightning became part of Australian motoring history after Mascot-born speedster Jack Ehret rode it into the record books in 1953. what's inside... nuts & bolts cr aggy peaks the bodger's column twin carby balancing gunns plains and beyond fathers day port arthur pyengana slow bike to opossum bay richmond bike show RIDe CALENDARS MEMBERSHIP FORM

S P R I N G E DI T IO N A P R I L 2 0 1 9

official magazine of

THE BRITISH motorcycle club of tasmania CONTACT Please address all correspondence including membership inquiries to: The BMCT Secretary postal- c/o South Hobart Post Office, Tasmania, 7004 e-mail-

Last Tuesday of each month, 8pm. in the Social Club Rooms, upstairs at the Tas Fire Service building, Argyle Street, Hobart.

All welcome, please come along.


Gary Smith


Vice President

Chris Owens

M: 0448 900 082 E:

Second Vice Presedent

Bob Findlay

M: E:


Matthew Shepperd

M: 0417 001 426 E:


Kerry Johnson

M: 0417536385

Magazine Editor

Kent Moore

M: 0408 483 883 E:


Kerry Johnson

M: 0417536385

Clubman Records

Rob Walch

M: 0417 514 450 E:



Technical Officers

John Rettig Ken Hall Mick Lemon Grant Murray

Club Auditors

Casey Overeem Francis Hall

Committee Members

John Rook, Grant Murray, John Rettig, Jim Macdonald, Paul Blizzard

M: 0418136834 H: 03 6249 8731 H: 03 6265 9017 M: 0400 660 926 M: 0411 256733

Nuts&bolts The weather has started get warmer and the spring blooms are now out in their full glory ,with spring now in the air the motorcycling weather is on the improve. We have run several overnighters since our last magazine was published; I have been out on 2 of those, Pyengana and Port Arthur, both rides were down on numbers from previous years with only 3 riders from the North and 5 riders from the South and of cause Vaughn and Tammy joined us for dinner and breakfast . Port Arthur was also down on numbers with only 2 riders attending and 3 couples travelling on 4 wheels. Generally the club has been cruising along; There was an informal meeting at Campbell town where Members from all parts of the state got together to discuss the direction the club should be taking into the future. Discussions did take place around holding the AGM at a central place combined with an overnight get together. It was decided at that meeting that members from the North and North West would combine together and hold a Christmas function/BBQ with the Southern members holding their own

with gary smith

function/BBQ. The club magazine was also discussed at length and it is known that many members look forward to receiving the magazine and enjoy reading it, BUT we need all members to submit articles to make it successful and to keep it going into the future. Dig through your technical info and submit it to the editor, WE NEED MATERIAL FOR THE MAGAZINE The North/North West will advise the venue and date of the event. The BBQ in the south will be held on Sunday December 8th at Rob Walsh’s property, there will be more info given out on this during November. Please note that all club members are welcome to attend both functions but you will need to notify the organiser of the BBQ to allow for catering. The annual Ross rally is on in November and as most members will be aware camping has been allowed during past years but there was some doubt that we may not be able to camp at the Ross oval, thanks to the efforts of Howard Burrows we are now allowed to camp, there will be fee of $5 for each person that camps, the fee will be collect on Saturday evening. Several of our members have been in

hospital over the past few months, fortunately their hospitalization is not due to motorcycling incidents, and we wish them all a speedy recovery. It has also been said that our monthly meeting needs to be interesting, submit your ideas bring stuff along. We have held on film night and Rob Walsh presented a fantastic slide and talk on his journey in Europe while on the Vincent rally. The Richmond bike show is planned for the end of March 2020, the hall has been booked. If members want to display their bikes contact Howard or Chris Owens for more info A security detail is also required volunteers required. The planning for the Tassie tour is now at full speed those of you that are joining the tour will have received the final details for payments etc. Wishing you all a merry Christmas and Happy New Year Looking forward to seeing you out on your bikes over the summer months Safe riding during 2019 Gary Smith - club president See and be seen !

CRAGGY PEAKS by bob findlay Craggy Peaks; where’s that? You may well ask; some 30-something years ago I discovered Tasmania and found by the lights of the motorcycles that it was inhabited. Needing gainful and possibly useful employment I joined the Tasmanian Geological Survey and was sent to wander around the traps at Rossarden looking for rocks; Rossarden, too, was inhabited although by then the Aberfoyle tin mine had closed after nearly 100 years of production. Likewise the tungsten mine at Storeys Creek, 3 kms north of Rossarden and below the southern crags of Ben Lomond’s 170 million year-old dolerite, which forms part of Tasmania’s connection with Antarctica; as does the underlying 342 million year old granite that hosts what were once an important tin and tungsten mines near Craggy Peaks. And of course these granites are overlain by the yellow sandstones of Hobart that ranged across Gondwana between 300 million and 200 million years ago, one of the highlights of the times being the latter end of the PermoCarboniferous glaciations of between about 320-260 million years ago plus or minus a bit. Evidence for this is seen in drop-stones in the sandstones at various places around Tasmania, including the South Arm-Opossum Bay area and at the tessellated pavement on the way to Port Arthur. The other exciting thing that happed in the period of these sandstone beds was a mass extinction at 252 million years ago when around 90% of the world’s occupants died during a geologically short period of 60,000 years (we are doing much better at extinctions). The leading theory of what caused this end-of-Permian surprise were massive volcanic eruptions that spewed more than 4 million cubic kilometres of lava to form what is now known as the Siberian Traps in Russia; this would have provided enough noxious exhaust gases including hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide to acidify the world to the point where most of it was no longer enjoyable. Since those days (that is the 1980s) Rossarden has settled back to being

FIGURE 1. Southern end of Ben Lomond overlooking Rossarden and Craggy Peaks. Photo by Moira Wellman, view to north..

FIGURE 2 Extent of Carboniferous Permian glaciations. From Geological Society of London.

a pleasant refuge although the town has grown smaller with the passing years and the nearest petrol station is now at Avoca. However, someone had in the meantime thought it a grand idea to set up a series of extremely comfortable and well-equipped cabins with BBQ (and fortunately workshop) in the bush a couple of kilometres east of Rossarden, at the Aberfoyle mine’s former golf course. So 4 of us (Kerry Johnson, Terry Meekes, Jegs Nutall and myself) elected to travel to Craggy Peaks via Grass Tree Hill, Richmond, Runnymede, Oatlands, Campbeltown and Avoca, to spend

the night at Craggy Peaks where we would meet Moira and Mike Wellman from the north. We were accompanied for the day to Avoca by Bill Frodsham. Two modern Triumph Tigers if I recall correctly (Tony and Kerry), a Suzuki water-bottle (Jegs), a Triumph triple (Bill) and self on a British Motor Works 650 RLS with BSA kneepads. Moira and Mike turned up on two more British Motor Works of the more modern variety. We left the Argyle fire station at 10am more-or less promptly and, lunching at Oatlands and picking up petrol at Avoca, we came to Craggy Peaks at 3.30pm. En route north of Oatlands a minor mishap occurred to Jeg’s Suzuki’s electric starter; he limped on to Craggy Peaks where we were given the run of the workshop; and among the assorted spanners, torque wrenches drill presses welding gear nuts bolts and......... were found a puller with long enough bolts to completely dismantle the startermotor gear, remove the offending bits and in about an hour or two have the Suzuki set-up for running via kickstart. Dinner was a BBQ, notable for my yearly treat of sausages and an excellent salad presented by Moira. The rest of the evening was spent yarning

by the large log-fire under the stars, sipping the occasional beer or wine, before all drifted off to the cabins and a good night’s sleep. Breakfast cooked in the cabins, we left at 9.30am with the group kindly letting me ride point to disturb the wallabies en route to Mangana and Fingal and thence to St Marys and Elephant Pass where the road had become a trifle greasy from wet low cloud. This takes one through grey sandstones and mudstones known as the Mathinna Beds (about 400 million years old), which hosts NE Tasmania’s gold mines in quartz reefs. The Mathinna Beds were laid down as part of a submarine fan system such as one sees offshore of such rivers as the Amazon, Niger and Ganges Rivers. Not only does NE Tasmania host tin, tungsten and gold but also sapphires derived from rocks about 30km deep in the earth’s crust and brought to the surface in basalts intruded perhaps between 64 and 16 million years ago. These intrusions provide a rich red soil. Elephant Pass provides a stop at the Pancake Shop, but nought but coffee was had, and I was once again permitted to ride point on a wet road that I had not remembered as so narrow and twisty and greasy and carrying Chinese tourists and a very large semi-trailer of the tank-carrier sort coming uphill in the opposite direction; I gave up the obviously unequal struggle with this particular weapon of mass destruction and stopped on the edge of the road. Emerging safely on the main coast road, the rest of the trip was a rapid within-speed-limit breeze via Bicheno and Swansea to an overly expensive coffee shop at Orford, whereafter every man for himself was declared for the run back to Hobart. Lessons from the Craggy Peaks run. A great place to stay, but next time maybe a ride going up to the Great Lakes and then cutting across country to Poatina and Campbelltown and thence toAvoca. The always stupefyingly monotonous and sleep-inducing 2-lane Midlands Highway is being made yet worse by numerous expensive roadworks that will eventually provide an even more stupefyingly dull piece of sleepinducing 4-lane highway. And another lesson; always let the fast

FIGURE 3. Luxury at Craggy Peaks; a BMW, 2 Queen beds in separate rooms and all the comforts of home, plus workshop. Photo by Moira Wellman.

FIGURE 4. BBQ at Craggy Peaks; sausages, steak, sauce, salmon and salad. Photo by Moira Wellman.

2-stroke rider get a very long way in front as it is a good guide to not riding too fast into corners; if you begin to smell the 2-stroke oil, then you are riding too fast.

FIGURE 5. And a great fireside evening. Phograph by Moira Wellman.

the bodgers column: of jets and carbies by bob findlay

The Amal Monobloc is a sweet carburettor as it allows one to remove and replace main jets with ease. The Panther M100 runs on an Amal 376 Monobloc or a 276 remote-float carburettor. However the former is preferable to the latter as it is more amenable to not leaking petrol from it fewer assorted fibre washers. Obtaining imperial diametre fibre washers for carburettors is not that easy after the days of tenfingered French peasants who lacked mathematical education (the metric system was derived during the French revolution of the 1790s when even the days of the week were counted in tens as were the months of the year (tell that one to the Moon which circles the earth in 28 days)). One can boil fibre washers to soften them and reinvigorate their ability to stop petrol leaks, but not too often. According to the book, one should use a 250 main jet in one’s Panther M100 600cc machine, and at an average of no greater than 45mph on a crosscountry run of 150 miles I reckoned I once got 95 miles to the gallon as a result. As at the time I was using sidecar tyres on a solo machine I was underkeen to hoon round corners overly quickly. Having removed the Panther’s 376 Monobloc to fit to the Velocette 500

MSS, as I wanted to see if it would improve the Velocette’s starting (it did), I had removed the Velocette’s incorrectly fitted Amal Monobloc 389 carburettor to fit that to the Panther. The Panther started better than the Velocette, even with the different carburettor (anything starts more easily than a Velocette 500, apart from the 16hp Easy-spin Briggs and Stratton single-banger engines fitted to the motor-toboggans that we used in Antarctica many years ago). However, what main jet to use? Initially I ran a 280 main jet which produced far too little petrol for far too much air, as discovered on the run to South Arm some weeks ago. The bike would start but disliked pulling any load until warmed up, and seemed to run better with about 1/3 rd choke. On the Brass Monkey run I used a 300 main jet, and the bike pulled well on the long upgrade to the Hamilton-Bothwell turn-off, running a comfortable 55mph and gave me 70miles per gallon. But on checking the plug at the end of the run, it was a whitish sort of pink, so for the next run I went to a 310 jet for Primrose Sands and Cygnet and Huonville and home. That gave a pinkish brown to the plug and 60mpg. However, in these days of lead-free petrol I hear that plug colour is not much of a guide. But the bike started and ran a little more easily when frozen cold, so something might be right.

The one difference between the 376 and 389 Monoblocs is that the 389 is a bit larger, doesn’t fit Velocette 500s easily and lets more air through a wider opening. Which presumably means that the air flows more slowly over the venturi that feeds petrol to the mix and therefore sucks less petrol, given the designed suction from the engine during the inlet stroke. Therefore a jet larger than that recommended by the book is required, which sort of bodges the whole idea of correct carburetion. The next step will be refurbish all my bits of Amal 367 together and try to set it up with the 250 main jet as the book recommends. Finally and off-topic a little, a good while ago in Mother England a friend who used to race a BSA A10 trials sidecar outfit set up his engine with small-bore carburettor, narrow inlet ports and high-lift cams with high compression pistons. It would accelerate from 4mph to 80mph extremely smoothly, suitably quickly and pulled like a stream engine. It was a beautiful outfit to ride; the boy-racers of the day always went for wide-bore twin carburettors and large valves. My friend’s bike would cheerfully attain 6500rpm, which is not at all bad for a 1960s British BSA 650; and it didn’t leak oil.

twin carby balancing by grant murray

The following procedure provides an accurate and cost effective method of syncronising twin carburettor engines by accurately setting the idle speed, idle mixture and throttle slide position to attain optimum balance between carburettors - this will sweeten drivability and maximise engine response. Note: The engine inlet manifolds

will require ports to which a “balance pipe” is normally connected (on some bikes, eg. Royal Enfield’s, the ports are “capped” and a balance pipe is not used). The U-tube manometer described below, provides an extremely sensitive device for measuring pressure differences. For example, an imbalance of one pound per square inch (1 psi) is indicated by a variation in the fluid levels of 703 mm (approx.

27 inches). Consequently, commencing the carby balancing procedure with poorly balanced carburettors and with little or no attention to the levels in the manometer can result in water being sucked into the cylinders (the ViceGrips are used to prevent this from happening). This situation is not ideal. Having said that, during 25 odd years of using this method there has been times where the fluid has been sucked into an engine resulting in a wet plug

(and the bike running on one cylinder until the plug dries - which generally doesn’t take too long when the engine is warm) and coloured water blowin’ out the exhaust pipes without any other detrimental affects………but ya do wanna avoid it!!!!

of the PVC tubes; use food dye to colour the water - the colouring helps to identify the levels when making adjustments. Reconnect the PVC tube and allow the water levels to settle flicking the hose to remove air bubbles.

MAKING THE MANOMETER : You will need the following items: Ten (10) metres of clear PVC tube (6mm ID) 2 x 600mm lengths of ¼” (6mm ID) fuel hose (to minimise deformation of the PVC tube from heat) 3 x Connectors (6mm or ¼”) Vice-Grips Using clips, nails, tape or similar, secure the PVC tubing to a wooden plank, or to the workshop wall, as per Figure 1. Disconnect the “connector” located at the bottom of the U-tube and add water to a height halfway up each

ADJUSTMENTS WITH THE ENGINE AT IDLE Start the engine and bring to normal operating temperature (ie. go for a ride). Once warmed, stop the engine and disconnect the balance pipe connecting each cylinder’s inlet manifold/port. Push the fuel hose (which is at the end of each PVC tube) onto the inlet ports (its a good idea if the right PVC tube of the water manometer corresponds with the right hand cylinder and visa versa). Ensure the PVC tubing is well clear of the exhaust or other hot bits n’ bobs.

Idle Speed Adjustment: Note: Before re-starting the engine, clamp the PVC tubing with the vicegrips (below the water line); this will ensure water is not sucked up the hose and into the engine should current carburettor settings be significantly incorrect. Restart the bike and allow the engine to settle to an idle. Slowly release the clamp and note the movement of the water-level; you may need to reclamp the hose if the carburettors are significantly imbalanced and the water starts to head for the roof. It is at this point that fundamental laws regarding the balancing procedure needs to be understood’ Adjust the carburettor throttle slide (with the engine idling) by turning the angled “throttle-slide adjusting screw” (located in the side of each carburettor), in a clockwise direction to raise, or anti-clockwise to lower the

THE LAWS OF CARBY BALANCING • A higher water level indicates a higher vacuum. • To improve the balance, the carburettor throttle slide needs to be higher. • A higher carburettor throttle slide results in a higher RPM throttle-slide position. Once adjustments have been made to bring the difference in the levels to about 8 inches (~200mm), the ViceGrips can be released and removed from the PVC tubing. Continue to adjust the carburettors until the water levels are equal (level) and a suitable idle speed and mixture is achieved.

Note: As the adjustment of the mixture screw varies the amount of air admitted into the idle circuit of the carburettor, the adjustment to the mixture is likely to have also affected the water levels in the U-tube. Continue to adjust the idle and mixture screws until a suitable idle speed and correct mixture setting is achieved.

Idle Mixture Adjustment: Rotate the “mixture adjusting screw” (the horizontal screw located in the side of the carburettor), clockwise until the engine begins to stumble. Whilst noting the number of turns (generally around 1 to 1-1/2 turns), rotate the mixture screw anti-clockwise until the bike once again begins to faulter. Return the mixture screw to the mid-way point between each of the positions determined above (I set mine 1/8th of a turn richer to improve cold start idle). Repeat for the other carburettor.

ADJUSTMENT OF THE THROTTLE SLIDES (Engine RPM’s above idle) Start the bike and allow the engine to settle back to an idle. Note: An indication of incorrect throttle cable adjustment will be obtained from the smallest of throttle openings, and by just cracking open the throttle - called “throttle tip-in”. Once again it must be stressed that care be taken not to suck water into the cylinders. Whilst observing the action of the water within the PVC tubing, slowly

turn the throttle grip to just crack the throttle open, and immediately release. Once again, using THE LAWS OF CARBY BALANCING, make the necessary adjustment to the “throttle cable adjustment screws”. Repeat this until the operation of the throttle does not affect the water levels within the PVC tubing and the levels remain the same (level). Once you’re happy with the adjustments, nip up the locknuts for the “throttle cable adjustment screws”. IMPORTANT: Focus on getting no change to the water-levels during the transition from the idle circuit to the throttle slides. Achieving this will ensure excellent drivability - most drivability issues occur at 0 to 1/8 throttle openings. Improvements to the bike’s drivability will be most noticeable when negotiating roundabouts and in slow traffic. It may be difficult to obtain repeatable

results due to stiction of the cables (damaged cables or needing lubrication) and/or worn carburettors slides, etc. When the carburettors and cables are in good condition, a variation in the manometer levels of less than 25mm (1 inch) can readily be achieved. So that completes the Twin Carby Balancing procedure - so all ya need to do now is grab ya scoot and go for a ride. ‘king enjoy!! - Muzz ………..and on a final note, the adding of plenum chambers into the lines will prevent fluid entering the cylinders, or the inclusion of a cuppla #150 Main Jets in the hoses will meter the fluid entering the cylinder should a situation occur, thereby preventing the hydraulic-ing of the engine, but I’ve never bothered.

gunns plains and beyond by grant murray

Sunday’s ride was departing from Ulverstone Wharf and I had decided earlier in the week that I’d steal Janet’s T140 and head to Ulverstone to be misled by the motley bunch of lads n’ lassies from the North-West. On the Sunday morning, the air was thick n’ cold - just what British twins crave. I got away on time and most of the time the bike ran sweetly. Giving the right wrist a good handful would encourage the bike to pull like a train, but occasionally, the engine would snap, crackle and pop, and backfire.

It got worse and more frequent as I neared Mount Direction. It was much like a failing coil or ignition system, generally occurring under load. Very frustrating when all ya wanna do is stick as much of that cold, dense air into those tiny little spots above the pistons. So as I was burbling along tryin’ to nut out what the problem might be, the engine backfired and lost power, requiring me to coast to a stop without a murmur from the engine. I removed both side covers to access the coils and Rita Ignition. Coils were warm but not overly, whilst the

Rita was still cool. So fiddlin’ about under the bonnet for a wee whiles, I eventually found a female spade terminal on one of the Ignition Coils, pushed into position but with the male terminal positioned between the female terminal and the insulation, so not a positive connection to the coil. I’m the only bugger to have worked on it for the last 25 years so I made a note that it be hard to find good ‘king help these days. Anyhooz, I reconnected the terminals securely, refitted the side-covers and she prodded into life and immediately settled into a slow

idle. Fingers crossed I set off again and fortunately she ran sweetly all the way to Exeter……………giving her a good handful every nows and again to soak up some of that cool, dense air. I arrived at Exeter at 0915 which was 15 minutes late. So if anyone had shown, I’d missed ‘em. It turns out a cuppla blokes had showed at the agreed meeting time and set off towards Ulverstone at 0905 when I hadn’t shown up. I hung around Exeter long enuff to send a confirmation to Jim n’ Louise that we were on the way. As I headed past Glengarry the air temperature dropped significantly, stayed icy all the ways to Latrobe, apart from the occasional warmer patch as you rode out of a low lying area. Arriving at Ulverstone, I filled with fuel before heading to the Wharf Precinct to meet the assembled throng. Many I’d met before, but there were a cuppla new faces and a good mix of bikes. After a bit o’ banter, a hug n’ kiss from Louise and the gifting of some Stewed

Rhubarb at the obligatory “Welcome to Country”, we all headed off. I’d forgotten to turn the fuel back on so ran outa puff when I got to the edge of the carpark - turning left (instead of right) so as not to become a speed bump. I coasted along with both fuel taps now turned on and attempted a cuppla times to bump start her. Alas, the fuel didn’t fill the bowls quickly enuff so I had to pull over, select neutral, fold the footpeg outa the way, blah-de-blah, you get the drift. A‘king pain in the arse. Simp spotted I was flapping about like a fish on the sand, and turned left with me, laughing when I told ‘im I’d forgot to turn the taps on. So with fuel in the bowls, she barked into life and Simp and I managed to catch the rest as the group as they burbled along the coast road to Penguin, regrouping at the roadside stop in Howth. Without too much ado, we motored off again climbing into the hills along those wonderful meandering backroads. On we weaved towards Riana, stopping at the Post Office Store for a coffee and a chin-

wag. Once the appetites had been whetted and gums flapped sufficiently, we motored off again towards Gunns Plains. It was cloudy towards the south and looked a little inclement, but it stayed dry and warm enuff. Snow was sitting on the tiers to the south (towards Black Bluff me thinks) and there were some sections where the sun hadn’t dried the road so caution was needed, but that’s ridin’ aye. After dropping down into the Gunns Plains valley, we climbed again up and over the pass through to Upper Castra and on to Wilmot for anudda rest stop and some more gum flapping. There was lots of gesticulating, mouths were motorin’, but everyone had a broad smile. Jim noted we’d made good time so suggested we ride toward Moina before heading down to Cethana, crossin’ the River Forth, with more up and more windies before headin’ past Gowrie Park and onto Sheffield. Yeehaaa!!

It was at Sheffield that Jim and the rest headed back towards Ulverstone (via Lower Barrington and Forth me thinks), whilst Simp and I headed to Railton for a cuppa, and some discussions on carby balancing and lean/rich engine dynamics at WOT, before I headed off again via Latrobe, Frankford, Exeter, and across the Batman Bridge - stopping at the Lilydale Tavern to warm the bones in front of their massive pot belly (it a biggin’ aye). So I had a wonderful day and Janet’s “Ol’ Faithful” ran sweetly for much of the trip (after fixing the initial electrical issue) and once I’d oiled her chain and tucked her away in the shed, I was off to have a long warming shower. A great ride on great roads with great people in great weather. “king yeehaa!!

fathers day by gary smith

port arthur by gary smith

CAPS & beanies










cloth badge

see gary smith for purchasing any of the club merchandise.. some items are available for purchase at the bar at meetings.

pyengana by gary smith

slow bike ride opossum bay by gary smith

richmond bike show by kerry dickson Once again the BMCT held their annual Classic Bike Show at the Richmond Town Hall which consisted of 45 motorcycles on display. The highlight of course was the Jack EHRET Vincent Black Lightning. After viewing the film clip about that particular bike we were indeed in the presence of a great machine. There was a particularly good variety of machines of display which was enjoyed by an appreciative crowd every day. Many members contributed to the success of the 9-day show but particular mention must go to Howard BURROWS who orchestrated the event which raised in excess of $5,000 for the club. Thankyou to all those who contributed their time and their bikes.

45 motorcycles on display. The highlight of course was the Jack EHRET Vincent Black Lightning.

wheels in the park geeveston BY kerry dickson

The day was glorious and the calendar said “Wheels In The Park” at Geeveston. Yahoo. We got the bikes ready and rode down late morning. There was a fabulous array of cars and bikes scattered around the oval and under the trees and lots of people to chat with. There were several tents offering a variety of food choices. The atmosphere was very relaxed and enjoyed by everyone in attendance. Come award time two of the BMCT members received trophies. Kerry DICKSON won ‘Best Motorcycle In Show’ with her 1952 Moto Guzzi Falcone 500 and Andy HENZELL won ‘Best Dirt Bike’ with his 1996 Moto Guzzi Quota 1000. Funny how two BMCT members won with Italian stallions! The elation of winning ‘Best Bike’ stayed with me on the way home, even though the Falcone coughed and spluttered in the traffic jam at Huonville. It’s had a niggling problem for a while which came to light on the return ride. Sometimes we just have to ride the bike and wear the consequences to identify such problems and then the breakdowns turn into a good thing. Well, it did in my case anyway.


club run melton mowbray BY kerry dickson

Club magazine A few words about the club magazine... The content of the magazine is generated by its members and put together by the editor for publication. Club rides need written reports and photos taken for every ride...., so at muster on the day of the ride can this be organised by the ride leader/organiser. Other articles must be a combination of text and photos/images seperate not combined in one word doc or similar. Text as images does not work so any scanned images of text will need to be typed up by the contributor. When submitting to please indicate in the subject line of your email BMCT article. Thanks!

a bike trip in september BY richard catt A Wee trip to Sydney. It all started with drug deal gone wrong and a speargun to the chest (neither of my doing nor connected to me directly). A recent trip to Sydney for our God Daughter’s wedding; a chance conversation with our Niece and the next thing you know we’ve agreed to house/dog sit up on the Northern Beaches of Sydney – not too shabby an address to spend a few weeks. Every the opportunist I saw this as an ideal chance to exercise the ‘Wee Strom’ and put a few Kms on the virtually new bike. As, it seems is often the case, the better half decided to fly up and join me later in the week. Having my best mate join me in Sydney would also ensure the survival of our Niece’s best mate (very small dog) - so all in all a good situation. On the last day of winter with a forecast for dry weather and a top of 19degrees I headed north. Each of the panniers had about 10kgs of the usual essentials squeezed in – water, chocolate, hat, chocolate, sunscreen, chocolate, phone, chocolate oh and somewhere in there a few tools and a puncture repair kit. I’d used the BOM Meteye site – something that I’m familiar with for maritime adventures – to check out the weather for the trip to Devonport. The plan was to travel up from Melton Mowbray, Bothwell and to the west of the Great Lakes. Lunch at Deloraine and then the back roads to Devonport. BOM reckoned that I’d have 15 – 20 Knts on the port bow for most of the way past the Lakes but otherwise things should be pleasant enough. Maybe I should have paid more attention to the temperatures. So, a final check and off I go – well almost. It’s easy to forget the cold weather stuff when you set off on a glorious Hobart winter’s day. As I’m about to head off I realise that I’ve forgotten my favourite scarf – so back in doors to “her in doors” who was waiting patiently with scarf in hand. A last kiss goodbye and off I go. Being Father’s Day, the traffic was light and

so Wee had a lovely run out of Hobart and settled into the journey – after all that’s what it’s all about right. Any visit to Bothwell would be incomplete unless you drop in and have a coffee and something to eat (the homemade pies are a must in my book) at Sealy’s Café. So, pied up wee depart Bothwell and the pace quickens – you’ve got to love Tassie country roads – towards Miena. But wait…what’s all that white stuff on the distant hills? Bloody hell the temperature starts to drop, and the clouds are coming down – or I’m heading up. Adding another layer was a good idea and soon I’ve pulled over to upsize the gloves. Hobart was a toasty 19 degrees but up here it’s down to 4 degrees. Still no traffic so I hurry through the Lakes District and as soon as I start to head down the northern side the temp goes up and wee travel along more fantastic roads. Now that they’ve sealed the road all the way through the trip past the Great Lakes in a ‘must do’. You’ve got to remind yourself from time to time how wonderful this place is – thousands of our mainland counterparts travel down to “God’s little Isle’ every year and is all we need to do is leave the garage. The scenery and serenity really are first class. After taking as many backroads that a bloke and his mobile phone could find wee roll into Devonport. A quick visit to an old boat building friend and then onto the Spirit for an overnight crossing. Now her’s my only ‘beef’ of the trip - when will the Spirit people realise that everyone doesn’t want to eat frozen pies and microwaved pizzas – come on!!bring back the a la carte restaurant and make the trip a great one rather than something that has to be endured. So… Day 2 - Don’t worry only one more day to go to get to Sydney. The night went well – a very smooth crossing and I didn’t really see the other 3 blokes in the cabin. I later caught up with one of my cabin buddies as we prepared to disembark – he had recognised my bike gear from

that hanging in the cabin. He reckoned that the crossing had been smooth but noisy – funny I didn’t hear any of the snoring that that he complained about. Oh well we all survived. Off the boat and wee headed down the eastern side of the Bay to Frankston. It was Sunday morning and there was virtually no road traffic, save the thousand odd cyclists that frequent the area. After a great breky at a local café I headed SE into some marvellous countryside. Ah the country air and some very well surfaced roads soon had me in Port Albert. This sleepy seaside town has seen some action in the form of oil well works for Bass Strait but now is really only visited by those wanting a quiet seaside getaway. I spent some time at the Maritime Museum and would love to have had more time there but alas, Eden calls. The Gippsland Lakes area is another great place to take the bike – don’t bother with the A1 - get a little off track and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. As you move away from the Gippsland Lakes you quickly end up, yet again, in forestry country. Now if you want good motorcycling roads then it seems is all you need to do is head towards the timber industry – same holds for Tassie. I’m reliably told that foresters support the maintenance of these roads – makes sense when you think about it. By day’s end I’m pulling into Eden – pretty much ½ way to Sydney, Now for another snore free sleep. Another brilliant day dawns and with clear skies and no sign of rain I prepare to head off. Overnight I’d studied the maps and so head for Tourist Route No 9 - the Saphire Coast Highway. Up through Pambula, Merimbula, Tathra and a quick breakfast at Bermagui. Absolutely first-class riding – akin to the North East of Tassie. As I whizzed along, I noticed a few stationary hi-.viz checkered cars tucked away in some of the laneways and laybys. There wasn’t any sign of trucks on this route and I thought “Funny place to have Transport Inspection vehicles”

It wasn’t until a little later that, as I slowed, I noticed the fine print along the bottom sill of one of these cars ..”Mobile speed camera”. Oh well I may be in for some surprises when I get home - but hey, that’s Tomorrows problem. After Bermagui wee headed up to the highway and on to Tilba Tilba. This is the area that features in the TV series The River Cottage. Well this place certainly has recreated itself after the highway bypassed it some years ago. For me one of the great joys of motorcycling has always been the variety of aromas that you encounter along the way. These smells aren’t always good; read roadkill, pig farms, diesel fumes etc. Some of the more pleasant ones are the variety of bakery products and spring blossoms that fill the air as you power through sheltered ravines. If you pop into Tilba Tilba you will very quickly pick up the scent of essential oils, fresh pastries and also something more reminiscent of the Rastafarian days of the great Bob Marley ….if you get what I mean… ‘man!’ Narooma, Bodalla – famous for its dairy products (not a patch on Tassie cheeses), Moruya, Batemans Bay, lunch at Ulladulla and before you know it I’m on the approaches to Sydney - well at the Mighty Gong at any rate. Its yet again a great reminder as to why wee live in Tasmania. It seems as though every B-Double and Yummy Mummy in the latest 4WD has come out to meet me. The professional truckies are great but the same cannot be said for the rest – very much a case of ‘rider be ware’. Happily the freeways are well signposted and so the trip into the heart of Sydney is pretty easy, if a little hectic. Oh my how this place has changed. Then again, I remind myself that it’s probably been about forty years since I last passed this way so I should have expected it to have changed and change it has. Houses have replaced paddocks for mile after mile. Where do all of these people come from? – and where are they going? (note to self: remember to tell everyone in Sydney how cold and windy it is in Tassie – wink wink). Fortunately, I’d loaded my mates address into the trusty Google Maps and so I let the technology do the thinking to eventually arrived safe and sound for that end of day cup of tea. It’s been a fantastic couple of days – maybe the return trip will need to be a day or two longer so that I can take

in a few more side trips (no Tilba Tilba, not that kind of trip!!). The Wee Strom performed beautifully and is a joy to travel with. Here’s hoping that the weather Gods remember me for the return trip. As for the drug deal and spearguns– well wee’ve been back in the area for a couple of weeks now and happily haven’t heard any more of them so hopefully Plod and the authorities have them safely locked away. Now for a beer and to get acquainted with the wee dog……see photos. PS. Pomeranians may be small and fluffy but let me assure that they are a huge ‘chick magnet’ – try it someday.

6th - 7th

N : 21st 9am - Pyengana Show NW : 22nd - Riders Choice

NW : 14th - Deloraine 50’s Diner

19th - 23rd (Easter)

N : 14th - Deloraine 50’s Diner

13th - 14th

ALL : 16th / 17th 9am 
 Craggy Peaks Overnighter N : 10th - Riders Choice (23 max) NW : 9 to 11th Sheffield Steam (Show) Other : 10-15th National Veteran Rally Other :

N : 17th 9am Deloraine Rods (Show) NW : 17th 9am - Deloraine Rods (Show / Slow Bike) NW : 17th - Turners Beach (Swap Meet) 16th - 17th

S : 17th - Kempton

16th - 17th

Other :

NW : 9th - Riders Choice

N : 10th - Riders Choice

8th - 9th (10th Queens Birfdee)

15th - 16th

Other :

N : 16th - Lilydale area (Slow Bike)

S : 16th - Riders Choice

27th - 28th

Other :

NW : 23rd - Sisters Beach

Other : 24th-27th Historics Winton (Vic) 22nd - 23rd

25th / 26th 9am 
 Pyengana Overnighter

Other : 25th-28th All British Rally (Vic) 25th - 26th

ALL : 27th / 28th 9am 
 Strathgordon Overnighter

Other :

NW : 24th - 9am Devonport (Show)

N : 24th - 9am Devonport (Show)

23rd - 24th

NW : 24th - Chudleigh Show (Show)

29th - 30th

Other :

N : 30th - Upper Esk and return

Other :

29th April - 4th May Targa Tasmania

30th - 31st

1st-3rd HOG State Rally (Port Sorell)

N : 24th - George Town Wings (Show) NW : 24th - George Town Wing Thing TBA - World Superbikes (Vic)

23rd - 24th

25th-28th Island Classic (Vic)

Meet : Saturdays - Hobart Fire Station, Sunday - Salamanca Place near Silos : 10am for 10:30am start unless advised : Gary Smith - 0407 870 493 / Chris Owens - 0448 900 082 / Matthew Sheppard - 0417

Other :

S : 2nd - Maydeena

1st - 2nd

Other : 19th - PVCCT Picnic at Ross

Other :

Other :

18th - 19th S : 19th - Channel / Cygnet (Slow Bike) N : 19th - Exeter Cafe (Slow Bike) NW : 19th - Exeter Cafe

N : 12th - Scottsdale Loop

11th - 12th

NW : 5th - Gunns Plains (Slow Bike)

S : 5th - Oatlands

4th - 5th

Other : 6th to 14th - Richmond Show Other : 6th to 14th - Richmond Show Other : 18th-24th Bike Bonanza (Vic)

N : 7th 9am - Dual Sport

S : 7th - Bruny Island

Other :

NW : 3rd - Westbury Hotel (Lunch)

N : 3rd - Westbury Hotel (Lunch)

9th - 10th (11th 8 Hours Day)

Other :

NW : 9th/10th - Ulverstone (Show)

9th - 10th (11th Hobart Regatta)

NW : 26th - Somerset Surf (Show)

NW : 28th - Riders Choice

N : 27th - Riders Choice

26th - 27th (28th Aust Day in-lieu)

Meet : Grand Central Market Carpark : 10am for 10:30am start unless advised : Mick Lemon - 400 660 926 / Grant Murray - 0411 256 733 / Glenn Osborne - 0427 740 411

North-West Meet : Ulverstone Wharf : 10am for 10:30am start unless advised : Jim MacDonald - 0419 643 714 / Ken Jupp - 6437 2209 / Noel Saward - 6496 1970


2nd - 3rd

S : 3rd - Orford

Other :

2nd / 3rd 9am Strahan Overnighter

S : 3rd - Geeveston Park (Slow Bike)

2nd - 3rd

Other : USA Day (Utas Stadium)

Other :

NW : 6th - Boat Harbour

Other :

19th - 20th

N : 6th 9am - Bridport Rods (Show)

Southern 001 426







12th - 13th S : 20th - Richmond, Brighton N : 20th - Gowrie Park via Gogg Range NW : 20th - Gowrie Park via Wilmot

S : 6th - Riders Choice

5th - 6th

2019 BMCT Ride Calendar

Other :

31st Aug - 1st Sep

NW : 4th - Riders Choice

S : 4th - Ferntree / Woodbridge

19th - 20th

S : 3rd - Tahune Airwalk (Slow Bike)

2nd - 3rd (4th Recreation Day)

Other :

Other : Westbury Steamfest (Show) (29th Devonport Show) 30 Nov - 1 Dec S : 30th Toy Run, 1st Xmas BBQ

Other :

Other :

24th - 25th

21st - 22nd

21st - 22nd

NW : 22nd - Riders Choice (Slow Bike) Other :

Other :

ALL : 23rd / 24th - Ross Rally

23rd - 24th

Other : 24th-28th Moto GP (Vic)

ALL : 26th / 27th 9am Stanley Overnighter

Other : 20th-22nd Baskerville Historics 26th - 27th

Other :

N : 25th - Launceston Museum (Show) NW : 25th - Launceston Museum

Other :

ALL : 28th - Brass Monkey Ride 
 Great Lakes Hotel

27th - 28th

28th - 29th

N : 29th - Riviera Hotel, Beauty Point NW : 29th - Riviera Hotel, Beauty Point Other :

28th - 29th

Other : 1st - 4th Deloraine Craft Fair

Other : 3rd Gordon Fysh Tour (VCCA)

Other :

Other :

N : 29th - Distinguished Gents Ride

Other :

Other :

North-West Meet : Ulverstone Wharf : 10am for 10:30am start unless advised : Jim MacDonald - 0419 643 714 / Ken Jupp - 6437 2209 / Noel Saward - 6496 1970

Northern Meet : Grand Central Market Carpark : 10am for 10:30am start unless advised : Mick Lemon - 400 660 926 / Grant Murray - 0411 256 733 / Glenn Osborne - 0427 740 411

Meet : Saturdays - Hobart Fire Station, Sunday - Salamanca Place near Silos : 10am for 10:30am start unless advised : Gary Smith - 0407 870 493 / Chris Owens - 0448 900 082 / Matthew Sheppard - 0417 001 426

Other :

N : 15th - Cradle Mountain via Gogg

S : 15th - Westerway (Slow Bike)

14th - 15th

Other : 16th / 17th Bendigo Swap

N : 17th - Deloraine via Cluan

16th - 17th

NW : 8th - Levon Canyon BBQ Lunch NW : 15th - Railton (Show)

N : 8th - Riders Choice (Slow Bike)

7th - 8th

NW : 10th - Cradle Mountain

NW : 3rd - Riders Choice

9th - 10th

NW : 20th - Wynyard area

N : 20th 9am - Dual Sport (North)

S : 20th - Dunalley

Other :

Other :

Other : Sheffield Medieval Festival

14th - 15th ALL : 15th - Woolmers Estate
 Convicts to Classics

Other :

Other :

December N : 1st - Derby via Lebrina


12th - 13th

7th - 8th

N : 13th Evandale area (Slow Bike)

Other :

Other :

ALL : 17th / 18th 
 Port Arthur Overnighter

17th - 18th

NW : 6th - Gunns Plains

November N : 4th - Riders Choice (Slow Bike)


S : 6th - Swansea

(4th Burnie Show) 5th - 6th

Other :

10th - 11th

N : 11th - Riders Choice

Other :

Other :

3rd - 4th

Other :

S : 21st - Riders Choice

20th - 21st

NW : 21st - Wilmot via Forth

N : 14th - Sheffield

13th - 14th

NW : 7th - Riders Choice

S : 7th - South Arm (Slow Bike)

S : 1st - Richmond N : 1st - Exeter/Bridgenorth (Slow September Bike) NW : 1st - Riders Choice



6th - 7th

2019 BMCT Ride Calendar

6/7 Bruny Island 7th Richmond show 6th until the 14th 4/5 Oatlands

1/2 Maydena

6/7 South arm Slow bike run




2/3 Geeveston/air walk Slow bike run 30th Nov1st Dec Toy run Christmas function








14/15 Westerway Slow bike run

16/17 Bendigo swap

19/20 Dunalley

14/15 Woolmer’s Convicts to classics

17/18 Port Arthur overnighter

20/21 Riders choice

15/16 Riders choice

18/19 Channel via Cygnet Slow bike run

20/21 Easter weekend

16/17 Craggy peaks overnighter Limited to 23people( Bob Findlay)

16/17 Kempton

19/20 Richmond ,Brighton


23/24 Ross Rally




27/28 Brass monkey ride Great lake hotel

25/26 Pyengana overnighter Combined with Northern members 22/23

27/28 Strathgordon overnight



26/27/28 Australia day long weekend

Note: runs are subject to change on the Day

8/9/10 Queen’s birthday weekend


13/14 Richmond show Finishes on the 14th

9/10/11 Labour day weekend Veteran rally 10th to 15th

9/10/11 Hobart regatta weekend Steam feast Sheffield


Sunday Start point: Salamanca place near silos at 10 am


5/6 Swansea

1st Sunday Richmond Slow bike run





3/4 Ferntree ,Longley, Margate Woodbridge

2/3 combined Strahan Overnighter (northern) Wheels in the park Geeveston slow bike 2/3 Orford



5/6 Rider choice






No meeting










26th A G M



Saturday start point: Fire Station Melville St

Mid week To be arranged


The Secretary, C/o South Hobart Post Office, South Hobart 7004 Tasmania Email: The British Motorcycle Club of Tasmania encourages the restoration and safe riding of British and other manufactured Motorcycles. Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month at the Tasmanian Fire Station - Social Club Rooms - Argyle Street Hobart.

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION I wish to become a member of the British Motorcycle Club of Tasmania (Inc.) and agree, if accepted, to be bound by the Rules, Constitution, By-Laws or Directions designed to further the interests of Club Members. This includes attending the next scheduled club meeting to introduce myself and be welcomed as a club member. Name: Address:

Phone: Mobile: Email:

British Motorcycles owned:

Other Motorcycles owned: Date: Signature: EFT transaction details: Annual Membership Fee: $40-00 Use surname only for identification

BSB: 807-009 Account No: 51101523

Office use only: The above named person is known to us and we believe him/her to be a suitable person to be elected as a member of the British Motorcycle Club of Tasmania (Inc.) Proposer: Seconder: Approved:

Ride safely, see and be seen Gary Smith

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