Smith proj3b book

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g g

Typefaces: Bodoni 72, Book Italic, I chose it because of the subject is “Rain” which express the sence of relaxiation moments that any person would like to have when time gets stressful. My visual feeling about this type of the font is more rhythmic; it reflects comforts from the first seen.


Q A gg


What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

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Choosing a design that portrays the letter ( Rai) as a heavy rainy cloud; and the letters are falling and were organized between large and samll sizes as they portray the rain drops. the laying letters are gatherd as the ground when it wets from the rain smoe wet spots and last for a while after the rain gone.The letter N is huge; has a curve which portrays the tool of support like a shelter or an umbrella cover people ( ing) from getting wet. The Letters (ing) were small size and portrays the human and how they try to find any solution to save them selves ( from getting wet). Choosing the colors (gradient) due to it’s mystrey and secrete. it support the first look or impression with a warm feeling and acceptance.

Due to the fast moving technology, graphic design is a knowledge that cannot

be ignored in all Market place.It has an esteemed future, not all designers are well fit to be a designer. Graphic design requires a limitless amount of imagination and how to present it as piece of art. Also, using softwares and illustrators is to express thoughts and convert it to a tangible meaning.

Q A What compositional choices did you make?

Why are you studying graphic design?

What is your favorite quote about design? “ Design is thinking made visible” Saul Bass.





For my artwork I chose Arial as my typeface. I felt that because Arial is san-serif, it made the most sense. This is because the letter “L” appears to be in continuous motion, as the word split means to divide. The L is literally spliting the the word in half. I feel like with a serif typeface the feet wouldn’t have expressed this meaning as well, since the feet would point downward and in-ward. This would have disrupted the sense of movement. I also liked the weight of the typeface, because it makes the L bold, making it stand out.



What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

What compositional choices did you make?

Choices I made for my composition were, placement, line direction, and relation of shapes. I decided to position my artwork in the center of the page, with it also taking up my of the page. By doing this, it furthers the implication of the L splitting not only the word, but also the page itself. The diagonal of the L suggests movement that is associated with slashing something in half. Because of this, it adds to the effect that the L is actively splitting the word. In addition to the diagonal of the L, I also made the L bigger than the other letters to create an emphasis on it. All the letters besides the L are lower case, to make them seem less important. They are also positioned straight to create a sense that they are correct and the L is disrupting this by it’s diagonal.

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Why are you studying graphic design? I decided to study graphic design because getting paid

to express myself creatively every day is pretty amazing. Graphic design is also appealing because the field is always progressing. The technology is always improving and I think that it’s awesome we get to e perience it first hand and make innovative art with it.


What is your favorite quote about design? One of my favorite quotes about graphic design is “ It’s

through mistakes that you can actually grow.You have to get bad in order to get good.” by Paula Scher. I like this quote because mistakes are okay. They’re essential to improving your craft in any field.





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chose this specific type face because a serif pro ided the best possible format for the illustration. he stem of the letters has a flat form resting on the baseline in the te t. erything appears clean as it rests in the air while the separated letters are resting firmly at the edge of the work. he serif type face has a hea ier feel and the ariating thicknesses in the lines create a solid appearance to the iewer helping to enhance the weight of the fallen letters.



What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

What compositional choices did you make?

or this design to function at the highest capacity despite its simplicity e erything had to be in precise positions. he word has to appear as though it had been typed as a whole meaning the si e had to be the same and the hori ontal scale needed to be e ual as well. sing a serif type face was also important to the o er all design as it lent a sense of stability to the o erall affect produced through the piece. | As for the position of the te t itself the dropp needed to be abo e the ed by a considerable amount. till ha ing dropp at the ery top would present an unappealing isual effect seeing as a large distance between the separated segments of the word would pro e uncomfortable and displeasing to the eye. a ing a generous amount of space

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Why are you studying graphic design? n high school dreamed of working for isney s i ar

branch in animation. ince had been raised on the phenomenal animated mo ies it had been a prime inspiration to me o er the course of my life. hese days e ad usted my goals to working for the company ooster eeth in hopes of working there.


between the ascender remo es any What is your favorite quote about design? claustrophobic aspects from the work and a comfortable height to read from. ou can design and s dropp is ust abo e the center of create and build the most the page and reads from left to right this is continued by the ed resting at wonderful place in the world. ut it the ery edge of the work continuing takes people to make the dream a reality. on from its predecessors it is a ery comfortable and pleasant format.





The preferred typeface that I chose for this particular project was Century Gothic. I chose this typeface because, out of all of the other typefaces, Century Gothic fit the best. t s letters are ery symmetrical with straight edges. No serifs or script-like lettering, which is what I needed to perfect the image of it with my design. wanted each opposing side to align as well as they could, while still allowing the word itself to show through. Many of the other fonts I had attempted to use did not excel with this idea as well as Century Gothic did.



What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

What compositional choices did you make?

he first compositional choice I had to make before anything else was, “How can I make this fit understand that fitting the word to the entire page would ha e worked but feel like aligning the word on each side and then through the middle to make them fit was a better choice. The original thought was to ha e a bo out of the word fit with another ertical ersion of the word sliding into said box. Hence, fitting together. | The next step was which typeface I wanted to use. I wanted the design to be as clean edged and symmetrical as possible, though my original design was all in lowercase letters. In the beginning, wasn t searching for as much symmetry as I ended up with, and while the design still looked decent as an o erall picture. ust not in a

More work by this artist. way that worked well enough with the word I chose. Once the desired font was chosen, I then worked the outlines to fit the image had in mind. | Afterwards, I needed to choose how to work with the space. The design didn t work as well in any corner or e en off center. o decided to scale the image and center it for the best effect.

Why are you studying graphic design? am an artist but ne er saw myself as a teacher or

professor. I want, my dream, is to do animation. o create either mo ies games or cartoons. hat s what would really lo e to do so want to gi e myself the e perience in these graphic design programs in order to better my chance to li e that dream.


What is your favorite quote about design? ha e many fa orite uotes about design. ut o erall

belie e that design and art is one of the key pillars of society. “Design creates culture. ulture shapes alues. alues determine the future. - Robert L. Peters





I used a sanserif font called Franklin Gothic Regular for my artwork because it has the correct amount of weight to create a feeling of suspense. There is nothing holding it down as a serif font would create. The spacing between the letters allows the reader to be able to clearly read the word even though it is upside down. It is a classic typeface that many people have seen before and are familiar with.



What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

What compositional choices did you make?

Compositionally speaking, I wanted to actually create a suspenseful placement to effectively carryout the word in which I used. In this case, the word was tense. By placing the word upside down, slightly slanted, at the top left of the page creates a gut wrenching feeling of suspense. Is the word going to fall? I don’t know. The use of empty space is used for added effect. | In the English language, we read left to right, top to bottom. This is why I placed the word at the top left. | I wanted variety of color in both the poster and mug. For the poster, the use of various, thin, diagonal, brightly colored lines create a tense emotion. Some of the colors inslcude, sunshine yellow, bright red, neon orange, lime green, and lavender for contrast. In the same way, the mug has an added texture

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to the two toned colors of navy and burnt orange. The word seems as if it’s about to fall from a rocky surface to a hot pit.

Why are you studying graphic design? I want to design with a greater purpose in mind. I

want to break the bounds of language, social status, cultures, and ways of thinking in order to connect people. Graphic design is a cool way of doing that. I can be totally traditional, charismatically creative, or both. Just depends on what message I’m sending.


What is your favorite quote about design? don t ha e a specific uote directly for design. However,

when creating and designing I like to uote icasso earn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”





Typefaces: Bodoni 72 Oldstyle and Helvetica I chose these fonts because of the contrast in the typefaces. I used Bodoni 72 Oldstyle for the “Z” to make it stand out in front of the Helvetica typeface. The Helvetica typeface actually creates a sense of unity and overall a calm nature. Since the Helvetica typeface actually has serifs it also creates another element against the non serif typeface. Having one letter stand out with a total opposite typeface really does make the artwork itself “crazy”.



What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

What compositional choices did you make?

Everything in this design was placed on purpose. My ision for this specific artwork was to make it actually “crazy” and to also make it come alive. My initial idea was to make the letter “z” do something out of the ordinary. I tried to turn it at different angles and look like it was pushing the letters “a” and “y” away from each other. I eventually had a brainstorm of what would happen if I connected it with the “a” and made it look as if it was hanging off by the “last serif”, so to speak. | There are also two triangles made between the “a” and “z” letters which are purposefully put there to add dimension and just some pizazz. | I was also challenged to make the word “crazy” actually crazy and still legible and easy to read. To make the design more interesting and make the viewer feel uneasy i made

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the “z” just slightly larger than the rest of the word. This also gives the letter a sense of misplacement and I mentioned earlier, it gives the viewer an uneasy feeling.

Why are you studying graphic design? I’ve always had an interest in the arts for as long as I

could remember. My family actually discouraged it as a major because there s no money in it . tried to find different interests, but I kept coming back to the Arts. I then found out about Graphic Design and since then I have loved every minute of my classes.


What is your favorite quote about design? Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.

Art is knowing which ones to keep. -Unknown





I used mixture of typefaces including courier rial Helvetica, Times New Roman and Futura. I also used a mixture of serifs and san serifs. I think this combination of typefaces really helped to show the real definition of ridiculous. got this idea from a song that spelled out the word ridiculous which helped me decide to gi e each letter a different font.



What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

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Why are you studying graphic design? am studying graphic design to show my talent in a more

modern way. y dream ob is to work for ad oy ower s design team. one day hope to see my dad selling mowers to Tractor Supply with my designs on them or e en wearing a Bad Boy tee shirt.


What is your favorite quote about design? esign won t sa e the world but it damn sure

makes it look good

What compositional choices did you make?

s said before got the idea for this from a song that spelled out the word ridiculous, R I D I C U L O U S like in the song . hile they sang and emphasized each letter differently I thought of creating each letter in a different font and size, even some in a different orientation such as roatating the letter degrees. | I used the rule of thirds to focus in on the L and enlarged it to make it stand out from the other letters. y not creating the letters on a straight line it helped to make the word show its true meaning. sing these things really helped me enjoy the word ridiculous.






What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

Typefaces: Times, Arial, Helvetica I chose these because all fonts type face look like similar. They were clean and order. The whole structure of these fonts looked like a square and rectangle. It was easy to fit each others. However these fonts type face were different in some details. The top of one letter was a flat shape, but the another top of one letter was a irregular shape. They put on the artboard, and they were perfect in the same space.


What compositional choices did you make?

I would try different ways to show the meaning of jump. It was easy to make this artwork, but it was some problems to solve. If I made two letters higher than others, it would be boring. Then, I thought that I should make one letters higher than others. I wanted to mention this letter, so I decided to make this letter become special. I made this letter smaller than others, Next, I put color on this letter to highlight it. The whole work had a foundation structure. I would try a different font in this letter. However, it lost a little bit space, which could not fit into the space. Therefore, I chose one of fonts type, which came from other fonts types. I wanted three fonts at the standard level. In additional, I wanted them closer than “jump” one. In this concept, I made the “J”, “U”, and

p U m J


Why are you studying graphic design? I studied accounting before. However, I was stupid at

math. Therefore, I wanted to find a major which was funny and activity. I asked my friends. He told me that you could study graphic design. I thought that would be cool.

More work by this artist. “M” at the same level. They touched connected each others, also, “J” is a longer than others. It could remind people that word was jump. The “P” was smaller a little bit, and put a color which could contrast with “J”, “U”, and “M”. That was all.


What is your favorite quote about design? “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.

Design is how it works.” –Steve Jobs





Typefaces: Minion In my artwork, I only used one typeface. However, I did use different sizes of the font. I used Serif typeface so that it would look more cluttered as the word sugguests. Having the feet on the lettrs makes if fit more. f it were sanserif the words would not have as big of an impact.



What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

What compositional choices did you make?

On this composition I started out with the word cluttered near the top right hand corner. Then I decided that it just did not work well in that particular space. The space looked much better shoved in a corner. The concept of cluttered made me think of how when a kid pulls all of their toys out of a container and throws them in the floor. hen when they are told to pick it up they just throw it in a corner. Some toys make it in the container, but others fall out. | So, for my composition I put the words in the bottom right hand corner. All of the words are stacked on top of each other in one corner to replicate this idea, but with words instead of toys. I also turned the word diagonally and upside down to show how cluttered things can get turned around. As you

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can see, I also overlapped some of the words as well. I did this because things that are cluttered are usually smooshed together. | There are also parts of the design that cannot be read because I feel that when some things get cluttered you cannot find certain things because it is covered up by something else.

Why are you studying graphic design? Originally I wanted to become a graghic designer

so that I could create games. I myself am a big gamer. So it would be really cool to create games of my own. It is also because I love photography, design, painting, drawing, and animation. felt these all fit well into the occupation of graphic design.


What is your favorite quote about design? Design is a neverending learning process.There

are no solutions that work 100% of the time. Nothing is absolute. -Anonymous





The typeface I used is Times New Roman. I used Times New Roman because I wanted a typeface that represented my word (echo) well, but one that also would not be flashy enough to take away from my composition. I also really wanted to make the word very legible so there would be no doubt about what the word was. Times New oman is neat and plain enough to where focus would not be pulled from my composition and viewers would know what they were looking at. he typeface is also very clean and clear like an actual echo until it fades out.



What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

What compositional choices did you make?

hen thinking about the composition for this artwork, I wanted to really make an effort for my word to be easily read and followed across the merchandise. This is why I chose Times New Roman as my typeface and why I made the decision to repeat the word multiple times. I intentionally placed the beginning of the composition at the top left hand corner and made it tra el in a diagonal line to the bottom right hand corner because that seems to be the easiest path for the eye to follow as nglish speakers because we read left to right. I really wanted to make the word repeat to drive home the meaning of the word echo. also felt that should gi e the word some sort of form other than straight to a oid making the composition trite

More work by this artist. and boring. he word being stretched into a rounded form was also very important because I felt like that would best gi e the iewer the isual cue of sound which is a vital part of an echo. I wanted this composition to be something that would be clear consice, and to the point so that the viewer would understand what I was trying to con ey.

Why are you studying graphic design? am studying graphic design because lo e creating art

and I really want to do it for a career. feel graphic design is the best field that I can share my creativity with the world and make a great li ing while doing so. he field of graphic design is quite vast which was also a major deciding factor for me.


What is your favorite quote about design? igital design is like painting except the paint never dries.







What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

Typefaces: Garamond, Century Gothic I chose these because one is serif, and the other is sans serif. I enjoy emphasising the contrast between the two. The word I chose for this project was “Overwhelm”, so to convey the meaning and feeling of the word, I used large serif letters taking up the majority of the space, all stacked on top of a single, small sans serif “m”. I felt that the complexity, weight and size of the serif typeface on top of the small, simplistic sans serif conveyed “Overwhelm” accurately.


What compositional choices did you make?

To convey the feeling of “Overwhelm” as much as possible, I chose to have the letter “O” take up at least half of the space in the image. I felt having it go offpage would give the feeling of more being held up than what the image can contain. The “O” is being supported by uppercase letters beneath it, which are in turn being supported by letters beneath and beside themselves. Finally, the letter that supports all the others is a small, lowercase sans serif “m”. | I wanted to hint at the letters descending from largest to smallest size, to further emphasize the far larger weight and size the letters depending on the “m”. The uppercase serif looks strong & complex, while the lowercase sans serif looks weak and breakable in comparison. | I made multiple versions of this word,

V R W EL E H m

More work by this artist. testing which sans serif and serif fonts would compliment each other the best. I chose Garamond because I favored how the “O” looked in this typeface than the others. For the “m”, I chose futura, as it was the thinnest out of the sans serif selection.


Why are you studying graphic design? Maybe explain your dream job or inspiration. Lorem

ipsum dolor sit amet, mel libris virtute at. Euismod habemus appellantur pro in. Persius menandri ex vix. Nibh nusquam ne duo. Lus in sonet ancillae, et ius zril dicunt. Per te sonet percipit incorrupte, nam quod esse elitr no, alienum recusabo mei ne.


What is your favorite quote about design? “No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he

did, he would cease to be an artist.” -OSCAR WILDE





The typeface I chose in my artwork is Futura Condensed Medium. I used the condensed form of this font because I wanted to give the word a sense of being too close together; hence: anxious. The type face is originally very condensed, which may give one a sense of claustrophobia. I intended for the viewer to look at this word and to feel like the letters are entirely too tight. An anxious feeling is developed through being too close together, so the condensed form of Futura was appropriate.



What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

What compositional choices did you make?

Compositionally, quite a few choices were made that were seemingly simple, but actually changed the piece completely. It is obvious that the word “anxious” is split by the separation of the letter “X”, which was intentional. When I think of being anxious, I think of feeling separated from everyone and everything. I wanted to convey this feeling throughout the word by splitting it and creating an obvious gap. | In relation to positioning on the page, I chose to put the word near the bottom so that the viewer would notice that the two halves were slightly obscured horizontally. With this choice, I wanted to make the viewer uncomfortable and question why exactly the word is shifted rather than completely straight. The sense of uncomfortability can create anxiety in

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a person. | Also, I chose to allow the “a” to go off the page, while keeping the “s” completely on the page. This was another intentional creation of an anxious feeling. The viewer with the perfectionist’s mindset will hate that it is not perfectly centered, allowing the anxiety to commence.

Why are you studying graphic design? In high school, I was inspired by my yearbook advisor to

take creating digital artwork one step further. I loved the business aspect of designing layouts or logos for financial reasons. I have heard all of the stories about people getting jobs at Disney through graphic design, and ultimately, that would be my dream.


What is your favorite quote about design? “Where do new ideas come from? The answer

is simple: differences. Creativity comes from unlikely juxtapositions.” -NICHOLAS NEGROPONTE





For this artwork, I chose Courier font for the design. It’s because it’s a serif typeface, especially this typeface has much longer feet than in any other serifs. When you look at the “G” letter, you will notice that a foot at the bottom right of it so the foot balances that tilted “G” letter. In addition, that lower “i” letter has such long feet at the top of it, and that creates dynamics; a sense of rotation when it drops. Also, that “y” letter is easy to let it stand up when it has a long curved foot at the bottom of it.



What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

What compositional choices did you make?

I came up with some vocabulary, such as magnificent parallel fragile etc... And I chose “gravity”. It’s pretty straightforward. When you release something, it falls! How simple is that. I chose Courier font and place them in appropriate form so they look like falling to the bottom. It creates a sense of dynamics since they are tilted. But I had to be careful with the placement because viewers cannot read it as “Gravity” if I place them wrong. Also I had to be cautious with spacing between each letter. | That mag cup at the right is just a sample, but I love what I made. I used gradient tool and red color with the gradient effect. I adjusted a bit with the placement of that jpeg image converted from vector image; it was too close to the bottom so I

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moved it up. Now, that mag cup has nice red, pink, white and black colors working very well. | In conclusion, when I directly look at the work, I can comfortably read “Gravity”, and these letters suggest that they are falling into the ground (the bottom of the square).

Why are you studying graphic design? Because I’m looking for a skill to create a great motion

graphics animation. I love both music and graphics. Taking a typography course now is necessary for me since I will be using types in my graphics quite often. I can entrench my skill by knowing how to use different typefaces in different situations.


What is your favorite quote about design? Rationalism is the enemy of art, though necessary

as a basis for architecture. -Arthur Erickson





or this series chose to use utura as my typeface. It always seems to be my go-to when it comes to creating these text-based projects. It’s incredibly minimal and geometric. here s no fluff. hen people think of an elegant font the first thing that may come to their mind is some dwardian script face but immediately turn to these super clean sans serifs like utura or oture. I think there’s more elegance in simple shapes and lines than extravagant loops and curls. hat simplicity lends itself well to this series.



What typeface(s) did you use in your artwork? Why?

What compositional choices did you make?

side from our natural inclination to read from top to bottom the geometric forms of the letters direct your ga e downward. he forms literally point downward and the continuous line formed by the s pro ides a literal through line for your eye to follow. riginally had made the letters super kerned out but drew them closer together so that they might form a more cohesi e unit. think it also reads better that way. | In deciding on a word to convey in this pro ect chose one with a ery minimal connotation that would fit my taste in typeface. ended up with oid a word that is minimal in that it implies a lack of something. o effecti ely con ey this idea repeat the word multiple times remo ing letters each time until there is nothing

More work by this artist. but the singular line formed by the s. | part from the letters there are the background gradients ha e included. wanted to con ey a space that wasn t ust monochromatic but also not too detailed. o used two different gradient schemes the mug being a cliche aporwa e pastel magenta to cyan and the poster being a four color gradient e ocati e of a desert sunset.

Why are you studying graphic design? m studying graphic design because lo e art and the

effect it has on the iewer. don t want to create worlds for myself want to create worlds for e eryone else. want to use art to make people feel something. t also ust so happens that this pursuit is pretty lucrati e. t least compared to studio art.


What is your favorite quote about design? f you think good design is e pensi e you should look

at the cost of bad design.

alf peth

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