Secondary Handbook
Table of Contents Welcome from the Headteacher ....................................................................................................... 3 Welcome from the Head of Upper Primary and Secondary School ................................................. 4 Academic calendar 2015-2016 ........................................................................................................ 5 School hours ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Arrival & departure procedures ......................................................................................................... 6 Security ............................................................................................................................................. 7 After School Activities ....................................................................................................................... 7 School uniform .................................................................................................................................. 8 What you will need for school ......................................................................................................... 11 School Lunch .................................................................................................................................. 12 Behaviour ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Merit system ................................................................................................................................... 13 School bus ...................................................................................................................................... 14 Attendance...................................................................................................................................... 14 Health and first aid .......................................................................................................................... 15 Role of the parent ........................................................................................................................... 16 Home/School communication ........................................................................................................ 16 Homework ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Educational visits & residential trips ............................................................................................... 19 Meeting Student Needs .................................................................................................................. 19 In Summary .................................................................................................................................... 20
Welcome from the Headteacher Dear Parents and Students, It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 20152016 school year at The International School of Moscow. We extend a very warm welcome to all new and returning students and parents as we enter our ninth year here in Moscow. Our aspiration is to achieve a World Class Education for all pupils in our growing community that incorporates ISM Rosinka and both sites at ISM Krylatskoe. We are fortunate to be governed by the Executive Board of The British Schools Foundation, a network of schools established across the globe. We are looking forward to providing your child with an exceptional educational experience. Following on from our outstandingly successful ISI inspection in 2013, we will continue to build on our reputation of excellence as we seek to meet the needs of all students enrolled in our school. Our staff members are enthusiastic and passionate about teaching, and bring a wealth of experience and expertise. At The International School of Moscow (ISM), we have created a stimulating, safe and positive learning environment, with high expectations of achievement, endeavour and behaviour. We are committed to making the curriculum accessible to all students through utilising a range of teaching styles and state of the art technology, which will motivate our students to develop independent, life-long learning skills. As ISM’s Headteacher, my role is to establish a culture that promotes excellence, equality and high expectations of all students. We value the opinions of our parents, therefore please feel free to send an email, call or arrange a visit. Parent input is invaluable and I look forward to working with you in the most important job you have - educating your child. We hope you will find this handbook useful and look forward to working closely with you to ensure the success of ISM and our students. Yours sincerely,
Mr Paul Keach Headteacher
Welcome from the Head of Upper Primary and Secondary School Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to The International School of Moscow’s Secondary School (ISM). I am delighted that you have selected us as the school of choice for your son or daughter. In making this choice, you have given us the responsibility of nurturing your child through school, from childhood to the brink of adulthood. This is a responsibility we take very seriously. I am, of course, extraordinarily proud of our dedicated staff. Each and every day they strive to provide your son and daughter with the very best education. The staff at ISM are the finest I have seen. They are conscientious and thoroughly committed to every child that walks through our doors. I am proud to be associated with them. Staff in our school demonstrate consummate professionalism and a determination to provide the highest standards in education. You can be reassured that the staff here genuinely care about your child’s academic progress. In addition, they never fail to go the “extra mile” to ensure that your sons and daughters are fully prepared for the rigours of the modern world. We pride ourselves in producing students who will, without doubt, shape the future of the world in which we live. As a basis for this, we follow the English National Curriculum and everything we do is enriched by a range of stimulating subjects and events throughout the year. ISM students complete IGCSE and A Level courses and are prepared for entry into the top universities worldwide. Our After Schools Activities (ASAs) programme is broad and exciting. Students will be given the opportunity to develop their talents in a range of disciplines, from the Arts to Sport, from Debating to Film Making. Students from our school compete on the international stage in competitions with other schools and this experience, and success, enriches their lives and, unquestionably, the lives of all those with whom they come into contact. I urge all of our students to actively involve themselves in these activities, and of course our residential trip programme, to challenge themselves, to nurture their talent but most of all to help them stand out from the crowd in our increasingly competitive world. Finally, may I wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2015-2016 academic year. I look forward to working with you in ensuring that your sons and daughters maximize their potential and be the success we know they can be.
Mr. Dean Moore Head of Upper Primary and Secondary School ISM Krylatskoe
Academic calendar 2015-2016 Autumn term Mon Aug 31 – Fri Oct 23 Mon Oct 24 – Fri Oct 30 Mon Nov 2 – Fri Dec 18
8 weeks Half term break 7 weeks
Spring term Mon Jan 11 – Frid Feb 19 Mon Feb 22 – Frid Feb 26 Mon Feb 29 – Thu Mar 24
6 weeks Half term break 4 weeks
Summer term Mon Apr 4 – Fri Jul 1
13 weeks
Please note: • May 9 the school is closed due to the Russian Victory Day • The last day of each term will be a noon finish
School hours 08:25 - 08:40 Registration/tutor time (arrive 8:25am at the latest) 08:40 - 09:45 Lesson 1 09:45 - 10:50 Lesson 2 10:50 - 11:10 Moring break 11:10 - 12:15 Lesson 3 12:15 - 13:20 Lesson 4 13:20 - 14:20 Lunch 14:20 - 15:25 Lesson 5 15:25 - 16:25 After School Activities (Departure from school at 16:30pm on ASA days) After School Activities will take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays each term. Specific dates will be indicated on the school calendar at the beginning of each term. Secondary school assemblies will take place during lesson 5 on Friday afternoons. Tutor time is used to welcome and register the students, complete any class administration tasks (e.g. letters to go home) and prepare for prompt starting of lessons. It is essential that students arrive at their classrooms for the beginning of tutor time so that they can begin the day with their classmates and teachers and, of course, are properly registered. Please understand that tutors will not be available to meet with parents once their tutor sessions begin. Vertical Tutoring In Key Stages 3 and 4, we operate a Vertical Tutoring System. This enables students from Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 to work together during Tutor Time at the beginning of each school day. Vertical Tutor groups are organised by House, meaning that in Normans Tutor Group 1, there will Students from the Normans House from Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Through the Vertical Tutoring System, students’ social skills improve considerably through interacting with peers with whom they do not attend lessons. The House spirit is also nurtured so that students from respective vertical tutor groups come together to organise activities for events such as Sports Day and Family Fun Day.
Arrival & departure procedures Students should not arrive in classrooms before 8:15am. This is to ensure that teachers have sufficient planning, meeting and preparation time at the beginning of the school day. All students should, however, be in class ready for registration at 8:25am at the latest. At the beginning of each session, please ensure that a security guard or the bus monitor (whichever is appropriate) receives your son/ daughter. Students should not be left alone before the start of school. It will help the morning routine enormously if parents do not enter the school building unless there is a specific reason to meet with a member of staff. Please ensure that you or a designated guardian collects your son/daughter from a member of the security staff at the end of each day from the front entrance of the school. Those students using the school bus service will be allocated a classroom in which they will be registered before being accompanied to their bus and safely taken home. Pickup Points When it is not raining or snowing, all students are to be collected from outside the school entrance. It will help the end of school routine enormously if parents do not enter the school building unless there is a specific reason to meet with a member of staff. Of course, on very wet days, parents/guardians may enter the school and wait in the reception area. Please be aware that security staff need to hand your son or daughter over to you. Please assist in this process by ensuring that the member of security is aware that you have received your son/daughter. If, for any reason, you have been delayed, please telephone the school so that we are aware and can inform your child to avoid any unnecessary anxiety. If you are unable to collect your child, please inform the school at your earliest convenience as to who will be collecting your child. For security reasons, teachers will not release a child to an unauthorised person.
Security There is no issue that the school takes more seriously than the safety of our students. We have security guards at the front gate to ensure unauthorised personnel do not enter the school grounds and all visitors entering the school are required to sign in and out. All families will be asked to have their photographs taken by ISM security team or send in electronic photos so that ID cards can be made for any adult picking up a child. No adult will be allowed on the school grounds without their ID card. Please support us in this. It is essential that we have an accurate record of who is authorised to collect your child and their photograph in order to make an ID card. We will not release a child to the custody of a different adult unless we have received notification from the child’s parent. If you need to collect your child during the school day please ensure that you inform your class teacher in advance. Parents will need to sign in, then they may go to collect their son/daughter from the classroom. Early Release Slip will need to be collected from the front desk before leaving the school premises. Parents should provide the school with at least two contact telephone numbers in case of emergencies. It is vital that you inform the school of any changes to these contact numbers.
After School Activities The after school activities (ASAs) programme offers a range of activities including Sports, Music, Art, and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL). The opportunity for students to develop interests beyond the classroom is an integral part of the school. ASAs run on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school and are available to all students. The ASAs are organised by staff members and outside instructors. Generally, there is no charge except when they may take place off site or are run by external tutors. ASAs generally start near to the beginning of each term, once the usual routines are established. You will be notified of the clubs on offer in advance so that you can assist your child in choosing the preferred activities. Once an ASA is chosen for each term, it is important that the student remains committed to that activity. Certain ASAs may require a commitment across more than one term. Students and families will, of course, be made aware of the requirements of the activities that they select.
School uniform School uniform is compulsory for all students attending the school. We believe that wearing school uniform in a proud and smart manner promotes positive self-esteem and, therefore, is integral to the ethos of the school. All students are expected to arrive at school every day in clean clothes, which are to be worn in a tidy manner. We expect our students to take pride in their school uniform. Blazers may be worn any day but are compulsory for Assembly days when all students will be required to wear their blazers every week. All students should wear PE uniform to school on PE days. You will be informed about these days at the beginning of the academic year. At the discretion of the PE staff secondary students will be required to shower and change after their PE lessons. The Headteacher will give guidance regarding the dates when summer and winter uniforms are to be worn, according to the seasonal weather conditions. Summer uniform will be required at the beginning of the year. Below is the set uniform for Secondary students: Boys
P.E and Miscellaneous
Other Items Footwear is an important aspect of the school uniform; the correct socks and shoes complete the uniform (see above). Shoes should be made of black leather, be business-like style and worn each day. On PE days, students must wear appropriate footwear for the activity on offer - normally training/sports shoes. All students should wear regular PE uniform for lessons and house colours for competitions and events only. Use of coats and anoraks are encouraged during cold and rainy days, and sunhats on sunny days. A pair of indoor and outdoor shoes is also required throughout the year and is essential during the winter months. Girls may wear tailored trousers in winter. We encourage independence in our students. This does mean at times that items can go temporarily missing. With this in mind, please label all items of school uniform with the student’s name and class. General Appearance For safety reasons the wearing of earrings (except studs), or other jewellery (metal or plastic) must not be permitted during sporting activities, PE or swimming. They represent potential hazards to all participants. Medical, professional and occupational safety advice confirms that they should be avoided at all times. Hair should be worn in a neat style. Please note that mohicans, tramlines and bright colours are not considered appropriate hairstyles for school. If a student attends school with a hairstyle that is deemed inappropriate, the Head of Secondary will inform the parents and request a more suitable style. Make up and nail varnish are not permitted in school. Furthermore, a student may be required to wear hair tied back and/or to remove jewellery if it is deemed hazardous to an activity. Sixth Form Dress Expectations The same philosophy applies to the sixth form as the rest of the school with an expectation that all sixth form pupils dress in a business-like manner. The clothes should be in good repair, clean and smart.
Boys A business suit of charcoal grey, black or navy blue colour A plain pastel coloured shirt Plain black, polished leather shoes of a sensible style for moving around the site A plain knit V-necked jumper may be worn (navy blue, grey or black) A dark coat may be worn over the school blazer. The coat must be longer than the jacket. A tie appropriate to the workplace Girls A business suit jacket with skirt or trousers A Pastel coloured professional blouse Plain tights or pop socks of skin-colour Black closed toe shoes with a modest heel (no more than one inch) 6th Form: Make up and Nail Varnish Make-up should be discreet Nail varnish must be natural in colour 6th form: Jewellery and Tattoos Jewellery should be kept to a minimum. Students may wear a watch, one discreet necklace beneath the shirt and one ring. Girls may wear one small stud in the earlobe of each ear. No other piercings must be visible. No bracelets or wristbands are to be worn. No student should have tattoos that are visible at any time, including when in casual clothes or PE kit.
What you will need for school Water Bottles: • Each student will be asked to bring their own re-useable water bottle to school • The bottle should be individual and never shared with others • It should be clearly labelled with the name and class of the student • The bottle will be returned home at the end of each day to be washed • Only water should be contained in the bottles - no juice, carbonated drinks or flavoured drinks • Water dispensers will be available at school for refills whenever required Storage & Usage: • Water bottles will be stored neatly in class and students will be able to carry them to specialist lessons • Teachers will establish clear routines in their class to ensure drinks are available to students at certain times, but do not interrupt their lessons in anyway • Please note that students may not be permitted to use water bottles in locations which are deemed hazardous, e.g. in the vicinity of ICT and/or electrical equipment Resources All Secondary students are expected to bring a pencil case to school every day with personal items needed for the school day. These items include black, blue and green pens, a ruler, pencils, coloured pencils, rubber/eraser, pencil sharpener, compass and protractor. This pencil case should be brought to school in a bag where other personal items may be kept. Students are responsible for ensuring that they bring their school mobile device fully charged to school every day. Prohibited Items It is school policy not to bring the following items to school: • Chewing gum and sweets • Toy or real weapons of any kind including guns • Toys or games unless at the request of a teacher • Music-playing systems, mobile phones or any other electronic devices not supplied by the school. This is to ensure that students’ belongings do not get damaged or lost. If a parent needs to contact a student urgently, a message can be passed through the school office.
School Lunch A hot and nutritious lunch is served to all children in school. School lunches are paid for in advance along with tuition fees. If you have not already informed the school that your child has dietary restrictions (whether for health, religious or allergy reasons), please do so immediately. We will inform the school kitchen and special arrangements will be made to provide proper suitable alternatives. Snacks Students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack for morning break. This should consist of fresh fruit or a wholesome, nutritious snack. ISM discourages sugar-laden foods for health reasons and also because they can often have a negative effect on concentration and learning. Under no circumstances should snacks be shared amongst students. Please note that, due to existing serious allergies present within the school, snacks with nuts must be avoided. ISM is a nut-free zone.
Behaviour Our school’s code of conduct aims to achieve a positive atmosphere in which more time is spent on teaching and learning. We recognise that the school has a critical role to play in developing self-discipline in students. We aim to establish acceptable patterns of behaviour and to encourage students to develop a sense of responsibility, self-respect and a respect for other people, property and the environment. It is essential for parents and the school to work in partnership so that the values encouraged by home and school are mutually reinforced. The following outlines the key expectations we have of students: • Treat everyone with respect and courtesy • Behave in a way that aids learning during lessons • Walk at all times when indoors • Walk on the left in corridors and staircases • Hold doors open for others • Remove coats, jackets and hats during lessons and at lunch • Make sure that classrooms and playgrounds are kept clean and tidy; litter should be placed in bins • Greet the teacher and guests in the school • Speak and listen in turn • Always look after classroom resources and ensure that furniture and resources are tidy at the end of lessons • Knock and wait to be invited into the room if late for class • Do not leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission • No eating and drinking in the classroom – except water, and with the teacher’s permission • Students are responsible for clearing trays, plates, etc., after break and lunch All students are encouraged, taught and expected to demonstrate high standards of behaviour. We value highly the qualities of self-discipline, self-respect and respect for others and their property. We encourage all students to act as positive citizens and bullying will not be tolerated at our school.
Merit system On entry to the school, each student will be allocated a house, with members of the same family being placed in the same house. We always seek a balance of male and female students in each house. The house names and colours are as follows:
The whole school is involved in the merit system and each teacher and assistant teacher will be part of a house. There will be regular house assemblies held throughout the year. The first meeting elects house captains for each house (one boy and one girl). The House system comprises two parts: 1. Merit system, where students gain house points for individual awards relating to their progress and efforts in all aspects of school life. 2. Inter-house competitions such as sports days, swimming galas, poetry and music competitions.
School bus The school buses are an extension of the school, and the same high expectations are still in place for all the students. Bus monitors are present on each school bus to keep students safe. They are, in effect, the ‘teacher’ on the bus and should be listened to carefully and treated appropriately. There is often a wide range of ages present on a bus, and the older students especially are encouraged to be mindful of how they behave and what they choose to talk about. Consequently, there should be no inappropriate: • • • •
Language Conversations Behaviour Music
If there are problems with a student on the bus then the following procedures will be followed: First time: Second time: Third time: Fourth time: Fifth time:
Verbal warning Verbal warning and a phone call home Phone call home and a day off the bus Phone call home and a fortnight off the bus Expulsion from the bus service
If the student continues to misbehave, the student may be refused access to the bus service. Such incidences are recorded in the student’s file. The class teacher/tutor makes any warnings and phone calls to parents. In the case of repeated warnings, the class teacher/tutor notifies the phase leader and/or Headteacher, which may result in further action being taken.
Attendance Regular daily attendance is essential if students are to achieve their potential. We ask that parents support attendance at school wherever possible. Absence from school for reasons which are neither health-related nor involving an emergency are strongly discouraged and should be kept to a minimum, since frequent absence can result in the student falling behind - perhaps seriously - in his/her studies and/or missing key assessments. Parents who are aware of such future absences should inform the class teacher/tutor and seek permission from the Head of Site as far in advance as possible. If students are unable to achieve the standards required to enter the next year group due to poor attendance, the following actions make take place at the discretion of the Headteacher: 1. The student will be asked to repeat the year 2. The student may be asked to withdraw from the school Please note that it is not school policy to provide work for students who are absent. Parents will receive notification of the number of absences in the class teacher’s/tutor’s report at the end of term.
Absence Through Sickness While regular daily attendance is important, sometimes absence is unavoidable through sickness. Please inform the school if your child is unable to attend school for health reasons. Please telephone as early as possible after 8:00am and leave a message for the Form tutor. If your son or daughter uses the bus service, it is imperative that you inform the school/bus monitor as soon as possible in order to avoid delaying the bus. In order for us to ensure the health and safety of your son or daughter, please advise us of any medical problems your child may have when there is an allergy to materials or food. Please ensure that the health questionnaire has been completed. If your son or daughter becomes unwell and the class teacher/tutor feels that s/he may not be well enough to participate in lessons, the student will be referred to the school nurse on site. After further observation, if the student is clearly not well enough to return to class, you may be telephoned to collect your child. Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the parents to collect an unwell child, and that the school cannot provide a driver in such circumstances. Please ensure that school always has updated contact phone numbers.
Health and first aid The school employs a full-time qualified nurse on each site and many of our staff are first-aiders who can deal with day-to-day matters such as cuts or bruises, and students who feel unwell whilst at school. In the unlikely event of a more serious accident, emergency services will be called to the school and parents will be telephoned immediately. In consultation with parents, transportation will be organised to a hospital or international clinic. Medicine For Students Academic and administrative staff are prohibited from giving any medication to students whilst on site. School nurses require a prescription from a doctor with the doctor’s signature and stamp in order to administer any medication to a child. If this cannot be provided, a family representative known to the school will need to give medicine to the student.
Role of the parent At ISM we acknowledge the importance of involving our parents in their child’s education and we encourage the support of parents throughout the school. Parents are often invited to support class assemblies, activities, open days and curriculum days in order to be involved in school life as much as possible. Each tutor group will elect a parent class representative (normally at the Curriculum evening) who will act as a liaison with the class teacher/tutor for such events. In addition to your role within school we also encourage your support with your child’s learning at home. At ISM we consider homework to be an excellent way to review or reinforce work taught in school rather than a way to extend learning. Please get in touch if you would like to offer some of your spare time in school. We would love to have your input.
Home/School communication At ISM we greatly value working in partnership with parents and guardians to ensure the very best for your children. As part of this, we place a strong emphasis on opening up many avenues of communication between parents and teachers. Please take the time to read the following to help you understand the different ways that we can share information with each other. Daily Communication: •
Parent Portal. Most communication from the school is provided via the online Parent Portal. Therefore, it is essential that all parents review all of the information on the Portal regularly. Not only will information from key staff members be presented there but also important calendar events that we would hate you to miss.
Email. Critical/individual communication can also be maintained by email, though we ask you to do this selectively and concisely so that email communication remains manageable for teachers and they can focus on their classroom work. The class teacher would be the first point of contact on most issues. When appropriate, they will refer any important issues to the Senior Leadership Team. If you wish advice on administrative aspects of school our admin team are always happy to help.
Weekly: • Weekly Update. Each week a message from the Head of Site will be posted on the Parent Portal. Half termly • School newsletter will be published on the Portal and the school website every half term. It includes articles from staff and students and photos celebrating what the children have done throughout this period. Termly: • Curriculum Letters. At the beginning of each term, a curriculum letter is sent out to inform parents of the topics and objectives that will be taught in the coming term.
School Reports. Each term you will receive a full written report on your child’s progress and attainment.
Parent Teacher Consultations. These take place 3 times a year and give you the opportunity to talk one-to-one with the teacher about your child’s progress, development and targets.
Additional Information and Correspondence during the Year: • Meet the Teacher. During the third week of Term 1, a ‘Meet The Teacher’ evening will be held, during which time parents will be invited to visit the classroom of their son or daughter and gain an insight into their new class and teaching staff. It is also an opportunity for the teachers to share important information about class procedures and expectations. •
Class Timetable. This timetable indicates which activity your child is doing at what time during the week.
Curriculum Overviews. These will be posted directly onto our school website and is an overview of what the year group will be addressing.
News. We have regular updates of school activities provided by the news coordinator on each site via newsletter, website and postings.
Face-to-face. Class teachers/tutors are happy to discuss concerns you may have about your son or daughter but are unable to do so during teaching time. Any small issue that can be discussed briefly at drop off or pick up time, must be completed outside of lesson time.
In order to maintain consistent lines of communication, we ask that you ensure that your contact details including mobile phones and email addresses remain regularly updated with the school office.
Homework Homework should be: • Manageable for parents, students and teachers • Directly related to students’ class work and the school curriculum • Regarded as important and monitored by parents and teachers • Clearly understood by all students in term of objectives and feedback Expectations Key Stage Three (Years 7, 8 and 9) While homework is an integral part of studies here at ISM, the school is conscious of the need for a balance between academic work and home life and recreation. Consequently, subject teachers set homework that should be easily completed independently by the student within the stipulated time frames. Years 7 and 8 students will be given two assignments on each evening from Mondays to Thursdays and one assignment on Friday, each assignment lasting approximately 30 to 45 minutes. Year 9 students will be given two assignments each lasting between 45 minutes and 1 hour on each evening from Monday to Friday. Key Stage 4 and 5 (Years 10, 11, 12 and 13) Given the increased demands of the GCE, IGCE and A Level programmes, in years 10, 11, 12 and 13 students will not have a specific homework timetable with stipulated timeframes. Homework can be set by any subject teacher on the days on which that subject is taught. Individual assignments, for example essays, can be more extensive than what is generally the norm at key stage 3. However, students are afforded longer time frames in which to complete the work and teachers will rarely expect homework to be completed for the day after it has been set. Furthermore, the maturity of the students at this stage of their academic career allows for some degree of negotiation between the teacher and the students and between the teachers themselves in respect of timelines and deadlines in order to avoid overload on any particular day, or where a major and lengthy assignment is due during any particular week. Assignments may not always be written. Research, learning, revision and completion of projects may also be set as homework. Parents should inform the teacher if an assignment has taken markedly longer than the stipulated time. Students are provided with homework timetables. Parents are encouraged both to monitor their son/daughter and to ensure that they have a quiet place to work without distractions. While Internet research may be required for the completion of certain assignments, parents should check that their son/daughter is not simultaneously accessing online communication sites and/or programmes such as Facebook or Yahoo messenger (which may, of course, be the reason why the assignment has taken markedly longer than expected). A student who fails to produce a piece of homework punctually or produces work which is incomplete or well below his/her capabilities will be given a verbal warning which will be noted. On the second occasion, a written warning will be noted, advising of a lunchtime detention should a third instance occur. A third instance of unsatisfactory homework will result in a lunchtime detention. Thereafter, if the matter has not been satisfactorily resolved, the Form Tutor will contact the parents to arrange a meeting in order to discuss further strategies.
Educational visits & residential trips Educational visits are crucial opportunities to learn beyond the classroom and each secondary department is encouraged to take learning beyond the walls of the school through curriculumrelated trips. In the Secondary School, we offer the opportunity for our students to enjoy an annual residential trip with their respective year groups. Trips take place both in Russia and abroad over a one-week period. This opportunity is of great benefit in supporting independence, maturity and self-esteem and for many students is the highlight of the academic year. Previous residential experiences have included kayaking adventures in the Ardeche, outwards bounds in Lake Baikal, safari and cultural exchange in Tanzania and charity work in Cambodia. In Key Stage 4 and 5, opportunities are more subject-based and relate directly to studies. Every effort is made by the organising staff to share information and costs at an early stage. We hope that all students will be able to attend their residential trip. For those that are not able to go, a topic-related programme is offered at ISM during the residential week. For those students that enjoy a real challenge, we offer the opportunity to complete the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award at bronze, silver and, for those exceptionally committed students, gold level. These awards are designed to enhance the life experience of students through personal challenge and work in the community. Work Experience In Year 10, ISM students will spend one week gaining ‘Work Experience’. All students will work within in an organisation, gaining valuable life skills connected to the world of work. A work placement may be set up by the student if they have a particular interest or contact in a certain area of work. However, when a student / parent is unable to set up their own Work Experience placement, our Careers Adviser will work closely with the individual student to try to set up a placement that will not only be of use to the organisation but will give the student a valuable opportunity to carry out a short term project in a real working environment where the student has a genuine interest. Preparation for University Our Careers Adviser works alongside our Head of Sixth Form to guide our students through the process of choosing courses, choosing universities and applying for universities all over the world. In Key Stage 4, students will begin attending careers lessons to help them with the process of deciding upon their best individual career paths. Throughout Key Stage 4 and 5, the number of these sessions will intensify and will include visits from universities from around the world. The aim of our Careers Department is to find the best course at the best possible university for every one of our students.
Meeting Student Needs A G & T (Able, Gifted and Talented) Following on from the programmes established in the Primary School, students with special abilities will continue to be challenged in the following ways: Able students will be accommodated by effective differentiation to challenge high ability groups in classes across the curriculum. Gifted students with exceptional academic potential will enter the gifted register and an IEP developed to ensure that progress and achievement in line with their abilities are achieved. This may be in one or multiple subjects.
Talented students with exceptional abilities in Drama, Music, Art or PE will enter the talented register and an IEP developed to ensure that performance or competitive opportunities in line with their abilities are achieved. This may be in one or multiple disciplines. Learning support Our aim is for all pupils to access the curriculum independently and with success in our Secondary School. A small number of students may benefit from support with their levels of English or to meet a specific learning need. We maintain registers for both English as an Additional Language (EAL) and moderate Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and provide support in line with our school admissions policies. Using English in school English is the first language of the school and we encourage it to be used as much as possible by all Secondary pupils. It is the one common language that all pupils will share and therefore has the capacity to unite all pupils. Students in Secondary School are therefore expected to be using English throughout the day.
In Summary 
 We hope that this handbook provides an informative introduction to our school. Of course, not every piece of information will be here and, if you should need any further guidance, please feel free to contact the appropriate member of the school for further advice. We look forward to working with you this year! All relevant contact details are available on our website. 

Buildings 5 & 6, Krylatskaya Street 12 Krylatskoe Moscow 121552 Russia +7 499 922 4499