4 minute read
Regional training
DO: Katharine Perry and Sharon Walker (job share) M: 07872 603871 (Katharine) M: 07894 232358 (Sharon) E: southandeast@britishdressage.co.uk
Chairman: Lotte Olsen 01277 822525 Coaching: Tracy Wright 07951 570315 Emma Butler 07843 585504 Rider training: Nicola Preston 07984 642291 Samantha Williams 07974 225005 BD Youth: Phillippa Coles 07860 215895 Jessica Brown 07852 282983 Judges: Contact DO Para: Joanne Dagley-Cleworth 07967 605566 Marketing: Katie Tysome 07772 571497
SOUTH & WEST DO: Amanda Rodgers M: 07894 232355 E: southandwest@britishdressage.co.uk
Chairman: Susie Cumine 07860 677 977 Coaching: Amy Blount 07773 228562 Nicky Du Plessis 07398 130955 Rider training: Nicky Du Plessis 07398 130955 BD Youth: Tina Burrow 07967 912785 Clare Deithrick 07446 265843 Judges: Alicia Anderson 07778 898499 Para: Mark Cunli e 07717 727147 Marketing: Sharon Stuart 07912 225700 Paula Holland 07748 666794
NORTH WEST DO: Alex Phillips M: 07495 013192 E: northandwest@britishdressage.co.uk
Chairman: Jane Critchley 07966 865604 Coaching: Alison Calvert 07980 886004 Rider training: Jackie Crombie 07816 216594 BD Youth: Kate Tomlinson 07770 803115 Judges: Denise Glanville 07966 303633 Brenda Pamplin 07415 203766 Richard Baldwin 07903 942498 Para: Contact DO Marketing: Anna Tomlinson 07773 428176
NORTH & EAST DO: Jo Byrne M: 07783 791191 E: northandeast@britishdressage.co.uk
Chairman: Vikki Hayton 07860 276578 Coaching: Charlotte Wilson 07949 076141 Rider training: Sarah Farrand 07941 640148 Rachel Longworth 07863 970192 BD Youth: Jess Gri iths 07590 732896 Charlotte Clark 07786 344617 Judges: Helen Copeland 07877 306864 Para: Gillian Brown 07872 923456 Marketing: Sarah McClarron 07557 281360 Noor Rhijnsburger 07403 763608
DO: Ashley Stewart M: 07584 147258 E: scotland@britishdressage.co.uk
Chairman: Caroline Paterson 07554 086211 Coaching: Contact DO Rider training: Linda Thompson 07919 441039 BD Youth: Kerry Sutherland 07720 085248 Judges: Gillian Peters 07501 444132 Para: Johanne Picken 07507 270508 Marketing: Jade Struthers 07852 411979 Sam Turpitt 07801 428333
DO: Vanessa Archer M: 07398 763414 E: wales@britishdressage.co.uk
Chairman: Mike Mullis 07706 940315 Coaching: Amanda Leaker 07980 309398 Rider training (North Wales): Helen Hopewell 07971 490038 Rider Training (South Wales): Bethan Powell 07545 082247 BD Youth (North Wales): Anna Roberts 07786 674893 BD Youth (South Wales): Briony Cutler 07889 817609 Quest: Emma Thompson-Warren 07747 611274 Judges: Dianne Breeze 07491 531953 Para: Donna Rooney 07969 747817 Marketing: Cethin Ravenhill 07974 900941
nnual re uire ents or udges or run ro the end o ar h to the end o ar h udges ust attend a or al training session ro the three o tions elo only udges are re uired to attend training either at their urrent le el or one le el a o e la orse ne online se inar odule li e training rin i les o udging e inar eneral training and lini s that are organised a ross the regions an e used to ards one training o ser ation sign o or udges registered or the ne syste ttendan e to the odule li e training an also e used or one training o ser ation sign o all sitting in training sessions that are organised a ross the regions an e used to ards one sitting in sign o or udges registered or the ne syste udges an also attend these or their o n de elo ent ut are not er itted to use this to ards annual training re uire ents eneral oo udge training sessions an e attended or de elo ent ut are not er itted to e used to ards annual training re uire ents nyone not a le to o lete this is ad ised to re er to the reinstate ent o udges oli y on the e site and those una le to ulfi l this re uire ent ust rite to o ials ritishdressage o u udges are re inded that they should e u to date ith e ore they udge nline se inars ith the e ressage lat or la orse ne are a aila le or all udges in luding trainees lease ensure that you register or the rele ant se inar either at your urrent le el or the le el you are loo ing to u grade to
hese se inars are a aila le to oo through the orse on ey e site lease fi lter your sear h to ritish ressage udges to fi nd the oo ing age o a ly to e o e a rainee udge isit britishdressage.
co.uk/judging/how_to_ become_a_judge
lease isit the udge orse on ey age ia the ode here you ill fi nd all udge related oo ing lin s in luding trainee udge registration syste registration usi a er oo ing the udge listing or and oo udge training sessions
o fi nd details o regional training in your region in luding lini s test riding so ial a ti ities de os and u h ore si ly o en the a era on your de i e and s an the odes elo
South & West South & East
North & West North & East
Wales Scotland
lternati ely isit the e site fi nd your region and head to the regional training age ia your e ro ser