Secondary School
Introduction The British College of Brazil serves a diverse group of families representing over 50 different nationalities. The majority are from overseas, some of whom are long established in Brazil whilst others are in Sao Paulo for a few years on an overseas posting. We also serve a growing number of Brazilian families with international links and a strong belief in the value of an international education. We all share high aspirations for our students: aspirations that become more clearly defined and increasingly shaped by students themselves as they progress through the Secondary School and approach higher education. At the heart of our work is helping our students develop and accomplish these aspirations, and so embracing the very best teaching and learning philosophies are inherent of the world class education we provide. Robust academic results are essential to success beyond The British College of Brazil, and our academic programme provides students with every opportunity to excel and reach their university of choice. Success in life, however, requires much more than good grades. It requires confidence, independence, presence, the ability to lead and the discipline to apply oneself. Our commitment to helping students develop these attributes is enshrined in our School Charter and relies on a rich and varied educational programme developed over many years. We hope that this guide gives you a flavour of the experience at the Secondary School at The British College of Brazil.
Guide to Secondary Year Groups at BCB: AGE
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Age as of August 1st
STAGE Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
Pastoral Care and Social Development Student well-being and personal development are the first priorities at The British College of Brazil. Providing proper guidance and support for students during their time with us is a critical part of our mission. Our aim is to ensure that every boy and girl at BCB develops in a positive way morally, spiritually and socially. Every student is assigned a tutor who provides overall academic and personal guidance to students under his or her care. Students meet regularly with their tutor both as a group and individually to discuss progress and any problems or concerns. The Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education programme is delivered in tutor groups throughout the school year. Tutors are also the first point of contact for parents. Every student is also a member of a school house: the Romans, Normans, Vikings or Saxons. Many of the school’s social and music events and sports competitions take place within the context of the house system. They also give students the opportunity to engage in formal and informal leadership roles, work as a team and contribute to the house and school communities. Some students will become House Captains and Vice Captains. Such roles provide excellent opportunities to develop leadership skills.
Key Stage 3 The Key Stage 3 programme runs from Year 7 to Year 9. The academic programme is based on the English National Curriculum, but is not bound by its constraints. Instead, we apply the most appropriate elements and enhance the curriculum where necessary to make sure all of our students receive the appropriate level of challenge. We also adapt lessons and materials to our international and local context. Every student studies English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Geography, History, Drama, Music, Art, Portuguese, Spanish, Brazilian Studies, Physical Education and SMSC. Where appropriate, instruction is enquiry based and geared towards problem solving. Each subject is taught by a specialist. The opportunities for independent learning increase throughout Key Stage 3. Students are encouraged to assess their own work and to learn to formulate their own learning steps. Project work is an essential component both individually and in groups. There are also a range of opportunities for students to pursue their areas of interest in greater depth both in school and through relevant experiences beyond the classroom. Learning is supported by up-to-date technology. Every student is provided with a personal laptop and internet access is available throughout the school campus. Lessons incorporate technology where appropriate and rely on more traditional media where technology does not provide a clear benefit. The KS3 curriculum is crucial in laying the foundation of core knowledge, skills and understanding required to embark on the Key Stage 4 IGCSE programme whilst allowing students to pursue the extracurricular and enrichment opportunities provided at the school.
Key Stage 4 (IGCSE) In Years 10 and 11, students at The British College of Brazil will work towards obtaining IGCSE qualifications offered by the Cambridge, Edexcel and AQA examination boards. The two-year IGCSE programme is academically rigorous and is recognised to be amongst the best programmes in the world for this age range of students. Many of the subjects have specific international elements and content that has been developed by specialists to make the subject matter relevant to students worldwide. Every IGCSE student at The British College of Brazil takes English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Science, either as a combined Science course or as separate subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology). In addition, students take additional subjects from a broad selection that includes Geography, History, Computing, Business Studies, Spanish, Portuguese, Music, Drama, Art, Media Studies, Sociology and Physical Education. The choice of subjects is an important one, both in order to build on students’ strengths and interests and with a view to lay the foundations for a future career. The school provides students (and parents) with plenty of information in advance about options to ensure a wellinformed choice. Students at The British College of Brazil will typically earn IGCSEs in 8 to 10 subjects, a number that allows them to be well prepared for the next stage of education whilst leaving time to continue to develop other interests. Whilst the programmes of study are structured around the IGCSE curriculum, teaching and learning continues to emphasise the development of students’ general academic and intellectual skills. Learning remains enquiry based and focused on problem solving. Students are expected to become increasingly independent in their learning as they broaden and deepen their knowledge in each subject.
Subject Enrichment Opportunities and activities beyond the classroom form an important and exciting feature of school life at The British College of Brazil. The enrichment programme contributes enormously to the academic, cultural, physical, spiritual and social life that all students experience during their time at at our school.
Sport Sport plays an integral part in Secondary School life, both within the core curriculum and in the extracurricular activities. Students enjoy taking part in PE lessons, and playing sport on a regular basis promotes many of the qualities in which we value. Learning to lead and be led, to push oneself to one’s limits, to win with humility and accept defeat graciously to put in the time and effort to master a skill and excel at it are all lessons learned through participation in sport. There are a wide range of sports available to participate in at The British College of Brazil, from swimming, football and athletics to opportunities to learn Capoeira and Kung Fu coached by professional and highly-trained individuals. Students are encouraged to participate to the best of their ability. There are opportunities for regular training and coaching and for competition both within the House system and against other schools in the area and further afield. As they progress through Secondary School, students are able to choose Physical Education as part of the their IGCSE options.
All students in Secondary School are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of clubs and to learn new skills. From performing arts to public speaking, chess to gymnastics: there is something for everyone. Opportunities to help others are also a dominant feature at The British College of Brazil, and students at the school take part in numerous fundraising activities and other events to support local charities in our vicinity, as well as larger international projects. Our Student Council are the drivers behind such events, and understand that being a good citizen goes beyond giving money, and towards dedicating time and care to others. At The British College of Brazil, we believe that education goes beyond the classroom, and we strive to provide the opportunities for our students to develop a number of key skills and competencies.
The Arts
Music and Drama play a key role in school life at The British College of Brazil. Students in Secondary School participate in all aspects of production both on-stage and off and there are numerous opportunities to take part in performances ranging from classical productions to variety shows and orchestral performances. We host visits to the school from professional actors, writers and musicians. We also make visits to productions and performances outside the school. Throughout the year, students have regular opportunities to hone their musical skills in various ensembles, choirs and productions. Our school choir are frequent performers at school events, charity balls and embassies throughout the year. Many of our students develop into accomplished musicians by following one of our musical instrument instruction programmes. Visual arts have become a very prominent feature of life at The British College of Brazil. We aim to develop students’ appreciation and skill in a variety of techniques and materials and encourage the development of individual styles and expression. Sao Paulo has a rich offering of art museums, and educational visits to the various art galleries around the city aid students’ appreciation of the visual arts. Life in Secondary School at The British College of Brazil is rigorous, lively, challenging and fun. You are also warmly invited to come to the school for yourself and experience this vibrant school life first-hand.
R. Alvares de Azevedo, 40 ChĂĄcara Flora 04671-040 SĂŁo Paulo Brazil +55 11 5521-1829