Back2Basics Magazine - June 2013

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June 2013

Innovate Faith Get to know Kory Paul Douglas, a young and innovative Pastor expanding God’s kingdom one day at a time.

Summer Guide to Spiritual Fitness What does a spiritually fit person look like?


* iPress ft. Akeem Mitchell * Him & Her series on Relationships * Young Adult Ministries * Summer Book Reading List | 1

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JUNE 2013

BACK2BASICSMAG.COM Twitter @back2basicsmag

volume 2 | number 1

on the cover 6 Summer Guide to Spiritual Fitness 8 Get Amber Boyd to Harvard 9 iPress ft. Akeem Mitchell 12 Relationships 14 Innovate Faith 18 Young Adults 19 Summer Book Reading List Scan here to visit the website!

Publisher/Editor: Brittany N. Winkfield Contributing Writers: Amber K. Boyd, Kory Douglas, Joe Gaiter Contributing Photographers/Designers: Hannah Banks,, Cover photo: KP Douglas Webmaster: Marcus Winkfield Promotions Director: Aaron Roston Visit for updates. Information is correct at press time. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official company policy. Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Back2Basics is registered in the United States Trademark Office. | 4

Back2Basics Tip: God isn’t holding out on us! God wants us to do mighty things in the earth. He’s just been waiting for a generation of people who will yield to Him so He can do it. I have great news! We are the generation who will yield to God mentioned in John 14:12. In this issue, KP Douglas shares his innovative faith, Akeem Mitchell answers questions about his past and future and B2B gives you a guide to summer spiritual fitness, relationships and more!

Brittany N. Winkfield, Founder & Publisher

4 Reasons to Subscribe to B2B Mag: 1. Never miss an issue again. 2. Save 50% as a thank you for becoming a regular subscriber. 3. Delivered to your door (coming soon!) 4. And most important of all, seriously good quality magazines! | 5

WHAT DOES A SPIRITUALLY FIT PERSON LOOK LIKE? Characteristics from a theological base: 1. Faith (dependence on self and others). 2. Belief in a positive outcome. 3. Mature outlook (things which happen to me are not the end of the world). 4. Forgiveness for myself and others. 5. Conviction there is something beyond myself. 6. Bonding (sensitivity to needs of others). 7. Trust (confidence in self and others). The spiritually healthy person: 1. Communicates and listens. 2. Affirms and supports others. 3. Respects others. 4. Has a sense of trust. 5. Has a sense of play and humor. 6. Has a sense of shared responsibility. 7. Has a sense of right and wrong. 8. Has a strong sense of family in which rituals and traditions abound. 9. Contributes to a balance of interaction among group members. 10. Shares a (belief) core. 11. Respects the privacy of others. 12. Values service to others. 13. Fosters family table time and conversation. 14. Shares leisure time. 15. Admits to and seeks help with problems. | 6

YOUR PATH TO SPIRITUAL FITNESS: Personal. 1. Individual counseling. 2. Individual meditation and prayer. 3. Value clarification experiences. 4. Liaison with community and family support agencies. 5. Accommodation of religious practices. 6. Study and meditation groups. 7. Referral to installation and community support agencies Group/Unit. 1. Human self development activities. 2. Moral leadership training. 3. Team building. 4. Workshops/seminars on values and value clarification. 5. Chaplain-led study and meditation groups. 6. Memorial services. 7. Integration of ethical, moral, and value aspects into professional development. Community Activities. 1. Religious services and education. 2. Involvement with organizations dealing with spiritual values or religious beliefs. 3. Volunteer service. 4. Value/ethical materials available through chapel, installation library, and other sources. Professional Development. 1. Professional Army ethic. 2. Soldier-team development. 3. Military professional development. 4. Moral leadership. | 7

This is a story about faith and belief. The purpose of this site is not only to raise money to get me to Harvard, but to inspire someone else to start believing in his or her dream. Everyone has a dream buried deep within them, but it seems like only a few take the shovel of faith out to dig for it and then plant it in the earth. I'm not saying I'm some master shoveler or anything, I just hope my story will invite people to answer the call of their dreams and at least dust their shovels off. My name is Amber K. Boyd and I just got accepted into Harvard's Mind, Brain and Education Master's Program for this fall semester. This is my DREAM program and the first broad training program in this emerging field in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! I hope to be one of the trailblazers in educational neuroscience and I represent a population that some would scarce imagine could embark on such a feat (woman, African American, single parent household, self/ unemployed, among other things). But I am here and I have something that some would scarce imagine could really work to secure me a spot in this program at Harvard - faith! I left my job last year to pursue my purpose and have been on an amazing, exhausting, spiritually dynamic, financially straining and soul awakening journey ever since. The story is one of animation, cosmic intervention and a wee bit of faith. I'll be sharing pieces of that story every Wednesday in the Gates. I would like you to support me in my journey by donating, yet more than that I am pleading with you to believe in your own dream and act on it and/or encourage someone you know who is on the brink of theirs to do the same. Get Amber to Harvard is a call to start believing. We are all on an endless series of flights called life and I am here to encourage you to make your destinations worth the turbulence. This is the heart of Get Amber to Harvard. Try replacing Amber and Harvard with your name and your next destination (e.g., Get Joanne to Her First Novel). I'm rooting for you too! All this is to say, it's not just about me. It's about us and everyone else who has a dream, too. Let's fly together. It's always better with company. Love and blessings, | 8

i P r e s s Q & A r e t i a G e o J y b Helen Keller once said “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.”

Akeem Mitchell’s

life has been full of hard lessons. He opens up about his troubled childhood, new fitness business and the love of his life. @kingstarfit | 9

iPress ft. Akeem Mitchell by Joe Gaiter What is your view on life? Take things one step at a time. Don’t take on too many things at one time. Be a man on of word. Be a woman of your word. Stand firm for what you believe in. Respect things and situations for what they are. Where were you born and how was your childhood? I was born in Flint, Michigan and was a bad little kid. Mom and dad both hustled, but are still together after 43 years. My brother was in and out of trouble. He was a thief and even stole from me. I also have an adopted sister but she moved back with her real family at 15. She was scandalous too. Now growing up did you play any sports? Yes, I played basketball, baseball and other sports as well. I was very athletic, but I was a knucklehead. As I got older I had the talent, but I had a nonchalant attitude. I grew up too fast. That was my thing. I wasn’t a kid when I should have been a kid. So what was your life changing event that turned your life around? When I was out on bond on a drug case, I got caught in aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and realized that I had to get myself together. I received the first offenders act, which means that after you meet the qualifications, your record can be expunged. I did some of everything: selling drugs, hustling, you name it. I am just blessed to be here free today. So what did you do next? I got my truck driver’s license. I didn’t enjoy that at all. I did that because at that time it was the only thing that hired felons. Why did you quit your job as a truck driver? CDLs It wasn’t where my heart was at. I began to workout to release stress and depression. Tell me about your weight issues. I was always overweight. I wasn’t fat but always had a gut. I was right at about 200. I was chunky as a kid. I leaned-out around 8th grade. I got bigger throughout high school. I lost weight here and there but always had a stomach. It was until 3 years ago when I really started getting into fitness as I was going into trucking. Tell us all about your fitness business? King Star Fitness is a brand that I am starting. Our motto is “Empowering individuals to a healthy lifestyle one step at a time. Physically, Mentally, Spiritually as one.” With that being said, I have been teaching people how to live better through training. We empower people through showing them a better way to eat. We give motivation through encouraging the individuals. I am teaching people no matter how young or old you are to believe in something. Not trying to force a certain agenda on anyone. I just feel that there is a higher power. We must all stand for something. I want to set this up to where my kids can take over if they want. I am a traveling fitness trainer. | 10

iPress ft. Akeem Mitchell by Joe Gaiter What is something everyone can do to stay healthy and fit? Simple alternatives. Eating wise – stay away from processed foods. The majority of processed foods are bad for you due to sodium content. Eat real foods. Switch your seasoning to Ms. Dash. When it comes to fitness get on a regular exercise program. People don’t realize that the simple things get you results. Parking in the back of the parking lot and walking, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. The heart is a muscle so do things that get your heart rate muscle up everyday. Also feed and use your brain. Learn proper form on simple things like squats, pushups, etc. Fitness should always be intense, yet fun. You should look forward to working out. What are you doing in the community? I cook breakfast for the youth at my church. I make care packages for the homeless who live under the bridge. Give to the salvation army. Mentor a couple of young men. Where do you see your business in the next five years? Within the next year I plan to open to first King Star Gym in Atlanta. I will offer nutrition, a chiropractor, massage therapy and other things that promote total body health. We will show people that there is a more simple way to a healthy lifestyle. I want to reach out to young people who may not have a mother and father to give them a way to release their frustrations. What is your advice to that young man or woman that is heading down the wrong path like you were growing up? Never give up. Keep fighting. Never think it’s too late. You get out of life what your put in it. Never let someone turn sky into a ceiling because you have the control. Some people are just blessed with the opportunities. Know that the quick route doest work. Fast cash doesn’t last. Now does your girlfriend Tanoyia support your business? She supports my business and helps me study. She is my biggest fan and biggest critic. My certified definition of a soul mate. She is a blessing. I finally found out what true love is. You need to be with someone who is going to be with you not just when it’s good, but when you are struggling. Tanoyia is finishing her doctorial program in education organizational leadership. You are recently engaged. Tell me the details! I proposed to Tanoyia at the Tennessee Aquarium. Her mother passed away suddenly four years ago. A lot of her childhood memories with her mom were at that aquarium. I told her that I wanted to keep those memories going when we start our family. Looking back over your life would you change anything? It made me who I was today. The only regret I have is not playing sports. I wish I had the opportunity to go to school and actually be a kid. I just wished I had the discipline I have now. Besides that I have no regrets. I can talk to these kids from experience from the highs to lows, the good and bad. | 11

This topic ranges from those who say it’s wrong to date anyone unless you plan to marry him or her to those who date all the time just for fun. While the Bible doesn’t use the word dating, it does offer some pretty direct principles for how to treat those of the opposite sex or a brother or sister in Christ. As always with the topic of relationships with the opposite sex, it’s a good idea to know your motives before the situation arises. What is the point of dating? Why do you want to get involved with this person? How does this relationship honor God? It’s not too late to learn how to date! | 12

B2B Scriptures for Dating... Ephesians 6:2,3 “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” II Corinthians 6:14,15 “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?” Job 31:1 “I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?” Psalms 37:3,4 “Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Proverbs 6:20-24 My son, keep your father’s command, and do not forsake the law of your mother. Bind them continually upon your heart; Tie them around your neck. When you roam, theywill lead you; When you sleep, they will keep you; And when you awake, they will speak with you. For the commandment is a lamp, and the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life, to keep you from the evil woman, from the flattering tongue of a seductress. II Timothy 2:22 “Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” I Timothy 4:12 “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” | 13

by Brittany Winkfield | 14

When most people think innovation, they think technology or science, but God wants us to grow an innovative faith that invigorates us and changes the world. The alternative is a stale faith, so here’s a story of a man who innovates to build God’s Kingdom one day at a time.

The dictionary definition of innovation is “to make new.” That’s what Jesus came to do! Jesus is the consummate innovator and his Gospel is the spiritual force of God at work in the world to make all things new. He takes broken lives and makes them new. He takes diseased hearts and makes them new. He takes shattered dreams and makes them new. As Jesus followers, our calling is to innovate the whole world using God’s truth and God’s love. As we innovate and re-package truths, they “become new” to us and the people who hear them. This is a practice of Pastor Kory Paul Douglas, a native of Brooklyn New York, the first born of Brenetha Chung and Bryan Douglas. Having attended Christian Fellowship SDA and mostly Christian schools, at a young age his mother did her best to raise him in the fear and admonition of the Lord. After completing his studies at Northeastern Academy KP went on to attend the former Oakwood College enrolling as a Math/Engineering major. After his own “Damascus Road Experience” he answered the call of Christ to ministry, switching his major to Theology. In 2008 he became the first male grandchild to graduate college, receiving a BA in Theology with an emphasis in pastoral/evangelistic ministry from Oakwood University. “When I think innovative ministry I don’t necessarily think different. I think more holistic or genuine; real even. I think that we often make the mistake of believing that innovation always has to be to the extreme right or completely out of the box. What I’ve learned form my few years in ministry, both teaching and pastoring, is that people just want something that’s real to them,” explains Douglas. “The answer to the problem for me is not to just adding lights, bells and whistles or going out and finding some great new program. Instead, my goal is to return the church to a holistic form of ministry. This had been deemed innovative. This simply means that our focus will not be squarely on the worship hour and few weeks of evangelism emphasis. Instead, we will center our ministry on a balance of worship, fellowship, and service.” We show the world how Jesus loves, instead of just telling them that he loves. How? Random acts of kindness. Or even better, strategic acts of kindness. This is when you anticipate “being the miracle” when the time comes. In ministry, people view the pastor as a magician that is supposed to come in and wave a wand to create change, invoke growth, and make things better. Our members have lolled to sleep by our primary focus on the divine worship hour and the few in-ministries in our churches that keep us more entertained than they foster spiritual maturity and growth. This has put the burden of church growth and “success” on the pastor, the church board, and the occasional guest evangelist and bible workers. “At New Life Fellowship we are changing our structure altogether to better incorporate these values,” explains Douglas. “What we will do is meet for divine hour every other Sabbath. On this day we will have the normal Sabbath school, divine hour, and fellowship dinner. On the Sabbaths that we do not meet for the usual services we will move the divine hour to Friday night (placing more emphasis on the importance and holiness of the 24 hour period) and on Sabbath morning we will meet up and hit the streets, engaging in service projects all across the city. Our fellowship activities will include BBQ’s, bowling nights, potlucks, and participation in the local city sports leagues. Also, on a grand scale, we are planning an annual event that will take place on Sunday, June 23, 2013. On that day we will incorporate all three of our values with community services projects in the morning, BBQ in the afternoon, and an outdoor gospel concert in the evening. The community, as well as other churches, are invited to join us in praise and worship.” This might all seem pretty standard and straightforward except for the changes in worship times at New Life Fellowship. To some extent you are right. The real difference for New Life is the focus for all programs will be primarily for the community, and second for the members. This way when they decide to engage in concentrated evangelism projects, they will already have a host of people who are joining them in worship, fellowship, or service projects. By God’s grace this innovation will positively influence the community while introducing people to Christ and as a result see Him more clearly for themselves. | 15

Innovation is a way of life. The world needs innovative problem solvers, innovative coaches, innovative conflict resolvers, innovative leaders, innovative teachers. The church needs innovative ushers, musicians, pastors, and Sabbath School teachers. Our homes need innovative husbands, wives, roommates, parents. Our friends and neighbors have tuned out the traditional packaging. For many, the only way they will hear the truth is to hear it “made new� through innovative living, loving, and speaking. Pastor Douglas is fully committed to God, his family, and his church. He wants nothing more than to continue to grow in the grace and love of our Lord Jesus and for that relationship to be contagious influencing others for the Kingdom of God. KP is living proof of his favorite text, Philippians 4:13 - | 16

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“You Lost Me.”

A difficult phrase to hear from anyone, but when the demographic research of the Barna Group points to upwards of 60% of young adults saying this about their church experience, it is a sobering sentiment indeed. The Adventist Church not spared, these statistics are finding a whole generation of young people feeling lost and disconnected from the faith community of their childhood. Challenged by the realities facing the local church, over 600 ministry leaders from across the nation registered for the You Lost Me. Live! Dallas learning experience this past Spring, hosted at the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church in Texas. Barna Group President, David Kinnaman, author of the book, You Lost Me, facilitated a day’s worth of presentations, conversations and interviews meant to inform and challenge attendees regarding the church experience of young adults ages 18-29, also known as Millennials. The video below is a follow up resource intended to help local communities begin beneficial steps toward mentoring, discipling, and “finding” next generations. | 18 | 19

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