Parent Handbook
Dear Parents, It is our pleasure to welcome you to The British School of Brasilia. We are proud to be here as the first British school that is wholly UK owned and that thoroughly follows the English National Curriculum. We are looking forward to providing your child with an outstanding educational experience. We strive to build on our reputation of excellence as we seek to meet the needs of all children enrolled in our school. Our staff members are enthusiastic and passionate about teaching and bring a wealth of experience and expertise. At The British School of Brasilia we have created a stimulating, safe and positive learning environment, with high expectations of achievement and behaviour. We are committed to making the curriculum accessible to all children through utilising a range of teaching styles and state of the art technology, which will motivate our students to develop independent, lifelong learning skills. We hope that you find this handbook useful and look forward to working closely with you to ensure the success of BSB and our pupils. Yours sincerely,
Tracey Thomas Headteacher
Our Mission At The British School of Brasilia we value our reputation for providing a British Education of the highest quality within an international context. We believe that every child matters. All gifts and talents are recognised and nurtured so that pupils are prepared to become responsible, caring, active members of a global community in the twenty-first century.
School Aims Philosophy To ensure that all those who participate in the life of our school leave us as better, more able, more responsible and more confident individuals. Governance To provide the highest quality of education to our students, where the long-term development and reputation of the organisation are safeguarded. Personal Development To encourage students to explore the extent of their intellectual and physical abilities, helping them to fulfil their maximum potential. Values To uphold values of honesty, integrity and respect for others. Environment To provide a vibrant, happy and secure environment that is conducive to the development of our students. Staff To ensure the school recruits and retains high calibre professionals who are worthy of the responsibility entrusted upon us. Social Responsibility To ensure our organisation and its members are involved in promoting the general good within our community.
School Hours 8:00am
Children may begin arriving at school.
8:30 8:40am
8:40 – 9:10am
Assemblies (Monday) PSHE, Choir or PIPs (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday).
9:10 – 10:40am
Lessons (Snack to be eaten at 10:30am)
10:40 – 11:00am
Morning Break
11:00 – 12:30pm
12:30 – 1:30pm
Children’s Lunch Break (FS stage will begin at 12pm and finish at 1pm)
1:30 – 2:00pm
2:00 – 2:30pm
Snack and afternoon break for Foundation Stage Children only. Lessons continue for KS 1 and 2
2:30 – 3:30pm
Lessons (Friday Assembly at 3:00pm) Snack for KS 1 and 2 to be given at a time of the class teachers choosing.
End of Day for children
3:30 – 4:30pm
After School Activities (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays)
Arrival and Departure Procedures Children should not arrive before 8:00 am. This is to ensure that teachers have sufficient planning, meeting and preparation time at the beginning of the school day. Parents should supervise early arrivals until 8:00 am. All students should be in class for 8:30 am ready for registration at the start of the school day. Children who arrive after 8:30am will be marked as late. At the beginning of each day, please ensure that a teacher, Junior Teacher or the bus monitor receives your child (whichever is appropriate). Children should not be left alone for school to start. It will help the morning routine enormously if parents do not enter the school building unless there is a specific reason to meet with a member of staff. Please ensure that you or your designated guardian collects your child from a member of staff at the end of each day from the designated pick up point. Those children using the school bus service will be collected by the bus monitor and safely taken home.
Please collect your child promptly at the end of each day. If for some reason you have been delayed, please telephone the school so that we are aware and can inform your child to avoid any worrying and so we can anticipate your arrival. Parents who are consistently late in collecting their children will be requested to meet with the Headteacher. If you are unable to collect your child, please inform the class teacher and the receptionist as to who will be collecting your child by 2:30pm. Teachers will not release a child to an unauthorised person. It is imperative that parents respect the requests of the door team at drop off and pickup times.
After School Activities The after school activities programme is an integral part of the school. This includes sport, music, art, language and many other worthwhile activities. ASAs will run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays after school and are available to all children. The ASAs are organised by staff members and outside instructors. Generally, there is no charge except when they may take place off site or by external tutors. ASAs will start near to the beginning of each term, once the usual routines are established. You will be notified of the clubs on offer in advance so that you can assist your children in choosing their preferred activities via our online sign-up system. It will be essential for our non-English speaking KS 2 students to attend an English language ASA and class teachers will notify them of this. After School Activities finish at 4:30pm. Children not attending ASAs should be collected at 3:30pm on these days.
Curriculum Organisation BSB follows the English National Curriculum. The English National Curriculum sets out the stages and core subjects your child will be taught throughout their school life. The National Curriculum is a framework used in UK schools to ensure that teaching and learning is balanced and consistent. It sets out: ● The subjects taught ● The knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject ● Standards or attainment targets in each subject that teachers can use to measure your child's progress and plan their future learning ● How your child's progress is assessed and reported
The National Curriculum is organised into blocks of years called 'Key Stages' and sometimes referred to as phases. The Key Stages that are taught at BSB are as follows: Age
Year Group
Key Stage
Foundation Stage
Teacher based Assessment
Foundation Stage
Teacher based Assessment
Foundation Stage
Teacher based Assessment
Year 1
Teacher based Assessment
Year 2
Teacher based Assessment and external Standardised Assessment
Year 3
Teacher based Assessment and external Standardised Assessment
Year 4
Teacher based Assessment and external Standardised Assessment
Year 5
Teacher based Assessment and external Standardised Assessment
The Foundation Stage The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum is delivered mainly through play orientated or creative activities and as well as academically preparing students, it promotes independence and confidence. From Pre-Nursery we teach the children basic phonetic and number skills through songs, rhymes and games. Children are encouraged to value and take an interest in books by providing them with opportunities throughout the day to look at books independently, in groups or with adults. The Foundation Stage Curriculum is delivered through topic-based activities that aim to motivate and inspire the children. There is a role-play area in each of the classrooms that reinforces the learning. This area is changed regularly to reinforce the learning objectives. Key Stage One (Years 1 and 2) As the children progress into KS1 they are introduced to the English National Curriculum for Primary students. Cross-curricular links are made during the planning stages, ensuring that the non-core subjects support the English and Maths objectives and vice versa. Handwriting, phonics/spellings and guided reading take place outside of the English lessons allowing more time for shared reading/writing, guided writing, speaking & listening, group and independent work. The children develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematics through practical activities, exploration and discussion.
Key Stage Two (Years 3 and 4) While the KS2 curriculum builds on the fundamentals of KS1, it also equips the children with the tools to be critical thinkers. As well as broadening their knowledge base in all areas of the curriculum their education is further enhanced through growing extra-curricular participation in the arts, foreign language and physical education. The curriculum is also supported by a wide range of enriching activities including residential trips and visits by organisations such as drama groups and artists in residence.
Curriculum Overview Consistent curriculum coverage is essential in order to support teaching and learning. The following subjects will be taught each week. English English is a vital way of communicating in school, in public life and internationally. Literature in English is rich and influential, reflecting the experience of people from many countries and times. In studying English pupils develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. It enables them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others effectively. Pupils learn to become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and plays as well as non-fiction and media texts. The study of English helps pupils understand how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. Using this knowledge, pupils can choose and adapt what they say and write in different situations. English will be taught daily throughout the Foundation Stage and Primary year groups. Maths Mathematics equips pupils with a uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world. These tools include logical reasoning, problem-solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways. Numeracy is important in everyday life, many forms of employment, science and technology, medicine, the economy, the environment and development and in public decision-making. Different cultures have contributed to the development and application of mathematics. Today, the subject transcends cultural boundaries and its importance is universally recognised. Mathematics is a creative discipline. It can stimulate moments of pleasure and wonder when a pupil solves a problem for the first time, discovers a more elegant solution to that problem, or suddenly sees hidden connections. Maths will be taught daily throughout the Foundation Stage and Primary year groups. ICT Information and communication technology (ICT) prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technology. Pupils use ICT tools to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information responsibly, creatively and with discrimination. They learn how to employ ICT to enable rapid access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures. Increased capability in the use of ICT promotes initiative and independent learning, with pupils being able to make informed judgments about when and where to use ICT to best effect, and to consider its implications for home and work both now and in the future.
Science Science stimulates and excites pupils' curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. It also satisfies this curiosity with knowledge. Because science links direct practical experience with ideas, it can engage learners at many levels. Scientific method is about developing and evaluating explanations through experimental evidence and modeling. This is a spur to critical and creative thought. Through science, pupils understand how major scientific ideas contribute to technological change - impacting on industry, business and medicine and improving quality of life. Pupils recognise the cultural significance of science and trace its worldwide development. They learn to question and discuss science-based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the world. Humanities At BSB Humanities incorporates the subject areas of Geography, History and Cultural Studies. These areas of the curriculum will be taught either through integrated topics or subjects depending on the year Group. Geography Geography provokes and answers questions about the natural and human worlds, using different scales of enquiry to view them from different perspectives. It develops knowledge of places and environments throughout the world, an understanding of maps, and a range of investigative and problem-solving skills both inside and outside the classroom. As such, it prepares pupils for adult life and employment. Geography is a focus within the curriculum for understanding and resolving issues about the environment and sustainable development. It is also an important link between the natural and social sciences. As pupils study geography, they encounter different societies and cultures. This helps them realise how nations rely on each other. It can inspire them to think about their own place in the world, their values, and their rights and responsibilities to other people and the environment. History History fires pupils' curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. Pupils consider how the past influences the present, what past societies were like, how these societies organised their politics, and what beliefs and cultures influenced people's action. They see the diversity of human experience, and understand more about themselves as individuals and members of society. What they learn can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values. In History, pupils find evidence, weigh it up and reach their own conclusions. To do this they need to be able to research, sift through evidence and argue for their point of view - skills that are prized in adult life. The programmes of study provide opportunities to value diversity and challenge discrimination. Cultural Studies The purpose of Cultural Studies is to share knowledge and values of different religions and cultures, in an inclusive way, so that individuals can learn to create their own identity in harmony with identities different from their own. The aim is to educate children about different practices and beliefs in a nonbiased environment resulting in children having a deeper understanding and respect for religious and cultural diversity. Cultural Studies provokes and answers questions about different beliefs and practices, using different scales of enquiry to view them from different perspectives. It develops knowledge of religions from around the world and an understanding of customs and practices. As such, it prepares pupils for adult life, encouraging children to care and value others and refuse to support attitudes or actions that may be harmful to individuals or communities. Cultural Studies can inspire children to think about their own place in the world, their values, and their rights and responsibilities to other people and society.
Art & Design Technology Art and design stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a unique way of understanding and responding to the world. Pupils use colour, form, texture, pattern and different materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think. Through art and design activities, they learn to make informed value judgments and aesthetic and practical decisions, becoming actively involved in shaping environments. They explore ideas and meanings in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers. They learn about the diverse roles and functions of art, craft and design in contemporary life, and in different times and cultures. Understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts have the power to enrich our personal and public lives. Music and Performing Arts Music is a powerful, unique form of communication that can change the way pupils feel, think and act. It brings together intellect and feeling and enables personal expression, reflection and emotional development. As an integral part of culture, past and present, it helps pupils understand themselves and relate to others, forging important links between the home, school and the wider world. The teaching of music develops pupils' ability to listen and appreciate a wide variety of music and to make judgments about musical quality. It encourages active involvement in different forms of amateur music making, both individual and communal, developing a sense of group identity and togetherness. It also increases self-discipline and creativity, aesthetic sensitivity and fulfillment. Drama and Dance also provide excellent opportunities for creative exploration, expression and performance. These areas of the curriculum will be taught throughout the school and play a key role in class assemblies and annual performances within each year group. As well as weekly music lessons, children from Year 1 up will also attend a weekly choir or instrument lessons as part of our PIPs (Primary Instrumental Programme). It will also be possible to arrange private one-to-one music tuition for your child for a variety of musical instruments. PE Physical Education develops pupils' physical competence and confidence, and their ability to use these to perform in a range of activities. It promotes physical skillfulness, physical development and knowledge of the body in action. Physical education provides opportunities for pupils to be creative, competitive and to face up to different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams. It promotes positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles. Pupils learn how to think in different ways to suit a wide variety of creative, competitive and challenging activities. They learn how to plan, perform and evaluate actions, ideas and performances to improve their quality and effectiveness. Through this process pupils discover their aptitudes, abilities and preferences, and make choices about how to get involved in lifelong physical activity. PSHE and Citizenship Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and citizenship help to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens. Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of their school and communities. In doing so they learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. They reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. They also find out about the main political and social institutions that affect their lives and about their responsibilities, rights and duties as individuals and members of communities. They learn to understand and respect our common humanity, diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.
Portuguese and Brazilian Studies Learning a language is a lifelong skill to be used in business and pleasure, to open up avenues of communication and exploration and to promote, encourage and instill a broader cultural understanding. At the British School of Brasilia, Portuguese is taught to all children from Nursery to Year 4. In our lessons we understand and respect all different needs from children who are coming from all over the world and have had contact with more than one language in their lives. Children are taught in groups based on their level of understanding of the language, and this makes each lesson more challenging and inspiring. Lessons are communicative and help children develop their communication strategies and also their interest in the Brazilian Culture. Portuguese is taught as an additional language for pupils who need to learn the basic communication skills, such as understanding, developing key vocabulary, using verbal and nonverbal communication to express their needs, doubts and to engage in conversations. Children studying Portuguese as an Additional Language (PAL) learn using different kinds of resources and by topics related to their lives in order to provide fun and meaningful experiences whilst developing all areas of communication: speaking, listening, reading and writing. They learn about national traditions, work on spelling and guided reading as well. Children who are from Brazil or who are able to fully communicate in Portuguese take part in Portuguese Language lessons where they are challenged and encouraged to increase their knowledge and range of vocabulary, improve spelling and work on interpretative skills through guided reading. Portuguese Language (PL) is seen as a very important part of a child's identity. Their experience is based on our Brazilian National Curriculum (MEC), Brazilian Literature for Children and also through very communicative lessons, where they can socially interact and share their experiences and knowledge of the world using the Portuguese Language. Although children work in separate groups during a lesson, they are constantly encouraged to interact and share their knowledge with all their classmates, therefore promoting our ideal of upholding a fully international learning environment. Homework At BSB we believe homework should be purposeful and promote independence. Although at times it may be important to use homework to practise or consolidate learning that has taken place in school, more readily it is used to achieved a flipped-classroom approach to learning, for example children demonstrating prior knowledge before starting a new unit of work.
Below are weekly guidelines as to the amount of homework each year group receive. The class teacher will communicate expected completion dates depending on the activity: Year Group Reception
Bug Club (When Children are ready)
Weekly (When Children are ready)
When necessary
1 Piece
Bug Club
Maths and when appropriate Topic
1 Piece
Bug Club
Maths and when appropriate Topic
1 Piece
Bug Club
Maths + English + 1 other
1 Piece
Bug Club
Maths + English + 1 other
1 piece
Bug Club
Maths + English + 1 other
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
School Uniform School uniform is compulsory for all students attending the school. We believe that wearing school uniform in a proud and smart manner promotes positive self-esteem and therefore is integral to the ethos of the school. All students are expected to arrive at school everyday in clean clothes, to be worn in a tidy manner. We expect our students to take pride in their school uniform! School uniform consists of a summer and winter uniform. However, as Brasilia experiences a tropical climate there will be times throughout the year when either uniform could be worn. We therefore leave it to the discretion of parents to decide the most appropriate uniform for a specific day. Appropriate shoes are an important part of the school uniform and must be worn by all students. These should be black, leather and formal in style. They should not be black sports shoes.
On days that they have PE, students should wear their PE uniform. On all other days full uniform is required, including ties and blazers for all primary students. Uniform will also be worn on class educational trips. (Either PE or full uniform depending on the nature of the trip) A house colour T-shirt is also part of the school uniform and can be worn on PE days as well as during house competitions. Details of our school uniform are outlined on our school website. Parents will be notified if students are not wearing appropriate school uniform. Other items Sun hats are a vital part of our school uniform and it is compulsory that all children wear one whilst on the playground otherwise they will not be allowed to play. General Appearance For safety reasons, children are advised not to wear necklaces, bracelets or earrings to school (except for stud earrings). Hair should be worn in a neat style and long hair should always be tied back. Mohicans, tramlines and bright colours are not considered appropriate hairstyles for school. If a child attends school with a hairstyle that is deemed inappropriate the Headteacher will inform the parents and request a more suitable style. Temporary tattoos and nail varnish are not appropriate for school and should be cleaned off before children attend.
What you will need for school The school will provide all equipment necessary for lessons including exercise books and stationery. However, children are permitted to bring equipment from home as long as it is kept in a pencil case and is suitable for class work. Individual cups for water will be provided for children however, if students prefer, they can bring to school their own water bottles. Please note that it is the responsibility of the parents to wash individual water bottles and that they must be clearly labeled with your child's name. Pre-Nursery children should bring their own blanket and small pillow for nap time and all children, in Foundation Stage and Primary classes, are encouraged to bring a toothbrush and toothpaste to school so they can clean their teeth after lunch. We also strongly recommend sending in suncream that has been clearly labelled with your child’s name, so this can be reapplied throughout the day as needed. Young children will be supported with this. The following items are not to be brought to school: ● Chewing gum/sweets/unhealthy snacks/ nuts or products containing nuts ● Toys or games unless for a special day or at the request of a teacher ● Music playing systems, mobile phones or any other electronic devices This is to ensure that children’s belongings do not get damaged or lost.
Standards of Behaviour Code of Conduct Our school’s code of conduct aims to achieve a positive atmosphere in which more time is spent on teaching and learning. We recognise that the school has a critical role to play in developing self-discipline in pupils. We aim to establish acceptable patterns of behaviour and to encourage pupils to develop a sense of responsibility, self-respect and a respect for other people, property and the environment. It is essential for parents and school to work in partnership so that the values encouraged by home and school are mutually reinforced.
All pupils are required to observe the following in line with the school's CALM Code: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Treat everyone with respect and courtesy. Behave in a way that aids learning during lessons Walk at all times when indoors. Walk on the left in corridors and staircases. Hold doors open for others. Remove coats, jackets and hats during lessons and at lunch. Make sure that classrooms and playgrounds are kept clean and tidy.
Bus Policy The school buses are an extension of the school and the same high expectations are still in place for all the pupils. There is often a wide range of ages present on a bus and the older children, especially, need to take care of how they behave and what they choose to talk about. There should be no inappropriate: ● Language ● Conversations ● Behaviour Each situation will be assessed accordingly, but if there are problems with a student on the bus then the following procedures will be followed: • First time – a warning • Second time – a second warning and a phone call home • Third time – a phone call home and a day off the bus • Fourth time – a phone call home and a fortnight off the bus • Fifth time – expulsion from the bus service If the student continues to misbehave, the student may be refused access to the bus service. Such incidences will be recorded in the student’s file. The class or Headteacher shall make any warnings and phone calls to parents. The organisation of the bus routes is extremely complex. In light of this, using the bus service to facilitate play dates and parties is strongly discouraged.
Health Regular daily attendance is expected but sometimes absence is unavoidable due to sickness. Please inform the school if your child is unable to attend by sending an email to the class teacher and the school receptionist. If your child uses the bus service it is imperative that you inform the school/bus monitor as soon as possible to avoid delaying the bus. If your child is sick, they should not be sent to school to avoid passing on the sickness to others. A period of 24 hours should be observed to ensure symptoms have abated. If the school feels that a child has returned to school too soon, parents will be contacted to collect their child immediately. Please advise us of any medical problems your child may have when there is an allergy to materials or food. Please ensure that the health questionnaire has been completed before your child's first day.
If your child becomes unwell and the class teacher feels that s/he may not be well enough to participate in lessons, they will be referred to the school nurse on site. After further observation, if the child is clearly not well enough to return to class, you may be telephoned to collect your child. Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the parents to collect their unwell child and the school cannot provide a driver in such circumstances. In extreme emergencies, such as serious injury or extreme sickness the school will make every effort to get the child to medical facilities. Medication can only be administered with written consent and directions from the parents. Medicines must be given to the nurse by the parent, not the child. If your child has had to visit the nurse due to injury you will be informed of the incident in writing. First Aid The school employs a full-time qualified nurse and designated staff are first-aid trained and can deal with dayto-day matters such as cuts or bruises and children who feel unwell whilst at school. In the unlikely event of a more serious accident all students will be escorted to a hospital. Parents will be telephoned immediately to inform you of the accident and asked to meet the child and nurse at the clinic.
Communication We aim to keep parents fully informed about events or developments at BSB in several ways: Class teachers will write a weekly update every Friday on their class blog which will inform parents of what has happened in class that week. There may be links to a class website and it will also include photographs and activities related to the children’s learning. At the beginning of each term a curriculum letter is sent home to inform parents of the topics and objectives that will be taught in the coming term. Class teachers are happy to discuss concerns parents may have about their child but are unable to do so during teaching time. Parents are asked not to contact class teachers in the morning for a lengthy chat as teachers and pupils are always anxious to begin their daily work. At the beginning of the year we will hold a meet the teacher event whereby parents will have an opportunity to get an insight into daily life and get an early chance to meet members of staff. Additionally, parents are often invited to support class assemblies, activities, open days and curriculum days in order to be involved in school life as much as possible. Finally, reports are also sent out during each term followed by a formal Parent Teacher Consultation. This will ensure that progress is shared on a regular basis. During term term two there will be a pupil led consultation instead of a formal written report. In order to maintain consistent lines of communication we ask that you ensure that your contact details, including mobile phones and email addresses, remain regularly updated with the school office.
House System
On entry to the school each child will be allocated a house and members of the same family placed in the same house. We will seek a balance of male and female students in each house. Teachers will be assigned to be responsible for a House and, in the first month will meet with the House members. There will be further House meetings throughout the year to promote team spirit and competition.
The House system will have two parts: • Children gain house points for individual awards relating to attainment, progress, effort and achievement • Internal competitions such as Sports day, Carnival and Swimming Gala
House points In Years 1-4, house points are awarded for excellent work, class contributions and effort. These are recorded on individual charts in the classroom and children are responsible for recording these. There is a consistent approach in classes for recording house points. Children are awarded just one certificate for achieving a specific amount of house points each month depending on the milestone they get to. These are given out during sharing assemblies: 20 = Bronze certificate 30 = Silver certificate 40 = Gold certificate 50 = Platinum certificate NOTE: At the end of each month, house point totals revert back to zero for each child. Each month, house point totals are collected for each house from each class. The totals are announced in assembly at the end of every month. An accumulation of house points throughout the year will determine the overall winners at the end of the academic year.
Foundation Stage Rewards In Foundation Stage, house points are awarded for excellent work, effort, achievement and excellent displays of social skills. These are recorded on individual treasure maps in the classroom. The children are responsible for adding stickers to their treasure map. Different coloured stickers will be used every month to allow teachers to calculate how many have been awarded per month. These points contribute to the whole school's House Point system. Certificates are awarded to the children for achieving specific amounts of points as below: 10 = Steel 20 = Bronze 30 = Silver 40 = Gold 50 = Platinum 60= Sapphire 70= Emerald 80= Ruby 90= Topaz 100= Diamond 150 = Headteacher's Award NOTE: Following the Christmas break the house point totals revert back to zero for each child. Positive Behaviour Policy Within each all classrooms we have a positive behaviour system to reward and reinforce the learning skills that are so important to successful learning. Each class agrees and displays a set of class expectations based around the whole school CALM Code that they feel will promote effective learning. Although we aim to make learning dynamic and fun, from an early age children are taught how to return to a place of reflective calm. As such, the CALM Code is used across the school to develop our pupils as "self-managing" individuals who are able to set and maintain high standards of behaviour in every situation. The following code should be shared and displayed in classes and should form part of the class behaviour agreement:
CALM Code Communicate politely Act kindly Listen carefully Move sensibly
The teachers and TAs will then reinforce effective learning skills through praise and by rewarding examples with a marble (House Point for FS children). In KS 1 and 2, for every 100 marbles collected, the class earns a reward. The rewards are chosen by the class at the start of term and displayed alongside the agreements. For the first 100 marbles the class will earn a 15-minute reward while the final 500 marble reward may involve a whole afternoon of fun. The rewards should reflect the amount of marbles earned. A class display should reflect a running total of marbles earned. In KS1 and KS2, alongside this there is a set of clearly defined and displayed sanctions for those instances where the behaviour of a child is disrupting the learning of others. The stages of sanctions are as follows and represent each time learning is disturbed during a teaching session: Stage 1: You are reminded of the class agreement and told not to disturb learning. Stage 2: You are reminded of the class agreement; initials are written on a board. Stage 3: You must work in another classroom Stage 4: You must discuss your difficulties with the headteacher and possibly your parents if the disruptive behaviour continues. Each of the stages will be carried out discreetly so as not to draw attention to the disruptive behaviour. The aim of this policy is to create a positive learning environment within classes and a sense of togetherness as everyone helps to earn marbles for the chosen shared rewards. Foundation Stage Positive Behaviour Management In the Foundation stage, we are committed to laying the foundations for children to be able to make positive behavior choices. We reinforce appropriate choices through a positive behaviour system that motivates children to take responsibility for their own choices and actions. It consists of 3 images; a sun, a sun behind a cloud and a thundercloud. Each morning, the children begin with a picture of their face on the sun. If, however, a child makes a poor behavior choice and are given a warning, they consequently move their picture to the sun behind the cloud. If a child is given a second warning then their picture is moved across to the thundercloud, the child will have time out on the thinking chair to reflect upon their behaviour for 1 - 2 minutes. Afterwards, the child has the opportunity to reflect on their poor behaviour choices with the help of an adult. It is important that the child can identify the poor behaviour choice and can think of some positive behaviour choices before joining the rest of their peers. After every session e.g after lunch or tidy up time, or once the child has displayed positive behaviour for a sustained period of time, the child’s picture will then return to the sun.
Citizenship Award We reward children for displaying exceptionally good manners and citizenship skills with our Star Citizen Award. A record of Star Citizens is kept in the Star Citizen Book which can be read by any member of the school community. The book is kept in a shared area of the school throughout the week for names to be added to. This award is announced every week during assembly time when the acts of good citizenship are shared with the rest of the school and the pupil(s) awarded with a Star Citizen badge and congratulated. In addition to this, the names of star citizens will be displayed in a communal area of the school and the Headteacher will communicate their successes to the parent community.
BSB Birthdays Policy At The British School of Brasilia we feel that a child’s birthday is an important day in their lives and that it should be celebrated. In order to keep celebrations appropriate and to ensure the minimum of disruption to the school day, we ask that the following requests be observed: 1. A small cake is allowed to be brought to school to share with the class, but must be 100% nut free. No other food or drink should be provided. 2. Parents must arrange the cake delivery with the teacher at least 3 days in advance and must not turn up unannounced. 4. Gift bags, balloons or other small gifts should not be distributed to the other children in the class as this can cause an unwanted precedent for other parents. 5. Entertainers, such as clowns or magicians, are not permitted. 6. The celebration must cause the minimum of disruption to the school day and the requests of the class teacher should be respected at all times and never questioned. Birthday Parties Outside of School The responsibilities of teachers and admin staff at The British School of Brasilia are vast and varied. As a result, it is not possible for any member of the school team to be involved in the organisation of children’s birthday parties that take place outside of school. The following guidelines should be observed at all times: 1. Invitations to parties may be distributed by the child to other members of the class or school. In Foundation Stage, teachers can assist in placing invites into bags or folders, but only when the whole class have been invited to the party. 2. Invitations should contain all relevant information regarding organisation, timings, location and correspondence. These should be completed by the parents including all names and other details. 3. Teachers and admin staff cannot assist in the collection of party invitations. This should be made clear on the party invitation. 4. Teachers and admin staff cannot assist in the logistical organisation of parties such as buses and other transportation. 5. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to organise all aspects of parties outside of school. Teachers and admin staff should not be approached or contacted about these matters.
School Complaints Procedure The school welcomes all feedback of all kinds from parents. On occasion you might feel that our service has fallen below the levels of your expectation, or require further explanation on an area of which you are unsure. If you have a complaint regarding any non-financial matter concerning the school, the first point of contact is normally your child’s class teacher. They will take the matter up for you and will do one of two things; 1) Reply directly within 24 hours when possible. 2) Pass the matter to the appropriate person. Please note that email is the preferred method of handling communication with class teachers as they are busy during the day and cannot respond to phone calls. Alternatively, a meeting can be requested via the reception desk. If the complaint is regarding the class teacher and you feel that it would not be appropriate to raise it with them, you may contact the Headteacher directly. All complaints are handled as swiftly as possible and in confidence where appropriate/requested. Parents will be kept up to date of the progress of their enquiry throughout the process. Urgent matters of child welfare (safety) should be immediately addressed to the school in person and a meeting will be arranged as soon as possible with the Headteacher. Complaints of a financial nature should be directed to the school’s Finance Department.
In Summary We hope that this handbook provides an informative introduction to the school. Of course not every piece of information will be here and if you should need any further guidance, please feel free to contact the appropriate member of the school for further advice. We look forward to working with you this year!
EQS 708/907, Lote C, Asa Sul, Brasilia - DF, 70390-079, Brazil
+55 (61) 3248 3694