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This is about protest.

From how people protest

To how protest influence the generation

I want to study why people will go on protest and how the people influence their next generation.

The aim for the study is to encourage audience to care about their society and stand up to fight for their future, remain them all they do to the society is not only affecting themselves but influencing their next generation.

I’ve even asked about why they think they should protest if they’ve went on the protest.

I want to know how they think about the protest and why or why not they think it is influencing them.

I have made a survey about the protest happening in Hong Kong.

I will separate the result into two age groups and analysis the differences between the two generation.

In the meantime, I will look at the other protest in the world.

How the issue influence people and what happe

ned in the past is the area that my work is about.

Using photography to send the feeling of myself and the society,

and spreading the message out through the images is what I’m interested in.

I can’t define a particular practitioner that influence me. I think all my work were influenced by all the work I’ve seen in anywhere.

It was also influenced by the environment and the scene I’ve seen from the world. They made an impression in my mind and was remained when I was some thing related.

This is also about how our

last generation


ourself and ho

us influence our next generation.

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essage around a m nd s hi king about th hin t e t u f tur my

mission to sp r e the ad ve t t ha ety bu not jus o ci


I feel m yse lf be fight for t he i

at s wh I wa si

ld ou sh

do i n

people that the n i y ma lves and e r th se i m ork ew .

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