4 minute read
From the editor
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CONTACT US: British Dressage: www.britishdressage.co.uk e: joanna.bowns@britishdressage.co.uk t: 02476 698839 Content Editor: Jane Carley e: janecarley5@gmail.com t: 01926 645981 For the full list of BD O ice sta , visit www.britishdressage.co.uk British Dressage, Meriden Business Park, Copse Drive, Meriden, West Midlands CV5 9RG Main switchboard: 024 7669 8830 Fax: 024 7669 0390 Executive: 024 7669 8844 Training & Education: 024 7669 8833 BD Youth/u21 International: 024 7708 7801/024 7669 8834 Membership, Horse Registrations & Results: 024 7669 8832/836 Quest: 024 7669 8908 Sport Operations: 024 7669 8827 Judges: 024 7669 8831 Senior International: 024 7669 8835 Para & International: 024 7708 7803 Fixtures: 024 7708 7804 Championships: 024 7669 8846 BD Shop: 024 7669 8830 – press 1 Finance: 024 7669 8838/841 Marketing: 024 7669 8819 Communications: 024 7669 8842/839 Sponsorship & web ads: 01608 676180
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31 – Getting organised for a trip away training or to a multiday show is a fi ne art.
Do you think about ‘social licence’ when you get on your horse for a schooling session or to take him or her to a competition? For the majority of us the answer would be no, but it’s an issue which could aff ect competition riders in all disciplines in the future.
Leading equestrian charity World Horse Welfare recently commissioned YouGov to conduct independent research to explore public opinion on the welfare of horses in sport.
The results were somewhat alarming – 40% only supported the continued involvement of horses in sport if their welfare is improved, while most worryingly of all, 20% did not support the continued involvement of horses in sport in any circumstances.
While it should be pointed out that the vast majority of respondents had little regular contact with horses, it is unrealistic to dismiss their views or think they will have no impact on our sport.
The industry is looking to ensure that sport is taking the right actions for the right reasons when it comes to horse welfare and safety – for example the Royal Veterinary College’s Dr Madeleine Campbell is working with sporting bodies on the development of an ethical framework for the use of horses in sport.
A lack of understanding of ‘horsey people’ and how much their animals are part of their lives is another issue. Disciplines are also looking to educate the wider public on how sport horses are cared for – such as an initiative by the racing industry to open training yards to the public for a specifi c weekend each year.
But individual riders and owners must also play their part – at a webinar held by WHW to discuss the survey and the way forward for the industry, FEI Judge Christian Landolt spoke of the importance of putting the horse’s welfare fi rst. He explained how the decision to send Keystone Dawn Chorus to Natasha Baker as a Paralympic prospect was the right one for the mare’s welfare rather than to try and take her through the grades – and happily was a decision that resulted in a multiple medal-winning partnership!
And we also have a role to play in public perception – dressage’s profi le has grown immeasurably, and many of your friends and neighbours may know that you have ‘dancing horses’, even if they don’t know one end from the other. It is more important than ever that we show – in words and deeds – how THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE FOR BD MEMBERS | £5.00 | ISSUE 5 | 2022 special these horses are to us and how much we value their welfare.
Jane Carley, Content Editor, British Dressage
3 From the editor 4 News 7 Paramatters 8 Profi le
Becky Moody on getting the best from horses and riders
15 Wellington CDI
Winners from the fi rst outdoor of the season
19 Time to vote
andidate rofi les or the oard ele tions and ro edure
25 Staying fl exible
Joint disease diagnosis and treatment
31 Ready for the road
ro essional a ing or tra el
36 Training the trot
art o ane idd s series on the a es
40 Judging goes high
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43 Science for saddles
Research into accessories
48 Bodyzone
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50 Regional training
udges u dates
53 BD Action
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55 Competition news
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90 Dressage Days
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