The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
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A guide to Key Stage 3 at The King’s School, Manila
This Key Stage 3 handbook will introduce you to the specific policies and procedures which will help you to support your child becoming integrated into their life at the King’s School, Manila. Please take the time to read it through carefully and keep it on hand for future reference.
The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
Table Of Contents!
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The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
Key Stage 3! Term Dates
Term One Monday, 18 August First day of Academic Year Thursday, 21 August National Holiday (Ninoy Aquino Day) Monday, 25 August National Holiday (National Heroes Day) Monday – Friday, 13 - 17 October School closed for half term Friday, 12 December Last day of term - Noon finish
Term Two Monday, 5 January First day of term Monday – Friday, 16 – 20 February School closed for half term Wednesday, 25 February National Holiday (EDSA Revolution) Thursday, 2 April Last day of term - Noon finish
Term Three Monday, 20 April First day of term Friday, 1 May National Holiday (Labour Day) Monday – Friday, 25 - 29 May School closed for half term Friday, 12 June National Holiday (Independence Day) Tuesday, 14 July Last day of term - Noon finish
The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
Key Stage 3! Our Curriculum
The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
Key Stage 3! Our Curriculum As an independent school we follow the National Curriculum of England, but are not bound by its constraints. Instead we select the best parts of this to provide an education that is suitable for our pupils. The teaching and learning at Key Stage 3 therefore reflects the key concepts of the National Curriculum, and in addition reflects local cultural conditions and allows for extended opportunities and thorough preparation for IGCSE and beyond.!
! Curriculum outline! Subject
Periods per week
Learning skills
Tutorial times (2)
Personal development
KS3 assemblies (1)
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The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
Sample weekly timetable!
Home Room
Morning interval
x8:00 - 8:20
Home room study time
Home Rooms and Subject Groups! This year in KS3 your child’s classroom will be her or his Home Room; there are three Home Rooms and each is made up of children from Year 6, 7 and 8. We call this vertical grouping. Home Rooms meet every day for morning registration and the pupils have time to finish assignments, sort their notes, or read quietly. At the completion of this session the three classes rearrange into year groups for subject lessons. !
Home Rooms will convene again at the end of each day for study time, before the pupils go home. Lessons such as Drama, Citizenship, and weekly testing of basic skills will also be done as Home Rooms.!
Your child’s Home Room teacher will be your main contact for pastoral matters.! iPads for study! Each pupil in KS3 is issued an iPad for use in school and at home on school projects. All learning materials are loaded onto the iPads and pupils have access to Google mail and documents. Both child and parent will indicate an undertaking to care for IT equipment loaned by the school and to replace equipment if damaged. ! Music! Music continues to be taught twice a week with an additional singing assembly. Pupils build on the skills and previous knowledge they gained in KS2. At The King’s School the focus for KS3 music is to teach the pupils to:! • play and perform confidently in a range of solo and ensemble contexts using their voice, playing instruments musically, fluently and with accuracy and expression ! • improvise and compose; and extend and develop musical ideas by drawing on a range of musical structures, styles, genres and traditions ! • use staff and other relevant notations appropriately and accurately in a range of musical styles, genres and traditions !
The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
• identify and use the inter-related dimensions of music expressively and with increasing sophistication, including use of tonalities, different types of scales and other musical devices ! • listen with increasing discrimination to a wide range of music from great composers and musicians ! • develop a deepening understanding of the music that they perform and to which they listen, and its history.!
! Mandarin! Pupils at The King’s School have four lessons a week. Our Mandarin programme in KS3 focuses on developing the breadth and depth of pupils’ competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing, based on a sound foundation of core grammar and vocabulary. ! We aim to enable pupils to understand and communicate personal and factual information that goes beyond their immediate needs and interests, developing and justifying points of view in speech and writing, with increased spontaneity, independence and accuracy.!
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The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
P.E.! At King’s pupils in KS3 build on and embed the physical development and skills learned in Key Stages 1 and 2. There are two P.E. lessons a week with the focus on teaching pupils to:! • use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders, rugby and tennis] ! • develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports [for example, athletics and gymnastics] ! • perform dances using advanced dance techniques within a range of dance styles and forms ! • take part in outdoor and adventurous activities which present intellectual and physical challenges and be encouraged to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group ! • analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best ! • take part in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs. ! Dress! All students are expected to wear full King’s P.E. kit for every lesson. On P.E. days pupils in KS3 may wear their kit to school. For swimming they should bring a swimming costume, swimming cap and towel. Swimming goggles and sun cream are also advisable. All P.E. kit should be clearly labeled with the child’s name. Jewellery and watches should not be worn in lessons and long hair must be tied back."! Sickness / injury! In the event that a child is not able to take part in the lesson they must submit a letter from either their parents or a doctor to outline the reasons why. Students who cannot take part in a practical way will still be involved in the lesson in the form of assisting and observing.! After School Activities! The school provides a range of clubs and activities on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. We believe these are a key part of a child’s education and all pupils should attend. Pupils will be given a list of options at the start of each term and will be asked to select two activities per week by booking online. These bookings are accepted on a first come first served basis. It is school policy that pupils do not change ASA mid-way through the programme - an aim of the ASA programme is to inculcate perseverance by taking a choice through to the end. On ASA days, the school bus service will operate at 4:00 p.m. instead of 3:00 p.m.!
The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
Homework! A good, well-managed homework programme will help our pupils to develop the skills and attitudes they will need for successful lifelong learning. Homework also supports the development of independent learning skills and provides parents with an opportunity to take part in their children's education. Learning outside the classroom is an essential part of good education. Regular homework is important as it gives pupils the opportunity to practice at home the tasks covered in class, and helps pupils work towards improving important skills. It also helps children and young people to become confident and independent in their learning, which will help throughout their time at school and in adult life. The information below is intended as a guide only, and times will vary according to ability levels of groups and individuals.! Pupils in KS3 will be issued with a homework timetable. The complexities of the curriculum mean that it may sometimes be necessary for a teacher to set homework for completion on a future evening.!
! Recommended Homework Times:!
Other subjects
Year 6
3 x 20 mins
2 x 20 mins
45 mins
20 mins a day
1 from each
Year 7
3 x 25 mins
2 x 25 mins
1 hour
25 mins a day
1 from each
Year 8
3 x 25 mins
3 x 25 mins
1 hour
25 mins a day
1 from each
Year 9
3 x 30 mins
3 x 30 mins
1.5 hours
30 mins a day
1 from each
Homework set will be recorded in the pupil’s planner. All homework will be marked, and feedback given, but please bear in mind this may be as part of a wider piece of work.!
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The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
Key Stage 3! Pastoral System
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The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
Key Stage 3! Pastoral System House and Home Room System! Each pupil will join a school House team as a link with the wider school community. Members of the same family will be placed in the same House, and we try to ensure a balance of male and female pupils. The four Houses are:!
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! All pupils are placed in a tutor group, or Home Room, rather than a year group. The Home Room Tutor teacher will have overall responsibility for the academic and pastoral welfare of each pupil in their “class”. That teacher should be your first point of contact should you have any concerns. The Home Room group will meet every day for registration in the morning and academic tutorial in the afternoon. There are regular academic, sporting, creative, and intellectual inter-house events over the year.! House Points! House Points are awarded to students for their individual and team achievement and successes. House totals are logged in each classroom and when a child reaches the 25, 50, 100 and 200 House Points total they receive a certificate at one of our Friday assemblies. Overall records of House Points gained by each team in all House events are maintained throughout the year and the winning House receives the House Cup at the end of the academic year.
The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
Behaviour! Behavioural expectations at The King’s School are high. The guiding principles are those of trust, honesty and respect. Neglect of these principles and any behaviour which inhibits learning by pupils or affects the learning of others will not be tolerated. Pupils will treat the property and belongings of the School, and of others, with respect and consideration. Pupils will work hard and give their best in order to make the most of the opportunities available to them at King’s.! Reporting! All pupils will receive three reports each year. These reports will be placed onto your portal in the Assessment tab.! Operating concurrently throughout the school year are regular reviews of learning targets, test scores and pastoral attitudes. These are placed in both Assessment and Pastoral tabs of your portal. The key purpose of reporting is to summarise progress and inform pupils and parents of the steps needed to improve their work.! School Lunches & Snacks! A hot lunch is served to all children in school. School lunches are paid for in advance along with tuition fees. If you have not already informed the school that your child has dietary restrictions (whether for health, religious or allergy reasons), please do so immediately. We will inform the school kitchen and special arrangements will be made to provide suitable alternatives.! Nut Free School! Some children have severe allergies to peanuts in particular. Please be advised that the school is a nut-free zone. No products containing any nuts what-so-ever are allowed within the school premises.! First Aid! The school employs a full-time qualified nurse, who deals with day to day matters such as cuts and bruises, and those children who feel unwell whilst at school.! In the unlikely event of a more serious incident occurring at school, parents will be telephoned to inform them of the accident and if deemed necessary, they will be asked to meet the child and the School Nurse at the appointed clinic. Payment is the responsibility of the parent.! Health! Regular daily attendance at school is expected but sometimes absence is unavoidable through sickness. Please inform the school if your child is not able to attend - the most effective method is by email direct to your child’s tutor. Also, please inform the school immediately if your child has an infectious illness or condition (i.e. pink eye, head lice, chicken pox, German measles, ringworm etc). Children are not to come to school if they
The King’s School, Manila
August 2014
have a high temperature or other flu like symptoms and will be sent home immediately if found at school with these symptoms.! Medicines will only be administered in school in special circumstances and must be clearly labelled with your child’s name, and the required dosage and frequency. Such medication should be brought to the School Nurse, where you will be asked to sign a consent form to confirm the details.! Please advise us of any medical problems your child may have, particularly when there is an allergy to materials or food.! Keeping Us Informed! Parents are asked to keep the school informed of any changes that may occur to their home or telephone contact details. Please make sure you inform the Administration Department of any changes as soon as possible.