NYIS Parent Handbook

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Parent & Student Handbook

Table of Contents Welcome from the Head of School ..................................................................................... 3 Welcome from the Director of Early Childhood ................................................................... 4 Academic Calendar 2015-2016 
 .......................................................................................... 5 School Hours ....................................................................................................................... 5 Arrival & Departure Procedures ........................................................................................... 5 Security ................................................................................................................................ 7 School Uniform .................................................................................................................... 7 What your child will not need for school ........................................................................... 10 School Lunch ..................................................................................................................... 11 Behavior ............................................................................................................................. 11 Attendance ........................................................................................................................ 12 Health and First Aid ........................................................................................................... 13 Role of the Parent .............................................................................................................. 14 Home/School Communication .......................................................................................... 14 Home Learning .................................................................................................................. 16 Additional Information........................................................................................................ 16 In Summary........................................................................................................................ 17


Welcome from the Head of School

August 2015 Dear Parents, New beginnings galore! Welcome to the first Parent & Student Handbook for The New York International School. We have drawn upon the collective wisdom of the ten schools within our global network and within our staff on site this summer in order to anticipate some of the most salient protocols as we open our doors for the first time. Like our school itself, its content will grow over time, but for now, we hope it helps you begin this first year with useful information. It’s inspiring and exciting to imagine that families around the world are reading similar text as they prepare to start a new school year in BSF schools. We care deeply about our relationship with our students and with their parents, and we hope you’ll never hesitate to contact us. Let the information within invite any questions, thoughts, and compliments. We’ll welcome all three! Here’s to a wonderful start in all possible ways-Warmly,

Shelley Borror Jackson Head of School


Welcome from the Director of Early Childhood August 2015 Dear Parents, It is my pleasure to welcome you to The New York International School. Our mission honors the young child with a keen appreciation of developmental and transitional needs. We believe that a developmental approach is vital in promoting instructional experiences that respect the individuality and pace of every learner. We enable the children to grow in confidence and independence, with a strong connection to each other, and a deep awareness and tolerance for one another. We immerse our children in a classroom environment that fosters and nurtures their individual growth through discovery, inquiry, observation, and play. Social and emotional development is one of the major threads of our curriculum. Our program provides rich learning experiences in phonological and phonemic awareness, emergent literacy, number sense, and fine/gross motor skills. The lessons and values that your child will learn in our unique and diverse community will shape his/her future and become cherished childhood memories. I look forward to working with you this upcoming school year. Regards,

Cynthia A. Mansfield Director Of Early Childhood


Academic Calendar 2015-2016 
 Term One September 10 September 14 September 23 October 12 November 25-27 December 18 December 19 – January 3 Term Two January 4 January 18 February 15 – 16 March 18 March 19 – April 3 Term Three April 4 May 30 June 10

First day of Term One Rosh Hashanah (school closed) Yom Kippur (school closed) Columbus Day (school closed) Thanksgiving (school closed) Last day of Term One (noon dismissal) Winter recess First day of Term Two Martin Luther King Jr. Day (school closed) President’s Day (school closed) Last day of Term Two (noon dismissal) Spring recess First day of Term Three Memorial Day (school closed) Last day of Term Three (noon dismissal)

School Hours School begins promptly each day at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. Pre-Nursery and Nursery students who stay for a half-day are dismissed at 11:30 a.m. Extended Day Program The Extended Day Program offers families the option of an early drop-off at 8:00 a.m. for $15 per day. Afternoon Extended Day is from 3:30 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. for a daily fee of $30. A light snack will be served. Sufficient enrollment by the publicized deadline will determine the program’s viability each year, although both will be in place for the 2015-16 school year. Please contact the school if you have not registered for this service but find yourself in occasional need. One day’s notice will be required to ensure appropriate ratios of supervision. After School Activity We look forward to expanded options for After School Activities in the future and will keep you apprised as they develop.

Arrival & Departure Procedures Parents or caregivers should bring students to their classroom. They should not arrive before 8:20 a.m., unless they have signed up for early drop-off at 8:00 a.m. This is to


ensure the students’ safety and supervision. Please collect your child punctually at the end of each day at the gym entrance at the bottom of the stairs. When parents are late, children will automatically be placed in the Extended Day Program and a fee will be assessed. A member of the school staff will hand your child directly to you or to your designee. Please assist this process by ensuring that your teacher or a member of the staff is aware that you have received your child. If, for any reason, you have been delayed, please telephone the school so that we are aware and can inform your child to avoid any unnecessary anxiety. If you are unable to collect your child, please inform the school at your earliest convenience as to who will pick up your child. NYIS staff will not release a child to an unauthorized person. Students participating in after-school activities must report to that activity directly after dismissal. If a student is going home with a friend, both students must bring notes from home. On the last day of each term, school finishes at 12:00 p.m., when faculty will typically meet for the duration of the afternoon. There will be no Extended Day Program on these days. Strollers, Bicycles, and Scooters Strollers, bicycles, and scooters left in the lobby present a safety hazard. Parents may leave strollers outside on the below-ground landing to the right of the front door. The area is clearly marked. Though this area provides some measure of seclusion, strollers, bicycles, and scooters are left at one’s own risk.


Security There is no issue that the school takes more seriously than the safety of our students. A security guard will join our faculty for pick-up and will remain in the building until all activities have concluded. Security and Visitors In order to start the school day in a timely manner, we ask all parents and guardians to say goodbye by 8:30 a.m. In accordance with our School Safety Plan, all parents and visitors in the building after 8:30 a.m. must check in at reception to receive visitor badges. School Safety Plan Fire and shelter-in-place drills are an important part of school life and will take place throughout the year. Specific instructions for the use of stairways and exits, as well as general instructions, are issued to all students. These are reviewed and practiced throughout the year. Smoke-Free Campus Smoking is not permitted at any time on NYIS property or near the entrance.

School Uniform School uniform is compulsory for all students attending the school. We believe that proudly wearing a school uniform promotes positive self-esteem and, therefore, is integral to the ethos of the school. All students are expected to arrive at school every day in uniform, worn in a tidy manner. The head of school will give guidance regarding the dates when summer and winter uniforms are to be worn, according to the seasonal weather conditions. Summer uniform will be worn at the beginning of the year.


The uniform for NYIS students follows: Preschool (Pre-Nursery – Pre-Kindergarten): Girls

Preschool (Pre-Nursery – Pre-Kindergarten): Boys

Preschool (Pre-Nursery – Pre-Kindergarten): P.E and Accessories


Lower School (Kindergarten – Grade 5): Girls

Lower School (Kindergarten– Grade 5): Boys

Lower School (Kindergarten – Grade 5): P.E and Accessories


Other Items The correct socks and shoes complete the school uniform (see above). Therefore, black leather shoes must be worn every day except PE days when sneakers should be worn. We believe that the children should play outside and enjoy fresh air whenever possible, even in winter. We always make every effort to insure that they are dressed appropriately to go outside. It is therefore extremely important that your child has the appropriate clothes. Use of coats, snow pants, hats, and gloves are encouraged during cold and rainy days. Girls may wear biking shorts or navy leggings when wearing skirts, jumpers, or dresses. Sun hats are recommended for sunny days. We appreciate your support in ensuring that weather-appropriate garments are provided. Students should have a pair of outdoor shoes that can be left at school. With young children, bathroom accidents sometimes happen. We ask parents to provide a spare change of clothes, including socks and underwear, which can be kept in your child’s bag in school. For safety reasons, students should not wear jewelry (except for stud earrings). Hairstyles should promote active play and should not be distracting. We encourage independence in our students on the first day of school. Items can be misplaced as children learn responsibility for their belongings. With this in mind, please label all items with your child’s name and class.

What your child will not need for school It is school policy not to bring the following items to school: • Sharp or pointed instruments (e.g. scissors) 
 • Chewing gum and sweets 
 • Toys or games unless at the request of a teacher 
 • Mobile phones, iPods, and other electronic devices not supplied by the 
school. Parents who need to urgently contact a student may call the school office.


School Lunch Due to the ages of the students in our opening year, children will bring their lunch from home. The school will have refrigeration for lunches, and we will be able to heat food if necessary. We appreciate your help with the process this year and look forward to offering school lunches in 2016-17. When packing a lunch, please remember these points: •

• • •

NYIS is a nut-aware campus. This is true on field trips as well. Please do not pack any nuts, nut products, or nut ingredients in lunches. We will alert families throughout the year if other life-threatening allergies present themselves. Please do not send soda. Please do not pack anything in glass jars or bottles. Please do not pack candy.

Water will be available all day, and children should bring a clearly marked water bottle from home. It will be returned at the conclusion of each day for washing. Snacks will be provided during the day and during the Extended Day Program. Families may send in a small treat for each child to celebrate a birthday. Please avoid sending in one large cake or gift bags. Here, too, it is essential that families remember that there should be no nuts or nut products in the treat.

Behavior From the earliest age, we encourage students to develop a sense of responsibility, selfrespect, and a respect for other people, property, and the environment. We ask our NYIS students to take care of their friends, their classroom, and the resources within their school. 
 The following are key expectations we have of students: • • • • • • • • • • •

Treat everyone with respect and courtesy. 
 Behave in a way that promotes learning during lessons. 
 Walk at all times when indoors. 
 Walk on the left in corridors and staircases. 
 Hold doors open for others. 
 Remove coats, jackets, and hats when inside the building. 
 Make sure that classrooms and playgrounds are kept clean and tidy; litter should be placed in 
 Greet the teachers and guests in the school. 
 Speak and listen in turn. 
 Always look after school resources, and ensure that furniture and materials are tidy at the end 
of lessons. 
 Do not leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission.


We encourage all students to act as kind and supportive friends, and bullying will not be tolerated at our school.

Attendance Regular daily attendance is essential if students are to achieve their potential. Absence from school for reasons which are neither health-related nor involving an emergency are strongly discouraged, since frequent absence can result in the student falling behind. Vacations should be taken only during published school holidays. If students are unable to achieve the standards required to enter the next grade due to poor attendance, the following actions may take place at the discretion of the head of school: 1. The student may be asked to repeat the grade. 
 2. The student may be asked to withdraw from the school. Please note that the school is not responsible for providing assignments for students with unexcused absences. Parents will receive notification of the number of absences in the teacher’s report at the end of term. Absence Through Sickness While regular daily attendance is important, children do become ill. When that happens, they should remain at home. Please inform the school if your child is unable to attend school for health reasons. Please telephone as early as possible after 8:00 a.m. and leave a message for the class teacher. Students who become ill or injured during the school day will be assessed as to whether they are able to complete the day. Parents will be contacted if an early dismissal due to illness or injury is required. They will be expected to pick their child up promptly.


Please note the following guidelines regarding illness and returning to school: •

• •

For vomiting and diarrhea: Students need to be 24 hours past their last episode of vomiting or diarrhea and able to tolerate a reasonable diet. Students who vomit or have multiple episodes of diarrhea at school will be sent home. For fevers: Students need to be fever-free (99.9 or less) for 24 hours without the assistance of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Students with a temperature of 100 or higher at school will be sent home. For strep throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, or ear infections requiring antibiotics: Students need to be on antibiotics for at least 24 hours and be fever-free. For any illness: Please consider the student’s overall energy level and ability to participate in classes and the NYIS schedule.

Health and First Aid All students must have a completed health form on file, documenting NY Department of Health mandated immunizations, with the school prior to opening day each year. The form is to be completed by the child’s physician. Please note that students whose health forms or immunization records have not been completed before the first day of school may not be permitted to attend school until this form is received. First Aid While NYIS does not employ a nurse, the staff is trained in first aid, CPR, and administration of EPI-pens. In the unlikely event of a more serious accident, emergency services will be called to the school, and parents will be telephoned immediately. In consultation with parents, transportation will be organized to a hospital.


NYIS is not able to administer medications of any kind.

Role of the Parent At NYIS we acknowledge the importance of involving parents in their child’s education, and we appreciate the support of parents throughout the school. We look forward to a meaningful partnership forged on behalf of your children. Each year, a room parent will be designated to facilitate communication and to organize any class gatherings. Volunteer opportunities will present themselves throughout the year and will be communicated in our weekly news. In addition to your role within the school, we also encourage support of your child’s learning at home. The enjoyment and knowledge that young children get from books is invaluable at this age, and we encourage parents to read with their child as often as possible at home.

Home/School Communication At NYIS we greatly value working in partnership with parents and guardians to ensure the very best for your children. As such, we place a strong emphasis on creating many avenues of communication between parents and teachers. Please take the time to read the following to help you understand the different ways that we can share information with each other. Daily communication: •

Parent Portal. Most communication from the school is provided via the online Parent Portal. (You will be provided with instructions on its use.) Parents should review all of the information on the Portal regularly. Valuable information from a variety of NYIS teachers and staff will be presented there, as will important calendar events that we would hate for you to miss. Teachers and the head of school will establish patterns of regular communication, ranging from weekly blurbs to more robust newsletters.

E-mail. Critical/individual communication can also be maintained by e-mail. We ask you to do this selectively and concisely so that e-mail communication remains manageable for teachers, and they can focus on their classroom work. Teachers are not at liberty to read e-mail during teaching time, so an immediate response is unlikely. The class teacher would be the first point of contact on most issues, and significant concerns are best handled in a phone call or with a scheduled meeting.

Termly: •

Curriculum letters. At the beginning of each term, a curriculum letter is sent out to inform parents of the topics and objectives that will be taught in the coming term.


School reports. Each term you will receive a full written report on your child’s progress and attainment.

Parent teacher consultations. These take place three times a year and give you the opportunity to talk one-to-one with the teacher about your child’s progress, development, and goals. Less formal meetings with teachers may also be scheduled as needed.

Additional information and correspondence during the year: •

Classroom Night. During the first month of Term 1, parents can visit the classroom of their son or daughter and gain an insight into the curriculum, schedule, expectations, and teaching staff.

Class schedule. This schedule indicates which activity your child is doing at what time during the week.

Curriculum overviews. These will be posted directly onto our school website and are an overview of what the class will be addressing.

To maintain consistent and reliable lines of communication, we ask that you keep all contact details (including mobile phones and email addresses) regularly updated with the school office. Student Work and Portfolios Parents will have regular opportunities each term to see the work being achieved by the students as part of the parent-teacher consultations. Portfolios will be collated throughout the year and shared at these meetings. All student work will normally be sent home at the end of the year.


Home Learning It is very important that school and home work together to develop a love of learning in our students. It helps enormously if work done at home is completed at a regular time and under the best conditions in order for the child to enjoy this time. Teachers are happy to give guidelines so that the support given at home mirrors what we have observed in your child’s learning at school. In addition to personal recommendations which teachers can provide, we recommend that you: • • • • • • •

Encourage independence. 
 Share books together and discuss them. 
 Find ways to build small motor control (write, draw, color, cut, squeeze, thread). Ask questions 
of your child; engage in conversation. Help students be physically active and play alongside others. 
 Count, notice shapes, and point out patterns. Share your own interest in ongoing education.

Additional Information Sibling Admission In an attempt to support families as much as possible, siblings will receive priority in admissions. They are not, however, guaranteed admission. Re-Enrollment Re-enrollment agreements are sent to returning students’ families during the winter term. They should be completed and returned with a deposit to the business office by the stated deadline. While the re-enrollment process is usually automatic, occasionally the school does not feel ready to offer re-enrollment to a student and will withhold the contract until the student is performing appropriately or until parental financial obligations have been met. If a re-enrollment agreement is to be withheld, parents will be notified. Enforced Withdrawal The school reserves the right to dismiss a student if his/her conduct, effort, progress, or impact on the school community does not meet NYIS standards. Likewise, NYIS reserves the right to withdraw an offer to enroll or re-enroll and to nullify the executed contract if, for any reason, it is in the best interest of the school. Financial Aid All grants are made on a yearly basis. Parents wishing to re-enroll must apply again by January 1. Diversity As an international school, NYIS seeks multiple ways to celebrate the international community that comprises its student body. NYIS actively seeks diversity in its faculty


and students. The school is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

In Summary We hope that this handbook provides an informative introduction to the school. Of course, not every piece of information will be here, and if you should need any further guidance, please feel free to contact the appropriate member of the school for further advice. We look forward to working with you this year.


4 East 90th Street New York, NY 10128 USA (212) 641-0260 www.nyis.org


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