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Moira Wales

CARDIFF & KUWAIT, United Kingdom

Cardiff-Born-and-Bred, BritWales Tweeter. The Principality's cosmopolitan, thriving, friendly Capital City is my birth-place and Home-Sweet-Home . . my 2nd nest awaiting with a Welcome Back Celebration for future Vacation-Times, is in Beloved Free Kuwait where I spent 9 wonderful years in the Arabian Gulf, despite requiring invasive right-leg surgery at a few hospitals between 2006-2009. Languages include English, fluent Italian, Spanish, Arabic and some French. Mother's first tongue is Gymraeg-Welsh, with our ancestors from around Cadair Idris and Aber Gynolwen. Cymru am Byth ! Respectfully, as Cardiff-born-n-Bred, truly loving my birth-place, I was glad indeed to be the very first Multi-linguist Tourist Guide in Wales 1972 with (English / Italian / Spanish / Arabic) and 31+ years ago I urged Chairman of Tourist Board, Emyr Griffith to establish plus implement for Wales a renowned system of Blue Badge Guide (cut-out-cowboys) which he actually did - a wise man he always was too !


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