BSG year book 2012 2013

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2012 –2013

Created using Yearbook Machine May 2013

Main Book Editor: Mrs Prior Printed in the United Kingdom Š 2013 Yearbook Machine Limited. All unauthorised copying prohibited.

2012 –2013 The British School of Geneva Primary School Secondary School A-level section Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 AS A2 Teachers and Staff Notes Index

4 8 34 56 64 72 78 84 94 104 114 124 138 144


The British School of Geneva 5


Welcome I have the greatest of pleasures in bringing to you the first ever Yearbook of the British School of Geneva. Although the idea germinated a few years ago, it has taken a lot of determination and hard work to bring it to fruition. My warmest thanks go to Mrs Prior for co-ordinating the project and for ensuring the final product is one which we are proud of. The students have had fun in completing their profile pages, commenting on their friends and writing about the various events that took place during the academic year. In spite of their busy schedules, the teachers have put a lot of effort into it as well. I hope you will enjoy the book which will serve as a wonderful souvenir to be cherished in years to come. Mrs Sundaram Principal



Primary School 9

Year 1/2

Year 3/4

10 10

BSG Primary School 2012-2013

Year 5/6

11 By Mrs. Jackie Smith

BSG Primary School 2013

BSG Primary School


Going on a trip to Coppet was Ati’s favourite.

Camila - “The Zoo at Servion was great fun!”

Adam enjoyed performing in a Christmas Carol.

Lara - “The Easter Egg Hunt was a lot of fun!”


Year 1/2

Yukta - “I love learning new things in a fun way.”

“I like seeing my friends every day!” Says Abhi

By Mr D Neill

Ini enjoyed going to Coppet on the train.

Alex loved the Easter Egg Hunt.

Rishi loved the trip to the zoo.

By Mr D Neill

Laure-Anne loves playing at the park in Summer.

Harmannat - “Cricket Club is fantastic!”

Rishika’s favourite subject is Literacy.

Year 1/2


Harry thinks that it is fun learning French!

David likes play time and Miss Michelle!

We had loads of fun making the Rainforest display.

Edi’s favourite subject is French.

I enjoyed studying the rainforest and love maths!


Year 3/4

Oseka enjoys writing stories in literacy.

By Mrs Z. Lawton

Mayra likes all her teachers and now loves maths!

Sara likes swimming lessons - the teacher is fun.

Alexander enjoys Maths - he likes calculations.

Jade likes school because it is fun!

Alisa likes meeting all her friends every day!

By Mrs. Z Lawton

Year 3/4


Liza- ‘Is very cool, with a great sense of humour’

Shidoo-’Very funny and loves to say chicken fries’

Sara-’Is always sharing and caring and sooo cute!’

Sriram-’Is awesome at Art and he is intelligent’

Teva-’Is pretty, nice and gentle and always happy’

Salman-’Good at Maths and a good bowler in cricket

16 16

Year 5/6

By Mrs J Smith

Karosi- ‘Has been kind and loving all year’

es Max- ‘Is always funny and mak h’ everybody laug

Anjana- ‘She is always positive and cheers me up’

Sumayya- Always plays with me and is kind and fun’


Ariana- ‘She is very kind, sweet and never frowns’

Srishyam-’Works well in Maths. Awesome at cricket’

Year 5/6


Year 1/2 visit the Servion Zoo and Aquarium Year 1 and 2 visited the Servion zoo. They went to see snakes, monkeys, lions and tigers and many more. “I liked it. It was amazing and I loved all the animals! And I saw monkeys on the tree” Year 1 and 2 also visited the aquarium; they learnt a fact about the lizard. They figured out that the lizard was 20 cm long. A year 1 child Yukta told us; “Yes I loved it; I saw crocodiles and some penguins.” The place was called Tropiquarium Servion. By Ariana and Anjana


Year 3/4 visit the Alimentarium By Mrs Z Lawton Year 3 and 4 took a trip to the Alimentarium in Vevey Switzerland. The children learnt how to cook Russian foods. They made a salad, beetroot soup, beef stroganoff and plum puree. They went into a food museum and learnt about the history of food and food traditions from around the world. They took a walk through a huge digestive sytem and learned which foods are healthy and which are not. “The food was delicious and it was fun when we were cooking the big kitchen.” To show the location of the Alimentarium there is a giant fork statue in Lake Geneva. It was a great day out! 19

Year 5/6 Visits CHATELAINE SKATEBOARD MUSEUM In art lessons Years 5 and 6 studied Urban Art: this involved looking at the history of graphic design and how it was used to enhance leisure activities. The class visited the Chatelaine Skateboard Museum. At the skateboard museum the children saw lots of amazing skateboards. There were ones that were made in the 70’s which were made out of wood and stone wheels , there were ones from the 80’s with a plastic base and stone wheel’s and now a days are made out of wood and stone wheels. Over there we also tried to ride the skate board. That is the part, all the children loved! “ My favourite part was to ride on the skate board ramp!! It was amazing !!!” exclaimed Sara Lakhani. All the skate-boards had different graphics on, some had monsters, aliens and much more. The children have very much appreciated the privilege to be able to go to the skate20

board museum! It was a great pleasure for the children! Teva Prangere MUSEE d’ART et d’HISTOIRE (GENEVA) Year 5 and 6 went to the Greek museum. It was really cool and interesting. Year 5 and 6 went there on the 6th of November 2012. A volunteer from the museum, Mrs Low told them a lot of information and showed the

statues of the Greek gods and goddesses. They saw the coffin covered with Greek paintings. The children also learned about the Greek pots which described and told a lot of Greek myths. The Pots were painted in black, orange, red and white. Greeks started the Olympics and did Olympics naked. They learned a lot about Greeks! By Salman

Year 5/6 River Study On 6 May 2013 BSG year 5 and 6 undertook a river study as part of their science and geography lessons. They had to go to three rivers. They first site was at the Source d’ Allondon which entailed a walk through a forest and track along the river to find the source. The second site was at Gex, a flatter area and the third was Versoix, where the river joined Lac Leman. The children said it was great fun, especially

Teva in year 5 who said “I really enjoyed the trip! What I liked the most was the part when we had to measure the depth! The deepest measurements that we found were 52cm deep! And it was sensational” The children said that river was flowing so fast that it felt like you could fall in but they were careful! They looked at the depth, width and they measured the ph levels of the river. They said that

it was awesome. They learned how a waterfall is formed and how it joins Lac Leman. The children learned that the waterfall eats (erodes) the stone and the stones become smaller pieces in to the lake. Thanks to Mr. Lille for explaining this to the BSG children. Sumayya and Srishyam



Learning is Fun in Year 1/2!

Learning is Fun in Year 3/4!



Learning is Fun in Year 5/6!

Social Issues: Poverty – by Sara

By Salman

Social Issues Poetry: Poverty – by Sumayya



Primary Ski Trip - Morzine On the 8 th of April until the 11 th of April 2013, Years 3-6 went on a ski trip to Morzine in the French Alps. DAY 1: When we arrived in Morzine we unpacked our clothes and relaxed for a while and had lunch. Next we went for a 3km walk in the forest to go to the swimming pool. It was great fun! When we came out it was raining so quickly went shopping and had a ride on a mini tourist train before returning to the chalet by bus. Then we had the delicious food which Mr. Smith had made. The ski hire people arrived and fit us with our skis, boots and helmets. We went to bed at 8.30pm and tried to get to sleep but we were very excited. DAY 2: On the second day we woke up early, had breakfast and got dressed into our ski 26

clothes, Mr Smith took us to the Avoriaz cable car. It was really high ! We met our ski instructors and set off in the freezing cold blizzards. Some of us were just learning and we had to get on a chairlift straight away. A few of us fell off at the top! The wind was so strong we were skiing backwards ! The more experienced group had a great time skiing and doing jumps in The Stash which is a natural snowpark. The snow was really deep fresh powder and was great fun. We all fell

over, including Miss Tuplin and Mrs Smith ! When we went back to the chalet we sledged and skiied on the chalet slope and relaxed in the outdoor jacuzzi. DAY 3: Our last day : -( This was snow-shoeing day! We had to put big plastic shoes on and walked in the deep snow. It was really hard work! We stopped and took our snow shoes off and our legs disappeared in the deep snow! Some of us made snow angels. After lunch we packed and tidied our rooms and waved goodbye to Morzine.

Edi, Joshua, David and Oseka - Ready to go!

Fancy seeing you here! Teva, Liza. Ariana


Edi and Oseka’s first time on skis.

Hello Morzine!

David, Alexander and Joshua having a rest

Ready for action- Alexander, Max, Teva & Liza

By Mrs. Jackie Smith

Fresh afternoon powder

How do we stand up?!

‘This is the life!’

Primary Ski Trip - Morzine Avoriaz 2013


International Day

Cricket Club

Gift in a Book 28

Clubs and Events

By Mrs Jackie Smith

UN Charity Walk for Children CHILDREN WALKING FOR CHILDREN !!! There are many poor children in the world, so we need to help them to go to school, to have food, live in a safe house and drink clean water. On the 5th of October the British School of Geneva (BSG) and many other schools participated in the UN walk for poor children in need. There were around 800 children walking. Basically sponsors had to pledge how much they will give per stamp. Grade 3-6 had 2 stamps per kilometre. Year 1 and 2 walked around the flags approximately 100 meters. A 9 year old girl called Liza Nazarova in Year 5 raised 420 CHF for the children. Teva said “I walked six kilometres and I am very tired but it is fun, and its good to help the poor.” Try and help as many poor children as possible!!! Karosi, Ariana, Anjana


Laure-Anne enjoying Art class

Alexander`s volcanic explosion.

Anjana enjoying creating a pointillism peacock.

Camila using the pointillism technique.

Drawing in Perspective

Valeria and Hansoo painting the School Mural. 30

Art Club

By Ms S Tuplin

By Mrs. Jackie Smith

A Christmas Carol Production December 2012



Secondary School 33

International Day Celebrating diversity in our school.

By Karon Merecki Children from Key Stage 1 through to Key Stage 3 joined together at the British School Geneva to launch the World Education Games with an International Extravaganza! At BSG we couldn’t wait to spend a day celebrating the nationalities and languages represented by our school! We learned a lot from each other. Do you know what a Россия куклы is? We do! The students from the International Centre of Lomonosov State University told us during their presentation all about Russia. It’s a Russian Doll. Can you dance to ‘The Siege of Ennis’ and ‘The Walls of Limerick’? We can! Miss Fogarty’s Irish dance group gave us a demonstration. Even Ms. Tuplin, Ms. Thompson and Mr. Wiseman joined in with all of 34

the children. Do you know what ‘am just avin a gander int’ winda’ means? We do! Mrs. Smith gave a talk to the Primary children on the Yorkshire Dialect still used in the North of England, UK. We watched videos and learned a song about someone who went out without his hat. It means ‘I’m just having a look in the window.’ Meanwhile, Key Stage 3 were learning all about the culture, climate and everyday life of South Africa. Do you know where in the world you would find The Chocolate Hills? (Clue: They are not in Switzerland!) We know! Mrs. Lajom-Roman, a parent of two students in school, showed us an amazing presentation on her native country otherwise known as “The Pearl of the Orient”. It also has what is considered to be the

most beautiful, most perfectly shaped volcano in the world. It’s The Philippines! Do you know what ‘Llwyau Caru’ are? We do! They are traditional Welsh Love Spoons! Mrs. Stockman gave us a fascinating talk about this old romantic tradition from her homeland, Wales. Then we all designed our own, in case we ever fall in love and need to impress our sweethearts. Do you know how to dance ‘Banghra’? We do! It’s the most colourful, energetic and lively form of Indian dance from Punjab, performed at lots of different sorts of celebrations! Mrs. Rathanjeet Kaur’s dance group danced for us then we all had a go – including some teachers who needed a little persuasion, but had a lot of fun! We had a great day of sharing. What a way to kick off the World Education Games!

World Book Day By Alexander Yu Y9 On World Book Day, Years 1 to 9 were split into different groups. Each group consisted of people from different years. Each group was given a different folk story from around the world. Their mission was to create a play based on the story they were given and using only the materials made available to them. At the end of the morning, each group presented their play

and we held a vote to pick the winning performance. Almost everyone liked the ‘Shadowplay’ best of all. Even though it was fun, it also taught the primary pupils valuable lessons about the skills they will need as they enter Secondary. For example, we had to be organised as we only had limited materials available to us. It also taught us to be open-minded and to accept ideas from other people. In the afternoon, a lady from

an organisation called Usborne came to talk to us about their brand of books. The Primary pupils got all excited from seeing the colourful books. They have books that cover everything from science to story books. World Book Day was a fun and memorable experience for all of us. Alexander Yu Year 9


World Education Games Exciting live challenge, world wide competitors By Mrs L Prior The World education games (WEG) are held each year. They comprise a number of online activities in Maths, Spelling and Science. Over 5 millions young people from all over the globe compete over three days with trophies, medals and prizes awarded to the winners in each category. Every pupil in BSG was given a unique sign-in code and password and encouraged to go online during both class time and while at home. When a student entered a challenge, they were matched in real time with up to 3 other students of similar age and ability from anywhere in the world in an exciting live challenge. The objective was to score as many points as possible in the different activities and climb the leader board for their category. The three days passed with great excitement and often our


students or classes were appearing at the top of the leader boards. There was a real buzz when Valentine Mberu was ranked in the first few students for Science as we left school on Wednesday. Year 10 students were greatly encouraged and with the support of their form teacher, the enthusiastic Mr Lille, they maintained 40 th in their age group for Science and received a gold certificate for their success. They still appear on the leader board at During the games students also gained sponsorship to raise money for UNICEF’s Schoolin-a-box project. A School-ina-box contains all the resources needed to open a school or teach a class of 80 students. The resources are language independent so it can be deployed anywhere in the world. It has an immediate, tangible impact in poor communities, and can be replenished year after year.

It also allows schools to be quickly reopened in disaster zones or areas ravaged by conflict. The collection got off to a superb start with the school donating sufficient funds to buy a box. Students rallied many sponsors and collected plenty of money, in total the School donated 1450 euros to this cause. However one small group of students, Year 7, stood out as they collected over a third of the total donation. It was the efforts of just one member of this class, Lyo Yukson, who single handed collected 320 Swiss francs which boosted their success. Every student received a certificate of participation and we will be awarding certificates and prizes to outstanding competitors in our end or year assembly. We will definitely compete again next year when we’re determined to improve on our current success.

History Bee and Bowl National Competition

By Mr Lille Another year and another successful mission at the national History Bee and Bowl in Switzerland. In the Varsity Bee we had a 1st and 2nd place with Devin Jones and Daniel Nazarov. In the Varsity Bowl we came a fantatstic second place. However all team members showed true team spirit and worked hard to qualify for the European championships.


The Life of Petr Ginz By Ms. Crawford On 12th April we attended a film about the life of Petr Ginz, a young Jewish teenager from Prague who was sent to Theresienstadt work camp where he was eventually killed by the Nazis. His diaries from Prague and talented artwork survived him; whilst in Theresienstadt he wrote poems, painted, and edited a children’s magazine. We were also very privileged to hear from


a Holocaust survivor who was taken from Holland at the age of 5 to Theresienstadt. His mother and sister shared the same transport and barracks as Anne Frank and her sister. He spoke to us of his memories, told us what happened to his family, and answered our questions. Pupils had been learning about the Holocaust in English and Citizenship classes, so the film and testimony were a powerful reinforcement of the themes we had been studying. Many thanks to the GIJFF and the staff at Grütli cinema.

Students visit ICT Discovery Exhibition To infinity and beyond! By Mr D Lille A fascinating and exciting journey through our connected world! A valuable visit to the ITU where our students were able to learn about the history of communication, from pigeons through to global satellites. The visit allowed the year 11’s to explore a modern and interactive experience using Galaxy tablets to direct them on a IGCSE questions treasure hunt. This passed exhibits such as a real life replica of sputnik, the first Marconi telegraph machine and finally a NASA space suit!


Year 7, 8 and 9 Adventure Holiday How to get scared without really trying! It was fun and cool and I want to go there again. Hansoo Y8 It was fun, exhilerating, I learned lots of new things and I overcame my fears. AndrĂŠ Y9

It was really awesome, well organised and fun because of lots of new and unusual activities. Alison Y8 It was fun and eveyone got a chance to bond with each other. Koketso Y9

The school trip made me feel very adventurous. Nicholas Y8 It was fun, lots of team work and tactics in all the activities. Justin Y8 It was a breathtaking, fantastic experience. Arizenna Y7 It was extreme and amusing. It left me tired but amazed. Mawada Y7 Best trip ever! Alex Y7 I was proud of eveybody - it was a real pleasure to be with you. Paul Dawson


Year 10 and 11 Ski Trip joying the skiing / snowboarding too much to care about it. So The 2013 BSG ski trip took place we laughed about the smell. in Vallorcine. Even though the The trip allowed us to see how number of students involved Mrs. Stockman was a good perwas only 6, it was very nice and son / guardian, due to the fact memorable, especially due to that she wasn’t as strict as she the amazing amount of trust is in school. shown by the teachers. We played a lot of pranks on The ski trip weirdly passed one another, but everyone took without any of us getting in it in good spirit. trouble, we were trusted and did The funniest thing about the not fail to prove that we were trip was watching Chevanne trustworthy pupils. trying to ski. He was always One thing that makes it slow and it was funny to see him memorable was the smell of fall a lot, becase he had never our room; with 6 teenage boys skied before. The funniest thing sharing we did not lack diversity was when Chevanne lost control as you may imagine! It was hor- of his skis and so he swooshed rible yet it was funny. It didn’t down the slope without braking matter too much because we and at one moment was in mid were too tired and we were en- air, which he found quite scary. By Anton Iouriev

The evenings were all spent in the hotel room watching Game of Thrones, since after one episode, all of us got addicted to it. To conclude I would like to say I will definitiely keep only nice memories about this trip, due to the fact that there are no bad ones. 41

IGCSE Geography field trip By Mr D Lille This trip was to the worlds tallest gravity dam in Valais Switzerland. A fantastic geography trip to investigate the benefits and negatives of harnessing the water in the creation of electricity. The dam which stands 285 metres high, weighs 15 million tonnes and is heavier than the Great Pyramid of Cheops. This monumental Dam demonstrates the potential power that is stored in European Glaciers. A thoroughly exciting trip both inside and on top of the dam before heading down to investigate how the water power is transferred into electrical power in the turbine halls at the bottom of the mountain!


Physics Trip to CERN By Valentine Mberu The physcis student of year 11 and 10 went on a field trip to CERN, home to the world’s most powerful particle accelerator. CERN, French for Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nuclearie, opened its doors to our young physicists, to learn new and exciting information about a subject that literally sent shockwaves around our planet. To begin with, the students visited the Microcosm- the interactive museum, where they were allowed to discover interesting illustrations and apparatus which have been instrumental in many discoveries in the scientific world while exploring the mysteries of the universe. ‘It’s a really cool, interactive way

of making people interested in an otherwise very complicated genre of physics.’ Samuel, a Year 10 student said. Subsequently, a detailed presentation was delivered by one of the scientists on the birth of CERN, its objectives and plans for the future. This was also a chance to ask questions before the field trip commenced. Next the group visited CMS, a particle detector that is designed to see a wide range of particles and phenomena produced in high-energy collisions in the LHC. The massive 15-metre-wide cable was a formidable illustration as to the complexity of CERN’s task - understanding the formation of the universe. The LHC –The Large Hadron Collider is a machine that ac-

celerates two beams of particles in opposite directions to more than 99.9% the speed of light. Smashing these beams together creates showers of new particles for physicists to study. This enables the physicists to explore new territory in matter, energy and space. The mechanics of this machine was impressively elucidated by the physicist present and the group riddled the expert with questions. After a day positively packed with great chunks of information the future physicists of BSG were eager for another opportunity such as this to expound on their knowledge. It is their hope that they will be able to conduct a similar visit in the future.


Giftbox Appeal By Ms L Fogarty


This year was BSG’s third year to participate in Action Paquets de Noel. Students generously collected items for needy children in Eastern Europe. Amongst the items purchased were toiletries, toys, clothing, school stationery, and confectionery. The items were neatly packed into boxes and carefully wrapped by each year group. All students were involved in creating their own Giftbox to donate to the appeal.

I loved helping the less fortunate. Justin Ferreira I feel proud to have helped and I hope they enjoyed the Giftbox. Hansoo Lim Making the Giftbox was a good experience because we helped out people who are less fortunate than us. Ciaran Deehan Making the Giftbox was a great experience; it made me realise how lucky we are. Alison Prangere I’m really happy that I had a chance to work on the Giftbox; we helped out many children that needed help. Valeria Petroglou I’m guessing these boxes must have been pretty heavy after all the work that was put into them :) Hayley Townsend


Translation team at the MUN By Jeremy Nettey The MUN From the 9th of January to the 11th , a select few students from the British School of Geneva’s year 11 class were chosen to participate at the MUN (Model United Nations) as translators for a conference centered on the controversial subject of technology as a whole in our modern world. The students from our school were: Jeffery Koppanyi, Anton Iouriev, Cesar Dyberg and I, Jeremy Nettey. The delegates, the administrators, the rest of our translation team and even the moderators of the conference were all teenagers and young adults just as we were. The conference did not only serve as enlightenment on how big a role technology has taken in our modern world, but it also helped to make people realise that the youth of today has a voice that deserves to be heard by everyone. In the three days spent at the MUN, I can safely state that translation is not easy work by any means. As a matter of fact, translating demands a strong sense of discipline and patience from you, whether written or spoken. However, despite the furious amount of work and pressure bestowed upon us, a strong sense of accomplishment came along with the work, as on many occasions we were thanked by delegates who strongly clarified how com-

pletely monolingual they were. By the end of the three day experience, we had met all sorts of wonderful people coming from all sorts of places in the world, we had learnt what a real working environment was like, we were newly informed on the role of technology today and we were sad to leave. In the short time that we

spent at the conference, we had formed a bond with the rest of our translation team and still keep in contact to this day. This experience could surely be described as completely unique and the only complaint that I have against it was that it was too short. I hope to one day be able to re-live this experience. 45

Cupid, a false alert That’s weird, thought Cupid: “I’ve never hit the wrong person like that before!” I opened the door slowly and quietly, wondering what was happening inside the house. “What do you mean I don’t help you enough?” cried dad. You… lazy… person” shouted mum, running around the couch, chasing dad around the house. I ran up to my room, not wanting to get in the way of the dispute. I locked my door and jumped onto my bed. “Open the door Lily!” said Michel, my brother, in a rather impatient voice.“Nope,” I answered, too lazy to get up. I heard Michel whispering, “Openama” as the door burst open – Michel always did that in critical situations. “Hey, don’t come into my room like that!” I stood up from my bed facing him. “Lily, don’t you ever understand?” Michel replied annoyed. “Yes, I know,” I answered. “Mum and dad are fighting… again!” I answered, sitting down on a chair that had appeared a few moments ago. “No, this time is different. Lily, we are wizards, you know that. We have to do something!” Michel was saying. But I wasn’t listening to him. I was plunged into a deep daydream. “I know!” I shouted, springing from my chair. “Let’s call Cupid!” Michel stared at me for a few seconds, as if he was thinking quickly. “Noooo, I know that look of yours. You’re going to get us into trouble again!” “Of course not,” I replied, a bit vexed. “Ok, fine” went Michel. “But only because I have no choice.” I knew that I had convinced him. But now the question was, how were we going to proceed? “Cupid has to hit dad,” I said, after reflection. “So dad can be extremely nice to mum and she forgives him. She always does anyway,” I told Michel. “Ok, I’ll call him,” he said. He took out his wand from his left sock. “Blip bop bop bop bleeeep.” He composed Cupid’s number on the wand. “Hello,” he went. “Is this Mr Cupid?”


Cupid, a false alert “Yes, it is indeed,” answered a deep, manly voice. “What do you want?” “We need a little help here, our parents are fighting and…” Cupid interrupted Michel quite rudely. “Yes, yes, a very common issue. I will be there in a few seconds.” The line cut. We looked at each other. “Isn’t Cupid supposed to be a baby?” I suddenly asked Michel. “Umm… yes I thought that too.” Michel was puzzled, and so was I. There was a snap and a baby suddenly appeared on my bed. “Who’s he?” I asked Michel. “I’m Cupid,” said the baby in a deep voice of a 60-year-old man. I nearly fainted. I know that I’m a wizard and that I shouldn’t be suprised by anything, but the baby with a man’s voice just freaked me out! “You got a problem with me?” asked Cupid, looking suspicious. “No, of course not,” Michel managed to say. “So let’s go then. Where are your parents?” said Cupid. “Downstairs.” I replied. I’ll show you the way, follow me.” Michel and I walked through my door. We were only half way down the stairs when I heard; “Umm, don’t you think that you are forgetting something?” I turned around, wondering what I could have forgotten. Half a minute later I realised what Cupid was talking about. His voice completely made me forget that he was still a baby, and he couldn’t walk! “Oh yes, sorry Cupid” said Michel. He quickly ran upstairs to fetch the baby. We headed back downnstairs. Guess what we saw! Mum and Dad were watching T.V, laughing and smiling. “I told you it wasn’t serious!” I said to Michel. He was stunned! “Oh well, bye then!” whispered Cupid, before disappearing God knows where. I laughed at Michel, who was still staring at Mum and Dad, with his mouth open “I can’t believe it,” he muttered under his breath. “I can’t believe it.” Alison Prangere, Year 8


The Disappearance of the Crew of the Mary Celeste. It was a dark and foggy night. We had anchored, for it was calm and still. The sea had not made a single wave for some time. The crew and I had all decided to get some beauty sleep for the trip ahead. Later that night, I had not heard a sound at all. However, little did I know, a pirate ship’s crew was boarding the Mary Celeste. They were armed with cutlasses and blunderbusses. They had four men for every one of mine. They pointed their blunderbusses at our faces and patiently waited until we silently awoke so they could take us to their ship. The captain was trying to grab his daughter’s doll for safe-keeping. However, the four men dragged him out of there and unintentionally, he dropped the doll and it lay sprawled all over the captain’s quarters. They made us leave all our personal, private belongings and our sextant behind. I didn’t believe they would make us leave our oilskins but they did. As soon as all my crew and I were aboard the pirate ship, they double-checked the Mary Celeste for any hiding crew members and any trace of a struggle to make sure there was no trace of them ever being there. As soon as the pirate ship’s captain said, “It’s all clear me hearties!” we sailed away, tied to the masts. They all had a pint of beer each to celebrate their victory and our massive defeat. Once we had arrived at an island which seemed to be abandoned, a bunch of people, dressed exactly like the pirates themselves, came out from the bushes, armed with cutlasses and blunderbusses. We had thought we were gonners for sure. They untied us and told us training starts tomorrow at sunrise, for we had now become one of them, living in peace, harmony and living off nature in freedom. By Dylan Ferreira Year 8


Anahid year 7

Ezekiel Year 7

Nicholas Year 8

Ciaran Year 8

What do you like best about your class ?

Everybody is nice to me and they are funny.

The way we all come from different countries.

I get to meet many friends from different countries and learn about their cultures.

I have made friends for life and I have learned about different languages cultures and religions.

What is your favourite lesson?

My favourite lesson is PE and Maths.

PE, Science and Citizenship.

PE and Science are my favourite lessons. In PE we have fun times. In Science we get to do experiments.

English, PE, History and Science. Least favourite – Maths and ICT

What do you do at break time?

At break time I chat with my friends.

I talk with Lyo and play football.

I talk to friends or carve wood into different shapes. Sometimes I read my favourite book.

I mess about with my friends, play football and make plans for the weekend.

I have great friends even though they make ridiculous jokes. Also I like when we learn about dinosaurs.

I like my friends in school (Dylan is the best and funniest) To be able to teleport so that I could spend the weekdays here and the weekend in Glasgow.

What do you like best about your school?

I like my friends and my class mates.

I like that we have long holidays.

If you had a magic wand what would you wish for?

I would wish to have no homework and no tests.

I would wish to have PE every day.

I wish we had a better library and a bigger playground.

When we had the disco on the trip.

There would be a I wish the school week of fun so that I had these subjects – could show people Music, Art, how to make papier Technology and mache animals and Cooking do fun sports.

Anything else you would like to add?

Talking all night on the school trip.


Tuesday, 14th May 2013 It’s blazing hot now. The sun is beating down relentlessly, shining at its brightest. Almost everyone is outside, as expected on such a lovely afternoon lunch-break. Some of the students are somewhere in the building, lost in the labyrinth of corridors and staircases that make up our school. There is not much shade to go around, though, and several students cling to the waning corners of the cool shade. Several girls loiter around the door, trying to scurry back inside and hide in the lavatories, by timing it when there is no teacher in sight. It would take as much as levering them off with a crowbar to get them out into the sun. They persist inexorably, like a bad smell that refuses to go away. Teachers used to go in search of them but the audacious students have since then developed such cat-like stealth that they usually go unnoticed. See, they love living dangerously. Outside, the footballers clash with the basketballers over who gets which side of the grandiose playground. Voices are raised, tongues are clicked, pulses quicken but all is resolved under the hawk glare of the teacher on duty. Looks like the playground would be shared half and half today, though evidently, some basketballers think otherwise. Their dissatisfaction, however, is duly ignored and the games kick off without further ado. Throngs of sweaty boys run around under the heat, jostling, pushing and shoving each other over. Kicking, dribbling, dunking and scoring. Then comes the loud cheers and pats on the back. It's obviously very exciting but just a few metres away, uninterested girls are busy indulging in the new gossip and the latest news on who looks good and not so good today. Unbridled candour is encouraged and feeling s may be bruised but all in due course. The girls are so deeply engrossed in their conversation that not one of them notices the large, round, inflated ball hurtling at a dangerous speed towards them‌ SMACK!! The ball squarely hits one of the bashful girls right in her face. Like in those really bad action films, the moment of impact seems exaggerated and lasts just that second longer. Naturally, the victim's reaction is one of surprise and humiliation,


while her friends disintegrate into fits of laughter, only to realise that they should show some compassion and admonish the misdemeanour. They half-heartedly reproach the sheepishly sneering boys who simply walk away, unnoticed by the teacher-on-duty. The jungle, that is our playground, continues, as if nothing has happened. Just then, someone puts in too much energy and enthusiasm into their kick: the ball is sent ricocheting off the post, over the fence and onto the train tracks, where thousands of balls before it have suffered a similar fate. Now everything really goes pear-shaped. The owner of the much-coveted ball is inconsolable, angry and showing all signs of disconcertion and heartbreak. He sits a little way off, looking subdued, his head in his hands, mumbling over how much the ball cost him and how his mother was sure to bite his head off. Several boys surround the remorseful culprit, questioning him severely, not giving him any time to plead his case, threatening him furiously and eyeing him up maliciously. Again, a furore ensues and voices are raised, as the blame is saddled from one suspect to the other before the gradual realisation that there is no use crying over spilt milk. The broken-hearted lads gather in a corner, not quite knowing what to do. Others, the brave ones, assimilate themselves with the giggling bevy of girls where they are welcomed or shooed off owing to the lack of preamble or plain awkwardness. The rest, the shy ones (and perhaps, the smarter ones) idle around, reminiscently kicking a stone among themselves, a painful reminder of their estranged ball. But all this is short-lived. The beckoning bell is rung, an uncompromising imposition, reminding us that 'Play times is over boys and girls, now can you please leave all your silliness outside where it belongs and get ready to do some learning'. Slowly, the hoard of sulky teenagers congregates at the narrow door, forming a melee, pushing and shoving impatiently; frazzled nerves aggravated by the few, looming hours left before school's out. Valentine Mberu Year 10


SUNSET OVER THE SERENGETI You must not miss the sunset. Everyone had told us that a sunset over the Serengeti was spectacular, spellbinding, something to always remember. Right now, we were praying that the migrating wildebeest would hurry and finish crossing the road. There was no way round them, there seemed to be no end to them. We could smell them as much as we could see and hear them. Their sour scent mingled with the humid heat and dry dust as hundreds of hooves pounded the ground alongside us and in front of us. Shade would have been a welcome relief from the searing heat inside the jeep, but shelter was still some hours away. Finally there was a break and we sped on. Our open-top jeep churning up the red desert dust into a pink smog, and sending us rushing down inside to cover our faces once more. The shapes and sounds of the wild animals scattered away behind us as we raced against time to reach our destination. The sun had not yet started its slow, silken and stately descent over the horizon. We arrived in time. We rushed to the edge of the rock terrace. Spread out below was the Mbalageti River and plains, and above the sublime grandeur of mountain summits far away shimmering in the savannah’s golden haze. I was waiting in anticipation for this moment to arrive. I felt I would not be disappointed. I could still feel the warmth of the sun on my face. My eyes were still blinded by the sun, waiting and watching for it to turn from bright yellow turning to orange. Suddenly, silence swiftly surprised me. It was as if everyone and everything was preparing for something. Even the long grass held its breath. The animals fell silent, the leopards stopped chasing. The giraffes swivelled their long necks in preparation. The soaring vultures settled. The spectators were waiting. And so it began. The sumptuous colours of the bright yellow sun surrounded us. Our gaze switched from the black of the mountains in silhouette to the contrast of the fading savannahs below. The sky above swiftly started to shift from blue, to pink to deep orange. The baobab trees became black spirits reflected against the golden metal circle, the earth’s soul, as it started its surrender to the night. As the sun slipped away the night sounds of nature began. Xavier Planchette, Year 11


Most likely to become Famous! Samuel McAllister

Most likely to become Leader of their Country! Timothy Sauer

Person most likely to make a million by the age of 30? Shraveen Dhalladoo


Sports Club What to do on a wet Wednesday afternoon. By Mr. Dawson It might have started out with just a handful of participants, but today it is flourishing with 15 members, who eagerly await their Wednesday afternoon session, and numbers are expected to grow next year. So what is the attraction .. apart from the organiser. Mr. Dawson’s philosophy is: ‘ lets get sporty, but let’s not forget that it should be fun!’ and this appeals. It is also a wonderful way to ‘blow off steam’ and that the participants certainly do! Basketball, badminton and field hockey have all been on the menu this year. The changeovers are regular to avoid monotony and the activities are chosen so as not to 54

exclude anybody, boys or girls, big or small, talented or less so. It also offers a possibility to achieve something out side of the classroom walls. Sport is a vital part of the students’ lives, encouraging emulation, collaboration and teamwork - establishing closer bonds between participants. Some of us may even get fit! Valentine. Y10. The thing I like best is seeing all the years playing together, to see year 10’s encouraging and appreciating year 7’s for example. That alone makes it worthwhile. Paul Dawson

Eat and Paint. Learn in the process. :D

Period of relaxation on a rather stressful day.

It’s fun and you learn lots about the Milky Way.

Astronomy Club



A-level section 57

These two years have been good and bad Bad with all the homework we've had But good with all that we've learned Good with all the As we've earned. We've been taught in great detail About English in this class Some were slow to learn like snails Others understood everything fast.

Through ups and downs, we're almost done Few weeks remainWe'll walk outside and face the sun Those redoing exams still face the rain. We, the class, thank you, teacher, For guiding us all along Those pursuing English later in life Know now that they won't go wrong.

Summer is nearing and goodbyes follow Though one day we may all unite In many years after college We'll reminisce about this fight.

Through similes, elisions and metaphors Juxtaposition, oxymoron and contrast We say goodbye to this classroom It all went by so fast. Nicole Diviney


Museum of the Resistance in Haute-Savoie By Mrs. Arentz The end of March saw Mrs. Stockman and Mrs. Arentz herding their respective French and History A2 students into the bus for our study trip to the Museum of the Resistance. Located near Thones, en route to Annecy, the memorial, Museum and visitors centre have been constructed under the imposing cliffs leading up to the Glières plateau. The museum itself is located in a recreated old Alpine chalet and was created by the survivors of the battle of Les Glières to honour their fellow fighters who didn’t survive the war. The Glières plateau had become a centre of Resistance to both Vichy France and later the German occupation. The lower floor of the museum concentrates on the early years of the war and life in Haute Savoie, upstairs are the displays explaining what life was like for the Frenchmen on the plateau and about the liberation of the department. We felt much empathy with the half frozen Resistants shown in the snowy photographs, the museum is absolutely freezing so those who had followed their teachers’ advice and brought their scarves and gloves could gloat over their shivering fellow students. We learnt about the bravery of Tom Morel and other who knew it was necessary to prove to the Allies the value of

the French Resistance. In March 1944 the battle for Glières started, by the end of it 120 ‘Maquisards’ (Resistance members were dead. Although the Resistance in Haute Savoie was shattered, pride had been restored and the Haute Savoie region looks back with pride on their exploits and the fact that theirs was the first department in France to liberate itself from the yoke of Nazi Occupation. The tour was given in French but our non-French speakers, Tahir and Kyle got a running commentary from Mrs. Stockman. Mrs. Arentz also explained (in English!) how

her grandfather had been a pilot in the RAF who dropped weapons and Special Operations Executives into occupied Europe (S.O.E. was the forerunner of MI6 of James Bond fame). His plane had been shot down near Annecy when on a mission to drop supplies to the men on the Glières plateau and he was the only survivor. He escaped from occupied France due to the bravery of local French resistance men and women. Should any students have doubted Mrs. Arentz (surely not!) there were photographs and plaques in the museum to prove her tale! 59

BSG Newsgroup By Devin Stanley-Jones Inspired. Insightful. Intrepid. All of these are words which have been used to describe the creative minds behind the BSG Newgroup. Or at least, all of these words would have been used to describe the creative minds behind the group, had it existed prior to now. The non-existence of the group has been, sadly, a major blow to its critical reception, and as such, the first full sentence of this paragraph is very much a lie.  But don’t fear! Soon (in the coming 2013-2014 school year) it will not only exist, but it will be producing a regular, BSG-themed, action-packed news publication, full of everything you could possibly imagine in your wildest dreams (yes, even those dreams). The best group of editors in the world will hand-pick prime examples of student work, and arrange them alongside a mix of articles containing mainly false information, columns containing mainly bad advice, and pictures of little-to-no relevance to anything. 60

BSG Newsgroup By Devin Stanley-Jones We very much look forward to nobody reading a single word that any of us write, because should they, it’s all too likely that they’ll realise how very nonsensical we are as people, and request or demand that we at least attempt to apply some sort of reason or logic to our inane rambling. Should, however, you wish to wade through our chatter to catch a glimpse of the very best work of our fellow BSG students, or perhaps some of the less irrelevant pictures (although these will be few and far between) look out for the first edition in Autumn of 2013! It will be inspired. It will be insightful. It will be intrepid. It will be... The BSG Newsgroup


Most likely to write an autobiography Devin Stanley-Jones

Most likely to become a politician Mia Harness

Who would you trust to cut your hair? Julian Canlas



Year 7 65


Anahid Ardalani


Where have you come from? I come from Iran


What will you miss most? Funny moments in class

Memorable Moments: • Laughing in class • When her first 10 out of 10 .

Any plans for the future? To be a doctor Favourite Moment? In the bus with Oluchi

Most likely to... • Pass french • Get so many 10 out of 10s to have a huge collection by the end of the year.

Favourite quotes? Does that make sense -Mr Wiseman About Me: I love listening to music and watch movies with my friends

Mawada Dhirar


Where have you come from? I was born in Saudi Arabia, but I grew up in Sudan/Syria About Me: I would have liked it if the school had a daily music and art class. Because of my brother wanting to leave asap on every day especially Wednesdays. What will you miss most? The teachers Favourite Moment? The school trip to the French border Favourite quotes? Mr. Wisemans ``Is that okay?...


COMMENTS I will miss you when I leave. Peace. Alison Prangere

FRIENDS SAY... Most likely to... • Shout out answers

FRIENDS SAY... Memorable Moments: • I do not have my homework. Best Quotes: • Shutup!


Mathew Gregus


Favourite Moment? Moving up to year 7 Favourite quotes? Shut up and endure the pain.

Biggest fails.. • Using the fire escape on the trip! Mr dawson disagreeig phrase • Take your hands out of your pockets!

Ezekiel Mberu


Any plans for the future? Animal doctor. What song reminds you of your time here? Gangnam style! About Me: I love nature! What will you miss most? My classmates! Where have you come from? I came from Kenya.

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • A funny person Otherwise known as: • Eza


I know I know I know Arize Morah



Ewan Mesa

NATIONALITY: Scottish and Swiss

What song reminds you of your time here? Pink Floyd ‘another brick in the wall’ Any plans for the future? Becoming a sponsored skateboarder Favourite Moment? The trip in Haute Savoie!

What will you miss most? Being with my friends

FRIENDS SAY... Also known as • Cornelius Favourite classes: • PE and Citizenship

Where have you come from? I’m from Geneva and Glasgow About Me: I am known to be a comic book geek, which is true and an obsessed skater which is also true. People might say I am annoying which is definitely not true, at least I hope so...

Arize Morah

NATIONALITY: Kenya, Nigeria, Canada



In three words... • Minture usane bolt

The future Euro truck driver

Otherwise known as: • Euro truck destructor! • Breezy


Best Quotes: • EWAAAAAAAAAAN!!!! I will slap you!

Oluchi Morah Alex Petroglou

Favourite Moment? Going on the school trip and doing the mountain biking and the Via Ferrata About Me: I am 12 years old and i like football running and table tennis. Favourite quotes? That was amazing


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Best friend ever!! • Funny,quiet and happy Memorable Moments: • The school trip


Oluchi Morah

NATIONALITY: Canadian,Nigerian,Kenyan

Any plans for the future? To become a doctor or a company owner What will you miss most? The school trip

Most likely to... • BECOME AN OLYMPIC RUNNER

Favourite Moment? When Matthew opened his bag and found suncream all over his pencil case

Best Quotes: • EZA!

Where have you come from? Kenya



Petroglou FRIENDS SAY...

Favourite Moment? Trip 2013

Otherwise known as: • Alexious • PetroYu

Where have you come from? I come from Greece

Memorable Moments: • When he did the Harlam shake on the trip at night

Favourite quotes? Good one..... good one

Most likely to... • Say Arkaloola Yemara

About Me: I dont work for people work for me

COMMENTS Should we stop running in front of cars for the bus? Mathew Gregus



Lyo Yuson


Favourite quotes? NOOO!!! About Me: Name is Lyo. I am known to: making crazy voices, saying epic no to peoples questions, saying horrible puns, and probably the only person in the who does not like eating chocolate. But sometimes I am a bit crazy. Hey, at least I’m funny, right? Right? No? OK, fine... Favourite Moment? Everytime I say an epic NOOO!!! to someone. Where have you come from? I come from the Philippines


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Fish murderer Best Quotes: • Doh, I missed! Worst puns • Hey, you want to rock and roll. • What a mess-fortune


Year 8 73


Omar Ahour


Favourite Moment? The school trip was awesome! It was fun walking next to a cliff that was like 30 metres long. What will you miss most? I will miss most of my friends at BSG; they bring the energy to the school. About Me: Hey everyone, I’m Omar and I’m 13 years old. I used to live in London and it was fantastic. Then I came here. I wasn’t too thrilled at first but then I got used to this country and used to the school too. Lots of friends come and go. And for my

Ciaran Deehan

dearest friends, let the good times roll :p

FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Sheriff Memorable Moments: • Letting the good times roll with old Stelios Most likely to... • Go to Harvard • Be the best Black Ops player


About Me: I’m turning 13 this year. I’m Scottish and lived in Glasgow for all of my life until 2 years ago when I moved here, France. I love Celtic, music, and food. Favourite Moment? When Celtic beat Barcelona. Any plans for the future? Hopefully I will be a musician!

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Funny, fast, sound Memorable Moments: • Putting ‘The Kids Want Tecnho’ on at the school disco. Least likely to... • Miss a Celtic game

COMMENTS Very good celtic fan Justin Ferreira

Very quick on his feet. Mathew Gregus




NATIONALITY: South African

Ferreira About Me: I’m from South Africa and I am smart in some subjects (only the ones I like!). Any plans for the future? I would like to become an electrical engineer. Favourite Moment? The school trip: I enjoyed buying a slingshot and having fun with my friends.

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Funny, tall, smart Memorable Moments: • Slingshots on the school trip. Most likely to... • Become a bouncer Least likely to... • Like Maths

What will you miss most? I would miss hanging out with my friends during weekends and summer holidays.



Ferreira Where have you come from? I come from South Africa.

Most likely to... • Be put in prison

Any plans for the future? I want to join the military and serve my country in the special forces.

Least likely to... • Be sensible

Favourite Moment? Kebabs after school on a Wednesday!


About Me: All I want is my music!


Funny South African, Blue Bulls fan. Ciaran Deehan will miss everyone :P and the good memories Valeria Petroglou

In three words... • Funny, strong, sound



Hansoo Lim

NATIONALITY: Korean American

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Fantastic, funny, awesome Otherwise known as: • Chou chou Memorable Moments: • That day we went shopping with Anahid!!! Most likely to... • Become a famous dancer!!!!

Where have you come from? I was born in the US and grew up in South Korea. About Me: I am a happy person :) Sometimes I’m really quiet... but sometimes I’m really loud! Favourite Moment? The day Valeria, Anahaid, and I went to Balexert.

Least likely to... • Become a History or Geography teacher!!

Valeria Petroglou FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Pretty, wise, clever • Funny, smart, pretty • Funny, silly, weird Otherwise known as: • Val Memorable Moments: • The day we went to Balexert with Anahaid :) Most likely to... • Be a hyper and funny girl :) • Be hyper Least likely to... • Not eat chocolate or sweets!



Best Quotes: • ‘I hate this’ or ‘I know dude’ • Ella About Me: I am very happy and cheerful; I love music and I love movies. I also love to wind surf and to go to the beach with my friends :P




Prangere FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Maths, Maths and... shy Memorable Moments: • Getting my gold star in Skiing!!! ;) Most likely to... • Become a guitarist and play in a band! • Become a Maths teacher. • Become a Math teacher Favourite Singers • Maitre Gims • Macklemore • Olly Murs

• WILL.I.AM What song reminds you of your time here? J’me tire - Maitre Gims and Hall of fame - WILL.I.AM Any plans for the future? Become a Math teacher after A-Level Favourite Moment? Epic snowball fights in the playground

Nicholas Yu Jie


About Me: My name is Nicholas Yu Jie and I am 13 years old, and I am great at drawing and making models of animals. I am also kind and helpful. The things I mostly like are dinosaurs; they are amazing creatures! My favourite films are Jurassic Park 1, 2, and 3. Any plans for the future? For the future, I could be a paleontologist. This is because I have a great knowledge of dinosaurs and I know a lot about the era when the dinosaurs became extinct. Or maybe I could be an artist because I am great at drawing and making mod-

els. I like both of these choices as I know I could do both very well. Where have you come from? I am from Singapore, it is a country that is near Malaysia. The weather there is mostly sunny but they have some rain too. My favourite place there is the Singapore Zoo.

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Dinosaurs, Dragons, Drawings Most likely to... • Draw a dinosaur • Become a famous artist



Year 9 79


Andre Colas


Favourite quotes? “To hell with circumstances,I create opportunities” ~Bruce Lee About Me: I like to play basketball, study martial arts, and help people c: Where have you come from? I come from The Big Apple :D

FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Dre Most likely to... • Shoot three pointers Least likely to... • Not support the New York Knicks

What song reminds you of your time here? The Weekend - Michael Gray

Mustafa Dhirar

NATIONALITY: Sudanese,Saudi Arabian.

Favourite quotes? “Do not take life too seriously.You will never get out of it alive.” Elbert Hubbard.

Most likely to... • Argue with

Any plans for the future? Becoming a Diplomat.

Least likely to... • Talk to people

Where have you come from? I come from Sudan.

Best Quotes: • I dont care, I just want to finish this!!!

About Me: I am a lazy person.






Kiflemariam FRIENDS SAY...


In three words... • Kind, sweet and smart

You’re a very good friend.

Otherwise known as: • Lia Memorable Moments: • Killing the door!!!! • The last night of the trip.... with the glow sticks!!! • Climbing the via ferata, Most likely to... • Become successful!!!!

Nkem Morah

Any plans for the future? Become a business women. What will you miss most? The people. Favourite quotes? “live it like its your last”

Nkem Morah

NATIONALITY: Kenyan, Canadian, Nigerian

About Me: I was born in Canada and have lived in 5 different countries; Eritrea, Pakistan, Malawi, Kenya and Switzerland. Favourite Moment? My favorite moment was when we went on the school trip to learn about volcanos.

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Kind, helpful and .... i dont know Least likely to... • Tolarate your stupidity Best Quotes: • Andre!!

Any plans for the future? In the future I want to be an interior designer and an architect. What will you miss most? The thing I will miss the most is the people and the fact that the class sizes were small.



Koketso R anta

NATIONALITY: South African

Any plans for the future? I hope to one day work in a Marketing industry. Where have you come from? I am from South Africa, Pretoria, Ga-Rankuwa Favourite Moment? Year 9,8 and 7 school trip

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Silent, Impatient and persistent Most likely to... • Move here Least likely to... • Leave this school

What will you miss most? Year 9 students Favourite quotes? Live life to the fullest.

Alexander Yu Hao Any plans for the future? Study Criminal Psychology, Engineering in Aerospace or Chemical Engineering Where have you come from? Singapore About Me: Just another Human Favourite quotes? You know my name but not my life. What will you miss most? Everyone


NATIONALITY: Singaporean

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • My Little Asian :)) hug-able, funny, epic Otherwise known as: • Lex the Flex In one word... • Shy


Year 10 85


Edward Albert


What song reminds you of your time here? How You Remind me Avril Lavigne


Favourite quotes? Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela

Least likely to... • Be awake

About Me: I value learning over anything else and cherish every moment spent with friends and family. I am easily angered by the slightest details but also have a high level of tolerance. I enjoy doing a number of sports and excel at football and basketball.

Most likely to... • Get an A*

Best Quotes: • Pish posh • In all honesty • Okay any who?

COMMENTS The early bird catches the worm! BE ON TIME!! Mr Daniel Lille

Francesca Coss Where have you come from? England Ascot


Any plans for the future? Travel the World

In three words... • Thanks for your help in Maths ;) • Funny, sweet, smart! :)

About Me: Quiet until you get to know me What will you miss most? Everybody’s friendliness Favourite Moment? The IGCSE field trip to the Grand Dixence dam. Favourite quotes? “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream new dream.” C.S.Lewis


NATIONALITY: Irish and English

Otherwise known as: • Franny, Frannie, Fran :)



NATIONALITY: France / Brazil / Switzerland

De Moustier Where have you come from? I come from brasil ( South America ). Born, in Porto Alegre, and adopted at the age of 2 year old, by my new parents who come from France. however, I might be born in Brazil, but i am French, suisse. Favourite Moment? My favourite moment passed at school were, the football match a lunch or after-noon break. we had so much fun by kicking the ball and having fun. But it is not the only moment I had in British School of Geneva ! I had a lots of fun, when we had our trip to Auvergne with my class, in 2012 when we were in year 9 !

What song reminds you of your time here? The song, that rememinds me my time at school is : Travelling Soldier because Mr.Dawson put it in my head !!

FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Tito • Titouuu ;) x Most likely to... • Bring our tray up to the office every day (thank you, Vitor!)

Shraveen Dhalladoo



• Listen to classical music

Otherwise known as: • Peggy • Shrava

Best Quotes: • You should get an award.

Memorable Moments: • ICT- hyper mode • English, Geography- “What are we supposed to do again?” Most likely to... • Become President of a huge company • Drop the bass

COMMENTS A cool friend to have Prince Ojambo

Any plans for the future? Financial Analyst

Least likely to... • Become poor



Emily Dubuisson FRIENDS SAY... Memorable Moments: • You talking to birds, for no apparent reason (still trying to figure it out)! Our many sleepovers, where we randomly just break Out into song! Seeing the creepy bearded guy at gare! Eating sushi (every wednesday)! Our long and entirely unpredictable handshake! Ahh my hands getting tired now! Good luck with your life.. I am moving to Quebec!

Gianna Harness

Most likely to... • Trip today • Rap with gianna Least likely to... • Be mean Any plans for the future? Going to music school in London. Favourite Moment? Going to bed after a long school day... Favourite quotes? Never be afraid of who you are.

NATIONALITY: British and German

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Funny, epic:Wurst • Caring, mature :P, nicelaugh Least likely to... • Never be hyper Best Quotes: • “and that goes for all young ladies too” • I’ve got a brain freeze! • *Bell rings* Right I’m off! • And Devin......but Devin..... • You having a laugh!?, BEAT BOXING/RAPPING like you know who ;), I’m a strong


NATIONALITY: French and British

independant woman!, eggs, DIIIIIIIIIIIIE & many others! x) What song reminds you of your time here? All By Myself-Celine Dion What will you miss most? Devin Where have you come from? Brighton, England

About Me: I’m always positive, I like all types music and I play the piano. My favorite sport is basketball as I find this activity competitive and exciting. What song reminds you of your time here? ‘aint no mountain high aint no valley low’ What will you miss most? One on one duel with Andre playing basketball Favourite Moment? Composing a song with Chevy

COMMENTS Work had play ball B. ball hard Prince Ojambo

Don’t let your fear of being judged stop you from asking for help when you need it.. Mr Daniel Lille

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • T.I Best Quotes: • “Not on my watch”

Archana Madhav


FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Berry • Sakura • Arcface Memorable Moments: • Geography and English lessons • Science Class Most likely to... • Make a bad first impression • To become a doctor


Timothy Inkoom

NATIONALITY: Ghana and Uganda

• Dont flatter yourself Favourite quotes? “Don’t go through life, grow through life.” Any plans for the future? Biological studies (Medicine) What song reminds you of your time here? Just Breathe~Anna Nalick

Best Quotes: • You know you hate me, xoxo • MOVE! dear.



Valentine Mberu


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Smart, Funny HUMAN • Such a rebel Memorable Moments: • When I beat you in a test Most likely to... • Steal your pens.

One of the most intelligent individuals I have ever encountered Edward Albert

Favourite quotes? “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.” James Dean What song reminds you of your time here? I want to break free - Queen

COMMENTS Work hard and the world is yours, but don’t forget to enjoy yourself along the way!

Any plans for the future? Study in Australia but everything is work in progress.

Mr Daniel Lille

Samuel McAllister FRIENDS SAY...


Most likely to... • Be an astronaut • To play for Liverpool • Say a joke • Be the leader of a secret organisation • Encounter aliens • Make chemistry Jokes

Beckham junior

Least likely to... • Stop talking Interests • Illuminati • Astronomy



Timothy Inkoom

Favourite quotes? ‘... in politics nothing is accidental. If something happens, be assured it was planned this way’ What will you miss most? The trains What song reminds you of your time here? Help -The Beatles

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Cool funny friend Otherwise known as: • Ojampop Most likely to... • Be a clothes designer • NBA all star player Least likely to... • To be a doctor


Prince Ojambo


Favourite quotes? What goes up must come down. Successful people always do what the unsuccessful people avoid. What will you miss most? The time when I did not understand the meaning of homework, and allowed to run around helplessly. What song reminds you of your time here? Let her go - Passenger

Best Quotes: • “C’mon, it’s Prince.”



Phillips FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Loud pleasantly annoying • Fetch, shmurrrr lollypop Memorable Moments: • ICT lessons • Maths “Uggghhh, David.” Most likely to... • To become rich • Fetch the phone boxes on Wednesdays with a smile Least likely to... • Start reading a long paragraph of text

Best Quotes: • “Cause I’m cool!!” • ORANGES! • This is so long

COMMENTS Even if you are a minority of one always stand up for what is right. The world will join you! Mr Daniel Lille

Favourite quotes? Just be you!



David Roman



• Can we go to McDonalds? • BOOP.

Minecraft! Timothy Sauer

Computer genius Prince Ojambo

Mediocrity is stupid when you are capable of so much more! Mr Daniel Lille

FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Dave

Where have you come from? I come from the Philippines in the town Balanga, Bataan Any plans for the future? To become a computer geek. Favourite Moment? Normandy trip, 2 years ago we met a D-day veteran.

Best Quotes: • DUUUUDE, I dont care

Timothy Sauer

NATIONALITY: Netherlands/USA/France



In three words... • Funny, quick witted!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Nelson Mandela

Otherwise known as: • Muffin Most likely to... • End up as director of IMF or some fancy organisation Least likely to... • Ditch X-box and come to school Best Quotes: • “Goin’ haaaammmmmmmmm!” • Ant’ nobody got time for that


Mr Daniel Lille

I LIKE SHIPS ! Vitor de Moustier

What song reminds you of your time here? Let me go home.




Townsend FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Crazy, fetch, adsflkj • Colourful, creative, funny • Smells like cupcakes • Colourful hair ;) Most likely to... • To be an architect • Get a tattoo • To poke you for no actual reason

Best Quotes: • Euummrrrggguuurrrrddd • Must be jelly because jam don’t jiggle like that What song reminds you of your time here? One way ticket to hell - The Darkness Favourite quotes? The best revenge is success.

Least likely to... • Own up when she has done something wrong....e.g: tripped me delibaretly!!!!!!

Chevanne Xuereb

NATIONALITY: Jamaican/Maltese/Martian

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Fifamaster Otherwise known as: • Chevy, Chev, Ché Memorable Moments: • Trip to Auvergne :) • Compose a song on the spot (hippo song) • Watching you go down the slope on ski trip. Most likely to... • Be in Olympics team for Jamaica • Steal my ideas

• Be singing in the halls • A famous singer Best Quotes: • “Conversation between ‘A’ and ‘B’. We don’t ‘C’ you. “

COMMENTS Believe in yourself and the world is your oyster, but don’t forget to always respect those around you! Mr Daniel Lille

Where have you come from? Pluto



Year 11 95


Liam Deehan


Any plans for the future? Hopefully go to University in the UK after I finish school. Where have you come from? Glasgow, I lived there all of my life until summer 2011. Favourite quotes? ‘Football is nothing without fans’

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Scottish Celtic fan • Loyal, Accent, Anti Fascist Least likely to... • Miss a Celtic football match Best Quotes: • GLASGOW CELTIC!

About Me: I am currently 15 years old, Scottish, with most of my family being Irish. I have been living in this area and going to BSG for almost two years now. I love football and especially Celtic.

Tatenda Dehwe


FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • The guy who will never make gains. • Canis Majoris X • Formally known as the situashin Memorable Moments: • All the times we were approached by french people. :’( Most likely to... • Crash an airplane Best Quotes: • I’m gonna make me some GAINSSS!


• Them Gains Favourite Moment? When Anton fell into a bush while we were playing football. What will you miss most? I will miss hanging out with my friends during break. Favourite quotes? ‘Take what you can, give nothing back’



NATIONALITY: Danish & Swedish & Peruvian

Dyrberg FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Cooles of Cool Otherwise known as: • The man who cant do a push up or just 2 Most likely to... • Become a guitarist for a band. Least likely to... • Become poor.

Any plans for the future? Don’t think of the future, think and live in the moment. What song reminds you of your time here? Dope D.O.D - Psychosis and Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall part.2 About Me: I love flowers

Best Quotes: • It’s Friday, man!!!

Toumani Gahigi


FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Beans, Mr Sir the President • Gigi • Sir, Gahigi Memorable Moments: • First year in BSG • Fat woman in the bus, Laughed until we cried. XD

• And then she slapped me BAAAAAAAA • GUANINE! • HEAVY BEANS Any plans for the future? Physiotherapist Where have you come from? New York, Virginia, Cote d’Ivoire

Most likely to... • Play football professionally. Best Quotes: • “BEANS BEANS BEANS” • ‘That’s Racist! :| ‘ • ‘I’m not joking... :| ‘



Vladimir Georgiev


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Death / trash metal Memorable Moments: • Ski trip

Any plans for the future? Succeed in my exams... nothing more. Where have you come from? South Eastern Europe

Most likely to... • Hack NASA and the rest of the world... Best Quotes: • DUDE! stop it !!! • Whats up dudes.

Anton Iouriev


Any plans for the future? Stay young. Favourite Moment? No... not in school. What will you miss most? Being irresponsible. Where have you come from? Russia, born in Switzerland. Favourite quotes? I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as. nature


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Dead Space 3 Otherwise known as: • Clean Guy Best Quotes: • That was so funny, I forgot to laugh -.-

Any plans for the future? Well I plan to get good grades in my exams. I don’t really know what I want to do in the future so yeah... What song reminds you of your time here? I always remember ‘Lithium’ by Nirvana when I look at periodic tables... What will you miss most? Well I’m not leave yet, but I would miss the people (teachers included). About Me: I love skateboarding. I am fascinated by science.

Favourite quotes? The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.-Socrates ... A joke is a very serious thing.- Winston Churchill

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Ei ns tein! :D Most likely to... • Get a good job • Find toilet paper for free if he ever becomes a hobo. ;)

Michael Martinez

NATIONALITY: Argentinean, English Irish

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Destructive, funny, loud Otherwise known as: • Ramirez!!!!!! Memorable Moments: • When he sings Yellow Submarine by The Beatles. Most likely to... • Go to jail or become homeless.


Jeffrey Koppanyi

NATIONALITY: Irish, English, Hungarian

What song reminds you of your time here? Honky Tonk Woman Rolling Stones Favourite Moment? History Class Favourite quotes? “to be or not to be” Shakespeare Where have you come from? Hopital La Tour



Daniel Nazarov


What song reminds you of your time here? Greenday-Good Riddance Favourite quotes? You mean to tell me that I can write anything, and it’s going to be in the Yearbook? Any plans for the future? Earn a high position in a multinational firm, be successful in business, have a large network of friends in different areas

COMMENTS It has been many scholastic annums that we are together , and

Jeremy Nettey

Toumani Gahigi

FRIENDS SAY... Most likely to... • Become rich. Best Quotes: • I`ll be back • Winning ;)


Any plans for the future? Hope to become a Lawyer or journalist.


What song reminds you of your time here? Baby.. by Justin Bieber.

Most likely to... • Lose some more weight..

Favourite Moment? The History Bowl and Bee What will you miss most? All of my friends Favourite quotes? Life is short so give it a ladder...


I would like to express how you have increased my levels of ‘fun’ throughout the time period. I must thank you for this wonderful experience. Thank you and as our dear friend Arnold once said “I’ll be back” ;)

Otherwise known as: • Steve Parkinsons

Least likely to... • Go to jail.. Ironic.

Any plans for the future? Chef What will you miss most? History Class What song reminds you of your time here? Go Get It by T.I Favourite Moment? History Bee and Bowl. Conferences


Jerome Nettey

NATIONALITY: Swiss-American

Where have you come from? Houston,Geneva and Ghana, located in West Africa Favourite quotes? Ratchedness

FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • YG

About Me: Tall, Dark and Handsome, Modest, Hardworking, Strong, Intelligent and Honest

Peter Pariyo


What song reminds you of your time here? A l’escalade play in the school Where have you come from? Uganda Favourite Moment? Playing football

Favourite quotes? ‘stop fighting’

FRIENDS SAY... Memorable Moments: • Why not? Most likely to... • Get the Noble Peace Prize

What will you miss most? Dodging friends in football About Me: Love to eat, play, sleep and study Any plans for the future? Travel the world



Xavier Planchette Any plans for the future? Go to University Favourite Moment? Normandie field trip What will you miss most? The small community Favourite quotes? Non-sense

Tom Reeves

FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Butters Least likely to... • Turn to the dark side... Best Quotes: • Oh come on


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Funny, Extremely lucky Otherwise known as: • Marcus Johnson Memorable Moments: • What would you have done? I would have taken a teaspoon and scooped it out :D Most likely to... • Kick you Best Quotes: • “don’t be sad, rave with PacMan”



Any plans for the future? No. Where have you come from? England? Favourite quotes? GG

Any plans for the future? Dunno. Study programming, then create games, sell them games and make money. What song reminds you of your time here? Passenger - Let Her Go


Daniel Roman


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Gamer, cool, clever Memorable Moments: • Whenever you fall down xD

What will you miss most? Tatenda Dehwe About Me: Yeah.. NOTHING TO SAY HERE. Where have you come from? From the Philippines Favourite quotes? “Hakuna Matata”

Abdullah Zahid


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Li’l Prince Charmin

Any plans for the future? Become someone known.

Otherwise known as: • Dullah

What song reminds you of your time here? ‘Look me in my face, I AIN’T GOT NO WORRIES!’

Most likely to... • Randomly start rapping • Try trip you • BE A DRAKE LOOK ALIKE

Favourite quotes? ‘Live the life you Love, Love the life you Live.’ -Tupac

Least likely to... • NOT EAT TIRAMISU Best Quotes: • Dude come on • DUDE KENDRICK IS SO GOOD



AS 105


Samantha Barrie


About Me: I’ve been at BSG a few years now and I was delighted with my iGCSE results. I’m happy to be continuing my studies here. I am studying Biology, Chemistry, Economics and Business and Psychology. It’s a lot of hard work but very rewarding. Any plans for the future? I hope to complete my A-levels next year and go on to University.

Alastair Beveridge Any plans for the future? World Tour with my Band Obvs What song reminds you of your time here? “Don’t Sit Down Cause I’ve Moved your Chair”- Arctic Monkeys About Me: Football Goalkeeper, Football Coach, Drummer, Favourite quotes? “Why Buy a Bentley if you drive it at the speed of a bicycle” - Mr Mesiga


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Muscular, Built, Ripped Otherwise known as: • Beveridge Most likely to... • Look like Stevie Johnson from Made in Chelsea when he’s older.

COMMENTS I’ll never forget the day I made ‘the bin shot’. I’m truly grateful I got to spend that moment with you. HALE. Jordan Hale



Daniel Buhler

NATIONALITY: British/Swiss

About Me: I study A-level History, French and Business and Economics as well as the one year iGCSE course. Favourite quotes? “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” Gandhi What song reminds you of your time here? Freedom - Django Unchained

Julian Canlas


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Hawwy, Hawwy, Hawwy • GINGERS HAVE SOULS!!!! Otherwise known as: • Coppercab • Ginger Diva • HIPSTERRRRRR! Memorable Moments: • A casual strut or a hop in French class

• Be the person who shoots down all your hopes and dreams • Ruin Anderson Cooper! Least likely to... • Bring me my cheesecake Favourite quotes? ‘Qu’ils mangent de la brioche !’

Most likely to... • Not bring me my cheesecake



Patricia Dela Pena Favourite quotes? “If you ever feel awkward just remember that during my Spanish oral A-levels exam I walked up to the podium and did my introduction in French.” Favourite Moment? When I gave Devin a franc to buy me two Capri Suns from the Coop and he came back with a whole box. Where have you come from? California

Xavier Dodds

FRIENDS SAY... Memorable Moments: • Eating • And going to starbucks • And eating at wasabi Best Quotes: • He’s so hot I’m gonna cry! • Can you not? • Well, excuse me. • Where is my burlap bag? • How do I sign a text?


Favourite quotes? The difference between the possible and the impossible is merely a measure of a man’s determination Where have you come from? North England Any plans for the future? Climb Mount Kilimanjaro About Me: Work hard, Play even harder


NATIONALITY: Filipino-American

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Charmingly cheeky and cheerful Otherwise known as: • JJ Memorable Moments: • Mascara on the Eyebrows


Jordan Hale


Any plans for the future? Continue being awesome. What song reminds you of your time here? 99 problems What will you miss most? Mr. Masiga

Most likely to... • Become a celebrity Best Quotes: • Don’t step on my jacket in the sense that I like it. • The number you’re dividing by.......

NATIONALITY: American, German and English


Harness FRIENDS SAY... Memorable Moments: • Cheese Day back in September • Thinking about cake so much that she fell up the stairs Most likely to... • Get a restraining order from Jason Segel • Stalk her ex teacher with several disguises • To have the most fat days Least likely to... • End up flipping burgers. • To win Britain’s Got Talent

• Realize there is no “i” in Segel, Best Quotes: • ‘I don’t want poulet, but I will have the chicken please” • “...and a beautiful smile” • “It is just ridiculous how good I look today” • See that’s the thing, I don’t think I did very well! What song reminds you of your time here? Phantom of the Opera Where have you come from? New York



Nicole McAllister FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Sweet, forgiving and persistent. Otherwise known as: • Nickers • Nicoolio • Principessa • The perfect daughter


Most likely to... • Dye her hair black and become a russian spy.. !! Best Quotes: • Noooooh guys, you don’t understand.

Memorable Moments: • Making you believe that Anna and I weren’t talking anymore. • The 21st of May - ask me and I shall remind you

Giovanna Pariyo Where have you come from? Kampala, Uganda What song reminds you of your time here? Bittersweet Symphony Any plans for the future? To be successful Favourite quotes? Live your life with purpose and every day strive for greatness.



FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Kind, sweet and friendly:) Most likely to... • Be really smart

NATIONALITY: Californian

In three words... • Really really solipsistic • Unexpected Renaissance Man • Orange Juice Supplier



Devin Stanley-Jones • Finish his coursework on time

Most likely to... • Be the guy who beats you at a job interview • Appear to belong to an entirely different time zone • Promise to have lunch with people, and then ditch them 5 minutes later :D Least likely to... • Get to the interview on time



Suchley FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Spencer Matthews

About Me: I study Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and Business and Ecomonics.

Memorable Moments: • Mark-Francis Least likely to... • Have a bad hair day Best Quotes: • “Let’s not get....”;););) sd



Molly Townsend What song reminds you of your time here? Who’s got a match? Any plans for the future? Marry a watermelon Favourite quotes? Hey, my name’s boo and I’m gonna eat your kidneys :D Where have you come from? A galaxy far far away Favourite Moment? The look on Dan’s face, as he realised he was not going to save himself from falling



FRIENDS SAY... Memorable Moments: • Hot girls we have problems too we’re just like u except we’re hot- Lois, Sam, Mt, Mia


A2 115


Zain Abdulla


FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Mini Pitbull. • Out, Anderson Cooper Memorable Moments: • US Presidential elections. Best Quotes: • Y’all. • You taking the 22? • “Kyle, just don’t.” • You are so annoying

Tahir Ahmed Any plans for the future? Reach the top and make money


What song reminds you of your time here? Lonely at the top- SOulja Boy

Memorable Moments: • When Tahir said “Wesley is the missing piece of the puzzle for Liverpool”

What will you miss most? My classmates

Most likely to... • To make MONEY

Favourite quotes? If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Sarcastic, independent, open-minded • Strong, Independent, black-woman • Honest, clever, intelligent • Amazing, beautiful, honest Memorable Moments: • Bern Baby Bern! Disco Inferno! Most likely to... • Become the female Einstein and rule the world!


Melissa Basebya


Best Quotes: • “Man” • Ah.... Fair enough Favourite quotes? A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. What song reminds you of your time here? Started from the bottom. What will you miss most? My friends and the intercom.



Bogaert FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Awkward, Minimal, Funny • Persistent, Belgian and Funny Otherwise known as: • Gills • Gillian Best Quotes: • I don’t understand your accent.

Any plans for the future? I am going to University in Belgium my home country. About Me: I’m studying Maths, Biology and Chemistry. I started my courses when I was in Jordan and joined BSG last September. It’s been great, I get a lot of personal attention.



David Dela Pena

NATIONALITY: Filipino-American

Any plans for the future? Become a writer or historian. Where have you come from? USA About Me: I like topics involving the visual arts, the literary arts, the paranormal and studies involving the humanities. Favourite quotes? “Time spent with cats is never wasted.” -- Sigmund Freud What will you miss most? Mrs. Arentz’s eccentric teaching style.

Nicole Diviney

NATIONALITY: Irish and Russian

What song reminds you of your time here? Lose Yourself Favourite quotes? “The moment someone tells you you’re not good enough, is the moment you know you’re better than them.” “ “Never regret something that once made you smile.” “We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.” Any plans for the future? To become a writer..! scriptwriter/ ghostwriter


Where have you come from? Born in Switzerland. Moved to Moscow, Dublin. Milan, Moscow, Galway. Dublin. Geneva, Sigtuna (Sweden) then Geneva. Nice little circle.

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Creative, strong and honest • Friendly, sweet, artistic :) Memorable Moments: • “Watching” The Apprentice with Melissa

Any plans for the future? Learn to speak French ! What song reminds you of your time here? Bootylicious-Destiny’s child


Ruari Lee Favourite quotes? “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, it’s the size of the fight in the dog”


Favourite Moment? Getting put in the naughty chair in history class

Memorable Moments: • The day you made the famous... ‘Bin goal’

What will you miss most? Getting put in the naughty chair in history

Most likely to... • Be missed.

Where have you come from? A long line of Lee’s



Mungure Where have you come from? Tanzania, United States What song reminds you of your time here? Hall of fame - The Script What will you miss most? 2 days of school each week

FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Ay-reeeeeen Most likely to... • Believe in herself and succeed!

Favourite quotes? However long the night, the dawn will break. -African proverb




NATIONALITY: Iranian-Australian

Rezakhanlou-Taubman FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Harry,Boy, Somalia Memorable Moments: • When he found out he lost ALL his books Most likely to... • To buy BSG and employ Tahir as the bell boy Least likely to... • Fly a Plane

Any plans for the future? To be employed What song reminds you of your time here? No Love-Death Grips Favourite Moment? When Galatasaray was drawn with Schalke Where have you come from? From white, capitalist privilege.

Best Quotes: • North korea is Best Korea

Aliya Shah


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Giggle,talk,laugh • Down-to-earth, cute and smart. Most likely to... • Upload some very nice pictures of food Best Quotes: • “You know when you like” • “bro”


Favourite quotes? Be the cake you want to see in the world

NATIONALITY: Greek /British



Stylianoudis FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Never stops talking! Otherwise known as: • Stylia mec. • Noodie. Memorable Moments: • Ripped jeans. • When Mrs Arentz asked how the Allies were able to make up for a lack of harbors in Normandy, and you said “marbles!” Most likely to... • Pop in the office for a chat

NATIONALITY: British French

Alex Tarel

FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Tarelio,Tik- Tak Toe, Tadda, Mbuzi Memorable Moments: • Visiting the Coop Least likely to... • Fly Best Quotes: • Swag • Groovy • What you doing after school • I will make a band



Andrew Winn


FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • IDK Otherwise known as: • The Dude Memorable Moments: • I remember everything. • Col Most likely to... • Least likely to be likely nominated for the most likely least likable like male like


Any plans for the future? Success About Me: Young.Wild.Not free. Favourite quotes? I need more cheese in this cheese sandwich - me


Teachers and Staff 125


Mrs. Hannah Arentz




Memorable Moments: • ‘A very long and interesting tutorial that changed my view on the choices I want to make in my life regarding my education.” Thanks Melissa!

Your great sense of humour, boisterous laughter and ever present common sense will be missed!!

Most likely to... • Be fondly thought of & missed Best Quotes: • “The word listen contains the same letters as the word silent”. Alfred Brendal. For my A2’s!

Mrs. Nina Leumann

Any plans for the future? After 15 years abroad my family and I are returning to Pembrokeshire, West Wales to live this summer. the U.K. What will you miss most? Supportive colleagues and fun, interesting students. Favourite quotes? “Carpe diem” (Seize the day) of course, don’t all teacher’s choose this as their favourite quote? Or you can have “You’ve only got one life so go out and live it”.

Ms. Fiona Crawford Any plans for the future? Improve my “minable” French - so far progress characterised by “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Favourite Moment? A privilege to listen to the D-Day veterans and the Holocaust survivor. Many of the year 11 coursework talks were fantastic. Year 9 creative writing in class. What will you miss most? The kids I won’t get to teach again. If I left the region - the Swiss-French countryside for cycling. The river in Bellegarde.



Where have you come from? Glasgow, Mexico (that’s my pal’s Mexican wrestling mask in the photo), Glasgow, France Favourite quotes? “All that is required for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.” “Outside a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside a dog, it’s too dark to read.”

What song reminds you of your time here? ‘The Universal Soldier’ by Donovan. It is not the kind of music that the pupils listen to, but it gets the message across to them. Simple but touching.

About Me: When I was young I was sure that I had all the answers Now I am not even sure that I have the right questions.

Favourite Moment? England winning the Rugby World Cup in 2003. Otherwise, savouring the feeling of getting to the top of a hard climb.

Well done on organising the school trip.

Where have you come from? Leeds - Yorkshire born and bread.


Mr. Paul Dawson



Ezekiel Mberu

FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Mr D

Favourite quotes? You must BE the change that you want to see in the world. Gandhi.

Mr. K arl Duffy


Any plans for the future? Moving back to Ireland in July 2013 to start a Doctorate in Psychology in September. What will you miss most? Early Friday mornings in winter. Pili and Susan’s smiling faces. The enthusiasm of the class at 8.30. What song reminds you of your time here? Madness “ House of Fun” Favourite quotes? “What you can plan is too small for you to live”. David Whyte,

Where have you come from? Ireland, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, France, Ireland

COMMENTS Thank you for your constant encouragement and kindness! Zain Abdulla

FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Mr Duffy



Ms. Louise Fogarty About Me: English and Citizenship Teacher; Year 8 Form Teacher Favourite Moment? Irish Dancing on International Day - I was very proud of Yr 7 & Yr 8; being surprised on my birthday by my wonderful form class; Yr 2s explaining alliteration and onomatopoeia; Yr 1s dancing to number poems; ‘A Christmas Carol’ performance by the primary school; Yr 11s completing their coursework presentations: I learnt about Psychedelic art and music; dreaming; wakeboarding; Guns ‘N’ Roses; Ghana; love; computer games...

Mr. John Hutcheson What song reminds you of your time here? Right Said Fred by Bernard Cribbins Where have you come from? Blighty (Hampshire, England) Favourite quotes? “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”Leo Tolstoy “Alright,Alright I’m going” John Wagner “The next train’s gone” Will Hay Any plans for the future? At BSG, Teaching History A level



FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Good at teaching Memorable Moments: • English classes Most likely to... • Drink tea!!! Best Quotes: • Back in the zone! • Grand


FRIENDS SAY... Most likely to... • Bring in fantastic memorabilia to his History classes


In three words... • Friendly talkative teacher Memorable Moments: • Burning methane gas bubbles experiment- The ultimate bravery test. :) Most likely to... • Give a ton of homework Least likely to... • Not give any homework



Mrs Maria Lavelle-Munt Any plans for the future? Even more fun experiments in the lab! Favourite Moment? Watching performance of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ with everyone in costume and remembering their lines. Where have you come from? Returned to Geneva after spending 5 years in Princeton, New Jersey.

Best Quotes: • Listen up folks!

Mrs. Zena Lawton


Where have you come from? Originally from England. However, I have also lived in New Zealand, the USA, and Denmark. About Me: Married with 2 children and a dog. I like dance, running, cycling, skiing and hiking. I am very sporty. Favourite Moment? Teaching the class to dance hip-hop. Infectious smiles, enthusiasm and energy.

Favourite quotes? “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” Malcolm X“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Dr. Seuss

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Thorough, precise, caring Otherwise known as: • Choreographer extraordinaire

What song reminds you of your time here? ‘The Muppets Christmas Carol’.



Mrs. Nina Leumann

NATIONALITY: Swiss / American



In three words... • Intelligent, amazing and beautiful :)

Going to miss your lovely smiles and always cheery disposition!!! It has been such a pleasure working with you all these years xxxx

Most likely to... • Be extremely positive & patient, no matter what might occur Best Quotes: • “ is that relevant, Julian?” • Right so... Excuse me! Why are pens flying?

Mrs. Kate Shepherd

Going to miss you old friend! Who’s going to owe me a drink when one of my History students gets a decent grade but not in German?! Ha, ha, has only happened once so am enjoying it!! Mrs. Hannah Arentz

Favourite quotes? People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou

Mr Daniel Lille FRIENDS SAY...

• Have peppermint teabags!

In three words... • Humanoid Operating System

Best Quotes: • If you don’t do your work then you won’t pass your exams! • ‘MOVING ON’ • ‘I.E.’ • Wake up Peter

Otherwise known as: • Mista Lille Most likely to... • To give a surprise exam, to give homework, to organise a nice school trip • Be bright & cheerful • Dress smart ;) Least likely to... • Catch a virus on a computer • Reject chocolate and sweet stuffs.



Favourite Moment? Sam, Tim S and Chevanne dancing to Gangnam style!

FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • The Preacher. Best Quotes: • If you refuse to be made straight when you are green, you will not be made straight when dry.-------The difference between a man and a boy is how much they pay for their toys.----------------------------Getting an Education and Giving birth is like crossing a narrow bridge. People can accompany you to the bridge greet you on the other

side ,but you must cross the bridge alone.----If you think you are too small to make a difference try spending a night with a mosquito.

COMMENTS Love your marvelous quotes! Mrs. Hannah Arentz

Mrs. Michelle McAllister


Favourite Moment? Too many to write down! Any plans for the future? To conquer the world Favourite quotes? You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. By Winnie the Pooh What song reminds you of your time here? Just Breathe by Pearl Jam


Mr. Moses Masiga


FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Mom Most likely to... • Make people smile • Have a cup of tea and come back in a mo’ • Be wearing some lovely colourful dress! Least likely to... • Shout

COMMENTS Always colourful! Mrs. Zena Lawton



Ms. K aron Merecki What will you miss most? The children! Spending my days with young people is a real privilege. Children tend to be sincere and honest and these are the qualities I respect most. Where have you come from? I was born in London and grew up mostly in Wales. I spent my early adulthood in London, Suffolk and Sheffield before moving to Geneva Favourite quotes? “Any man or institution that tries to rob me of my dignity will lose.” Nelson Mandela

Ms. Susan Mesa Favourite quotes? You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. About Me: I started teaching French in ‘97, began teaching at the A-level College in ‘07, have been involved in BSG/ GSS since ‘09 and still enjoy it just as much. What song reminds you of your time here? Atoms for Peace * before your very eyes * What will you miss most? The students & teachers who will leave, eventually.



What song reminds you of your time here? “Everybody’s Talking At Me” by Harry Nilson Any plans for the future? I don’t bother making any real plans any more. I usually have a rough idea about what might happen next and then I wait to see what actually happens. Forrest Gump’s mum was right: “Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you’re gonna get.”


Any plans for the future? Keep on smiling... Where have you come from? Glasgow, what seems to be a lifetime ago.

FRIENDS SAY... Most likely to... • Smile and help however busy you are:) Least likely to... • Become a bad mum.

FRIENDS SAY... Memorable Moments: • It’s not an aardvark Mr Neill; it’s an aardbark! Best Quotes: • Boys & girls!

Where have you come from? Room 102 Any plans for the future? Sausage roll with tomato ketchup at lunch, hopefully...

NATIONALITY: British, but I like to think I am European

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • Functioning Human Calculator Most likely to... • Get you through the exams successfully • Be meticulous in all her doings Best Quotes: • I’m a very good mathematician because I visualize • Are you alright? • You’re a star, Mia. • I do this with my year ten students!


Mr. David Neill

NATIONALITY: Northern Irish

Mrs Louise Prior

• But I won’t be there in the exam to tell you that. Favourite quotes? “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Mahatma Gandhi About Me: I teach Mathematics and I’m year 11 form teacher. Where have you come from? I come from Chamonix every day but I grew up close to Windsor, UK.



Mrs. Pili Reina

NATIONALITY: Spanish/Swiss



In three words... • Chatty, Kind and very helpful • Kind+ helpful ( towards students ) +always interested in football matches and sooo cool :)

Thanks for always being there to deal with any kind of request, with that lovely warm smile on your face!

Most likely to... • Open my locker for me! • Get a nice hair cut. Best Quotes: • TIME!!

Mrs. Nina Leumann

Thanks you for giving us food when we don’t have some, and thanks you for being so kind towards us every day :) :D Vitor de Moustier

What song reminds you of your time here? A thousand years by Christina Perry, Paradise by Coldplay Where have you come from? Cadiz Espangne

Mrs. K ate Shepherd About Me: Psychology teacher, mother of 2 very small boys, drinker of tea, lover of cake... What will you miss most? The very animated debates in my classes, my smiley colleagues, my lovely students Favourite Moment? Getting great exam results! Where have you come from? Watford, but feels like a million years ago...



Favourite quotes? From Alex S: I have a’s not entirely related to what we’re working on...

COMMENTS Lovely Kate- just won’t be the same without you! Mrs. Nina Leumann

FRIENDS SAY... Otherwise known as: • Mrs S

Favourite Moment? Watching the Fezziwig dancers in A Christmas Carol-everyone having such a lot of fun put a huge smile on my face : 0) Favourite quotes? ‘This is the life!` David Milicevic, aged 9, submerging himself in the jaccuzi after a hard day`s skiing.


Mrs. Jackie Smith


Any plans for the future? Travel the world What song reminds you of your time here? You’ve Got A Friend What will you miss most? Smiley enthusiastic faces greeting me every morning

Where have you come from? Harrogate, North Yorkshire, born and bred. About Me: Primary Coordinator at BSG.


Any plans for the future? That my future lasts as long as possible! Favourite quotes? The harder I work, the luckier I get.Anon; Don’t waste time hating someone, the only person who will feel bad about it is you - My Grandfather Where have you come from? I lived in Cardiff, Wales for 24 years, but now I live in Excenevex, France. Not so many opportunities to go to International Rugby matches but the beach is great.

Mrs. Lesley Stockman Favourite Moment? Performance of Midsummer Night’s Dream June 2012; Meeting the D-Day veterans on the Normandy trip in 2011 About Me: I am Head of the Secondary classes. I also teach French. What song reminds you of your time here? Under Pressure - David Bowie & Queen



Mrs. Janet Thompson Favourite Moment? Eating apple pie with my year 8’s for Pi day

NATIONALITY: South African

What will you miss most? My mind, I lost it some time back.

Favourite quotes? That task is about as easy as nailing jelly to a tree. Where have you come from? I arrived in Switzerland in December 2012, from a teaching post at a Catholic school in South Africa Any plans for the future? To learn more French What song reminds you of your time here? Fade to grey - Visage

Ms. Sally Tuplin Where have you come from? I taught at a school in Leedsbefore moving to France Any plans for the future? Improve my French and continue teaching at BSG About Me: Creative and artistic, loves snowboarding, skiing, cycling and NOT rock climbing! Would love to have a pet tortoise! Favourite Moment? KS3 school trip to Morillon- brilliant fun and all the pupils were fantastic! Well done to everyone who completed all of the activities!



What song reminds you of your time here? “One more sleep til Christmas” from the BSG Primary production of the Christmas Carol. The children still sing the lyrics even though we are now in May!

FRIENDS SAY... Most likely to... • Make a beautiful artistic display Best Quotes: • It’s so hot in here! • I really shouldn’t be here!

NATIONALITY: They gave me a British passport


Favourite quotes? “For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.” - Richard Feynman

Mr. Matthew Welling

FRIENDS SAY... In three words... • How do you get from protons to passions to politics?

About Me: A-level Chemistry teacher


Favourite quotes? “Equipped with his 5 senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science” Edwin Hubble Any plans for the future? Share more fantastic moments with students and family! Where have you come from? I was born In Queenstown New Zealand. I have lived in Bangor (Wales), Prague (Czech republic), Leysin (Switzerland), Preston (UK), Cruseilles (France).

Mr. Sean Wiseman About Me: I was born in New Zealand, and lived in the South island until 14 years old. My family then moved to the north of the UK, where I completed secondary school and college. After the completion of college, I studied Biology at the University of Wales, Bangor. I returned to Preston in the north west of England for my PGCE teacher training. Finally, I moved to Switzerland and started work at the British School of Geneva.








T h e B r i t i s h S c h o o l o f G e n e va Zain Abdulla

Daniel Buhler

Section: A2 Page: 116

Section: AS Page: 107

Tahir Ahmed

Julian Canlas

Section: A2 Page: 116

Section: AS Page: 107

Omar Ahour

Andre Colas

Section: year 8 Page: 74

Section: year 9 Page: 80

Edward Albert

Francesca Coss

Section: year 10 Page: 86

Section: year 10 Page: 86

Anahid Ardalani

Ms. Fiona Crawford

Section: year 7 Page: 66

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 126

Mrs. Hannah Arentz

Mr. Paul Dawson

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 126

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 127

Samantha Barrie

Vitor de Moustier

Section: AS Page: 106

Section: year 10 Page: 87

Melissa Basebya

Ciaran Deehan

Section: A2 Page: 117

Section: year 8 Page: 74

Alastair Beveridge

Liam Deehan

Section: AS Page: 106

Section: year 11 Page: 96

Gilles Bogaert

Tatenda Dehwe

Section: A2 Page: 117

Section: year 11 Page: 96

index David Dela Pena

Dylan Ferreira

Section: A2 Page: 118

Section: year 8 Page: 75

Patricia Dela Pena

Justin Ferreira

Section: AS Page: 108

Section: year 8 Page: 75

Shraveen Dhalladoo

Ms. Louise Fogarty

Section: year 10 Page: 87

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 128

Mawada Dhirar

Toumani Gahigi

Section: year 7 Page: 66

Section: year 11 Page: 97

Mustafa Dhirar

Vladimir Georgiev

Section: year 9 Page: 80

Section: year 11 Page: 98

Nicole Diviney

Mathew Gregus

Section: A2 Page: 118

Section: year 7 Page: 67

Xavier Dodds

Jordan Hale

Section: AS Page: 108

Section: AS Page: 109

Emily Dubuisson

Gianna Harness

Section: year 10 Page: 88

Section: year 10 Page: 88

Mr. Karl Duffy

Mia Harness

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 127

Section: AS Page: 109

CĂŠsar Dyrberg

Mr. John Hutcheson

Section: year 11 Page: 97

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 128

T h e B r i t i s h S c h o o l o f G e n e va Timothy Inkoom

Archana Madhav

Section: year 10 Page: 89

Section: year 10 Page: 89

Anton Iouriev

Michael Martinez

Section: year 11 Page: 98

Section: year 11 Page: 99

Aklesia Kiflemariam

Mr. Moses Masiga

Section: year 9 Page: 81

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 131

Jeffrey Koppanyi

Ezekiel Mberu

Section: year 11 Page: 99

Section: year 7 Page: 67

Mrs Maria Lavelle-Munt

Valentine Mberu

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 129

Section: year 10 Page: 90

Mrs. Zena Lawton

Mrs. Michelle McAllister

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 129

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 131

Ruari Lee

Nicole McAllister

Section: A2 Page: 119

Section: AS Page: 110

Mrs. Nina Leumann

Samuel McAllister

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 130

Section: year 10 Page: 90

Mr Daniel Lille

Ms. Karon Merecki

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 130

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 132

Hansoo Lim

Ewan Mesa

Section: year 8 Page: 76

Section: year 7 Page: 68

index Ms. Susan Mesa

Giovanna Pariyo

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 132

Section: AS Page: 110

Arize Morah

Peter Pariyo

Section: year 7 Page: 68

Section: year 11 Page: 101

Nkem Morah

Alex Petroglou

Section: year 9 Page: 81

Section: year 7 Page: 69

Oluchi Morah

Valeria Petroglou

Section: year 7 Page: 69

Section: year 8 Page: 76

Irene Mungure

Sabah Phillips

Section: A2 Page: 119

Section: year 10 Page: 91

Daniel Nazarov

Xavier Planchette

Section: year 11 Page: 100

Section: year 11 Page: 102

Mr. David Neill

Alison Prangere

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 133

Section: year 8 Page: 77

Jeremy Nettey

Mrs Louise Prior

Section: year 11 Page: 100

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 133

Jerome Nettey

Koketso Ranta

Section: year 11 Page: 101

Section: year 9 Page: 82

Prince Ojambo

Tom Reeves

Section: year 10 Page: 91

Section: year 11 Page: 102

T h e B r i t i s h S c h o o l o f G e n e va Mrs. Pili Reina

Alexander Stylianoudis

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 134

Section: A2 Page: 121

Harry Rezakhanlou-Taubman

Lois Suchley

Section: A2 Page: 120

Section: AS Page: 111

Daniel Roman

Alex Tarel

Section: year 11 Page: 103

Section: A2 Page: 121

David Roman

Mrs. Janet Thompson

Section: year 10 Page: 92

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 136

Timothy Sauer

Hayley Townsend

Section: year 10 Page: 92

Section: year 10 Page: 93

Aliya Shah

Molly Townsend

Section: A2 Page: 120

Section: AS Page: 112

Mrs. Kate Shepherd

Ms. Sally Tuplin

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 134

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 136

Mrs. Jackie Smith

Mr. Matthew Welling

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 135

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 137

Devin Stanley-Jones

Andrew Winn

Section: AS Page: 111

Section: A2 Page: 122

Mrs. Lesley Stockman

Mr. Sean Wiseman

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 135

Section: Teachers and Staff Page: 137

index Chevanne Xuereb Section: year 10 Page: 93 Alexander Yu Hao Section: year 9 Page: 82 Nicholas Yu Jie Section: year 8 Page: 77 Lyo Yuson Section: year 7 Page: 70 Abdullah Zahid Section: year 11 Page: 103

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