tourism marketing pitch

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Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Table of Contents Why Tumblr Inspirations Approach Connecting With Fans Content Mix Visual Guidelines Tone of Voice Tagging Content Calendar Goals & Tracking Launch Strategy

Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Why Tumblr? Tumblr is the perfect platform for Ibiza to reinvigorate its image as a tourist destination, rather than a party spot. Tumblr utilizes photo and video sharing, and use of hastags and browsing to create a large, userfriendly media sharing platform. With use of tumblr’s media possibilities, viewers will view Ibiza as an island for long vacations, rather than short party outings. Local businesses will do flourish and have an outlet to provide news to a wide audience. Tourists themselves will have a place to share stories and connect with the Island on a personal, community level.

Plan: Show all dynamics of the island of Ibiza Advantages: Make use of lots of beautiful images, audience videos, and connecting with visitors Benefits: Aid local businesses, and promote repeat visitors

Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Inspirations: Explore Canada A tumblr hosted by the Canadian Tourism Board, to display user created content and run contest involving travel to Canada. Inspirations: The blog host contests involved with pinterest and instagram, and also has a lot of user interaction

Voice: Interactive Content: Photography / Contest / Videos Cadence: 1 - 6 times a day Engagement: About 1,000 notes

Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Inspirations: Tourism/Travel A blog uploading content based on scenic views of various locations to explore. The image content is well varied with photography of landscapes, people, and city architecture. The simple layout is easy to maneuver through.

Voice: Representative Content: Photography Cadence: Months ago Engagement: 80 notes

Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Approach Focused on conveying the lifestyle of the Spanish isle of Ibiza. We will offer a way for travelers to explore things to do, as well allow residents to promote local events and share their images. The Ibiza lifestyle will be presented in a simple and clean format. Some of the content will be user generated, which will be promoted on the site. Contests will allow for new fans, and draw attention to the site. Tourists and people wanting to explore Ibiza will visit the site to gather a information about the island. Will include a mixture of videos, music, pictures, contests, and events, which will all be organized in a top navigation bar. Fun, informative, interactive, helpful, wholesome, interesting Unique Values: Only Tumblr focused on promoting Ibiza lifestyle Fans: Many oppurtunities to connect with fans, including interactions and contests Content Mix: Photography, videos, contests, posts, deals, news... Tone of Voice: Fun, interesting, informative...

Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Connecting With Fans The “Fans” of the Tumblr page will include a mix of those wanting to visit Ibiza, and those who have already been/live on the Island. Both of these parties have similar missions while looking at the webpage: to see what is new and happening on the island. This means that connecting with the fans to build a community is very important. It will differentiate the site from a regular Tourism Board webpage. Promotion of the webpage will be vital to the locals, to display that they have an outlet to send information about island news. Tourist will want to see media from past visitors to the island, so lots of user content will be displayed. Audience: Locals and potential visitors/past visitors Ways to connect: Through Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Direct Messaging, tagging… User content: Uploaded pictures and videos, contest and giveaways, local businesses updates

Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Content Mix The content mix will be a mixture of platforms and media, to enable the user to interact with the website in the easiest possible manner. We will allow Facebook and twitter interaction, posting our favorite Tweets and Facebook statuses directly through Tumblr. Our favorite relatable videos will be posted, because video content is extremely reliable as a medium for user interest. Daily updates of beautiful professional photography of Ibiza, as well as user uploaded Instagram pictures will be posted. News and deals from local businesses, and miscellaneous Ibiza news will be posted to the site. Also, stories will be a focus of the Tumblr, telling narratives from locals and tourists alike. Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: Pics and statuses Photography: Engaging pictures of the Island Deals: Through Groupon and Social Living style sites Personal Stories: Interviews from both locals and visitors Videos: User content through Youtube and Vimeo

Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Visual Guidelines Visually, the Ibiza Tourism Tumblr must be extremely easy to navigate, since we aim to have a wide audience of different generations. The color palate will reflect the colors of the ocean, to a turquoise and light aqua color theme will be implemented. We want the content to speak for itself, so a minimal and clean layout will be best to display beautiful imagery and user interaction. On the navigation bar, there will be listings to different sections of the website, including: Fashion, Food, Culture, Photography, Videos, Tips‌ for easy usability. There will also be an external link for the Board of Tourism for Ibiza, and a submissions link for users to contact the website. Layout: Clean and simple design Palate: Black, white, turquoise, aqua blue, dark blue Font: Sans Serif, modern Navigation bar: Fashion, Food, Photography, Shopping, Videos, Tips‌

Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Tone of Voice The Ibiza Tourism Tumblr tone of voice will be the voice of the people wanting to interact in the community. Rather than be a mouthpiece for the Tourism Board, this Tumblr will really serve as a platform for people to share their experiences. Therefore, the tone of voice will be from many different people and tell many different stories. In general, the voice will be positive, transformative, and uplifting. Also, the voice is an important tool in persuasiveness. We will promote positivity on the website, and share joy and inspiration by focusing on beauty.

Grab words: Positive, happy, inspired, free-spirited, loving, explorative, curious, care free, warm, friendly, hippie, peaceful, transformational, non-judging, healthy

Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Tagging Tagging is a very important tool utilized in Tumblr, to promote post to the whole platform interface. By inserting the “hashtag” symbol in front of a word, that word will then be searchable by any user on Tumblr, and therefore increases the possibility of traffic to increase to the site. Post’s are displayed in the search by time of update, so constant release of content with similar tags are vital to promoting the website and increasing traffic to the content. When choosing hashtags to deploy, thought will be placed on who exactly our audience is, and what would be they be searching for. You can also search blog in the Tumblr search, so tagging of the site will be important as well. Possible tags: Ibiza, fashion, style, hippie, boho, happy, beach, palm trees, positive, energy, tourism, travel, photography, contest, free, lovely, friendly, free, giveaway, tourism board, animals, yoga, sand, sun, surf…

Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Content Calendar WED













Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Goals & Tracking Tumblr uses “Notes” and “Reblogs” as ways to track to value of a post. The more notes on a post, the more people have seen the content, and have chosen to like it, but not repost it to their site, probably because the visuals do not match their current layout. Reblogs not only show that they interacted with the content, but that they also spread the content to their entire circle of followers, which expedites the marketing purpose. The more followers a Tumblr has, the more people are subscribed to what is posted, and the higher chance of the post being reblogged. There are also built in marketing analytics tools to analyze the traffic, and viewing of a post. Notes: When someone views a post and “likes” it Reblogs: When a post is posted to another Tumblr page by the owner, which links back to the original Tumblr is was posted on Goal: 1,000 notes and 100 reblogs on each post. Followers: Over 10,000

Ibiza Tourism Tumblr Launch Strategy To promote the website in the beginning, we will utilize the connection to the Tourism Board of Ibiza, to promote the new social media platform on that existing site. We will also follow lots of blogs with similar interests, to gain coverage. Local news station will incorporate the tumblr blog into their interaction with the audience, ex: if you have any thoughts on the recent story, go to IbizaTourism. Tumblr.Com to comment. We will post flyers, and promote local businesses to post on behalf of their brand. Hotels will also be a main marketable target, because they will reach the tourists coming and leaving from the island. Airports are also a good place to market the website. Our use of high quality imagery will entice users to reblog the images, to beautify their own personal pages. Locations: Airports, hotels, and local businesses Ads: Tourism Board of Ibiza, tourism brochures Interaction: News Stations, newspapers


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