Pressure Ulcers Drew Bystedt Katie Glenn Linda Le Javier Solis Bri Weed
Background ●
A pressure ulcer is an area of skin that breaks down when something keeps rubbing or creating friction against the skin.
Pressure on the skin reduces blood flow to the area. Without enough blood, the skin can die. An ulcer may form.
Symptoms A.
Red skin that gets worse over time
The area forms a blister, then an open sore
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it” ●
If we do not measure our pressure ulcer rates than we cannot determine how well we are doing in preventing pressure ulcers.
Counting skin lesions does not result to pressure ulcers.
Measuring the incidence and prevalence rates of pressure ulcers in our facility.
Measure & Aim Measure: Percentage of patients developing pressure ulcers after admission to facility. Aim: Reduce the incidence rate of facility acquired pressure ulcers by 6% in the next 4 months.
Skilled Nursing Facility ● Highest level of care for older adults outside of a hospital ● Post-Acute Care ● Best choice for patients who require 24-hour medical care and supervision ● Services include: Assessment, treatment, injections, and administration of medications, rehabilitation ● 93.1% of facilities reported pressure ulcers
Root Cause Analysis ●
Root cause analysis ● An accident investigation technique undertaken to find and fix the fundamental causes of an adverse event ● Used following a sentinel event, an incident in which death or serious harm to a patient occurs ● Also used following a near miss event, an incident that did not result in death or injury but could have, only by chance was the patient not harmed ● Ask and understand what went wrong in the process to result in adverse outcomes ● Follows the same steps as PDSA cycle ● Should evaluate whether risk reduction strategies achieved desired results
Improvement Processes ●
Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle ○ Plan ■ State objectives: Lower pressure ulcers incidence rate ■ State improvements: Quality of care to patients ■ Process changes: Refine rotation process through a new care plan ■ Data collected: Rate of pressure ulcers before implementation plan ○ Do ■ Implement changes: More specific care plan established for patients ■ Document problems: Record issues that arise from the implementation plan ■ Gather data: Record pressure ulcers prevalence rates after implementation
Improvement Processes ●
PDSA continued ○ Study ■ Analyze data: Determine if implementation reduced pressure ulcer rates by comparing before and after rates ■ Compare results: Contrast data with other SNFs ■ Summarize lessons learned: Team collaboration, importance of rotation and detailed care plan ○ Act ■ If unsuccessful, repeat PDSA ■ If successful, implement them on a wider scale with maintaining change in facility
Pressure Ulcer RCA ●
Outline the problem ○ Reducing the incidence of pressure ulcers anywhere on the skin of patients ○ Patient safety, organization compliance, reduced reimbursements Analysis of problem: Damage to tissue, muscle, bone ○ death of tissue ■ Poor skin condition, poor environment, inadequate nutrition, contaminants on skin ■ Damage of tissue, shear injury, pressure injury ●
Friction injury from patient being repositioned, patient unable to assist in moving
Pressure injury from patient staying in same position,
Team Management ●
Team Dynamics ○ Learning the essential elements of a functioning team ○ Learning important aspects of team building and team functioning ○ Working as a group to accomplish a task ■ Productive meetings ■ Team composition and roles ■ Decision-making
Stages of Team Development ○ Forming ○ Norming ○ Storming ○ Performing
Change Management ● ●
Change management is a systematic approach to dealing with change, both from the perspective of an organization and on the individual level. Kotter’s 8- Step Change Model ○ Step 1: Create a Sense of Urgency- Developing a need to change ○ Step 2: The Guiding Team- creating a trusted group to influence others into accepting change ○ Step 3: A Change Vision and Strategy- developing the right vision and strategy for the change efforts ○ Step 4: Communicate the change vision- Create buy-in ○ Step 5: Fewer Obstacles, More Empowerment-Remove obstacles that stop people from acting on the vision
Change Management Cont. â—‹ â—‹ â—‹
Step 6: Identify and celebrate Short-Term Wins- build momentum and energize others Step 7: Consolidate gains and produce more change- Keep implementing change until the vision is fulfilled Step 8: Anchor new approaches in the culture- Create a support structure which will continue the new-winning behavior
Value & Context ● Can be classified as a facility acquired condition that is preventable 2% - 28% of residents have them 60% are at risk for developing them CMS does not reimburse (cost can add up to $70,000) Nearly 60,000 deaths are attributed from acquired pressure ulcers ○ Pressure Ulcer event reduction falls within CMS’ top HAC reduction priorities ○ ○ ○ ○
Value & Context ● CMS launched National Nursing Home Collaborative ● The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) ● New York State Gold STAMP Program ○ (Success Through Assessment, Management Prevention) ○ Partnership of hospital, home health, skilled
nursing, hospice, assisted living provider settin and other healthcare stakeholders and partner across New York State.
References ●
https://healthy.kaiserpermanente. org/static/health/pdfs/quality_and_safety/multi/multi_pressure_ulcers.pdf
References ●