British Council Sagrados Corazones Newsletter Term 2
Sagrados Corazones Newsletter Term 2
March 2015
Dear all, Welcome back again! I hope you have all got off to a good 2015. I am pleased to say that all is going well here at Sagrados Corazones. I want to welcome our new teacher, Marianne Reilly who has lots of experience with very young learners and has settled in well with the Koalas. The students are enjoying listening to stories from the Twinkles books and have also begun their 'Monster Phonics' course which focuses primarily on learning the basic sounds of English. It's a very interactive, dynamic course and the children are learning fast! The rest of the team are getting on well with their classes and have produced some great work for you all to look at. Enjoy looking at the students' work below and have a good rest of the term everyone! The last day of class will be on the 24th March and meetings with the teachers will take place on the 26th March during normal class time.
Cordelia's PINKS The students did a presentation on their imaginary town. They learned vocabulary for the different types of shops and also learned to say where they were in relation to others e.g. next to/opposite/behind.
Gonzalo Megía and Pablo Govantes and Guillermo Sanchez María Acero https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119969362674&format=html&printFrame=true
British Council Sagrados Corazones Newsletter Term 2
Lua Martín Dominguez and Nieves Martinez Muñoz and Clara Diaz Carballo Gabriela Sacristan Borreguero
Cordelia's Junior 1 class and posters about the future
Ana Marina Bravo, Marina Govantes Oca, Cecilia Janeiro Catena
Elena de la Cuadra, Ariadna Montezuma Frades https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119969362674&format=html&printFrame=true
British Council Sagrados Corazones Newsletter Term 2
Natalia's Tigers drawing their family trees
Sofia del Campo Casero
Rocio Campos Ramirez
Celia Martín Muñoz Gonzalo Ferrero Querol
Ian's REDS learning the comparative with animals
British Council Sagrados Corazones Newsletter Term 2
Olalla Qian Verdugo Cartas
Cristina Manjón Dominguez
Carla Moreno Peromingo https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119969362674&format=html&printFrame=true
British Council Sagrados Corazones Newsletter Term 2
Contact Us Contact Information: Alison Myles You can contact me on 649859694 on Tuesdays/Thursdays from 16.15 19.30 and on Friday from 18.00 20.00 or send me an email to alison.myles@britishcouncil.es. British Council Madrid Young Learners General Martínez Campos, 31 28010 Madrid Tlf: 91 337 35 93 email: madrid.jovenes@britishcouncil.es The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland
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British Council | Martínez Campos 31 | Madrid | 28010 | Spain