Teacher Development Pathway

Page 1

Cont i nui ngPr of essi onalDevel opmentFr amewor k

TeacherDevel opmentPat hway

Pr of i ci ent


Tr i ni t yYoungLear nerExt ensi on Cer t i f i cat e( 50hour s)


Cer t i f i cat ei nSecondar yEngl i sh LanguageTeachi ng( 50hour s) Teachi ngAssi st antScheme( 50hour s)

Devel opi ng


Pr i mar yEssent i al s( 50hour s) Teachi ngAssi st antScheme( 50hour s)

Newl yQual i f i ed


St epst oSuccess( 35hour s) Teachi ngAssi st antScheme( 50hour s)

St ar t i ng


I nt r oduct or yCer t i f i cat ei nTeachi ng Engl i shasaFor ei gnLanguage( 100hour s)

Br i t i shCounci lTeachi ngAssi st antScheme TheBr i t i s hCounci lTeachi ngAs s i s t antSchemes uppor t st hepat hwayby gi vi ng par t i ci pant st heoppor t uni t yt oi mpr ovet hei runder s t andi ng of t eachi ng and l ear ni ng i n acl as s r oom s et t i ng,hel pt eacher st ot each i ndi vi dual sands mal lgr oups ,andt akepar ti nl ear ni nganddevel opment pr oj ect s

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