Aye or Naw? Scotland and the United Kingdom

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Aye or Naw? Scotland and the United Kingdom 撰文及考題設計 英國文化協會 Jeremy Beacock


hile many people think of England when they think of the United

Kingdom, September’s vote on Scottish independence brought the British Isles’ second largest country into sharp focus. The two countries have been together for more than 400 years, but have always maintained their separate identities. The Scottish kingdom proper emerged in the early middle ages, when Robert the Bruce unified the country for the first time. Throughout the middle ages, there were sporadic wars with the English, and even in peacetime, Scottish and English warriors raided across the border.

反對獨立的蘇格蘭人9月19日慶祝公投結果 如他們所願。(歐新社)

The first steps to the union were taken in


1503 when Henry Tudor, seeking legitimacy for

Scottish capital, provided a home to key scientists and

his line, married his daughter Margaret to James the

philosophers of the period.

Fourth of Scotland. Despite a brief outbreak of war,

It was not just Edinburgh that made Scotland a val-

the alliance held, and on the death of Elizabeth I, King

ued part of the United Kingdom. Glasgow became a

James I of Scotland inherited the throne. The two

great industrial city, and Scots strengthened the British

kingdoms were formally united by the Declaration of

Empire as soldiers, engineers, and colonists. While the

Union in 1707.

English sometimes still treated the Scots as second class

But Scotland remained independent in spirit, and

citizens, forcing people off land and weakening the tra-

the relationship with its larger neighbor was often

ditional Gaelic language, Scotland also became more

fraught. On several occasions, Scottish armies threw

politically influential, sending more MPs to Parliament.

themselves behind different rivals for the crown, with

As ties became closer, the two countries seemed

the last of these being the Jacobite rising of 1745. How-

bound to a common destiny. Scotland retained its own

ever, with the dawning of the Enlightenment, Scotland

cultural identity, expressed in its accent, its religion,

began to forge its own identity in the context of, and

and its traditions, but a vote in 1979 showed only a

not just in opposition to, the union. Edinburgh, the

minority of Scots wanted independence. This began to

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英 倫 聚 焦

change in the 1980s, as people felt that the Westmin-

fierce but friendly campaigning on both sides. The

ster government was out of touch with the needs of a

matter was debated on every street corner, and on Sep-

de-industrializing Scotland.

tember 18th, 2014, Scotland went to the polls. There

By 2007, the Scottish National Party, or SNP, had

was an extraordinarily high turn-out, with 85% of the

taken control of the newly devolved Sottish parliament,

electorate voting, but the final result showed that a slim

with a referendum on independence a key part of their

majority of Scots saw their future as part of the UK.

political aims, and in 2011, a date was set for 2014.

With a 55% No vote, Scotland is staying in the union –

The months leading up to the historic vote saw

at least, for now.

蘇格蘭與英國的恩怨情仇 中譯 陳怡君 (中央社編譯)









蘇格蘭在羅伯特.布魯斯(Robert the Bruce)帶






戰爭,即便是在承平時期,蘇格蘭和英格蘭戰士仍 會越界突擊。

隨著雙方愈走愈近,英格蘭與蘇格蘭似乎更加休 戚與共。蘇格蘭仍保有自身文化認同、獨特的蘇格蘭































Key Words Aye or Naw? – 蘇格蘭發音的「Yes」跟「No」 yes or no in the Scottish accent. sporadic [adj.] – 偶發的 occasional line [noun] – 繼承順位 a king or queen’s family and the descendants who will be rulers after him fraught [adj.] – 關係緊張的 difficult; causing worry or nervousness the crown [n.] – 王位繼承權 the right to be king or queen the Enlightenment [noun] – 啟蒙運動 a European and American cultural movement that began in the late 17th century, arguing for the use of reason in science, philosophy and literature instead of faith and tradition.

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to forge [v.] – 鍛造 to make Gaelic [n.] – 蓋爾語 a language, related to Welsh, which was widely spoken in Scotland until the twentieth century. bound to a common destiny [idiom] – 休戚與共 sharing a common fate de-industrializing [adj.] – 去重工業的 losing heavy industry such as steel making or ship-building from an area devolved [adj.] – 權力下放的 a political term meaning giving more power to local regions over a central government. referendum [n.] – 公投 a public vote on an important issue

雅思考試模擬試題 IELTS questions


For questions 1 to 3, choose the best answers to complete the sentences. 1. Scotland and England have a long and complicated history... 2. Scotland first became a true kingdom... 3. Scotland and England formally became the United Kingdom... A. when the Declaration of Union was signed. B. dating back close to 500 hundred years. C. when King James I became king of England. D. after the Jacobite uprisings of the 18th Century.

For questions 4-7, complete the sentences using NO MORE THAN 2 words or a number 4. Even after the move to unification began, Scotland remained _. 5. The _ of 1745 was the last major conflict between Scotland and England. 6. _ period saw Scotland begin to accept union with the UK. 7. _ became a major centre of production. For questions 8-10, choose YES, NO, or NOT GIVEN. 8. The writer suggests that the independence movement has always been a strong political force in Scotland.

E. when it was united by Robert the Bruce.

9. The writer believes the Scots should have voted for independence.

F. when Henry Tudor married his daughter to the King of Scotland.

10. The writer feels the Scots may vote for independence in the future.

1. B 2. E 3. A 4. Independent 5. Jacobite rising 6. The Enlightenment 7. Glasgow 8. NO 9. NOT GIVEN 10. YES Answers 118

全球中央雜誌 2014.11

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