Pro 50 2018

Page 1

supplement to

Foreword It is with great pride that I welcome

While the rest of the region has been

you to the seventh edition of the

keeping a low profile, nursing their

Pro50 book. In the seven years we

financial losses, Saudi Arabia’s new

have had the privilege to compile

thirst for entertainment has spurred

this unique industry reference

new suppliers and service providers. The

book, this edition stands out in

Kingdom has always had one of the most

terms of featuring new entrants

sought-after audiences for most media

along with significant players in

owners, but thus far they have remained

the MENA broadcast landscape.

the audience of a privileged few. Opening

But let’s rewind a bit to the last year.

up the market to more players will put

So much has changed since we brought

a lot of pressure on the existing media

play in the region, Pro50 has a dedicated

out the last edition of Pro50.

business dons to come up with new

section for the satellite industry servicing

strategies to keep ahead.

the broadcast vertical.





unprecedented political upheavals, apart

The MENA content market has thus

The seventh edition of Pro50 is,

from the seismic shift in the consumption

seen an unusual surge in interest and

therefore, an occasion to celebrate

of content, which is a universal

investment. This book reflects the

resilience. We always begin with a

phenomenon. Among the positive

suppliers and vendors who are offering

comprehensive exclusive introduction

developments is the historic lifting of

the solutions most in demand at this

to the broadcast industry in the region,

the ban on theatres by Saudi Arabia

particular time. You will, therefore,

and this time our introduction has

late last year and the subsequent media

witness a different set of manufacturers

been authored by Vidya Nath, Research

announcements from the Kingdom. If the

and solution providers join the mix of

Director at Frost & Sullivan. The

discussions at the end of 2017 were about

existing ones. Also acting as the vital

companies you see in this edition have

FAANG and their rising threat to local

bridge to the end consumer across the

demonstrated an understanding of the

players, 2018 began on a new note with ‘a

Middle East and North Africa are the

dynamic ecosystem they operate in. As

theatre rush’ of international and regional

regional distributors. You will find a

you read through their company profiles,

theatre owners making haste to secure

comprehensive representation of the

we hope you find it as inspirational as we

land and partnerships in the Kingdom

major MENA-based distributors within

did putting this edition together.

and be part of the new entertainment

this edition of Pro50.

scene. Since then, Saudi Arabia has

Likewise, navigating the legacy and

been in the spotlight at Cannes, wooing

brave new worlds of IP and cloud are the

international productions with a promise

service providers and systems integrators,

of a 35% rebate and a further 50% if they

among other players, who have shared

take on local talent, while locally it has

their case studies in the region with us

been promising to support its filmmakers

through the years. Also, recognising the

Vijaya Cherian

with training sessions and workshops.

key role satellite operators continue to

Editorial Director


Contents Introduction




Rohde & Schwarz


Ross Video



RTS Intercoms


Sennheiser Middle East




The MENA OTT video landscape

Master Media


News Agency


Advanced Media



Amaranthine Trading LLC


BS Broadcast


GSL Professional LLC




NMK Electronics Ent.




Arab 24

OB Services 158

Al Aan Media Services

Production 164

Real Image TV Production

Satellite 170

APT Satellite


Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite Company


M-Three Satcom


World Teleport Association


Appear TV


Ardis Technologies – Dynamic Drive Pool




Brainstorm Multimedia


Calrec Audio Ltd.




Extreme Technology


Fujifilm Middle East FZE


Guntermann & Drunck GmbH Systementwicklung






Jünger Audio GmbH




Leader Electronics Corporation



Systems Integrators




Aret Video and Audio Engineering


Orban Europe GmbH


Ariston BTS




Broadcast Systems Arabia (BSA)


Riedel Communications


INC System Integrations

Service Providers 188

ABS Network






SERAPHIC Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.




Swoo Limited


U-TO Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd.



The MeNA OTT videO lANdscApe 4


ReGiONAl MARKeT liFe cycle ANAlysis: OTT videO, 2017

Western Europe

Market Value


North America

Latin America Central and Eastern Europe

Source: Frost & Sullivan

Middle East Africa





services or converged pay TV and OTT

the MENA OTT market, which has around

services. Either way, change is imminent.

75m active viewers will likely grow at a CAGR

From an analyst’s lens, Frost & Sullivan has

of at least 38% in viewers and to US$775m

been trying to measure the speed at which

in revenue by 2021. With a higher positive

that inflection will occur over the timeline —

impact of better macroeconomic conditions,

the business opportunity for stakeholders in

agility in driving broadband penetration,

the media universe as well as the change in

better digital advertising rates and more paid

market landscape. The team has been closely

subscriptions, the region has potential to grow

tracking trends and developments that will

1.5x in viewership base and 2.5x in revenue.

likely have a near term and mid-term impact

MENA’s OTT viewership is still largely

over the growth of the market, by classifying

driven by YouTube which also hosts online

developments in investments, product and

channels for several TV stations. The other

service launches, partnerships and content

companies that have garnered sizeable market

strategies. This article provides an overview

share are MBC’s Shahid, beIN Connect and

of the MENA OTT services market in 2017

Fox’s NatGeo website. But the segment that

and an outlook summary for 2018.

MENA struggles with to expand in television as well as OTT is paid subscriptions. Highly


MeNA veRsUs The wORld:

dominated by free-to-air satellite TV

OTT GROwTh phAse

channels, free videos and pirated content, the

OTT adoption and service availability is quite

MENA region finds it challenging to increase

t has been established through

uneven across geographies. Regions at an

the percentage of consumers who are willing

various forums in the media industry

advanced state of adoption — North America

to pay for content.

that ‘non-linear video is the way

and Western Europe, equipped with high

forward’. Video-on-demand (VOD)

broadband access as well as a number of services

The OTT ecOsysTeM: The

and over-the-top (OTT) video is disrupting

have already moved on to providing several

GROwiNG lANdscApe

viewership trends across the world. By

videos in HD and 4K, while the rest of the world

The ecosystem for OTT video services is

2020, at least 40% of all video viewed will

is grappling with how to provide seamless

growing and so are the technology firms

be over broadband-connected platforms.

video over inconsistent broadband speeds.

that enable distribution, monitoring of QoS,

These platforms include individual OTT

According to Frost & Sullivan’s analysis,

payment, monetisation and analytics. The



Source: Frost & Sullivan, Company Logos


challenges of OTT delivery to conform to

Telcos require a vast repository of content to

into their platforms creates significant

different media sources, delivery types and

distribute and maintaining partnerships with

technical challenges.

streaming at variable bit rates to suit different

two or three major aggregators and content

devices continue to confound broadcasters

rights owners can give them an edge over

The ideAl TechNOlOGy FORMUlA

and telecom companies who rely largely on

their competitors in the long run. Why this is

Technology has come a long way over the

outsourced partners to facilitate this.

moot in the region is because the population

past five years to help facilitate online video

Several OTT providers today are piggyback

is highly fragmented and for service providers,

delivery. There have been several changes

riding on partnerships with telcos to acquire

a vast library that can provide choices to every

in the way companies approach setting

their viewership base, guaranteeing a

single demographic group is essential, if they

up and delivery of multimedia content. In

minimum subscriber base. Carrier billing is

want to be reckoned among the top two or

hybrid environments, where content has to

one strategy that will augment distribution

three operators.

be distributed to television and multimedia,

and subscriptions due to low penetration of

As the number of service providers today

the complexity is intense. Following are

online payments. E-Vision’s recent five-year

is limited, telcos are careful in making their

some of the common challenges that face IT

content deal with Starz Play reflects this trend.

choices as integration of multiple services

technology teams today:

The OTT videO ecOsysTeM (eXAMples), MeNA, 2017


Media Agencies

Online Video Platforms

Payment Modes

• • • • •

• • • • •

• • • • •

Ooyala Technavio Kaltura Akamai Brightcove

In-store vouchers Direct carrier billing Debit/credit cards Knet (mobile wallet) Google Wallet

OTT Services

Content Owners

Telecom Operators

• • • • •

• • • • •

• • • • •

Netflix Amazon Prime Video icflix StarzPlay MBC Shahid

OSN Zee Group MBC beIN Media Group Rotana

Du Zain STC Mobily Etisalat

Source: Frost & Sullivan

Hug Digital Ethos Interactive Universal Media MRCO Blank Page


eXAMples OF TelecOM pARTNeRships ANd AlliANces Telecom carriers are the backbone of this industry in order to provide the bandwith required for watching videos. Here are a few alliances which indicate the importance of bundling and forging partnerships for distribution of OTT services:

Telly Zain



Starz Play


Orange Etisalat



Sources: Telly, STArz Play, Istikana




Maroc Telecom The dispARATe FORMATs iN

flexibility to switch, changing from one

does not have a content distributor offering

which cONTeNT FlOws

solution to another is still not as easy. Most

it. In the MENA region, however, content

Most leading broadcasters and pay TV

feature sets offered by vendors are similar in

piracy is perpetrated by willing defaulters

operators have a standards and practices team

their datasheets and, therefore, many media

who offer content that is already available

that defines the requirements for content at

companies use at least two to three solutions

at a price, thereby directly impacting the

source level as well as the distribution side.

for their various content processing needs.

revenue of pay TV/ OTT operators. Media

However, content continues to be sourced

companies are still struggling to get around

in multiple formats and the quality of video


this challenge and looking for more efficient

across a vast library is often not consistent.

The MENA media industry continues to

ways to stem piracy.

Having to process this content in a format

flag content piracy as their number one

that can be applied for multimedia is still

challenge. Content protection has three

diy OR Ovp


dimensions – a conditional access system

The growth for the media industry has been

(that locks down devices that can access

muted over the last two years resulting in

pROcessiNG FOR MUlTiMediA

content), digital rights management (which

cautious investment. Most companies are

There is a a huge leap in compression

is establishing boundaries for distribution

often caught in a dilemma of whether to do it

technologies today. Prices for encoding and

of content by device, region and network)

yourself (DIY) and set up a platform in their

transcoding solutions have fallen by about

and watermarking (applying a signature to

studio/headend or use the services of an online

three times; good compression solutions

the content that enables a company to track

video platform.

are available that can be run on off-the-

down the source of piracy and shut it down).

shelf IT servers without having to worry as

In most parts of the world, while piracy

scalability in operations that the company

much about scalability and there are codecs

exists, it has reduced in volume and is

wants to achieve, the number of viewers it

that are efficient in compressing HD and

perpetrated in regions which had no access

wants to target, the regions it wants to target

4K content for IP distribution. While ease

to the content anyway and was triggered by

and ways in which it wants to monetise content.

of use of technology has increased, the


However there are still many technology

This can be answered in terms of the

challenge that most media companies have

A basic example is where an episode of

teams within media companies who do not

today is the burden of their legacy solutions.

Game of Thrones may have been downloaded,

necessarily understand IT well. This brings a

While software-heavy solutions allow more

distributed and watched in a country that

host of other challenges.



move away from CAPEX for upgrades in

sNApshOT OF A selecTiON OF svOd liBRARies iN The MeNA Titles

infrastructure as well as minimal dependence


on human resources. Some media companies in the region had to lay off personnel and many


others have no permission to hire except for mission-critical tasks. These trends are forcing companies to consider cloud-based services.


There are two challenges though, one, the broadband infrastructure to support backend processing on cloud is highly uneven in the region. Except for the delivery of content to a wide base of viewers over networks, content development itself is not transitioned


to the cloud. Second, there are not enough applications that are 100% effective to be STARZ Play




leveraged on the cloud. Earlier, digital services were an aspect of the media business and

Ui/ UX

intervention. However, there are solutions

content companies could risk time latency

User Interface and User Experience are critical

being created in the industry where metadata

and quality of experience and service. Today,

to the success of an online video service today.

creation can be completely automated based on

it is just as important as television. A few

Any online video platform that cannot get a

artificial intelligence; with more and more data

microseconds in delay and buffering could turn

viewer to navigate and get to the video of

sets around video being evolved, it will gain

away a viewer forever. Hence, CIOs of media

their choice within two to three clicks will

effectiveness with machine learning.

companies are still cautious about moving their

lose the customer to a competitor. Search,

video workflows to the cloud entirely.

discovery, and recommendations riding on

clOUd-BAsed seRvices

top of analytics are essential feature sets. While

With shrinking top lines in revenue and

everyone acknowledges it, many do not know

increasing pressure to protect bottom lines,

MAchiNe leARNiNG

how to achieve it. Online video services are

technology teams are tasked with the adoption

Two applications in media that already

still high in usage on mobile phones. Here, a

of solutions and services that can help them

leverage analytics and AI include OTT

ANAlyTics, Ai ANd

service provider is fighting for attention with NUMBeR OF TiTles By lANGUAGe (pRiMARy AUdiO), 2017

not just other video services but also apps for social media, financial services, email, news



and gaming, among scores of others. Creating a hook that retains a viewer for at least five


minutes on one’s platform is important, thereby increasing chances of the viewer’s return. 75%

MeTAdATA ANd MeTA-TAGGiNG Metadata is the essence for search and discovery. Today there are several best practices


followed by the industry for structuring effective metadata creation for online video but few platforms offer optimal choices. Meta


tagging has to have a scientific approach. It is an important differentiator for competition and to a significant degree, reliant on manual






Source: OTT websites and Frost & Sullivan

Source: Frost & Sullivan



North Africa

Egypt has the most number of online video viewers

Lebanon and Morocco have up to 55% online video viewers

They watch more Arabic content than international

Some viewers have up to three subscriptions at a time

Saudi Arabia

190 million YouTube views a day

Ranked #1 globally for per capita YouTube views

2 hours of content uploaded every minute

World’s highest per capita rate of video consumption on phones


2.4 million internet users

89% internet penetration

75% of online videos are consumed from smartphones

85% of videos are watched on YouTube, 15% on Vimeo


Spend an average 4.7 hours weekly on phones watching videos

71% of internet users watch movies online

48% watch TV shows

Sports and Hollywood releases are most watched videos

viewership measurement and targeted

Sources: Emarketer, Statista, Frost & Sullivan

ReGiONAl videO viewiNG TReNds

the region are quite disparate in their offering.

service because of the ‘fear of missing out’

advertising. While this is extremely effective

Among the SVOD OTT service providers,

on the digital growth and the decline of TV

for ROI analysis to advertisers, it is also

Netflix and icflix were found to offer more

viewership. Apart from telecom operators

challenging for media companies. Viewership

than 2000 titles to subscribers across

(Etisalat, Du, Ooredoo, STC), satellite pay

statistics are highly transparent and this gives

languages while others have less than 1000.

TV services (beIN, OSN) and broadcasters

an edge to advertisers in terms of bargaining.

The number of hours which is often

(MBC), there are also aggregation platforms

For the future though, media companies are

another metric that SVOD providers compare

by social media companies, OTT-only

exploring how they can use these technologies

each other on, fluctuates based on how many

companies and satellite companies such as

for content creation and delivery. AI and

of the titles are movies and how many are

Arabsat and Eutelsat. The market is likely

machine learning is being slowly leveraged

series. The gap that MENA OTT service

to have more important participants such as

for playout automation and significantly, for

providers have to bridge is that of content in

Rotana and others offer their own platform-

recommending content to viewers. This will

Arabic. Companies such as Starz Play, iflix and

based services in the near future. However, the

become critical for all OTT video companies

Viu have raised nearly US $500 million among

strategy needs to be clearer if companies want

over the next two years.

themselves but not all of it will be directed

to make any success out of it, be it viewership

towards the region. Majority of investment

or revenue.


activity for the region itself will be focused

Currently, most companies want to retain

lOcAlisATiON is pRiORiTy

on content production and localisation of

their viewership as much as possible and

Globally speaking, there really is no relation

international content. OTT platforms are also

create adjacent apps, to which they can

between the volume of content, number

spending on building robust services which

direct their end users. The challenge is in

of titles and the number of subscribers.

are equipped with agility and scalability to

not identifying the end goal. Media companies

Viewership is also driven by targeted

cater to large audiences seamlessly.

need to internally brainstorm to prioritise

marketing and the age of the content in the

their objectives — how they wish to scale

OTT libraries. Yet content repository and

OTT videO - eveRyBOdy’s GOT

up, what kind of experience they want to

quality is what unhinges the possibilities


offer, how they want to use it as a branding

of viewership attraction on a media service

There is a desperate attempt by all regional

vehicle and why they need to provide it at

platform. Analysis shows that OTT services in

ecosystem participants to have an OTT

all. Companies need to position themselves



RAMAdAN spiKe iN yOUTUBe videO views, MeNA, 2016

once more in the fractured ecosystem to find their sweet spot, instead of targeting every



single avenue to reach the customer. While not having a digital play will definitely reduce their brand equity and revenue potential, what


is more critical in understanding how their core strengths can be realigned for the digital business. Being digital does not necessarily


mean offering an OTT service; it can imply more opportunities for the diversification of

50% Source: Frost & Sullivan

their solutions portfolio. Few leading media companies have scrapped plans to launch their OTT services


and some are looking to dilute their stake in their current offerings. Some others are still trying to raise capital as OTT services require significant investment for content and technology.






increasing their efforts towards building an

YouTube continues to wield considerable

effective video strategy. Video continues to be

sway over the MENA region especially in key

sOciAl MediA: will They

an application that offers a highly immersive

markets such as Saudi Arabia. It accelerated

eMBRAce OTT videO?

experience which will ensure maximum

its efforts to localise the platform for multiple

Leading social media platforms like Google,

internet user retention on any platform. The

countries and its blend of multi-lingual free

Facebook and Twitter have all committed to

MENA region will be no different.

content helps its continued popularity. In

yOUTUBe TReNds, MeNA, 2016 Despite the influx of many regional OTT platforms, the invincible position of YouTube can be traced to a multitude of factors:

MENA Initiatives


• Localised versions availiable in eight countries


• 80% growth in traffic in 2015 year-on-year

• Efforts to expand Arabic content

• 300 million views daily, second highest of any region worldwide

• Majority of content viewing for YouTube through mobile devices including smart phones and tablets • YouTube’s app ranked second in the UAE in terms of time spent


Channels • All major broadcasters and also individual shows, such as Arab Idol, have dedicated YouTube channels • In many cases the subscriber numbers to these online channels match the TV viewership numbers


Business Impact • Advertising revenue from region lowest globally for YouTube • Monetisation solutions available for only four countries in the MENA

• Wide variety of regional and international content across genres, including UGC • Popular platform for accessing uncensored content • Wide variety of short-form videos

Sources: YouTube, Frost & Sullivan

• Launched ‘partner programme’ in the KSA, the UAE and Egypt to monetise original content


addition, YouTube sees significant spikes

are beginning to prioritise their business

It can also help companies to migrate to

during the Ramadan season.

decisions and technology spends for pushing

cloud-based services which can rationalise

Google traffic data indicates a surge in

content to wider audiences. There is maturity

their investments in technologies, and scale

daily views by over 30% during the Holy

in the market on what applications to spend

up or down based on their requirements.

Month until Eid-ul-Fitr. Although TV rates

time and money on and which ones to delay.

This trend will feed in to higher adoption

skyrocket for the same time slots, producers

With television advertising stagnant, digital

of virtualisation and cloud-based workflow

claim higher reach and audience engagement

video distribution is high on the priority list

during this month. Mobile phones are the

for all. Among various trends that will likely

OTT monetisation is still a significant

most used devices to access online videos

impact the market, below are those that can

point of contention for the entire industry.

during this period as they witness a 65%

offer greater change for the industry.

All forums that discussed this topic

growth in traffic.

solutions over the next three years.

Media companies are seriously considering

demonstrated optimism but some decided

The region also looks to Facebook. With

transitioning their workflow to IP. An

to call a spade a spade which is significant

over 90% usage among the population across

otherwise non-core and non-jazzy topic that

consumer reticence towards paid OTT

countries, Facebook’s reach can be tapped

is hardly ever discussed on stage at events,

services. Digital viewership is gaining

into for video services.

IP workflows will become the fulcrum of

rapid adoption and while it is concentrated

video delivery. The transition to IP is critical

among two to three service providers in


for the total ‘IT-fication’ of video processing

the industry, there is opportunity for more

CABSAT 2018 was marked by renewed

and delivery headends, especially in hybrid

companies to enter the market especially

enthusiasm among solutions providers

environments. IP workflows can help in the

with advertising on-demand services. SVOD

and service providers. While the industry

automation of backend processes and tasks,

or subscription video on demand continues

still reels from the impact of geopolitical

allow remote access and control of headends

to lag compared to other countries but has

events, there is now little indecisiveness on

and studios, help in monitoring services and

potential to skyrocket with effective content

how things will move forward. Companies

create a truly integrated workflow for media.

and pricing strategies.

MOsT Used sOciAl NeTwORKiNG weBsiTes, MeNA, 2016 Facebook













• Amongst the social networking sites, Facebook is the most popular, due to its sheer convenience and appeal with the youth. • Twitter has a stronger footprint in the GCC with more compelling educated audiences as compared to the North African nations. However, Instagram is more widely accepted, since it is more visual and is used for leisure rather than for business or commercial reasons.


Sources: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Frost & Sullivan



MeNA TReNds iN videO vieweRship, iN BilliONs OF hOURs TV



Source: Frost & Sullivan












ciNeMA iN sAUdi ARABiA:

2000 screens. This is expected to contribute

loss by offering only legacy services, but the


around $24 billion and create more than

ROI from OTT is too huge a challenge for

On December 11, 2017, the Ministry of

30,000 jobs. With the opening of theatres, the

anyone to consider it a serious avenue for

Culture and Information for the Kingdom of

government expects household spending on

driving business. Everyone wants to focus on

Saudi Arabia (KSA) lifted a 35-year-old ban

entertainment to increase from 2.9% to 6%.

driving pay TV and driving up ARPUs in the

on cinemas. The government of KSA signed

Saudi Arabia has been quietly trying to

near term. But Frost & Sullivan is bullish on

a resolution paving the way for licenses to

drive change in its local content industry

the OTT video services market. There is a

be granted to commercial movie theatres

with active conversations around setting

rising appetite for exclusive original shows

with the first cinema opening in March

up a new media city and driving content

in vernacular languages as it is plagued by

2018. This radical move will give a new

production. Over the next two years, Saudi

conventional narratives and do not cater to

lease of life to the almost non-existent film

Arabia could drive up content creation

the youth. OTT platforms are ramping up

industry in KSA and create value for all

significantly, thereby setting the base

efforts to curate content to stay abreast with

stakeholders involved.

for newer opportunities for OTT service

international producers in order to compete

providers in the country or even a new local

on a level playing field. They are also curating

service provider.

content from Hollywood studios and dubbing

The Ministry of Culture and information announced in 2016 that it plans to develop a new media city that provides physical

or subtitling them for local audiences who have

location and necessary technical facilities for

ROUNd Up: 2017

local and international journalists operating

We find that local broadcasters are waking

Iflix, Z5 Weyyak and Wavo are some of

in KSA. Part of the National Transformation

up to the need to go digital and the potential

the latest entrants in the market, arising out

an appetite for such content.

Programme, the government has allotted

of consolidation or revamping of existing

direct funding for the establishment of

platforms. But the biggest driver for the

overseas media centres and $1600 million

market will be infrastructure. Uniform

to set up a Saudi media city. The media houses

broadband services will be the primary factor

that will operate from the free zone will have

that can catapult the growth of this market

to function within the rules and regulations of

to another level.

KSA. The government clearly wants to utilise

This piece was authored by Vidya S

revenue-generating opportunities and create

Nath, Sr Director, Frost & Sullivan (with

an ecosystem that will help in building solid

inputs from Aafia Bathool, Research

business systems. Media and entertainment

Analyst, Frost & Sullivan; and Jayashree

is being viewed as an underserved industry

Rajagopal, Sr Research Analyst, Frost

category. By 2030, the government plans to open around 300 cinemas that will constitute


Vidya S Nath, Sr Director, Frost & Sullivan.

& Sullivan). The author can be reached for more insights on


cABsAT - cONTeNT cReATiON TO pROdUcTiON ANd cONsUMpTiON With the growing demand

deals officially announced

for pioneering products,

in exclusivity at CABSAT.

technologies and regional

CABSAT 2018 edition was

investment avenues, the

supported by key sponsors

24th edition of CABSAT

and partners including

welcomed tens of thousands

Huawei, Gracenote, Dolby,

of regional and international

Dubai Studio City, In5,

visitors involved in the

Oasis Enterprise, Ernst

creation, management,

& Young, IABM, ASBU,

distribution and monetisation


of content. Convened at the

amongst many others.

Dubai World Trade Centre

CABSAT 2019 will return

between January 14 and

to the original schedule

16, 2018, CABSAT remains

of March (12-14) at Hall 1

the leading platform for

to 8 at the Dubai World

broadcast, production,

Trade Centre, with a

content delivery, digital media

continued focus on the

and satellite sectors across

who delivered practical case

mentoring the first edition of

three key pillars of the show,

the Middle East, Africa and

studies and industry trends

the ‘Script to Screen in 48’. In

namely the broadcast

South Asia (MEASA).

for the broadcast, satellite and

partnership with Dubai Studio

segment, with the latest

digital media communities.

City and In5, this event saw a

in broadcast technology

diverse with more than 400

Some of the leading

group of five students creating

and equipment; content

plus exhibitors showcasing

executives presenting were

a short movie in 48 hours.

creation and marketplace,

thousands of new products,

WWE, France TV, Facebook,

Also featured at CABSAT

numerous onsite technical

Instagram, Fremantle Media

this year was the GVF Satellite

distribution of filmed, audio

workshops including the

International and Starz Play, to

Hub Summit, supported by

and TV content; and the

IABM IP theatre and the GVF

name a few. Through the two

the Global VSAT Forum. The

satellite segment related

satellite hub, plus new industry

days, distinctive attention was

summit brings to the table

to the latest developments

competitions at the ‘Script

given to the growth of Arabic

industry leaders to discuss

in the satellite space. With

to Screen in 48’. Additionally,

content and consumption

the latest in technological

a drive for more creative

there were two international

in the region, including

advancements in the

and interactive content and

conferences on satellite

discussions with film producer

satellite industry. Over the

through its bespoke features,

communications and Content

and director Amer Salmeen Al

three days of the exhibition,

congress and competitions,

Congress that gave an

Murry at the avant-premiere

attendees were able to

CABSAT will continue to be

insight to the transformation

trailer of the making of the movie Fan of Amoory, fully

test, use and experience

the foremost platform for

of the broadcast and

the latest technology and

the broadcast, production,

satellite industries.

produced in the UAE with

equipment in the broadcast,

content delivery, digital media

the support of twoFour54.

satellite, content delivery and

and satellite industries, and

electronic media industries,

the hub for buyers, sellers and

CABSAT’s content was

Indeed, the show’s agenda in 2018 was packed with

Martin Gaiss, former

with the production and

industry-tailored features

SVP Global Content at 20th

as well as hear the latest

experts across the region.

and more than 60 speakers

Century Fox took centrestage

industry launches and

For more information, please

at the Content Congress,

at the conference alongside

witness multi-million dollar




Consultants Master Media



master media



acked by its profound experience,

Solutions are crafted out with individual

and facilities, or establishing and managing

Master Media strives to deliver

clients after careful planning and meticulous

the regional businesses of top international

the best possible solutions and

attention to detail to identify solutions that

broadcasting manufacturers and solutions

services to help clients achieve

improve operational efficiencies.

providers. Hasan is also chairman of the Arab

and exceed their goals and expectations.

Master Media was founded by Hasan R.

Master Media’s team has extensive knowledge

Sayed Hasan, an award-winning broadcast

HDTV Group, part of the ASBU (Arab States

of broadcasting, media production and

media executive with more than 25 years of

creative processes. Working with clients to

experience in the broadcast media industry.


identify solutions for improved operational

Master Media’s team has been on the forefront

Master Media delivers a varied portfolio

efficiencies, Master Media helps with the

of utilising and implementing the latest and

of consultancy and professional services to

transition to new business initiatives smoothly

upcoming technologies in setting up and

the media and broadcasting industry, from

and cost-effectively.

managing leading broadcasting networks

feasibility studies and business planning

Broadcasting Union).

Master Media is member of various international broadcast associations like the IABM, IEEE, SMPTE, AES, the Arab HDTV group.



to set up a broadcasting network, media

• CAPEX & OPEX Budgeting

production or broadcasting facility, through


technology design and management, training


and operational assistance, to recruitment and


business development support.


• TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE CONSULTING: Facility planning and analysis, budget preparation, architectural and electro-mechanical systems review • ANALYSIS: Site survey and analysis, technology and systems analysis





control systems, video and audio systems,

For new projects or expansions to exiting


media management systems, networking

operations, Master Media offers:

Master Media manages RFPs and tenders

systems, satellite and communication


from requirements development through


PLANNING: Design and conduct market

vendor selection and contract negotiation, to

• DOCUMENTATION: Workflow diagrams,

research and feasibility studies create and

completion and delivery. In-house executives

operation manuals, schematic diagrams,

deliver detailed strategies, technical and

help clients choose systems or manage

CAD drawings, floor plans

business plans and corresponding financial

services either directly with suppliers or in

projections, market and situational analysis,

support of the client’s procurement team.

including potential opportunities and

• SYSTEMS DESIGN: Automation and

PROJECTS DELIVERY Master Media supplies a complete and

challenges, competitive analysis including


comprehensive range of programme and

potential direct and indirect competition


project management services. Specialised



teams help clients manage their project lifecycle and the company’s involvement is wholly dependent on a client’s specific requirements. In effect, this can move from part-time assistance to full project ownership. HUMAN CAPITAL SERVICES Master Media’s range of recruitment services includes executive search and selection for senior management, both permanent and interim, and recruitment of complete operational and technical teams for start-up organisations and broadcasters. The company provides an expert mix of talent on short, medium and long-term placement services especially on project-basis. Master Media develops training programmes customised to its clients’ needs. Support crew look into various aspects of training covering

Hasan R. Sayed Hasan, Managing Director, Master Media.

training plan development, technical, editorial, production and operational training and



systems philosophy and familiarisation.



Professional teams with decades of experience



in global broadcast and media organisations,


Master Media provided technical and

organise a wide range of technical, creative

Master Media is currently providing consultancy

operational assistance to Oman TV. For two

and operational knowhow in their specialist

services to one of the most anticipated events

years, a team of broadcast technology and

respective fields, supplying provisional backing

in the MENA region. Having been awarded

operations professionals supported Oman

on first production, and/or ‘on-air’ support and

the consultancy from a very competitive

TV in its migration to a new large high-end

ongoing operational support.

international tender process, Master Media is

HD tapeless facility.

providing the client with a range of advisory BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT

and consultancy services including developing


With a deep expertise, understanding and

various strategies within Media and Broadcast


network within the Middle East’s media market,

related to Commercial, Technology, Media


Master Media provides strategic advice and

Operations, Guest Experience, Media Facilities


business development support to companies

Design, and Venue Management. (2017- ongoing)

Master Media provided Al-Arab News channel with broadcast technology and operations

interested in or planning to enter the Middle East market. The company has supported a


consultancy services including technology

number of international players in successfully


architecture and design, procurement

building their presence in the region.


management (tender development and


vendor selection) and overall programme


Master Media provided project management,

management and launch support.

Master Media’s clients and projects include

solution design and vendor management for

a variety of regional and international media

a USD150 million project, AJWT (Al-Jazeera


entities. Some of the projects undertaken and

Workplace Transformation), to rebuild the


clients served over the last few years are listed

broadcasting infrastructure of Al-Jazeera


as follows.

Media Network in Qatar.




Master Media provided consultancy to launch

into the Middle East, then provided specialist

creative post-production company is

the Urdu1 TV channel, which in a few weeks

support to help EBMS implement this strategy

renowned for its resourcefulness and

of its launch was rated as the top-watched

and establish their operations in the region.

creativity, attracting film, projections, TV

entertainment channel in Pakistan. Master

and advertising clients from around the globe.

Media supported the launch covering project


Master Media helped Fly Studio break into

management and procurement management


the Middle East broadcast market by actively

including selection of technology systems and

Adstream is an international media company

supporting their business development efforts

service providers.

that develops powerful solutions that

in the region. In a short period of time, Fly

streamline advertising campaign processes.

Studio secured many successful contracts for


Master Media acted as an advisor to Adstream

channel branding and creative projects with


in the Middle East while the company was

major regional TV broadcasters.

Master Media provided technology consultancy

setting up its regional offices. OTHER PROJECTS

and advisory services to Channel92’s senior YOUTOO TECHNOLOGIES

Master Media has also provided professional

to the broadcasting scene. Channel92 is a news


services to various other organisations:

channel targeting the Pakistani market with

Youtoo was establishing its operations in the

• Consultancy (feasibility study and

headquarters in Lahore and newsgathering

Middle East in Dubai Media City under the

budgeting) for a new Multi-platform

operations across the country.

banner Youtoo Middle East. Master Media

Media network targeting the Middle East,

management in launching this new TV entrant

provided advisory services for Youtoo in

to launch from Europe (2015).


addition to recommendations regarding

• Consultancy (feasibility study and business


Youtoo’s overall business strategy and

plan) for a new privately-owned media hub


direction in the region.

in the GCC (2014). • Consultancy (technology and facilities



specifications) for setting up the press and

Master Media advised Ericsson Broadcast &


media centre for a government entity in the

Media Services with a market entry strategy

Fly Studio, a Montreal- based Canadian

GCC (2013). CONTACT Master Media FZ-LLC Media Zone - Abu Dhabi (twofour54) Park Rotana Bldg, Office 803A PO Box 77915, Abu Dhabi, UAE Tel: +971 2 634 9121 Website: Hasan R. Sayed Hasan Managing Director Tel: +971 55 881 7437 Email: Social Media Facebook: Twitter: @Master_MediaTV

Master Media team with their partners OrchestraBlue and Janson Tsai Design.

LinkedIn: master-media



Distributors Advanced Media Amaranthine Trading LLC BS Broadcast GSL Professional LLC MediaSys NMK Electronics Ent.





ounded in 2002, Advanced

different aspects of the broadcast and media

Media Trading LLC is the

industry and contributing significantly to

Middle East’s largest supplier

their progress through these endeavours.

of broadcast, professional

Advanced Media continues to serve the

video and photography equipment as well

highly specialised professional segments of

as accessories.

the broadcast and media industry. Its wide

Headquartered in Dubai, UAE, Advanced

range of high quality products combined

Media manages its business all over the

with exceptional service and professional

MENA and is engaged in every aspect of

expertise has secured its name as a market

the broadcast, professional video and

leader in the region. As a leading supplier

photography industry including sales,

of the finest video and photography

consultancy, installation, training, service

products, Advanced Media is synonymous

and maintenance. With expert management

with trust and accountability in the market

skills and experience, the company has

today. Its experience in turnkey project

developed a strong and loyal client database

implementation enables the company to

and is credited for engaging itself with many

offer the best value-added solutions.



The Advanced Media stand at CABSAT 2018 in Dubai.



The Advanced Media showroom.


Cartoni, Blackmagic, Edelkrone, Floatcam,

Showroom associates offer professional

Through consistent efforts at introducing

Glidecam, Freefly, Avenger, Zacuto, Shape,

support and advice and a 40-member

new technologies, brands and industry

Nisi Filters, Formatt, Metabone, Audio

highly professional, multi-lingual team is

innovations, Advanced Media’s core vision

Technica, Tokina, Redrock Micro, Sennheiser,

the mainstay of the company. The team

is to be the number one trusted supplier and

G-Technology, PlayBox, Datacolor, Advent,

comprises industry experts in various

service provider in the region. Customers

Profoto, Filmgear, Cosmolight, HPRC, Zoom

aspects of photography and videography

can be assured that the company not only

Audio and many more.

and remains dedicated to bringing life to

provides the latest enabling technology

technology which embodies the belief that

but also practical solutions and support for


in an increasingly complex world, customers

technical and creative issues.

The Advanced Media Trading showroom and

need solutions and help from a trusted

Through a customer-focused vision

offices are conveniently located at Al Khaleej

supplier who offers relevant information

and dedication towards the Middle East’s

Center, Bur Dubai. The 250sq.m. showroom

and reliable advice at competitive prices.

film and photography industry, Advanced

provides a ‘hands-on’ experience, with the

Advanced Media has also established

Media is proud to have been awarded

opportunity to test a wide range of products.

a professional lens maintenance centre

sole distribution and introduction rights of a number of new brands in the region. Customers are guaranteed of personalised service, good value, quality products as well as dedicated product training as required. CORE BRANDS More than 80 well-known brands in cinematography, professional video and photography are sold in Advanced Media’s main showroom and distributed across the subsidiary shops in the region. Some of these are Sony Professional Solutions, Carl Zeiss, DJI, Hasselblad, RED, Angenieux, Cooke Optics, Canon, Manfrotto, SWIT, Atomos, Fujinon, Teradek, Movcam, GFM, Secced,


DJI Mavic Air product launch at the Sanad Academy.


service centre is authorised to perform repairs both in and out of warranty periods

• Optical Afternoon with Les Zellan (Cooke Optics workshop)

for products from all exclusive brands.

• Canon EOS C200 product launch

All spare parts are supplied by the

• DJI New Product Experience (Spark) -

specific manufacturers and all jobs are


managed efficiently and with a high

• DJI Professional Aerial workshop

level of customer care.

• RED EPIC-W and WEAPON 8K S35 launch


• ATOMOS workshop: Road to HDR


• Landscape / Cityscape Photography

Advanced Media Trading regularly hosts

seminar by Dany Eid

educational and promotional events to

• Canon EOS 5D Mark IV launch in the UAE

showcase a selection of their latest products

• DJI Pilot training

and services. These events and workshops

• REDucation workshop

are often hosted by key industry professionals

• Sony PXW-FS5 hands-on workshop

from across the globe who offer valuable

• DJI RONIN & OSMO workshop

equipped with essential tools to repair any

insights into technological advancements

• Sony A7S II & A7R II product launch and

type of broadcast and professional lenses

and techniques. Those attending enjoy

including: 2/3” HD-SD, ENG, EFP/box and

the opportunity to test latest equipment

• Zeiss open-day - photography lenses

PL mount / Cine lenses such as Fujinon,

during ‘hands-on’ sessions enabling them

• 4K with Philip Bloom

Canon, Zeiss, Arri, Angenieux.

to personally experience the features and capabilities of the products.


Some recent workshops covered by


ExhIBITIONS Advanced Media is one of the biggest

Advanced Media’s service centre is the

Advanced Media included:

participants at key exhibitions in the UAE

authorised service centre for most of the

• Davinci Resolve 101 workshop

since 2003. These include:

brands it distributes in the region. The

• Long Exposure Photography workshop


engineering team consists of certified professionals who share their technical expertise and are committed to resolving technical and maintenance issues. The

(by NiSi Filters) • Digital Filmmaking workshop by Alister Chapman • DJI Mavic Air product launch

• Photo World • Photo Live • Gulf Photo Plus ‘GPP’ • GITEX CONTACT

Advanced Media Trading LLC No. 409, 4th floor, Al Khaleej Center Bur Dubai, Dubai, UAE PO Box 44156 Tel: +971 4 352 9977 Mob: +971 50 976 7167 Fax: +971 4 352 9976 The service centre at Advanced Media.




Amaranthine’s stand at 2018 CABSAT, Dubai World Trade Centre.





maranthine Trading LLC is the representative of top




of and

broadcasting equipment. The company is the authorised representative in the Middle East, GCC, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan of Arri. Arri is the leading manufacturer of film making equipment, broadcasting equipment, lighting systems, photography accessories and digital intermediate systems to the most advanced digital cinematography cameras like Alexa SXT, Alexa Mini as well as the advanced documentary style camera, the Amira. Amaranthine also proudly represents Dedo Weigert Film GmbH, manufacturer of the versatile range of Dedolight equipment, considered by professionals as a ground breaking lighting system when it comes to precision lighting needed in both motion picture and TV productions.

At CABSAT 2018, seen from left, Fariborz Kamrani, Managing Director, Amaranthine; Dedo Weigert, Founder of Dedolight (centre); and Shahram Aderangui, Technical Director, Amaranthine.



It is also employed in still photography,

The company also proudly represent

fixtures and proprietary True Match full

architectural lighting and fine arts display.

Kino Flo, designers of unique fluorescent

spectrum lamps have distinguished Kino Flo

The Dedo range of products include the

lighting systems for motion picture, TV

as the leading innovator of creative lighting

DLED Series, LedRama and Techpro.

and commercial production. The versatile

solutions. Its products include the DMX

Amaranthine Trading llc partners







freestyle/select LED, Diva-Lite LED and

systems, Elation professional lighting

the Celeb LED series.

accessories, Flowcine high quality camera


Amaranthine offers partial and total

accessories, Kupo grips, Lee filters, Leica

solutions for small to large sized TV and

cine lenses, Merging Technologies digital

Amaranthine Trading llc

film production studios based on formats

audio and video workstations, Nagra audio

Unit M-39 (Office) & Unit G-02 (Showroom)

and budgets provided by clients.

recorders, OConnor camera support systems,

The Curve Building

Amaranthine plays host to a number

Panther cranes and dollies, Rohde & Schwarz

63, Sheikh Zayed Road, Al Quoz 3

of well-known international names in

DVS GmbH media systems and solutions,

PO Box 124137, Dubai, UAE

professional film and video equipment,

Rotolight advanced LED lighting, Sanken

Tel: +971 4 3390944 / 3390945

representing them in the UAE and the entire

microphones, Schneider filters, Schoeps

Middle East. Some of these high quality,

professional high-end

Fax: +971 4 3390922

innovative products include Aaton Cantar

Symbiosis professional video tools, Tiffen

audio recorders, Anton Bauer professional

imaging accessories, Transvideo LCD

batteries and chargers, Assimilate scratch

monitors, Philips, Osram and GE Lighting

Social media

colour grading software, Angenieux lenses,

and Vocas camera support systems.

Facebook: amatradingllc


Email: Website:

Audio Limited audio transmitter/ receivers,

Some of Amaranthine’s notable clients

Bebob on board batteries, BNC click, Carl

include Action Filmz Studio Dubai, Urban

LinkedIn: amaranthine-trading-llc

Zeiss camera lenses, Cine-Project large

Films, Sharjah Media Corporation, In

Twitter: amatradingllc

venue cinema screening, Cinetics motorised

House Film, Xpose Films and Limbada

YouTube: UC5ctNehZo4SyCQnD74r-tAw

stabilisers, Easyrig portable camera support

Film Production.

Instagram: amatradingllc







S Broadcast, owned by CEO

BS Broadcast is presently the only

Muhammad Irfan Gondal, is

company in the Middle East that deals in

the UAE’s first one-stop shop

the buying and selling of high-quality used

for used broadcast equipment.

broadcast and AV equipment for both the

BS Broadcast sources a wide range of

radio and TV markets. BS Broadcast is

equipment from premier broadcasters in

an off-shoot of Broadcast Systems Arabia

the region and employs an efficient team of

and has built a strong presence both in the

engineers to refurbish and service the gear

Middle East as well as in South Asia within

it has acquired before selling them in the

a relatively short span of time. Boasting a

GCC and beyond.

well-stocked inventory, the company has the

A pioneer in the used equipment business

ability to support small and big companies

in the Middle East, BS Broadcast is leading

attain seamless and rapid deployment of

the way with a comprehensive range of

their comprehensive, operational efficiencies

cutting-edge broadcast and AV equipment.

in the most cost-effective way.

The company is committed to providing

BS Broadcast has so far provided

solutions that satisfy a broad range of

integrated solutions and equipment to end

broadcast media requirements.

users in Egypt, Iraq, India, Jordan, Pakistan,



Afghanistan, the Philippines and Turkey.

financial capacity or the need to purchase the

older models which makes spare parts for

Having established a firm foothold in the

latest equipment. Buying and selling of used

otherwise good equipment hard to come

Middle East and Asia, it is now looking

broadcast equipment is a well-established

by. This is something that BS Broadcast

to extend its portfolio of equipment and

practice in the USA and Europe but is an

tackles by having a comprehensive inventory.

solutions through partnerships with leading

untapped market here in the Middle East.

Furthermore, not all electronic equipment

European and American used equipment

BS Broadcast has stepped in to address this

is easily recyclable. By refurbishing and

dealers as well.

gap. Not all regions have capital advantage

extending the life of old equipment, “we

and some do not require latest devices

are also doing our bit for the environment”, adds Gondal.


either. “We are ready to meet the needs of

BS Broadcast was established in 2016 by

smaller customers who still require quality

Irfan Gondal, who made a name for himself

solutions,” says Gondal.

pRODUcT OffeRIng

by working in war-torn markets such as Libya

The company is keen to engage with TV

BS Broadcast’s exhaustive inventory is

and Syria to build broadcast facilities from

and radio stations, earth stations, satellite

the biggest in the market and contains an

scratch. On this journey, Gondal identified

uplink providers, OB/SNG service providers,

impressive list of refurbished and demo

a need amongst customers for revamped

production houses, media training centres,

equipment all of which are available at a

and restored equipment at lower costs. In

government and educational institutions,

discounted price for customers. The stock

essence, BS Broadcast was born out of this

rental and event companies that lack the

comprises a range of equipment that is a cost-

demand and presently serves customers

budgets to buy expensive cutting-edge

effective alternative to buying new appliances

worldwide. Having a base in the UAE

solutions but still require reliable high-grade

- there is one to suit every customer budget

facilitates easy shipment across the globe.

production, broadcast equipment.

and requirement. Customers can get in

While Europe and America enjoy rapid

There are other reasons why the trading

touch directly with the company or opt

technology refresh cycles, organisations

of pre-owned equipment has worked.

for the online store for each pre-requisite

in Asia and Africa do not always have the

Often manufacturers stop supporting their

specification and project.



Products include an extensive range

or discounts. Whether rotating out existing

and prides itself on the high standards it

of HD/SD equipment from the world’s

equipment, remarketing or clearing storage,

has set for its staff and products. It aims

leading manufacturers. These include video can assist in securing

to provide customers with future-proof

converters and playout servers, satellite

maximum value on investments. This in

investments when buying or selling their

antennae and terminals, RF modulators,

turn allows customers to evolve to higher or

second-hand broadcast and satellite goods.

frequency converters, multiplexers, HPA,

newer systems within individual budgetary

Expert, professional staff are at hand to

SPG, waveform monitors, upconverters,

modes. Regular and stringent quality tests

manage large quantities of renovated stock to

routers and switchers and more. Each high-

guarantee that whatever is bought and sold

ensure customers receive top-notch service

grade device is tested for 100% functionality.

is of the highest standard.

at reasonable rates and at all times.

Individual items undergo rigorous testing

BS Broadcast is always on the lookout for used

by BS Broadcast’s in-house engineers to

broadcast equipment. From camera systems to

For more information, please visit

ensure quality and the company offers a 90-

broadcast lenses to mixers and SR decks, it is

day warranty on every sale. All goods are

regularly looking to buy and expand stock and

guaranteed to work and clients have access

thereby serve a growing list of customers

to the best working machinery. Orders can be

worldwide. Television and radio stations and

placed via the BS Broadcast website or directly

other production houses can participate in the

with the sales team at

trade-in scheme allowing them to exchange

RAK Media City UAE

existing equipment at a discount.

Tel: +971 505686786 cOnTacT BS Broadcast

Mob: +971 502448786

TRaDe-In facIlITy BS Broadcast offers potential clients with a

afTeR-SaleS SeRvIce


trade-in programme allowing customers to



swap their existing equipment for exchanges

BS Broadcast is a customer-focused company



ComplEtE Audio, VidEo, lighting And Control SolutionS


stablished over 20 years ago with

marketing, service and sales support across

A winning brand portfolio that includes

a vision to bringing the best in

these markets to consultants, integrators,

AKG, AMX, Calrec, Crown, JBL Professional,

professional audio, lighting and

venue operators, owners, technicians,

L-Acoustics, Martin Professional, Soundcraft,

control solutions across the GCC,

engineers and end-users.

Studer and TASCAM, give GSL the unique

GSL Professional has carved a niche for itself

The support of the technical teams on

position of offering uncompromising and

as a leader in distribution while also gaining

design and on-site assistance is par excellence,

excellent turnkey solutions to its esteemed

a reputation in the industry, along the way.

stemming from a thorough knowledge of the

clientele. The company also distributes

With a dynamic team of highly experienced

brands and extensive industry experience.

Ghielmetti, DirectOut Technologies and

professionals, GSL offers comprehensive

GSL’s product specialists and engineering

Klotz cables.

solutions for recording and broadcast - from

teams frequently travel across their markets

home recording studios up to multi-studio

which cover (aside from the UAE) Qatar,

ConSiStEnt upgrAdES

broadcasting, hospitality, house of worship,

Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq and

Understanding that offline and online

theme parks, transportation, education, stadia

Saudi Arabia, to assist clients with their

education is not simply empowering but

and arena. GSL provides high level technical,


also essential in making informed decisions,

rAngE oF BrAndS



GSL continually strives to bring industry

routing automation software designed

Delivering more versatility and speed

related news and product/software updates

to manage and simplify complex routing

than ever before, GSL is currently working

to its clients in the most uncomplicated way.

matrices within broadcast workflows.

on several projects with the AES67

Through classroom training, customised

The DIOS is progressive, innovative and

integration, which drives the company’s

in-house demonstrations, online tutorials

most importantly offers solutions to

flagship Studer and Calrec digital audio

and e-newsletters, the company aims to

increase production efficiency and reduce

consoles. This breakthrough will enable

equip customers with the latest information

workflow errors, including I/O routing

broadcasters to efficiently and cost-

regularly, some of which include the Studer

management and automation, automated

effectively deliver their audio over IP

open house days and Studer and Calrec

and redundant pathfinding, diagnostic

(AoIP) requirements over the widest

roadshows. Most training events are held

notifications, transportation of baseband

range of protocols available from various

in the training facility conveniently located

and IP data, offline configuration capabilities

manufacturers. AES67 is a standard for

on the Airport Road, Dubai, in the same

and more.

interoperability and Studer and Calrec

premises as the GSL showroom, the service centre and the headquarters.

Calrec, on the other hand has established

have placed a high priority on making

itself as a pioneer for OB van solutions across

sure their consoles are able to interface

The manufacturers that GSL represents

the globe. It recently released the TYPE R, a

with as many suitable standards in the

focus on providing reliable, innovative

modular, expandable, IP-based radio system

industry as possible. It is the most ‘connected’

solutions for the hitches that broadcasters

that boasts features such as a simple 2U core,

digital broadcast console manufacturer in

face every day, such as time-sensitivity,

integrated I/O resources and a single core

the market.

complex routing matrices and compatibility

that can power up to three independent

MBC, Sharjah TV, Dubai 92, Gulf News,

of network interfaces, to name a few.

mixing environments. The TYPE R combines

ARN Radio Channels and Live HD rely on

multiple mixing engines with the flexibility

GSL Professional products and expertise to

of the AES67 compatible network.

deliver their broadcasts daily.

To counter some of these, Studer recently launched the DIOS which is the first I/O



rAngE oF BrAndS


most reliable and innovative amplifier in the


Calrec is a leading designer and supplier

market today.

AKG has spent their history developing and

of audio broadcast mixing equipment,

perfecting products for world recording

relied on by the world’s most successful

JBl proFESSionAl

studios, radio and TV stations, opera houses

broadcasters. Calrec’s reputation for build

JBL’s award-winning products deliver

and famous stages. AKG’s microphones and

quality, reliability and audio performance

the most accurate, high quality sound

headphones are a result of leading design,

has made it an industry benchmark across

reproduction possible. Leading engineers

innovative electronics and world class

the world. Their range of broadcast mixing

and performers trust JBL to meet all of their

acoustics, producing some of the truest and

consoles, remote production and audio

sound needs with such well-known staples as

most natural sounds in the history of audio.

networking solutions, understanding of

VerTec, EON and ScreenArray. JBL continues

AoIP and IP infrastructures and its work

to answer market requirements with products


with third-party integration means Calrec

suitable for high heat and humidity and to

Dedicated to integrating AV solutions for

is at the epicentre of changing broadcast

comply with the new regulation eN54 safety.

an IT World, AMX solves the complexity of

requirements. l-ACouStiCS

managing technology with reliable, consistent and scalable systems comprising control and


L-Acoustics is a French manufacturer

automation, system-wide switching and

Crown is the industry leader in networking

of loudspeakers, amplifiers and signal

AV signal distribution, digital signage and

amplifiers and embedding digital signal

processing devices for rental and installed

technology management. AMX systems are

processing (DSP) amplifiers. Crown

sound markets. The company is best known

deployed worldwide in conference rooms,

incorporates the best new technologies into

as the inventor of modern line source arrays

homes, classrooms, network operation/

its products such as the DriveCoreTM Install

owing to its published research on Wavefront

command centres, hotels, entertainment

(DCi) series which uses one tiny chip to

Sculpture Technology (WST) and the

venues and broadcast facilities, among others.

replace over 500 parts making the DCi the

legendary V-DOSC system.



Following the Winter Olympic Games

inputs. Soundcraft consoles provide a host

of product development and innovation is

ceremonies in Sochi featuring the new K2

of innovative, patented features that makes

reflected in the number of industry firsts they

line source system and all other prestigious

life easier for professionals on the road, at

have achieved - the first half-inch, four-track

references the objective is to provide rational,

the theatre and in the studio.

cassette recorder, the first eight-track, reel-

quick to deploy, powerful but intuitive tools.

to-reel/mixer combo and the first MiniDisc StudEr

digital multitracker and CD scratcher all

mArtin proFESSionAl

Studer has been synonymous with quality

came from TASCAM.

Martin is all about fresh ideas built on a

and reliability in professional recording

solid basis of experience and an unparalleled

equipment since 1948. Today, Studer has a

range of dynamic lighting solutions. That

worldwide reputation for its digital technology

is why Martin is the lighting supplier of

established in the field of broadcast and live

choice for lighting designers, rental houses

production by the Vista range and is among

and installers across the architectural,

the world’s leading radio and television

Al Nisf Building

commercial and entertainment worlds.

broadcasters with the OnAir Series of desks,

Airport Road, Al Garhoud

as well as routers, radio automation and CMS

Dubai 40297

call management system.


SoundCrAFt Soundcraft offers the widest array of

ContACt gSl professional llC

Tel: +971 4 295 2876

mixing consoles in the world for live sound


to recording and broadcast. Ranging from

After virtually creating the home recording


an eight-input analogue mixer to the most

scene, TASCAM went on to achieve

LinkedIn: gsl-professional

sophisticated digital touring and large scale

recognition for pioneering products in the


installation consoles with more than 100

professional recording arena. Their legacy



DElivEring TurnkEy MEDia SoluTionS














stablished in 2001, MediaSys is




MaJor DiviSionS

media and associated industries in the




and entertainment, lending

• Systems Integration and Projects

MEDIASYS FZ LLC ADOBE MAXON AUTODESK its expertise to the broadcast studios, production houses, academic

industry in graphics and animation, product



associated with leading broadcasters,

• Value-Added Disribution RED GIANT SOFTWARE COMPANY


institutions and government entities to give

• Retail Showroom






MEDIASYS FZ LLC rendering systems, AJA VIDEO BOXX TECHNOLOGIES as BOXX, Autodesk, Adobe, AJA, Matrox, graphics and animation, non-linear editing, end workstations, videoSYSTEMS


leading solutions product suppliers such ADOBE MAXON ADOBE MAXON MEDIASYS FZand LLC MEDIASYS FZ LLC

partners, MediaSys has amassed a wealth of


solutions, systems hardware and software,

MediaSys represents some of the world’s



knowhow and experience in integrating hiAUTODESK AUTODESK




ADOBE MAXON production, AUTODESK SOFTWARE COMPANY PNY-NVIDIA, NEC, G-Technology, Promise video production, AV storage, motion COMPANY capture, video walls RED andGIANT KVM, storage ADOBE MAXON AUTODESK RED GIANT SOFTWARE ADOBE MAXON AUTODESK RED GIANT SOFTWARE COMPANY ADOBE MAXON AUTODESK RED GIANT SOFTWARE COMPANY RED GIANT and ChaosGroup, among many others. For solutions, graphics and broadcast systems onsite installation, training for professionals



17 years, MediaSys has supported leading PNY TECHNOLOGY





RED GIANT and premium after- sales support. MediaSys RED GIANT

for any size or kind of requirement.
































































provides the world’s leading integrated digital content creation tools to help individuals realise their potential. The company has intuitive, integrated tools for broadcast, post-production, gaming and animation and the web featuring the new standard in visual effects, editing, animation and bundled software solutions for any kind of production at any level. The value-added distribution team works with a highly skilled network of value-added resellers and integrators who cover the GCC and the Middle East ensuring comprehensive geographical and vertical market coverage. The team works with a network of over 100 resellers ensuring its products and solutions are available to customers in this specific region. The MediaSys retail showroom is a place for people to visit and stay up-to-date with the best solutions on display. This showroom provides customers with a hands-on experience and the opportunity to test a wide range of products and solutions before making the decision to buy. Expert sales staff offer professional recommendations and advice. The showroom also includes a service centre

capture and playback cards quickly established

CION marks AJA’s entry into the professional

with trained and experienced technical staff.

AJA’s reputation for delivering the highest-

camera marketplace.

quality desktop video products. In addition kEy ProDuCT BaSE

to the Kona family of video I/O cards for the



Mac and windows PCs, AJA’s growing product

Autodesk is a leader in 3D design, engineering

For over 21 years, BOXX has been the leading

line also extended to include the innovative

and entertainment software. Customers across

innovator of high-performance workstations,

“Io” Thunderbolt desktop video products and

the manufacturing, architecture, building,

rendering systems for VFX and animation

trend-setting Ki Pro family of portable and

construction and media and entertainment

studios, national television networks,

rack-mountable file-based recorders.

industries use Autodesk software to design,

leading architecture and engineering firms,

AJA’s engineering has consistently

visualise and simulate ideas before building or

professional sports, universities and a host of

supported advancements in broadcast

creating. Autodesk’s 3D software customers use

other organisations.

technologies as well as format standards to

3ds Max, Maya, Softimage, Motion Builder and

provide video professionals with future-proof

Autocad. Creative finishing products include


workflow solutions. From the FS family of

Flame Premium, Smoke, Lustre and Flare.

AJA is a leading manufacturer of video capture

frame synchronisers, frame rate and format

cards, digital recording devices, video routers,

converters, to the powerful TruZoomTM for


frame synchronisers and scalers, digital

real-time scaling of 4K footage, broadcasters

G-Technology design some of the highest-

converters and professional 4K cameras. After

are increasingly relying on AJA gear to

performing and most reliable leading-edge

great success initially with an industry-leading

simplify the way image files are captured,

storage solutions for end-to-end creative

line of mini-converters, AJA expanded into

converted, monitored and distributed.

workflows. G-Tech’s high-end drives are

the burgeoning desktop video market in 2000.

Combining over four years of development

designed for every stage in the creative

The company’s inaugural line of Kona video

and groundbreaking innovation, the release of

workflow and used in studios, by professional



it across media and devices, measure and optimise it over time and achieve greater business success. MaTroX Matrox Graphics is a leading manufacturer of specialised graphics solutions for professionals. Matrox offers OEMs, system integrators and customers the most comprehensive range of multi-channel capture cards and multi-display output cards to add any type and any number of inputs and outputs to video wall configurations. Matrox KVM extenders separate keyboard, video, mouse, audio and USB devices from workstations and enable users to work remotely on systems without compromising performance. Industry-leading extension technology centralises systems within server rooms, increasing security, protecting equipment against environmental hazards and reducing system noise and heat emissions from the user environment. Matrox KVM solutions offer best-in-class resolution and multivideographers and photographers, post-

of creative and technical professionals to

monitor support for either point-to-point or

production houses, content creators and

accelerate their workflows, Quadro has

over IP deployments. Long product life-cycles,

curators. From small portable and rugged

the most advanced ecosystem of hardware,

ease of deployment in corporate environments

drives to large, multi-bay RAID and NAS

software, tools and ISV support to transform

and feature sets aimed at solving specific, real-

solutions, G-Technology, a Western Digital

today’s disruptive business challenges into

world business issues sets Matrox apart.

Corporation brand is the powerful, premium

tomorrow’s success stories.

storage solutions company focused on meeting the demanding requirements of the

ChaoS grouP

media and entertainment industry.

Chaos Group is a world leader in computer graphics. It creates the technology that helps

ConTaCT MediaSys FZ-llC


artists and designers create photoreal imagery

Office #1114, Grosvenor

PNY is a global technology leader dedicated

and animation for design, TV and feature

Business Tower

to consumer and business-grade electronics

films. Its simulation software is used daily

Tecom,Dubai Media City

manufacturing. PNY is a leading manufacturer

by top design studios, architectural firms,

PO Box 35275, Dubai, UAE

and supplier of flash memory cards, USB flash

advertising agencies and visual effects

Tel: +971 4 450 3795

drives, computer memory upgrade modules,

companies around the globe.


cards. In 2002,PNY Technologies became


Joel B M

the exclusive add-in card partner of NVIDIA

Adobe is the global leader in digital marketing

Sales Manager

Quadro workstation graphics solutions.

and digital media solutions. Adobe tools

Tel: +971 55 866 5254

Quatdro is the world’s preeminent visual

and services allow customers to create


computing platform. Trusted by millions

groundbreaking digital content, deploy

as well as consumer and professional graphics



The NMK booth at CABSAT 2018.

Robb Allan from Avid gives a live demo of the S6L at the Prolight & Sound exhibition, Dubai 2017.





MK Electronics Ent. began

to) Shure, Avid, Sound Devices, Neutrik,

offer products, but also provides complete

operations in 1987 focusing

Clear-Com, Williams Sound, K&M, Roland,

demonstration along with design support.

on the audio, video and

Mackie, Cloud, DSAN, Primacoustic, Radial,

The NMK service centre provides local

lighting industry. From their

Mersive, Terbly and Vandamme. With a long

support and repairs for all brands distributed

humble beginnings in Sharjah, the company

history in the business spanning 30 plus

by the company; every product that leaves

has grown into a leading distributor of

years, NMK has prepared itself for new

the warehouse is firmware updated and

professional AV products and musical

ventures that will propel the company to

pre-tested for manufacturing defects. The

instruments in the Middle East.

greater heights in the coming years.

segments in which NMK operate include

With a portfolio of reputable brands,

installation, live sound, lighting, broadcast,

a dynamic team and strong financial


production, consumer and the communication

foundation, the company today is a market


market. NMK actively supports local talent

leader in its niche industry. Now based in

What sets NMK ahead of the competition

by endorsing artistes who eventually become

Dubai, NMK is the exclusive distributor of

is its pro-active approach in representing

ambassadors for the brand and promote the

top tier brands including (but not limited

brands. The company does not simply

brand online and offline.




spectrum. Axient components continuously

Terbly Brand Light Show at Prolight & Sound Exhibition 2017.

monitor, evaluate, prioritise, queue and assign compatible UHF frequencies. They are fully networkable, enabling real-time remote adjustments. Axient gives you peace of mind when capturing the biggest moments for the live audience, along with those at home. ShURe – vP SeRIeS VP83 | VP83F | VP82 | VP89 | VP64 | VP88 - Durable and lightweight microphones in various form factors for broadcast and media production. ROlaND – MUlTI-fORMaT av MIxeR VR-50HD - An all-in-one HD multi-format AV mixer with built-in USB 3.0 for web streaming and recording.

Training sessions, certifications and hands-

region including Dubai Media, MBC, beIN

on demonstrations are hosted each year in

and others. Since its establishment, NMK has


Dubai so that dealers and end-users can get

built and developed strong relationships with


the very latest in technical knowhow. Trainings

both manufacturers and clients through their

VR1200HD - Hybrid engine 2 m/e switcher

are organised within the NMK premises with

exceptional customer service and support.

content delivered. Those attending have the

and processor for broadcast and live events. V-40HD - Four multi-format channels at

limited participation to maximise impact of the BROaDcaST PRODUcTS IN fOcUS

the pinnacle of HD picture quality.

opportunity to learn and improve knowledge

ShURe – axIeNT DIgITal WIReleSS

V800HD - Picture quality at the pinnacle

skills within different areas of the professional

The Axient Wireless Management Network

of high definition. Eight multi-format

audio, video, lighting and communication

confidently navigates the most limited

channels from 16 inputs.

market. All hands-on seminars are certified and trainings are free of cost. Knowing not everyone has the time to travel and attend seminars in Dubai, NMK is conducting a region-wide roadshow this year, focusing primarily on Oman, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. As the industry is constantly evolving, the goal of the roadshow is to keep the region up-to-date in the market. Manufacturers of the represented brands participate at these roadshows and contribute equally in delivering high quality content to the audience. The company has a long history in exhibiting at various trade shows in the region including CABSAT, InfoComm and Prolight & Sound, to name a few. NMK has successfully supported leading systems integration partners on several successful projects in the


Sound recording and effects workshop conducted by NMK in collaboration with In5 and Shure.


Dante Level 3 certification by NMK.


cleaR-cOM –



MixPre-3; | MixPre-6 - Audio Recorder |

Free Speak II - The next generation

Mixer | USB Audio Interface MixPre-10T - Multichannel Audio Recorder | Mixer | USB Audio Interface 688 - 12-Input Field Production Mixer with 16-Track Recorder and Auto mixing


distributed wireless solution that operates

NMK electronics ent.

in multiple world-wide license-free

Str. 8, Com. 128, Warehouse #1

frequency bands: 1.897-1.933GHz and

Al Khabaisi, Deira


Dubai, UAE

This high performance wireless intercom system is designed for extensive

cleaR-cOM –

communication in large-scale operations.

lQ SeRIeS fOR ageNT Ic

It is the ideal wireless roaming solution for

LQ | Agent IC - Any core production user

live events, broadcast, sports, industrial,

on the main intercom system can instantly

military and government applications.

connect with contributors on Clear-Com’s Agent-IC mobile app for monitoring the


intercom, receiving IFB feeds, or working


remotely. The Agent-IC app is available for

May 2018

free download at the iTunes Store and Google

Play and licensed on the LQ devices. Each LQ

NMK Middle east fZcO LIU 14 Dubai Silicon Oasis Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 266 5244 Mob: +971 55 843 9157 +971 55 142 1535 Fax: +971 4 262 6682 Email: Social Media LinkedIn: /nmkelectronics

Series IP interface can support up to eight

avID S6l haNDS-ON

Instagram: /nmkelectronics

individual Agent-IC clients which means

September 2018

Facebook: /NMKElectronics

eight users can call into the intercom system

Registration at

Twitter: /nmkelectronics

through 3G/4G or wi-fi internet links.









CreAting the ultimAte uSer experienCe


t TiVo, it’s all about innovation,

licensable technology that ultimately enables

to create the ultimate

people to find and enjoy television, movies

entertainment experience.

and the music they love.

TiVo touches the lives of

Through innovation, design, audience

binge-watching, music-loving, entertainment

insights and customer dedication, TiVo

fanatics every day by delivering beautiful

is not only creating the next generation

user experiences and enabling the world’s

of entertainment. Its creating the next

leading media and entertainment providers

generation of TiVo.

to nurture meaningful relationships with riCh heritAge thAt

their audiences. TiVo’s




guideS the future

revolutionise how people find content in a

TiVo has been at the forefront of content

chaotic, fragmented media landscape. It is

discovery since the launch of the first on-

this ‘content chaos’ and insatiable demand

screen TV guide in 1981. Since then, it has

for media and entertainment that keeps the

continued to innovate, from launching its

company inspired, to create products and

most famous product – the first commercially



viable digital video recorder (DVR) – in 1999,

elsewhere in the world, the consumer in

to putting listings on the second screen when

MENA isn’t homogeneous and a one-size-

when working with TiVo. TiVo’s experience implementing across

the iPad launched in 2010, to launching

fits-all approach for a payTV operator no

multiple hybrid systems is second to none.

the Network Personal Video Recorder

longer fulfils the needs of their customers.

For example, its recent deployments with

(nPVR) with multiple operators globally

TiVo can provide a suite of interoperable

Tigo in Latin America blend a consistent user

and being at the forefront of the new voice

solutions that can allow an operator to deploy

experience across a range of set-top boxes

led discovery revolution. TiVo is more than

to a range of consumers.

that allow for differentiated packaging that

just a manufacturer of DVRs. In fact, DVR

From simple one-way solutions that don’t

hardware represents only five percent of the

scrimp on functionality, the TiVo experience

The core services that deliver the TiVo

company’s global business and is primarily

can deliver Push VOD and advertising

experience are also available as components

for the North America market.

banners to simple boxes that would have

to power customers’ own solutions. From a

been limited to delivering only zapper

rich, dynamic multi-lingual content metadata

functionality in the past.

to TiVo’s personalised content discovery

delivering the ultimAte entertAinment experienCe

suits the consumer’s needs.

For more advanced consumers, with

solution with spot-on predictions and media

Outside of the United States, TiVo brings

access to two-way networks, a fuller on-

analytics, it can help you differentiate your

over 20 years of experience of delivering

demand service can be integrated into the

own services like never before.

payTV solutions across different broadcast

TiVo experience. In fact, the company’s

ecosystems including DVB-C, DVB-T/T2,

vast experience of integrating multiple

AwArd-winning SolutionS

DVB-S/S2, IPTV and hybrid solutions. As

content sources brings a clear advantage

Over the years, TiVo has picked up many



awards for its class leading solutions. These

At recent trade shows TiVo demonstrated

include seven Emmy awards and most

its products with multiple partners including

recently the Best UX (User Experience)

Conax, Arris, Kaon, Intek, Homecast, Arion,

Award for its TiVo Conversation Services

Ali, Crenova and Cryptoguard. TiVo has also

product at the prestigious Content

deployed projects recently with Verimatix

Innovation Awards in Cannes.

and Quadrille.


tivo EMEA Headquarters

TiVo Conversation Services provide a

In the set-top box world TiVo’s hybrid

voice-led content discovery paradigm that

entertainment discovery solutions unify

can move the consumer beyond saying basic

content, listings and recommendations

keywords, such as a title or actor, and allows

from linear TV, video-on-demand (VOD)

them to ask detailed, multifaceted questions

and over-the-top (OTT) sources – and on

Berkshire SL6 1DA

to find and enjoy their favourite content.

mobile, its multi-screen entertainment

United Kingdom

discovery solutions enable access to A vibrAnt pArtner eCoSyStem

content across multiple platforms and are

Working with TiVo opens up a wide set of

compatible with nearly all android and iOS

pre-integrated partners who provide other

smartphones and tablets.

key components of the digital television

TiVo is the global partner you can trust

ecosystem, such as conditional access and

to help deliver local solutions that are right

set-top box manufacturers.

for the market.

3rd Floor, Braywick Gate Braywick Road Maidenhead

LinkedIn: tivo Twitter: @tivoforbusiness Email: Website:



Manufacturers Appear TV Ardis Technologies – Dynamic Drive Pool Avid Brainstorm Multimedia Calrec Audio Ltd Datavideo Extreme Technology Fujifilm Middle East FZE Guntermann & Drunck GmbH Systementwicklung GatesAir Integrasys Jünger Audio GmbH Lawo Leader Electronics Corporation Nagra Newtec Orban Europe GmbH RCS Riedel Communications Rohde & Schwarz Ross Video RTS Intercoms Sennheiser Middle East VSN 53


MAde in norwAy


ppear was founded in 2004,

Turnkey SoluTionS

by 11 co-founders all of whom

The Appear product portfolio covers the entire

had extensive experience and

value chain of professional video delivery.

tenure in the TV industry.

All major markets covering cable, satellite,

Based in Oslo, Norway, the company has

terrestrial, OTT, contribution, hospitality

experienced over a decade of accelerated

and IPTV are covered. Split into four sub-

growth in supplying unique video solutions

categories, the Appear product ecosystem

to over 120 countries across five continents.

encompasses two HW options and two SW

Appear currently works alongside some of

options. The HW is modular, hot-swappable,

the largest operators in the MENA region.

ultra-dense and features Appear patented

“With the exceptional growth and

redundancy. The SW, ranging from SW

prosperity evermore evident in the MENA,

transcoding ABR to offline compression can

the region is firmly establishing itself as a

operate on COTS servers, ensuring open,

tech hub. We see that requirements here are

future-proof architecture.

still highly diverse, a prerequisite Appear is uniquely capable of handling. Our legacy

Hi-denSiTy ConTribuTion

solutions are still amongst the best in the

And diSTribuTion

market, while we continuously develop

THe X-SerieS

superior video delivery technology. The

IP network technology and infrastructure

fact that our entire solutions portfolio is

is evolving, as is the distribution of video.

interconnected makes it extremely easy

Dedicated SDI-based networks are being

and cost-effective to upgrade when the

replaced by transmission over standard

infrastructure allows,� says Sami Djebril,

IP-based networks as high-speed IP

International Sales Director, Appear.

infrastructures are becoming affordable and





easily available. Broadcasters seek ways to

Specifically designed for IP-centric

standardise on IP networks for all video

operations, the X10/X20 chassis has a

transmission, regardless of video format.

significant video processing capacity. A 10G

in the market. The modules between the two chassis are interchangeable.

To address the current and future video

bi-directional IP interface provides video

MulTiFunCTionAl Video

delivery requirements, Appear has designed a

firewall-grade IP security at every connection


purpose-built HW powerhouse. The X series

node. Capable of internal routing of up to

THe XC-SerieS

addresses the distribution and contribution

140Gb/s, the chassis supports dual active

The all-round, multi-purpose XC chassis

market. Built for all future compression needs,

backplane providing Appear patented lossless

addresses the broadcasting market. With a

the platform supports AVC, HEVC, TICO and

redundancy between modules. Service

range of modules developed over years of

JPEG2000 compression and decompression.

density can be defined up to 2,000 services

R&D, it provides the functionality required

It is a high-capacity, ultra low latency platform

in and out per module. Small on rack space,

in a broadcast distribution headend. It

with a video firewall functionality. The X

power efficient, modular, hot-swappable

can be delivered as a 1 RU – XC5100, or a

can be delivered either as a 1RU – X10, or a

and with built-in redundancy, it is the most

four RU – XC5000 chassis. Versatile with

2RU – X20 chassis.

powerful and efficient video processing unit

numerous redundancy options, the XC can be customised according to market segments - cable, satellite, terrestrial, FTTH, corporate or OTT. The module ecosystem of the 4 RU – XC5000 allows for variations and iterations by mixing and matching down to the core of any broadcasting requirement. The XC-series consists of a chassis and building blocks through modules that allows for an entire broadcast system to be designed specifically to meet the operator’s individual needs. The Appear philosophy greatly reduces cost of ownership and ensures operators can simultaneously handle legacy challenges and evolve through the introduction of new technology. Appear modules are separated in different



categories according to functionality. These include switching, input for content aggregation, compression, processing, output and decoding modules. All modules can be combined freely to provide the desired functionality. This includes the possibility to deliver and convert both analogue and digital broadcast services, from point to point, or from point to multipoint and in any format to any screen. oTT Sw-bASed, CloudenAbled HeVC/AVC deliVery THe Abr lineAr PACkAger Unmanaged IP networks are not necessarily capable of transmitting high quality video predictably, and available bandwidths vary from user to user. The ability to adapt to changing network conditions is one of the many features that make up the Appear ABR Linear Packager. From ingest, compression to

while optionally deploying part of the

encoders make up the core of the live OTT

packaging, a holistic solution can be designed

infrastructure onto the cloud. The Appear

transcoder. Services can be transcoded into

for complex requirements within the OTT

live OTT transcoder enables broadcasters

different H.264 and H.265 profiles, with

domain. The Appear ABR software runs on

and operators to provide high quality

up to UHD resolutions. Encoding quality

industry standard off-the-shelf COTS servers,

multiscreen services through industry

levels can be chosen to achieve different

is encoder vendor agnostic and supports a

off-the-shelf COTS hardware.

quality versus speed tradeoffs, making it

number of deployment architectures.

High performance H.264 and H.265

possible to target a large number of different

The Appear ABR Linear Packager consists

markets. Together with flexible rescaling,

of a powerful video segmentation engine,

de-interlacing, frame-rate conversion and

high-performance storage with internal

logo-insertion options, all screens become

and external options, just-in-time packager/

picture perfect.

DRM engine, origin server and optional offline encoding/transcoding. A variety of


deployment architectures including edge deployments without CDN is supported. Running on industry standard COTS server

Appear TV

hardware, customisation according to

Lilleakerveien 2B

individual requirements is also ensured.

0283, Oslo Norway

CoMPreSSion For dATACenTreS OTT solutions need to be capable of

Sami Djebril

delivering optimal live video on multiple

International Sales Director, MENA

formats, regardless of distribution

Tel: +47 45 18 11 64

networks and viewing device. Software datacentre compression is a great way to utilise already existing infrastructure,

Sami Djebril, International Sales Director, MENA, Appear TV.




Dynamic Drive Pool

EffEctivE anD powErful storagE systEms


DP - Dynamic Drive Pool

DDP is a simple, affordable, high-

is a multi-award-winning,

performance storage solution dedicated to

IP-SAN-delivering full project

meeting the demands of film, video and audio

and file level sharing in a

users. It is packed with the most innovative

single namespace with SSD caching,

technologies available for post-production

load balancing and automatic data

and broadcast.

redistribution, as well as a range of additional advantages including linear

HEtErogEnEous DDp clustEr

bandwidth scaling and mirroring.

configuration witH DDp os v5

All these features are available in one

With the new V5 OS, DDPs can be clustered

box and from one ethernet network - simple.

together so that when one system fails, all

DDP uses almost 100% of the available

the data is still available. This technology

ethernet bandwidth.

enables clients and applications to continue



GMA Networks, Manila, Philippines.



their operations without interruption. All

proJEct sHaring

based on the block level, DDP has developed a

clustered DDPs are able to act as a substitute

Whether you use Avid Media Composer,

dynamic file-based caching. With on-demand,

for the one that failed, ensuring important

Premiere, Final Cut or Resolve, all editors can

pinned and locked caching algorithms, DDP

data is still available. As data replication is

simultaneously work with the same media and

administrators can dynamically choose any

carried on in the background, everything

projects, freely sharing materials and ideas,

of the caching methods to be assigned to

remains transparent for the client.

without the need of time-consuming set-up.

any folder volume. These features offer the

A task management interface lets you

This underlying technology is invisible so the

most performance options for live ingest and

specify priority and choose data location

creative editors, directors and producers can

playout, transcoding and editing and the most

among multiple DDPs, giving you control

just concentrate on their work. Avid Media

demanding grading and finishing workflows.

over where your files are stored and

Composer bin locking is also supported thanks

Where other solutions ‘move’ files in and out

ensuring high/full availability. Not only

to DDP’s Avid FS emulation and it works in the

of cache, DDP’s caching is based on its new

does this technology provide advanced data

same way as it would on an Avid Unity/ISIS.

Dual Path Technology (DPT). DPT ‘copies’ data in and out of cache so that when you are

availability by using two identical DDPs, it also doubles the throughput as users access


done using cache, the files are deleted instead

them in parallel. Combining different DDP

DDP offers the most advanced method of SSD

of having to wait for another data move.

models is also possible and the throughput

caching available in the market. While many

increases as the DDP cluster expands.

other solutions offer one method of caching

loaD Balancing The V5 allows multiple DDPs on the same network to stream (and I/O) data in parallel, controlled by one master DDP which holds the metadata. The master DDP tells all desktops connected to the network where to write or read the data to and from. multiplE connEctions pEr sEssion With the DDP MCS (multiple connections per session) you can combine several 1GbE, 10GbE, 40GbE connections for increased performance. By simply using two 1Gb/s ethernet cables between DDP and a client machine, you can double the usable bandwidth. This means you can playback 10bit HD uncompressed video 160-180MB/s with no drop frames. Other storage companies need to use either 10GbE or a fibre channel, making their systems more expensive to purchase and more complicated for the user to operate. BanDwiDtH control DDP offers bandwidth control on the iSCSI block IO level. It means that settings can be altered by the user so that bandwidth limits are subject to negotiation between the target

Kuwait TV with over 1PB capacity including SSD cache.


and source. That way, upload and download bandwidth can be adjusted without any loss


of TCP/IP frames. Both upload and download bandwidth can be set independently on each desktop giving the user the reassurance of having complete control. worKflow managEr For folder-based Access Rights permissions, the workflow manager has all the required Access Right management tools. Everything – from the creation of users and groups with passwords, to the assignments of specific DDP volumes for each of them and the assignments of specific permissions for (sub)folders – can be set up and configured exactly how you want them to work. Access Rights can be set for each folder for read, write and delete with every possible combination (read-only, read/write, read/write no delete, write only (Dropbox) and no access). Special rights such as extending the DDP volumes capacity, changing permissions and making DDP volumes available can also be specified so you are in complete control. folDEr volumEs With the DDP, it is possible to assign volume properties to any folder or subfolder; hence the name Folder Volumes. With Folder Volumes, there is one namespace with any

MTV ( Viacom) fully redundant system with SSD cache.

number of roots solving a common problem when editing applications. Other advantages

view, tag, search and share your entire media

include not having to move data across the

with all industry standard video applications.

DDP volumes when using Folder Volumes.

Creating proxies can be done on the fly and all processes from ingest to playout can be fully


ardis technologies Bv

Quota control

automated with additional Medeis modules.

This is a very useful function as it enables you

All DDPs integrate the Archiware P5 which is

Headquarters for Asia,

to modify (at any moment and in real-time)

a complete software solution for data backup,

Pacific & the Middle East

the available space a user can see and use for

synchronisation and archiving.

2294-62 Shirahata

a given folder volume. When you need extra

The standalone, scalable DDP series

space on a folder volume, the quota size can

comes with a free licence of P5 backup for

Sanmu City, Chiba

be increased temporarily and then set back

professional grade backup to LTO tapes.

to its original value whenever you are ready.

LTO tapes are the chosen technology used

289-1306 Japan

by large corporations, banks and broadcasters.


mEDEis mam & pam:

P5 allows data backup to LTO tapes using a

supErcHargE your mEDia

single tape drive; unlimited number of tapes


DDP is exclusive OEM partner of Medeis,

can be written and P5 Backup keeps track of


the UK-based company which enable you to

all tapes and files that are written.



CreAting Content on the world’s most effiCient mediA plAtform


vid delivers the most open,

of media and entertainment industry

needed to create, manage, store, distribute

efficient media platform,

professionals, in the shape of the Avid

and monetise content.

connecting content creation

Customer Association (ACA), which fosters

with collaboration, asset

deep collaboration between Avid and the

BroAdCAst solutions

protection, distribution and consumption.

people dedicated to proactively shaping the

As broadcasters face the pressures of

Avid’s preeminent customer community uses

future of the industry. Avid solutions have

operating in a digital environment with the

Avid’s comprehensive tools and workflow

been recognised with numerous industry and

need to distribute content to multiple devices

solutions to create, distribute and monetise

technology awards, including two Oscars, a

from anywhere in the world, they require

the most watched, loved and listened to

Grammy and 14 Emmys.

ultimate collaboration among their teams to optimise the value of their media assets and

media in the world — from prestigious, award-winning feature films to popular

the foundAtion of the

deliver higher-quality media that engages

television shows, news programmes,

Avid workflow

audiences on multiple screens.

televised sporting events and celebrated

As the foundation of the industry’s most

Avid | On Demand is a new SaaS cloud

music recordings and live concerts. It brings

open, extensible and customisable media

services and solutions platform that provides

together the most comprehensive individual

production environment, MediaCentral

media production capabilities on demand.

solutions integrated on the most open and

simplifies workflows by tightly integrating

Avid | On Demand lets media organisations

efficient media platform in the industry,

all products and services that run on top of

conveniently deploy the capabilities they

to fundamentally improve the way media

it, whichever Avid or third-party solutions

need on a per-project basis with optimal

professionals work.

our customers choose to use. Building on

elasticity — and without a drawn-out

Avid works with the industry’s most

MediaCentral, Avid’s industry-leading

deployment phase or large capital outlay.

innovative and influential community

solutions provide customers with the tools

Avid | On Demand services include Avid



CloudUX Browse Publish Timeline WEB Graphics Management.

| AI, a new suite of Avid and third-party

production management tools that facilitate

integrates seamlessly with MediaCentrral

capabilities that automate content indexing,

creative collaboration, MediaCentral |

| Newsroom Management for playlist

such as closed captioning verification,

Asset Management offering streamlined

creation and execution, Media Composer

language detection, facial recognition, scene

yet powerful media asset management,

for post-production graphics editing, and

detection, and speech-to-text conversion.

Avid Nexis, the software-defined storage

MediaCentral | Cloud UX, the cloud-based,

Avid | AI services include Avid Phonetic

platform specifically designed for storing

web front-end to MediaCentral.

Search, Avid | Illuminate On Demand,

and managing media, and the MediaCentral

The next-generation Maestro | PowerWall

Microsoft Cognitive Services and Avid |

| Publish app to deliver on-air content to

display control and management solution

Transformation. Avid | On Demand cloud

audiences on websites and social media

brings greater value to customers by

solutions include Avid | Shared Library On


simplifying production and eliminating

Avid offers a range of powerful graphics

prohibitive costs for creating and presenting

Avid’s complete story-centric news

production toolsets that deliver rich video

3D graphics and video content on multiple

workflow enables teams to plan, collaborate,

and graphics capabilities, integrated

displays regardless of size, dimension or

create and deliver multiple story angles

4K workflows and powerful broadcast

resolution. It provides powerful video wall

across a variety of platforms allowing them

enhancements for news and sports

capabilities, a high-performance video

to stand out in today’s highly competitive

production. Maestro is the universal

processing engine and real-time, data-driven

market. The workflow builds on the openness

controller for video and graphics that enables

graphics to captivate viewers.

and integration of MediaCentral with

users to create, manage, distribute and play

By gaining production efficiency with

MediaCentral | Newsroom Management

out stunning, high-resolution 3D graphics

workflows driven by MediaCentral, sports

enabling efficient scheduling, MediaCentral

and videos easily. Maestro can be customised

production teams can allocate more time

| Production Management providing

for a wide variety of environments and

to content capture creative processes and

Demand and Avid | Editorial On Demand.



Avid Nexis Family.

serving their UHD shows to every consumer

Option to accelerate the editing process and

pro-Audio solutions

device. Avid’s sports workflow integrates Avid

make the most of every spoken word in a

Avid audio solutions enable users to create

FastServe, a turnkey solution for ultra-fast


and deliver premium-quality audio, manage

turnaround of incoming feeds. MediaCentral

When Media Composer is combined

complex sessions and high volumes of digital

| Editorial Management, an all-inclusive

with Avid Artist I/O video interfaces,

assets and operate more efficiently. With

collaboration platform; the MediaCentral |

high-res workflows from capture to output

Avid, audio professionals of all backgrounds

Log app for adding rich, time-based metadata

are accelerated. MediaCentral | Asset

take on the most demanding sessions and

to live feeds; the YEPCO Sports Data Feed

Management is an all-inclusive collaboration

maximise their creativity without holding

Connector for auto-indexing content based

platform that empowers an entire team to

anything back.

on incoming sports ticker feeds; Avid NEXIS

take part in media creation workflows. Avid

The Pro Tools family provides the tools

software-defined storage and the fully-

NEXIS software-defined storage creates

to create music or sound for film and

comprehensive Maestro graphics suite.

virtual pools of storage, providing easy and

television while connecting users with a

simultaneous access to files and enabling

premier network of artists, producers and

pro-video solutions

creative teams to collaborate in real-time.

mixers around the world. Pro Tools | First

The Media Composer family gives editors

MediaCentral | Cloud UX allows remote

allows creators just beginning their journey

at all stages in their careers access to the

access to production assets, including low-

in recording and production to compose,

industry-standard editing software used

res video clips, which facilitates quick review

record, mix and collaborate in the cloud

by top film, TV and broadcast editors.

and approval from any location with an

with a streamlined creative toolset built

Since its introduction a year ago, Media

internet connection.

on industry-standard Pro Tools for free. To

Composer | First already has more than 100,000 activations. It delivers a complete yet streamlined creative toolset for free. Media Composer is for professional editors and filmmakers who work independently and need advanced editing tools. It features a newly refined user interface for more powerful video editing and support for 4K, 8K and HDR, giving independent editors the tools to maximise their creative talent and stay ahead of the competition. For the very best in post-production, Media Composer | Ultimate empowers creative teams with access to Avid’s unparalleled collaborative capabilities, adds support for shared storage and includes game-changing tools like Media Composer | ScriptSync Option and Media Composer | PhraseFind



take creativity to the next level, Pro Tools delivers the industry’s most powerful, comprehensive and trusted audio and MIDI toolset. Pro Tools | Ultimate is the definitive and comprehensive toolset for music and audio post-production and offers cloud collaboration enhancements


immersive sound mixing integrations with Dolby Atmos. The world’s best-selling music notation software, Sibelius, is now available in three editions for creating captivating scores more quickly than ever before. The new Sibelius | First delivers a streamlined notation toolset

Avid VENUE | S6L family.

based on Sibelius and includes many of the

| Ultimate is the go-to notation software

platform with 100%

same features including music composition

that professionals rely on most, enabling

software, hardware, and

transcription, editing and unique cloud-

users to create complex arrangements

show file compatibility across all system

based workflows. Sibelius, the notation

with an unlimited number of instruments


software of choice for musicians, composers,

and to orchestrate high-quality, professional

orchestrators and students who want


With the best individual tools integrated on the most open and efficient media

to produce richly detailed scores, offers

The revolutionary Pro Tools | S6

platform, Avid is uniquely positioned to help

cloud sharing and augmented notation

modular control surface provides superior

organisations and professionals succeed in

capabilities so users can quickly and easily

ergonomics and intelligent studio control.

the highly competitive and rapidly changing

share and review scores anywhere. Sibelius

It’s built to grow and change easily, with a

media industry.

first-of-its-kind modular design that can be customised to suit the way mixers want to work. Pro Tools | S3 is a smaller, yet enormously powerful, portable control surface that delivers intelligent control over every aspect

ContACt Avid Aurora Tower

of Pro Tools and other digital audio

19th Floor, Office 1903


Dubai Media City

The award-winning Avid VENUE|

PO Box 500646

S6L family of live sound systems


has been expanded with three new


control surfaces, a new engine and two new I/O racks, all on a unified

social media

platform. Offering unmatched

Youtube: avid

modularity, scalability and flexibility

Facebook: AvidTechnology

to meet any size production, space,

Twitter: Avid

or budget requirement, VENUE |

Linkedin: avid-technology

S6L is the industry’s only live sound



Creating real-time virtual solutions


rainstorm is a specialist

Game Changer Award and many more.

compatible system that integrates


Brainstorm’s flagship product, the eStudio

graphics creation and management into

providing industry-leading,

is the industry’s most versatile real-time 3D

most common newsroom, continuity and

real-time 3D graphics and

render engine, and the base on which all

broadcast traffic operation environments.

virtual set solutions for all broadcast

other products run. It enables both design

• Cost-effective, template based products:

graphics types and workflows, as well as

and real-time playout of virtual studios and

• SmartSet - Template-based virtual set and

for feature film production and corporate

3D graphics as well as the easy creation of

presentations. With more than 2,500

customised products and applications. Other

installations worldwide since it was founded

Brainstorm products are:

in 1993, Brainstorm’s customer list includes

• InfinitySet - The all-in-one virtual set and

many of the world’s leading broadcasters

real-time 3D graphics solution, not just

plus a large number of smaller and regional

for showcasing a number of extremely

augmented reality


advanced technologies, but also for the

Brainstorm has been pushing the boundaries

flexibility this solution gives to operators

of virtual set production and development

and producers alike.

for more than 20 years. Since its foundation



Brainstorm is a company focused on assisting its clients to create highly

augmented reality. • AstonElections - Template-based graphics for elections and business. virtual sets and

engaging visual experiences for their

• Aston - A motion graphics creation, CG

in 1993 and with the creation of the eStudio,

viewers. The trajectory of the company

and playout system developed with the

Brainstorm has been at the edge of innovation

and its products has granted significant

designers in mind, built from the ground

in 3D and virtual studio technology.

recognitions, including the 2007 European

up to be extremely user friendly so the

Brainstorm pioneered the application of

Seal of e-Excellence, the 2011 IBC Innovation

operators can concentrate on creation

camera tracking to 3D real-time virtual sets,

Award, the 2013 Innovation Award of the

rather than pure operation.

and today eStudio interfaces with practically

Spanish Computer Society, the 2015 IABM


• Neuron - A flexible and modular MOS-

all current tracking systems.


Augmented reality enhances storytelling, providing more attractive ways to display complex data and information.

Along with advanced rendering features such as HDR or PBR, Brainstorm supports gaming and architectural engines like Unreal Engine that provide realistic scenes with great possibilities.



The latest development is the InfinitySet,

charts, bars, and many others. These data

graphics packages and services to its

the first product that takes advantage of

driven objects allow for visually engaging

customers while also ensuring that they

the TrackFree technology, a totally brand

representations of the data which can be

are fast, reliable and the best suited for the

new, patented and revolutionary approach

better explained by the presenters when

job at hand.

to virtual set production that has been

placed in the set.

developed by Brainstorm.

Aston is an industry-leading real-time

During election nights, news, sports or

character generator brand with over 30

TrackFree is a camera-tracking

entertainment programmes, data bars and

years of experience, a comprehensive

independent technology that provides just

other statistics can interact with the talents

graphics creation system built to be the

what its name claims: the total freedom

creating an attractive augmented reality

centre of any design department, fulfilling

for operators to use any tracking system,

environment for the audience.

all the requirements of production services

trackless or fixed cameras, or a combination

Along with those features, InfinitySet

providers, broadcasters and design houses.

of these at the same time, while seamlessly

supports third party render engines such

Aston was designed from the ground up to

integrating them if required to create a

as the Unreal Engine. As it is combined

be extremely user friendly so that operators

highly appealing and eye-catching viewing

with the Brainstorm eStudio render engine,

can concentrate on creation rather than

experience. It can be used in combination

this allows the InfinitySet 3 to include

pure operation. Designed for a robust on-air

with the integrated internal chroma key

real-time graphics elements such as 3D

operation, designers can create, manipulate,

software or external chroma key hardware,

motion graphics, lower-thirds, tickers, CG

animate and perform last-minute changes,

even within the same production.

and many others, within the excellently

even while on-air.

Augmented Reality also requires

rendered and realistic background scene.

The Aston family is resolution independent and works with any HDTV

interaction between sets, talents and virtual objects, many of them created out

real-time motion graphiCs

flavour, 4K or even higher resolutions for

of external data sources such as statistics,

Brainstorm provides the best possible

larger screens. Aston features 3D stereo

Neuron is a new integrated, MOS-compatible templatebased system that allows for complex graphics integration and transcends the newsroom to become a sophisticated on-air graphics control system.



Aston is a fast and robust motion graphics creation, CG and playout system on which designers can create, manipulate, animate and perform last-minute changes, even while on-air.

capabilities making it fit for any demanding

Brainstorm in the mena region

broadcast requirement, now or in the future.

Brainstorm has been committed to the

In addition, Aston is Mos-compatible and

Middle East and North Africa region since

supports seamless integration with a wide

its foundation, recognising both the strategic

range of 3D formats such as .fbx, .dae, .obj

importance of these regions and the boom that

Brainstorm multimedia s.l.

and.3ds, to name a few.

virtual graphics and studios have had recently.

Avenida de la Albufera

The company has been increasingly allocating soCial media integration

resources to address the growing number of

Brainstorm partnered with to develop

opportunities in the Gulf and beyond.

OnMedia, a joint solution aimed at providing

A key aspect of this expansion strategy

real-time 3D graphics visualisation based on

is Brainstorm’s ever-increasing network

social media feeds and second screen data.

of resellers in the region, some with long-

OnMedia integrates both and

term relationships with the company, such

Brainstorm technologies, combining the

as Pharaon Broadcast in Lebanon and

power of Brainstorm’s SmartTemplates

Brainwaves in Egypt, which have landed big

with’s social TV platform Story to

name references such as Al Mayadeen, LBC,

display the content previously gathered and

Al Jadeed and Palestine TV in Lebanon, plus

structured from social media.

ERTU, Sada Elbalad and ONTV in Egypt,

By using this technology, end users will

to mention just a few. Other Brainstorm

be able to gather and moderate content

resellers in the area include FOR-A Middle

from the web, select an applicable template

East and DigitalCast in Iran. This network

and preview a graphical visualisation of the

is fully capable and dedicated to assisting


customers all over the MENA region.


321, Planta 3, Of. 12 28031 Madrid, Spain Tel: +34 91 781 67 50 Email: ME Sales Manager Borja Chirivella C/ Maestro Gozalbo, 23 46005 Valencia. Spain Tel: +34 96 353 035 Website:





alrec Audio supplies audio

Calrec products are designed, manufactured

broadcast mixing equipment

and tested at Calrec’s Nutclough Mill

Throughout the company’s history,

relied on by the world’s most

headquarters in Hebden Bridge, West

Calrec’s team of innovators has anticipated

successful broadcasters. From

Yorkshire, England. From original concept

major changes and consistently provided

Premiership football, to the Superbowl, from

to state-of-the-art production, every

products that have allowed broadcasters to

X Factor to Dancing with the Stars, if it’s live

step of the design, development and

remain one step ahead. Now, broadcasters

there is a good chance it is mixed on a Calrec.

manufacturing process is carried out in-

demand more versatility and integration

Calrec’s reputation for build quality,

house. This ensures the absolute integrity

from their audio equipment. For audio

reliability and audio performance has made it

of the product development process and

systems to achieve this, greater consideration

an industry benchmark across the world. All

guarantees a quality standard unsurpassed

has to be given to networks as a whole and


in the broadcast console marketplace.


how efficiently they can be controlled. Calrec has designed its range of consoles to meet these demands. BRIO Brio is the most powerful and compact digital broadcast audio console in its class with a comprehensive broadcast feature set and the same market-leading levels of quality and customer support that Calrec is renowned for. The smallest in the Bluefin2 family, Brio comes in two sizes, a 36-fader version and an ultra-slimline 12-fader version. It is entirely self-contained with expansion I/O slots to increase connectivity. A Hydra2 module can be fitted to benefit from Calrec’s Hydra2 network. The Brio36 has analogue, digital and GPIO connectivity built into the

channel processing paths, eight groups,

single and dual fader options, Apollo can

surface. This means Hydra2’s sophisticated

four mains, 16 auxes and 32 tracks while its

squeeze in more faders into a single footprint

management facilities can be utilised for

Hydra2 router core provides Summa with

than any other console and its integrated

network-wide control, including interfacing

the same integral router technology as the

router provides total network flexibility.

with multiple audio over IP networks such

Apollo and Artemis consoles.

I/O functions are performed by the Hydra2 network which uses high capacity 8192²

as Dante, AES67, Ravenna and Soundgrid. ARTEMIS AND APOLLO

cross-point routers for a variety of I/O units.


The Apollo and Artemis consoles provide

Summa simplifies even complex workflow

unrivalled resources of up to 1020 channel


tasks such as creating mix-minus feeds.

processing paths, 128 programme busses,

AoIP interconnections offer greater capacity,

Bluefin2 gives Summa a pool of 180 or 128

96 IFB/Track outputs and 48 auxes. With

flexibility and multicast possibilities – and on



TYPE R Type R is the latest audio solution from Calrec Audio. It is a modular, expandable, IPbased radio system that is set to redefine broadcast workflows by utilising standard networking technology and combining it with ultimate configurability. Type R’s physical control system consists of just three slimline panels: a fader panel, a small control panel and a large control panel. Each is compatible with COTS hardware and powered over ethernet to keep cabling to a minimum. It has a simple 2U core at its heart with integrated IO resources to get you up and running immediately. A single core can power up to three independent studio environments with no sharing of input and bus DSP resources – one core, three desks or three independent users. Henry Goodman , Director of Product Management, Calrec Audio says, “Type R is a thoroughly modern and customer-focused radio broadcast system which adapts to a station’s needs as its requirements evolve and provides simple customisation across established networks, open control protocols and surface personalisation. With a native IP Backbone, Type R provides an infrastructure for future expansion. It guarantees stations are not only able to keep pace with changing demands but provides the facility to ignite their audiences with new and innovative programming.” Type R is a resilient console system designed for reliable professional use with all the requisite power, function and scalability to keep you on air for many years to come.


an infrastructure shared with other services.

now offers AES67 support as standard.

Calrec offers a 1U AES67/Ravenna solution

This combination allows access to up to 64

and a Dante modular card. Each element

bidirectional channels in either protocol.

of Calrec’s protocol range redundantly connects to Hydra2 and appears like any


other I/O resource on the Hydra2 network.

Remote production provides the ability to

Hydra2’s integral suite of management tools

capture a broader range of live events such

provides additional benefits to allow remote

as sport, news or regional music festivals and

configuration patching, port protection, alias

mix them in a remote facility hundreds or

files, virtual patchbays and access rights.

thousands of miles away. The aim is to produce

The AES67/Ravenna interface can

programmes centrally in a studio-based

transport 256 channels of audio on a single

control room without the financial outlay of a

connection. A second expansion card

dedicated on-site team. This means generating

provides the unit with 512 channels of audio

the programme sound mix some distance

— one of the highest-bandwidth connections

from the venue and allowing more efficient

available. Calrec’s Dante modular I/O card

utilisation of equipment and personnel.

utilises Audinate’s Brooklyn II card and

Calrec’s RP1 provides local DSP to


generate monitor mixes and IFBs with no

changing landscape. They need networking

latency. It gives direct control over channel

options and the ability to talk to other

functions such as mic gains, aux send/

equipment in a seamless environment. Calrec

monitor mix levels and fader levels and

already has the answer to these concerns and

provides a mechanism to embed audio into

has identified potential issues that may arise.

existing backhaul technologies.

This is why Calrec’s expertise, experience and technology is trusted and endorsed by


the world’s most successful broadcasters.

Broadcasters constantly push the boundaries

Alongside DiGiCo, Allen & Heath, Solid

of technology. They need more processing

State Logic and DiGiGrid, Calrec is part

power and more intuitive ways of controlling

of the Audiotonix group of British console

it to deal with the increased workload and


CONTACT Calrec Audio LTD Nutclough Mill Hebden Bridge HX7 8EZ England Tel: +44 1422 842159 Website: Twitter: @calrecaudio Facebook: calrecaudio





iNNovATioN ANd TEChNology


ased in Taipei, Datavideo




The first Datavideo video switcher dates back

manufactures a wide range of

to 1994. This small switcher was rudimental,

innovative technologies for use

but powerful. It featured different wipe

in broadcast, AV, live event and production

patterns, wipe colours and a basic audio

environments. Founded in 1985 and based in

mixer. The SE-200 was a huge leap forward

Taiwan, Datavideo has spread globally with

with built-in title interface, used for live

subsidiaries in the USA, England, Canada,

events or recordings. Both switchers were

Netherlands, Singapore, Hong Kong, India,

used by consumers and professionals.


France and China. With regional offices

The current lineup of production

in North America, Europe, the Indian

switchers include small switchers

sub-continent and South East Asia and a

with four input channels used in small

global network of distributors, Datavideo

productions, but also larger 16 input HD

delivers full support to resellers, end users

switchers that are capable of being used

and integrators.

in master control setups.

PRodUCT ovERviEw


Datavideo aims to produce highly innovative,

Datavideo excels in creating versatile, highly

easy to use and cost-effective equipment that

flexible mobile studio systems. All mobile

will last for years. Among these products

studios are based around the acclaimed

are the following successful product lines:

switcher range. They are mounted in an



impact-resistant case with built-in screen and enhanced with equipment like talkback and tally interfaces. These mobile studios are the size of a briefcase and weigh around nine kilograms. In the latest versions, Datavideo has also managed to create an in-built streaming encoder and SD card recording interface. The larger studios have a pull-out screen and can also be equipped with chromakeyers, recorders, audio delay interfaces and streaming encoders. These portable studios are mounted in a shockproof flight case. Datavideo carries several different configurations, to suit different needs. viRTUAl STUdio SySTEMS

Johan Lieffers, General Manager, Datavideo Technologies Europe BV.

Datavideo has developed a wide range with both 2D and 3D virtual studio systems. The

next generation user friendly 3D virtual studio

installation job. HDBaseT ensures the user

TVS-1200A is a 2D trackless virtual studio

production. The system relies on tracking

of all needed signals and power conveniently

that is very easy to use. With the built in

data from the Datavideo PTC-150 HD pan/

over just one single CAT6 cable. Installing

background designer tool, you can easily

tilt/zoom camera for motion tracking. This

in buildings with existing ethernet

use ready-made objects or photographs taken

tracking is translated into virtual camera

infrastructure becomes a breeze. Datavideo

to create a virtual background. The production

movement for a realistic effect.

produces a line of PTZ cameras equipped

software is very simple and intuitive. With

with HDBaseT, a set of transmitter/

the built in streaming capabilities you are


receivers for existing PTZ cameras and a full

live in seconds on major platforms like

Datavideo produces a line of HDBaseT

four-channel portable studio kit. This studio

Facebook and Youtube. TVS-2000A is the

equipment tailored for a smooth and easy

kit includes a switcher and a convenient camera control part. SigNAl CoNvERSioN, ExTENSioN ANd diSTRiBUTioN Datavideo offers highly compact, cost effective and high quality signal converters, extenders and distributors; from simple HDMI to SDI (and vice versa) converters to very flexible up/down/cross converters for multiple standards. Datavideo also offers rack mounting kits for these compact converters as well as battery packs, tripod mounts and other accessories. Extending composite video, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI can be done up to 1000 metres with the VP series active extenders, whereas splitting

Datavideo EMEA office in Utrecht, The Netherlands.


and distributing 3G-SDI can be done with the distribution amplifiers.


Datavideo engineers, designs and manufactures a wide range of innovative technologies for use in broadcast, AV, live event and production environments.


and output this through 3G-SDI or HDMI

Datavideo offers a highly innovative way

2.0. All PTC range cameras have professional

of teleprompting with a clever system that

features like manual shading and iris. The

can be mounted on a regular iPad or android

complete range is controlled by Datavideo’s

tablet to the front of a camera. Through a

professional RMC-180 controller that can

halfway mirror you can see your tablet screen

store presets and can control up to four

running the teleprompting software. With the

cameras. This camera is available in standard

Floridadreef 106

professional version you can distribute the

SDI setup and also with an extra HDBaseT


script wireless to different teleprompters in

module for a very easy installation job on-


order to sync them.

site. Next to the PTZ cameras, Datavideo has an extensive lineup of block cameras. These


datavideo Technologies Europe B.v.

The Netherlands Tel: +31 30 261 9656


cameras feature the same lens and sensor as

Datavideo carries a line of cost-effective and

the pan/tilt/zoom models in a non-motorised


high quality PTZ cameras. These cameras

block housing. These cameras are available


are able to capture the image in 1080p or 4K

as both HD and 4K models.





xtreme Technology is an

dominance in the field of FM broadcasting.

FM broadcast equipment

By operating a distributive network


that spans five continents, the company’s

based in Istanbul, Turkey

expansive business web has an international

providing top-of-the-range FM antennae,

focus. Today over 200 FM transmission

combiner and cavity filter solutions to

sites benefit from antennae deployed by

customers around the globe. Investing in

Extreme Technology reaching listeners

comprehensive systems whilst harnessing

in 32 countries. The company maximises

the best possible technological advances

its operational reach by leveraging quality

in the FM broadcasting market, Extreme

systems and solutions at a reasonable price.

Technology has gained a creditable standing

Extreme technology provides a complete

in the domestic and international market

range of services to the FM broadcast

as a supplier of state-of-the-art technical

industries and is widely recognised for its

services. With a steady watch on intermittent

quality of products and services and technical

changes evidenced in the industry, products

knowhow during onsite installations.

are future-proofed and guaranteed to deliver.

Resources include in-house expertise in

A host of complex, successfully completed

structural design, civil, electrical, RF and


projects around the globe are testament to Extreme Technology’s reputation and


Rustu Sen, CEO, Extreme Technology.

structural engineering. Extreme Technology’s antennae systems




and filter combiners are manufactured by

FM consultancy and installation of FM sites.

filters and combiners are reliable and of the

experienced production staff in-house. All

The company has undertaken a number of

highest quality.

equipment is subjected to rigorous tests and

projects facilitating complete and or in-part

Extreme Technology was established

in-house quality controls to ensure consistent

design and networking systems for broadcast

in 2011 by its current CEO, Rustu Sen.

working order. Each piece is scrutinised by

companies. These range from systems

Sen has been actively engaged in the

expert personnel before it leaves the factory.

design and configuration, antennae signal

broadcasting industry in Turkey and the

Engineering standards are kept at a premium

distribution simulation and network planning.

MENA region since 1990. Sen brings three

so that design and workability of each

Additionally, Extreme technology offers a

decades of technical and operational

component is regulated and standardised.

complete array of filter and combiner products

expertise having worked with TRT, ATV

Strict manufacturing quality adhering to

designed to configure any FM installation.

and other major international broadcasters

international specifications ensure finest

Aware that broadcast companies not only

as operational and strategic lead on rapid

quality components are made. The company

require filters that work electrically but also

expansion programmes. He has also

guarantees stability and reliability in all its

need prerequisite space, environment, power

worked with major international FM

products and solutions.

and within price constraints, customised,

broadcasters, heading their technology

Besides manufacturing FM broadcast

cost-effective solutions are crafted for any

and FM operations teams across countries

equipment Extreme technology also does

given site. As a result, Extreme Technology’s

during launch of radio channels. Sen has a



to bring appropriate and professionally integrated solutions that are catered to meet customer needs and market realities. The need to conform to customer satisfaction is the highlight within all divisions and to achieve that the company works with experienced engineering and installation staff, subcontractors and technology giant partners. The core objective is to follow current and future trends and deliver technology-oriented, reliable solutions to current and future customers. Customers are assured of new technology that works and which is unique to their products. AIMS AND OBjECTIvES To follow current trends in technologies and provide ideal tools and solutions, and to offer reliable, exacting expertise to customers and business partners. FOCUS ON CUSTOMERS The core emphasis at Extreme Technology is to make sure customer satisfaction is achieved and towards that end, the company ensures its products are unique, services are up-to-date and solutions long-term. Expert engineering staff including installation engineers work with subcontractors and international brand track record of delivering complex projects

and products for broadcast, TV, radio and

partners regularly to meet demand anytime

and implementing strategically important

entertainment studios and energy markets,

and anywhere.

initiatives enabling transformational change

individually or in project preparation and

within broadcasting organisations.

turnkey integration, relying on years of

Extreme Technology is a part of RS Cast a holdings company based in Istanbul which

For more information on products visit

expertise in related markets and technical support capability. CONTACT

is a distributor and FM/TV integrations

RS Cast has specialised divisions within

company. RS Cast focuses on consultation

its framework so that each aspect of the

and turnkey systems integration for TV and

manufacturing detail is carefully and

Extreme Technology

radio transmitting systems, entertainment

thoroughly examined and researched into.

Bulgurlu Mah. Libadiye CAD

studio systems and networking systems.

The company has five separate divisions

Istanbul, Turkey 34660

RS Cast works with worldwide partners to

that cover research and development,

Tel: +90 532 462 73 13

provide the best solutions for customers to

broadcasting - inclusive of transmission

+97 150 145 37 34

suit their evolving needs and budgets and on

systems, TV, radio and entertainment


a long-term basis. The company offers state-

studios, network systems and manufacture


of the art professionally integrated solutions

of transmission towers. Each division works



Leading the way in Uhd/hdR LenS technoLogy foR BRoadcaSt and cine


ince its founding in 1934, Fujifilm

As the market shifts more and more

Lenses - small, lightweight and extremely

Corporation, one of the major

towards 4K, the trend being driven

affordable real cine zoom lenses for E Mount

operating companies of Fujifilm

primarily by the sports industry globally

cameras. The MK 18-55 was released in April

Holdings has built a wealth of

with events like the World Cup this year

2017 and the MK 50-135 in September 2017

advanced technologies in the field of photo

where broadcasters try to show off the latest

and have both been very popular and continue

imaging. Fujifilm entities operate in about

technology available to them.

to grow. The X Mount versions of both have

50 group companies in Europe and employ

In the world of cinema, camera

approximately 5,000 people engaged in

manufacturers are making larger sensors

Fujifilm’s contribution was highly

R&D, manufacturing, sales and service

than the traditional super-35 ones. Fujifilm

valued for the high image quality and the

support. Throughout Europe they serve

has been working with Musashi in Japan

evolution of image expression through

a range of industries including medical,

to launch a super-35 to FF expander that is

the development of Fujinon 4K cine

chemical, graphic arts, electronic materials,

optimised for Fujinon Premier and Cabrio


optics, recording media, motion picture,

lenses. It will allow those with existing S35

television. The lenses with high optical

and photographic technologies. Fujifilm

Fujinon cine lenses to use them on the new

technology and overwhelming depiction

Europe GmbH in Duesseldorf, Germany,

FF cameras and as these lenses are extremely

power have been used in movies

acts as the strategic headquarters for the

high-performance, even when the expander

and television programmes as well

region and supports its group companies

is on and the loss of a stop and a half of light

as commercial production around the world.

in Europe by formulating marketing and

it is expected to become very popular.

corporate strategies.


In 2017, the company also launched its MK

been made available since May 2018.

p rov i d i n g



Tapping into its optical, high-precision processing and assembly technologies that



have been nurtured

4K video, the UA24X7 makes

latest High Transmittance Electron Beam

it possible to shoot ultra-high-

Coating (HT-EBC), resulting in richer colours

definition, realistic video for live

and greatly improved blue response and

sport broadcasting and press coverage.

transmittance. “The adoption of HDR by

At NAB2018, Fujifilm expanded the

broadcasters is poised for rapid acceptance

with high quality and superior image

Fujinon 4K HDR zoom series with the

and it’s a trend we are in a unique position

quality including cine lenses, TV lenses as

two new 46x zooms featuring best in-class

to address,” says Thomas Fletcher, Director

well as interchangeable lenses for mirrorless

stabilisation and accuracy. A newly designed

of Marketing for Fujifilm Optical Devices in

digital cameras. Fujifilm will continue to

OS-TECH image stabiliser provides the most

North America. “Our high-contrast, high-

develop and supply cutting-edge products

advanced image stabilisation for a lens in

quality lenses are ideal for HDR. Given the

that meet the diverse needs of production

this class and makes the new UA46x zooms

colour science expertise of Fujifilm with its

sites. The Fujinon 4K cine zoom lenses

ideal for sports, wildlife and documentary

motion picture film history, the Fujinon lenses

providing imagery in television was

production. Versions of each lens will be

are not only 4K but also produce brilliant,

awarded an engineering Emmy by the

available for studio, wildlife, remote-control

bright, eye-popping HDR images.”

Television Academy.

and gyrostabilised productions.

over years,

the Fujifilm

offers Fujinon lenses

new fUjifiLM X-h1 and MKX

In January 2018, Fujifilm began delivery of

Also enhanced with a fresh design is

the new Fujinon UA24x7.8BERD, achieving

the Digital Full Servo Drive Unit which


the world’s smallest (total length approx.

now features 16-bit encoding for highly

The new Fujifilm X-H1 camera, Fujinon

220.5mm) and lightest (approx. 1.98kg)

accurate local or remote operation of the


broadcast lens supporting 4K. Despite

zoom, focus or iris. The drive unit offers a

MKX50135mmT2.9 cinema lenses for

a compact body, the UA24x7.8 features a

‘Virtual Connector which outputs the lens’

X Mount provide the ideal compact

24x high magnification zoom, covering

positional data.

combination for both video reproduction



a focal length from the wide angle of

In line with the optical performance of the

and still photography.

7.8mm to 187mm. This portable zoom lens

full family of 10 Fujifilm 4K UA 2/3” lenses,

The X-H1 is the first camera in the X Series

exhibits high mobility as well as operability.

the two new lenses feature 4K Ultra HD and

line to feature in-body image stabilisation

Expanding the Fujinon 4K lens line up to

HDR optical performance throughout the

and produces uncompromised image

eight models catering to the various needs of

entire zoom range. The lenses employ the

quality and precision when combined with



compensating mechanisms. This camera also brings a comprehensive range of new features to the market to support movie production, including ETERNA, a new film simulation mode that is ideal for shooting movies. The X-H1 boasts many functional and performance improvements to video image quality, including the 1080/120P high-speed video mode for recording spectacular slowmotion footage, F-log SD card recording which

Fujinon UA24x7.8 ENG lens.

aids smooth workflow, a DCI 4K shooting mode, 400% dynamic range setting 200 Mbps

In line with its efforts to become a

lens released in March of 2017 to form a kit

high bit rate recording,high sound quality

comprehensive healthcare company, Fujifilm

that covers the most frequently-used focal

internal microphone and verbal time codes.

is now applying these technologies to the

lengths of 18mm to 135mm, accommodating

The new X Mount Fujinon MKX18-

prevention, diagnosis and treatment of

a broader variety of conditions.

55mmT2.9 and MKX50-135mmT2.9 cinema

diseases in the Medical and Life Science

The rapid growth in popularity of movies

lenses are compatible with all Fujifilm X

fields. Fujifilm is also expanding growth in

made by emerging cinematographers in recent

Series interchangeable system cameras and

the highly functional materials business,

years including corporate and commercial

offer a lightweight, compact design with the

including flat panel display materials,

movies on the internet and other venues has

same optical performance and operability

and in the graphic systems and optical

increased opportunities for shooting movies

as larger cinema lenses in their class. The

devicesbusinesses. For more information,

using cinema and regular digital cameras. This

optical and mechanical approach employed

please visit

in turn boosts demand for high-performance cinema lenses that deliver high resolution

in these new MKX lenses is ideal for video shooting, allowing for elimination of time lag

the fUjinon MK50-135MM t2.9

and advanced scene-depicting capability.

that is usually experienced with electrical

teLephoto zooM cineMa LenS

For filming such material, interchangeable

control systems, suppression of focus

The MK50-135mm has a focal length of

lenses for digital cameras are often used

shifts while zooming and reduction of lens

50-135mm and can be combined with the

instead of cinema camera lenses as they are

breathing to ensure continuous sharp output.

Fujinon MK18-55mm T2.9 standard zoom

more affordable and mobile. However, these lenses are designed primarily for shooting still images, and therefore prone to problems such as focus shift and optical axis shift while zooming, and so on. In response, Fujifilm developed the MK series of cinema lenses that resolve these issues while still offering advanced optical performance and an ultra-compact and lightweight design - all at an affordable price. The MK18-55mm is popular among cinematographers for its edge-to-edge sharpness and ease of handling thanks to its compact and lightweight design. The new MK50-135mm is a telephoto zoom lens that covers the focal length from 50mm to 135mm. It is compatible with E-mount 2

MK Lens


cameras with the Super 35mm 3 / APS-C sensor and incorporates the benefits of short


flange focal distance 4 into optical design to

processing and assembly technologies

the maximum extent to achieve advanced

that have been nurtured over the years in

optical performance while maintaining a

the cutting-edge field of video production,

compact and lightweight design. The lens

Fujifilm will continue to expand its lens

design is optimised for shooting movies,

line-up to meet the diverse needs of the

minimising focal and optical axis shift while

video production industry.

zooming and lens breathing (change of angle of view during focusing) – negative traits that are typically observed in still lenses for


digital cameras. The MK50-135mm can be combined with the MK18-55mm to form a compact, light

Optical Devices Department

weight kit that covers the most frequently-

The Galleries Bldg, 38th Floor

used focal lengths between 18mm and 135mm, accommodating a variety of subject matters including landscape, architecture and portraiture. Fujinon lenses offered by Fujifilm have The Optical Devices Division of Fujifilm was awarded an engineering Emmy for the Fujinon 4K cine zoom lenses.

fujifilm Middle east fze

Office 809, Downtown Jebel Ali PO Box 17212, Dubai, UAE Tel: +97148878722 Email:

been used at movie / CM / TV production sites around the world for their advanced

Chris Darnley

scene-depicting capability. Tapping


into its optical design, high-precision



InTegraTIng KVM InTo The broadcasT world


he march of IT technology

host of national and international TV stations

into the broadcasting industry

and broadcasters, and has the largest KVM

is relentless. New IT systems

portfolio in the market. Systems within this

are enhancing or replacing

portfolio can be implemented into the pre-

traditional broadcasting equipment by the

set broadcast infrastructure and so provide

day. In this climate of wholesale change,

a direct link between the advances of IT and

KVM acts as the bridge between IT and the

traditional broadcasting.

classic broadcast world. It facilitates the three aspects of broadcast IT – standardisation,

PerfecT seaMless InTegraTIon

simplification and increased efficiency. KVM

KVM has become the backbone of

systems harmonise different standards,

broadcasting IT infrastructure to the point

signals and sources to allow the simplest

where KVM and IT have merged to become

possible and the most efficient operation

one. G&D’s KVM systems are designed to

for producers.

be connected optimally into any broadcast-

With over 30 years of experience as a

typical control systems such as KSC or VSM.

German manufacturer of KVM systems,

As a result, G&D’s systems actively enhance

Guntermann & Drunck (G&D) is trusted by a

these broadcast media tools because they no



G&D has recently moved to new purpose-built offices at Obere Leimbach 9, 57074 Siegen, Germany.



Some products from G&D’s extensive portfolio.

longer simply control the actual broadcast

access rights) can connect to any computer

focused on. First is product quality; G&D

processes. With G&D’s systems, these control

simultaneously. This connection is without

comply with the DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015

units are now enabled to switch to the exact

any special software or a network. The

quality norm. All products undergo rigorous

IT system required for any individual task.

KVM system standardises the computer

testing to ensure maximum dependability

The result is not only perfect integration of

and signal environment to offer the simplest

and reliability, especially with regard to

KVM with the broadcast control systems but

and most efficient operation. G&D matrix

24/7 operations.

a seamless working experience.

switches work with a wide variety of signals.

Second is user-friendliness. All products

In addition to standard IT signals such as

and systems are designed for simple, intuitive

IMProVed worKIng

keyboard/mouse, displayport, audio and

operations. For example, Cross Display-


USB, the switches also support typical

Switching is designed for multi-monitor

One of the major benefits of KVM systems

broadcast signals such as SDI, MADI and

workstations that access multiple computers

is that they enable broadcasters to move

tally information.

at the same time. The user’s mouse acts as

powerful computers out of the studio and

if on a ‘virtual desktop’ and can be moved

production areas into purpose-built air

QUalITy InnoVaTIons

seamlessly across the connected displays.

conditioned tech rooms. Production staff

The ever changing parameters of the

When the cursor moves from an active to

have complete access to all computers and

broadcast industry place a high demand

inactive display, the keyboard/mouse focus

associated equipment, they don’t have the

on its people and the technology they use.

automatically switches to the connected

noise and excess heat that these computers

G&D provide effective technical solutions

computer. This allows users to intuitively

and their peripherals generate.

to respond to the eternally evolving

operate multiple systems simultaneously

With G&D KVM matrix switches, every

environment of humans and machines.

with just one keyboard and mouse. With

operator or user (depending on their

There are two areas in particular that is

LEDs to indicate the active channel,



producers, directors and post-production

flexIbIlITy for The fUTUre

modules to help make their use of KVM

staff always know which computer they are

G&D pays great attention to the compatibility

solutions more effective.

working with.

and expandability of its systems. The aim

Whatever the KVM broadcasting

is to provide G&D’s customers with future-

requirement, G&D, its employees and

Tally lIghT sUPPorT

proof investments that can be expanded and

trained partner network, will be pleased

G&D’s tally light (on-air) function is

upgraded at a later date.

to support in finding the best possible and

another example of its commitment to user

G&D is a customer orientated company.

friendliness. The tally information from a

It sets the highest standards for its own

remote computer can be provided via a G&D

people, its systems and products. These

matrix system at any user console. When

same high standards are reflected in its

multiple producers are simultaneously

customer support services. As a G&D

working with the same system, the on-air

customer, you can expect comprehensive

guntermann & drunck gmbh

signal ensures they won’t make unwanted

expert advice and technical support during

Obere Leimbach 9

changes on a live computer. As G&D’s CEO,

all phases of your project. G&D’s systems

Roland Ollek explains, “We work very closely

are plug and play devices that are intuitive

with the broadcast industry. We listen to the

to operate and configure. However, for

market and believe that this is the ideal way

those G&D customers who want a more

Tel: +49 271 23872-0

to create practical, user-oriented solutions,

comprehensive understanding of their


such as our new Tally light function.”

products, G&D offers a range of training

A KVM matrix system enables every authorised user to connect to any computer.

perfectly integrated KVM solution. conTacT

57074 Siegen Germany

Roland Ollek, CEO, G&D.



KTLA, March 2016.





atesAir’s leadership in TV and

mind. Thanks to the strengths of CODFM

radio can often be directly tied

modulation to resist multipath reception,

to one key strength - the ability

SFNs offer a proven way to maximise signal

to equip next-generation, over-

coverage without requiring other broadcast

the-air broadcast systems of virtually any

frequencies in the mix.

scale and for any standard. Those benefits

An SFN architecture typically has multiple

are accentuated through turnkey, wireless

overlapping transmitters, typically low-to-

content delivery solutions that offer the

medium power, free of interference. Beyond

industry’s lowest total cost of ownership.

transmitters, networking and synchronisation

When you think of next-generation over-

equipment play an important role in managing

the-air systems – ATSC 3.0, DVB-T2, ISDB-Tb,

time delay and locking signals to eliminate,

T-DAB – the value that these single-frequency

or at the very least minimise regional

network (SFN) architectures bring come to

interference that would otherwise detract



Cumulus Media, August 2017.

In Abuja, Nigeria for NBC, in November 2017.

from the consumer experience.

to expand multi-channel FM radio coverage

configuration is what makes this SFN among


the largest of its kind in the world.

While the aforementioned broadcast standards fall squarely under the digital

GatesAir joined forces with its strategic

“ERTU broadcasts many FM radio services

domain, GatesAir has also made a global impact

local partner in Egypt, Cairo Communication

predominantly in central Egypt. With the

in supporting some of the world’s largest FM

Systems (CCS) to negotiate the deal resulting

addition of this powerful, energy-efficient

radio single-frequency networks with notable

in the award of the contract in by ERTU.

FM radio SFN transmission infrastructure,

rollouts in North America (often referred to

GatesAir will serve as a technology provider

they will be able to greatly expand their

as MaxxCasting systems), Brazil and France

to CCS which will be responsible for

FM radio coverage area to include remote

among others. However, the Middle East/

providing ongoing technical and installation

regions hundreds of kilometres away where

North Africa region is home to one of the

support to ERTU. The installation is

people cannot currently receive any over-

largest planned FM SFN deployments to date,

currently underway with early sites nearing

the-air radio stations,” says Rich Redmond,

with GatesAir supplying turnkey systems that

completion soon.

chief product officer, GatesAir. “By delivering

will bring everything to fruition.

As the largest digital FM radio rollout

these government-run radio services to

to date in the Middle East, the initial deal

underserved areas, the public will have access


included 27 GatesAir Flexiva FLX 10 kW

to the valuable information, music, talk and

In 2017, GatesAir announced that the Egyptian

liquid-cooled, solid-state transmitters,

public service programming that ERTU’s FM

Radio and Television Union (ERTU) chose

configured in an 8+1 single-frequency network

stations air.”

GatesAir to equip what will be the largest

(SFN). When completed, the infrastructure

One area of interest is northern Egypt.

SFN FM rollout in the Middle East/North

will comprise three transmission sites each

This includes a long stretch of freeway

Africa region. The complete network

of which is expected to have a cluster of eight

that runs from Cairo to the beaches on the

comprises GatesAir Flexiva transmitters,

synchronised Flexiva transmitters plus one

Mediterranean Sea that are frequented by

Intraplex intelligent IP networking and

additional transmitter serving as a backup

locals, vacationers and tourists. By installing

Single Frequency Network (SFN) technology

that is set-up for automated failover. The 8+1

a single-frequency network, these listeners



Kuwait, August 2016.

will enjoy reliable FM radio reception with

power consumption, carbon footprint and

minimising labour and costs or maintenance

no dead spots or RF interference as they

cooling requirements. This is especially

across large SFNs.

drive through the coverage area. With each

attractive for broadcasters working in hot

With this installation, “GatesAir will

SFN of eight transmitters broadcasting the

and humid climates where cooling and power

prove that our FM radio transmitters and

same signals simultaneously, the reception is

costs can quickly escalate.

SFN technology are capable of handling the

seamless even when they overlap each other

GatesAir liquid-cooled transmitters which

demands of this state-of-the-art configuration

because the transmitters are all aligned to the

also include the Maxiva ULXT/ULXTE

reliably and without compromising the signal

same GPS timing source.

brands for UHF/VHF television and DAB

quality or listener experience,” says Redmond.

Radio employ a novel heat-to-liquid transfer

“We will also demonstrate that despite


process that efficiently removes heat from

our technology’s high performance,

The networking and synchronisation is

the RF plant. This process vastly reduces air

this installation will be cost-effective

enabled by GatesAir Intraplex IP Link audio

conditioning requirements and cooling costs.

and leverage our green, high-efficiency

codecs which will support all intelligent IP

Other efficiency and total cost of ownership

networking needs from ERTU’s studio in

gains directly correlate with GatesAir’s unique

Cairo and at the transmitter sites. The IP

green transmitter designs. Flexiva and Maxiva

Link includes a built-in Intraplex SynchroCast

transmitters are built upon GatesAir’s market-

option to dynamically manage precision

leading PowerSmart Plus or PowerSmart 3D

delays that keep the SFNs broadcasting

architectures both of which reduce the size,

simultaneously and in synchronisation via a

weight, maintenance and power consumption

Dubai, UAE

private IP network infrastructure.

of the transmitter due to industry-leading

Tel: +1-513-459-3400

PowerSmart 3D architecture.” CONTACT GatesAir

GatesAir’s Flexiva FLX liquid-cooled

modular, high-density and energy-efficiency


transmitters are globally renowned for their

designs. Another shared benefit is that these


exceptional efficiency, which minimises

transmitters share common spare parts,



RevolutionaRy satellite caRRieR monitoRing systems 94



ntegrasys is a privately-owned company




engineering and manufacturing of satellite carrier monitoring systems

for the telecommunication and broadcasting markets. Founded in 1990 by a group of HewlettPackard engineers and experts in automated RF and microwave test systems and software, Integrasys now offers a wide range of signal monitoring products for different telecom services. The company has won several innovation awards in the last few years crafting a tangible reality

heavily in R&D and maximising systems

deserve. To add value in quality of service,

to their slogan - ‘building success from

capabilities, speed and ease of use. It has

technology, speed and cost-efficiency by

innovation’. Integrasys attributes its growth

opened new offices around the globe with a

innovation so that the satellite industry

to nearly three decades of satellite RF and

focus on providing greater local support to

recognises Integrasys as a leader in satellite

IT engineering expertise, partnering with

its customers and has witnessed significant

signal carrier monitoring systems.

the best brands internationally, a global

annual growth rate of 35% in revenue. PRoducts

presence and unmatched post-sales support and warranty programmes. The company



ensures smart tools to smart satellite

At Integrasys the mission is to provide

Integrasys Satmotion Pocket is a unique

operators and service providers.

the best quality and fastest technology

VSAT auto-commissioning system for

Integrasys continues to innovate in the

available in carrier monitoring systems with

minimising deployment time, effort and

carrier monitoring segment by investing

customer service and care that customers

interference intra-satellite such as CrossPol



and inter-satellite such as Adjacent Satellite Interference (ASI). VSAT commissioning

• Significant installation time and costreduction

certain conditions, it can even recover outof-service or service-degraded terminals.

is crucial for small, medium and large

• Zero calls and coordination between

Alusat is an evolution of Integrasys’ industry-

networks and Integrasys provides the best

NOC/Hub operators and field installers

leading Satmotion Pocket technology which

tools for minimising time to market for

• Simple interface and easy to use

allows accurate installation during remote

its customers, maximising their network

• Minimises interferences between

commissioning. Alusat allows consistent

performances and minimising OPEX. Satmotion Pocket is able to simplify commissioning process as much as possible ensuring quality and interference-free on each installation by measuring Copol,

polarisation • Minimises interference with adjacent satellites • Trained by global VSAT forum GVF514 anywhere, anytime

monitoring of a VSAT site after installation ensuring optimum operation levels; no service failures and site revisits guarantee minimised costs. It also allows virtual visits to every site on the network. Additionally, operators can determine

Xpol and ASI and feeding back to the installer with an easy interface that they


different Rx and Tx thresholds and problems

can understand without being experts on

Integrasys Alusat is a unique automated

can be rectified automatically by the system

VSAT installations. The following features

network maintenance system for minimising

based on different circumstances. Alusat

make it unique:

maintenance time, effort and interference

checks all of the terminals in the targeted

• Immediate ROI (Return on Investment)

intra-satellite or any service degradation. In

VSAT community, analysing Rx and Tx



measured values of copol power, cross-pol isolation, adjacent satellite interference and 1dB compression point to detect failures and raise any necessary alarms. contRolsat Controlsat is a revolutionary technology that is the fastest carrier monitoring system in the market, able to measure 200 carriers per second. Satellite carrier monitoring operations have never been performed as fast and easy and therefore this easy-touse system allows significant operational expenses (OPEX). Controlsat provides a new way of ensuring interference-free quality of service. It is scalable allowing multiple user sharing on system capabilities and simultaneous measurements in multiple satellites and frequency plans. Moreover,

Controlsat allows monitoring carrier

drastically the total time for checking the

it is highly customisable for remote

level, carrier centre frequency, transmission

complete satellite payload. Controlsat

monitoring via fibre or satellite link. Its

bandwidth, carrier to noise ratio and carrier

allows recording spectrum data for later

main application is the high throughput

power over unlimited number of analogue

analysis and report. These reports have

satellite where Controlsat allows the

or digital-modulated carriers.

the minimum size for sending by email

operator to manage, control and monitor

Additionally, Controlsat multiuser

to customers, providers or regulatory

the spectrum on all gateway beams and

allows operators to control one or several

agencies to analyse quality of service or

user beams cost-effectively.

spectrum analysers in real-time, reducing

interference events. contact

integrasys s.a. Headquarters Jose Echegary 8, Building 3 Las Rozas, 28230, Madrid, Spain Email: Website: Alvaro Sanchez General Manager Tel: +34 91 631 6846 Fax: +34 91 631 7156



Smart audIo SolutIonS For next GeneratIon BroadcaSterS


nternationally renowned as the

and audio post-production facilities. The

automated workflows, while continuously

TV broadcast loudness specialist,

company also plays an important and active

maintaining the high quality that consumers

Jünger Audio has been designing

role on various industry technical committees

rightly expect. The concept also embraces

and manufacturing high-quality

ensuring its knowledge and expertise benefits

Next Generation Audio (NGA) – in other

the widest possible audience.

words immersive, personalised or object-

digital audio dynamics processors since the

based audio that will be a substantial part of

company’s formation in 1990. Every Jünger Audio product is tailor-made

concept oF Smart audIo

future Smart Audio solution designs.

to meet the demands of the professional audio

Over the last two years, Jünger Audio has

Jünger Audio’s existing product range is

market. Operational ease of use combined

pioneered the concept of Smart Audio as a

ideally suited to the Smart Audio concept

with pristine audio quality are the company’s

way of revolutionising audio production.

which has already been adopted by leading

starting points, and by manufacturing every

Smart Audio encompasses effective, high

broadcasters worldwide and in the Middle

product in-house at its headquarters in Berlin,

quality and possibly automated audio

East in particular. “Today’s broadcasters

Jünger Audio can ensure that the highest

production, particularly in live broadcast and

need a chain of intelligent and adaptive

standards are maintained throughout.

production environments. Smart Audio means

real-time processing algorithms that work

Jünger Audio customers include many of

investing in complementing, reliable and

together to deliver a consistent, clear

the world’s top radio and TV broadcasters,

future-proofed equipment that can deliver

audio experience,” says Peter Poers, Head

IPTV providers, music recording studios

audio content, in automated as well as non-

of Business Development, Jünger Audio.



“Already at CABSAT 2017 and 2018, and other

incorporates a collection of adaptive processing

Jünger Audio’s D*AP8 8-channel processor

exhibition venues, we have been showing

algorithms. They also employ the industry

units provide an adaptable approach to digital

Smart Audio algorithm solutions and easy-to-

standard Ember+ remote protocol that allows

audio processing and deliver complete

navigate user interfaces so that broadcasters

seamless integration with an increasingly wide

flexibility from a choice of multiple I/O

can see for themselves just how simple it is to

range of compatible equipment.

formats including AES, SDI, MADI, Dante

deliver high quality sound in a very efficient

and analogue. The company offers an

way, with minimal requirement for manual

Smart audIo SolutIonS

extensive range of license-based processing

control or intervention from an operator.”

In actIon at al Jazeera

options so that customers can create fully

Alongside intelligent and adaptive

Al Jazeera, one of the world’s largest news

customised solutions to suit their specific

processing algorithms, Smart Audio also allows

organisations, has chosen Jünger Audio’s

needs. “We chose Jünger Audio units for

broadcasters to choose devices that are fully

acclaimed loudness management technology

their audio quality and ease of use, but also

interoperable with others in the broadcast

to control and regulate audio across four of

for the features each unit delivers,” adds

environment and can seamlessly integrate

its main television channels. Based in Doha,

Imad Ninaah, Head of Transmission at Al

with both playout automation systems and

Qatar, the broadcaster has installed 10x D*AP8

Jazeera. “If you add licences, 1RU unit can

logging and monitoring processes.

slim line digital audio processors in its central

deliver a range of features that negate the need

Jünger Audio’s portfolio includes its full

TX area, which was constructed as part of

for many different units. We have installed

range of natural sounding D*AP products for

the Al Jazeera Workplace Transformation

LEVEL MAGIC, Dolby and Loudness licences

loudness control, audio monitoring, audio

Project (AJWT). The area incorporates five

– all of which are features that work for us.”

conditioning and metadata management and

transmission booths – one for each channel

Like many broadcasters around the world,

Dolby decoding, encoding and transcoding.

(Al Jazeera Arabic, Al Jazeera Mubashir, Al

Al Jazeera respects loudness legislation and

These products deliver a Smart Audio

Jazeera English and Al Jazeera Documentary)

follows the global standards imposed by

experience because every device already

and one spare.

regulators. This is an important consideration



given that it reaches many different countries via satellite.

Al Jazeera’s decision to invest in Jünger

it is not just a single product. Instead it acts

Audio processing means that its broadcast

as a base for software-defined products that

“Our audiences are one of our main

audio content is now being regulated by

are created using the company’s new Flexible

concerns,” says El Husseini, Head of Network

LEVEL Magic II, one of the most intuitive

Audio Infrastructure flexAI. This means

Operations Standards at Al Jazeera, “and we

and adaptive control algorithms in the market.

that simply by buying additional software

always strive to ensure that we deliver the best

Incorporated into all Jünger Audio products,

licenses, broadcasters and post-production

quality video and audio content. Technology

this proprietary algorithm prevents surprise

facilities can customise this versatile audio

has developed so fast that viewers can now do a

changes in audio levels that are so annoying

processing system to suit their demand for

great deal with their home devices. We want to

to television viewers. And it does this without

processing capabilities and channel count.

ensure that what we broadcast is appealing to

having a detrimental effect on overall sound

The necessary hardware, however, scales by

all our viewers. The D*AP8 processors give us

quality, thus ensuring that viewers receive

the actual demand in processing power and

a regulated audio signal, not only within each

the best possible sound.

will no longer be the defining factor.

With the Upmix and Downmix capability of

aIxpreSSor - Future oF

revolution as it enables software development

these units, we can make sure our viewers are

audIo proceSSInG

on the go, without making compromises due to

happy with the audio they receive, whether it

Unlike previous Jünger Audio processors, the

hardware limitations. The system is equipped

is in surround sound or not.”

AIXpressor hardware unit is unique because

to simply cascade additional AIXpressors or

For Jünger Audio, flexAI is nothing less but a

channel’s content but also between channels.

Junger Audio DAP8 at Al Jazeera.



Cinevideo with Junger Audio unit.

servers, whenever more processing power or

series of audio processors. These include 3G/

produced, distributed or consumed, what really

media interfaces become necessary.

HD/SD-SDI, MADI and AoIP AES67/Dante.

matters is clear, intelligible audio. Pictures

All software products created using flexAI

without sound, or with poor sound don’t make

will be licensed flexibly which means users

dealInG wIth chanGe

for very good viewing, which is why Junger

can easily incorporate additional functionality,

The world of broadcast is changing fast as the

Audio’s processing products have audio quality

increase their channel count or may even be

industry migrates towards an IP/4K future,

at their heart. Whether software or hardware

allowed to shift licenses between devices.

embraces automated production and discovers

based, Junger Audio solutions work because

Users who buy a software product license

the creative possibilities of next generation

they are proofed by long-term evaluation in the

are free to decide exactly how many audio

audio formats such as Immersive Audio and

field by audio experts to ensure they deliver

programmes they want to process and what

Object Based Audio, which will find their way

predictable audio control results.

type of processing they want installed.

into the mainstream very soon.

In 2018, AIXpressor will be released to the

Jünger Audio’s new software-led approach

public as the main base for products utilising

to product development means that it is ideally

the new flexAI software infrastructure. The

placed to develop and implement the new

19” 1RU device is based on x86 processors

technologies that the industry needs. Unified

and equipped with a comprehensive range

and commonly agreed protocol standards for

of built-in interfaces, including redundant

audio, video and data over IP (and also for

Audio-over-IP with full compatibility to

metadata) would benefit the whole industry

AES67 and SMPTE ST2110, USB host and

and the company in turn would also like to


client interfaces as well as MADI, AES/EBU

see an end to proprietary standards for audio,

Twitter: @jungeraudio

and analogue I/O’s. The unit also offers four

video and metadata distribution formats so

Facebook: @jungeraudio

slots for optional interfaces, all of which are

that everybody can use them in any direction.

LinkedIn: Junger Audio GmbH

compatible with Junger Audio’s existing D*AP

But no matter how broadcast content is

contact Jünger audio Justus-von-Liebig-Str. 7 12489 Berlin, Germany Tel: +49 30 677721-0



reDefining viDeo, auDio anD control in broaDcasting


ecades of innovation lie behind

are developed in Germany and manufactured

standards, and is a founding member of the

Lawo’s prominence in IP-

according to the highest quality standards at

Alliance for IP Media Solutions (AIMS).

based video, audio and control

the headquarters in the Rhine valley town

for TV and radio broadcast

of Rastatt.

Alongside an Emmy Engineering Plaque, Lawo’s accolades include the IABM Award

production. Widely used in sport and

Lawo’s role in sports broadcast includes

for the EBU/VRT live IP project and a number

entertainment, theatres and houses of worship

massive IP installations at major international

of industry magazine awards. Recently, Lawo

worldwide, Lawo brings German engineering

events. As well as involvement in recent

won the renowned Broadcast/Media Project

to IP infrastructure, video processing and

tournaments in France, Russia and Brazil,

of the Year award for the IP-based RAVENNA/

routing, audio-to-IP interfacing and digital

Belgium’s Proximus League broadcasts live

AES67 installation in the Elbphilharmonie

audio mixing and routing. Lawo’s Virtual

using Lawo’s IP remote infrastructure. With

Hamburg opera house.

Studio Manager supports more protocols

more than 400,000 spectators attending Paris’

and devices than any other control system,

Bastille Day celebrations, Lawo is a proven

and excels in the most complex productions.

player in live sound broadcasting.

broaDcast control anD Monitoring systeMs

Run by the founder’s son, Philipp, the

The MNA initiative for implementation of

Virtual Studio Manager (VSM) software

family-owned company employs staff in

the AES67 standard is a feature of the full Lawo

brings IP-based control and monitoring to

Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas

product range, easing the industry’s transition

TV and radio production in OB vans, TV and

and has more than 40 international

to IP-based infrastructures. Lawo supports

radio MCRs and studios. VSM uses a TCP/

representatives and partners. All products

industry adoption of interoperability and open

IP backbone and manufacturer-independent



four MJPEG and two H.264 video streams for monitoring. It supports source-timed, frame-accurate switching of SMPTE2022-6 video. Its robust codec and SMPTE2022-7 compatible port redundancy ensure uncompromised signal availability and quality. V__pro8 – The ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of video processing, it bridges video and audio formats within a studio infrastructure via highdensity audio connections including MADI and RAVENNA/AES67. Tools include twochannel up/down/cross-format conversion, eight-channel colour correction, frame protocols to control all major brands and

matrix. Using generic processing blades to

sync, separate video and audio delay on all

models of IP and baseband video/audio

retain physical connectivity to legacy SDI

channels, embedding/de-embedding with

routers and mixers, intercoms, UMDs and

equipment and VSM as the control layer,

sample-rate conversion, video and audio

multi-viewers, glue, and other third-party

Virtual Modules enable entire workflows to

matrices, time-code insertion, test pattern


be remapped in minutes.

generation, surround downmix stages and

V__matrix vm_mv24-4 and vm_mv16-4

V__remote4 - This is a bidirectional

virtual modules (VMs) add high-quality multi-

multichannel video/audio-to IP-interface

viewer functionality to Lawo’s V__matrix

for WAN-based remote production, offering

operation and monitoring. A Dolby E

ecosystem. Supporting IP and SDI sources,

everything from J2K video-over-IP coding to

encoding/decoding option provides up to

V__matrix multi-viewer VMs monitor

monitoring and processing tools, for parallel

four en/decoders for multichannel audio

uncompressed 4K/UHD, 3G, HD and SD

production-quality encoding and decoding

on a single AES3 connection with metadata

video as well as both embedded and discrete

of four uncompressed, raw format video

handling. In combination with the unit’s

audio while generating pixel-perfect mosaics

streams (SMPTE2022-6/-7 compliant) and

Dolby E Auto Aligner, the V__pro 8 is the

with ultra-low latency.

four JPEG2000 video streams (VSF-TR01

perfect transmission path gateway for

compliant), as well as parallel encoding of

multichannel productions.

theWALL configures any video monitor

quad split multi-viewer. An HTML5 GUI provides intuitive

wall, routing signals, changing mosaic layouts and save/loading presets through an HTML5-based app run on any mobile device. It enables operators and engineers to configure monitor walls in OBs or studios swiftly and on-the-fly, saving setup time and improving efficiency and usability. viDeo solutions for iPbaseD infrastructures Lawo’s award-winning V__matrix softwaredefined IP core routing and processing platform uses multiple cores and a highcapacity COTS switch with redundant 10GE/40GE connections as a distributed IP routing and processing matrix for frameaccurate switching such as a legacy baseband



auDio-to-iP interfacing A__line audio-to-IP rackmount interfaces provide reliable transport of analogue and digital audio using IP network environments for broadcast, live and install. Based on RAVENNA technology, all devices are compatible with AES67 audio-over-IP, and allows set-up of audio and video streams without deep IT knowledge. A__mic 8 features eight Lawo-grade mic/ line inputs and four line outputs, A__digital 8 eight AES3 inputs and four AES3 outputs and A__madi4 four MADI interfaces. All units provide two RAVENNA/AES67 ethernet ports and eight GPIOs. For large-scale infrastructure installations, Lawo also provides modular high-density audio-to-IP interfacing based on DALLIS I/O. auDio ProDuction Lawo’s mc² series audio mixing consoles

SMPTE 2110, AES67,

allow studio and OB operators to focus on


work rather than equipment. Scalable and

In addition to standard channel

desk for broadcast, theatre, house of worship,

dependable, mc² series consoles integrate

labeling, the mc²96 features LiveView video

live and install. Along with Lawo-grade mic

seamlessly into future-proof IP infrastructures.

thumbnails for intuitive channel identification

preamps, it offers unprecedented value for money.

The mc²96 Grand Production Console is

and mix-assist systems that support use

the mc-series flagship, designed for video

in very-large-format mixing and routing

production in broadcast, live and theatre with


native support for all relevant IP standards –

The mc²36 is a flexible, all-in-one mixing

The mc²56XC comes in 32/48/64/80-fader versions with native RAVENNA/AES67 support and a Lawo HD core. It supports up to 888 fully configured DSP channels and up to 144 summing buses with an 8192x8192 mono matrix. Operation uses an overbridge with super-bright 21.5-inch HD touchscreens, button-glow surface for colour-coding and enhanced user guidance. The mc²56XT takes the audio and features of the mc²56, yet doubles the fader count within the same footprint and is natively equipped with RAVENNA/AES67 technology. KICK 2.0 redefines audio production in live sporting events played with a ball. Providing automated close-ball mixing for soccer, rugby and American football, its ball-tracking gives consistent audio levels without noticeable fades, along with a mix that is 100% repeatable from match to match



and remains highly accurate after 90 minutes

natively equipped with RAVENNA/AES67

unparalleled flexibility and enhanced

of play. KICK 2.0 requires a standard host PC

technology and operate stand-alone or within

workflows. Plug-and-play operation means

(Windows 7 or Windows 8) and an HTML5

a networked environment.

a network is operational in moments, with

capable browser for the user interface. A

network user rights controlled from the

Lawo mc² micro core engine is available for

virtual raDio

interfacing to third-party consoles via MADI

R LAY VRX multi-touch virtual mixing


software supports a ‘virtual radio

installations in the

environment’, with apps that eliminate

MiDDle east

console touchscreen.

raDio broaDcast

hardware peripherals. Using computer

Broadcasters and OB companies in the

The ruby console adopts modern radio studio

virtualisation adapted from the IT industry,

Middle East and Africa benefit from

working, mixing and routing audio in the

R LAY VRX replaces physical consoles and

the capabilities of Lawo systems, with

same multi-touch onscreen environment

outboard racks with a single desktop or laptop

installations at Al Jazeera, Al Kass, beIN

used by other studio tools. Its surface blends

PC – with significant cost savings. R LAY

Media Group, Qatar TV/Radio, Abu Dhabi

physical faders and switches with multi-touch

is perfect for remote kits, field journalists,

Media Company, Sky News Arabia, Oman TV,

controls. ‘Soft controls’ exist alongside other

webcasting, fast setup of on-location studios,

Radio Jeddah/Radio Riyadh, ERTU, SABC,

studio applications such as playout systems,

or as a permanent personal studio.

Multichoice and many others.

phone queues and codecs enabling operators

R LAY VRX4 (four-fader) and VRX8

to adjust settings without diverting their focus.

(eight-fader) software can be used alone,

As self-ops, crystal and sapphire consoles

or bundled with a Lawo OnAir 4 audio

provide easy handling with all functionality

interface for professional mic, line, AES3

for programme production. VisTool allows

and RAVENNA/AES67 I/O. A heavy-duty R

custom status displays, tablet and touchscreen-

LAY backpack with space for a laptop, mic

based button panels and even mixing console

and headphones is included in these bundles.

controllers. It supports snapshots for crystal

R LAY VPB uses software virtualisation

and sapphire and offers sophisticated rights

to replace hard-wired broadcast peripherals

management. All Lawo radio consoles are

with flexible software apps that can be

For additional information, visit online at


lawo Am Oberwald 8 76437 Rastatt

routed anywhere in a facility. With R LAY


VPB, racks of costly, power-hungry, single-

Tel: +49 72 22 10 02-0

purpose equipment can be replaced by a single off-the-shelf PC.

Email: contact Person

auDio routing Recently joined by the Nova37 for smaller

Klaus-Jörg Jasper

audio networks, the Nova range is a

Sales Director – Middle East

benchmark in audio routing. With modular construction, unique Dual Star topology and scalable routing, No v a

guarantees re l i a b i l i t y,

Tel: +41 79 686 56 99 Email: social Media Website: Facebook: Linkedin: company/lawo Twitter:



ThE finE arT of TEST and mEaSurEmEnT


stablished in 1954, Leader

is maintained every step of the way. Less

generation, eye and jitter measurement

has earned a worldwide

than 0.1% of all Leader products made

and closed caption display, IP and 12G SDI.

reputation for designing

are ever returned for warranty repair or

Having helped many customers manage

and manufacturing highly


their transition from analogue to digital,

reliable, practical and cost-effective test

The Leader product range includes award-

from SD to HD, from HD to 4K/UHD, from

and measurement instruments. Leader

winning 3G/HD/SD SDI waveform monitors

SDR to HDR and from BT.709 to BT.2020

products are specified for research,

and rasterisers with customisable layout.

wide colour gamut, Leader also provides

development, broadcast, production and

Available options include 4K/UHD, CIE

dependable support for transition from SDI

service applications. Manufacturing quality

colour chart, HDR measurement, test pattern

to IP.

The LV7300.



The LV5600.

LEadEr innovaTionS

and phantom-centre surround sound display

f-stop readings, bridging the gap between

Notable features introduced by Leader over

plus the ability to measure lip-sync timing

cine and HD production measurements. For

the years have included multiscreen viewing,

offsets, a vital concern given the delays

the first time, production staff could point

the LV5490 allowing an unsurpassed 15 user-

introduced by many modern digital video

a cursor to any position on their picture

configurable sub-displays via its DVI-D and


to get instant measurements in f-stops (or

3G/HD-SDI rasterised external-monitor

Being compact and capable of working on

output even on its internal Full HD LCD

battery power, Leader instruments such as

screen. Another innovation is the Leader five-

the LV5330 became popular among camera

Cinezone which followed in 2008,

bar display which enables the simultaneous

production crews as well as engineers.

simplified luminance measurement,

observation of luminance, green, blue, red

In 2007 Leader introduced Cinelite as an

enabling programme-makers to evaluate

and composite video levels within the 0 to 100

on-screen measurement option offering

their composition without having to

range plus overshoots and undershoots. Yet

additional measurement functionality to

resort to unfamiliar technical displays or

another is Leader’s proprietary equivalent

Leader HD and SD monitors. It rapidly

measurements. Conventional waveform

cable length measurement facility which is

became one of the most widely appreciated

measurement is limited to one full line

particularly useful for safeguarding against

features in the company’s history. Cinelite

of video while Cinezone offers real-time

excessively long SDI cable runs.

allows on-picture measurements of video

pixel accuracy across the entire image. It is

levels in RGB percentage, Y percentage and

especially useful during pre-shoot lighting

Audio test features include hard-centre

percentage) and review the material actually being recorded.



configuration allowing operators to confirm dark (five percent luminance), mid (45%) and bright (80% and higher) image areas quickly and accurately. Cinezone augments the full range of troubleshooting functionality found in Leader test instrumentation and allows a single unit to support programmeproduction staff as well as their technicalsupport colleagues. Integral to Cinezone is Cine Search which displays a specified luminance level within point five percent accuracy using green on an otherwise monochrome-greyscale picture display. Originally introduced as options, Cinezone, Cine Search and Cinelite are now standard features of many Leader test instruments. KEy ProduCTS Leader Electronics Corporation introduced four new test and measurement products at the NAB Show in Las Vegas in April 2018. These included the LV5600 true hybrid IP

The Leader LV5490 with independent extended display.

and SDI waveform monitor and LV7600 rasteriser equivalent, plus the LV5300

and LV7600 address this concern providing

engineering-related features including test

portable 12G/3G/HD/SD-SDI waveform

common display interfaces irrespective of

pattern generation, eye pattern display, jitter

monitor and its LV7300 rasteriser equivalent.

whether the source signal is SDI or IP. Both

measurement, closed-caption monitoring,

“Leader has helped many broadcasters

instruments conform to the Leader style of

CIE colour chart, high dynamic range

and broadcast-equipment manufacturers

being intuitive for camera operators to use

measurement, focus assist, customisable

manage their migration from analogue to

as well as for engineering staff.”

screen layout, tally interface, 4K/UHD

digital, from standard definition to high

operation, 10G IP input and 12G-SDI

definition and from standard dynamic range

Lv5600 TruE hybrid uhd/hd/

interfaces. SMPTE 2022-6, SMPTE 2022-

to high dynamic range,” says Kozo Nagao,

Sd Sdi/iP WavEform moniTor

7 and the recently published SMPTE 2110

company president. “Most broadcasters

and Lv7600 raSTEriSEr

protocols are all supported. The LV5600 also

now recognise the potential of video over

The Leader LV5600 is a mains-powered

incorporates Leader’s intuitive Cinezone and

IP both within their studio facilities and

SDI/IP waveform monitor in a compact

Cinelite which are familiar to many content

for long distance content delivery. The

half-rack width 3U desktop chassis with a

production staff.

majority will transition to IP via an interim

touch-screen front panel display. It provides

The LV7600 rasteriser offers exactly the

SDI/IP hybrid infrastructure so they will

all the facilities needed to seamlessly monitor

same capabilities as the LV5600 but in a

want to handle SDI and IP in a single test

UHD/HD/SD SDI as well as video over IP

low-profile 19 inch 1U form-factor for easy

and measurement product. The LV5600

signals. The LV5600 includes a broad set of

rack or desk mounting.




Lv5300 PorTabLE 12G/3G/hd/

pattern and jitter measurement, closed-

Sd-Sdi WavEform moniTor

caption monitoring, CIE colour chart, high

and Lv7300 raSTEriSEr

dynamic range measurement, built-in test

Also introduced at the April 2018 NAB

pattern generation, focus assist, customisable

Leader Electronics Corporation

Show were the Leader LV5300 portable

layout, tally interface, 4K/UHD operation and

12G/3G/HD/SD-SDI waveform monitor

12G-SDI interface.

2-6-33 Tsunashima-Higashi



and LV7300 rasteriser. Designed for use in

“The LV5300 and LV7300 are ideally suited


for both TV and film applications,” Kozo Na-

studios, trucks, post-production facilities

gao adds. “The LV5300 supersedes the LV5333


and playout suites, each continues Leader’s

which established itself with DITs and camera

Tel: +81-45-541-2123

long heritage of providing products that

assistants as a veritable Swiss Army knife for


support operational and engineering test

on-set production. With the addition of the


and measurement requirements within a

CIE colour chart, we anticipate the LV5300

single instrument. Cinezone and Cinelite

becoming the de-facto on-set test and

Social media

come as standard on both products, as well

measurement tool with the LV7300 achieving

Twitter: @LeaderEurope

as new optioned features including eye

the same for post-production studios.”

Yokohama 223-8505

The LV5300.



ConneCting people with the Content they love




ounded in 1951, NAGRA was

content on the one hand and

largest operators worldwide, including

originally known for its high-

also providing a superior

DISH Network, Canal+, Altice Group,

end portable recorders used in

user experience that drives

Telefonica, Vodafone, Skylife and

the television, cinema and media

consumers to find what

Liberty Global, to name a few. Nagra is

industries and for which it won several awards

they want to watch and enjoy the content

also a leading partner to a large majority of

including the Oscars and the Emmys. Today it

they pay for. Nagra has continued to invest

Hollywood studios with its watermarking

is the digital television division of the Kudelski

in related and complimentary technologies.

solutions for production, post-production

Group that is a global leader in digital security

This includes multiscreen, IP/OTT, cloud and

and digital cinema. The company also

and convergent media solutions. The group

data/analytics technologies, as well as next

benefits from the Kudelski Group’s ongoing

has two headquarters, one in Switzerland and

generation content value protection with the

investment in R&D (more than $200M a year)

one in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

acquisition of CAS/DRM technology vendor

and its extensive patent portfolio.

Nagra has been operating the pay TV

Conax in 2014, followed by the acquisition

In 2013, Nagra’s parent company, the

space since the 1990s protecting and enabling

of NexGuard, a watermarking leader, in

Kudelski Group launched Kudelski Security,

content distribution. Many factors have

2016, and video content distribution leader

a new cybersecurity business serving the

allowed it to diversify its product portfolio and

DVnor in 2017. The company has continued

USA and European markets. It is the largest

address the security needs of its customers not

to evolve strategically to stay ahead of the

pure-play cybersecurity solutions provider

just in pure technology protection of content

ever-changing media landscape including

in Switzerland and one of the fastest growing

and devices but also addressing ecosystem

increased investments in anti-piracy services

cybersecurity solutions providers in the USA.

challenges, particularly streaming piracy.

to address illicit content streaming.

In early 2017, to address demand for increased

The company diversified into user

Today, Nagra is market leader in content

protection of connected devices, the group

experience solutions with the OpenTV

value protection for the pay TV industry.

launched its Internet of Things (IoT) Security

acquisition. In effect, Nagra works on two

It protects more than $90 billion in annual

Centre of Excellence, capitalising on the

complementary fronts where the business of

revenues for more than 550 pay TV service

expertise of Nagra’s decades of innovation

distributing video content is about securing

providers, and works with many of the

in protecting digital TV content and devices.



Content pRoteCtion

events such as NAB, MIPCOM, CASBAA

And CybeRseCURity

and CES. These presentations and related

signAtURe edition

Nagra’s research has shown that streaming

media communication activities highlight

This represents a convergence of OTT

piracy via set-tops, apps and add-ons is a

the new risks faced by the TV and video

delivery, blending linear and on-demand

major security threat which will only get

content production and distribution

content and providing an innovative user

worse. The company has been proactive in

industries. The company has solutions that

experience, to allow users to navigate

raising awareness about this growing threat

go beyond traditional content protection

through the content, offering different

and proposed solutions through technological

and encryption technologies to address illicit

viewer journeys, either traditional, channel-

solutions and legal expertise, that can help

streaming head-on with a holistic approach

based, or a more, on-demand-centric

content owners and service providers keep

to content value protection, leveraging new

experience, when it comes to accessing

piracy under control. Nagra has ramped

cybersecurity technology and creating anti-

content. It has been designed to address

up its media security investments, adding

piracy ecosystems.

the evolving needs of what Nagra calls the

nAgRA’s opentv

NexGuard watermarking technology and

Recent successes in anti-piracy include the

new ‘TV tribes’ consumer segments with

extending the capabilities of its anti-piracy

International Broadcaster Coalition Against

different viewing behaviours that each

platform to tackle new piracy challenges, such

Piracy (IBCAP) and the Deutsche Football

require a different user experience and

as IPTV streaming, faced by content owners

League, Bundesliga, for monitoring and take-

content mix. It offers a unique multi-journey

and service providers worldwide.

down services, as well as winning a default

user experience, ensuring the most relevant

Nagra conducted an industry research

judgement in the USA worth $101 million

content is exposed to the right viewers in the

(through its sponsored Pay TV Innovation

in a lawsuit against China’s Zhuhai Gotech

most convenient way, on the screen of their

Forum research programme) to scope the

Intelligent Technology Co., LTD., alleged

choice, through a consistent set of advanced

size of the piracy problem and has outlined

to operate a global piracy network that sold

TV features (start-over and catchup TV,

a clear call-to-action at numerous industry

millions of piracy-enabled set-top boxes.

cloud DVR, VOD and OTT app content on-



boarding) that keep the viewers engaged and

for operators to compete more effectively

integrate an android TV operator tier solution

ensure high service usage, ARPU and overall

with OTT pure players.

offering the best of broadcast and IP services

customer satisfaction. This service has been

with Nagra content protection allowing

made available across multiple devices, so

whAt next?

providers to easily on-board SVOD services

it goes beyond the set-top box and reaches

The company is looking at greater

to deliver a unique user experience while

every screen accessible to consumers.

deployment of its products with content

leveraging their existing TV infrastructure.

owners and service providers with a focus

The company is also bringing additional

CloUd teChnologies And

on supporting transition to IP, cloud and

insight to the industry with the 2018 edition

dAtA AnAlytiCs in pAy tv

data-driven solutions across all facets of

of the Pay-TV Innovation Forum research

Nagra investments into its Insight platform

the content delivery business in a market

programme. In its third year, the global

over the last two years has focused on offering

where traditional pay TV and OTT services

research programme will once again gather

analytics capabilities that it thinks service

are converging.

senior industry executive insight and feedback

providers need to leverage to compete with

On the content protection side, Nagra’s

over the coming months with the objective

the likes of Netflix and Amazon, capturing

comprehensive end-to-end content value

of capturing innovative trends in the paid

data from networks and from users, and to

protection gives content owners and service

content production and distribution industry.

provide a superior user experience with

providers the ability to truly protect their

that data, and make better decisions around

valuable assets from origin to consumption,

purchasing content, advertising and network

while helping them create the ultimate

optimisation. All Nagra products are now

closed-loop approach to fighting piracy by

cloud-ready and can be delivered as a

securing, marking, monitoring and acting

service. Nagra has invested in developing

against it from a unified security platform.

its own data intelligence cloud platform,

While continuing to invest in its anti-piracy

focused on leveraging data analytics and

platform with a focus on sports piracy, the

Thierry Legrand

artificial intelligence to deliver actionable

company is planning to extend its content

insight and drive business performance for

value protection offering with solutions for

SVP Sales & Services EMEA, Nagra

pay TV operators.

OTT delivery, including watermarking and

Both user experience and content value protection platforms use Nagra Insight to

ContACt nAgRA Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne Switzerland


robust multi-DRM solutions for multiscreen



Twitter: nagrakudelski

make the business of pay TV distribution

OpenTV Signature Edition will be a key

smarter and more efficient, providing tools

focus for Nagra in 2018. It offers an option to

LinkedIn: nagra



Markets & aPPliCa

LIftIng the barrIers to ConsuMer & connectIvIty enterPrise vIa vsatsateLLIte


n a year which brought new

Newtec offers satellite communications

opportunities and fresh challenges

products including VSAT hubs and remote

for the satcom industry, Newtec has

terminals (including outdoor units and

continued to innovate and develop

modems), modulators, redundancy switches,

new technologies and partnerships,

frequency converters, gateways, combiners,

cementing its position in the satellite

network optimisation units, and services like

industry by doubling its size and impact

installation and training.

since introducing Newtec Dialog in 2014. Innovation has been key to Newtec’s mission since it was founded in 1985 and today the specialist in designing, developing and manufacturing satellite communications equipment and technologies is continuing to break barriers, merging reliability and efficiency to meet the ever-increasing demands of endusers.


it’s the magic of sate communications that allows information to transmitted anywher helping to build a saf better informed and The company is particularly focused

on pushing the limits of spectral efficiency

with the introduction of technologies

like wideband DVB-S2X including channel bonding, Mx-DMA dynamic bandwidth



cancellation and pre-distortion Equalink 3 – all of which aim to help Newtec’s customers keep up with the insatiable demand for more


scalable high density hts hubs


ellite t o be re, fer, d


unleash the power of

SbroadCast 2X

bandwidth at lower costs.


In addition, Newtec caters for:


MDM5000 Looking at the HTS evolution, Newtec

While transmission efficiency is important,

• Cellular backhaul and trunking

identified a clear trend towards multiservice

reliability is essential. The company’s roots

• Consumer and enterprise VSAT

networks across the industry early on.

in mission critical services such as TV

• Government and defence

Although the majority of VSAT terminals

broadcast and high-speed trunking, means

• Mobility, offshore, aviation and maritime

are deployed for consumer broadband, much of the revenue actually comes from high-end

equipment must be built to last. hts

applications, like mobility, oil and gas and

main challenges in the following segments

The continued growth of high throughput

cellular backhaul. By combining all these

within the broadcast vertical market:

satellite (HTS) has been a key driver in

applications on a single platform, network

• Direct-to-home (DTH) broadcast

Newtec’s product development strategy.

operators can maximise economies of scale

• Direct-to-transmission tower (DTT)

The recent explosion in HTS capacity

while diversifying their business.

• Distribution to local headends

continues to bring enormous opportunities

With a diverse modem portfolio and three

• Fixed contribution

for operators and service providers alike

return technologies, the Newtec Dialog

• Satellite news gathering (SNG)

but choosing the right ground segment

multiservice platform was specifically

• All IP newsgathering / multiservice

technology to ensure all levels of the value

designed to address this wide range of

chain get the most out of HTS is essential.

applications. 2017 saw the launch of the

Newtec’s solutions aim to address the

broadcast (MSBC) networks



Newtec Dialog XIF Hubs, designed to

transItIons In broadcast

support the massive scalability required

As content demands constantly evolve,

by HTS networks by providing higher

Newtec’s solutions enable broadcasters

throughput and density, in a robust,

to make the most of their increasing

carrier grade package.

space segment. In 2017, Newtec saw its

Also introduced in 2017 were the

ground segment equipment deployed by

MDM2210 and the MDM3310 modems,

broadcasters and news agencies across

further expanding Newtec’s DVB-S2X

the globe as they increasingly focus

wideband modem portfolio. Built to

on streamlining their operations by

address the needs of various vertical

leveraging the power of all-IP services.

markets, the full family of modems allows

Bonding terrestrial and satellite IP media

customers to benefit from the unprecedented

allows news teams to deploy mobile solutions

efficiencies and throughputs enabled by

capable of transmitting video, voice, files and

HTS, regardless of their application or

general broadband services though a single

price point.

multiservice communication link, which is available regardless of geolocation, 3G/4G

econoMy and effIcIency

to DVB-S2X in 2017 with the Newtec

Newtec is committed to providing efficient,

MCX7000 multi-carrier satellite gateway,

The Newtec Dialog platform was also

scalable solutions which are economically

which incorporates the DVB -S2X

used by the Arab States Broadcasting Union

viable and bandwidth efficiency is a key cost

standard. The efficiencies delivered by

(ASBU) for the upgrade of its MENOS

driver and consideration in the broadcast

DVB-S2X technologies - including up

platform, to provide enhanced services,

market. The DVB-S2X transmission

to 51% additional bandwidth which can

including HD channels. Originally installed

standard, addresses this by allowing

be generated by the modem - formed a

by Newtec in 2008, MENOSPLUS+ allows

operators to increase profitability, while

key part of their decisions to opt for the

broadcasters to exchange multimedia

delivering improved efficiencies without

MCX7000 which is for example being

content over satellite between several sites

investing in costly additional space segment.

using for nationwide end-to-end primary

scattered across a large geographical area.

Some broadcasters made the upgrade

access or weather conditions.

distribution systems. bUILdIng brIdges wIth

transitions in broadcast

MobILe backhaUL In an all-digital world, connectivity is an essential part of modern life. As technology advances, governments are beginning to enforce universal service obligations (USO) to bridge the digital divide. In rural areas, cellular backhaul is considered the reliable, flexible solution that can deliver dependable connectivity with the quick roll-out that mobile operators crave. These are key factors which resulted in the Newtec Dialog multiservice platform being deployed by several major and incumbent operators in 2017 for the provision of cellular backhaul services in rural areas. connectIng the Unconnected As a pioneer in the industry, Newtec is



dedicated to breaking the barriers and

featuring Panasonic Avionics’ Newtec-

showing increased revenue across core

connecting the unconnected. In 2017,

designed modem for inflight connectivity

markets, including broadcast, consumer and

Newtec created new possibilities for a range

(IFC) in 2017.

enterprise VSAT. Newtec also saw increased

of markets using satellite communications,

market penetration in mobile backhaul,

including areas of the world where

record growth

and mobility, including IFC and maritime

connectivity is non-existent. If the industry

Newtec has seen record revenue and


can take anything from 2017, it is that

profitability growth figures with almost

satellites can cross physical boundaries in

80% revenue growth over the past four years,

ways that no other technology can.

further demonstrating the company is gaining

Newtec also made great strides in the

market share in the satellite ground segment.

communications-on-the-move (COTM)

The company’s continuous expansion

market with the first commercial flight

has been highlighted in 2017, with results


newtec hQ Laarstraat 5, B-9100 Sint-Niklaas Belgium

lifting the barriers to connectivity via satellite

Tel: +32 3 780 65 00 Email: Website: regional office Dubai Media City Aurora Tower, Office 1203-A PO Box 502388, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 4436058 social media Twitter: newtec_satcom Youtube: NewtecSatcom SlideShare: newtec_satcom Facebook:



Flawless audio control systems


or over four decades, Orban

In July 2016, Orban was acquired by Day

addition to the effective automatic loudness

with its renowned Optimod

Sequerra, who develop and manufacture

control of its predecessor, the TV-8685 offers

series has remained the leading

broadcast equipment for radio and television.

new input/output capabilities that include

manufacturer of AM – FM –

The engineering team based in San Leandro,

support for SDI and HD-SDI and for Dolby E.

DAB – television loudness controllers and

USA, is headed by the company’s founder

The built-in Orban-developed Optimix

streaming audio processors, in a constantly

Bob Orban. In 2009, the company moved its

upmixer provides automatic and convincing

evolving market. Orban introduced the

manufacturing and global sales operations to

stereo-to-surround upmixing with a solid,

first FM audio processor in the mid-70s.

Orban Europe GmbH in Germany.

discrete centre channel. Unlike technology derived from consumer matrix decoders,

From the BBC and the CNN, broadcasters around the globe rely on Orban Optimod

television audio Processing

there is no programme-dependent directional

to ensure their audio quality is perfect. The

– sound that KeePs

pumping of sound sources. Unique to this

very first loudness controller, the Optimod

audiences satisFied

technology is an extremely robust centre

TV 8180A was introduced in 1981 and was

The Optimod TV-8685 is Orban’s second-

channel phase/skew correction that never

sold to broadcasters around the globe.

generation surround/2.0 processor. In

causes negative side effects. It is invaluable



for older material that was originally

CALM act. An included logging application

failover. A digital MPX output using a 192

recorded on analogue tape. Optimix’s output

allows time-stamped indications of the TV-

kHz AES3 connection is now standard, as are

downmixes to stereo flawlessly and the skew

8685’s built-in BS.1770-2 short-term and

two digitised SCA inputs. A new programme

correction makes downmix sound better

integrated loudness metres to be written

adaptive subharmonic synthesiser ensures

than the original stereo.

to a Windows PC, local or network storage.

punchy bass, even with older programme

There are large, important subjective

material. An important feature is a phase

differences between Optimod TV-8685

oPtimod-Fm 8700i with

skew corrector/multipath mitigator that

and other competing processors. Optimod

XPonential loudness

ensures crisp reaction when receivers

TV-8685 has a unique architecture that

The 8700i builds on 8600 V4’s outstanding

blend to mono and minimises energy in the

processes the centre channel to correct

reliability and industry-leading sound quality.

stereo sub-channel without compromising

spectral and loudness balance problems

It adds Dante audio-over-IP connectivity

separation. The phase skew corrector

that compromise dialogue intelligibility in

(100% AES67 compliant) and dual-

uses a proprietary multi-dimensional

ill-considered mixes. Many broadcasters

redundant power supplies with automatic

processing programme algorithm that can

have suffered increased viewer complaints

simultaneously correct several unequal

about unintelligible dialogue after having

delay errors, such as multiple-microphone

installed leading competitive processors.

pickup of a single instrument in the original

The TV-8685 does the opposite in addition

recording session combined with left/

to flawless loudness control, it improves

right gap skewing and analogue mix-down

dialogue intelligibility and maintains a full,


natural sound without exaggerated ‘esses’,

Orban’s exclusive MX peak limiter

hollowed-out mid-range, or obtrusive

technology decreases distortion while

pumping of ambient sound. Thanks to the

increasing transient punch and high

Optimix upmixer, which cleanly extracts

frequency power handling capacity.

dialogue from stereo sources, the TV-8685

Compared to the 8500’s limiter, the MX

can even improve dialogue from the original

limiter typically provides 2.5 to 3 dB more

source. These factors are why the TV-8685’s

power at high frequencies, which minimises

subjective audio quality wins every serious

audible HF loss caused by pre-emphasis

shoot-out when compared to its competition.

limiting. Drums and percussion cut through

The TV-8685 is dialnorm-aware. Loudness

the mix. Highs are airy. ‘Problem material’

control is excellent when measured by the

that used to cause audible distortion is

ITU BS.1770-2 and EBU R-128 standards

handled cleanly.

or by the TV-8685’s built-in CBS loudness metres, allowing stations to comply effortlessly with the requirements of the

The 8700i’s main goal is to make FM Peter Lee, Vice President European Operations, Orban.

analogue broadcasts more competitive with the cleanliness, punch and open high



frequencies of the digital media against

making its sound more like the original.

encoding and composite limiting - everything that even the most competitive major market

which FM analogue transmissions now

The 8700i offers 8500-style processing

battle. Orban’s Xponential Loudness brings

pre-sets too. Because the input/output delay

hyper-compressed music back to life,

of the MX peak limiter is too long to permit

Processing for digital media like DAB+,

revealing detail and increasing impact while

talent to monitor off-air on headphones,

netcasts and HD Radio is supplied standard.

reducing listening fatigue and distortion.

8500-style is useful for remotes and outside

The FM and digital media processing paths

The FM loudness wars represent 20th

broadcasts where off-air headphone

split after the 8700i’s stereo enhancer and

century thinking; in the 21st century, the

monitoring is desired and the 8700i’s low-

AGC. There are two equalisers, multiband

new competition is digital media. Thanks

delay monitor output cannot be brought

compressors and peak limiters, allowing the

to its crisp, punchy sound, the 8700i helps

to the talent. In addition to subharmonic

analogue FM and digital media processing

level the playing field between analogue FM

synthesis and phase skew correction, the

to be optimised separately. This optimises

and its aggressive digital-only competitors;

8700i provides stereo enhancement, HF

sound of the FM channel while punching

Xponential Loudness restores material that

enhancement, equalisation, AGC, multiband

remarkably clean, CD-like audio through

has passed through compression, like MP3,

compression, low-IM peak limiting, stereo

to the digital channel audience.

station needs to stand out on the dial.

comPany milestones


First Orban product sold to customer: a stereo synthesiser sold to WOR-FM, New York.


First popularly priced parametric EQ introduced: the Orban/Parasound 621.


First recording studio-oriented de-esser introduced: Orban/Parasound 516EC.


OPTIMOD 8000 audio processor introduced for the new FM format.


OPTIMOD-AM 9000A offers AM stations a more ‘FM-like’ sound quality and reduced interference.


The multiband Optimod-FM 8100A was introduced, later to become the most popular FM audio processor/stereo generator ever made. The 8100A is the first Orban FM product to use the patented distortion-cancelling clipper.


Optimod-TV 8180A brings smooth, naturalsounding processing to television audio.


Optimod-AM Model 9100A introduced.


Optimod-TV Model 8182A introduced.


The 8100A/XT 6-Band Accessory Chassis allowed 8100 owners to upgrade to six-band processing with a multiband distortion-cancelling clipper.


Orban BTSC Stereo Television system introduced.



275A Automatic Stereo Synthesiser introduced.


Second-generation 8185A BTSC Stereo Generator introduced to significantly improve separation over first-generation 8182A/SG unit.


222A Stereo Spatial Enhancer introduced. Designed for use in FM stereo transmission. Optimod-HF 9105 introduced to meet the needs of international shortwave broadcasters around the globe.


Orban Associates purchased by AKG Acoustics.


Orban leads the transition to digital with the first successful DSP-based FM audio processor, Optimod-FM 8200.


Bob Orban shares Scientific and Engineering Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences with Dolby engineering team. Orban becomes a Harman International Company.


DSE 7000 digital audio work station, the only DAW designed specifically for radio, is re-branded an Orban product.


Bob Orban awarded NAB’s Radio Engineering Achievement Award.


First low-priced, all digital processor for FM introduced, Optimod-FM 2200.


There are over 20 excellent sounding,

limiter, be assured that they deliver an FM

format specific factory pre-sets to start with.

analogue signal that is always immaculately

Along with the 8500 pre-sets, are ‘MX’ pre-

clean and perfectly peak limited, with full

sets that exploit the exciting possibilities

spectral protection of subcarriers and

inherent in the 8700i’s MX peak limiter

RDS/RBDS regardless of the amount of

technology. Although the factory pre-sets

composite limiting. A full featured RDS/

Monreposstrasse 55

are fully competent and ‘out of the box’,

RBDS generator that supports dynamic PS is

D71634 Ludwigsburg

it customises them with easy on-knob

standard. The 8700i includes ITU-R BS.1770-

LESS/MORE control or with more than 60

3 loudness metres and loudness controllers

advanced controls whose versatility will

for use in countries that enforce a BS.1770

satisfy even the most finicky on-air sound

loudness limit on FM radio broadcasts.


There are independent loudness metres and

If you choose to use the 8700i’s superb DSP-based stereo encoder and composite

loudness controllers for the FM and digital


orban europe gmbh

Germany Tel: +49 71 412 2660 Email: Website:

radio processing chain.


Orban introduces the digital Optimod-AM 9200. Audicy is launched as the second-generation digital audio workstation.


Audicy networking launched with multiple workstations linked to a central server set up at Jacor, San Diego (KGB, KKLQ, KIOZ) and Radio Free Asia.


Optimod-DAB 6200 the first digital audio processor for digital transmission including DTV, DAB and netcasting.


Orban is purchased by CRL Systems, Inc.


Orban introduces OPTICODEC line of Codecs at NAB, Las Vegas.



Orban begins shipping the new Optimod 6300 high-quality, multipurpose stereo audio processor. Orban also introduces the all-digital 9300 Optimod-AM audio processor.


Orban introduces Optimod 8585 featuring two-band and five-band audio processing for 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound broadcasting, netcasting and mastering. Orban introduces a loudness metre software for Windows XP and Vista, which simultaneously displays instantaneous peaks, VU, PPM, CBS Technology Centre loudness and ITU BS.1770 loudness.


Optimod-FM 8400HD ships. This is the first allin-one audio processor for analogue and digital broadcasting.

The New Orban Optimod-PC 1101 begins shipping, offering stereo enhancement, automatic gain control (AGC), equalisation, multiband gain control, peak-level control, and subjective loudness control.


Orban introduces its new flagship FM processor, the Optimod-FM 8600.


Optimod-FM 8300 is introduced.


Orban begins shipping Optimod-TV 8685 for 5.1 and 7.1 Surround Sound.


Optimod-FM 2300 and Optimod-TV 8382 are introduced.



Optimod-FM 8500, Optimod-FM 8400 Signature Series, Optimod-FM 5300, Opticodec-PC 1010 version 2, and Opticodec-PC 1020 File Encoder are introduced.

Orban introduces the Optimod-TV 6585 at NAB, providing audibly transparent automatic loudness control and dialogue intelligibility control.


Orban is purchased by Day Sequerra from CRL Systems.


Orban and Coding Technologies announce the availability of a public beta for the new Orban/ Coding Technologies AAC/aacPlus Player Plugin.

At IBC in Amsterdam ORBAN shows the iMix 5.1 Headphone Monitor.


Orban Optimod-FM 8700i is awarded 2017 Best of Show Winner.




CReatoRs of poweRed musiC sCheduling


CS is the world’s largest broadcast software company with products in more than 14,500 radio stations, TV music

channels, cable companies, satellite music networks and internet stations worldwide. RCS has a proud history of innovation, currently holding 45 patents in the field of broadcasting. With over 800 professionals working out of 23 offices around the globe, RCS is everywhere. Inventors of computerised music scheduling with the legendary Selector, RCS continues to lead the way with multiple award-winning products such as Zetta radio automation, GSelector music scheduling, the groundbreaking 2GO series of mobile solutions and the Selector Cloud. The most respected names in the industry choose RCS as their software provider because the best use the best.


Baher Al Zaher, Managing Director, RCS MENA.


Pulse FM training at the RCS offices in Dubai.

Selector2GO is a way to use your PC or Mac and in fact any browser-enabled smart phone, tablet or e-reader, to perform a powerful set of tasks in GSelector.



can be physically augmented overnight if necessary from any of the RCS worldwide offices, including say RCS offices in Europe or in India, geographical area notwithstanding. “RCS prides itself on great service. With our base here in the Emirates, we have been closer to our esteemed customers in the region,” says Baher Al Zaher, Managing Director, RCS MENA. The RCS business has been excellent in the region and its permanent local base in Dubai which also serves the MENA region announced an array of new products at CABSAT 2018. These are currently being Unlimited possibilities: Baher explains Zetta’s ‘No limits’ design that allows maximum flexibility without restriction on functionality. Zetta’s user interface feels instantly comfortable, irrespective of how long you have been on air.

implemented in the UAE and throughout the region. “Speaking about the Emirates in particular, we are honoured to be working with some of the smartest, most advanced

Regional and gloBal pResenCe

All RCS competitors work with a third party

radio companies on the planet. We are truly

As the world’s largest broadcast software

software or in some cases, have to buy from

proud to continue to be a part of their success

company, the RCS office based in Dubai (RCS

third party companies to give the illusion that

stories and bring new products into the region.

MENA) has a number of blue chip clients in

they have an integrated suite of software.

We emphasise the 21st century nature of our

the UAE and the biggest client base in the

four cornerstone products because we are the

Middle East region, including governmental

suppoRt stRength

only broadcast software company where every

and big private groups as well as individual

RCS has 24/7/365 support for customers and

single offering has been produced from scratch

stations particularly in the GCC (UAE, Saudi

all upgrades and enhancements are free of cost.

in this century and not the last century.”

Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait), Lebanon and

The company also boasts more local support

Jordan. More stations in the MENA region

offices than any other broadcast company in

poweRful new pRoduCt line-up

are in the pipeline.

the world. The RCS MENA office based in

The newest products from RCS are used

Dubai has a permanent support team which

by major radio stations in the UAE which

The RCS global footprint is expanding as many companies are switching to the new products from RCS, particularly the large network groups. RCS has more music scheduling clients and more playout/ automation clients than any other broadcast software company and its customer base for all products is growing at a phenomenal rate. The company’s biggest success story has been the Selector brand (the world’s original music scheduler), which invented computerised music scheduling 30 years ago. RCS has also invented concepts like voice tracking and it is the only broadcast software company that makes each one of the key parts that make up the components in the broadcast chain - music scheduling, playout/automation, commercial traffic and newsroom software.


Zetta2GO gives you control of your Zetta Automation/ Playout system from any internet browser in a tablet or smart phone - see your logs, hot keys and the Segue/Voice Track Editor.


comprise the following: • Automation: Zetta - the most advanced radio automation system • Scheduling: GSelector - the world’s most powerful multi-station scheduling

The most respected names in the industry use RCS’ stable of award-winning products — Zetta radio automation, GSelector music scheduling, the groundbreaking 2GO series of mobile solutions and the Selector Cloud.

• Traffic: Aquira - powerful and highly flexible traffic system • Newsroom: RCS News - state-of-the-art radio newsroom software Zetta is built on decades of experience and feedback from thousands of radio stations worldwide using RCS’ NexGen Digital and Master Control studio systems. Zetta’s ‘No limits’ design allows maximum flexibility without restriction on functionality. No other broadcast company offers a complete solution with as many features and possibilities for terrestrial, satellite, digital radio or streaming stations. Zetta’s sleek design has been simplified, streamlined and architected so that new users get more out of the system right away. Zetta’s user interface is instantly

Aquira helps you manage clients, prospects

comfortable, irrespective of how long you have

and sales team call activity. It is an innovative,

been on air. Using Zetta’s amazing floating

powerful and highly flexible traffic system

modules, you have infinite options to set up

designed for local and national-sized radio

Zetta exactly the way you prefer, guaranteeing

businesses. With its modern user interface,

that it will perfectly fit your workflow. Zetta

Aquira provides real-time access to sales

was developed on SQL server to enable the

and inventory data as well as a vast range

most flexibility for future expansion.

of scheduling, billing and reporting options.

ContaCt RCs mena Level 19 Fortune Executive Tower Cluster T, JLT, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 513 99 45

GSelector is the world’s most powerful

RCS News is a state-of-the-art radio

multi-station music scheduling software.

newsroom system that provides solutions


It brings flawless rotations straight out-of-

for the entire news operation - from newscast

the-box or ultra-sophisticated logs that will

gathering, writing and editing to actual on-


translate the station in your head, to the station

air broadcast and story archiving. It is news

Baher Al Zaher

you hear on air. This patented goal-driven

production at its finest. Whether it is a

demand-based scheduling engine is like no

network that serves newscasts simultaneously

Managing Director

other music scheduling programme. You create

to affiliates, a ‘hub’ news operation sharing

a station, design clocks, enter and code your

stories and audio among multiple stations

songs and then GSelector will schedule them

anywhere in the world or even a single stand-

according to their natural demand. You are

alone setup, RCS News can handle it. RCS

still in control because you can adjust overall

News also enables reporters to receive and

rotations, sound and flow with simple to use

revise wire copy from a variety of sources,

Twitter: RCS_Works

attribute sliders. Improve your station with just

digitally record and edit in the RCS multi-

YouTube: rcsworks

a few clicks then sit back and watch GSelector

track editor, playback audio, write newscasts

Linked In: rcsworks

create schedules that reflect your changes.

and present them live on-air.

Tel: +971 4 513 99 44 / +971 55 311 11 86 Email: social media Facebook: RCS-Sound-Software







iedel Communications is

intercom system to provide comprehensive

a pioneer in creating real-

communications across two separate HKJC

time video, audio, data and

race courses and in the HKJC studio.

communications networks for

Founded in 1884, HKJC provides horse

broadcast, pro-audio, event, sport, theatre

racing as well as betting on horse racing

and security applications. Riedel also

and overseas football events. HKJC initially

provides comprehensive rental services for

purchased 12 Bolero backpacks and plans to

events of any size, anywhere in the world.

add more in 2018. These will ensure clear and

Founded in 1987, the company now employs

reliable communications for the TV studio

over 450 people in 19 locations throughout

in the Sha Tin district and the Happy Valley

Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas.

and Sha Tin race courses. The Bolero systems

The Middle East and South East Asia have been busy over the past year and Riedel

first went into service for international races in early December.

has completed several large installations

There are several big projects in the

throughout the region, the most notable

pipeline and Riedel continues to strengthen

project being the Hong Kong Jockey Club

its presence in the region to better serve it.

(HKJC), Hong Kong’s premier horse racing

In terms of new products, the company

operator and one of its most venerable

focuses on the decentralised video routing

sporting organisations. The club chose Riedel

concept with the MediorNet MicroN along

Communications’ Bolero wireless intercom

with Bolero and the MediorNet MultiViewer

system to streamline communications for

launched last year. All of these products

its video productions. Bolero is seamlessly

provide powerful features and substantial

integrated with Riedel’s Artist digital matrix

cost savings.




high-speed links. MicroN is available as

ecosystem with seamless handover. Bolero

The MicroN is an 80G media distribution

a fully networked MediorNet device as

uses a high-clarity, 7KHz voice codec for

network device for Riedel’s MediorNet

well as in a point-to-point edition at a very

higher speech intelligibility and more

line of media transport and management

competitive price point.

efficient use of RF spectrum. The codec

solutions. Working seamlessly with the

offers excellent processing efficiency, low

MediorNet MetroN core fibre router,


latency and outstanding battery life. Bolero

MicroN is a high-density signal interface

Bolero is a six channel, 1.9GHz DECT-based

operates at twice the spectrum efficiency of

with a complete array of audio, video and

wireless intercom system. Decentralised

other DECT-based systems, providing up to

data inputs and outputs, including 24 SD/

antennae use an AES67 IP network to

10 beltpacks per antenna and 100 beltpacks

HD/3G-SDI I/Os, two MADI optical digital

connect to Riedel Artist frames equipped

per system.

audio ports, a gigabit ethernet port, two sync

with AES67 client cards. This creates a

Bolero has a long list of innovative features

reference I/Os and eight 10Gb MediorNet

fully integrated point-to-point intercom

including Riedel’s exclusive Advanced



DECT Receiver technology, a multiple-

rock-solid performance in demanding RF

diversity receiver designed to improve

environments is what really sets it apart.

RF robustness by reducing sensitivity to

redistribution back onto the network. MediorNet MultiViewer includes powerful scaling, positioning and graphics

multipath. Bolero also incorporates near-


tools including multiple on-screen clock

field communications for the beltpack and

Since MicroN is software-enabled-

widgets that can be referenced to timecode

the antennae, making registration as easy as

hardware, the addition of the MultiViewer

or system time and up to 20 synchronised,

touching the beltpack to the antenna. Other

firmware app changes MicroN into a

controllable counters. Other widgets

features include integrated Bluetooth 4.1, a

powerful Multiviewer. The MediorNet

include tallies, under-monitor displays and

sunlight-readable display, tough design and

MultiViewer accepts up to 18 video signals

audio level metres. All of these can be easily

the ability to be used as a wireless beltpack,

from any source on a MediorNet network,

configured within a single view using drag-

a wireless keypanel or a walkie-talkie.

and enables operators to create up to four

and-drop through Riedel or other third-

While the features are impressive, Bolero’s

custom multiviewer layouts for local use or

party software. CONTACT Riedel Communications – Dubai DMC Building 10, Office 111 PO Box 502438, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 4229 574 Ahmed Magd El Din Riedel Communications singapore Private limited 10 Changi South Lane #03-01A, Singapore 486162 Tel: +65 6546 0603 Rajveer Singh General Manager, South East Asia Riedel Communications – HQ Uellendahler Straße 353 42109 Wuppertal, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 202 292 – 90 Serkan Guener Marketing and Communications Tel: +49 (0) 202 292 – 9517 Mob: +49 (0) 174 – 339 24 48 Email: Website: social Media Facebook: RiedelCommunications International Google+: 100669677114102329494 Twitter: RIEDELnet YouTube: riedelcommunications Linkedin: company/549773 Instagram: riedelcommunications



IP-based future buILt on sdI herItage


ike other industries, the broadcast

Schwarz portfolio includes T&M equipment

and media industry is under

for development, production and quality

pressure to keep pace with the

assurance of consumer electronics devices

ongoing digitisation and the shift

and infrastructure components as well as

towards internet-based solutions. This poses

monitoring products for broadcast networks.

a difficult challenge for companies - which

Film and TV post-production studios face

technology solution provider to choose as

the challenge of replacing their traditional

the best partner to help chart a safe course

tape-based workflows with file-based

towards IP transition?

solutions, which means that almost all of

Rohde & Schwarz, an innovator in

their technical equipment has to be replaced.

the field of broadcasting for more than

Rohde & Schwarz offers ingest and playout

70 years, supports this transformation

servers, video workstations and high-

with groundbreaking solutions. Today,

performance storage solutions that studios

the entire signal processing chain, from

need for the ultra-high definition formats of

camera output to transmission via the

the future. Soon, UHD productions will be

various broadcast channels, can be realised

broadcast to viewers via the classic satellite

with Rohde & Schwarz products. Rohde &

and terrestrial distribution channels. The





first regular broadcasts can already be

leader have earned the reputation of being the

Rohde & Schwarz has invested heavily

received via these channels in a number of

most advanced, energy-efficient transmitters

in developing an IP strategy that builds on

countries – in large part thanks to encoding,

on the market and account for a large share of

extensive SDI heritage thereby expanding

multiplexing and transmitting equipment

countrywide installations on all continents.

its product portfolio. Engineering, product

from Rohde & Schwarz. South Korea, host

Network operators can not only buy their

and R&D teams have steadily evolved over

of the 2018 Olympic Winter Games, will be

transmitters from Rohde & Schwarz, but also

many years, and this stability is reflected

the first country to provide full UHDTV

the T&M and monitoring equipment needed

in consistent adherence to a strategy that

coverage for its citizens – with transmitters

to install, maintain and monitor broadcast

has drilled down deep within broadcast

from Rohde & Schwarz.



A majority of TV networks worldwide are

Consumer electronics manufacturers will

equipped with Rohde & Schwarz transmitters.

appreciate the fact that the Rohde & Schwarz

new generatIon of Ingest,

The company’s transmitters are used in more

portfolio includes both the general purpose

LIve ProduCtIon and

than 80 countries. Most terrestrial transmitter

T&M instruments needed by all electronics

ChanneL PLayout PLatforM

networks around the world have been

manufacturers as well as signal generators

R&S VENICE channel playout represents

upgraded to digital transmission technology.

and signal analysers designed especially for

a new approach to live ingest, media

Transmitters from the Munich-based market

the audio/video sector.

processing and channel playout that costeffectively bridges hybrid SDI and IP. It fits seamlessly within existing SDI baseband architectures and future-proofs them by offering the flexibility and sustainability of IP-based broadcast infrastructure and workflows. The R&S VENICE softwarebased media processing and distribution platform is so stable that medium and largescale broadcasters can use it as a channel playout solution in 24/7 operation. The integration of the proprietary Rohde & Schwarz virtual storage access technology ensures reliable on-air operations even in the most mission critical applications. enCodIng and MuLtIPLexIng for ott LIve streaMIng at IbC R&S AVHE100 system is a compact, yet flexible and scalable transcoding, encoding

LinkedIn Learning selected Rohde & Schwarz’ ingest and playout platforms for live capture and delivery of the network’s instructional programming.


and multiplexing solution. Rohde & Schwarz has enhanced its successful solution by


adding premium-quality adaptive bit rate (ABR) encoding as well as packetising for all established formats for over-the-top (OTT) live streaming. It offers best-inclass video quality for premium content distribution, including for HEVC, today’s most advanced video coding standard for OTT and broadcast applications. It also fully supports high dynamic range (HDR) video transmission. LIve Content ContrIbutIon over PubLIC Internet Rohde & Schwarz’ subsidiary GMIT GmbH recently integrated the technology of Motama GmbH, including RelayCaster for live contribution

and streaming media services. It supports

over public internet services. RelayCaster

the SDI, SDIoIP, SMPTE 2022-1/2, SMPTE

significantly improves the reliability of

2022-6, SMPTE 2110, AIMS, TSoIP, ASPEN,

contributing and distributing live content

HLS and DASH transport standards as

via unmanaged networks and efficiently

well as media formats such as MPEG-2/4,

resolves packet loss issues. RelayCaster can

HEVC and TICO. Future new standards

replace expensive satellite links or contracts

and media formats can be efficiently and

with CDN service providers. In contrast to

flexibly added via software upgrades. R&S

these services, RelayCaster is not limited to

PRISMON automatically detects signal

certain regions or data centres. RelayCaster

dropouts and content errors in real time,

can distribute content across any distance,

using sophisticated monitoring functions


to any place that is reachable by internet

such as video freeze with whitelisting and

social Media

infrastructure. Optional encryption protects

video content compare. Its future-ready,


data streams between all transmitters and

fully software defined architecture allows


receivers (AES).

innovative, powerful monitoring functions


such as live quality measurement (LiveQM)

Facebook: RohdeAndSchwarz-

software-based MonItorIng

and content compare. R&S PRISMON


and MuLtIvIewer

features an orchestration-ready design for

Twitter: RandS_Broadcast

R&S PRISMON multiviewer provides

dynamic and flexible resource allocation in

LinkedIn: showcase/18185770/

advanced content monitoring for broadcast

virtual environments.

ContaCt rohde & schwarz Middle east and africa fZ-LLC Office No. 210 Building No. 01, 2nd Floor Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 (0)4 44 61 900 Email:







oss powers video productions

management, newsroom systems and mobile

for billions of global viewers daily

live events.

with the industry’s widest range

As a privately held, self-funded company,

of smart production solutions.

Ross Video has a long and stable history with

Ross makes it easy to create compelling

26 consecutive years of growth. As well as not

news, weather and sports broadcasts,

being under the control of external financiers,

engaging material for sports stadium

Ross Video controls its own destiny by owning

screens, entertainment shows and rock

its own manufacturing facilities, doing all

concerts, educational institutions, legislative

primary research and development in house

assemblies, corporate applications and

and marketing its products worldwide

inspiring content for houses of worship.

through a global sales force and network of

Ross solutions have impressed the

business partners.

audiences and marketing partners of NBC Sunday Night Football, Eurosport, BBC


World, Google, YouTube, Space London and

John Ross founded Ross Video in 1974 in his

China’s eSports powerhouse VSPN. Ross

basement in Montreal, Canada. John sold

delivers an unrivalled range of products and

the World War II trainer airplane he had

services comprising virtual studios, real-time

painstakingly rebuilt over a two-year period

motion graphics, cameras, robotic camera

for $3,500 and used the money as seed capital

systems, production switchers, video servers,

to start the company. To this day, this is the

infrastructure and routers, social media

only investment that has been made in Ross



Video which has been self-funded since then

Iroquois is run by experts in high-tech

only to breakthrough products but also to

growing organically through reinvestment of

manufacturing, quality and efficiency.

the long-term evolution and support of the

profits from operations. Acquisitions have

Company engineers use advanced high-

company’s products and technologies. Ross

also been funded without external venture

precision components and techniques and

Video’s engineers develop deep industry

capital. David Ross, John’s son and Ross

processes, and technologies are optimised

knowledge through front-line exposure to

Video’s Chief Executive Officer, now owns

specifically for the high-mix, low-volume

customer requirements and development-

90 % of Ross Video. Company employees own

broadcast industry. This enables the company

level support is used to solve customer

the remaining 10 percent.

to ensure that quality, delivery times and costs

problems whenever necessary.

remain completely under control — something

Ross Video’s highly knowledgeable global

A gloBAl CoMpANy

that isn’t possible with an outsourced model. In

sales force enjoy an average of one full month

Ross Video has corporate offices in North

fact, Ross Video’s lead times, customer service

of product training a year and have a unique

America, Europe, Asia and Australia and

and quality are among the best in the industry.

‘karate belt’ style training programme on

supporting sales and service operations

Three high-speed pick-and-place surface

products and their customer applications.

strategically located around the world.

mount lines run 16 hours a day. Increased

The company’s goal is to provide added value

24/7/365 technical support and immediate

automation and efficiency has doubled peak

with every interaction and deliver superior

access to spares is crucial when deploying

capacity in the past five years within the

customer experience every time, all the time.

mission-critical technology. Ross Video offers

same footprint. Additionally, expansion of

lifetime technical support by telephone, email

the Iroquois facility has prepared Ross Video’s

WoRkiNg WEll WiTh oThERS

and Skype. Spares are stored at strategically

manufacturing operations for several years of

Ross Video has a long history of collaborating

located logistics hubs around the world to

continued growth.

with other industry companies. At Ross, it is

ensure prompt delivery when required. This

Everything Ross Video manufactures is

well understood that products do not exist

quick-ship service is available to all customers

made to world green standards, including

in isolation and must function as a system

who buy Ross Video products and not just

the European RoHS directives.

solution if they are to deliver successful end

those on extended warranty programmes. Ross Video’s state-of-the-art factory in


In house research and development enables

results for customers. For example, OverDrive

Ross Video to apply maximum creativity not

(Ross Video’s production automation


David Ross, CEO, Ross Video.

Ross Video at NAB 2018.

solution), integrates with products from


produce a number of Hollywood shows,

more than 50 different manufacturers.

Ross Video’s customer base is global and

including Hannah Montana, The Jonas

Additionally, the Ross Audio Protocol or

diverse and provides the revenue stability that

Brothers and Suite Life

‘RAP’, created through experience with

enables the company to navigate challenging

• Provides the switchers that are used by top

OverDrive, fills a vacuum in the industry

times, continue to grow and invest in the

music acts, including The Police, Bruce

for a standard, easy-to-use protocol for audio

future. Among other things, Ross Video:

Springsteen, The Rolling Stones, The Who,

mixers. RAP, established and maintained by

• Is a leader in the production switcher

The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Korn, Blink 182

Ross, has now been adopted by many of the

market with more than 4,500 digital

and Rush, to run video for concerts when

major audio console manufactures and is

systems shipped to date

they are on tour

also used by competitors.

• Is number one in sports stadiums, supplying behind-the-scenes equipment to deliver

TEChNology lEAdERShip With its comprehensive mix of base band

feeds to video boards and in-stadium display systems

video and IT file-based solutions, products

• Manufactures OverDrive, the leader in

and expertise, Ross Video is well positioned for

automated production control with over

the present and the future. Hardware-centric

400 systems deployed internationally

products include Acuity, Carbonite, openGear,

• Manufactures openGear and is a key player

Ultrix, Furio and CamBot. Software-centric

in fibre-optic transmission with more than

products include OverDrive, DashBoard,

2,000 units shipped to ABC in New York

XPression, Inception and Streamline. Ross


CoNTACT Ross Video 8 John Street PO Box 220 Iroquois, Ontario Canada, K0E 1K0 Tel: + 1 (613) 652-4886 Email:

understands that the mix and convergence

• Has a graphics platform that is not only the

of these technologies is central to meeting

fastest growing solution in the market but also

The White Building

the needs of the industry as well as growing

enjoys major adoption, has commitments for

33 King’s Road

the company. The main development lab

more than 100 units from organisations such


in Ottawa is home to more than 100 highly

as France Television and Rogers and is used


skilled engineers who are working on the next

to produce live graphics for the Academy

United Kingdom

generation of Ross Video solutions, systems

Awards and the Grammy Awards

Tel: +44 (0)1189 022 870

and technologies.

Ross Video EMEA hQ

• Makes the technology that is used to



Real woRld ReliabiliTy


he RTS brand is one of the

and live entertainment and for failsafe

industry leaders in professional

communications in the nuclear power

intercom systems providing

industry. A top priority for this is the

solutions that combine forward-

backwards compatibility of its new products,

thinking functionality, real-world reliability

so they can integrate seamlessly with legacy

and superior sound quality. At the forefront

systems to extend the value of the initial

of broadcast intercom technology for over

investment. RTS offers the widest variety

40 years, it is the brand most-trusted by the

of matrix interfaces in the market: RVON

biggest names in the business.

(VoIP), MADI and Omneo (Dante plus OCA,

The RTS family of digital matrices is the most complete and widely used line of

AES70), connecting via ethernet CAT-5e/6, fibre and copper analogue.

intercoms in the world proven in the most

RTS helps professionals communicate

critical and demanding applications. Today,

clearly with ease and efficiency so they

its latest generation of advanced digital audio

can focus on content instead of hardware.

matrix and key panel products is based upon

Whether for applications large or small

the uniquely powerful and flexible Omneo

RTS demonstrates its commitment to its

IP technology for media transmission and

users by innovating the future of global

system control. Omneo has been quickly


adopted as the new performance standard by major network customers across the globe

The bosch GRoup

for coordinating broadcasts of the world’s

RTS is a brand owned by The Bosch Group

largest events via systems of unparalleled

– a leading global supplier of technology and

size and sophistication.

services. Bosch currently employs roughly

RTS intercoms are also scalable for

400,500 associates worldwide. According to

a wide range of applications beyond

preliminary figures, the company generated

broadcasting, including in-house production

sales of 78 billion euros in 2017. Its operations

communications for houses of worship

are divided into four business sectors:





mobility solutions, industrial technology,

more accessible and easier to use than ever

consumer goods and energy and building

before, opening up the benefits of IP-based

Whether the user wants to expand

technology. As a leading IoT company,

communications for a wide range of new

intercom functionality with an IP-based

Bosch offers innovative solutions for smart

markets and users of all levels.

system at a regional theatre or large house

to the latest technologies.

homes, smart cities, connected mobility and

In keeping with the RTS principles

of worship, or whether the goal is to start

connected industry. It uses its expertise in

of forward thinking and backwards

streamlining a larger system’s footprint and

sensor technology, software and services as

compatibility, Odin can seamlessly integrate

cost of operation in an OB van or broadcast

well as its own IoT cloud to offer customers

into the most sophisticated, large-scale

control room, Odin stands apart as the most

connected, cross-domain solutions from a

intercom operations, extending the value of

comprehensive intercom solution RTS has

single source. The Bosch Group’s strategic

the initial investment while also providing a

ever made.

objective is to create solutions for a connected

path for system expansion for smaller users


life and to improve quality of life worldwide

who want to upgrade existing RTS systems

with products and services that are innovative and spark enthusiasm. In short, Bosch creates technology that is ‘invented for life’. The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 440 subsidiaries and regional companies in 60 countries. Including sales and service partners, Bosch’s global manufacturing, engineering and sales network covers nearly every country in the world. The basis for the company’s future growth is its innovative strength. At 125 locations across the globe, Bosch employs 62,500 associates in research and development. odiN – oMNeo diGiTal iNTeRcoM MaTRiX A new core product in the RTS portfolio, Odin condenses decades of experience and the latest RTS innovations into a compact single rack unit package that offers state-ofthe-art IP technology along with analogue connectivity. Where previous-generation digital matrix products were significantly larger and more costly to own and operate, Odin’s feature set and form factor are designed to make a professional matrix solution


Easily expand system as needed by adding


licenses or more Odin units: start with 16 ports, extend up to 128 ports, or connect eight units seamlessly for a 1024-port matrix. No competing product has this level of scalability • VERSATILE Supports Dante-compatible Omneo IP technology, four-wire and two-wire for the broadest connectivity to other components, all with the highest-quality audio • USER-FRIENDLY High-resolution icon-based front-panel colour user interface for intuitive operation and immediate configuration directly from the unit • EFFICIENT Requires less power, less space and less cooling for lower environmental impact and lower total cost of ownership • FLEXIBLE Reallocate ports to any hardware type with no adapters or special boards required – future-proof for evolving system with audio over IP technology and backwards compatible with legacy products RoaMeo – The wiReless

Kp-seRies Key paNels

Key paNel

KP-Series key panels have become an industry

Roameo from RTS is a professional, easy-to-use

standard and deliver superior digital audio

and future-proof wireless intercom solution

using the Bosch-developed OMNEO IP

Robert bosch Middle east FZe

based on the license-free DECT (Digital

technology with Audinate’s Dante audio, via

Dubai Airport Free Zone

Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications)

either copper or fibre. The KP-Series key

5WA, 7th floor, Office 701

standard with a protected frequency band. It

panels provide top-notch audio quality, free

provides high-quality audio over a seamlessly

of noise, delay and other artifacts present in

Dubai, 54307, UAE

integrated digital wireless beltpack and

older technology. The family includes a rich set

Sanjay Kumar

associated access points.


of connectors as standard, including GPIO and

Sales Manager,

Featuring a modern, rugged design, Roameo

RC. As with other RTS products, emphasis has

Middle East and Africa

is suitable for a wide range of professional

been placed on backward compatibility with

Tel: +971 4 21233-08

intercom applications where wireless

previous generations of matrices, including

Mobile: +971 50 5547432

communication is critical – such as broadcast

analogue technology.


production studios, theatre and sports

KP-Series key panels utilise the latest

productions, house of worship applications,

generation of wide angle TFT displays providing


commercial buildings and outside broadcast

superior clarity, resolution and longer display

Twitter: rtsintercoms

(OB) trucks. Operating like a wireless key

life. There is also an option to add more audio/

LinkedIn: rts-intercom-systems

panel, Roameo can be fully integrated into all

control functionalities via two software

Facebook: rtsintercoms

existing digital RTS matrices.

packages for the high-end model range.



Shakira using the Sennheiser SKM5200-II with Neumann KK105-S capsule.





haping today the audio world

everywhere. And ever since, the company

represented in over 105 countries,

of tomorrow - an ambition

has provided technological innovations that

employing over 2,750 people and continuing

that Sennheiser and its

improve people’s lives – and the pursuit of

to develop the most innovative products

employees live by from day

perfect sound continues to this day.

for the professional sound and consumer electronics industries.

to day. This vision statement describes

The first Sennheiser microphones were

what the company hopes to achieve and

developed by broadening the microphone

this foundation is its history, culture of

theory. First launched in 1947, they were


innovation and its continuing passion for

rapidly adopted by large numbers of artistes



and professionals – musicians such as

together two outstanding microphone

The Sennheiser Group also includes microphone





Louis Armstrong, singers like Edith Piaf

manufacturers in the industry; and Danish-


and politicians such as Eisenhower and

based joint venture company, Sennheiser

Throughout its history, Sennheiser has been

Kennedy, as well as broadcasters, radio

Communications, which develops headsets

driven by a passion for sound; a passion

stations and air-traffic controllers across

for PC and consoles, office and call centre

that has never diminished in over 70 years.

the world.

markets. The group’s turnover in 2015

From modest beginnings in 1945, through to

Now more than 70 years later, professional

was in excess of ¤680m, with the EMEA

its present day, the family-owned German

musicians, sound engineers, presenters

region accounting for over 50 per cent of

company has built a truly global profile.

and singers throughout the world are in

the company’s business.

Faced with the technological deficiencies of existing products, Professor Dr Fritz

agreement that Sennheiser products are the pinnacle of technological perfection.

SENNhEiSER MiddLE EAST In 2009, Sennheiser Middle East was

Sennheiser devoted himself to finding innovative solutions in order to make the


created as a sales and marketing office

very best technology available to users

The 21st century sees Sennheiser

based in the Dubai Airport Free Zone.



With a long-term strategy in place for the region and motivated staff who have been responsible for impressive growth since inception, Sennheiser’s commitment to its business here continues to grow. Sennheiser Middle East has the responsibility for distribution of the Sennheiser group brands across the Middle East whilst also servicing countries in North and East Africa, as well as most of the former CIS countries in Central Asia. Having established a strong third party logistics partnership in Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone while maintaining a significant stockholding, the operation has become a natural regional hub. pROdUCT OFFERiNg Sennheiser and Neumann’s combined current product range for the broadcast industry comprises both wired and wireless microphones, headphones and headsets for camera operators, production crews and studio engineers as well as awardwinning studio monitors. All have an identical core value - uncompromising audio quality. ENg WiRELESS MiCROphONES Fast, flexible and professional, Sennheiser

EK 6042 – one receiver fits all.

ENG sets have become an industry standard ThE NEW digiTAL 6000 SERiES

for every ambitious reporting team and state-of-the-art broadcast station. Merging


the highest audio and physical requirements

Whatever you have experienced before, expect more even in the toughest RF-

to deliver optimum sound and maximum

As the most recognised audio brand

conditions. The outstanding audio quality

reliability, these products have a reputation

in the broadcast industry, Sennheiser

of the wireless masterpiece, Digital 9000,

to safeguard, namely yours. G3 for sound

Group products can be found inside

is now available in a two-channel receiver

recordists that need rock-solid RF and

studios and OB production units for

that can cope in the most demanding live

outstanding audio performance at an

some of the most respected broadcast-

productions. Digital 6000 features Digital

affordable price; AVX for videographers

ers globally. Regional partners include

9000’s unparalleled long range transmission

who need to ensure video and audio are

ADMC, Al Jazeera TV, Al Kass TV, Al

mode coupled with a massive 244 MHz

always perfectly captured; and the flagship

Rai TV, Bahrain TV, BBC Arabic, CNBC,

of switching bandwidth. The innovative

EK 6042 dual-channel receiver, a broadcast

Dubai TV, JRTV, Kuwait Radio & TV,

user interface makes it easier to use and the

masterpiece that combines analogue and

Live HD, MBC, Oman TV, Saudi Arabian

True Bit Diversity and predictive algorithms

digital receiver systems in one compact

Radio & TV and Sky News Arabia.

create a reliable wireless link that remains



stable when other systems fail.


digiTAL 9000 SERiES - ThE WiRELESS MASTERpiECE The pinnacle of Sennheiser’s wireless range is the Digital 9000, a meticulously designed, ground-breaking digital wireless system that provides uncompressed digital audio transmission, free from intermodulation, delivering stunning, artefact-free audio dynamics with cable-like purity. Targeting broadcasting professionals, (musical) theatres and high-profile live audio events, Digital 9000 sets a new benchmark in digital wireless transmission. With a comprehensive suite of accessories, it is designed for the highest channel counts in today’s increasingly dense frequency environment. Digital 9000 – the wireless masterpiece.

NEUMANN.BERLiN For decades, Neumann has been regarded

monitors that represent the latest in

and reproduction. Having been active in this

worldwide as the standard-setting, leading

acoustic and electronic simulation and

area for some time, the company hopes to

manufacturer of studio microphones with

measurement technology.

introduce this amazing sound quality into

models such as the U47 and the M49

new products and applications all under

alongside modern incarnations such as


the U87 and the M149. It is difficult to

3D immersive audio is increasingly becoming

imagine a professional studio without a

a format of choice in recording, mixing and

Neumann microphone and the company

listening. At CES 2016, Sennheiser unveiled

continues to innovate by pioneering the

Ambeo, a strategic focus on 3D immersive

implementation of digital microphones.

audio through groundbreaking technology

New products include a range of studio

that promises the ultimate in audio capture

the new Ambeo trademark. CONTACT Sennheiser Electronic gmbh &Co.Kg Am Labor 1, D-30900 Wedemark, Germany Tel: +49 5130 600 000 Fax: +49 5130 600 300 Email: Sennheiser Middle East Office 345, Building 6E/B Dubai Airport Free Zone PO Box 371004, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 299 4004 Email: Social Media Website:

Ambeo – shape the future of audio.

Facebook: sennheiserme



Flexible and powerFul tools to manage content 146



SN is a global technology

efficiently, increase their productivity, avoid

management through a continuous




bottlenecks and automate workflows.

improvement of its flagship product,




With more than 26 years of experience

VSNExplorer. This open-ended platform

solutions for the broadcast and

and a widespread network of partners

is a key product of the company’s present

media sectors. Its complete range of products

and offices around the world, VSN has

and future and comprises several optional

solves the needs of creation, distribution

gained the trust of more than 1000 clients

modules: MAM for overarching enterprise

and management of files and content in TV

in over a 100 countries. Headquartered in

solutions, Production Asset Management

channels and media companies, content

Barcelona, Spain, VSN has offices in Madrid,

(PAM) for production environments, BPM

distributors, educational and public

Montevideo, Miami and Hong Kong and a

for workflow automation and optimisation,

institutions, private corporations and sport

dedicated R&D centre in Alicante.

Business Intelligence for data and metadata

Focused on adapting its product portfolio

analytics and Wedit, for low-res web video

In the cloud or on premise, all VSN

to suit client future needs, VSN continues

editing in the cloud. These modules allow

venues alike. software products can be independently

to bet heavily on innovation, adapting

VSNExplorer to provide clients with an

adapted to any company’s workflow and

solutions to new work environments and

intuitive, powerful and reliable tool, in

put together to create a complete, modular,

demands that are making their way in the

order to speed-up processes in production.

scalable and open solution, ready to easily

broadcast and media industries. VSN’s latest

Some example of these processes are content

integrate with third-party systems. Thanks

software tools are adapted towards cloud

archival and retrieval, file management, fast

to VSN’s software tools, companies can

work environments, and the company has

delivery to playout and analysis of content

manage their media and business processes

streamlined media and business process

performance anytime, anywhere.



media management in

stages of the production process, to quick

media management in

news and sports

video editing by cut and final broadcast of

archiVing and deliVery

The VSNExplorer modules for PAM

content in a wide range of programmes and

One of the main goals of having a good

and MAM are specially interesting as a

live events, such as newscasts.

media archive system is allowing companies

complement to NRCS and playout systems

From a technical perspective, VSNExplorer

to monetise their media assets as much as

for news, sports and any kind of live event

integration with NRCS systems, such as Ross

possible. To this aim, such a system must

production. These systems benefit from

Inception, Octopus or Avid iNews, makes it

feature advanced content cataloguing and

VSNExplorer modules, as they provide

possible to cover the entire news production

segmenting functionalities as well as be

all the media content and audiovisual

workflow within a single centralised system,

able to integrate with third-party systems

resources needed for complete, quick and

including low-res video editing thanks to the

in order to create complex, efficient and

uninterrupted broadcast.

Wedit tool. By incorporating a studio playout

powerful workflows.

VSNExplorer MAM allows advanced

system such as VSNLivecom for rundown,

That is the case of VSNExplorer MAM,

auto-cataloguing of media files while

graphics and video files automation, this

which works as a comprehensive content

these are being ingested, accelerating file

solution provides users with maximum

management system that keeps all the

search and retrieval processes regardless

flexibility and control during live broadcast,

video files’ metadata synchronised as it

of storage location (offline, near-line or

particularly when advanced searches for

comes from the traffic and scheduling tool.

online). Furthermore, combining MAM and

new video files need to be quickly done and

Thus, it allows creation and automation

PAM modules makes it possible to manage

uploaded to deal with unexpected events

of complex workflows. For instance, a

the entire production lifecycle, from early

such as breaking news.

complex workflow in broadcast and media



environments would make it possible to

decision making business-wise by extracting

terms, while avoiding human errors. In

import the broadcasting list created in

analytical reports from files and metadata

such a way, VSN has developed modules

traffic to VSNExplorer, so that it can identify

stored in VSNEXplorer databases and third

based on speech-to-text systems, Artificial

and transfer those files regardless of its

party systems.

Intelligence platforms, automatic translation

location (archive, near-line, online or in the

of text and linked data with online databases

cloud). This workflow can also allow the

adVanced Functionalities

automation of tasks, such as quality control

VSNExplorer also includes new capabilities

and transcoding of media before being sent

that go beyond conventional platforms for

Vsn in the mena

to broadcast, thanks to software modules

media and business process management.

The MENA region is a growing market

like VSNExplorer BPM.

Most of these new features are related

with a lot of potential for the broadcast and

Once ready for broadcasting, this complex

to automated metadata generation with

media sectors. Within this market there are

solution can control simultaneous delivery of

tools aimed at improving global efficiency

customers with a high-end technological

files and versioning segments to traditional

through specialised management and

level, and VSN looks forward to establishing

MCR environments, and to video servers

cataloguing capacities.

long-term commercial relations with them.

such as dbPedia or Geonames.

controlled by VNSMulticom and other

Following up on this idea, Linked Data

Some of the existing projects and commercial

webTV platforms, social media or OTT, as a

allows correlating the existing databases

relations that VSN has successfully established

result of systems such as VSNWebTV. Finally,

with contrasted databases, so that these

throughout this region in the last decade are

every workflow can also be monitored

universal identifiers may help companies

Roya TV in Jordan, Almayadeen in Lebanon,

and analysed byVSNExplorer Business

organise their Thesaurus databases and

Saudi Airlines in Saudi Arabia and Al Kout

Intelligence (BI) module, which allows better

include additional data related to the

in Kuwait.

contact Vsn Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya Carretera BV-1274, Km.1 08225, Terrassa (Barcelona) Spain Website: Email: Javier Encinas Sales Manager, Middle East Email: Tel: +34 91 524 74 70 Social Media Linkedin: vsn-video-stream-networks Twitter: @vsn_tv Facebook: videostreamnetworks Youtube: videostreamnetworks0



News Agency Arab 24







pantone 7620c rab 24 delivers the most upvital stories and those that are otherwise to-date, unbiased news in the

overlooked, ignored or misrepresented.

region. It is today the leading

In a little over two years, Arab 24 has

independent news-gathering

grown into the foremost independent

agency in the Middle East and North Africa

news-gathering agency in the MENA

region (MENA), reporting on key events and

region, delivering developing stories and

breaking news that is shaping the Arab world.

other happenings live to Arab viewers around the globe, in real time, as it happens,

ObjECtivES ANd OriGiN

where it happens and as it unfolds.

Noticing the inability of both regional and international news agencies to


deliver accurate, insightful, unbiased

Arab 24 operates out of Amman, Jordan,

and timely reporting of news and events

maintaining fully equipped production

in the region, Mohammed Al Ajlouni, a

teams in all capital cities and hotbeds across

Jordanian-American media entrepreneur

the MENA region. The company has also

and stalwart in the regional broadcast

established a North American operations

industry, launched Arab 24 in April 2015.

hub in Washington, DC, thereby ensuring its

Founded on the objective of delivering

proximity to the Arab-American community,

international-standard news reportage of

which represents a significant viewer base

a region characterised by unique political,

for the company.

social, cultural and linguistic nuances, Arab 24 has built keen competency in


understanding and working within these

The teams at Arab 24 comprise seasoned

constraints and to bring to Arab viewers

journalists, cameramen and producers in

across the globe, a comprehensive look at

every capital city in the MENA region,



who are committed to the highest levels

expertise developed through years of

With highly trained and fully equipped local

of journalistic integrity. This dedicated

strategic investment in world-class

teams in all major cities and hotspots across

local presence in more areas than any other

professionals and equipment. The company

the MENA region, Arab 24 is always the

regional new agency ensures coverage is

boasts a vast fleet of OB vans equipped with

first on the scene, with unsurpassed access

accurate and unbiased, and reports are

full HD capabilities and personnel who are

to any news as it breaks!

always a comprehensive picture of the

extensively trained to utilise this world-

relevant events leading up to the news.

class equipment to its full potential. Arab 24 is capable of providing real-time

To establish Arab 24 as the most


news feeds and raw footage of events, when

comprehensive new agency in the Middle

Arab 24 seamlessly blends its unrivaled

and where they happen and in the high-

East and North Africa that relies on

understanding of the region with technical

grade format that viewers now demand.

seasoned Arab-speaking journalists to




echo the voice of the people and to address the market gap in providing world-class,


balanced, up-to-date coverage of the news and events shaping the Arab world. MiSSiON Provide clients with a real-time corridor to breaking news and events in the Middle East and North Africa, reported in the most professional manner and tailored to meet each

Arab 24 Washington, DC 650 Pennsylvania AVE, SE Washington DC 20003 Suite 230 dubai Dubai Media City, Al Thuraya 1 Tower Floor 18, Office 1802, 1801

Amman Jabal Amman, Almutasim St. Building No.122 Tel: +962 791 501 565 Email: Website:

client’s individual policies and guidelines.



OB Services Al Aan Media Services


ob ServiceS

Serving vAlue bASed content to viewerS


l Aan is an Arab satellite

trAnSmiSSion ServiceS

• Studio floors

TV channel founded on

Transmission services comprise SD/HD with

• Studio lights

professionalism and neutrality.

DVBS/DVBS2 modular with fully redundant

• Jimmy Jib

Broadcasting free-to-air and

flyaway and trucks. These are ready-to-move

• Auto script teleprompter

round-the-clock from Dubai Media City since

and can be deployed at very short notice inside

• Makeup rooms

2006, the channel has a unique identity – ‘Real

and outside the UAE. It allows for:

• Studio software integration

News and Real Entertainment’. It integrates

• Broadcast facility (100% file-based

general entertainment and current events with


PoSt-Production ServiceS

news segments every hour, to deliver value that

• Mutli-channel playout system

• Final cut studio

is relevant to the viewers’ expectations, and

• On-air multi-graphic overlays

• Graphic workstations

doing so as a responsible media organisation

• Sound production outdoor Production ServiceS

• Station ID packages

• Digital OB vans

• Show opener and promo-production

Key ServiceS

• SD6 camera setup OB vans

• Sponsorship tags

• Uplinks

• 4 camera setup OB vans

• Livestreaming

• SD/HD DSNG van

company employs Avid, Final Cut Pro, Adobe

• Post-production

• SD/HD flyaway

Production and Creative Suites, 3D Max,

• Live studios

• Space segment

Maya 3D, Cinema 4D and VizRT.

that stands out in the industry.

For all its services and solutions, the

• Outdoor production • Space segment

live Studio ServiceS

AiSh Al AAn

• Creative support

• DTL news

Al Aan TV launched a new theme for 2018,

• Multi-channel playout

• Chroma studio

Aish Al Aan (live now). This has changed Al


ob ServiceS


ob ServiceS

Aan’s strategy creating a target market shift and further developed its production, content creation, marketing and communication, and generating major interaction between the channel and its viewers. Through Aish Al Aan, Al Aan TV is targeting the youth with programmes that entertain, benefit, inform and inspire. introducing Al AAn tv hd Based on its keenness to deliver value that is relevant to viewers’ expectations, Al Aan TV launched Al Aan TV HD, which will broadcast the same programmes as its standard definition equivalent, making Al Aan TV now available on Arabsat, Nilesat, duTV (IPTV) and Etisalat’s e-vision. The new capabilities are seen as critical

and humanitarian life. The HD broadcast

‘IOX’ storage of Imagine Communications

to Al Aan TV’s operations, news content and

is adding value and rising up to what we

in the MENA region.

social media presence, which are rapidly

offer through the higher image resolution

growing to further improve the quality of

that better suits the viewers and their

uPgrAding for Zero downtime!

on-air content and internal production.

aspirations,” says Rania Sayah, Head of News

Al Aan TV has also made a significant

Department, Al Aan TV.

expansion and upgrade of playout systems,

With this latest engagement, Al Aan

storage and automation in partnership

will be equipped with a unified delivery Al AAn tv: A Pioneer in

with media production systems provider,

system to a fully redundant backup chain.

the menA region

Imagine Communications. This important

“Al Aan TV’s news has always been marked

Being on the frontlines of new technologies

enhancement will provide full redundancy and

by the content of its exclusive articles,

and systems investment, Al Aan TV is the

greater production and delivery capabilities. Al

which highlight different aspects of social

first TV channel to broadcast from the new

Aan is also working with Avid on upgrading its

platform, while converting the original

news system to the latest version with Virtual Machines (VM) technology. Al AAn Premier Al Aan Premier is a division that launched in Al Aan TV to work with startups and SMEs in the region. Being a media house, Al Aan TV enables startups to reach out to their target audiences and accelerate their business growth, through the channel’s massive platforms of TV, mobile application, website and social media. Some of Al Aan Premier’s creative solutions include: • Script writing and storytelling • Production and post-production • 360 brand activations


ob ServiceS

Al AAn ServiceS

application. This leading new technology

making the website more responsive

Al Aan TV offers numerous services that

provides rich user experience as it is faster,

and engaging.

include SNG rentals. The company is

more responsive, provides related topics

renowned for innovative creation and has

based on user interest and increases number

liveStreAm on fAcebooK

recently built their own SNG van which

of referrals by more than 15% which exposes

And twitter for Al AAn

offers full HD capabilities. The channel is

the right posts to the right audience.

Al Aan TV offers its social media followers

in the process of building a second DSNG

livestreaming on Facebook and Twitter that

van that will be equipped with Advent HD

AKhbAr Al AAn on nAbd

allows Al Aan’s dedicated viewers to receive

SNG and six HD cameras.

mobile APPlicAtion

the latest updates on news, trending topics

Al Aan TV viewers can now enjoy the

and breaking news as they happen.

An ongoing liveStreAm Service

channel through Nabd mobile application

Al Aan TV is now available 24/7 on YouTube

on iOS and Android, as it downloads Al Aan

and is mobile responsive. The livestream

TV’s Akhbar Al Aan news on the hour every

enables Al Aan TV to stream from broadcast

hour. More than one million users follow Al

to digital and has enormous technology to

Aan TV’s news on daily basis for the latest

support it and zero downtime up to date.

worldwide news as they happen.

Al AAn tv’S inStAnt

AKhbAr Al AAn downloAd


ArticleS go live

time getS better


Al Aan TV and Akhbar Al Aan’s posts are

Akhbar Al Aan is now easier to view online

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram:

now displayed on Facebook using Instant

with the download time of the site reduced


Article technology on Facebook mobile

to 50% to provide better user experience,

contAct Al Aan tv 405, Building No.1, Dubai Media City PO Box 500765, Dubai, UAE



Production Real Image TV Production



Breathing liFe into animation


ounded in 1996, Real Image is a

work thereby creating exquisite pieces of

and structurally focused communities. Using

world-class animation and post-

art. To re-create appearances in an animated

every means available by way of current

production facility. While skill

and fictional character and breathing life to

software applications and the highest level

and technical competency are

it takes real talent. And to do it with style,

of in-house talent, the company takes great

critical in producing high-quality animations,

speed, attention to detail and to the client

pride in providing top level photorealism

it is the combination of creativity and passion

specification is where Real Image comes in.

to bring to life its clients’ visions. And, just

that serve as the special magical ingredient.

as importantly, it takes the viewer inside to

The Real Image team views every project as

Core ServiCeS

an opportunity to outdo itself. Challenging

arChiteCtural viSualiSation

norms and not settling for the ordinary is the

Since the dawn of man, visualisation has

Film ProDuCtion

company’s core philosophy. It explores all

been the most effective way to communicate

There is a bottom line when it comes to film

possible solutions with an eye for detail and

a message. Both abstract and concrete ideas

production which is the most effective way

reaches the most creative, most artistic and

are given life in the most realistic and in-

to communicate a message. Both figuratively

most expressive production to best please

your-face way possible. And now with the

and financially, creating a film should be

its audience.

latest forms of 3D creativity, Real Image have

fun, yet can be a daunting task without the

Real Image has been producing film and

the visual imagination to assist customers

correct knowledge and experience. It is

video for over 20 years, and their work speaks

with the development and realisation of their

entertaining and interactive. It can also be

for itself. From development, pre-production,

plans. For many years, Real Image has been

scary when one hears about production

production and all the way through to post-

building a skilled team able to create visuals

crews, lenses, shooting schedules and a

production, the company simply loves its

for a great many clients in the architectural

huge number of details which most people,


actually see and feel the human interaction.




aWarDS 2017 • BroadcastPro Middle East: Best in Animated Work of 2017 Dubai Chamber - Mohammad Bin Rashid Business Awards video • Digital Studio: Best Special Effects / CGI 2017 Dubai Chamber - Africa Global Business Forum Latin America video 2016 • Digital Studio: Best Special Effects / CGI 2016 Ministry of Culture - UAE Army TVC 2015 • Digital Studio: Excellence in PostProduction 2015 Dubai Chamber - Africa Global Business Forum video • Digital Studio: Special Effects / CGI Award 2015 Dubai Chamber - Africa Global Business Forum video 2014 • Digital Studio: Best Animation 2013 Ministry of Culture - Thread Animation TVC • Digital Studio: Best Post-Production House Dolphin Energy- Corporate Animation TVC 2013 • BroadcastPro ME: Innovative Production of 2013 Dubai Chamber - Africa Global Business Forum video • Digital Studio: Best Production of 2012 Dolphin Energy - Khalid’s Adventure video • Digital Studio: Best Post-Production House Aramex - Shop and Ship TVC 2012 • Digital Studio: Best Animation Dolphin Energy- Khalid’s Adventure video 2011 • BroadcastPro ME: Best Tech Production 2011-2012 Toshiba Middle East TVC • Digital Studio: Best Animation of 2011 Dolphin Energy- 3D animation TVC 2010 • Digital Studio: Best Production Saudi Arabia - Knowledge Economic City video 2009 • Digital Studio: Best Post-Production 2009 Solidere - Al Zorah 3D animation film 2006 • Digital Studio: Best Animation 2006 The Young Adventures of Ibn Battuta animation video 2005 • Digital Studio: Most Innovative Use of Graphics & Animation 2005 The Jewel video • Golden Animation Award: Best Animation Bozannah, short animation film


outside of the industry, do not understand.

video for over 20 years and their work speaks

However, with the right people and the right

for itself.

knowledge, movie making can, and should be, a positive experience.

CharaCter animation

Whether clients are in need of corporate

The foremost role and purpose of character

identity/demonstration films, television

animation is to be the actor behind the

commercials (TVCs), series production,

performance. It would be fair to say this is

feature length films, and a host more, the

unique, artistically speaking, from other

team at Real Image makes sure the process

animation forms because it incorporates the

is relaxed, the result great and the overall

creation of thought and emotion as well as

experience one to remember with pleasure.

physical actions. Humans experience intense

Real Image has been producing film and

emotional action and expressions without a


second thought. To re-create those appearances

needs people who understand technologies

in an animated and fictional character and

and can apply their knowledge in the most

breathing life in to it takes real talent.

creative and aesthetically pleasing way and that is where Real Image steps in.

Full hD SolutionS

ContaCt real image tv Production 52A Block A, 5th Floor

Every project and idea goes through the

3D moDeling, animation

presentation process, be it a TVC for pungent

anD vFX

cheeses or a massive blockbuster film. So

Today, 3D models are used in a huge variety

Dubai, UAE

what makes a particular concept leap from

of fields. The medical industry uses highly

Tel: +971 4 337 1616

the storyboard onto the screen?

detailed models of organs. The filmmaking


Zomorrodah Building, Bur Dubai,

Perfect presentation is not simply about

industry uses them as characters and objects

which camera or what software to use. It is

for live action as well as animated motion

Nadia Ahmad

about having an in depth, up-to-the-moment

pictures. The video gaming industry uses


understanding of how to get the best results

them in all levels and almost every game.

possible and why specific technical choices

The scientific community uses them as

make sense, both creatively and economically.

specifically detailed models for chemical

Budgets are not limitless and deadlines are

compounds. The architectural industry uses

not endless. It is important to have the most

them to demonstrate proposed buildings

seamless transition from concept to execution.

and landscapes through 3D visualisation.

Real Image get its clients more involved and

The engineering community uses them

Linkedin: realimagedubai

help them understand the best technical

for designing new devices, vehicles and

Twitter: realimagedubai

solutions that will save them time and money.

structures as well as in an infinite number

Behance: realimagedubai

It is a brave, new, hi-res world out there which

of other ways.

Mob: +971 50 594 4785 Social Media Facebook: realimagedubai Vimeo: realimagedubai



Satellite APT Satellite Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite Company M-Three Satcom World Teleport Association





BroAdcASTIng AcroSS A wIdE SpEcTrum


ounded in 1992, APT Satellite

To go in line with business development,

is a high-power satellite with the latest in

currently owns a fleet of five

the company is equipped with state-of-the-

advanced technology and built by Space

in-orbit satellites, namely,

art ground facilities including satcomm

Systems/Loral. Equipped with 38 C-band and

A P S TA R- 5,

A P S TA R- 6 ,

platforms and a TV broadcasting centre,

16 Ku-band transponders, it is based on the


pooling together versatile satellite frequency

highly reliable FS-1300 platform. APSTAR-5

forming the APSTAR fleet, covering regions

resources for the provision of TV playout and

provides broad C-band transponder coverage

in Asia, the Middle East, Oceania and

uplink, DTH, telecommunications and IP

over Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the

most parts of Europe. This vast regional

transit services. APT also strives to enhance

Pacific islands and Hawaii, as well as high-

influence stretches across approximately

its competitive advantage and promote

power Ku-band transponder coverage over

75% of the world’s population and

business growth through the formation

mainland China, India, Taiwan, Hong Kong

provides excellent quality ‘one-stop-shop’

of strategic alliances with prestigious

and Korea.

services for satellite transponder leasing,

international satellite service contractors.

satellite telecommunications and satellite

APSTAR-5 hosts TV channel distribution, DTH broadcasting, internet and VSAT

TV broadcasting and transmission to


services within the Asia Pacific region and

broadcasters and telecommunications


also inter-connection to the USA via the


Positioned at 138E orbital slot, APSTAR-5

Hawaii spot beam.



APSTAR-5 was successfully launched by

most reliable satellite platforms today and

and linearised TWTAs, single polarisation

sea launch on June 29, 2004, to geostationary

developed by Alcatel Space (now Thales

and other unique features, allowing it to

orbital slot 138°E as a replacement satellite

Alenia Space France). It has an estimated

provide ideal solutions for DTH, SNG and

for APSTAR-1. It has an estimated operational

operational lifetime of over 15 years.

other broadcast and telecommunications

lifetime of over 15 years.

The APSTAR-6 payload system consists

services in the region.

of 38 C-band transponders and 12 Ku-band ApSTAr-6

transponders. Equipped with powerful 64W


APSTAR-6 positioned at 134E is the

linearised TWTAs, the C-band transponders

Positioned at 76.5E, APSTAR-7 is based on

replacement satellite for APSTAR-1A and

cover Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the

the Thales Alenia’s SPACEBUS4000-C2

was launched in April 12, 2005, using Long

Pacific islands and Hawaii. The Ku-band

platform which is one of the most reliable

March 3B rocket. The satellite is based on

transponders mainly focus on the Greater

satellite platforms present in the market

the SPACBUS4000-C2 platform, one of the

China region. It is designed with powerful

today. The satellite is built with 28 C-band



ideal for broadcast and telecommunications services which is a major reason why APSTAR-7 through its predecessor APSTAR2R is one of the highly demanded satellites in the region. A number of well-known global broadcast service providers such as Sony Pictures (AXN), HBO, Disney, Hallmark, Globecast, BBC, as well as other regional broadcasters utilise APSTAR-7 for distributing their channels across the region. ApSTAr-9 Launched in October 2015, APSTAR-9 satellite is a DFH-4 platform satellite manufactured by CASC (China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation). Located at 142E orbital slot, APSTAR-9 is equipped with 32 C-band and 14 Ku-band transponders. C-band coverage consists of one broad beam for the Asia Pacific region (AP Beam) and one enhanced beam for South East Asia (SEA Beam), suitable for video broadcast and high throughput telecom and cellular backhaul services; Kuband covers the west Pacific and east of the Indian Ocean region, providing DTH, VSAT and mobility services such as maritime and inflight connectivity. conTAcT ApT Satellite transponders and 28 Ku-band transponders.

efficiency to customers. The four Ku-

As the replacement satellite of APSTAR-

band beams cover China, the Middle East,

2R, APSTAR-7 has the merits of high power,

North Africa and Central Asia and another

high reliability and it was launched on March

steerable area that is complementary to the

31, 2012, with an estimated lifespan of more

fixed beams.

than 18 years.

Owing to its prime orbital slot, APSTAR-7

PO Box 32443, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 50 754 4317 Email: principal office 22 Dai Kwai Street Tai Po Industrial Estate

APSTAR-7 has 28 C-band and 28 Ku-

has the largest geographic coverage over all

band transponders. The C-band global

visible landmass including all of the Middle

Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong

beam covers four continents: Asia, Europe,

East, Asia, Australia, most parts of Africa

Tel: +852-2600-2100

Africa and Australia. Through its advanced

and Europe, as well as numerous islands

Fax: +852-2666-7838

technology, APSTAR-7 provides improved

scattered across the Pacific and Indian


communication performance, power and

Oceans. Such advantages make APSTAR-7





s’hailSat, the Qatar Satellite

operations of its first satellite Es’hail-1 at 25.5°

with new satellites in prime hotspot locations,

Company, is a communications

E in 2013 supporting key broadcasters in the

offering customers the most flexible and reliable

satellite operator headquartered

region, beIN SPORTS and Al Jazeera Media

service. Es’hailSat also adopts the concept of

in Doha, Qatar. Es’hailSat was

Network. Es’hail-2, the company’s second

‘world-wide footprints’ through partnerships

established in 2010 as an independent company

satellite is expected to be launched in 2018

with leading regional and international satellite

with the goal to manage and develop Qatar’s

and will be co-located with Es’hail-1 at the

operators around the globe.

presence in space. The company provides

MENA broadcast hotspot of 25.5° E / 26° E

independent, high-quality, advanced satellite

orbital location.

Es’hailSat aims to bring a new dimension to Qatar’s diversifying economy by building a

services to broadcasters, businesses and

Es’hail-1 is successfully supporting the

world-class company and a centre of excellence

governments in the MENA region and beyond.

strong demand for broadcasting services,

in the region. As well as developing satellite

telecommunications and critical data

systems in space, the company is also investing


distribution in the region. Having started

in local infrastructure and talent, ensuring that

Es’hailSat aims to be a world-class operator

services on Qatar National Day, December

it nurtures and grows satellite technology for

who effectively contributes to the success

18, 2013, with Al Jazeera Media Network and

Qatar, key to providing a secure, independent

of Qatar’s National Vision 2030 by adding a

beIN SPORTS, it has gone from strength to

communications network to meet the needs of

new dimension to its diversifying economy.

strength with coverage of the Rio Olympics

stakeholders, customers now and in the future.

2016, UEFA Euro 2016, FIFA World Cup 2014 MISSIon

and the launch of new niche Arabic channels


Es’hailSat will provide advanced satellite

over the last few years.

Es’hailSat is on its way to delivering on

services to strategic stakeholders and

Having both Ku-band and Ka-band capacity

their plan to provide additional premium

commercial customers, who value broadcasting

at the 25.5° E and 26° E hotspot position enables

satellite capacity in the MENA region with

and communications independence, quality of

Es’hailSat to provide the region with the

the expansion of the Es’hailSat fleet. The

service and wide geographical coverage.

most advanced and sophisticated services in

manufacturing of Es’hail-2 is on schedule

With a goal to be a truly global satellite

broadcast, telecommunications and broadband.

and it is scheduled for launch in 2018,

operator and service provider, Es’hailSat started

Es’hailSat’s expansion plan is set to continue

which will further boost broadcasting and



Es’hail-2 satellite.



global connectivity for Qatar and the entire

a disaster recovery facility for broadcasters.

cooperation within the satellite community

MENA region. Es’hail-2 is a high-powered,

The site is connected to key media broadcasters

for interference reduction and identification.

advanced satellite with both Ku-band and Ka-

in Qatar and the region and to the international

Es’hailSat satellites have been designed and

band capabilities to provide TV distribution,

fibre gateway by means of a redundant,

built with state-of-the-art anti-jamming

telecoms and government services. The

dedicated and diverse fibre optic link. The

capabilities that helps avoid any intentional

satellite footprint covers the Middle East and

teleport is a custom built facility for Es’hailSat

or unintentional interference. This feature is

North Africa and will be positioned at the 26°E

fleet of satellites and is fully owned, operated

critical for customers using Es’hailSat satellites

hotspot location.

and controlled by Es’hailSat.

for mission critical work and for broadcasters

nEw TELEporT for MEnA


reaching their customers. In addition, the

The new Es’hailSat Teleport is a state-of-

of InTErfErEncE for

company has a geo-location system installed

the-art facility providing satellite Telemetry,


in its teleport to accurately identify origins of

Tracking and Commanding (TT&C) facilities

As secure transmissions continue to be of

any interference and take appropriate action

and capacity management, together with

paramount importance in the MENA region,

with or against the interfering party.

a wide range of teleport services such as

Es’hailSat is working with various parties to

uplink, downlink, contribution, multiplexing,

reduce and eliminate satellite interference

prEMIuM conTEnT on Es’hail-1

encoding, playout and broadcasting, tailored

and provide a secure transmission network

Es’hail-1 continues to go from strength

for stakeholders, customers and business

for its customers. With Qatar hosting the 2022

to strength, demonstrating the value of

partners. The high-tech teleport will have

FIFA World Cup, Es’hailSat is encouraging

Es’hailSat’s offering in terms of technical

back-up studios for TV channels and serve as

its customers to use Carrier ID as part of its

capabilities and performance and also in

who greatly value uninterrupted signals



terms of independence and security of the content it broadcasts. In addition to providing transmission for established news, sports and entertainment channels, a growing number of new channels from around the region are choosing Es’hailSat to broadcast their channels in the MENA region. With steady subscriber growth since starting transmission on Es’hail-1, beIN Sports continues to roll out new HD and SD channels via Es’hailSat satellites, seeking to diversify and expand its audience with new content including movies, entertainment and sports. In addition, with Al Jazeera’s bouquet of HD channels on Es’hail-1, 25.5°E / 26° E is truly

Ali Ahmed Al-Kuwari, President and CEO accepting the Satellite Operator of the Year Award.

a hotspot for quality high definition channels. be tailored to specific customer requirements. BroAdcAST SErVIcES

and Es’hailSat’s Ka-band hub located in Doha provides flexibility to service providers

Operating from the MENA orbital hotspot of


allowing them to choose a style of engagement

25.5° E / 26° E, covering key consumer markets

Es’hailSat’s collaboration with Ooredoo allows

and commitment to suit their business needs.

in the GCC and North Africa, Es’hailSat’s high-

both companies to work together on a range of

Through the hub’s high-tech infrastructure,

powered satellites provide key infrastructure

new satellite and world-class communications

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can

to media networks and broadcasters to

services for Qatar and the region. Partnership

provide telecom solutions that support a

distribute TV channels directly to consumers

with Ooredoo helps drive home-grown

range of satellite-based data communications

via small satellite dish. Customers are able to

innovation and stimulate the development of

applications, ensuring their customers benefit

leverage on Es’hailSat’s satellites and teleport

a full portfolio of solutions to support VSAT,

from flexible and efficient technologies

infrastructures to provide services such as

voice, data and broadband business via satellite.

providing higher compression with lower

linear TV, video on-demand, high definition TV

latency, WAN optimisation and bandwidth

and 4K TV among others. Es’hailSat’s highly

growIng dEMAnd for KA-BAnd

optimisation for OPEX savings. The main

efficient and cost-effective solutions for Digital

Demand for Ka-band services across the

services provided by Es’hailSat’s hub are

News Gathering (DSNG), playout, content

MENA region, especially in hub-based

internet services, VoIP services and corporate

transfer, uplink, occasional use services, etc can

solutions and mobility services, is growing

network connectivity.

conTAcT Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite company Property No. 414 Al Markhiya Street No. 380 Area No. 31, Umm Lakhba PO Box 10653, Doha, Qatar Tel: +974 4 499 3535 Fax: +974 4 499 3504 Email: Capacity Management Center.






iglio Group’s media division,

After the merger with Giglio Group in

uplinking on two beams dedicated respectively

M-Three Satcom is an Italian-

2015, M-Three Satcom is also involved

to the Middle East and India (wide beam) and

based teleport operator,

in content management and production,

to the Far East and Oceania (Asia beam).

committed to providing

and in the last two years has developed a

At the same time, Eutelsat and other key

reliable, complete and cost-effective solutions

number of solutions and facilities including

players in the European and EMEA region

to international television, radio and A/V

multiplatform playout, studio facilities for

are cooperating with M-Three in delivering

professionals. Since 2004 when M-Three

traditional programming and state-of-the

DTH bouquet in the areas and joining forces

Satcom was founded as a single entity, its

art 3D virtual studios with augmented reality

to provide cost-effective, reliable solutions

activity has been based on two teleports in

and tele-transport features.

to clients. Clients benefit from an M-Three

Milan and Rome, connected to the worldwide

commitment to interruption-free service,

Interoute network and allowing for a full


earth station’s redundancy, power and fibre

range of services in terms of geographical

Top-level and Worldwide Delivery: From

diversity, 24/7 support, and full site backup

coverage and solutions. A fleet of OB facilities

its twin teleport facilities in Milano and Rome

and recovery system managed between

for production, transmission of news, sport

and through long-term agreements with

Milano, Rome and partner platforms.

and entertainment shows, and a systems

teleport and satellite operators worldwide,

Playout Services and Co-location: At

integration unit complete the 360° range of

M-Three offers a wide choice of digital

M-Three premises, in addition to the robust

available services.

platforms for fibre optic, satellite, OTT

fibre connectivity (which benefits from the

contribution and distribution.

co-presence of Interoute POP facilities at

Initially focused on the Hot Bird – E13 East

The prime orbital positions directly

the teleport), a number of co-location and

Satcom increased its activity range and

managed by M3 from Milano station are

managed services are available. The playout

coverage reaching a primary position in the

Eutelsat 13 East and 9 East, both in DVB-S

centre consists of secured rack space, MCR,

infrastructure-provider arena. The services

and S2 configurations, and serving a number

multiscreen area, systems and personnel for a

portfolio is organised into three interdependent

of SD and HD channels as well as to the

24/7 operation from basic ‘hands on’ support

business units: teleport services, outside

most important Italian and European radio

to full management of TV and radio channels.

broadcast and systems integration as VAR

networks. Most recently, M-Three started a

Clients can monitor and operate self-owned or

for primary brands for all elements of the

new service for distribution in the east and

leased equipment through IP-dedicated access

broadcast and delivery chain.

Far East regions through Eutelsat E70 East,

while on-site personnel provide ingestion, files

DTH distribution as starting point, M-Three





quality controls and single contact point to

delivery, on-site configuration and 24/7


coordinate operations between broadcasters

maintenance and assistance assure client

M-Three Satcom through its fleet of OB

and distribution platforms.

success in all element of the broadcasting

vans and SNGs provide coverage of sport,

supply chain. These include:

entertainment, news and corporate events.


• Production facilities

Broadcasters, news agencies, sports


• DSNG and fly-away integration

associations and rights holders can count

The approach as technology supplier and

• Playout systems

on M-Three Satcom’s affordable structure

end user makes M-Three Satcom an ideal

• Encoding, compression, networking

including a 24/7 booking centre, HD mobile

partner in engineering, delivering and


facilities, fibre and satellite capacity for

supporting all production and transmission

• Modulation

occasional use in every bandwidth and

solutions from studio facilities to modulation

• Amplifiers, RF units

protocol configuration.

and compression systems, uplink stations

• Antenna systems for fixed installation,

Outside broadcast production and

and complete teleports facilities. M-Three

fly-away or on-the-move auto pointing

transmission units from various locations

provides turnkey solutions covering all steps


in and around Italy and in the neighbouring

of the digital supply chain from content acquisition and processing, to compression and delivery to final audience. The experience as direct technology user and provider and the continuous research and implementation activity carried at its teleport facilities allows M-Three Satcom to fully understand client needs in building efficient, affordable digital networks for contribution and transmission via satellite or terrestrial infrastructures. M-Three is driven by innovation and care and shares with clients and partners every improvement in compression, bandwidth optimisation, reduction of delay in transmission and delivery. A full systems integration concept including project,



number of prime time events - the Giro


d’Italia and the Tour de France cycling races,

• OU satellite capacity with booking on a

SuperBike motor show and races, skiing, rugby and football championships as well as the Olympics and the World Championships,

pay per minute basis • From 4.5 MHz to full transponder in various orbital positions

to name a few.

• Middle and long-term booking available


• 24/7 booking centre and MCR for support

for special events • HD/SD DSNG trucks

and troubleshooting

• Production facilities from light stand-up to HD multi-camera van • Special units with aircraft, helicopter and special MW links in cooperation with international partners for sport events such as marathons, cycling races, car rallies, etc. countries can rely on M-Three’s affordable and flexible OB van and DSNG trucks fleet, configured to support any kind of live events.

• Playout, uplink and fibre injection centre in Milano and Rome • Editing and post-production

AvAILABLE rESoUrcES - FIBrE NETwork • Connecting most city centres all over Europe and worldwide • Leased lines from E1 to GbE and STM1/4/16/64 • IP Backbone access with CBR and burst capacity • Network management and global NOC.

M-Three applications range from news AvAILABLE rESoUrcES –

These production services combine the

coverage to sports broadcasting, content

forces of a skilled team of professionals for

delivery and exchange, entertainment


all related activities, from events scheduling

broadcasting, live corporate and business

• Stand up / live studio position in Milano

and management, systems configuration and

events, HD and 3D production and

optimisation to complete on-field service

distribution. Through long-term agreements

delivery. In addition, the M-Three teleports

with major fibre and satellite operators,

and MCR support live transmissions with

M-Three provides occasional and permanent

24/7 troubleshooting services, turnaround

use capacity on fibre and satellite networks

and backup.

for worldwide coverage in every required

M-Three has supported and covered a


– various locations • Studio facility in Rome with view of centre of the City and Vatican / St Peter Square • 3D virtual Studio with augmented reality and tele-transport features • Studios are directly connected to fibre and satellite circuits for quick live delivery.

coNTAcT m-Three Satcom Media & Broadcast Division Giglio Group Spa Viale Tunisia 38 – 20124 Milano Operation Teleport Milano Via Brianza 15 20098 SG Milanese – Milano, Italy Operation Teleport Rome Via Cornelia 498 00166 Rome Email: Website:





ince 1985, the World Teleport

partners and customers on the tremendous

Association (WTA) has been

value that teleports bring to the global

the only trade association that

contribution and distribution chain for video,

focuses on the business of

audio, data and voice.

satellite communications from the ground up. At the core of its membership are the world’s


most innovative operators of teleports -


from independents to multinationals, niche


service providers to global hybrid carriers.

Through original research, case studies and

WTA is dedicated to helping operators of

white papers, WTA provides valuable market

teleports by helping them maintain and

data, promotes achievements of industry

expand their business.

leaders and explores issues that matter most to the teleport sector.

ADVOCATING FOR THEIR INTERESTS In an industry undergoing fast changes in


technology, operations and business models,


the WTA works with members to identify

WTA provides members with access to

the issues most critical to their success

business opportunities around the world

and advocates on their behalf. It provides

through detailed profiles in the marketplace

a unified, respected voice when it comes to

and a search-able online directory of

relationships with strategic partners in the

providers. By placing them as speakers

sky and on the ground and the evolution of

and panelists at industry gatherings and

technology and applications. They educate

providing discounts on registration for





their employees, the organisation provides

industry at a cost every organisation can

technologies and services that make

exposure to an international audience of

afford. Non-teleport members include:

it possible, WTA is your gateway to

potential customers. Members are guided

• Satellite and hybrid network operators

international opportunity.

towards potential customers and strategic

• Providers and integrators of satellite

allies within this membership through an open-door policy.

communications technology • Producers of system, network and content management software


• Consultants on technology, business and marketing

PROGRAMMES RESEARCH REPORTS WTA conducts and publishes original research to help teleport operators improve their operations, reduce costs and grow their

Companies that do business with teleports

• Business support services for the industry

business. Topics range from markets and

find that the WTA is the best investment

Whether a company delivers communication

business issues to technology and operational

they can make to open new channels to the

services via satellite or provides the

best practices.




• Global Top Operators - Based on

The Executive Dialogue Series provides

revenue from all sources and including

WTA members with opportunities to share

all operators: from uplinkers to satellite

their experiences, views and technical

carriers, fibre network operators to

knowledge with a global audience. During

systems integrators, technology providers

select conferences, WTA conducts video

to specialised satcom service providers.

interviews with executives of WTA member

• Independent Top Operators - Based on

companies on the show floor for playout on

revenue from all sources but excluding

the WTA website.

companies whose primary business is satellite fleet operations or terrestrial


network services. • Fast Operators - Based on year-over-year

Since 1995, the WTA has presented annual

revenue growth in their most recent

awards to companies and individuals

complete fiscal years and including all

that have dramatically demonstrated


excellence in the field of teleport operations,

The ‘Top Operators’ announcement receives

development and technology. Winners

press coverage within the industry and

receive a presentation photograph, an

provides valuable exposure to operators

award and assistance with promotion of

included in the rankings.

their achievement. The teleport awards for excellence are presented on the opening


day of the annual satellite conference and

Membership in WTA is for:

exhibition in Washington DC during a

• Teleport operators and developers

luncheon ceremony.

• Satellite carriers and other companies for which teleports are a channel to market

TOP TELEPORT OPERATORS Each year, the WTA publishes the world’s

• Companies that sell to teleport and satellite operators

only rankings of companies that operate

For more information about WTA

teleports for commercial purposes

membership and its programmes, visit

including independent operators, satellite

carriers, fibre carriers and technology providers. Organisations that operate teleports principally for their own use such as broadcast networks are not included.

CONTACT World Teleport Association


Rankings are based on total revenue from all

WTA has launched a certification programme

sources and on year-over-year growth. They

250 Park Avenue, 7th Floor

for teleports covering facilities, technical

recognise that to some extent every teleport

New York, 10177, USA

infrastructure and operating procedures.

operator competes in the same marketplace

The goal is to create an objective, transparent

– the biggest with the smallest – but that

Randall Barney

and internationally accepted method for:

like all marketplaces, the teleport sector

Director of Certification

• Teleport operators to document the

has segments in which even the smallest

quality of their operations for customers

players can compete effectively and achieve

and strategic partners

strong growth.

• Customers to select teleport vendors

From the data provided by its members

delivering price-performance level that

and other operators, the WTA publishes an

is appropriate for their applications

annual ranking of the following:

and Membership Tel: +1 212 825 0218 (Ext.104) Email: Website:



Service Providers ABS Network Amagi Grabyo SERAPHIC Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Solusys Swoo Limited U-TO Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd.





BS Network is one of the largest

leading services to Arab and international

was also the first to gain permission to set an

broadcast services companies


uplink in Jordan.

in the MENA region, working COmPANy ROOTS


and large broadcasters in delivering the most

ABS Network was founded in 1993 by

ABS Network’s vision is to provide clients

comprehensive set of content production and

Mohammed Al Ajlouni, a Jordanian-American

with a definite competitive advantage. As

delivery services. Years of regional expertise

media entrepreneur with more than two

their broadcasting gateway from the Middle

and strategic investments in the latest

decades of experience in broadcast production

East to the world and vice-versa, the company

technologies have given the company the

and services across the Arab world. Having

aims to spearhead the development of the

ability to expertly manage every aspect of the

successfully built media businesses and

region’s media industry through innovative,

production process from filming in full-HD to

hosting channels such as the Al Jazeera, BBC,

ground-breaking services.

post-production, editing and distribution via

Fox News, ABC News, CNN, KSA TV, Sky

satellite, fibre and online streaming.

closely with small, medium

News Arabia and others in his Amman-based


ABS Network’s formula for success

production house, he saw the opportunity to

ABS Network headquarters is based in Dubai,

has been the combination of experienced

establish a news gathering service to deliver

UAE with offices in key cities including

personnel and the latest production

coverage of the Gulf War. As one of the few

Amman, Baghdad, Beirut, Gaza, Aden,

and transmission solutions. Through an

production companies to have access to Iraq

Qamishly, Irbil, Manama, Ramallah, Tunisia

expansive network of 22 offices, 13 of which

during this time, ABS Network was quick to

and Istanbul.

are in the MENA capitals and hotspots,

support many international broadcasters in

The network also has bureaus in

ABS is capable of providing industry-

their coverage during and after the war. ABS

Washington DC, giving it the ability to



engage deeply with broadcasters based in

any high-profile event across the GCC.

ABS purchased satellite capacity from SIS

the USA. They have 22 offices in all, 13 of

ABS Network also established a quick

which are wholly owned by ABS Network in

deployment operations department outfitted

“The sport events industry is thriving in

major regional hotspots including Irbil, the

with special production equipment for rapid

the Middle East and countries in the region

Green Zone, Al-Qamishly, Aden and Gaza.

response purposes. ABS Network employs

are now among the premier venues for major

over 250 professionals and production staff

global championships. The prestige and

operating in over 20 countries.

calibre of these world-class events warrants


LIVE across their multiple lease capacity.

coverage that is of equally high quality. ABS

In an age where viewers demand the


excels in the area of live event coverage and

highest level of production quality, ABS

Critical connectivity specialists, SIS Live

in recent years, we have focused on growing

Network spares no expense in ensuring the

have partnered with ABS Network since

our capabilities in sports broadcasting,”

equipment it provides is state-of-the-art.

September 2017 to further leverage its

Mohammed Al Ajlouni said. “SIS Live is

It operates more than 34 mobile Satellite

position as telecaster of major sporting

the ideal partner for our organisation. We

News Gathering (SNG) trucks with full-HD

events across the Middle East. Through the

share common areas of expertise and our

capabilities and can supply mobile real-time

partnership, SIS Live will circumvent the

collaboration has enabled millions of viewers

feeds of news and raw footage to clients

budget and logistics challenges associated

to enjoy quality coverage of premier sporting

across the globe. Systems are upgraded

with setting up equipment and crew


to ensure availability of HD application

overseas, while ensuring the high quality

Till date, ABS has worked with SIS Live

technology at all their offices and fully

of production for which it is renowned. As

on the coverage of high profile events in

redundant HD systems are in place to cover

part of the mutually-beneficial agreement,

Dubai, Oman, Doha and Istanbul. Among



these are the National Bank of Oman Golf


Championship (2015/2016), the DP World

From a simple interview to complex multi-

Tour Championship, Dubai (2015/2016),

camera studio set-ups, ABS Network is

the Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship

fully equipped for live studio productions.

(2016/2017) and the Omega Dubai Desert

Facilities to cover complex, multi-camera

Classic (2016/2017). “Through our network

broadcast requirements are provided.

of 18 fully staffed operational hubs across

• Outside Broadcast vehicles

the MENA region, we hope to build on this

• Portable studios

success by extending coverage into even more

• Portable (FLY/DRIVE-away) SNGs with

territories,” says Mohammed Al Ajlouni. In recent years, the demand for

the latest technology • Remote studio set up and control rooms

outsourcing of broadcast services has

• Multi-camera sports production

grown as companies are looking to engage

• Studios all over the branches for DTL - 1,2

with partners with cutting-edge equipment

or 3 cameras (capability)

investments and technical expertise to serve the Middle East. ABS deploys state-


of-the-art SNG trucks and leverages fully

ABS Network can rapidly deploy a skilled

redundant HD systems to cover high profile

team to cover any event in the region or the

Mohammed Al Ajlouni as founder

events across the region. This gives global

world. Live event coverage includes:

chairman of ABS Network is an

connectivity providers such as SIS Live

• Filming and editing

industry veteran of over 27 years

the ability to save on costs associated with

• News packages

and recognised as a dominant force

transporting equipment and crew to remote

• Live stand-ups

in the regional broadcast industry.

locations, while ensuring the high standard

• Studio set-up

of quality is maintained.

• Logistics

has successfully established the

• Content delivery

Jordanian Multimedia Production


He is known for his leadership and


• Consulting

(JMP), ABS Network, Creative

ABS Network prides itself on being able to

• Editorial services

Multimedia Solutions (CMS) and

deliver end-to-end services for the broadcast

• Rushes

Arab 24, as well as the television

industry. Over the years, it has tailored its

channels, Al Qiethara and Al Ordoon

portfolio of services to meet the needs of


Alyoom. In his role at ABS Network,

regional and international broadcasters,

Clients are provided with uplink services to

Al Ajlouni has driven the company’s

often addressing gaps in the market.

European and Middle Eastern satellites or

strategic investment in attracting, training and retaining the region’s most skilled production specialists and providing them with the latest technologies and equipment. He remains deeply committed to engaging with broadcasters of all sizes, to understand and address the challenges and shortcomings they face in the MENA market. He continues to leverage his personal reputation, as well as his extensive knowledge and expertise for the betterment of the region’s broadcast industry.



fibre to and from the US. In essence, they

are accommodated and suggestions given

quality of its services. These include Sky News

can facilitate transmission to and from any

for content.

Arabia, ABC News, CNBC, Al Arabia News Channel, BBC, Al Jazeera, CNN, Al Hurra

location and act as a turnaround in the middle. ARCHIVE

TV and the MBC Group. Irrespective of size


ABS Network maintains a repository that

or scope of a project, ABS Network remains

A dedicated team of news producers stay

contains over two decades’ worth of archives,

deeply committed to its customers ensuring

abreast with the latest events, both locally

translating to countless hours of priceless

meticulous detail is paid to every project.

and regionally and are ready to cover news

footage. This includes extensive coverage

as it breaks, giving ABS Network unmatched

of wars, revolutions, invasions, protests

news gathering capabilities. They have

and much more. This is expertly tended to

also built a comprehensive list of contacts

by a skilled archivist who has developed

through years of diligent research and work

a superbly efficient system which gives

in the field and can find guests on any topic

customers almost instantaneous access to

Dubai Media City

for their customers anytime, anywhere.

this rich library.

Thuraya 1 Tower



ABS Network produces a number of scripted

While the company’s capabilities speak for

news packages in Arabic and English with

itself, it is the impressive number of industry

For Bookings:

script, interviews and shortlists. ABS

giants who have placed their trust in ABS

Tel: +90 54 44 417 666

Network is highly flexible - special requests

Network that is the true testament to the


Floor 18, Office 1802,1801 Website:





magi is a leading provider of


next generation cloud-based


TV broadcast infrastructure


and services encompassing

Amagi SKYLIGHT-cloud managed broadcast

content preparation, playout, delivery, MCR

service, is a first-of-its-kind offering in the TV

operations and monetisation across traditional

broadcast industry. It is a fully automated,

TV and OTT multi-screen platforms.

end-to-end managed broadcast service

Amagi has deployments in over 40

enabling TV networks, content owners,

countries, managing 100+ feeds for global

operators and OTT platforms to leverage

and regional TV networks and OTT providers,

a public cloud infrastructure to prepare,

across the Middle East, Europe, North

store and archive, schedule, playout, deliver,

America and Asia region.

monitor and monetise library, live and Video

Amagi Corporation is based in New York

on Demand (VoD) content.

with offices in Los Angeles, London, Hong

The highlight of the managed broadcast

Kong and an R&D centre in Bangalore, India.

service is its simplicity, transparency and

Amagi’s investors include KKR-backed

high degree of automation that substantially

Emerald Media, Premji Invest, Mayfield Fund

reduces cost of broadcast operations in

and Nadathur Holdings.

contrast to traditional, manual-intensive





managed services prevalent in the industry.

multichannel playout of both live and non-live

quality control, multichannel monitoring and

Amagi uses machine learning-based

feeds. The next-generation CLOUDPORT

more. In addition to delivering content to

techniques for content preparation that

platform has transitioned from proprietary

operator headends and teleports for further

allows rapid processing of long form video.

hardware to an Intel server residing on the

distribution, CLOUDPORT offers automated

Clients can choose cloud playout or edge

cloud, giving broadcasters more control

transcoding and delivery to different

playout based on their unique requirements.

over their operations. By hosting a broad

vMVPD platforms, enabling broadcasters to

Supported by extensive partnerships for

range of advanced playout capabilities on

address the growing consumer demand for

providing fibre, satellite and IP delivery,

public cloud infrastructure such as AWS and

multiscreen viewing.

Amagi provides a one-stop shop for TV

Microsoft Azure, CLOUDPORT enables TV

A comprehensive scheduling feature in

networks, platforms and content owners to

networks to launch new channels in less than

CLOUDPORT helps create frame-accurate

create, manage, deliver and monetise TV and

four weeks at a fraction of the traditional

presentation schedules from scratch, stitching

OTT content.

broadcast costs.

together programming content, commercials,

By using CLOUDPORT, broadcasters can

static and dynamic graphics, squeeze backs,


support the entire playout workflow from

event triggers and live event integrations.


channel branding and graphics to subtitling,

Full-screen graphics and 4K UHD support

CLOUDPORT is a cloud-based platform for

traffic and scheduling, compliance recording,

ensure a high-quality viewing experience.





Deepakjit Singh, CEO, Amagi.

KA Srinivasan, Co-Founder, Amagi.

Subodh Nair, Head of Sales, Middle East and South Asia, Amagi.


platform also supports traditional triggers

bugs, L-bands and linear video for ultimate

Amagi offers television networks a unique

such as DTMF and SCTE 35 cue-tones in

flexibility. Since ads are stitched at the

platform that can insert targeted local ads

addition to the Amagi Watermark.

server level, THUNDERSTORM eliminates

on a common feed creating new revenue

Amagi STORM is now available on an Intel

the need to create device-driven OTT ad

streams. Unlike the traditional approach

platform and packs more power in terms of

streams making ads compatible across

of setting up separate feeds for localising

capability, be it multiple interfaces (IP, SDI

various screens.

ads, Amagi’s STORM platform eliminates

and ASI), multiple feed formats (SD, HD),

In case of OTT aggregators/vMVPD

the need for high CAPEX and OPEX that is

multiple insertion formats (video, full screen

platforms, where they may not receive

typical with regional feeds.

graphics, scrolls, tickers) as well as multiple

ad triggers in incoming broadcast feeds,

channels on the same device.

THUNDERSTORM, using machine learning

Central to the STORM platform is Amagi’s innovative, patented content watermarking

techniques can automatically detect ads and

technology. The Amagi Watermark is a


unique, invisible and inaudible signature


that is inserted into the broadcast feed. The


platform also consists of an advanced IRD

Amagi’s THUNDERSTORM platform

installed at operator headends.

enables TV networks to dynamically

replace them with targeted ads. CONTACT Amagi Corporation

The STORM IRDs are capable of

insert ads on the server side simplifying

receiving broadcast feed and recognising

the delivery of personalised and targeted

79 Madison Ave

the Amagi Watermark. These watermarks

ads on premium live and linear OTT feeds.

New York

act as replacement triggers and the STORM

With the ability to perform instant, server-

NY 10016, USA

IRD replaces watermarked content with

side ad insertion, TV networks now have

appropriate local ads stored in it as per

an effective approach to OTT ad insertion

Middle East and South Asia

the local playlist. The platform is flexible

compared to the traditional method of

Subodh Nair

in supporting delivery of local ads to the

inserting mid-roll ads on the client side.

Head of Sales

STORM IRD devices either through trickle

The platform allows broadcasters to insert


satellite bandwidth or via cloud. The STORM

multiple types of ad formats, including


seRviCe PRovideR

Meeting the deMands of Live tv 196

seRviCe PRovideR

Live. Since then the platform has delivered digital live broadcasts for the Eurosport Winter Olympics coverage, FC Barcelona, BT Sport and the English Football Association. MajoR PaRtneRs Grabyo was built for the demands of live TV and sport and is proven at scale with the largest rights holders and broadcasters across Europe, North America and the Middle East. These include BT Sport, Real Madrid, Major League Soccer, ITV, Univision, BeIN Sports, FC Barcelona, La Liga, the English Premier League, MotoGP, AELTC Wimbledon, Major League Soccer and World Rugby. The services delivered for partners

Gareth Capon,CEO of Grabyo and Thierry Henry, investor and former professional footballer.


vary across customers and regions and are underpinned by three core products within

ounded in 2013, Grabyo is

the NFL. The company is integrated with

the Grabyo platform: Grabyo Studio, Grabyo

a leader in digital video

major social platforms including Facebook,

Producer and Grabyo Mobile.



Twitter, Periscope, Instagram and YouTube


distribution. Designed with

in addition to websites, mobile apps and OTT

gRabyo studio

simplicity and speed at its core and built

services. Grabyo was a global launch partner

Grabyo Studio is a fast, flexible browser-

for the demands of live TV, the platform

for Facebook Live (2016) and Periscope

based suite for live clipping, video editing,

empowers rights holders and publishers to

Producer Live (2017).

content management and creating digital

be the first to market, activate vast digital

In 2017, Grabyo partnered with the

and social content in the cloud. Accessible

audiences and generate complementary

Caribbean Premier League to produce the first

by all team members, regardless of location

new revenue streams.

browser-based, remote broadcast on Facebook

or device, Grabyo Studio allows digital teams

Grabyo is a video platform built for live, mobile and social. The platform has five core capabilities: Live production and video streaming Video editing and live clipping Social publishing and distribution Monetising social and digital content Data integration and automation Grabyo provides teams with simplified video workflow tools, the collaborative power to create new digital experiences and enables customers to increase revenue through marketing promotions and monetisation of available digital platforms. Grabyo has been at the forefront of changes in the video industry following the launch of its live clipping service with Sky Sports and delivering the first sponsored video on Facebook with


seRviCe PRovideR

to publish instantly to multiple social, web,

functions of the Grabyo platform on a mobile

At a time when social networks are the

app and OTT platforms.

device. A seamless integration for digital

go-to medium for breaking news, Univision

teams looking to produce, moderate and

understands that it must deliver the most

gRabyo PRoduCeR

publish content on the go, the Grabyo Mobile

important stories and highlights to consumers

This is a browser-based live production

also supports rapid publishing workflows

accurately, efficiently and in high fidelity.

suite in the cloud allowing digital teams

from live feeds to Instagram - bringing

Grabyo’s Studio and Producer products will

to collaborate and create broadcast-

premium broadcast content to Instagram

be employed across all of Univision’s digital

quality productions without the need for

Stories in real time.

teams – news, sport and entertainment –

expensive, inflexible hardware products. A

to create and distribute the most relevant CoLLaboRation with univision

video content quickly and efficiently without

live graphics authoring, real-time social

Univision Digital and Grabyo announced a

having to engage the broadcast studio teams

integrations and multi platform streaming,

partnership to power all of the broadcaster’s

and equipment. Ultimately, this speed to

Grabyo Producer enables production teams

live and near-live social and digital video

market and focus on social channels leads to

to create live programming optimised for a


Grabyo’s cloud-based video-

a broader set of engaged viewers on mobile

digital audience.

editing and live production platform enables

devices for Univision’s live news coverage and

Univision to better connect millions of fans

highlights. “Univision is pleased to partner

gRabyo MobiLe

with broadcast-quality content across web

with Grabyo to expand our social and digital

This is the core management and publishing

and mobile devices.

video content offering ,” says Juan Convers,

modern approach to video production with


seRviCe PRovideR

From left: Gareth Capon, CEO of Grabyo; Cesc Fabregas, Investor and professional footballer; and William Neale, Founder of Grabyo.

Vice President, Business Development at

13 million views from viewers worldwide

with Univision to bring its award-winning,

Univision. “Through this partnership,

Generated breaking news clips that have

live news coverage to a broader audience

Univision continues to drive innovation in

more than 50 million views monthly,

on social platforms,” adds Mike Kelley,

digital broadcasting and meet the demands of

reaching more than 300 million users on

President, Grabyo Americas. “We are proud

our audience. Live video is an important part


to be working with Univision to engage

of our strategy across all multi-platforms,

For Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria,

millions of Hispanic viewers in the USA and

generated over 40 million views of live

beyond and we look forward to building on

Recent coverage of natural disasters and

storm coverage and disaster relief efforts

our work with the news team to also include

political news have propelled Univision News

Produced 200 live broadcasts per month

especially for breaking news.”

sports and entertainment programming.”

to one of its most successful quarters yet:

across Facebook and YouTube, with more

The Univision partnership is just the

Became first network to broadcast on

than 20 live streams in the last quarter

latest example of Grabyo’s expansion into

Facebook Live during the aftermath of the

reaching a million views

live news and entertainment coverage from

Mexico City earthquake, generating over

“Grabyo is thrilled to have joined forces

their traditional sports expertise. ContaCt grabyo 23 Heddon St London W1B 4BQ United Kingdom Email: social Media Website: Twitter: @grabyo Facebook: grabyo LinkedIn: grabyo


Service Provider

Global Provider of Hybrid and oTT Service SoluTionS


eraphic Information Technology


(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is dedicated

Global oTT SoluTion

to providing internet-related

Seraphic Global OTT solution, powered

software and web-based

by Blink-based Sraf HTML5 browser,

solutions to all TV-/video-related terminal

provides TV/STB manufacturers with

devices including smart TVs, set-top boxes,

the support of the mainstream smart

over-the-top devices, game consoles, etc.

TV portals with mainstream global TV

Seraphic’s product offering includes TV

apps pre-integrated from third party

browsers for HTML5, HbbTV, freeview

TV portal vendors and the advanced

play, YouTube TV, TV portal and Open

open browser. This solution significantly helps

Browser as well as web UI solutions. The company is located in Shanghai, China,

manufacturers deploy their products

and targets the digital TV and consumer

globally with faster time-to-market.

electronics markets in Europe, Latin Sraf HTMl5 browSer

America, Australia and the Asia Pacific. Seraphic is devoted to bringing colourful

Tv PorTal ediTion

fun through innovative technologies for TV

• Supports many mainstream smart TV

consumers worldwide, keeping an expert eye on technical trends.


Ye Wang, CEO, Seraphic.

portals • Compatible with over 4,000 global TV

Service Provider


Service Provider

apps from various TV portal vendors • Speeds up device manufacturers’ global

STandard Hybrid

manufacturers to pass certification quickly.

inTerneT Tv SoluTion

time-to-market via technical pre-

Standard Hybrid Internet TV Solution is

Sraf HTMl5 browSer


compatible with mainstream hybrid TV

freeview Play ediTion

• Uniform TV application runtime

standards including HbbTV, Freeview+, as

This is the most affordable Freeview Play

environment cross browser-chipset

well as the latest Freeview Play standard.

solution compliant with the industry leading


This solution provides strong technical

hybrid TV technology. Seraphic co-works

support for TV/STB manufacturers’ hybrid

with the mainstream DTV SoC vendors to

Sraf HTMl5 browSer

TV business by following the latest standards

provide the ready-for-certification Freeview

oPen browSer ediTion


Play solution, which is highly optimised for

• Supports the latest HTML5, CSS3.0 specifications • Powered by Google Blink core with excellent HTML5 compatibility • Supports 40plus UI languages and 20plus input languages • Supports smart URL input based on user

embedded DTV platform and is the best Sraf HTMl5 browSer

cost-effective solution for massive affordable

HbbTv ediTion

product deployment.

This is a market-proven, platform-

Seraphic cooperates with Digital UK

independent software solution that

closely to support the latest Freeview Play

enables device manufactures, SoC vendors,

technology, whose specification is updated

middleware providers and operators to

every year. Supports Freeview Play, including

quickly launch or upgrade Hbb TV capable

catch-up TVs such as BBC, ITV, 4OD, My5,

• Customisable hotkeys for UI control

devices and services with affordable


• Compliant with FCC’s Text-To-Speech

cost. Ready for certification on reference

history and bookmarks

platforms and compliant with the latest

HTMl5 Tv SofTware SoluTion

• Multiple navigation modes for web pages

HbbTV 2 standards, it also supports

The HTML5 TV Software Solution is

• User Agent management for web pages

HbbTV 1.5 standards and guarantees device

extended and customised based on Sraf

(TTS) requirement

TV launcher powered by Third-party Web UI and Application Framework.


Service Provider

Reference implementation based on Sraf Lite (in partnership with content partners: Foxxum).

HTML5 Browser engine, and is used for TV manufacturers to develop HTML5 based system UI. This enhances user experience as

UI based on HTML5 standard • TV/ STB manufacturers can dynamically extend TV functionalities

PreMiuM web aPP SoluTion It is based on the solid browser experience of Seraphic and verified with the mainstream SoC

well as portability and expansibility.

• Supports system upgrade via OTA.

providers as a pre-built solution. It has proved

THird-ParTy web ui and

Sraf liTe (web ePG and HTMl5 ui)

DTV products. Seraphic cooperates with many

to be a valuable function portfolio for the smart aPPlicaTion fraMework

Released by Seraphic, it is the market-proven

mainstream web apps in the form of technical

• It is the solution used to develop the next

and ready-to-go lightweight browser solution

discussions, specification pre-support, which

generation web-based TV/STB system

that enables wonderful OTT services with

enables it to provide ready-to-deploy web app

user interface

affordable cost in emerging markets.

solutions supporting most popular VODs such

• By leveraging the strong Sraf HTML5

As a positive player in the DTV industry,

as YouTube TV, BBC, CinemaNow, Chili TV,

browser, Spire Link can easily support

Seraphic has been devoted to contributing

Maxdome, TerraTV, ShowMax, icflix, Spuul

various TV standards required by

‘win-win’ solutions for the whole ecosystem.

TV for TV/STB manufacturers.

different regions, which can help TV/STB

Sraf Lite is more than just a browser. It is

manufactures to develop and deploy their

able to:

products globally

• Enable operators to attract more

• Supports YouTube TV certification, HbbTV, Freeview Play, TV Portal, Open Browser, Premium Web App in one SDK • Supports both customer’s TV UI store and Seraphic’s own TV UI store • TV/ STB manufacturers are able to design and develop platform-independent web

subscribers and expand business • Accelerate CE manufacturers’ time-tomarket with affordable cost • Help SoC vendors to provide ready-to-go OTT solution for entry-level DTV/STBs • Help content providers develop lightweight

conTacT SeraPHic information Technology (Shanghai) co., ltd. 10/F, Songhu Road 433 200433 Shanghai, China Email:

applications in a convenient way







stablished in 2013 as a broadcast

installation and commissioning for the


telecommunications industry and specialised


services provider, Solusys

rigging services for the wireless industry.

has secured a unique space in

Equipped with the technology, manpower

the broadcast and telecommunications

and resources to undertake any challenging

industry in the Middle East as a leading

project, Solusys has in just over five years

professional service provider. A privately-

delivered professional services for complex,

owned enterprise, Solusys is headquartered

turnkey projects across the Middle East and

in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and works with

southeast Asia. The company has progressed

globally-renowned companies with a focus

steadily since inception and has a dynamic

on providing a range of professional services

young team headed by a senior management

involved in the execution and completion of

who share decades of industry experience.

broadcast and media-related works.

Solusys is a diversified company and has also

Pushing the boundaries by delivering

expanded into the renewal energy sector.

the very latest in wireless communications technology, the company has earned a


reputation as a reliable partner in the

To become one of the leading reliable and

implementation of broadcast associated jobs.

professional providers of solutions and

End-to-end solutions include consultation,

services to the broadcast and media and

design, integration, implementation and

telecommunications industries in the Middle

project management of broadcast and media

East, Africa and southeast Asia by providing

radio and television systems, site acquisition,

solutions that are of international standards

civil infrastructure development, equipment

in their quality and reliability.




towers/masts and refurbishment, inspection

DSNG, outside broadcasting and

To be recognised as a reputed provider of

and quality audits), project coordination

flyaway kits

professional services with an objective to

and management, on-site system level

setting new benchmarks in solutions and

trainings, operations and maintenance of


services by adopting best industry practices

broadcasting networks.

This division provides seamless transmission

The company has proven its specialisation

services ranging from construction of

in building tall towers and masts and has

masts, towers and poles, civil infrastructure

worked with world-renowned tower

development, quality audit for towers,



installation and commissioning of base

Providing professional turnkey solutions,

• Terrestrial

and rapidly integrating new technologies into the process.



transceiver stations (BTS), antennae,

the Solusys expertise range from

integration, installation and commissioning

microwave links, installation of in building

consultation, planning, systems integration,

of digital TV, digital radio, FM and medium

solutions (IBS), rapid deployment units and

implementation, installation, commissioning

wave broadcast transmitter and antennae

cell on wheels (COW).

and maintenance to rigging services for

systems and various point-to-point and

terrestrial and satellite broadcast RF platforms.

multipoint links


• Satellite Broadcast: Supply, systems

The Solusys renewable energy division

The company provides complete solutions

integration, installation and commissioning

provides solar power solutions for domestic,

for DVB-T2, DAB, FM and medium wave

of C and Ku-band uplink facilities,

commercial and industrial establishments

to futuristic DTH/IPTV/OTT solutions.

encoding and multiplexing solutions and

guaranteeing functionality, durability and

These include systems consultation,

TVRO systems

excellent after-sales service.

design integration, on-site installation

• Media: Supply, systems integration,

Services cover system consultations

and commissioning. Additional services

installation and commissioning of post-

including site surveys, operations and

cover infrastructure for towers and guyed

production and studio facilities, master

maintenance of domestic and industrial

masts (from construction of foundation for

control rooms and workflow management,

systems and supply of solar panels, inverters,



surge arrestors, distribution panels and

project for the Public Authority for Radio &

DVB-T2 network at seven sites in Jordan

earthing systems.

TV which is the end user. Project involves

• Maintenance of more than 100

installation of transmitters and associated

telecommunications towers in Sri Lanka

QuaLIty managEmEnt

equipment in 69 sites, electrical installation

• Several telecommunications tower

An ISO-certified company, Solusys follows

works at 43 sites, construction of foundations

construction and inspections, microwave

prerequisites for total quality management,

and towers at 12 sites and maintenance of

antennae and BTS installations in

implementing quality assurance standards

existing towers at 28 sites.


in each project that it undertakes. The company ensures it has the organisational

Other successfully completed major projects

ability to consistently provide products and


services that meet customer requirements

• A 100KW, 262m medium wave antennae

and applicable statutory and regulatory

system integration and onsite installation

requirements. Solusys maintains a dedicated

in Oman

COntaCt Solusys Sri Lanka No 29C, Chapel Road

team of experienced professionals and

• A 340m guyed mast construction, antennae

skilled workers and continuously integrates

and transmitter (DVB T2, DAB & FM)

Nugegoda, Sri Lanka

evolving technologies by following the

installation in Qatar

Tel: +94112763337

best industry practices in order to attain unparalleled levels of service.

• A DVB-T2 network installation comprising seven sites in Sharjah UAE • FM transmitter system installation in


the Emirates Tower and Al Mas Tower

On-going professional services for nationwide

in Dubai, UAE

DVB-T2 network comprising 69 sites in the

• Construction of a 150m tower, installation

Sultanate Oman. Rohde & Schwarz Middle

of UHF and FM antennae and dismantling

East and Africa is the prime contractor of this

of 230m guyed masts and installation of

Sultanate of Oman Flat 32, Building 514, Way No.5507 Bosher, Muscat, Oman Tel: +96824595415 Email: Website:





EngagIng lIVE IntERnatIOnally


woo is a global livestreaming

broadcasters and their followers by engaging

and cover the entire spectrum of demand

platform that helps users

them live and has helped create social

providing users with interactive features

explore high-quality content

communities within the app. With this vision,

such as claps, live chat and co-hosting in real-

and engage with broadcasters

Swoo ensures the right audience connects

time. In addition, there is maps exploration,

live. It connects people with influencers

with the right broadcaster and the platform

drone and external camera compatibility and

and celebrities by allowing them to share

has been successful in crafting more than 10

gamification. It has helped grow communities

common interests and engage with each other

communities with four million installs across

and broadcasters can cover live events,

through gamified experiences. Algorythma,

the globe. Swoo has fulfilled unmet needs of

conduct interviews and create shows and

the technology arm of the Abu Dhabi

the hour which include:


Financial Group (ADFG) has built a dedicated

• Identifying and promoting high quality

top-of-its-class team to build a robust live-

informative content amidst the noise of


broadcasting platform that will transform the

random compositions

In 2017, Swoo drove four million installs

media industry. Viewers can explore authentic

• Helping viewers in easier exploration of

through different campaigns and over

and experiential content around technology,

curated content personalised as per viewer

$200,000 in prize money spent. Contests


included the Swoperstar, Swooperstar Voyage!

health, sport, travel, food, entertainment and lifestyle, among others. It is a locally built,

• Believing in rewarding talent and helping

globally-fit smart application that is available

create bigger opportunities for budding

in the app store and Google Play.

talents and influencers

and Campus Swooperstar. Swoperstar commenced in December 2017 with weekly winners leading up to New Year’s

Swoo helps expose talent by providing a

• Building better business opportunities by

eve. It was designed to recognise the best

platform for artistes, performers and gifted

having targeted niches by demographics

broadcast of the week with $10,000 based on

individuals to present themselves. It also

and interests

quality of content. Cash prizes were revised to

helps bridge the gap between passionate

Content categories are highly differentiated

$15,000 owing to the huge response and the



final week had four winners who took home a total of $20,000 between them. Swooperstar Voyage!: This was a monthlong weekly contest in February. The competition saw a rise in the number of installs by 30%. The competition was for users and broadcasters on the Swoo application around the world for best live broadcast in outdoor leisure, hiking, travelling and trekking activities. Top broadcasts on Escape with maximum views were shortlisted on the Leaderboard (within the Swoo application). Weekly winners received a five-star hotel stay for two in London, Casablanca, Seychelles or Dubai. Campus Swooperstar: This was open to student broadcasters studying in the Delhi University in India to broadcast content based on talent platform (singing, dancing, comedy, etc). Winners were those with the most viewed and the longest average watch time.

exclusive gala dinner followed with over 500

through the Swoo interactive live platform.

Top prizewinner was awarded INR 50,000.

distinguished guests in attendance including

Through a special Swoo supported live

show business stars, to celebrate the launch.

broadcast channel, educational material was


introduced for direct circulation between

Swoo Trivia Show brings the thrill of playing


the teacher and students. By means of

a celebrity-hosted game show where viewers

Started a new in-house live morning

advanced live transmission of image and

can play along with thousands of participants

show called Swoodio, relying on outside

sound, the teacher was provided with various

and win real cash prizes. Every day a host

broadcasters who are given the chance to

tools and alternatives to present, introduce

comes live at an announced time and asks a

show their competencies. The daily live show

and discuss the educational content. In

set of questions. Viewers who participate will

covers entertainment, health and beauty, food,

addition, the revolutionary technology

win real money by answering the questions

music, lifestyle and sightseeing topics.

provided the teacher with the opportunity to communicate effectively with students to

correctly. SwOO fOR EDuCatIOn

determine individual weaknesses and discuss individual solutions to them in real time.

launCh In EgyPt

Swoo entered into a strategic partnership

In terms of number of users, Egypt is the third

with Alef Education, the transformational

largest market for Swoo. Prior to the mega-

technology-enabled education solutions


event, Swoo launched an outdoor campaign

company to take education in the UAE to

Broadcast: To maintain the authenticity of

inviting Egyptians to download the app.

a whole new level. In a first-of-its-kind

live content, users need an account verification

The ad slogans were ‘live is brought to you’

move and part of its strategic partnership

or referral from a friend to be upgraded from

and ‘stay on-air’. Launched in time for the

with Alef Education, Swoo designed a

viewer to broadcaster. This ensures viewers

second half of February, the campaign was run

technology-enabled communications

have a fantastic viewing experience. It is the

across greater Cairo. Swoo organised a high-

tool that provides the means for remote

distinguishing factor compared to other live

level press conference with presentations,

interaction between teachers and students.

streaming apps. While most apps provide a

interviews and a panel discussion where

As part of the launch, a school in Abu Dhabi,

platform to users, Swoo ensures that quality

corporate heads showcased Swoo features

with the help of Swoo, e-connected a teacher

of content is maintained at a supreme level.

and built awareness about the app. An

in the United Kingdom to deliver a lecture

Swoo broadcasters can connect their profile



with Facebook/Twitter/Google and can share

broadcasters to plan and arrange their content

their broadcasts on their platforms seamlessly

as episodes of a show. It helps viewers as well

live as quickly as possible on the Swoo app

without any hassle. The platform also

to consume content in a sequential manner.

• Improved notification: Users can be notified

provides the functionality to schedule their

Location: Swoo also helps viewers discover

as soon as their favourite broadcaster is

broadcasts in order to notify the followers

what is happening around the world through

about upcoming broadcasts.

its map feature. Swoo uses the location of

• Advanced camera option: Zoom, focus,

the video broadcast to make it available in a

flash - improved broadcast experience with

map interface.

the new zoom, flash and auto-focus feature

Once a broadcaster goes live, Swoo provides option to add any of the contacts as speaker

streaming live

• Relevancy based on geography: Live streams

into their broadcasts in order to add further value to their broadcast. All broadcasts are


constantly moderated by the Swoo team to

• New Discovery page: Shows what is

keep the platform clean. Broadcasters and

trending, personalised playlists and

viewers are also provided with an option

• New Go live flow: A much simpler way to go

recommends who to follow

that are relevant to the geographical area will appear to viewers. • Revamped video player: A new video player that runs smoothly and effectively.

to mute a viewer. If needed, the platform

• Shows: Swoo is the one of the first live

• Support for landscape mode: Landscape

provides an option to view the video later

streaming apps in the world to allow

mode is available for both broadcasters

through its bookmarking feature.

broadcasters to create their own web series

and viewers

Broadcasters get a unique feature of

• Calendar: Provides the functionality to

• Maps: Swoo helps viewers discover what

broadcasting using external camera through

schedule broadcasts in order to notify

is happening around the world through its

‘Broadcast via OBS’ feature.

followers about upcoming broadcasts

map feature

Channels: Swoo broadcasts are categorised

• Broadcast rating: Viewers can rate

• Comments: Viewers can comment on

into 13 channels based on type of content and

broadcasts and broadcasts with high ratings

recorded broadcasts and in the waiting

receive higher exposure

room, while enjoying a revamped viewing

the interest pattern observed among viewers. These are magazine, entertainment, lol,

• Social logging: On Twitter, Facebook,

positivity, culture, sports, technology, money,

Instagram, Google. Broadcasters can share

• Chat improvements: Chat log runs faster

escape, taste, health, out-of-the-box, Swoodio.

their Swoo stories to their website and

and clearer to improve interaction between

Shows: Swoo provides an option for

social media pages to expand their reach.

broadcasters and viewer


COntaCt Swoo limited 11th Floor, Al Bateen Towers King Abdulaziz Al Saud Street PO Box 112230, Abu Dhabi, UAE Tel: +9712 639 0099 Fax: +9712 639 0700 Website: Danielle Doueik Media Relations Officer Tel: +971 56 533 9442

Ahmed Alhosani, Head of Operations, Swoo.

Divyesh Mahajan, CEO, Swoo.

Social Media Facebook: @SwooLive Twitter: @SwooTV Instagram: @swoolive LinkedIn: @SWOO


SerVIce ProVIder

SHAPInG tHe FUtUre oF ott rIGHtS MAnAGeMent


-TO Solutions is an industry

with diverse ever-changing consumer needs?’

on, while maintaining regulatory compliance.

leading software solutions

Content is certainly king and thus arises the

The need for a robust rights management

company known for its

need for its management.

solution was never felt so strongly in the

innovative technology products

To emerge as market leaders, organisations

industry as it is now. It has evolved from being

that increase operational efficiency with

need to track, manage and monetise the

a mere licensing function to a key tactical

cost-effectiveness. Throughout the company’s

numerous possibilities across multiple

differentiator aiming to ensure seamless

history, U-TO’s team of innovators have

platforms, holdbacks, languages, period, and so

delivery of information. Rights is treated as a

anticipated business trends and reinvented its offerings that allow clients to remain a step ahead. Today it is one of the foremost integrated technology solutions providers for the media industry. Trusted by the world’s successful broadcasters and preferred by global industry leaders for a decade and a half, U-TO continues to scale new heights each year. VISIon U-TO believes in unifying business knowledge and technology with innovation to help clients achieve more. It is this belief that is fast making the company the preferred choice in the APAC, Middle East and pan-African markets. ProdUct LIneS rIGHtSU - content rIGHtS And LIcenSInG PLAtForM For InteLLectUAL ProPertY MAnAGeMent In boardrooms all over the world today the constant chatter is on, ‘How can we provide quality content on our platforms that is aligned


SerVIce ProVIder

broadcast industry worldwide. With over 1,000 channels using the Broadview software globally, the company has in-depth experience in diverse operations and offers a proven product with market-leading technology and support for any country and multiple languages. Solutions are extremely powerful and easy-to-use and help in managing multichannel needs in programming, traffic, ondemand, media and ad sales for linear and non-linear modalities. PLAnIt-U — AttrActInG HIGHer AUdIenceS WItH coMPetItIVe AnALYSIS Data Science innovatively merged with Business Logic, Integrated with Ratings to predict trends for increased viewership. In a key strategic step forward, U-TO moved strategic investment leading to overall change

insights to the right people at the right time.

its product offerings a notch higher by

in business perspective.

RightsU provides an insight to available

embedding a statistical data analysis tool in

‘RightsU’ addresses these business scenarios

asset inventory across platforms/territories,

its arsenal to create an intelligent, self-learning

with intelligent modules and granular reporting.

thereby enabling informed decision-making

planning solution that helps channels achieve

This is an enterprise solution that empowers

to relevant stakeholders. Additionally, it

programming viewership goals. Plan-ItU

media organisations to manage content, IP

tracks royalty pay-outs and custom-defined

correlates programe data from third party

and licensing amongst a host of other. Users

revenue/profit-sharing rules.

rating providers and Program Rights enables

experience complete visibility from acquisition

a predictive analysis of historical trends

to syndication across complex, multi-layered

BroAdVIeW – BroAdcASt

consequently allowing efficient decision

combinations of platforms, territories, period,


making in planning. In addition, it tracks

holdbacks, languages, etc. It also enhances

U-TO Solutions and BroadView Software is

competitor schedules and ratings to generate

revenue opportunities by providing actionable

dedicated to delivering solutions to the TV

seasonal trends on high viewership gains.


SerVIce ProVIder

A dedicated OnDemand Module includes:

• Define multiple combination of license

needS In An eVoLVInG

• Manage multiple period windowing of

periods and regions for video formats,

ott LAndScAPe

rights: Businesses now explore content on

devices, OS: Multiple permutations of rights

Businesses are pushing boundaries with the

multiple platforms within multiple periods.

are considered and evaluated to verify content

sudden blast of OTT. They require more

Such windowing of content consumption is

usage across regions and within license period

processing power, deeper analytics, newer

now a key Rights Management requirement.

to determine how content is managed so that

technologies and intuitive ways of controlling

RightsU enables tracking of release dates and

there is an identification of what the user is

the consumption and syndication landscape.

performs a validation/violation check before

authorised to view on what devices at what

The need is derived by increased workload

distribution of content to platforms including

quality levels and when.

and changing business models. The media

linear and on-demand.

industry is soon trending into an ‘OTT 2.0’

• Capture Content Formats: Capture all

StronG PreSence In tHe

era – with a new horizon of consumption

content formats like HD, SD, 3D, 4K to notify

MIddLe eASt And AFrIcA

patterns, business models and technology

in case of restricted playbacks, rights visibility

U-TO has strong business allies in the Middle


for users and different payment modes.

East and Africa. Committed and aligned to

U-TO has the answers to these concerns

• Multiple Device, Cast and OS

its growth, the company recognises both the

and that is why it is endorsed by global

restrictions: Mechanism for managing

strategic importance of the region and the

industry leaders.


media rights across multiple devices. Rights

boom that the OTT industry has had recently.

RightsU recognises the need for an

are managed to include not just device

From its regional base in the UAE, it is poised

enterprise-wide application that can

authentication but to include elements

to offer broadcast solutions and services to

effectively converse between legal

of user, device and service authorisation.

prospective leads and existing customers

platform definitions and business product

This allows notification of exploitation of

spread across the horizon.

classifications for an effective VOD/OTT

content on a variety of devices using rights


management mechanisms.

MoBY GroUP (UAe, PAkIStAn, AFGHAnIStAn & etHIoPIA) Tolo TV, Tolo News and Lemar TV channels in Afghanistan (which are uplinked from the Moby Group’s first-of-its-kind and state-ofthe-art facility in Afghanistan) • Alliance Media: Urdu1 leading GEC in Pakistan uplinked out of DMI (UAE) • Kana TV: Operations team based out of Ethiopia QUeSt ArABIA, UAe Image Nation in partnership with Discovery Communications, launched Quest Arabiya, a free-to-air channel for the Middle East. U-TO facilitated the integration and is supporting automatic generation of dynamic secondary events including native support for Arabic with playout interfaces at Ericsson (TwoFour54). econet MedIA, AFrIcA Econet Media forayed into Africa with the launch of Kwese channel catering to various genres such as movies, children’s shows, series,


SerVIce ProVIder

Richard Saldanha, Business Head – MEA, U-TO.

Dheeraj Lilani, Chief Business Officer, U-TO.

infotainment and sport. U-TO Solutions,

This implementation involved complex

exclusive partners of BroadView Software,

interfaces to numerous legacy systems in the

spearheaded the entire project of information

Discovery environment.

gathering, planning, implementation, training and Go-Live.

PBS, USA BroadView is used by the PBS network to manage

contAct U-to Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd. Todi Building, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai - 400 013

cLIent FootPrInt

over 15 video streams that serve the 300 plus PBS

U-TO’s esteemed list of clients include

member stations across the USA. This system

businesses across:

has over 350 users in Washington, DC. PBS

• Television networks and stations

has been using BroadView since 2006 and has

Sourabh Hall, Sangamvadi,

• Specialty channels and cable networks

implemented complex customised workflows.

Pune - 411 001

• OTT and on-demand platform operators and aggregators

roGerS, USA

• Non-commercial broadcasters

A large North American group, it owns and


manages 46 local TV channels arranged into a

• Studios/production houses

complex web of parent and child schedules. The group has over 725 users and has been managing

SonY PIctUreS netWork

these channels on BroadView since 2002.

A global commercial television provider

U-to Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd., Pune

Tel: +91 22 43 222 222 Email: Website: BroadView Software, Inc. Toronto, Ontario M5C 1K9

with operations across four offices in India,

VIAcoM18, IndIA

Singapore and London, the group operates 35

BroadView is used by Viacom 18 network

BroadView Software, russia

plus channels across six time zones.

for 35 plus channels across various genres,

Sevastopol`sky Ave, 11G

covering programming, scheduling, traffic dIScoVerY

and sales system.


Moscow 117447, Russia MeA office

A $4 billion company, it has implemented

tAtA SkY, IndIA

BroadView’s scheduling and asset metadata

BroadView is deployed at TataSky, one of

tools for all its 10 USA networks. Worldwide,

India’s largest DTH platforms with over 11

Richard Saldanha

Discovery reaches 1.8 billion cumulative

million subscribers. BroadView also manages

Tel: +971 55 966 2815

subscribers in 218 countries and territories

EPG content for TataSky using custom


through 155 channels.

exports to NDS.

Media City, Dubai, UAE



Systems Integrators Aret Video and Audio Engineering Ariston BTS Broadcast Systems Arabia (BSA) INC System Integrations





talian company, Aret Engineering is


OB vans delivered over the last 15 years in

a globally active broadcast systems

Founded in 1976 to provide OB vans and

the region, along with successfully completed

integrator with extensive experience

studios for RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana,

projects in production studios, robotics studios,

in providing sophisticated broadcast

Aret unfailingly demonstrated growth in

MCRs, MAM systems and conference rooms.

projects. Established more than 40 years

its business with outstanding technical

Projects were delivered to clients in Qatar, the

ago in Milan, Aret continues to deliver

expertise. Thanks to a wide range and

UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,

consistently high-profile turnkey projects to an

volume of successfully rolled out projects,

Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Morocco, Nigeria, South

international client base in Europe, the Middle

Aret continues to retain the confidence of its

Africa as well as to private service companies.

East, South East Asia, Africa and America.

customers worldwide. In 2016, the company

Aret’s engineering expertise encompasses

celebrated its 40th anniversary. The drive for


TV and radio OB vans, DSNG vans, radio

unceasing improvement prompted the creation

Aret has built its market position through

and TV production, post-production studios,

of a ‘learning organisation’ within Aret which

sound ethical values. Honesty and fairness

news studios, production automation, master

sets a benchmark for every project delivered

are the beating heart of its business practices

control rooms, IP infrastructures, storage and

and attempts to improve the next one.

– a position from which the customer receives

robotics. All services are exclusively managed

impartial advice, matching proposed solutions

by the trained staff of the company and include


to budgets. With over 450 OB vans, multiple

consultancy, architectural design, systems design,


TV studios and broadcast systems delivered

project management, coach building, systems

Aret is remarkably proud of its success in the

worldwide, Aret’s clients benefit from direct,

integration, training and after-sales support.

Middle East and Africa with more than 40

consistent support.




is a stringent connection between all parts and



variables of the project that need a continuous

Aret has one of the widest global experiences

Aret’s unique approach to broadcast systems

feedback through the different stages.

in the outside broadcast industry and retains

integration relies exclusively on the internal

A formally appointed project management

the skills to understand the challenging

resources of the company with fully trained,

office acts as the customers’ in-house

nature of these projects. The company’s

skilled and experienced staff covering all

dedicated representative, responsible for

expert capabilities translate to robust design,

relevant subjects.

smooth project roll out. Each project is

flexibility, reliability, space, ergonomics,

With an in-house coachwork department

commissioned with a detailed checklist,

heat dissipation, air conditioning and high-

and decades of experience, Aret developed

planned and shared with the customer and

class design, elements that distinguish

a highly efficient coachbuilding technique

approved before starting the commissioning

its quality and unmistakable style. Aret

explicitly dedicated to OB vans working in every

phase. The list includes an HW inventory

understands the urge to act on ‘live

type of environment. The benefits of having an

and a systems performance check.

situations’ being able to help customers

in-house coachwork are innumerable - among

After delivering a project with

these, the possibility to carefully monitor the

commissioning and training processes

instantly, regardless of location. All broadcast projects are designed and

construction of an OB van step by step and

completed, Aret product specialists and

implemented with several redundant paths

through all the phases. One of the key factors

project managers are available as single

and all the infrastructure around the system

in creating the best outside production vehicles

points of contact to assist customers during

is engineered carefully to prevent potential

in the world relies on combining coachbuilding

daily operations, guaranteeing the success of

emergency situations guaranteeing the

and systems integration techniques. The result

the project.

success of live/on-air events. Through an



internal coachwork department, Aret has

best suited for the purpose. All vans have

developed unique coachbuilding techniques

a distinct Italian style, based on a careful

• Full software inventory

valves, filters, gaskets, etc

that deliver exemplary performances in:

choice of materials and use of the finest

• All equipment configurations

• Reliability

Italian craftsmanship to deliver unique

Aret engineers are trained to provide

• Emergency operations

customised products. Every van features

immediate assistance on all items and

• Operations safety

high-class stunning interiors, designed with

technologies, understanding the source

• Robustness and flexibility

superior quality materials.

of the problem and giving workaround/ permanent solutions allowing customers

• Absence of rust and corrosion • Waterproofing


• Interior space availability and ergonomics

With turnkey projects delivered around the

Every customer receives maximum care

• Soundproofing

world and all components made in-house,

and immediate assistance to resolve issues

• Thermal insulation

Aret provides comprehensive after-sales

in case of need. In addition, Aret offers

• Damage prevention from human error

support using stored strategic information

tailored customer care programmes that

for all projects including:

include periodic general check, ordinary

• Easy maintenance

• Broadcast systems drawings

maintenance, normal performance controls,

• Spare parts availability

• Power, mechanics and hydraulics

SLAs and spare parts packages.

• Quality finishing

• Air-conditioning drawings and schematics

while operating expansions

Aret OB vans have unmistakable style with high-quality custom components that are


to return fully operational immediately.

• Broadcast equipment / HW inventory


• Small parts inventory, e.g., lights, pistons,

Among several completed projects of the year,


Aret delivered a 16 ULTRA HD cameras OB van

of the van is divided into four distinct areas -

additional improvement in quality to become a

with triple expansion to a customer in Africa.

engineering and CCU, production area, sound

flagship realisation of more than four decades

Designed for large productions, this impressive

area and voice over booth.

of Aret coachbuilding.

trailer features six internal operational areas

A five-HD camera military OB van was also

Aret is currently working on many new

with a virtual production studio, including

delivered in the Middle East. Designed and

projects, details of which are available

an embedded chroma key, PTZ cameras and

built for a police department, the van features

upon request.

a dedicated (fully configurable) light studio

two wired cameras, two wireless cameras and

set. The main production area includes a

a robotic PTZ camera installed on top of a

large 3D-shaped monitor wall behind a fully

pneumatic telescopic mast that can be raised

adjustable production desk, a dedicated

up to eight metres. It can accommodate four

audio room with insulation treatment and a

operators for camera control, video mixer,

Aret Video and Audio Engineering

noise-free equipment room to ensure flawless

audio mixer and graphics/post-production.

Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 30


Aret presented its brand-new concept OB


20080 – Zibido San Giacomo,

Aret delivered state-of-the-art TV studios

van at the 2017 edition of the IBC Show in

Milan, Italy

designed for news production, interviews and

Amsterdam. The OB trailer, which features

media broadcasting of international events

two large expansions, can be configured up to

Tel: +39 02 92270873

inside a state’s presidential house. The system

24 Ultra HD cameras. The interior is divided

allowed covering a large number of operator

into six wide operational areas plus a dedicated

stations inside the structure using fibre optics

equipment room.

and MADI devices.

This trailer is meant as a laboratory for

Fax: +39 02 92270882 Website: YouTube: ARET Engineering LinkedIn: ARET Engineering

Another recently completed project is a 10

experiencing new ideas both in coachwork and

HD cameras OB van delivered in Sharjah. The

in systems design. These new defined solutions

Umberto Asti

truck has a telescopic mast with PTZ camera

will be available to customers to empower their

Vice President International Sales

mounted on top and a flexible layout that

production. The new OB van is an innovative

quickly adapts to different types of productions.

solution in terms of layout, workspace

Tel: +39 348 7308920

Featuring a wide lateral expansion, the inside

and mechanical solutions. It represents an







riston Broadcast & Telecom

specific requirements from customers.

the use of new technologies. At a time when

Solutions S.A (ABTS) was

In June 2016, Ariston BTS FZC was

most broadcasters were still leaning towards

established in 2005, in Athens,

established in the UAE as a separate entity

‘traditional’ solutions such as standalone

Greece. Backed by experience

to monitor the MENA area and to provide

editing, ingesting and play out, discrete audio

in the broadcast industry dating back to

higher quality and thorough services to the

and video contribution and separate screen

1992, the primary aim of the founders of

local markets and surrounding regions. The

monitoring, ABTS was capable of designing and

the company was to implement advanced

UAE-based unit has a resident sales engineer

implementing complete file-based workflows,

solutions to suit specific and individual

and a support engineer.

video with embedded audio installations and

requirements of the customer.

All ABTS procedures and activities are

central monitoring systems, among others.

ABTS is active in the fields of TV and

ISO compliant and ensure complete grasp

The company has delivered many turnkey

radio broadcasting, production and post-

of customer needs and expectations and

solutions. Some of them have been delivered

production, cinematography and broadband

consistent levels of quality service.

under very tight time schedules, while some

telecommunications. The company can

required extended consultancy before

provide technical consultancy, systems design


real project launch. Each project includes

and integration, equipment trading, training


a complete project plan with equipment

and technical support for all traded equipment.

One of the key points that helped ABTS expand

delivery session, integration session,

Moreover, it has the capability to develop

and gain considerable part of the Balkan

commissioning and training sessions. Along

software and hardware elements that can be

broadcast market was the ability to combine

with project acceptance, there is also a set of

integrated into provided solutions according to

knowledge of traditional broadcasting with

deliverables to customer, including details of



project such as space and rack layouts with SuccESSful AbTS pROjEcTS

frames allocation, panel layouts, cable runs with connection details, IP schedules, etc.

Outside Broadcasting • OBS (Greece): 20 cameras

• SKAI TV (Greece): 5 sports continuities • V.M.G (Greece):

• RADIO VETO (Greece) • LOGOS 101,1

ABTS also offers after-sales support on an operational and technical basis as well as maintenance contracts.


production vehicle,

6 continuities

built for the Athens

for betting channels

Olympic 2004

and 2 continuities


Stable financial status, technical capacity,

for cinema channels


clear internal procedures, commitment

• GRAAL (Greece):

towards customer and loyalty and

• NETNEWS (Greece): 3 cameras, small vehicle for news • ENGS (Greece): 3 DSNG over a


Tapeless Workflows

Cine & TV post

transparency towards the provider has led

for TV Stations

house with

to establishing long-standing relations with

• NEA TV (Greece):

MCR, 8 edit and

partners. This has helped the company gain

period of five years

Production system

compositing suites

reputation and expand its business abroad.

• MEGAONE (Cyprus):

with studio playout

and cine-scanning,

ABTS’s technical capacity can support a

and archive

Three camera production vehicle • B.A.V (Greece):

colour correction

big range of well-respected manufacturers

• STAR KE (Greece):

and edit facility

of the industry such as Sony, Evertz, EVS,

Production system

• STEFI (Greece):

Chyronhego, VSN, Crystal Vision, FOR-A,

6 camera production

with studio playout

Post house with

Sachtler, Ateme, Litepanels and more.


and archive

MCR, dubbing

By combining its vast experience and a

and 10 edit and

wide product portfolio, ABTS is capable

graphics suites

of providing tailor-made solutions to suit

• E.N.G.S (Greece):


12 camera


production vehicle

Production system

• B.A.V (Greece): 14 camera production vehicle

• PLUS Productions

with studio playout

(Greece): 5 NLE edit

and continuity

suites for shows

individual customer needs. cASE STudY: ON AIR, ON TIME cuSTOMER INfO

• ANT TV (Cyprus): Production


Launched in 2006, SKAI TV is a news-

TV Studios

system with

& Theatre

oriented, nationwide TV station in Greece

• Alpha TV (Greece):

studio playout and

• National Theatre of

that became popular as being the first TV

Athens (Greece):

station in the country, fully automated with

Recording and

complete tapeless workflows.

Complex of 2 Control

archiving library

Rooms cross-driving 4 studio floors • Action 24 (Greece):

Complete TV stations • CRETE TV (Greece)

editing system for the 2 Show halls.


• National University

Skai TV after a long tender procedure

• ORT (Greece)

of Athens (Greece):

was awarded from OTE (Greek PTT) for

• FLASH TV (Greece)

3 camera TV studio

providing 4+1 sports continuities as a service

(Greece): 6 camera

• NEWS24 (Albania)

and flight case for

to OTE’s satellite and IPTV platform. SKAI,

studio for daily

• MAD TV (Albania)

outdoor 3camera

in turn, had already put the requirements in


• MEGAONE (Cyprus)


an RFP. These were:

4 camera studio for

• MTV GR (Greece)

TV daily productions • Kapa Studios

• FAXNEWS (Albania) Multichannel

• Technical Institution of


Radio Stations

Western Macedonia

• PLD (Greece):


(Greece): 3 camera

3 sports continuities


Web studio

4+1 sports continuities with channel branding, fully redundant Ability to record upto 14 incoming feeds in parallel One small new studio with three cameras in robotic heads along with a small control



room. The studio was to be used as a

negotiations, ABTS was the only company

backup of the main SKAI TV studio and

that could commit to delivering the project

vice versa, so the redundancy in this case

on time. The project was delivered in 23 days

would be just driving one studio from the

(a day ahead of schedule).

other control room

There were uphill tasks during execution



Small production island to edit recorded

of the project as SKAI TV was a working TV

32 Dimitrakopoulou Str 17563 P.

sport events, in order to produce live sport

station. Since most cable runs were passing

Faliro, Athens, Greece


through office areas, most of the wiring and

Yiannis Kontos

5 V.O booths for sports production

other works had to be completed at night.

Integration of sports system with existing

Also equipment had to be de-assembled and

President, Technical Consultant

integrated to a new place, to allow space for

Tel: +306944277828

archiving solution Integration of sports systems with existing SKAI’s PAM system

the new system in the premises. Systems included an 128x96, expandable, main router


Sports MCR integrated to existing MCR

with integrated multiviewers,18 professional

Operational and technical support with

IRD for incoming feeds, all needed interfaces

physical presence up to three months after

to-and-from the existing SKAI TV system,

Al Shmookh Building

launch date

as per requirements and a new studio with

PO Box 7073 UAQ, UAE

All of the above were normal requirements,

40% coverage from LED WALL.

FTZ Business Centre,

Abdul Rauf

had there not been a clause indicating an

ABTS and its partners placed a lot of effort

‘on air’ launch, 30 days after the contract

on this project ensuring the customer was

Sales and Marketing Director

was awarded. SKAI negotiated with five

‘on air and on time, with the best solution

Tel: +971564881444

bidders for this project and after a week of

at the best price’.


systEms IntEgratOr


IntEgratIng hIgh-End systEms In challEngIng markEts


traditional platforms such as radio and TV

stablished in 2011, Broadcast Systems Arabia (BSA) is already

channels to include all forms of media such

a pioneer in delivering complex

as satellite, radio channels, internet streams,


mobile media, websites and portals.


solutions that cover all aspects of integration

Services include design, delivery and

-- from consultancy to planning, engineering,

installation of different broadcast facilities

project management, design installation,

for newsrooms, studios, control rooms,

commissioning, training, maintenance

transmission centres, earth stations, disaster

and post-implementation support. A solid,

recovery suites and Outside Broadcast (OB)

diversified experience and expertise in

vehicles. Key solutions cover deployment

conflict regions and war zones has made

of terrestrial analogue and digital TV

BSA market leaders in such areas where

and of radio infrastructure and satellite

broadcast infrastructure needs to be built

channels, etc. From its UAE-based regional

most of the time, from scratch.

headquarters, the team is ideally positioned

Under the able leadership of its CEO and

to offer extended production and broadcast

broadcast expert, Muhammad Irfan Gondal

services to customers spread across the

and his specialised team of professionals, BSA’s expansive services extend beyond


Muhammad Irfan, CEO, BSA.

Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and Pakistan.

systEms IntEgratOr

Systems Integration

Techncial Tranings



TV and Film Production

FM Radio Stations

TV Channel

FOcus On challEngIng

In addition to its exceptional capabilities

Following implementation, BSA conducts


and willingness to serve customers in war-

in-depth knowledge sharing with the

Though a great demand exists for broadcast

torn countries, BSA has enjoyed a great deal of

customer and provides comprehensive

services in war-torn nations such as Libya,

success in mature markets across the MENA

manuals detailing every aspect of the system.

Syria and Afghanistan, only a daring few

region. This is due to the company’s position

Furthermore, the company’s dedicated

understand the complexities of conducting

as a one-stop shop for all broadcast needs.

12-month support of every completed project

business in such countries. BSA was

entitles each customer to engineer visits and

quick to realise this potential, and since

systEms IntEgratIOn

its establishment, has invested heavily in

BSA utilises its qualified team of broadcast

developing the unique skillsets necessary

professionals guided by in-house senior

cOnsultancy sErvIcEs

to address the logistics, technical and

management staff to implement all projects.

BSA’s end-to-end technical consultancy

political challenges of conflict areas. The

To meet stringent deadlines and ensure

addresses both knowhow and know-

company is now one of a select few systems

timely delivery of projects, BSA employs

why requirements of its customers. The

integrators capable of effectively operating

contract engineers and wiremen. Through

company’s services relating to studio set-up,

in challenging markets and has successfully

deep investment in trainings, these third-

media technology, audio and video solutions

delivered multiple projects many of which

party resources are expertly enabled by the

help new entrants in the broadcast industry

required the infrastructure to be built

company to guarantee the highest quality

reduce their time to market. BSA also works

from scratch.

of work.

extensively with established TV channels

24/7 phone support.


systEms IntEgratOr

in re-engineering their processes to better

Fm radIO statIOns

lIbya al ahrar

utilise their systems and improve efficiency

BSA works closely with FM radio stations

An ambitious start-up venture, BSA initiated

while cutting operational expenses.

right from the initial stages of technical

and managed the project by advising Libya Al

BSA draws on its wealth of experience

planning, allocating frequencies and securing

Ahrar on how to build studios in the country

in the field of systems integration to guide

necessary clearances, up to complete systems

for its news and related programming.

clients in deploying tried and tested broadcast

integration. This requires a particularly

Expert guidance along with immediate and

solutions that deliver tangible business

categorical approach to addressing

rapid project implementation meant the

benefits. Consultancy services also extend

commercial aspects and developing a sound

channel was able to provide coverage of the

to production houses, content creation, live

business model. BSA ensures that its FM

country’s elections.

broadcast set-up and radio stations.

systems are reliable and conform to industry

In addition, BSA installed permanent

standards in order to meet and exceed

satellite uplink facilities in Tripoli, Benghazi

tv and FIlm PrOductIOn

customer expectations. Radio transmission

and Masrata as well as 12 Digital Satellite News

BSA’s technical proficiency has made it a

facilities designed and maintained by BSA

Gathering (DSNG) vans. These included leasing

prominent solutions provider to TV and film

are renowned for their excellent quality and

satellite segments for occasional broadcast on

production crews. Customers depend on


Arabsat and Eutelsat and dedicating extensive

BSA for cost-effective production services

time and effort to identifying and hiring local

that include rental of all camera equipment

succEssFul PrOjEcts

resources and training them to manage HD

and location services.

acrOss thE rEgIOn

production equipment.


systEms IntEgratOr

For the channel’s main production facility,

FM radio transmission points in Tripoli,

provided Thuraya satellite phones for

BSA delivered a hangar setup, which was

Benghazi, Sabha, Masrata, Tubruk and

communicating between team members.

completed in just 22 days. This involved steel

Albayda. These installations enabled Al Aan

With the consultancy and support of BSA,

work, sandwich panels, acoustics, painting,

FM to successfully relay its feed via satellite

the team uplinked their broadcasts via

power and meeting all infrastructure

to over 3.7 million listeners in all the major

Arabsat, using Thuraya IP for internet access.


metropolitan cities in Libya.

alwasat radIO

al aan tv sErvIcEs

Three FM transmitters were installed for

Al Aan was one of the first TV stations to

Alwasat Radio in Libya (Benghazi, Albayda

transmit live from within the borders of war-

and Tubruk) with the additional live radio

torn Syria. It began its broadcast at a time

studio facility at Cairo Egypt.

when other channels were operating from

BSA also integrated three cameras HD studio for Alwasat in Cairo.

border crossings. BSA provided Al Aan’s TV crew with two

cOntact broadcast systems arabia mFZE Office No 103, Building 1 RAK Media City PO Box 32429, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

fully equipped Satellite News Gathering

Mob: +971 50 568 6786

al aan Fm lIbya

(SNG) vans for use in Idlib and Aleppo


Despite the turmoil in the country during

along with full fly-away kits to ensure


the revolution, BSA efficiently installed six

backup availability. The crew was also





NC System Integrations (INC), a

integration efforts in the Kuwait TV 4K

and software vendors. The company is

subsidiary company of INC Technologies,

Production Workflow. INC is known for its

involved in projects at the earliest possible

provides functional, cost-effective

excellence and expertise in implementing

stage when strategies and goals are set, and

media technology solutions. INC offers

large and complex technological systems in

their experience enables them to offer

project management, systems engineering,

integration and for the scale and magnitude

accurate and focused advice to clients

software configuration, equipment sourcing

of their projects.

from the outset, ensuring that business and

and systems installation. It brings that little

technical objectives are realistically framed

extra to the business of systems integration,


applying additional impetus to every project

INC provides consultancy services to clients

that is undertaken, irrespective of the size or

so they can identify their current and future

complexity of the job.

requirements, a service that can assist in


With vast experience and expertise in

detailing the technical and financial scope of

INC’s corporate culture and processes

the field, the company has the resources to

potential projects. As the industry moves from

provide stability, accountability and

pre-build and test large-scale installations

traditional to file-based media, companies

leadership skills to its project managers,

prior to delivery. Each project is supervised

are looking for high-level, collaborative

giving them a collaborative mindset when

by a dedicated specialist who remains the

and strategic consulting services to assist

dealing with internal and external project

client’s contact from project commencement

them through the transition so as to achieve

stakeholders. As the primary point of

to completion and beyond.

optimum operational standards in all aspects

contact, the project manager works with the

of their business.

client to set the technical vision and design


in the light of available resources. PROJECT PlANNING

INC is neither owned nor aligned

philosophy that will direct engineering

The highlight of 2017 for INC was winning

with any vendor but maintains healthy

design, project scheduling, costing, quality

best project of the year for their end-to-end

relationships with major media equipment

control and on-site move-in and installation.





SUCCESSFUl PROJECTS • Kuwait TV 4K ProductionTapeless Workflow

• Al Sharjah TV TVRO System Implementation

• Qatar TV Studio 5 – Doha/Qatar • Qatar TV HD Master Control Room

• Kuwait TV 4K Studio 300

• Kuwait TV Al Arabi Channel

• Qatar TV HD 512x512 Matrix

• Kuwait TV NEWS System Upgrade

• Kuwait TV Ethraa Channel

• Qatar TV News Studio Upgrade

• Sudan TV NEWS System

• Kuwait TV Master Control Room

• Qatar TV- Satellite Two Earth Stations

• Kuwait TV Channel One

• Qatar TV – TVRO System

• Kuwait TV High Definition Centre

• Media Centre for the Arab

Implementation • Dubai Government Media Office - Production Studio Upgrade

• Kuwait TV Studio 500

• Kuwait TV HD 16 Cam OB Truck

• Kuwait TV Studio 160

• Al Kass TV - Doha Microwave System

• Kuwait TV Studio 160B

• Kuwait TV Newsroom System

• Al Kass TV Two Earth Stations

• Libya Al Watanya TV Channel

• Bahrain TV News Studio

• Al Kass TV Newsroom System

• Intigral – R System

• Bahrain TV Playout Servers and NLEs

• Al Kass TV TVRO

• DMI Camel Race – Al Marmoum

• Bein Sport – Studio One

• Integral Storage Integration

• DMI Studio F and Newsroom System • ADMC Dubbing Project • Al Sharjah TV OB Van Refurbish Project


Lighting System – Sport • Bein Sport – Morning Studio Lighting System • Bein Sport TVRO System

Summit League – Doha/Qatar

& Expansion • Al-Rai TV Video Wall System • KidZania Kuwait – Complete Video Audio System




management practice, it facilitates swift



project commencement and progress

• All milestones and significant

INC Broadcast has a team of engineers

through pre-defined stages of a low-risk

and installation wiremen experienced in

path designed to achieve high quality results.

• Dependencies between sub-tasks

broadcast installations and commissioning.

It is based on continuous client involvement

• Outcome of sub-tasks

On completion, the system is commissioned

and remains the principal focus throughout

• Start and finish time of sub-tasks

and thoroughly checked both for technical

the project and until the achievement of

• Resourcing and responsibility

performance and operational requirements.

pre-arranged objectives.

delivery dates

for sub-tasks

In any project, partial or complete

• Timescale for client input and sign-off

system pre-build can be undertaken at

• Delivery milestones

the company premises prior to on-site

• Specification of works to be

implementation. This technique saves


time on-site and reduces costs especially

INC System Integrations

• Draft acceptance documents

on overseas projects.

Jumeirah Lakes Towers


industry’s highest standards where all major

Liaison with architects and builders to

components are tested – cables path test

provide the correct building in which

such as jitters, rise time and amplitude is

to install a broadcast system is one of

conducted using special measurement tools.

the services provided by INC Broadcast.

Draft copy of the system testing procedure

Planning complex facilities requires

document is handed over to the client for

understanding how buildings facilitate

approval before testing commences.


The system testing procedure follows the

media production and distribution. INC

Cluster N – JBC 4 Tower 32nd Floor - Office# 3206 PO Box 454957 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 4542766/76 Fax: +971 4 4542768 Eliza Damian

has the skills necessary to bring vision to



the total facility concept.



INC’s large annual purchasing volume TECHNOlOGY ENGINEERING

creates a strong relationship with major

INC Kuwait


vendors that often yields a significant

Safat, Kuwait City,

At INC, a thorough understanding of

pricing advantage which is then passed

broadcast operations and workflow exists,

on to clients.

Fahad Salem Street

gained over years of close co-operation with a vast network of clients.


10th Floor. PO Box 1167, Safat 13012

INC offers two types of support contracts,

Kuwait City, Kuwait


both of which can be customised.

Tel: +965 224431/2/3

• Production of television studios,

• Parts Pro: Where the company supplies

Fax: +965 22443130

newsrooms, master control and transmission systems • IT solutions for media, filebased workflows • Storage, archive and media asset management

clients with spare parts only when a fault happens • Service Pro: Where the company supplies clients with spare parts replacements as well as on-site inspection and repair services when a fault happens

• Satellite earth stations

INC Saudi Arabia Madarat Advance Trading Est. Fatimah Alzahra’a Street, Malaz Dis. Riyadh 11383

• Satellite news gathering


PO Box 355342 - KSA

• Outside broadcast

INC has developed a methodology that

Tel: +966 1 4766626

• Emerging technologies such as VOIP

ensures high-quality and a customised

Fax: +966 1 4772964

• Space planning

system for each client. A robust project


Index ABS Network




Advanced Media


Jünger Audio GmbH


Al Aan Media Services






Leader Electronics Corporation


Amaranthine Trading LLC


M-Three Satcom


Appear TV


Master Media


APT Satellite




Arab 24




Ardis Technologies – Dynamic Drive Pool




Aret Video and Audio Engineering


NMK Electronics Ent.


Ariston BTS


Orban Europe GmbH






Brainstorm Multimedia


Real Image TV Production


BS Broadcast


Riedel Communications


Broadcast Systems Arabia (BSA)


Rohde & Schwarz


Calrec Audio Ltd.


Ross Video




RTS Intercoms


Es’hailSat, Qatar Satellite Company


Sennheiser Middle East


Extreme Technology


SERAPHIC Information Technology Co., Ltd.


Fujifilm Middle East FZE






Swoo Limited






GSL Professional LLC


U-TO Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd.




World Teleport Association


Guntermann & Drunck GmbH Systementwicklung 86 INC System Integrations


Managing Director Raz Islam Editorial Director Vijaya Cherian Project Editor Kalyani Gopinath Contributing Editor Supriya Srinivas Group Sales Director Sandip Virk +971 50 929 1845 +44 773 444 2526 Art Director Simon Cobon Production Manager Vipin V. Vijay +971 4 375 5713 Distribution Manager Sunil Kumar +971 4 375 5476 Founder Dominic De Sousa (1959-2015) Printed by Printwell Printing Press LLC Published by

Licensed by TECOM to registered company, CPI Trade Publishing FZ LLC whose registered office is 207 – 209, Building 3, Dubai Studio City, Dubai, UAE. A supplement of BroadcastPro ME. Š Copyright 2018 CPI. All rights reserved. While the publishers have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information in this magazine, they will not be held responsible for any errors therein.

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