Preparing Your Home For Sale We typically recommend the below action items when preparing your home for sale. Addressing these issues can result in an increased sales price of fifteen to twenty percent.
INTERIOR 1. Hardwood floors should have a minimal amount of scratches, wear, unfinished or pet-stained areas. 2. Carpet should be well-maintained, showing no heavy traffic on the carpet or pad. If your carpet is in good condition, you should have it professionally cleaned several days prior to putting your home on the market. If you’re wondering if you should replace the carpet because of the obvious stain that you can’t get out, the answer is YES. If you are asking yourself if the stain is obvious, the answer is also YES.
3. If you have managed to maintain your 1960s-70s vinyl kitchen flooring: congratulations! Let everyone know that you were right all along; it is now back in style! However, if it is torn, worn, stained or scratched, it should be replaced. 4. If you have broken floor tiles or missing grout, you should replace the missing tiles with matching ones and regrout the floor. Hopefully, there is a box of extra tiles sitting in your garage, basement or attic. If you can’t find matching replacements for your missing tiles, you may need to replace that flooring.