Brockport Foundation 2012 Annual Report

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Brockport Foundation Annual Report 2012

Karen Gottermeier Webber ’09/’10 Accounting – BS Forensic Accounting – MS

Karen Gottermeier Webber ’09/’10

Aissatou Ndaiye ’12

Noah Reger ’13

Accounting – BS Forensic Accounting – MS Hometown: Webster, NY

Finance and Business Administration Major, Minor in Economics Hometown: New York, NY

Biology (Pre-Med) and Philosophy Major Hometown: Holley, NY

Q What is your current position?

Q Briefly describe yourself.

A Staff Accountant, StoneBridge Business Partners, an EFP Rotenberg Company.

A I was born and raised in Senegal, West Africa, and I came to America when I was 16. Everyone calls me Aida. I love meeting and interacting with different people from different backgrounds, and I work hard to achieve the goals I set for myself.

Q Why did you choose The College at Brockport?

Q Why did you choose The College at Brockport? A I chose Brockport because of a recommendation from a family member in public accounting. He told me his best interns were coming from Brockport. Also, when I was looking at graduate schools, I found that there was no other program like it in the area. Q H ow did Brockport prepare you for the “real world?” A In Brockport’s MS Forensic Accounting program, there were standard college lectures, but we also role played, which included working through a forensic audit and following a paper trail based on a “real life” case. We networked with individuals in the industry, presented on topics, and practiced interviewing skills. I have used every one of these skills in the field. Q What advice could you give to current Brockport students? A Start networking and seeking out potential career paths/employers as soon as possible. Get your name out in the industry early, and keep in contact with recruiters and professors.

A I chose Brockport because of the high quality programs and the proximity to my home. I was familiar with the campus due to my enrollment at Brockport as a non-matriculated student when I was still in high school.

Q Explain “New Generation,” the nonprofit organization you started.

Q Describe your internship experience at Johns Hopkins University.

A New Generation is a non-profit organization that was created by my brother and me, along with some of our friends. The purpose of this organization is to help less fortunate kids in Senegal. We provide medicine, clothes, and other non-perishable items to children. Right now we are trying to build a library in Senegal. We have been reaching out to schools for unused computers, books, and anything that could benefit the new library, and more importantly the Senegalese children.

A I am in the pre-med track at Brockport, and I hope to become a neurosurgeon or a neurologist. I went to Johns Hopkins the summer of my freshman year and took courses in neuroscience and biochemistry. I was able to visit The Johns Hopkins Medical Center, which I found to be amazing. I also was able to learn a great deal about the medical school’s entrance requirements.

Q What’s your favorite quality about Brockport? A One thing I like about Brockport is how friendly the people are. When I moved into the residence hall my first semester on campus, I thought that it would be hard to adapt to my surroundings and also make new friends. The transition was a learning experience. I met lots of great people who pushed me to achieve my goals, and I’m extremely happy about that. 2

Q H ow has the Honors Program helped your academic career at Brockport? A I enjoyed the early class registration. Being in the Honors Program has given me more flexibility in my scheduling. I was able to take courses outside my majors, and study abroad. Q What has been your favorite class? A My favorite course so far was Philosophy of Science with Professor Joseph Long. It was a class that blended both my majors together.

Table of Contents Brockport Foundation Board.................................................................................... 2 A Message from the Chair of the Foundation........................................................ 3 A Message from the President of the Foundation.................................................. 4 A Message from the President of the College......................................................... 5 Year in Review............................................................................................................. 6 Casting A Long Shadow.......................................................................................... 12 Planned Giving Society............................................................................................ 14 Lifetime Giving Societies......................................................................................... 15 Annual Giving Societies.......................................................................................... 16 Faculty and Staff ...................................................................................................... 18 Emeriti and Family................................................................................................... 20 Student Families....................................................................................................... 21 Friends ...................................................................................................................... 23 Corporations, Foundations and Others................................................................ 26 Alumni by Class........................................................................................................ 28 Honors and Memorials............................................................................................ 35 Endowed and Annual Scholarships....................................................................... 39 President’s Donor Recognition Dinner................................................................. 42 The Special Events Recreation Center (SERC)..................................................... 43 Our Mission.............................................................................................................. 44 Brockport Foundation Financial Reports............................................................. 45 Gift Officers............................................................................................................... 48 Ways to Give.............................................................................................................. 49

The 2012 Annual Report reflects gifts made between July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012.


Brockport Foundation Board OFFICERS Diane McCue ’77 Chair General Manager, Printing Plate Business, Eastman Kodak Company, Retired Mary Worboys-Turner Immediate Past Chair Community Volunteer Joseph Doody ’74 Vice Chair President, Staples, North American Delivery R. Scott Flieger ’77 Treasurer Managing Director, Deutsch Bank Securities Inc. Maureen Casey ’83 Esq. Secretary Executive Director, Military & Veteran Affairs JP Morgan Chase & Co. Roxanne Johnston President, Ex Officio Vice President for Advancement The College at Brockport

DIRECTORS Mark Aesch ’88 Chief Executive Officer, Envisurage Robert Baden ’79 President, Rochester Software Associates, Inc. Nicholas Billotti ’73 President and Chief Executive Officer, Turner International Patrick L. Clark President and CEO, Burst Point Networks, Inc. Flor Colon, Esq. Associate General Counsel, Xerox Corporation John Daly, PhD President, College Senate, The College at Brockport Michael Doyle ’80 Regional Vice President, Entercom Scott Farrell ’89 Owner, Farrell Files Radio Show on 10 Connects, Tampa, FL Glenn Goldberg ’80 President, Information and Media Services, McGraw-Hill Companies John R. Halstead, PhD President, The College at Brockport, Ex Officio Marc Iacona President, Simcona Electronics Corporation Warren Kozireski ’82/’95 President, Brockport Alumni Association Christopher Leichtweis ’83 President, Prema-Fix Environmental Services, Inc. Jacques Lipson, MD Internal Medicine Practitioner Robert Marino ’69 Retired Charles Nesbitt President and Commissioner, New York State Division of Tax Appeals and Tax Appeals Tribunal Robert Pepe ’01 Chief Financial Officer, LaBella Associates, P.C. Kevin Perry ’12 President, Brockport Student Government, Ex Officio Margaret Preska ’57, PhD President Emerita, Minnesota State University Mankato Josh Silber ’93 Partner, Abend and Silber, PLLC Louis Spiro ’82 Vice President, Administration and Finance, The College at Brockport, Ex Officio


Message from the Chair of the Brockport Foundation

Dear Friends, When I meet with fellow alumni—whether from the class of ’42, ’62 or ’02—invariably they tell me they owe their professional success to the education they received at The College at Brockport. They also speak about lifelong friendships made here, and some even tell me this is where they found their lifelong partners. I also point with pride to my Brockport degree and remember fondly my years at this college where I made many lasting friendships. Because of these and many other reasons, I am grateful for the opportunity to give back to my Alma Mater by serving as chair of the Brockport Foundation Board and supporting student success through the scholarships that my husband, Jerry, and I support. Today, Brockport is nationally recognized for its academic excellence, state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities, study abroad opportunities, and for raising the bar with its innovative living and learning communities. All of these contribute to making a College at Brockport degree more valuable than ever. Each fall, eager, bright and inquisitive students come to campus, carrying with them their hopes and dreams for their own Brockport experience. Thanks to the College’s leadership and the generosity of fellow alumni, The College at Brockport is able to provide the resources crucial to the success of our students. This past year has been one of growth, innovation, and most importantly, hopes fulfilled and dreams realized. Please consider making a gift today by visiting our web site at giving. Your generosity helps make it all possible. Thank you,

Diane McCue ’77 Chair, Brockport Foundation


A Message from the President of the Foundation

Dear Friends, As always, I am in awe of the generosity of the alumni and friends of The College at Brockport. So many of you have stepped up and taken leadership roles through your giving—helping us keep a college education within reach for our students and enhancing the academic and co-curricular programs that put our students on a trajectory for success. One shining example can be found in the story of our anonymous donor featured in this report. While determined to keep himself out of the limelight, he is equally determined to provide scholarships that will benefit generations of students. Through a bequest, he has made an extraordinary gift of more than $2 million to enhance the scholarships he previously established. It’s been an honor and pleasure to work with “Dr. Anonymous” and to help him realize an ambition that he and his late wife shared—to give back to an institution that gave them so much. His thoughtfulness and determination are truly inspirational, and I am fortunate to now count him among my lifelong friends. The Brockport family is indeed a generous one, and it is wonderful to be a part of it. Each year we strive to reach more alumni to share the goods news of the College; to connect would-be donors with the faculty, students and programs that will inspire their giving; and, to help the College broaden its margin of excellence through the resources that only private support can provide. It is good work and a great cause! Thank you for your ongoing support! Together, we will continue to keep The College at Brockport and the next generation of students on a path for success. Warmest regards,

Roxanne Johnston Vice President for Advancement President, Brockport Foundation


A Message from the President of The College at Brockport

The College at Brockport, State University of New York, faced both a challenging and rewarding year in 2011-12. Although we may have experienced a few ebbs and flows of the tides of public higher education along the way, I firmly believe we are a stronger, more focused organization as we move toward becoming a model comprehensive college for the 21st century. In June we received our reaccreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Reaccreditation is a process that all colleges and universities go through every ten years, and our College spent more than two years preparing and taking a hard, authentic look at the way we operate. The good news is that we received reaffirmation of our Middle States Accreditation. Further, we received commendations in each of the 14 standards on which we were judged. Commendations aside, a process such as this always uncovers areas for continuous improvement, and we are working hard to provide an even better total educational experience for our students. What we learned during the Middle States process ties in nicely with our five-year strategic plan which commenced in July 2011. And thank goodness we had that latest evolution of our strategic plan. The plan has as its emphasis a sharp focus on the student experience with the expectation that important indicators of success — graduation rates, retention rates and student satisfaction — will rise. At the end of each year, we take a close look at the goals and targets we had set and recalibrate as necessary. Thus, in the future, we shall be placing even greater emphasis on learning outcomes. Another highlight of the year was in March when we hosted the SUNY Board of Trustees. This was one of the few times in recent years that the Board has held its meetings outside of Albany or New York City, and it gave the College an opportunity to show off our campus to the Board and the Chancellor. It’s always important to underscore our distinctive qualities and features as a College. I realize it doesn’t fall under the timing of this annual report; however, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention one of the most exciting days in this institution’s history. On Friday, September 14, 2012, during Homecoming Weekend, we opened the Special Events Recreation Center in a day-long celebration culminating in a spirited rally inside SERC. From ribbon cuttings to philanthropy, confetti to rock concerts, I was so proud to have so many of our Foundation Board and alumni leadership with us to be a part of this tremendous celebration. The impact this facility has already had on our campus is enormous (more than 5,000 participants per week) and it will continue to be a major academic and recreational facility for students, faculty/staff, and the Greater Rochester community (over 800 high school track stars were recently here to compete). With Brockport continuing to rise in national rankings for quality and value, we continue to reach toward our goal of becoming a nationally recognized master’s institution focused on student success. I can’t underestimate, however, the importance of private support to achieving the goals and plans we have set in motion. As always, I want to offer my personal thanks for the dedication and commitment of our volunteer Brockport Foundation. Past, current, and future students of The College at Brockport have and will receive outstanding educational opportunities otherwise unattainable due both to this group, and to all of the many friends of Brockport who support our vision. Best wishes,

John R. Halstead, PhD


Year in Review

July 2011


• Th e Brockport Campus School may have closed its doors in 1981, but the hundreds of students who attended it remember their school days fondly. This was evident when 400 people, including Campus School faculty, gathered to reminisce during the school’s first, but perhaps not last, reunion.

• T en members of The College at Brockport community spent a month unearthing treasures of the Nabataean Empire in Petra, Jordan. “It was a great experience for our students both culturally and archaeologically,” says Jennifer Ramsay, PhD, assistant professor of anthropology. “I think they were able to develop an appreciation for what life is like in developing countries.”

• M ore than 100 student leaders from across the United States converged at The College at Brockport for the Association of College Unions International Institute for Leadership Education and Development’s annual Student Leadership Conference. The conference offered an intense six-day learning experience in which students could sharpen their leadership skills and discover new ways to build community on their respective college campuses. • W illiam Matthias ’12, editor-in-chief of The Stylus, received the prestigious Society of Professional Journalist’s Robert D.G. Lewis First Amendment Award, honoring him for his outstanding service to the First Amendment through the field of journalism. “Bill is the kind of journalism student that teachers are lucky to get once in a lifetime,” said Marsha Ducey, PhD, Department of Communication assistant professor and faculty advisor to The Stylus. “He wants to be the watchdog and hold those in power accountable for their actions. He thinks long and hard about the ethics of his actions, questions and stories.”


The team lived in a Bedouin village where they were immersed in the village’s culture. This experience may have been the most valuable. “I think they realized they were lucky to have been raised in North America. It was a great way for archaeology and cultural anthropology to intersect.” • I ncoming students and their families got a surprise when they pulled onto Residence Drive on Move-in Day. Nearly 500 volunteers, including faculty, staff and students, were on hand to help the newest members of the College community. Sue Kalabanka was thankful to see them. “The way the College has this set up is totally amazing,” she said. Kalabanka traveled from Auburn, NY, with her son Zachary. “I’m so impressed with this that I want my daughter to go here — and she’s only 11.” Move-in Day was just one component of a week of activities designed to welcome 2,177 new students (1,140 freshmen and 1,037 transfer students) to campus.


“We believe we made a difference in providing a path to better management of watersheds and lakes in the Finger Lakes region,” said Project Director Joseph Makarewicz, PhD, distinguished service professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Biology. Other Brockport researchers include Theodore Lewis, research scientist; Mark Noll, PhD, professor of earth science; and James Zollweg, PhD, lecturer.

• Th e College at Brockport continued its upward trajectory in the annual US News & World Report’s “America’s Best Colleges” guide. Brockport is ranked 57th among master’s universities in the Northern region — its highest ranking ever — in the magazine’s 2012 edition. Brockport was ranked No. 67 the year before.

The project was funded by $1.2 million in grants from the US Department of Agriculture and with additional grant support from the Livingston Planning Department and Altria Corporation.

“Our continuing rise in the US News & World Report’s rankings is a reflection of The College at Brockport’s commitment to student success and academic excellence,” said Brockport President John R. Halstead, PhD. “While rankings are gratifying, the successes we see our students achieving on a daily basis are our greatest reward.”

• M ore than 250 guests were in attendance when His Royal Highness, Prince Turki Al Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, of Saudi Arabia, delivered the College’s inaugural Malik Lecture Series address entitled “Building Bridges Through Dialogue.”


His Royal Highness provided a political and military history of Saudi Arabia, denouncing “those who use religion for political gain.” An extensive question and answer session followed, covering topics ranging from the occupation of Kashmir to women’s rights in Saudi Arabia to the issue of Palestinian statehood.

• Th e Conesus Lake Watershed Management Project, which documented the impact of best agricultural management practices on the lake’s near-shore water quality, was honored as a Success Story by the State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference. The project was conducted by researchers at the College, in conjunction with researchers at SUNY Geneseo, Rochester Institute of Technology and Cornell University, and earned international recognition.

The Malik Lecture Series, named in honor of Salahuddin Malik, PhD, professor of history, offers opportunities to foster greater East-West understanding and promote dialogue between cultures. 7



• W riter Francine Prose, author of My New American Life, spoke at Temple B’rith Kodesh for The College at Brockport’s annual Writer’s Voice.

• A s the curtain was closing on the College’s fall academic semester, it was opening on the Department of Theatre’s production of Carlo Goldoni’s The Servant of Two Masters.

Hailed as “one of our finest writers,” Prose, a leading voice in contemporary American letters, authored numerous novels, including Goldengrove; A Changed Man, for which she won the first Dayton Literary Peace Prize in fiction; and Blue Angel, a finalist for the 2000 National Book Award. Prose’s nonfiction includes Anne Frank: The Book, The Life, The Afterlife; Reading Like a Writer; and The Lives of the Muses: Nine Women & the Artists They Inspired. Her work includes the young adult novels Hunters and Gatherers, Bigfoot Dreams and Primitive People. Her reviews/essays have appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s, Best American Short Stories, The New Yorker, and other publications.

The Department of Theatre’s alliance with Geva Theatre Center offers opportunities for Brockport students to intern at the community theater while Geva shares the talents of its professionals, including those of Jesse Geiger, Geva’s 2011 directing fellow, who directed the College’s production of The Servant of Two Masters. Geiger, a Brooklyn-based director and co-artistic director of A Collection of Shiny Objects, was a finalist in the 2010 Samuel French Festival, and the recipient of a 2009 Drama League Fellowship and a 2010 New Directors/ New Works seed grant.

The 2011 benefactors and scholars dinner was held during Family Weekend on Saturday, November 5. The event, held in the ballroom, included parents for the second year. On hand to hear the keynote speaker, alumna Marissa Ballaro, were 360 students, parents, benefactors and faculty and staff.


January 2012


• Th e College at Brockport has once again been named one of the “Top 100 Best Values in Public Colleges” by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance. The list features public schools that deliver a quality education at an affordable price. Brockport ranked No. 75 on the list and, according to Kiplinger’s, was selected due to its high four-year graduate rate, low average student debt at graduation, abundant financial aid, a low sticker price, and great overall value.

• N early 44 years later, tears still came to the eyes of the Reverend Dr. James L. Netters as he recounted his friendship with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “His life and legacy were all about freedom,” Netters said. “He lived and died for freedom.” More than 300 people heard Netters discuss his own fight for freedom as well as his interactions with King during The College at Brockport’s 2012 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Lecture.

“In trying economic times, delivering value to our students is of incredible importance,” said President John R. Halstead, PhD. “We’re honored that Kiplinger’s has again recognized the high quality of education that we provide at SUNY’s affordable tuition rate.”

Netters also recalled being in Washington, DC, in 1963, sitting on the stage as King delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. “He (King) was my mentor, my hero, and a man that I loved,” Netters said. He also marched in Memphis with King to support a sanitation workers strike in what became King’s final act as a civil rights leader. King was assassinated in Memphis three days later.

• I nternationally acclaimed contemporary folksinger/satirist/ entertainer Christine Lavin performed on the Tower Fine Arts Center stage. The Brockport alumna performed, “My 25th Anniversary Concert: What Was I (EVER!) Thinking?” The concert was vintage Lavin, celebrating the last quarter century by reprising some of her hits, introducing her latest compositions, and interweaving her hilarious stories about the people, events, near disasters and minor miracles that have defined her life and music.

Students from the College’s Protest and Public Opinion course met Netters during a service learning trip to Memphis and encouraged the College to invite him to speak at its annual remembrance of King.




• P resident John R. Halstead, PhD, announced the Golden Eagles football team will join the Empire 8 as an affiliate member, competing for the first time in the 2014 season. The Golden Eagles will compete against Alfred University; affiliates Buffalo State College, Frostburg State University, and Salisbury University; Hartwick College; Ithaca College; St. John Fisher College; and Utica College.

• Th e College welcomed members of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education evaluation team to campus as part of the College’s reaccreditation process. The eight-member Evaluation Team conducted the peer evaluation portion of the reaccreditation, meeting with faculty, staff and students. A major outcome of the reaccreditation process is that it serves as a point of departure for charting the future direction of the College. Following the team’s visit, the College received word it had been awarded reaccreditation status.

• Th e College welcomed Dr. James A. (Beau) Willis, PhD, into the position of vice president for administration and finance, succeeding Lou Spiro. Spiro retired after 33 years at Brockport.

• Th e State University of New York named The College at Brockport the recipient of two of its new Innovative Instruction Technology Grants (IITG), a program which funds campus innovation and initiatives that have the potential to be replicated throughout the SUNY system and benefit students and faculty worldwide. Adam Rich, PhD, associate professor of biology, won a grant for his project, “Creation, Implementation, and Assessment of Anatomy and Physiology Online Laboratory Modules.” Mary Jo Orzech, PhD, director of library services, won a grant for her project, “Giving/Getting Access to Scholarly and Instructional Material.”

Willis most recently served as executive vice president of university support services at the University at Buffalo (UB). “From the onset of the selection process, I was impressed by The College at Brockport… and its aspiration to transform itself into a nationally recognized comprehensive master’s institution,” said Willis. Prior to UB, Willis served at the University of California at Santa Cruz as assistant dean of the Division of Natural Sciences and then as assistant campus provost.

• Th e 45th season of The Writers Forum welcomed bestselling memoirist Augusten Burroughs, who was presented the prestigious Art of Fact Award. Burroughs, best known for penning the New York Times bestselling memoir Running with Scissors, was recognized for excellence in literary nonfiction.




• C ritically acclaimed Hollywood writer and College at Brockport alumnus Stuart Krieger delivered inspirational messages to graduates during the College’s Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony. In addition, the Emmy Award recipient received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from the State University of New York as part of the commencement ceremony.

• A lison M. Parker, PhD, professor, and Meredith Roman, PhD, associate professor, were selected to receive this year’s SUNY Chancellor’s Awards, bringing the total number of current history faculty and staff who have won Chancellor’s Awards to nine. Roman received the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. The Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities honored Parker, whose work has had a significant impact on the field of American women’s and gender history.

• R obert Gold, PhD, an alumnus and dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Maryland, College Park, and one of the world’s foremost experts in health education, gave the Graduate Commencement address. Gold is a professor of health education and co-director of the Public Health Informatics Research Laboratory. He received an honorary Doctor of Science from the State University of New York.

• Th e College at Brockport, State University of New York, announced the formation of The Graduate School, formerly known as the Office of Graduate Studies. With 47 programs of study, Brockport’s Graduate School is the second largest among SUNY comprehensive colleges.

• L auren J. Lieberman, PhD, was appointed to the rank of Distinguished Service Professor by the State University of New York Board of Trustees. Lieberman, who teaches in the Department of Kinesiology, Sport Studies, and Physical Education, is just the 11th faculty member in The College at Brockport’s history to receive this prestigious honor.

“The resources and institutional prominence of The Graduate School enable us to fulfill our mission, serve our students and residents of New York State,” says James Spiller, PhD, the assistant provost for research and scholarship and dean of The Graduate School. “With this greater investment in graduate operations, the College will build on its academic strengths and pursue new opportunities for innovative graduate education.”

Lieberman has achieved an international reputation as a leader in the field of adaptive physical education. She has founded Camp Abilities, a developmental sports camp for children with visual impairments, blindness, or deafblindness. The program’s success is being replicated both in the United States and abroad. “Dr. Lieberman has earned an international reputation for her work with visually impaired children. Founded in 1996, the Camp Abilities program has brought significant attention to the College,” says Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Anne Huot, PhD. 11

A Message From a Donor

Casting A Long Shadow Perhaps there are as many reasons for giving to The College at Brockport as there are people whose lives have been enriched by their Brockport experience. Many of these individuals and couples establish scholarships and go on to name the College in their wills. By making a planned gift to the College they are giving back and paying it forward. These acts of generosity express their confidence in Brockport — a confidence that casts a long and enduring shadow.

An emeritus donor who wishes to remain anonymous is remembering the College in his will, designating a $2-million bequest to the institution that remains close to his heart and dear to his family. Besides supporting student endeavors for generations to come and establishing an enduring legacy, our donor’s gift also is a meaningful way of honoring the memory and wishes of his late wife. “My beloved wife, reflecting on our years at Brockport, noted, ‘Those were our happiest years. Now it’s payback time.’” His


“ Last, but in no way least, the

donation is a pay-back for the assistance members of Brockport’s faculty provided to our daughter.

wife has since passed, but her desire to and reasons for giving back to The College at Brockport live on. The couple made their first gift to the College some years ago — a scholarship they established to help support student success. But they wanted to do more, giving the College “a preferred position” in their wills. Our generous donor remembers his years at Brockport and the people who helped to enrich his professional and personal experiences as a member of the College’s faculty. “I shall be forever grateful to the Trustees of the State University of New York (SUNY), (former) SUNY Chancellor Samuel Gould, (then) President Albert Brown and Professor William Andrews for my special appointment to the University of New York and the College and thereby significantly advancing my career.” As rewarding as his lifelong relationships with his colleagues have been, he has yet another reason for giving back to Brockport. “I feel an obligation to do what I can to assist students on their way to a college degree and ultimately their life goals. This arises from the fact that I personally benefitted from numerous generous private, university and government overseas teaching and research grants throughout my own college and professional career.” Our donor’s path to his lifelong profession began during World War II. A returning veteran, the GI Bill of Rights

made it possible for him to obtain With the support of dedicated Brockport faculty, his undergraduate she was able to complete required science education. He went on to a graduate courses and add valuable firsthand laboratory program, working experiences that served her well when applying toward a PhD, to graduate and medical school. ultimately finding his career home at Brockport. personal connection with a major graduate Yet, there is still school to further our daughter’s career another reason our donor couple decided goal — the medical profession. Today, she they wanted to support The College at is a practicing physician.” In addition to Brockport. “Last, but in no way least, the his remarkable planned gift, our donor donation is a pay-back for the assistance created several scholarships, named for members of Brockport’s faculty provided himself and his wife, and his daughter, to to our daughter. She was a student at encourage other young scholars whose another university, but she enrolled at future plans include medical school. Brockport during summers, taking a Our donor remembers the past, thankful calculus and then a chemistry course. for the experiences he and his family Practicing teaching at its best, the then enjoyed at Brockport throughout the years, Chair of the Department of Mathematics and supports a sound fiscal and academic and Professor of Chemistry Derek Hill environment for current and future enabled the otherwise talented young students. He also reveals that he has great woman to master the two difficult subjects, trust in today’s College leadership, knowing something teachers at the other college had his gift will be thoughtfully managed and been unable to achieve. In addition, two used for the greatest good of the College Brockport professors, one in biology and community. “I am impressed with the one in psychology, employed our daughter administration at The College at Brockport as a lab and research assistant.” and the way they oversee grants and With the support of dedicated Brockport donations. This gives me confidence that faculty, she was able to complete required the objectives I have for my gift will be science courses and add valuable firsthand well served.” laboratory experiences that served her well when applying to graduate and medical school. “In addition, a faculty member in the Department of Biology used her


Planned Giving Society Gloria Mattera Heritage Society

The Gloria Mattera Heritage Society is so named to honor Dr. Gloria Mattera ’52/’55. A native of Rochester and a Brockport alumna, Dr. Mattera is responsible for groundbreaking initiatives in the education of the children of migrant farmworkers in our region. A loyal Brockport alum, Dr. Mattera served on several Alumni Association committees. In 1986, she received the Alumni Association’s highest honor and was inducted into the Brockport Alumni Association Hall of Heritage.

Her untimely death in 1988 left a void for everyone who was touched by her kindness and generosity. But her enduring commitment to students and her far-sighted planning created an endowment that will last forever. Her planned gift endowed a student scholarship fund that will provide the means to continue changing lives — one student at a time.

Members of the Gloria Mattera Heritage Society include: Mary Joan Allen * William and Monika * Andrews Anonymous Anonymous ’53 Anonymous ’55 Anonymous ’83 Lawrence ’52 and Stasia Arcarese Ella Ashworth * Herbert S. Bailey * Betsy Balzano Jeanette D’Agostino Banker ’53 Nancy C. Barbour Carol J. Belden Joseph ’59 and Beth Bellanca Margaret Blackman Walter Borowiec Henry L and Marian M.* Bretton Melissa Brown Marguerite (Peg) Hare Browne ’44 * David J. Carney * Eileen Corcoran * Frederick Dean ’60 * Colleen Donaldson ’77 Marvin Duryea ’60 Helmut ’63 and Sandra Forno ’64 Eichhorn

Doris L. Lee * Edward C. Lehman, Jr. Christopher ’83 and Myra Leichtweis Elaine Leshnower ’61 Caroline Littell ’09 * Jennifer M. Lloyd ’87 Carolus Mackey ’17 * Patrick S. Madama ’77 Alfred and Marilyn Ryder * Mahlmann ’47 Susan Kwas Maloney ’67 Barbara Marchelos ’86 Gloria Mattera ’52 * Richard Maxwell ’60 * Gerald and Diane ’77 McCue S. Jean Boyd McKay ’59 Richard and Sandra ’87 Meade James Meyer ’66 Grace Milton ’40 * Alice Molenkamp * J. Emory Morris Edwin Nihiser * Robert E. O’Brien * Amelia Potote * Thelma A. Quicke ’36

Scott Farrell ’89 R. Scott ’77 and Mary Flieger A. John Fiorino ’53 Archie ’52 and Joan Butmore ’51 Freitas Scott A. Frutchey ’89 Alice W. and Fletcher M.* Garlock Ralph and Elizabeth * Gennarino Turi T. Gibson ’75 Jean and Lawrence O. Gostin ’71 Lena Harris * James and Carol ’94 Haynes Thomas W. Heath ’35 * Janie M. Hill ’85 Lucinda Hazen Hill * Chrystal Kelley Hoffman ’39 * Charlotte Holstein ’46 Terrence ’72 and Avis ’80 Hooper Kenneth Hovey ’38 * H. Larry and Dorothy Humm Willard W. and Judith P. Hunter Dawn and Michael Jones Mildred C. and Howard E. * Kiefer Rhett King ’78 Wayne King ’57 * John Kohena ’80

The Benefits of Planned Giving

Hazel Rench * George M. ’54 * and Rosa A. Rich Rose Rock * Paul Sarbou ’53 Evelyn Wright Schur ’29 Daniel Senkowski ’69 Raymond Shaheen * Eric M. Steele * Rose L. Strasser * Marjorie Stewart * Ginny L. Studer Judith E. Szustakowski ’80 Marc Tarplee ’81 Stephen and Marcia Ullman Florence Remsen Wage ’30 * Betty Watson ’46 * Elizabeth Welch ’77 * June E. and Robert S.* Zimmer * deceased

You have the power to make a lasting impact on Brockport students through a planned gift. A variety of planned charitable arrangements let you leave a lasting legacy of support and, at the same time, reduce the tax burden on your estate and maximize your estate’s value to your beneficiaries. You don’t have to be a certain age or very wealthy to plan a gift that changes students’ lives. To learn more about how you can make a lasting difference for Brockport and become a member of the Gloria Mattera Heritage Society, go to or call Brad Schreiber, executive director of development, at (585) 395-2451.


Lifetime Giving Societies The Brockport Foundation is pleased to recognize its generous benefactors based on their lifetime giving. Each year at the President’s Donor Recognition Dinner, donors are publically welcomed into their appropriate giving society. The following reflects membership as of spring 2012.

Brockport Circle ($1,000,000 +)

Anonymous J. Emory Morris

Heil Brockway Society ($500,000 - $999,999)

Anonymous Vira Hladun-Goldmann ’58

Ernest C. Hartwell ($250,000 - $499,999)

Brockport Auxiliary Service Corporation Fletcher * and Alice Garlock Ralph and Betty * Gennarino Intel Corporation M&T Charitable Foundation George ’54 * and Rosa LaSorte Rich Alvin F. & Ruth K. Thiem Foundation

Donald M. Tower Society ($100,000 - $249,999)

Betsy Ann Balzano Nicholas ’73 and Beverly Billotti Brockport Student Government Marguerite Hare Browne ’44 * George ’63 and Mary ’56 Bauer Harry Caulfield Eastman Kodak Company Estate of Rose Strasser R. Scott ’77 and Mary Flieger Archie ’52 and Joan ’51 Freitas Glenn ’80 and Kim Burke James and Carol ’94 Haynes Janie Hill ’85 Willard and Judith Hunter John Bentinck-Smith Charitable Lead Trust Robert ’69 and Nancy ’69 Marino McCue Memorial Foundation Kazumi Nakano Michael Panaggio ’75 Sun Microsystems Incorporated Scott Turner and Mary Worboys-Turner James ’94 and Maria Vlogianitis John ’95 and Mary Vlogianitis WHEC-TV

Robert E. O’Brien Society

Marguerite Hare Browne Society

Anonymous Ella P. Ashworth ’33 * Herbert Bailey * Robert Baden ’79 Bank of America Nancy Barbour Brian M. Brady ’03 Walter Brautigan ’63 Henry and Marian Bretton Ann Donavin ’42 * Dorothea Deitz Scholarship Fund Joe ’74 and Peggy Doody Estate of Betty Watson Estate of Grace Milton ’40 Estate of Martin Rogers Estate of Richard Maxwell ’60 Friars Foundation Golisano Foundation Thomas Gosdeck ’73 and Catherine Schuth-Gosdeck Lawrence ’71 and Jean Gostin John and Kathy Halstead David and Gwendolyn Hoffberg Larry and Dorothy Humm IBM Corporation Earl and Mary ’61 Ingersoll Jack Spates Oklahoma Gold Wrestling Camp Michael and Dawn Jones JP Morgan Chase and Company Melinda Kleehamer ’83 John and Kathleen Kutolowski Donald Leffler * Christopher ’83 and Myra Leichtweis Elaine Leshnower ’61 Joseph and Susan Kwas ’67 Maloney William * and Annette Rock Rockne Educational Television, Inc. Sabin Metal Corporation Salvatore P. Salorenzo ’61 SirsiDynix Louis ’82 and Gene Spiro John Summers The Donald F. and Maxine B. Davison Foundation Stephen and Marcia Ullman Joan Young ’53 *

Anonymous Alliance with the Medical Society of the County of Monroe Alpha Alpha Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International William and Monika * Andrews Michael ’85 and Katie ’93 Andriatch Anonymous Lawrence ’52 and Stasia Arcarese Edward * and Jeanette D’Agostino Banker ’53 Barnes and Noble Booksellers, Inc. Daniel ’76 and Dale ’76 Bernstein Robert Boozer * Mou-Ta Chen Susan Collier Robert ’72 and Ruth Conrad Charles Dean ’68 Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation Davenport Hatch Foundation, Inc. Orlo Derby * Judith Desfosses Daniel ’79 and Priscilla Donovan Michael ’80 and Vicki Doyle Irwin * and Marilyn Duryea EFP Rotenberg LLP Helmut ’63 and Sandra Forno ’64 Eichhorn Estate of Florence Wage ’30 Estate of Gloria Mattera ’52 Estate of Kurt J. Williams Estate of Lucinda Hill Exxon Mobil Foundation Scott ’89 and Sam Farrell Richard and Joan ’79 Fenton Donald ’63 and Margie Greene William ’61 and Hannelore ’62 Heyen Hospital League/1199 SEIU Linda Hazel James Henion Charlotte ’46 and Alexander Holstein Anne Huot Marc and Anne Marie Iacona Jasco Tools, Inc. John and Roxanne Johnston Joseph ’99 and Josey Kakaty Peter and Marguerite Kane James ’86 * and Patricia Keeler Key Bank, N.A. Kilian J. and Caroline Schmitt Foundation LaBella Associates

($50,000 - $99,999)

($20,000 - $49,999)


LeChase Construction Liberty Mutual John Lindberg ’57 * Jacques and Dawn Lipson Jennifer Lloyd ’87 Patrick Madama ’77 Alfred and Marilyn ’47 Mahlmann Salahuddin and Sarwat Malik Thomas and Mary Markusen Richard “Bud” and Sandra ’87 Meade Milne Family Foundation Elaine Miller Harold ’54 and Lorraine ’54 Nash Niagara National Inc. Nixon Peabody, LLP Eugene ’53 and Mary Orbaker Paychex, Inc. Lynn and Anne ’82 Parsons Presbytery of Genesee Valley, Inc. Rochester Area Community Foundation Alva and Irene Rivera de ’74 Royston Paul ’53 and Noy Sarbou Daniel ’69 and Elizabeth Senkowski Raymond * and Theresa Shaheen Francis and Kristine Short Michael Sondow ’81 Sysco Food Services Edward * and Arline Stephany Thales Optem, Inc. Theresa Foundation Time Warner Cable Tommy Hilfiger Corporate Foundation Wegman Companies Inc. Xerox Corporation * deceased

Annual Giving Societies Each year, members of the College community demonstrate their commitment to Brockport through an annual gift. This following list represents those donors included in the President’s Leadership Circle.

President’s Roundtable ($10,000 +)

Alvin F. and Ruth K. Thiem Foundation Barnes & Noble College Booksellers Inc. Nicholas E. Billotti ’73 Henry L Bretton and Marian * Bretton Brockport Auxiliary Service Corporation Brockport Student Government Mou Ta* and Kathleen Chen Patrick L. Clark ’73 Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Michael ’80 and Vicki Doyle R. Scott ’77 and Mary Flieger Glenn Goldberg ’80 and Kim Burke Vira Hladun-Goldmann ’58 Judith P. and Willard W. Hunter Charitable Fund Salahuddin and Sarwat Malik Frances Moroney Whited Recreational Services – The College at Brockport George ’54 * and Rosie Rich The Donald F. and Maxine B. Davison Foundation The M&T Charitable Foundation Scott Turner & Mary Worboys-Turner James Vlogianitis ’94 John Vlogianitis ’95 Wells Fargo Community Support

1835 Society ($5,000 – $9,999)

Hospital League/1199 SEIU Training and Upgrading Fund Betsy Ann Balzano Walter F. Brautigan ’63 Collegiate Golf Alliance Joseph S. Crociata ’79 James ’62 and Judith Wade ’61 Denio Exxon Mobil Foundation Scott ’89 and Sam Farrell Archie ’51 and Joan Butmore ’52 Freitas Thomas J. Gosdeck ’73 Bill ’61 and Hanny Greiner ’62 Heyen David and Gwendolyn Hoffberg Anne E. Huot

Darwin E. Prioleau Douglas M. Scheidt Schwab Charitable Fund Josh Silber ’93 Howard J. Skogman Xerox Foundation

Earl and Mary Cosgrove ’61 Ingersoll Andrew and Sandra Kaldor Peter and Marguerite Kane LeChase Construction Christopher ’83 and Myra Leichtweis Nathan and Joan Lyons Susan Kwas Maloney ’67 Robert and Judith McLean Christos Moschovitis ’83 Kazumi Nakano Office of International Education – The College at Brockport Gwen Parks Salvatore P. Salorenzo ’61 Louis ’82 and Gene Spiro The Kakaty Group Visual Studies Workshop Wells Fargo Foundation WHEC TV-10, LLC

Founders Society ($1,000 - $2,499)

Thurston U. Allen ’88 Michael ’85 and Katie ’93 Andriatch Anonymous (4) Lawrence ’52 and Stasia Arcarese J. Scott ’82 and Sue ’92 Atkinson Bette P. Bailey ’67 Edward * and Jeanette D’Agostino ’53 Banker Leah and Douglas Barrett Sharon Belle-Render ’79 Bergmann Associates Inc. Deborah Birkins ’81 Dale R. Blissett ’59 Brian M. Brady ’03 Gary and Elizabeth Caruso Maureen E. Casey ’83 Christ Episcopal Church Ronald A. Clark ’54 Jane Clark ’68 Anne G. Cloutier Cody Wrestling LLC Cooley Group Inc. Jeff ’74 and Sue Hurley ’74 Crane Joyce Harper Dahrsnin ’53 Jacqueline Davis and Jack Glickman John De Felice ’53 Charlie Dean ’68 Patricia A. Desmond ’66 Thomas Diederich ’63 Diane Dimitroff and John Hackman Educational Testing Service EFP Rotenberg LLP Ike ’63 and Sandi Forno ’64 Eichhorn Thomas Ferrazzi Ferris ’92 Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Larry Flood ’85 William Frank ’93 Friends of Charlie Nesbitt Richard and Marianne ’85 Fuierer Lynne Fullerton-Gleason ’83 Thomas Ganley ’61 Edward & Verna Gerbic Family Foundation Daniel Gould ’73 Donald Greene ’63

Scholars Society ($2,500 - $4,999)

Anonymous ABVI Goodwill Robert Bermudes Jr. Bonnie L. Bower DDS ’75 Susan S. Collier Dan ’79 and Denny Donovan Moira A. Fallon Richard and Joan Sineti ’79 Fenton Gerald and Jean Foster G & G Fitness Equipment Inc. Mary Ann Giglio ’73 Robert W. Gill ’68 Donald H. Greene ’63 John and Kathy Halstead Robin S. Hamm ’09 Roxanne and John Johnston Kilian J. & Caroline F. Schmitt Foundation Inc. John W. and June Killigrew LaBella Associates PC Noah LeFevre Elaine Leshnower ’61 Liberty Mutual Jacques and Dawn Lipson Robert ’69 and Nancy Beatty ’69 Marino William ’77 and Mary Kay McEnery Harold W. ’54 and Lorraine Porter ’54 Nash Lynn H. and Anne Hruska ’82 Parsons Robert ’01 and Diane Pepe


Judith Rossiter Hellam ’61 Judith Heron ’61 Warren ’57 and Mary Ann Hewes Curtis J. Hill Mike ’77 and Edie ’99 Hill Janet M. Hill ’85 John ’83 and Beth Hoben Terrence ’72 and Avis Wagner ’80 Hooper O. Steve and Susan Ireland Will and Lois Irwin Jack Spates Oklahoma Gold Wrestling Camp Dennis J. Jarvis ’71 Jewish Community Foundation of Central New York Inc. Eamon T. Kays ’09 Kendall Hunt Publishing Company Mary Hechtel Khunger ’87 King & King Architects LLP Darby Knox Konstantin D. Frank & Sons Vinifera Wine Cellars The Landing at Brockport Christopher Leone ’98 Steven B. Lewis ’06 Helena Mitchell Lindsey ’70 Bill ’61 and Anne Kolibersky ’61 Linkner Alain F. Maca ’72 Linda Mack-Simmons ’77 Patrick Madama ’77 Donna Mancuso Julia Markusen Merck and Company Inc. David J. Mihalyov ’87 Winston Mitchell ’79 Robert and Patricia Sabatine ’61 Muscarella

Next Step Publishing Inc. Sara Eilola Niemeyer ’93 Nixon Peabody LLP Brian J. Petraitis ’73 Joan M. Pfeifer ’51 Pi Kappa Phi Eta Lambda Chapter Kenneth and Anna Pink Presbytery of Genesee Valley Inc. Daniel and Margaret Robinson ’57 Preska Kulathur S. Rajasethupathy David Rakov Jill M. Rakov ’66 P. Gibson Ralph Michael Rapalje ’63 Rochester Precision Optics Bill * and Ann Rock Sanford and Jill Miller Charitable Gift Fund Brad ’83 and Liz Schreiber Seneca Foods Foundation Francis and Kristine Short John and Angela Sinacore Amy Buongiorne Stamp ’89 Staples Arline Stephany Ginny L. Studer Sysco Food Services, Syracuse Dennis R. Thompson ’77 Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund Michael ’95 and Alethea Fitzgerald ’95 Trinkaus Turner International Tyco Electronics Matching Gift Program John and Maxine Van de Wetering Jim Whittle ’86 Kathryn Wilson Joseph P. Winnick Ronald ’83 and Michelle Littlefield ’83 Winnie Brian ’02 and Racheal Mastin ’05 Wood XL Global Services Inc. Richard ’66 and Ronni Zudiker ’68 Zusman

Deans Circle

Karen Diamond Colleen T. Donaldson ’79 Joseph G. Doody ’74 Joseph G. Doser ’51 * Mary Alice Edson ’62 Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Empire Nationals Wrestling Club Entre Computer Serivces Estate of Marguerite H. Browne Mark and Lisa Fenton William E. Fichtner ’78 Karen Francis ’88 Harry ’76 and Patricia Franklin Robert J. French ’82 and Pamela Pletcher Richard and Ann Frey Frontier Glass Inc. Gus E. Galliford ’61 John and Lynne Gardner Mark Gardner Emilio P. Genzano Carl and Michele Gildemeyer Jesse D. Goins ’74 Gerald A. Gregg ’71 David G. Hammond ’76 Mary S. Harris John ’57 and Jacqueline Blake ’57 Harten James and Carol ’94 Haynes Helen W. Hemmer James J. Horn William ’80 and Lauren Hunter Marc and Ann Iacona and Family IBM Corporation Susan Huston Jones ’77 John Keiser Key Bank Kiwanis Club of Brockport Stu ’73 and Hillary Krieger Kadathur B. Lakshmanan Melody M. Landberg ’78 Landsman Development Corporation C. Richard LaRose ’68 W. Bruce Leslie Jenny Lloyd ’87 David Lybarger M&T Bank Bhim and Raj Madan Joe ’67 and Maryann Keating ’67 Maresco Diane Frost McCue ’77 Mary Duryea Merle ’64 Gary Miller ’57 and Joan Sitterly ’74 Stephen ’69 and Kathy Gregory ’73 Nash Bill Nicholson ’58 Robert T. Norton ’51 Carl R. O’Connor ’07 Eugene ’53 and Mary Orbaker John and Martha Osowski Paul Pape ’74 Frank and Mary Lou Peppers Shona Perry ’86 Robert and Yvonne Pohlman

($500 - $999)

Advantage Sport & Fitness Inc. Agape Physical Therapy Services PC Alpha Phi Omega-Iota Omega Chapter Rick ’78, Diane, Colleen ’06 and Rich ’11 Amundson Anonymous (2) AP Professionals of Rochester Apogee Telecom Peter Arras ’63 Virginia Bacheler David Bagley Patricia Ellis Baker ’61 Maureen Moore Ballard ’95 Bank of America Matching Gift Program The Bates Family Morris and Carol Beers Nelson ’63 and Elaine Gray ’63 Beetow Joseph ’59 and Beth Bellanca Valerie Benzing ’67 and Linda Martin Raymond Berruti ’44 Allan ’79 and Jean Raschiatore ’69 Berry Margaret B. Blackman Penelope Blackman-Lawson ’94 Jimmy Borden ’02 George and Carol Vancise ’61 Bott Melissa M. Brown The Byrne Foundation Inc. Jody L. Caldwell ’86 Alissa D. Chaney ’08 Lynn Chauvin-Bezinque Chili Youth Baseball Inc. Robert and Flor Colon Bob Confer ’96 Fran Connors ’59 Elmer Cuthbertson ’62 Dance Rochester LTD Scott A. De Caro ’04 Joseph ’55 and Evelyn D’Aurizio ’52 Del Rosso Business Administration and Economics – The College at Brockport


Jeffrey ’75 and Maryellen Parnell ’81 Post Thomas ’71 and Jean ’72 Ricci Christine V. Rider ’68 Karen Riotto Jane Romal Kevin and Gwynetta Rossi Gregory J. Russo ’93 Bill Sachman ’07 Rocco ’88 and Kelly ’88 Salomone John Sapienza ’96 Shannon Sauro ’95 Karen Schuhle-Williams ’84 William ’62 and Adelaide Ratigan ’63 Setek Carl and Barbara Sherwood Melvin ’53 and Helen Fabi ’55 Smagorinsky Jack ’54 and Carol Smith Eugene H. Spafford ’79 Daniel ’76 and Lorna ’86 Stinebiser Residential Life – The College at Brockport Marc C. Tarplee ’81 Harold ’64 and June Jones ’62 Thompson Time Warner Toshiba Business Solutions Frederick and Patricia ’79 Tuttle UltraMobile Imaging Inc. The United Group Bernard Valento Wegmans Michael Whelan ’77 Margaret Veith Wicks ’51 Paul ’81 and Marcia ’96 Wieczorek Frank Wojcik Yale Internal Medicine, Med/Peds and Primary Care Residency The Zeller Corporation Foundation

Green and Gold Circle ($300 - $499)

3M Foundation Thomas Abraham ’86 Lew Adams Alesco Advisors LLC Anonymous Ashley McGraw Architects Alan and Eileen Austin Austin & Company Inc. B. Giambrone & Company Inc. Nance Bleekman Baranowski ’61 Becker Professional Education William and Mary Beckerich Richard Boardman ’63 Marietta Vaccaro Brownlie ’69 Bette Brunish ’62 Arden Bucholz John Carlson Bonnie Carter ’74 Andrew T. Caruso ’61 Linda LeRoy Chin ’62 CNY Thunder Baseball James B. Coe ’58 Dan Colacino ’73

Confer Plastics Inc. Jim and Sara Lemmler ’72 Cook Crosby-Brownlie Inc. Patrick R. Damore ’52 DeJoy, Knauf & Blood LLP Anthony J. DeYoung ’90 Peter ’81 and Linda Dowe Bob Driscoll ’58 * James Dugan ’65 Eileen Dumas James ’71 and Sue Fundermark ’74 Eddy FM Office Products Joel Frater Michael J. Gorse ’99 Scott ’99 and Kimberley Haines Allyn ’86 and Lynne Long ’71 Hammel Susan Hoffman Donald Holmes ’74 Tom Howarth ’73 HR Works Inc. Donald and Leah Pantalone ’71 Johnson

Glenn ’85 and Eileen Sinnott ’84 Johnson Johnston Paper Company Judith C. Joyce ’81 Joseph and Janice Kandor Manmadharao and Mary Kasaraneni Donna L. Kennison ’91 Warren ’82 and Heidi ’02 Kozireski KPMG LLP Cynthia Krautwurst Sarah Liebschutz Lift Bridge Book Shop Joan M. Lucas M/E Engineering P.C. Peter ’55 and Marilyn Kingsley ’57 Madsen Gary Manuse ’01 Tom and Mary Markusen Louis A. Mastellone Donna O’Hern Maytham ’53 John and Sarah Boyd ’59 McKay Mengel Metzger Barr & Company LLP Jason R. Morris Donald Murray ’69

Myriad Restaurant Group Network for Good Therese I. O’Brien ’58 Donny Ophals ’86 Mary Jo Orzech Paris Kirwan Associates Inc. Michael Pavlovich ’64 Katharyn Lieben Peebles ’77 Lou Pennella ’62 Pepsi Beverages Company Debbie Pesa Dan Petree Douglas ’75 and Linda LaCrosse ’75 Reeves Gerard Reidy ’79 Calvin and Margaret ’74 Rich Robert J. Robine ’55 Rochester Lead Works Inc. Donald Santini ’61 Ray ’61 and Guylene Scharf School of The Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences – The College at Brockport Ellen M. Simkulet ’70 Ralph and Harriet ’85 Sisson

Michael ’72 and Laurie Silverman ’73 Smith Linda Snell Darlene Runions Sprague ’75 Edward and Lillie Stephens Jack ’74 and Nancy Galloway ’75 Stewart William L. Tepas ’75 The College at Brockport’s Lions Club The Notable Corporation Joseph ’79 and Nicolina Colosi ’80 Trilling Eldwin Van Alstyne ’75 Claire L. VanDenBerghe ’87 Kelly L. Vergin ’89 Kevin Warner Gerard J. Wenzke ’78 Mark Werner ’75 Ben Werzinger ’98 Gary Westerfield ’67 Jack and Gladys ’91 Wolsky Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP * deceased

Faculty and Staff The faculty and staff of The College at Brockport are also among our most generous donors. Each and every year, faculty and staff give to scholarships, programs and funds that have a direct and immediate impact on our students. David Abwender Christa Geise Aldrich ’93 Heather Schaal Allen ’00 Debra A. Ames ’73 Vishal Anand Michael D. Andriatch ’85 Reddy Anugu Anonymous (6) Gail B. Argetsinger Jennifer Ashton Daniel B. Askey ’89 J. Scott Atkinson ’82 Virginia Bacheler David Bagley Kathleen J. Bailey ’05 Sister Beverly Baker ’86 Joseph and Linda Balog Jim E. Bareis ’85 Leah and Douglas Barrett Susan Bayer Justin Beach ’03 Nicole Beauregard Linda Becker Jamie Beers-Wilson Nora Y. Bell ’96 Sharon Belle-Render ’79 Donald Bigelow ’08 Stacy Birch Deborah Birkins ’81 Richard W. Black

Davida Bloom Kelly Bodine Kenneth P. Bonczyk ’70 Mark E. Bower ’80 Nicole Bower ’10 Monica K. Brasted ’90 Kelly Brennan-Jones Zara R. Brenner Nancy Brinkwart Gretchen Briscoe ’10 Melissa M. Brown Carol R. Brown Arden Bucholz Laura Buckner Cody Butlin Joe Buttons Payge Carlin John Carlson Barbara Carpenter Christian Carson and Sara DiDonato Gary and Elizabeth Caruso Robin Catlin Denise Catlin Dr. Mark J. Chadsey Alisia and Duncan Chase Joseph L. ’94 and Jennifer M. ’94 Chesebro Ruth Childs Gregory Christo Odilia Coffta ’12


Lee J. Cohen Susan Collier Adrienne Collier David and Dawn Comden Joan Consler Judy A. Conway Laurie B. Cook Mary E. Corey ’81 Rebecca G. Cousins ’03 Charles V. Cowling Holly Cunningham Robert Cushman John P. Daly Kevin Day John ’71 and Ricki De Baun Sheila De Vos Jacquelyn P. Deats Marie Desrochers Karen Diamond Rob DiCarlo ’90 Brian Dickinson Nancy DiPasquale Robert Dobmeier Colleen T. Donaldson ’79 Teresa Donnelly-Major Peter ’81 and Linda Dowe Laurie Downey Betty Drennen Marsha Ducey John ’03 and Lucinda Dumaw

Kim Dunaway Kimberly F. Duquette ’08 Diane C. Dwyer Kim Ehret ’05 Ralph Eisenmann Carol Eldred Victoria Elsenheimer Bill Evans Moira A. Fallon Kathleen Fallon John Feeney ’76 Joshua Fegley ’04 Dr. Douglas A. Feldman Jane M. Ferris ’98 Christa Filipowicz ’77 Debra Fisher Damian J. Flint ’10 John Follaco Patti Follansbee Lori-Ann Forzano Joel Frater Laurie A. Freeman ’93 Johnna M. Frosini ’92 Melissa Furness Lynne Gardner John Gardner Mark Gardner James Georger Sarah L Georger Lisa Gerst ’93

Janet Gillespie Jean Sayre Gilman Robin Glazier Stephen Godleski Ali Gonzalez Torres ’08 Patricia Goodspeed Kelly Greapentrog Phyllis E. Griswold ’73 Kathleen H. Groves ’70 Doreen Hagen Scott ’99 and Kimberley Haines Donald Halquist John and Kathy Halstead Erick Hart James and Carol Haynes Jennifer Haytock Lerong He Elizabeth Heavey Jennifer M. Hecker Susanna Heins ’97 Barbara Joyce Helf Timothy Henry Theresa Herzog Laurie Hildebrant Curtis J. Hill Huey K. Hing Anna Hintz Susan Hoffman Markus Hoffmann Cathy E. Houston-Wilson ’88 Diann Hughes Maria Hulbert Dr. Anne Huot Nancy S. Iafrati ’77 O. Steve Ireland Tiffany L. Jewell Kim Johnston Seth M. Johnston ’08 John and Roxanne Jonston Lois Jones Joanne Jordain Eric Kaldor Manmadharao Kasaraneni Dr. Maura Keefe and Mr. Mark Witteveen Jennifer L. Kegler John Keiser Sara Dierks Kelly ’07 Donna L. Kennison ’91 Donald Kent Joanne M. Kershner Karen Kifer Eun-joo Kim Richard B. Klancer ’01 Phyllis Kloda Susan Klueber Patty Knapp Darby Knox Donna Kowal ’89 Warren Kozireski ’82 Alexander M. Kralles ’94

Chris and Melissa Norment Sue Novinger David and Cherise Oakley Thomas and Nancy O’Connor Carl R. O’Connor ’07 James and Pam O’Keefe Sarah Olds Suzanne Oliver Kari A. Olson ’90 Mary Jo Orzech John and Martha Osowski Pamela O’Sullivan Gary Owens ’72 Alison Parker Anthony Parrino Christine Passarell Carole Pelttari Susan Perry Holly and John Perry Cassandra Persons Susan Petersen ’76 and Luz Cruz Dr. Dan Petree Sarah Plain Karen Podsiadly Sharon Porter Maryellen Post ’81 Nancy Prell Christopher Price Darwin Prioleau Julie Pruss Joanne Quinlan Stanley F. Radford Dan Raimondo ’83 Kulathur S Rajasethupathy P. Gibson Ralph T. Mahadeva Rao Jennifer Ratcliff Logan Rath Pamela Cooper Reamer ’02 Michele L. Reed ’91 Summer Reiner Kim Remley ’10 Bonnie J. Reulbach Monique M. Rew ’09 Marilyn Rich

Cynthia Krautwurst Amy L. Kruppenbacher ’02 Frank Kuhn Richard and Lorraine Lair Kadathur B. Lakshmanan Deborah Lamphron Jeffrey T. Lashbrook ’80 Catherine J. Legacy ’99 W. Bruce Leslie Dena B. Levy Steven B. Lewis ’06 Lauren Lieberman Amanda Lipko Bernard LoBracco, Jr Leslie Locketz Karen Logsdon ’81 Carmen Lopez Joan M. Lucas Beverly A. Ludke ’77 Marcia P. Lyman Alex Lyon Anne Macpherson Joseph and Joyce Makarewicz Jose Maliekal Salahuddin and Sarwat Malik Jason R. Mangone ’00 Gary Manuse ’01 Sara Margolin Jessica Marks ’06 Linda Marshall Morag Martin Timothy Massey Diane Maurer Patricia Maxwell Cathleen McCormick Mary McCrank ’06 and Laurie Haelen Thomas M. McDermott Mary A. McGonigal Fred McMillian Johnny McMillion Laurel McNall Heidi M. Melens ’97 JoAnn Melfi Fran Menedez Sherri Micheli David Mihalyov ’87 Earnest Miller ’92 Tim Lexvold and Lori Mills Linda Mitchell Sandeep Mitra Clyde Morgan James Morris Jason R. Morris Liz Morrow Sandra L. Mullin Dr Matthew Mulvaney Donald Murray ’69 Kim Harris Myers Sam Nicolosi Tim and Donna ’87 Noble


Adam and Mary Rich Kara Ricotta Jacques Rinchard Karen Riotto Brian and Allison Robbins Scott Rochette Deborah Rockow Daniel Rogers ’91 Justin P. Rogers ’05 Jane Romal Frank D. Rossi ’85 Janet Roy Anna Rupert James R. Ryan Bill Sachman ’07 Sharon Sailer Rocco Salomone ’88 John Sapienza ’96 Daniel R. Sargent ’89 Natalie Sarrazin Shannon Sauro ’95 Michael Schaffer ’70 Linda J. Schaffer ’73 Douglas M. Scheidt Robin Schepler Thomas R. Schmidt ’69 Doug Rodas and Dawn Schmidt Darlene M. Schmitt ’96 Chrystal Scholes Brad Schreiber ’83 Karen Schuhle-Williams, PhD ’84 Anthony Scime Maria T. Scipione ’91 Daniel and Kim Scott Susan R. Seem Dong-shin Shin Susan M. Shonk ’84 Francis and Kristine Short Deborah Shue Rey Antonio Sia Richard Sigal Roberta Simmons Lara Sipols Howard Skogman Jennifer Smathers

Laurie Smith ’73 Shelly Stack Smith ’91 Jeffrey Smith ’10 Jeffery Snarr Linda Snell Patricia Sorel Yolanda Soto ’05 James Spiller Greg and Jodie Stahl Adam ’98 and Elizabeth ’00 Standish Lucinda Stanton Lindsay Stephany ’06 Joanne Stevens ’04 Gary and Carol Stevens Dr. Susan Stites-Doe Channon Stratton

Juanita Suarez Linda Sweeney ’02 Chris and Chaley ’99 Swift Janka Szilagyi Mohammed Tahar Barbara B. Thaine Gail Tipton Jermaine R. Toppin ’10 Mary Ann Torres Gregory M. Toth Ralph Trecartin Kelly Tufano David Turkow ’73 Bernard Valento Cheryl M. Van Lare Yvonne Van Skiver

Claire L VanDenBerghe ’87 Elaine VanDurme Kelly L. Vergin ’89 David Vuletich Kevin Warner Celia A. Watt Jerald Weaver Elliot Weininger and Julie Ford Shirley West James Whorton Marcia Wieczorek ’96 Susan M. Wielgosz Douglas Wilcox Tamara Wilcox Christian Wilkens Kathryn Wilson

Benjamin Wineburg ’03 Joseph P. Winnick James Witnauer Frank Wojcik Sharon Woodley Richard Woodson and Elizabeth Teall Allison M. Wright ’02 Jie Zhang Ruhan Zhao Michael Ziolkowski James and Carol Zollweg Alyshia M. Zurlick ’04

Mark and Lauren McMills Bud and Sandy ’87 Meade Merrill Melnick Robert Miller Frances Moroney Whited Kazumi Nakano Diana L. Needham Thomas and Patricia Mahoney ’01 Nugent Eileen O’Hara ’84 Eugene ’53 and Mary Orbaker Lynn H. and Anne H. ’82 Parsons Shona Perry ’86 Jeffrey D. Post ’75 John F. Price Jill Rakov ’66 Calvin and Margaret ’74 Rich Bill * and Ann Rock Jane Romal Eileen Rose Mary A. Scarborough ’70 Barbara Sherwood John and Angie Sinacore

Dr. Ralph Sisson Melvin ’53 and Helen ’55 Smagorinsky Armin Sommer Joan Z. Spade Louis ’82 and Gene Spiro Arline Stephany Ginny L. Studer Carol I. Timby Ralph Toscano Jr. John and Maxine Van de Wetering Conrad Van Voorst Josephine Wallin ’46 Larry Wallnau Ann R. Weitzel Jack and Gladys Wolsky William Zimmerli ’62 John Zwierzynski ’85

Emeriti and Family Mark and Marlies Anderson Bill Andrews Anonymous (4) Mariangela Ardino Patricia Baker ’61 Betsy Ann Balzano Jeanette ’53 and Edward * Banker Janet W. Beck ’70 Morris and Carol Beers Jonathan ’67 and Nancy ’67 Bell Margaret B. Blackman Robert and Carol Blake David Brannigan Walter Brautigan ’63 Henry L Bretton Sandra Cain Virginia Campbell ’89 Mou Ta* and Kathleen Chen Eunice Chesnut ’76 Marilyn Colby Sara ’72 and Jim Cook Luz Cruz and Susan Petersen Carol Cuddihee Irene R. D’Agostino ’50 Romine R. Deming Jack R. Dudley W. Raymond and Ute Duncan Richard D. Elton Norma Emmerson ’52 Richard and Donna Ray Evans Richard and Joan ’79 Fenton Herbert Fink Richard and Ann Frey Jeanne Gerber ’81 Bob and Ann Getz Mary Ann Giglio ’73 Mary Jo Gigliotti Jack Glickman and Jacqueline Davis

Thomas Golaszewski Jean Gravelle ’69 Frederick Gravetter David G. Hale Mary Harris Craig and Dona Hazen Helen Hemmer Ian and Rita Henderson Bill ’61 and Hanny ’62 Heyen Terrence ’72 and Avis ’80 Hooper James Horn Ruth E. Hyde ’73 Earl and Mary ’61 Ingersoll Judy Jensen Donald Johnson Benita M. Jorkasky Joseph R. and Janice A. Kandor Peter E. Kane Sharon Kehoe ’78 Charles Kiehl John Killigrew Maurice Kleiman Gary Levine Sarah Liebschutz Martin Lindauer Jenny Lloyd ’87 Rosalie M. Lodato ’88 Akira Loveridge-Sanbonmatsu Margie Lovett-Scott ’75 Peter Luskey Gerald and Rosemary ’97 Luzum Nathan and Joan Lyons Raj Madan John Maier Donna Mancuso Tom and Mary Markusen Nick Mascari Robert and Judith McLean



Student Families Edward Abbott Joanne Acito Christine Acker Phil and Lynn Adams Michele Aird Ronald and Barbara Albrechtsen Kevin Aldrich William and Diane Allan Sandra Allen Marla Allentoff Brian and Rita Ames Philip and Nina Andon-McLane Leonard and Nancy Angie Anonymous Denise Are Joseph and Suzanne Argenio Scott and Sharon Armbruster Carol Arnold Alan and Eileen Austin Martin and Robin Avery Steven and Tina Baase Tammy Baer Lyndsey Banach Russell and Valerie Bandemer Cindy Banwaree Ann Barbaccia Pollack Joan Barberic Karen Barbuto Dennis and Theresa Bardenett Tom and Helen Bardenett Jennifer Barney Susan C. Barra ’75 Patricia Barry Patrick and Lynne Barry Kathy Bartlett-Giuliano Nora Bartman The Bates Family Arthur and JoLan Bates Art and Lois Bauer Judy Beausoleil William and Mary Beckerich James and Jennifer Benning Donna Berry Josephine Bianchi Jean Bianchi Richard and Susan Bianchi Jacqueline Biddle Kathy Binn Nicholas and Laurie Biondi Karen A. Bishop Jody Blodgett Karen Bloom Michael and Patricia Bloss David and Misty Boe Margaret Bohman Kenneth and Linda Bohman

Daniel Borden Agnes Bovill Mark E. ’80 and Karen Bower Kathy Boyd Robert and Ruby Brabo Michael and Colleen Bradshaw Richard and Kathy Brandt Greg and Kelly Bree Yogi and Hilary Breisner Colleen Brezee Cynthia Brice Mary Brickle Shirley Britzzalaro Teresa Britzzalaro Michael Brocco The Brodericks Edward G. Bronowicki ’78 Jeff and Lynn Brook Derek Brown Cynthia Brownell Michelle M. Bruer Alan and Kathleen Buck John and Joan Buckley Kevin Buckley Jeff Buckley Michael Budowski Douglas ’73 and Leslie ’83 Bull John and Elizabeth Bunce Deborah Burgio Benjamin and Adaliz Burgos Mary Burke Jack and Mary Burns Sandra Bush Doug and Barbara Buske Anders Butler Mark and Janey Butler Gertrude Byler James and Suzanne Cade James Camardella Christopher and Susan Campbell Salvatore and Monica Caravella Michael Carmody Sandra Carroll Marybeth Carroll Andrea Carson Thomas and Emilie Cashdollar Maria C. Castaneda ’90 Michael and Charlene Castle Cheryl Cenzi Anne Marie Cerimeli Shelly Chaffee Sally Chirico Mary Ann Chura Anthony Ciccotti Daniel and Maria Cissell Patrick Clark

Denys and Catherine Clem Anne and Larry Clevenger Margaret Cocking Mark and Nancy Cody Nancy Coe Allen Cohen Susan Cohen Sharon Cole Stephen Coleman Frank and Angie Coleman Richard and Barbara Coleman Linda Coleman David and Linda Colkitt David and Dawn Comden Kevin and Deborah L. ’85 Conlan Gary and Valerie Cook Leo and Nanda Cook Michael Costabile Vicki Costigan Bruce and Jeannie Cotton Robert and Joan Coyne Steven and Marta Crane Gina Crawford Laurie A. Crawford Mark and Cindy Crawley Andrew Crescenzo Samuel and Elizabeth Cubiotti William and Penny Cummings Joyce Cunniff Ken and Pat Daley Carol Daley Dennis Dalton Raymond and Carol D’Angelo Louis and Rosa D’Angelo Steven and Tracy Daniels John D’Arcangelis Deidre Dawkins Randy Day Edmund De Cora Barry and Catherine Debbins John and Josie DeGregory Arthur and Bernadette DeGregory Bob and Angela Del Buono Robert and Tina Dell’Orletta Wayne and Patricia Delperdange Jeffrey Denner ’90 Laurie DePerno Tina Depreta Dennis and Lacy Develder Thomas and Lee Deverell Christopher Devincentis David and Melanie Dianetti Guido Dibenedetto Stephen and Patricia DiMarino James and Susan Dipasquale


Elizabeth Dodge Marie Donoghue Linda Donovan Michael and Margaret Dorn Marlene Douglas Roger and Joan Dowd Peter ’81 and Linda Dowe Rhonda Drago Mark and Christine Drews The Drypolcher Family Jonathan Dubay Suzette Dubose Michael and Lisa Dudley Michael and Betsy Duffy Denise Duffy Eileen Dumas Elizabeth Dumas Robert Dumas Audrey Elliott Kenneth and Frances Elmes Mary Elmes Toby and Elizabeth Rosekrans David and Susan Emley Jane Emmel Paul and Laura Erano Thomas and Mary Eschen Will Eschen James and Kathleen Evans Russell and Margaret Evatt Glenn Evensen Daryl and Lynne Falke James and Barbara Feneli Mary Lou Ferchen Patti Jo Ferraro Richard Ferro Lisa Fees Tammy Fetto

Mark and Cathy Finke Timothy and Ann Marie Fisher Cindy Fitzgerald James Fitzpatrick David and Lorraine Forcier Todd and Dannilyn Foreman Eric and Jacqueline Foster Jon S. Francis Kathryn Frankiewich Joel Frater and Sharon Wallace-Frater ’01 Patty Friedl James and Annette Fritz Michael and Nancy Froome Russell ’78 and Audrey Fuller Walter and Naomi Fuller Russell and Doris Fuller Thomas and Catherine Funston Laurie Gage Glen and Christine Galitzdorfer William and Diane Gamble David and Jeannine Gambrel Mark and Michele Ganschow Janet Garrick William Garvey and Tamara Eberlein Gregory and Christine Gaulin Brian ’83 and Patricia ’82 Gawne Susan Gelatt Michael Gelfand James Georger Peter and Nancy Ghigliotti

James Gianforti Sr. Bruce and Nancy Gianni Dana Gibbens Carl and Michele Gildemeyer Kate Gillespie Laurie Gilzow Barbara Giordano Donna Girard Duane and Lynda Girdner Jennifer Golden Michael and Janine-Marie Goodwin Dr. Charles ’85 and Barbara ’85 Goshorn Fredrick Grace John and Anne Graham Darren and Rosemary Gramza Rose Gramza Marie Graziano Pamela Greco Douglas and Lorie Green John P. Gremer Kevin and Denise Griffin Hugh Griffith Lisa D. Griffith-Ashford Bobbie Grimes Remy and Carol Grossi John Guadagno Barbara Gwynn Gerald and Jeanne Gymburch John and Dolores Habes Chester and Lisa Hains Miranda B Haley Mary Hall Benjamin and Julie Hall Patricia Hall Thomas Hall William and Jane Hall Michael and Laurie Hanlon Holly Hapeman Carl Harder David Harman Nicole Hasson Michael and Elizabeth Hatton

Madelyn Haussner Robert Hayes Robert Hayward Colleen Hebing Jackie Hebing Teresa Held Kim Henahan Barbara Henderson Gerald and Denise Hernigle Margaret Herting John and Barbara Hertle Scott and Sarah Hess Jean Hewitt William and Filomena Hickin T. Hill and M. Smith Denise Hillery Rita Hinchman Robert and Marci Hochman Howard and Myrna Hochman Patricia Hofford Verna Holmes Linda Holmes Gay Honebrink Jordan S. Horowitz ’76 Dale Hotchkiss Tina and Charlie Howerter John and Lisa Howland John and Mary Hoy Lisa Hrubes Mary Huber Jodie Huber Michael and Holly Hubert Ronald Hutchins Jr. Claude Imagna Sonya Inferrara Laverne Jackson Susanne Jackson Michele Jadrich Jeff and Shirley Jaskier Stephen and Linda Jaworowski Robert and Joelle Jensen Ronald and Donna Johnson Tim Johnson Cheryl Johnson-Scotty

Daniel and Donna Johnston Shannon Johnston Robert Jones Gail Jones Victoria Jordan Robert and Deana June William and Susan Kalabanka Richard and Nancy Kalb Thomas and Anne Kaufman Charles and Freya Kaufman Cindy Kawzenuk Jim and Liz Kay Renee Keaton Gregg and Laura Kellas Krista Keller Emil and Mary Kellner Ronald Kelly Laurie Kelly Suzanne Kennedy Richard and Rita Kennedy Lisa Kenny Mark Kenyon Gene and Arlene Ketcham Michelle Kettle Joy Khoury Jennifer Kieffer Mark Kielbasa William and Leita King David Kingsley Sheila Kingston Cheri Kloepfel Lynn Knapp Carol Knapp Mike and Debbie Kocik Gerald and Patricia Kolenda Paul Kotwica Michael and Sally Ann Kovatch Richard and Mary Ellen Kowalski Mary Lou Krajnik Teresa Krempasky Hal and Cindy Kreter Cynthia Kronenberg Jim and Laura Kuhn Chris and Sandra Kulwicki Gene and Sally Kunkle Lillian Kurisko Kenneth and Jeanine Kurs Mark and Jeanne LaFountain Don and Betty Laing Richard and Lisa Lake James Lane Mary Larson Denise Laube Jim and Theresa Lawson Jim and Diana Lazarony Lorraine Le Beau Michelle Lecceardone Mark Lee John and Beth Leibrick Ann Lenzi Michael Leonard Kim Leonard Trudy Lesar Edward and Mary Lesnau


Linda J. LeVan Anthony and Ursula Lewandowski Irene Liberty Keia Hai Lim Michael and Janet Liquori Dan and Andrea ’89 Lista Joanne Littler Katherine Livecchi Michael and Heidi Loiodice Louis and Cheryl Loveless James and Laurie Lowe Marie Lowe David and Theresa Luczyski Nicholas Macaluso Tracy MacDonald Mick and Shelia Maguire Kenneth and Lori Malecki Mark Mallis Mark and Susan Maloney Kenneth and Deborah Mamon Mark and Julie Manioci Don and Pam Manktelow Jennifer Marino Mark and Donna Martin Donald Martin Tracy and Christine Martin David and Alice Martin Elizabeth Marzin Thomas and Dana Marzynski Louis A. Mastellone Corey ’91 and Susan ’06 McAtee Michael and Mary Jo McCarthy Michael McCarthy Alan McCarthy Paul and Lori McCoy Joan McDowell Dennis and Susan McKeever Renee McKissick Claudia McMurray Charles McNiff Jr. Larry and Joyce Mee Ron and Jill Meier Peter and Carol Melewski Karen Melville David Memmel Pamela Memos Michael and Maria Meola Darcy Merriman Brian and Julie Messenger John and Cathy Metzger John and Lisah Meyer Margaret Mikhail Christopher Milana Catherine Milizia Cheryl Miller Melissa Miller Peggy Miller Sharon Miller Judy Miller Tim Lexvold and Lori Mills Bradley and Molly Mitchell David and Mary Ann Mohr Louis and Joyce Molisani

Patty Monnat Theresa Montez Moran Family Jody Moraski Andrea Moreno Paul Moriarty Donald and Susan Moroni Nancy Morrissey Joseph and Linda Mrozek Melanie Mullins Ross and Debbie Mundorff Kevin and Corrine Murray Joseph and Idalene Muscarella Julie Myers Daniel Nadareski Dave and Patti Nasuti Amanda Nasuti D. and Tammy Neal Robin Needham Frank Nestle Joseph and Kathleen Neuffer Cheryl Nichols Kelly Nichols Gary Niedermeier Gary and Mary Niedermeier Jeanne D. Nielsen Barbara Niemira Joseph Nitti Larry and Judith Nock Dan Nowak Bonnie Nuccie William O’Connell Timothy O’Connor John and Kerri Ann O’Gorman Paul and Colleen Olivadoti Barbara Ordonez John and Marilyn O’Rourke Evelyn Ostrander Jamie O’Toole Dwight ’80 and Sheila Mancuso-Overmoyer Richard and Cindi Elysee Pace Joanne Palermo Angelo and Judith Palleschi Dan and Patty Palmer Casey and Becky Palmer Joseph and Connie Palmerino Richard and Kathy Paoletti Tim and Jennifer Parent Albert Parisi Jr. Anthony B. Pariso Mary Jo Park Donald Parks Anthony Parrino Deborah Patrie Carlton and Gloria Patterson Judy Pawlikowski Jerry Pazderski Kenneth and Eleanor Peake Frank and Mary Lou Peppers Mr. and Mrs. Vittorio D. Perrotta Steven and Kathy Perry

Debbie Pesa JoAnne Peters Joyce Peters Patrick and Lisa Phelan Lynn A. Phillips Suzanne Pieszak Joseph and Nancy Piraino Bob Piraino Kathleen Pittman-Jacobs Richard and Suzanne Plant Stephen and Michele Platner Deanna Plummer Chelsea Podyma James Poisella Jr. Lisa Porter Tom and Diane Power Dorothy Power Richard G. Preston Stephen Pringle Larry and Mary Pritchard Michael and Chris Pryor Dawn Putnam Alan Quackenbush Mark and Nancy Ragus Catherine Rana Kathy Ranous Terese Rastellini Michael ’78 and Christine Rausa Joseph and Deborah Reagan David and Julie Rearic Joseph and Mary Reger Clark and Linda Reid Vickie Reisdorf JoAnne Reitter Mark Reulbach Slawka Rewilak-Chomik Betty Reynolds De Cora Rosemarie Richards ’87 Jennifer Richards James and Joanne Rinella John and Georgia Ritchie Carol Ritchie

Richard and Magdalena Roberts Tom and Barb Robertson Jeanne Robillard Carl Robinson Lawrence Rockefeller Daniel Rogers Mark and Caroline Rohlin Christine Romal Eileen Rose Howard and Cindy Roselle Irving and Orpha Rosenbarker Richard and Paula Ross Frederic and Sandra Ross Carol Rossi Elizabeth Rounds Douglas P. Rowe ’80 Jorge and Mirta Russo Thomas Ryan Natalie Sachman Kathleen Sampogna Sara Sanders Gloria Santana Michael and Laurie Santillo Marian Sarzyniak William and Christina Savino Richard and Maria Savona William Schaeffler David and Ada Scharf Patrick and Abbey Scharf Marie Schicker James Schmeer Terri Schmieg Howard Schneider Jay Schneider Frank and MaryLee Schoeneman William and Mary Schoff Ken and Doris Schraeder John and Pamela Schrimmel Timothy and Ann Schroeder

Robert and Lori Schultz Allen Schuster Stephen and Judith Schwartz Deborah Schwertfeger Steve and Tina Scrivani Patrick and Amy Seaman Tracy Selbert Linda Sementelli Catherine Sepulveda Luis and Milagros Serrano William Seyboth Brian and Sandra Shattuck Thomas and Nancy Shine Kathleen Shive Carol Shock Kyle and Paula Shultes Eleanor Shultz Tom and Diane Simon August and Melanie Simon Jackie Sitter Gail Skalka Scott Sklar Donald and Marcia Slocum Lawrence P. Smith Cynthia Smith Michael Smith Dan and Jean Smith J. Raymond and Joyce Smith Ben Sparacino Angie Sparacino Michael and Martha Spoont Deborah Spraker Lyn Rosen Springut Greg and Jodie Stahl Ellen Stanavitch Sally Stapley Lillian M. Starna Maureen Stathis Mary Staudenmayer John and Becky Steedle Thomas Steen Jr. Pamela Stephens-Jackson Stanley and Eva Stephenson

Stephen and Joan Bajko Michael Ball and Janet Tuohy Chris and Sue Ellen Ball Sally J. Ball Mr. and Mrs. James Bannister Jayne Park Baritell Barry and Nancy Barklund Rochelle Batterson Carol Beers Robert Bermudes Jr. Anthony Biney-Amissah Rosemary Birardi Mike Blatto Peggy Bonzerato Judy Boritz Robert and Diane Boyd

Sandra Boyko Jill Brauss Sean Brennan James and Mary Brennan John and Kathy Brewer Troy Bridges Harold and Ann Broadhurst Bob and Amy Broddus James and Cheryl Brown C. William Brown Mark Brumbaugh Gary and Lana Brumbaugh Julie Buccieri James and Kathy Buck Kevin Buckley Andrew Burke Thomas Burke Art Burns

Friends Marijana Ababovic Merritt W. Ackles Lew Adams Gary Adams Pamela Allen Robert and Anne Allen Arthur and Mary Alvut Diane Amundson Carrie Andrews Anonymous (2) Carol Antes Mike Antonacci Margaret Armer Gail Attaldo David Attaldo David Austin Betty Avolin Barbara Babiarz


Jason Stephkovitch Richard and Mary Stetz Edward and Eileen Stieve James and Irene Story Clara Street Jim and Jennie Streicher RoxsAnn Strembenis Ansley Suarez Kimberly Sudyn Mary Swan Vincent and Teri Theofield Mary Thomas Coleen Tomson Richard Tilley Gail Tipton Allan Tokarz Mary Tomczak Steven and Lisa Tompkins Sabrin Towner Debra Tracy Robert and Sue ’84 Trowbridge Gordon and Penny Truax Elizabeth Trugman James and Julia Truono Sharon Tuckey Patricia Turchan Valerie M. Turner Joseph and Delia Tychostup Mark and Carol S. ’79 Urbaitis Paul and Sharon VanBenthem Ranolfo Ventillo Douglas and Connie Verbridge David Vice Donald and Ann Vogan Stephen and Lori Vosburgh Steve and Deb Wagner Paul Wagner Shirley Wagner Jeffrey and Terry Waite Alisa Walker Linda Wall

Elisa and Tom Wallace Karen Wallenburg Gloria Walsh Howard Walter Joan Warda Karen Waters Michael Weakley Margaret West Ronnie and Jacqueline Westfall Robert and Sharon Wetzel Andrea Wheatley Lorraine Wheeler Melody Wiggins Patricia Wilcox Ron and Barb Winter Raymond E. Winthrop Dwayne and Sharon Wisbey David and Paula Hill Stephen and Susan Wolak Julie Wolf Greg and Ellen Wolf Joseph C. ’85 and Marilyn Wolniewicz Daniel and Marie Wuethrich Jean Yates Janice Zaengle Marilyn Zaengle Hafiza Zagorica Mary Ann Zartman Mary Ann Zawier Raymond and Janis Zelko Mickey Zelko Donald Zenns & Debra Carlson Patricia Zerah Robert and Catherine Zimmerman Stuart and Jeanette Zuckerman Richard and Suann Zurlo Eva Zweifler

James Burton Richard and Mary Busse Ann E. Butler Ralph and Margaret Byrd Brendan Byrnes Annette Calvaruso Donald and Jeanann Canestrari Kim Caputo Sara A. Cardillo Bill and Cathy Casey Rocco Casullo Anne M. Cavuto Barbara Chandler William and Nancy Chase Brandon Cheeseman Patrick and Mary Chella Kelly Christie Marilyn Clark Anne G. Cloutier Jacob and Francesca Cohen Brian Cole Franklin and Christine Coleman Stephanie Coles Robert and Flor Colon Jeff and Deb Colvin Vince Condello Natalie Conn Mike and Polly Conn Gary and Eleanor Cook Joel P. Craddock Diana Craddock Nicole Cring Timothy Cripe Jacqueline Cronin John and Jane Daly

Cheryl Ebert Jack and Sandra Elias Brad Elliott Kenneth and Lucy Esposito David Fahrer Martha Fahrer Kathryn Fallon Joyce Faria Rosemary Fatcheric Mark and Lisa Fenton Anthony and Bernadette Ferrara David Ferry Corinne E. Eield Roger and Marcia Fisher Jeff Fletcher Bee Fogan Rafael Fondeur Mark and Jeanmarie Foreman E.H. Foreman Gerald and Jean Foster Melissa Dorfman France Don and Jody Frisbee Richard Fuierer Craig Fuqua Douglas and Karen Galli Clarissa Gallup Claudia Gargana Gregg and Margaret Gates Warren Gawve William and Dolce Gee Ann Getz Maryellen Giese Jean Gillespie David Gipner Donna Gipner Tammy Giunta John and Dana Glasser Robert Glerum Carol Godsave Judith Goldstein Gina Gonick Patricia Good George Gorski Pamela Greco Don and Heidi Green Shawn and Amy Griffin Don and Margaret Gross Kathryn Groth John Guarrera Paul Gulde Mary Gundel Al and Helene Gupp Ramona Haflin Shawn Halquist James and Dorothea Hanly Holly Hapeman Sandra Hare Bob Hastings Linda Hathaway

Mary D’Angelo Sandy Wilson Nancy Dawson Debra De Joseph Joseph and Margaret De Lorenzo Roger De Mott Catherine Dean Rachael Deely David Delisle John and Ann Dellaquila Denise Delucas Mary Dennstedt Warren and Mary Beth Denny John and Marjorie Derrick Teresina DeSalvo Thomas DeSantis John and Connie DiDomenico Bruce and Linda Didsbury Laurie Diehl Mehmet Dilek Debbie DiMicheli John Hackman and Diane Dimitroff Denny Donovan George and Janice Dorgan Dean Douglass Alexa Downey Michael and Karen Dugan Linda Dumond John Dunne Ann Durant Brigitte Duschen William Dykes Henry and Shelley Earle


Peter and Peggy Sue Heister Kathleen Helfand Elmer and Carol Henretta Randall and Nancy Herko Margaret Herting Craig and Karen Heston Wolcott T. Hinchey Friedrich and Anna Hirsch David and Gwendolyn Hoffberg Fred and Audrey Hoffman Fred and Rose Holbrook Tribly Hotaling Lorraine Howerter Terri Hughes Stephen and Patricia Hughes Marc and Ann Iacona Family Anne Ireland Will and Lois (Niland) Irwin Evelyn Jansen Claus and Diane Janzen Belinda Jenkins Michael Johnson Kathleen Johnson Larry Josbeno Andrew and Sandra Kaldor James Kalenderian Mary Kasaraneni Hayyim Joseph Kassorla Rita Kearney Thomas and Karen Keil Dennis and Carola Kenney Robert and Meghan King John and Deborah Kinzly Barbara Klein Jacob Kluger Robert and Kathleen Knechtel Michael and Mary Kostiw E. Frances Kowalik Ann Kraatz Hillary Krieger Tim and Debbie Krohl Rosemary Ksiazek Melinda Kuhn Bob Kuret Mary Laing Deanna Langer Jamie LaPierre Roland and Pat Lascari Richard Lasky and Jane Wagner Bradley C. LaSorte DDS C. Bruce and Sue Lawrence Robert Lawson John Lee Joan Legge Francis and Claire Lemay Richard and Christine Lena James Leone

Josephine Leone Nancy Lewandowski Henry and Anne Linek Jacques and Dawn Lipson Thomas Loce Erin Logan John and Loretta Long Reginald Long Esq. Mary Ann Loomis Marilyn Lowden David Lybarger Bernard and Jane Lynch Donald and Jennifer MacIntyre John and Lisa Macleod Mim and Pip Maguire Ron Malcolm Mariah Maloney George Maloney Arie Mans John and Rosemary Maracle Tammy Marcone Julia Firks Markusen Linda Martin John and Margie Martin David and Helen Mathes Kathleen Mazur Lisa Mazzeo Mike McCrobie Pat and Kansas McDonald Bob and Carol McFadden Bridget McGinnity Donald and Elizabeth McGlynn James and Taryn McGrann Christina Meissel RN Richard and Rita Mekelburg Nick Meola Martin Michie Neil and Kathy Milliken Cornelius and Jean Milliken Kent Miner Bradley and Molly Mitchell Helen K. Moore Sarah Moore Dian Moran Maria-Lais Morgan Jennifer Morse Gina Moseson Miriam Muller Lisa Murphy Nancy Murray Terrence and Dorothy Murray Mike Murray Robert Muscarella Paul and Janice Nalette Robert and Dorothy Nellis Frank Nestle David Newman and Annie Crane Sona Nocera Robert and Cynthia Norris David and Eileen Nowak J.W. and G.S. Nystrom

Stephen Rosini F.D. Ross Kevin and Gwynetta Rossi Liliana G. Rossi George and Maureen Rotondo Lillian Rowell Jocelyn G. Rowley David and Gail Rowley Beverly Runions Natalie Sachman Aroonsiri Sangarlangkarn Frank and Antoinette Sapienza John and Betty Sapienza Louis and Carmella Scala Jeff and Ann Scheetz J. Noel and Grace Costich Schlageter William and Jean Schlageter William Schmitz John and Susan Schober Gayle Schulte Dave Searles Marilyn Secord Roland and Eileen Senecal William Seyboth Bill and Ivette Shaheen Bernadette Shaheen John Shaheen Peter and Kristen Sharpe Adam Sheiner Sandra Shields Harry and Deanna Shifton Robert Silvestro Helen Simpson Angela Sinacore David and Jane Sloan Kathy Smith Kurt Smith Derek Smith

Daniel O’Brian Kevin and Susan O’Brien Chris O’Connor Patrick O’Connor Thomas O’Connor Chris and Judy O’Donell Edward Patrick and Nancy Ellen O’Gorman Charles and Jodi Olosky Magda Olsen Stacey Orriss Anne O’Toole Gina Paris Nathan Park Donald Parks Gwen Parks Russell and Nancy Parsons Prudence K. Pecorella Michele Pedrotti G. G. Pendas Jr. Mary Penksa Louis Pettinelli Jr. Lynn A. Phillips John Picuri Patricia Pietropaolo Robert Piniewski Cherlynn Piniewski Kenneth and Anna Pink Robert and Eileen Piraino Jan and Denise Pisanczyn Kathleen Pittman-Jacobs William and Frieda Pizer David Podell Robert and Yvonne Pohlman Anthony Pollack Thomas and Susan Powell Sarah Power Nancy Power David Principino Peter and Karen Psaledas Lisa Quincey David Rakov David Ramirez Charles and Mary Randisi Bradley Reed Mary Reynolds Brenda Rhodes Bob and Mary Rice Ryan Rice Cassandra Rich Kim Richards Teresa Richards Paul and Ruby Richardson Joseph and Joan Riley Jason Rinoldo Chad T. Robacker Beverly Roche Don and Karen Rocker Tracy Rodrigues Hildegarde Romeo Howard and Julie Rosenbaum


Michael and Suzanne Sodoma Pasquale and Lena Soricone Mike and Phyllis Sorrentino Thomas and Teresa Sorrentino Robert Southworth Roger and Margaret Sprague Robert and Eleanor Spreer Rick and Karen Spurr Marion Stanislaw Edward and Lillie Stephens Brian Stewart Robert and Lynn Stockmaster Peter and Laurie Stoddard Sid Strasenburgh Kelly Striefler Steven and Gayle Stripling Dennis Stuart Bernard and Marylyn Sullivan Robert Sullivan David Sutherland Mary Tachco Virginia Taft Linda Tague Michael J. Talluto Joanne Tandler John Tassone Robert and Mary Teske Maxwell Thaney DDS Felicia Therrien James and Antonia Therrien Victor E. Thomas Lynn Thompson Angela Thompson Raymond Tilley Robert Tilley Robert Tobey Daniel Tobin Tim Toomey

Melissa Tota Debra Tracy Glenn and Patricia Tracy Mildred Traver Vincent Trichilo Jr. John and Julie Trimble Gina Trombetto Scott Turner and Mary Worboys-Turner Ellen Usher Jeremey Van Fleet Ronnie and Ellen Vanatta

Gordon Whitaker Joan White David Wiedemer Bonnie Wiedemer Madaline Wilcove Shannon Wilder Colleen Wilder Debbie Willson Donna Wisnieski Suzanne Wood Joe and Elisabeth Wood Scott and Ellen Woodard

Winifred and Dean Vaughn James and Colleen Vogan Scott and Kim Vogt Paul and Margaret Wachob Michael * and Patricia Walker Francis Wallace Tom and Ellen Walsh Alyson Ward Jane Warda Jean Webster John and Chris Welch Anne West

Peggy Woods Smith Wyckoff and Allison Pruitt Kyra Yon Joseph Zaengle Jaime Ziegler Alice T. Zoyhofski * deceased

Corporations, Foundations and Other Organizations 3M Foundation A Different Path Gallery Abbott Laboratories Fund ABVI Goodwill Adore Hair Studio Advantage Sport & Fitness Inc. Agape Physical Therapy Services PC AIG Matching Grants Program Albright-Knox Art Gallery Alesco Advisors LLC Alpha Phi Omega-Iota Omega Chapter Altria Group Inc. AP Professionals of Rochester LLC Apogee Telecom Inc. Arigato Restaurant The Art Store Ashley McGraw Architects Austin & Company Inc. Auto Zone AXA Foundation B. Giambrone & Company Inc. Bank of America Matching Gift Program Barnes & Noble College Booksellers Inc. Bergmann Associates Inc. Bill Gray’s Restaurant Bittersweet The Boardwalk Inn Bristol Myers Squibb Brockport Artists Guild Brockport Auxiliary Service Corporation Brockport Student Government Brockport Teachers Association Department of Biology – The College at Brockport Department of Business Administration and Economics – The College at Brockport

School of The Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences – The College at Brockport Buffalo Historical Society Burchfield Penney Art Center The Byrne Foundation Inc. Calzonies Camp Abilities Century Liquor and Wines Chili Youth Baseball Inc. Christ Episcopal Church The CIGNA Matching Gifts Program Circle of Friends Pet Grooming CNY Thunder Baseball Cody Wrestling LLC Collegiate Golf Alliance Confer Plastics Inc. Cooley Group Inc. Cooperstown Optical LLC Corning Incorporated Foundation

Department of Communication – The College at Brockport Department of Modern Languages and Cultures – The College at Brockport Division of Advancement – The College at Brockport Library, Information & Technology Services – The College at Brockport Lion’s Club – The College at Brockport Men’s Rugby Club – The College at Brockport Office of International Education – The College at Brockport Office of Recreational Services – The College at Brockport Office of Residential Life – The College at Brockport Office for Students with Disabilities – The College at Brockport


Country Treasures Crosby-Brownlie Inc. Dance Rochester LTD The Donald F. and Maxine B. Davison Foundation The Deep End Swim & Sportswear LLC DeJoy, Knauf & Blood LLP Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Dr. Tom Optometry Educational Testing Service EFP Rotenberg LLP Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Empire Nationals Wrestling Club Entre Computer Services Envisuarge LLC Erie Codgers ExxonMobil Foundation Family Video Movie Club Inc. Fast Buck Fanny’s

Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund First Bible Baptist Church FM Office Products Fountain of Youth Organics Frontier Glass Inc. Garden Club of Brockport Garland House GE Foundation George Eastman House The Edward & Verna Gerbic Family Foundation Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Program Grandpa Sam’s Italian Kitchen Hairport Harris Foundation Heritage Packaging Holley Central Baseball Honeywell International Charity Matching Hospital League/1199 SEIU Training and Upgrading Fund HR Works Inc. HSBC Matching Gift Program Hyatt’s Art Store Judith P. and Willard W. Hunter Charitable Fund IBM Corporation Image City Photography Gallery Invisible Fence of the Finger Lakes, Midstate and Syracuse J-B Sportswear of Caledonia Inc. Jack Spates Oklahoma Gold Wrestling Camp JADD Management LLC Java Junction The Jewish Community Foundation of Central New York Jimmy Z’s Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Johnston Paper Company The Kakaty Group “TKG” Kendall Hunt Publishing Company Key Bank Kiehl’s King & King Architects LLP Kirby’s Farm Market Konstantin D. Frank & Sons Vinifera Wine Cellars KPMG LLP KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation Kraft Matching Gifts Program LaBella Associates PC The Landing at Brockport Landsman Development Corporation

Northern High School The Notable Corporation NYS Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association Paris Kirwan Associates Inc. Pepsi Beverages Company Pink Armadillo Inc. Presbytery of Genesee Valley Inc. Presentation Concepts Corporation QSP Inc. The Red Bird Café Renzi Robinson & Gordon CPAs PC Rochester Area Community Foundation Rochester Ceramics Rochester Lead Works Inc. Rochester Precision Optics Rochester Teachers Association Rochester Theatre Management Inc. Salon 88 Sam’s Diner Kilian J. & Caroline F. Schmitt Foundation Inc. Schwab Charitable Fund Seaward Candies Seneca Foods Foundation Seneca Park Zoo Seymour Library Staples Star Salon Strategic Security Concepts Inc. Sysco Food Services, Syracuse Alvin F. and Ruth K. Thiem Foundation

LeChase Construction Lewis Collison LLC Liberty Mutual Lift Bridge Book Shop Livingston Country Club Lombardo Funeral Home Lumiere Photo Lunch Restaurant M&T Bank The M&T Charitable Foundation M/E Engineering PC Macy’s Foundation Mahan Discount Liquor & Wine Inc. Main Street Pizza Brockport Mansfield Commercial Real Estate Inc. Mark’s Pizzeria Marvin Mozzeroni’s McDonalds The Medical Office Assistant LLC Mengel Metzger Barr & Company LLP Merck and Company Inc. Sanford and Jill Miller Charitable Gift Fund Monroe’s Restaurant Motorola Foundation Museum of Natural History Myriad Restaurant Group Friends of Charlie Nesbitt Network For Good Next Generation Vending and Food Services Inc. Next Step Publishing Inc. Nixon Peabody LLP


Timber Ridge Golf Club Time Warner Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund Tompkins Financial Advisors Top of the Lamp Inc. Toshiba Business Solutions Transitions Optical Team at Euro RSCG Worldwide PR Transitions Optical Inc. Turner International Tyco Electronics Matching Gift Program UBS Matching Gift Program UltraMobile Imaging Inc. The United Group United Way of Central New York United Way of Greater Rochester Inc. Verizon Foundation Visual Studies Workshop Walk Bike Brockport Action Group Wegmans Welker Property Management Inc. Wells Fargo Community Support Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Western Monroe Historical Society WHEC TV-10 LLC Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP Xerox Foundation XL Global Services Inc. Yale Internal Medicine, Med/Peds and Primary Care The Zeller Corporation Foundation

Alumni by Class Dollars raised reflect all giving from the class highlighted. Participation includes all donors. The names listed below have contributed $50 or more.


$175 Raised 33% Participation Betty Delano Vary Bernadine Beyer Whalen


$160 Raised 9% Participation Betty Bolger Castelein Margaret Johnston Klomp


$425 Raised 11% Participation Sylvia Shayler Lewis-Snow Barbara Newell Shamp


$540 Raised 12% Participation Raymond Berruti


$180 Raised 21% Participation M. Louise Kelley Lee June Range Rusho


$300 Raised 18% Participation Betty M. Chapman Ella Camp Middleton Ruth M. Schuchart Josephine Wallin


$360 Raised 35% Participation Charlie Chase Ann Barranco D’Aurelio MaryJean Bauer Howe Mildred Brewer Van Hoover


$575 Raised 19% Participation Bernice Knauss Cobbett Dorothy Burghdurf Lux Anthony Moshano Betty Michielsen Pensgen Ann Miller Rasbeck Eleanor Ide Rosborough


$430 Raised 15% Participation Lawrence A. Cappiello Susan Villareale D’Aurizio Helen Field Johnson Gwen Jerman Jost June Leggett Moshano


$1,936 Raised 23% Participation Anonymous William H. Cobbett Irene Grandits D’Agostino James De Rosa Donald R. Everhart Elton H. Fairbank Charles R. Fiegl John L. House Jean Engel Ingalls E. Kenneth James Walter J. Kennedy William Margolies Len Stirling Diane Hopkins Van Deventer Nicholas A. Verzella


$9,538 Raised 26% Participation Wilma Davis Anderson Bruce Bibby Anna Harvey Cassaday Joseph G. Doser * Jean Scheuerle Eschner Dee Sterritt Everhart Joan Butmore Freitas Florence Becker Kaplan Corinne Lynch-Smith Richard Manganel Robert T. Norton * Joan M. Pfeifer Elaine McCaffrey Pugliese Shirley Kreutter Stellhorn H. Keith Stott Lydia C. Thering Donald L. Thompson E. Gordon Van Buren Margaret Veith Wicks


$3,030 Raised 19% Participation Lawrence and Stasia Arcarese Patrick R. Damore David E. Day Evelyn D’Aurizio Del Rosso

Dolores Ribas Douglass Norma Murray Emmerson Bessie Gumas Fletcher Archie E. Freitas Ruth Petersen Hilfiker Barbara Geise Holmes Raymond * and Nancy Griffing Jayne Eugene J. Kamrass Eugene C. Kolacki James A. MacTavish Louis Marcantonio Inga-Britt Lindholm McCue Betty-Jane Tillotson Nasca Arline Brauss Nichols Francis Scalise LeRoy E. Welkley


$7,448 Raised 23% Participation Edward * and Jeanette D’Agostino Banker Patricia Dolan Behn Shirley Cassard Bishop Catherine Pillitteri Catalino Lucille Faro Clark Joyce Harper Dahrsnin John De Felice Jerry and Nancy Dunn Jacqueline Holt Egger A. John Fiorino Mary Vanni Goldfein Mary Peer Hastings Warren R. Heiligman * Barbara Stanton Hillis Gerald Keating Ace Ketcham Donna O’Hern Maytham John F. McCaffrey Stanley Nichols Eugene and Mary Orbaker Arletta Griffen Porrazzo Marcia Kaufman Rosenfeld Paul W. Sarbou Melvin Smagorinsky Barbara J. Stevens Thomas R. Taber Shirley Smith Wikiera Lawrence D. Wilson


$9,740 Raised 25% Participation Joan Clark Aceto Estelle Y. Baker Lyman Beans’ Bement Bill Brand


Joan Taylor Carnie John H. Carpenter Ronald A. Clark Harryette Scott Eaton Jack Gagen H. James Gauvreau Dolores Donnie’ Woodward Kamrass Christine Gioseffi Mazzarella Jack Mazzarella Harold W. Nash EdD Lorraine Porter Nash David A. Pask Delores Davis Power George * and Rosa Rich Donald C. Shannon Jack and Carol Smith Shirley Vaisey Topel


$2,500 Raised 21% Participation Richard F. Cavallaro Garnet Cox Joseph J. Del Rosso Carol Curtis Hobbs

Daniel P. Kolesar Anthony Link Marilyn Gaylord Link Jane Franc Lory Peter Madsen Roberta Yackel Miller John Nelson Hugh Nicol Mary Ann Abele O’Brien Barbara Staffen Owen Robert J. Robine Helen Fabi Smagorinsky Chuck Williams


$1,713 Raised 16% Participation Rudolph Aceto Jean Cooper Adams Ronald F. Broadbent Jean Hall Tuttle Coon Maryann Bova Ellis Peter Hinchey Wilma Lang Hively Nancy L. Lehrer Dorothy Faas Rockwell Jack Shafer

James D. Sudore Ginger Waterman Van Der Meid Morton Wexler Arthur Winiecki Mabel Joy Bell Zang


$4,977 Raised 19% Participation Constance Galloway Anderson Robert Arlington Jack Bansbach Betty A. Bartkowiak Walter E. Cain Beverly Camp Virgil J. DeSimone Jacqueline Blake Harten John J. Harten Jean Monacelli Hefke Warren and Mary Ann Hewes James R. Jubilee Melvyn Maas Marilyn Kingsley Madsen Glen “Muggsy” McGinnis Gary J. Miller Donald E. O’Brien Daniel and Margaret Robinson Preska Patsy Dewey Shafer Ira Sweet Erna Icken Wedemeyer Diana Milano Wexler

Lucille Long Witte Al Zivitz


$43,703 Raised 16% Participation Joseph A. Borrosh David H. Byron James B. Coe Harold Diamond Eleanor Alexander Drake Bob Driscoll * Marshall Garypie Donald F. Hachten Harold H. Hefke Ann Schuiten Hiemenz Vira Hladun-Goldmann Bill Nicholson Therese I. O’Brien Margaret Dobbertin Paris A. Calvin Peterson Jack Syage Nancy Vankouwenberg Syage Richard Tom


$5,206 Raised 16% Participation Marcia Baker Demperio Joseph and Beth Bellanca Dale R. Blissett Donald A. Condello Fran Connors Alberta Smith Dick

Sheila Gissin Weinbach Jane Wittenberg Kramer Peter J. Luciano Kenneth Lunderman George E. Mancuso Norman F. Marten John and S. Jean Boyd McKay Judith Zilker Montanaro Samuel Montanaro David O’Keefe Barbara Baker Quinn Barbara Holmes Schnitzer Matthew R. Schnur Elizabeth Crosby Stull Jane Church Titterson Judith Stoneham Wadsworth


$1,590 Raised 18% Participation Betty Henderson Bohrer Donald E. Bulmer Monna Madge Carter Dolores Griffin Condrat Marvin T. Duryea Bill and Doris Hunter John P. King Norman C. Law Dr. John Lemcke Beryl Hinds Schmid Pinky Smith Tiebout Kathryn Crosby Waible Frank J. Wilhelm Britton D. Wood


$36,779 Raised 19% Participation Patricia Ellis Baker Nance Bleekman Baranowski Jean Carney Bassage Lyle R. Bassage Alfred H. Blau George and Carol Vancise Bott Andrew T. Caruso James S. Denio Judith Wade Denio Richard B. Dykeman Marilyn Redinger Flemming Gus E. Galliford Thomas Ganley Judith Rossiter Hellam Judy Heron William Heyen Carol E. Hutchins Mary Cosgrove Ingersoll Art Lemery Elaine Leshnower Anne Kolibersky Linkner Bill Linkner Roy J. Maratta Charlene Tabone Marten Patricia Sabatine Muscarella Nancy Snelling Putnam Salvatore P. Salorenzo


Donald J. Santini Ray and Guylene Scharf Kathryn Wethey Schnur Jane Winkley Schultz Lorraine DiTullio Sparks


$7,971 Raised 21% Participation Richard Adriance Richard and Jill Brauss Bette Brunish Linda LeRoy Chin Joyce Lander Clauss Richard F. Coronato Paul D. Craddock Elmer J. Cuthbertson Adrienne C. Daniels Theresa Tanzosh DeFazio Harry D. Doty Mary Alice Edson Philip A. Fedele Sharon Hedrick-Ash Hannelore Greiner Heyen Martin J. Hoctor Mary Hopsicker Carryl Bennett Howell Janet McMaster Hughes Richard W. Knab Glorianne Parnell Mather James W. McAdam Dorothy Danelorich Nyszczy Lou Pennella Jim Rindfuss Pat Gilroy Rindfuss Paula Hartley Robinson Patricia Muisiner Rose William and Sharon Sanford Janet Card Schneider William M. Setek, Jr. Joann Smith Judy Saunders Thomas June Jones Thompson Jacquelyn Trobia Faith Holloway Weldon Jeanette Baron Williamson William H. Zimmerli


$33,467 Raised 12% Participation Anonymous Peter L. Arras Elaine Gray Beetow Nelson H. Beetow Richard Boardman Idelle Fowler Bowles Walter F. Brautigan Lucille Schroeder Cannata Charlotte Nicosia Coronato Thomas C. Diederich Carol Szuba Duffin Ike Eichhorn Richard J. Faro Catherine Torriere Gorman

Donald H. Greene Edward Kropp Chet Lukaszewski Myrna McNaboe W. Jack Palombella Carolyn Brigham Pyskaty Michael D. Rapalje Robert J. Rondina Diane Langworthy Santora Adelaide Ratigan Setek Jean Balcom Skop


$5,103 Raised 15% Participation Anonymous Ralph Bell Thomas L. Cowan Jim Cunningham Kathryn Covert Dey Bonnie Becker Dunham Sandi Forno Eichhorn Dennis A. Farace Margaret Whitcomb Goodhue Bonnie C. Kane Hank Kasven Charles E. Kennerson Carol Lovenguth James E. McNally Mary Merle David A. Ockerman Don H. Osborn Michael Pavlovich Joseph B. Perine Rorry Gurrieri Romeo Joyce Frederico Rothfuss William Santora Patricia Detar Scanlon Becky J. Smith Gary L. Stevens Harold P. Thompson Kay Van Nostrand Marolyn Piersma Wilson Dennis A. Woodard


$4,421 Raised 16% Participation Stephen Beaulieu William Beck George Borsuk John and Marsha Castiglione Dorothy Roll Criscuolo William W. Deyle James Dugan Jean J. Ellis Paul J. Faber Harlow and Judy Fisher Jan Guthinger Gallucci Josephine Gangemi Carl E. Glenister Joanne Cancilla Harwood Diana Rech Hertweck William G. Hertweck Karen Morris Jones

Barbara Kirk Kennerson Susan Palovich Lawley Lois M. Ludwig Isabelle Collins Lupisella Bernice Mathis Mahar Daniel J. Mahoney Jean Salerno Meisenzahl Barbara Koch Noble Steven Oliver Carol Brown Pendergast David R. Pendergast Donna Quartaro Ruth Underhill Rigerman Ray Samson Robert F. Sepe Richard B. Skelton Patricia Kunkle Tosi John R. Updyke Robert D. Utter Donald A. Walzer Carl D. Wheat Marybeth Sheldon Wilson


$6,723 Raised 13% Participation Mary Meyer Anderson R. Hokey Anderson Stephen J. Bender Jeffrey H. Conklin Maureen Ward Cunningham Patricia A. Desmond Sally Pratt Farace Gordon Fox Don Hagreen J. David Heintz, Jr. Claire Kniffen Hewitt Thomas L. La Duke Steve Linderman David J. Lipani Judy Buchholz Loughlin William McGuire Teresa Munkert McGuire Mary Ann Milak-Young Henry J. Peris Sharon Mooney Peris Jill M. Rakov Bud Rose Susan Chasin Ross Patrick H. Ross Ronald K. Rucker Maryann Sacher Carl J. Savalli Irene M. Shea Ralph Shepardson Karen Goodwin Sodoma Herb Trimmer Joyce Carpenter Wahlig Richard Zusman


$10,722 Raised 13% Participation John D. Alessi Katherine Davin Alessi Bette P. Bailey Linda Harrington Beaulieu

Jonathan and Nancy Bell Valerie Benzing and Linda Martin Joseph F. Carothers Alfred G. Chandler Molly Barnum Cigal Had Coughlin Sandy Cutter John H. Epke Susan Strack Farley Steven W. Fisher John and Donna Izzo Cheryl March Kohut Fred Kohut James P. Kraus Susan Kwas Maloney Joe Maresco Maryann Keating Maresco Lee A. Morgan Howard A. Newman Kathleen Burns O’Connell Linda M. O’Leary Mary Boothby Pollins Anne M. Ray Mark Relyea Dominic Rossi Martha Machuga Serio Paul A. Setter Thomas Slocum Ronald L. Sodoma Patricia Seybolt Stevenson Jacqueline Kahres Taft John Peter Van Geem Gary Westerfield


$9,335 Raised 10% Participation Lee Cainaru Anderson Karen Cabic Brucie Ruth Brooks Chaffee Jane E. Clark Elaine Mack Cook Frank P. Corso David G. Daniels Charlie Dean Anthony DiCioccio Marjorie J. Ebersole Alice Reiss Fisher Margaret Fess Fox Elfredia DeFelice Frick Barry P. Gelman Robert W. Gill Alice Burcyk Gosse Larry Janicki Linda Metherell Knab C. Richard LaRose Joan Brogan Lindsey Lawrence T. Lutz Sandra Frank Mehlenbacher Larry Mosher James B. Neider Kenneth Pettapiece Valerie Eberhardt Pettapiece Hugh L. Ratigan Norma Townsend Ratigan Christine V. Rider

Gary Skoog James H. Smith Donald F. Staffo Lynn G. Steltmann Vernon D. Stevens Mary Lou Toglia Janet Vossler Vargo Mary Eldred Way Aimee New Won A. Howard Young Ronni Zudiker Zusman


$10,931 Raised 9% Participation Anonymous (3) PR Barres Carol Ruzicka Bartholomew David Bartholomew Jean Raschiatore Berry Bonnie Heffer Birkahn Gary J. Birkahn Shirley E. Bowen Bill Brooks Marietta Vaccaro Brownlie Terry Thompson Carbone William B. Christina Valerie Miller Cloud Terrance H. Dingee James C. Fallon William G. Fuhrman Richard J. Gaughan Susan J. Gavron Robert J. Gleason Doreen Ritterbandt Goffe Jean F. Gravelle Larry Gross Annie Shure Guenther Ronald D. Hubbard Sharon A. Mac Crea Joseph A. Marafino Nancy Beatty Marino Robert J. Marino Michael A. McKenna Earl Mehlenbacher Susan Coburn Moran Donald F. Murray Stephen E. Nash Ronald A. Parmele Rose Marie Paone Parmele Richard N. Piller Gary I. Quartararo Valerie Angevine Relyea Thomas R. Schmidt Jim Scott Dan Senkowski John Sheehan Cindy Bentley Shepardson Richard P. Sommer Randy and Bonnie Sweeting D. Gregory Van Dussen Jacqueline Hinds Van Dussen Jerry S. Welcher Nancy White Welcher



$4,637 Raised 7% Participation Robert P. Alexander Janet W. Beck Louis Betstadt Kenneth P. Bonczyk Thomas J. Buntich Fred J. Carbone Linda L. Davis Linda J. D’Onofrio Sharon A. Gaiptman Kathleen Heuseveldt Groves Gary L. Johnson James R. Kelly Rhonda J. Laskoski Thomas J. Levanduski Helena Mitchell Lindsey Christa Koschel Lutz Nicholas H. Maragus Marjorie Barlow Martin John J. Mazur David L. Miller Jake Minger Yoano N. NiiLampti Robert D. Olczak Nancy Westcott Oshier Dom Palmo Charles P. Parker Stephen J. Percassi Cynthia Schiminske Prentice Terry L. Rich Sidney A. Sall Mary A. Scarborough Michael Schaffer Emily Borck Schwab Wilma L. Sickels Allan Silverman Ellen M. Simkulet Beverly Delfs Smith Bob Zichittella


$7,289 Raised 8% Participation Anonymous Vincent T. Bonetti

Patricia A. Brown Barbara B. Chandler Samuel Dance John De Baun Mendal W. Dick Michael J. Driscoll Wendy L. Duignan James M. Eddy Lisa W. Fox Ralph A. Gestwicki Gerald A. Gregg Lynne Long Hammel Jeffrey R. Harper Dennis J. Jarvis Leah Pantalone Johnson Arlene Axtell Kamman Valerie Sommers Kayser Ronald P. LaDuke Howard P. Lafave A. Vincent Mazzie Christopher Meagher Gary and Wendy Mervis Frank Milano Peggy Kalke Milano AJ Monacelli Patricia Murray Stephanie Olsen Michael J. Oshier William Reeves, Jr. Thomas Ricci, Jr. Thea Detschner Russell Bill Santoro Dixie Schaedel Ralph Shortell John W. Smeaton Patricia Spano Smeaton Kathleen Smith Susan Muranyi Stark J L Stoutenburgh Jim Sutton Carl Wahlstrom Kathleen Williams-Ging Sandra Bolton Willmott Maureen Faoro Wisniewski William E. Wormsley Nancy Yule Gail Eberhardt Zichittella


$6,875 Raised 5% Participation Anonymous Cheryl Avenel-Navara John T. Bandy Nancy J. Beckwith John E. Benjamin Bob Bennett Charles Bergener Linda Mackwirth Betstadt Irene Abramowski Borchers Stuart Bowns Robert Conrad Sara Lemmler Cook Amy Dodd Crowe Robert Dobberstein Stuart D. Eddy Andrea Giuffre Jean Bloomquist Goulet Angelo N. Grandelli Terrence M. Hooper Susan Soccio Jones Thomas H. King Cheryl Kremnitz Kovel Alain F. Maca Kathleen D. Mahar Richard T. Matthews Lynn Tresselt McCann Robert E. Morgan Thomas Mulqueen Gary Owens Todd H. Palmerton Michael J. Potter Sue Ann Juda Raymond Diana Kitchen Reinhardt Jean Ricci Mary Ellen Carter Rich Robert and Nancy Roth Peter H. Schmidt Paul Schule Michael J. Smith Bill Steinhaus Susie Swartwout Steinhaus

Beverly Gangloff Tylenda Roy M. Ventullo David Virgilio Loretta Wahl John C. Walton Jacklin Randall Ward Susan Booth Ward Judith Morse White Catherine Clarke Wronski Thomas Zubert


$126,391 Raised 6% Participation John J. Agosta Debra Miles Ames Arthur W. Appleby

Kathryn Schlegel Armstrong

Edwin Assenheimer Douglas Axman Patricia G. Baldwin Judith E. Battison Neal M. Belitsky Christine A. Bevilacqua Susan M. Bianchi Nicholas Billotti John R. Bocciolatt Paul J. Bodekor Donna Cravens Brown Steven Brown Douglas J. Bull Bruce and Marilyn Hoover Burkey Jeremiah Casey Edward J. Cavalier Patrick L. Clark Charles Clevenger Dan Colacino Mary F. Coleman Janice Kaplan Daitz Kevin A. Daly Janet M. Day David J. Fraher Margaret M. Freeman

Ellen M. Gauthier Scott Gay Mary Ann Fauls Giglio Thomas J. Gosdeck Daniel R. Gould Phyllis E. Griswold Ann Lechner Henderson Tom Howarth Ruth E. Hyde Len Jankiewicz Ilse Linda Jetty Stu Krieger Kathleen J. Krom David L. Kvam Christine Lavin Annette Svet Mackin Suzanne Bruzdzinski Malpocher Barbara L. Marsh Mark F. Matt Monica Maxwell-Paegle Patrick M. McCormick Mary Held McKerlie William McLean Kathy Gregory Nash Peggy Brokenshire Nelson Susan Frank Nims Robert H. Olsen Anthony B. Pariso Jacquelyn Smith Pataki Brian J. Petraitis Diane Conor Pignato Fern Macrini Ricci Henry V. Ricci Carol Segelken Russell Linda J. Schaffer Patricia Johnson Selock Joanne Tulli Setzer Cynthia J. Shierant Valerie S. Slack Laurie Silverman Smith Carol A. Stockslader David L. Stoloff Paul and Sue Strickler Janet Duane Ticconi David P. Turkow Peter and Kathleen Villa Gene Vogel Janet Hiller Watson Donna Martin Willome


$10,896 Raised 5% Participation Anonymous Bruce G. Arnold Frank S. Bensley Sylvia Bell Burke Roy W. Carr Bonnie F. Carter Marilyn Sweeting Chastek Daniel J. Coyne Jeff Crane Sue Hurley Crane Linda Dapcic-Angst David C. DeFelice Joan M. Di Risio


Joseph G. Doody James E. Duncan Sue Fundermark Eddy Scott L. Fallon Dennis Farrell David and Leslie Foxen Mary Keller Gaffey Carol Hinckley Gerbing Paul J. Giannone Janice C. Glerum Jesse D. Goins Nancy A. Hewitt Donald Holmes Kim R. Houserman Michael Hrycelak Kathleen Huntley Joan Sullivan Joyce Michael Joyce Maureen McCarthy Kaus Uadajane Ketcham Antoinette Gocel Kimber Roberta L. Klein Timothy J. Kreutter Kenneth W. Kuhn Jean Palmer Levitt Barbara J. Lippa Paul E. Marcero Thomas J. Markle James P. McElheny Carol Garrett Mulqueen Betty Turchyn Oberst Stephen M. Oberst Daniel W. O’Donnell Alice Traynor Orlick Mickey J. Orr Paul R. Pape Dawn R. Post Paul J. Purfield Norma Nenni Reem Margaret Rich Ann Mulroy Riemer Susan Henry Runkel Bonnie Barthelman Sale Michelle Atkins Schaefer Kenneth K. Senn Joan C. Sitterly Jack Stewart Theodore E. Stovall Denise Le Fevre Sullivan Kurt E. Thalwitzer Ann Marie Treanor Alicia V. Velasco Charles E. Wallace John W. Willits Ward and Ann Wolff Andrea Josephs Yizar


$9,404 Raised 5% Participation Carol C. Achilles Cynthia Young Acklin Cathy Stempel Appleby Susan Gunwaldsen Barra Bonnie L. Bower, DDS Mary Feneran Brady Vivian Zakielarz Cantor

Musette Castle Mavis Chaskin-Mott Angelina Fiorito Colavito Dan Culver Rick Darcangelo Robert J. Dittmer Susan Manogue Donk David J. Dowd David J. Gordon Harry J. Gross Richard D. Hall Michael A. Heaney Nancy A. Higgins Russell E. Kohnken Lorraine Leonardi Kolacki Janine Lysiak Lesser Glenn R. Levitt Robert M. Lewis Margie Lovett-Scott Susan Huff Maas John Martellucci Cheryl Ripberger Matt Doreen Tomaszewski May Craig and Debby Northrup Merritt Patrick L. Morahan, Jr. Steven G. Mumby Tom O’Hara Karen Pickett Post Jeffrey D. Post Linda LaCrosse Reeves Douglas J. Reeves Kathleen Reigelman Robert Robare Rosemarie Ren Ruck Leonard J. Savedoff Blaine S. Schwartz Nira Schwartz-Nyitray Darlene Runions Sprague Nancy Galloway Stewart Denise Marie Tanguay PhD and Jonathan Dean William L. Tepas Eldwin Van Alstyne Mary Roche Ventullo Mark D. Werner Eileen J. Wuethrich Mary Zimmer


$5,207 Raised 4% Participation Lawrence C. Albanese Shermane Bierwas Carter Eunice C. Chesnut Mary E. Corey John Cumming Gregory Cummings Jim Donk John B. Feeney Wendy Pierce Feeney John E. Flanagan Harry and Patricia Franklin Gail D. Gabriel David G. Hammond Michael and Ileana Hoeschele Jordan S. Horowitz

Candace Dimmig Korman Dawn M. Lambert Julie Babick Marrin Joann Parry May William C. McClure Linda Polidori McElheny Richard McGarrigle Jan Riedinger McGowan Mary Bartholf Neider Mary Olney Steven J. Pechman Susan Petersen and Luz Cruz Susan Cameron Polesnak Marjorie M. Pounds Michael J. Robinson Christine D. Santospirito Susan Rubel Savedoff Frederick Schamu Eileen Shirey Donald F. Snyder Daniel Stinebiser Deborah L. Titus Linda J. Valenti Constance Camarda Vanvliet Ronald Wendlinger Douglass J. Wyckoff


$19,478 Raised 5% Participation Gabriella Safford Albanese Jennifer Albright Eugenie Mehserle Banker Blaine M. Barham Karen Benz-Clarke Gary A. Carter Edward M. Case Stephen Cella and Family John D. Ciampa Patrick M. Clark John S. Clarke Dave and Donna Curtis Bob Davidson Laura Lanzi Davidson Arleen Lugo Edwards Donald W. Emerling Thomas E. English Christa Freel Filipowicz R. Scott and Mary Flieger Chris E. Forte Mary Lou Whitney Galasso Nora Holland Garza Jeffrey S. Gifford Stephen J. Hardy Sharon M. Hartnett Mike Hill Nancy Sperr Iafrati Sharon Jaycox Daitz Pauline Tung Johnson Susan Huston Jones Joan Lesnick-Adams Ann Kroeger Lesperance Steve Luke Linda Furnal Lytle Linda Mack Simmons Patrick Madama Bruce and Sharon Matteson

Diane Frost McCue William and Mary Kay McEnery Katharyn Lieben Peebles Lawrence J. Pratt Alison Rosen Patrick Ruocco Gary E. Sanger John K. Schupner Elaine Allen Sullivan Julia Hochstadt Sweet Dennis Thompson Gina Torreggiani Veneziani Michael Whelan


$6,181 Raised 4% Participation Diane C. Abel Rick and Diane Amundson Anonymous (2) Laura Reinhardt Berish Wade J. Bianco Robert A. Brenton Edward G. Bronowicki Lance M. Brown Marian Myers Brown Mitch J. Cohen Kim Britt Dewey Helen M. Domske Gail Zezze Donohue Nancy Colaneri Duff William E. Fichtner Cathy L. Flowers Russell and Audrey Fuller Kathleen A. Gancarz Mary Lee Geisel Susan B. Genthner Robert H. Gross John C. Harter, Jr. Richard and Kathleen Ellithorpe Isaac Donald H. Kalke Sharon M. Kehoe Rhett A. King Barbara B. Klapper Melody M. Landberg Mark S. Levine Marcia E. Lloyd Edward R. Malone Michael A. Marzec Janet Goodness McClure Thomas W. Muller Karen Reidy Newcomb Christine Olsen Thomas D. Quinlan Michael Rausa Jane Huntley Reagan Joan Rollo Rurey Roger W. Rurey James C. Scardinale Anne H. Smith Charles E. Snyder Douglas W. Trinder Antonetta Waters Gerard J. Wenzke Steven A. Wolff


$20,450 Raised 5% Participation Anonymous Lynn A. Arthur Sharon Belle-Render Allan R. Berry John D. Bologna Mark W. Bradbard Jean M. Brereton Frances Canning Josephine Randazzo Carra Rosemary Mauro Clarke JoAnne Warner Coleman John P. Coleman Joseph Crociata William D’Anza Colleen T. Donaldson Dan and Denny Donovan Robert F. Ecklund Joan S. Fenton Gregg Frankel Jean Zuberer Frankel Diane M. Fulkerson Richard B. Grady Paul Grech John L. Guty Cary W. Harkaway Harriet J. Heller Janna Cosner Heyman Angela T. Hoyt Evelyn O’Connell Kappeler Barbara Juliano Kielaszek David Kielaszek Jeffrey C. Lamison Aaron Lepold Jim Long Katherine Marotta Marzec Vincent C. Miccoli Wendy Soronson Minter Winston F. Mitchell Thomas T. Moore Joan Rosenthal Nusbaum James M. Pedro Lorene Calligaris Pedro Gary B. Quilliam Gerard Reidy Seth H. Schwartz Connie Sommer Paul E. Sonnenberg Eugene H. Spafford Willard J. Sproule Patricia Gavigan Sullivan Cheryl Holt Thomas Mikale and Lovely McClary Thornton Joseph Trilling Frederick and Patricia Tuttle Carol Swift Urbaitis Barbara Campbell Weber James M. Weber, Jr. Douglas A. Williams



$39,941 Raised 4% Participation Richard Aldi Mark E. Bower Patrick Capuano Nicolina Colosi Trilling Deborah A. Dibley James P. Dowling Michael C. Doyle Glenn Goldberg and Kim Burke Carey B. Hatch Avis Wagner Hooper Gretchen Gallagher Hughes William and Lauren Hunter Gay Hotchkiss Lenhard Ronald A. Lounsbury Rory W. Luckman Thomas J. Luker Anthony R. Mazzeo Diane M. Mehling Dwight H. Overmoyer John F. Parisella Rhonda Farrell Parrish Daniel R. Patsos Sonya J. Pease Candace D. Raderman Richard J. Restina Timothy A. Rougeux Douglas P. Rowe Matthew H. Snider David E. Stein Gary J. Sullivan Judith Szustakowski JoAnn F. Vierthaler


$6,590 Raised 5% Participation Katherine G. Barkley Deborah A. Birkins Bonnie L. Bush James C. Casey

Michael D. Cavallaro John Chris Clarke Marc M. Cohen Robert J. Cole Jay Conley Mary E. Corey Patrick M. Crowley Ed Doherty Peter and Linda Dowe Carolyn S. Dunn Jeanne Navagh Ernst Kurt J. Ernst Jeanne Nelidov Gerber Valerie Krandle Gold Jeanne M. Hastings Janet Y. Johnson Judith C. Joyce Christine E. Landry Robert R. Lauro Karen Logsdon Frances Herring Luce Donna Reynolds Matthews John P. McEntee Richard C. McNulty Tracy E. Meyers Patrick J. Mickle William J. Mulligan Barbara J. Myers Lawrence C. Patzwald Maryellen Parnell Post Darlene Hall Rogers Kevin Rogers Marc C. Tarplee Philip R. West Paul A. Wieczorek Mary Kay Kerr Williams Bruce Winston Richard P. Wismer


$11,403 Raised 4% Participation J. Scott Atkinson Andrew C. Blose

Kevin P. Bohne Terry D’Attore Tina Del Rosso Donle Robert Duff James Duffey Sandra Ehni Richard M. Frank Robert J. French and Pamela Pletcher Howard J. Friedman Marie Guglielmo Galvao Karen Carone Heaney Corey A. Horowitz Warren Kozireski James B. Mangin John McNierney Suzanne Parker McPhillips Suzanne Allis Miller Anne H. Parsons Marjorie L. Perlman Eileen Newdale Pillmeier John T. Reighn Larry R. Solomon Louis and Gene Spiro Encie Nagel Stevens Woody and Nancy VanDenburg Derrick Vile Jacqueline Zegarelli Wuest


$21,742 Raised 5% Participation Patrick M. Adams Thomas J. Anderson Anonymous Denise Armstrong-Rose Dereck D. Bigford Ronald D. Bradt Leslie A. Bull Maureen E. Casey Monica Cosgrove Charles H. Danzi William and Karen DesJardin Kenneth Fredrick Lynne Fullerton-Gleason Brian J. Gawne Gregory Goggins Tina Szmyr Haldeman David and Margaret Lenderking Hale Christine Hammer John and Beth Hoben Rebecca Goldstone Horowitz Walter Kehoe Christopher and Myra Leichtweis Helen R. Maier Christine Rego Maier Kevin P. Malenga Andrew J. Meyer Sheldon Meyers David A. Morenberg Christos Moschovitis Doug Nothnagle Dan Raimondo

Richard Reeves Alicia Robinson Thomas Sanger Brad and Liz Schreiber Steven Slate Louis S. Taxin Genita L. Webb Michael J. West Michelle Littlefield Winnie Ronald N. Winnie Claire Craw Zappone


$3,018 Raised 4% Participation Judith H. Brown Becky Garsh Buell Lorne Cohen Allie Gurrant Donnan Richard and Donna Evans Lori Taylor Hunt Eileen Sinnott Johnson Lisa Gray Knecht R.J. Koons Helen J. Kostelas Ronald Leonard William Lista Marie Russo Merenda Mark B. Mittin Eileen Lafleur O’Hara Kellie Wilkinson Okoniewski Terry O’Toole Lois Bubb Petote Peter Pirnie Karen Schuhle-Williams, PhD Nina Tamrowski Robert and Sue Trowbridge


$10,456 Raised 4% Participation Michael D. Andriatch Jack M. Carr Suzanne Mekarski Carroll Camille Cherry Joan L. Christ Deborah Glad Conlan Alexander L. Conti John S. Denio Jeffrey A. Dodd Christine Fendley Larry Flood Maria Fortuna-Nevin Richard and Marianne Fuierer Barbara Gamble Goshorn Charles H. Goshorn Janet M. Hill Timothy Hungerford Reginald and Helen Johnson Glenn Johnson Simon “Zack” Klarides Sandra L. Konfederath Michele Liguori-Alampi Shoshana Melnick Timothy J. Melvin Carolyn Miller

Roshelle M. Pavlin Barbara Morse Peyton Mark A. Pinchak Paul D. Rosati Sharon Wetmore Rosati Ronald Sanchez Harriet Sally Sisson Catherine Small Suzanne Galvin Smith James A. Snyder Joseph C. Wolniewicz John W. Zwierzynski


$5,000 Raised 3% Participation Thomas C. Abraham Kerry Rehfuss Bandis Jody L. Caldwell Patricia Sears Corsi Ricki De Baun Anthony W. DeLorenzo Lori McKown DeLorenzo Grace Denniston Doreen Driscoll Elhamalawy Frank Ferrigno David J. Geary Angela Mannino Glass Teresa Maglier Godfrey Audrey Renneman Hallenbeck Allyn Hammel Yanick Heriveaux-Jenkins Darryl Lindsay Lory Molino-Smith P. Murray Lawrence F. O’Brien Donny Ophals Henry Padron Deborah Crowley Patrie Shona Perry Patricia Donnelly Pozin Kevin M. Smith Lisa Flammer Smith Lorna Stinebiser Angela D’Ambrosi Trzepkowski Jim Whittle Ellen M. Wilber


$6,243 Raised 4% Participation Anonymous Eileen McEnerney Bannerman Peter A. Bird David C. Culver Karen E. Hegeman Scott W. Hughes Mary Nothnagle Johnson Mary Hechtel Khunger June Killigrew Mark Lacatena Jenny Lloyd Marsha Mancuso Sandra Meade David Mihalyov


Dianne Schrier Miller Julia Maynard Morrison Jose Munoz Donna Noble Karen Owen Robert T. Persia Louise Scudieri Arnie Serotsky Gary L. Shirley Laurie Pellittiere Szabo Victor Torregiano Claire L. VanDenBerghe Toby Walters


$3,960 Raised 4% Participation Thurston U. Allen Stephen A. Basquill Mary Sue Bennett Mary Blanchard Bintz Dan and Michelle Blondell Carolyn M. Bova Beverly Brownell Brust Denise M. Butler William Coughlin Megan R. Day Julie Spencer Everhart Karen Francis Rita Grosser Cathy Houston-Wilson Pamela W. Krahe Jim Maddock Michael P. Mahoney Todd M. Majewski Leslie Whiting McIntyre Diane Dickerson Nicholson Kelly O’Brien Salomone Rocco Salomone Gayel VanFleet Todd Gregory A. Tortorello Brian Tucker Susan Scull Zauderer

Kean A. Zeches


$9,218 Raised 4% Participation Daniel B. Askey John Beck Kerrie Dawley Cooper Kevin J. Dailor Larry A. DeWolf Scott and Sam Farrell Cheryl A. Fehnel Norman Fernaays Stephen D. Girolmo Steven Jeffrey Stephen and Allison Kaiser Donna M. Kowal Diane Fontaine Kozakiewicz Linda C. Krieger John A. Leone Dan and Andrea Pietrzykowski Lista Daya N. Manatunga Maxine McDonald Karen M. Olson Cassandra Wilson Rosado Daniel R. Sargent John D. Schrenker Anthony B. Smith Amy Buongiorne Stamp Kelly L. Vergin Kelly Young


$4,105 Raised 3% Participation Patricia O’Connor Anderson Anonymous Alecia A. Becks Curtis R. Birthwright Monica Carson Brasted Maria Rangel Castaneda Jeffrey A. Chester

Patricia Fahrer Curry Kelly J. Daly Jeffrey A. Denner Anthony J. DeYoung Rob DiCarlo Lynn E. Eick Robert and Suzette Fenton James and Susan Fradenburg David Harris Nancy Hoffmann Janet Kamp McLean Sandra Meleca Kari A. Olson Chris and Renee Palin Tracy L. Pattison Beth Peters Allen S. Plymale Greg and Marie Ross Jack W. Sager Randy A. Webb


$2,402 Raised 3% Participation Michael Barry Kerry Collins-Gross Jody Porter Frawley Pamela Grosch Phillip Johnson Yardena Kalir Donna L. Kennison Caroline M. Laude Michael S. Lougheed Robert Marchiony Corey J. McAtee Janique M. Nine Molly Stolarcyk Nolan Jane A. Pascoe Michele L. Reed Daniel F. Rogers Torrance L. Schmitz Maria T. Scipione

Paul and Deborah Selke Irene Stumberger Deborah Kelly Williams Gladys Wolsky


$3,252 Raised 3% Participation Sue P. Atkinson Lisbeth Smith Birthwright Julie Bogdan Margaret Cavalier Michelle Enriot Corbett Scott DiMarco Christina C. Dituri Margaret Elliott Ecklund Thomas Ferrazzi Ferris Johnna M. Frosini Patricia Furdyn Gawne Tammela Schepler Hamlin Virginia Hebda John W. Hoey, Jr. Michael E. Hoyt Bonnie W. Kreutter Jonette Lancos and Carl Shanahan Sandra Sleeper Lehr Jim and Brenda Lyness Earnest N. Miller Karen Ogden Olmstead Chuck Privitera Kathleen Meinke Reichert Rick and Linda Sweeting Maryanne Talia Michele M. Tufano


$7,706 Raised 2% Participation Katie Andriatch David Baker Kathleen Boughton

Sandra J. Cassin Joseph E. DeCaro Patrick W. Dowdall William Frank Laurie A. Freeman Christa Aldrich Geise Lisa Gerst Cynthia Harris Curtis and Claire Smith Kirchmaier Emerson C. Klees Wendell L. Morgan Sara Niemeyer Paul J. Payne Joseph J. Praino Brian Quick Andrew Russo Gregory J. Russo Josh Silber Jeff Thomas Paul ’PJ’ Wendel


$19,805 Raised 2% Participation James and Kelly Betters Penelope Blackman-Lawson Kevin M. Brodsky Joseph and Jennifer Cashier Chesebro Patricia A. Harris Carol B. Haynes Lesia Dmytryszyn Hrycelak Anne C. Hughes Juanita C. Jolley Alexander M. Kralles Deanna Woodhams Krusenstjerna Anne Podolak Shantha M. Rao Kimberley Parow Richards Stephen D. Rosenberg Howard Rosenblatt Susan M. Sargent James Vlogianitis


$18,223 Raised 2% Participation John G. Baker Maureen Moore Ballard Patricia A. Baxter Lawrence Bley Barbara L. Deming Jamie James Dowdall Linda P. Dudman Dennis E. Dynko Anthony M. Esposito Mary B. Ferrari Alicia Cabiedes Fink Kathleen A. Frank Molly Galloway Hegeman Patrick J. Hughes Geraldine McCarty Susan Pettitt Painting Shannon Sauro Michael W. Schmoyer


Brian Sharenow Janice Miller Sherman Pamela J. Stiles Virginia Tresco Michael A. Trinkaus Alethea Fitzgerald Trinkaus John L. Vlogianitis Kimberly Gore Wehner


$3,480 Raised 2% Participation Nora Y. Bell Bob Confer Florence E. Elliott Robert P. Franklin Shirley L. Hans Floyd B. Hopkins Barbara Calhoun Kapperman Jane Elwood Lebak Kristine M. Littrell Michael Mellace Michael P. Nyhan Nancy J. Panzer Susan Roos Pearson Frederick L. Prentice, Jr. John Sapienza Darlene M. Schmitt Timothy F. Short Marcia Wieczorek


$1,010 Raised 1% Participation Alan Boekhout James Granozio Susanna McGinty Heins Joely Nelkin Kuss Rosemary Luzum Anthony T. Martone Heidi M. Melens Rebecca Plant Mellace Victoria Prusinowski Phipps George Shapow


$1,470 Raised 1% Participation Jennifer Jesionowski Arbore Jack Harbold, Jr. Christopher Leone Erik H. Schleicher Nancy T. Sheridan Ben Werzinger


$2,412 Raised 2% Participation Mark Bonsignore Andrew M. Corbett Lisa M. Feinstein Michael J. Gorse Scott G. Haines Edie Hill Catherine J. Legacy

Mary Lou Meisenzahl Paul A. Palombo Joseph A. Pierce Chris and Chaley Swift


$1,424 Raised 2% Participation Heather Schaal Allen Neil Chodorow Diane M. Crouch Matthew R. Farren Karl D. Grohs Marcy J. Mackin Jason R. Mangone Chad J. Markel Donovan H. Nelson Diane Ranocchia Boni Michele Jacek Rase Terry Hintz Shamblin Nikki Slater Elizabeth Jerome Standish Carrie A. Terraferma Fran Trouskie


$3,237 Raised 2% Participation Rob Blanchet John Cassin Richard B. Klancer Julia Kay Lareau Pat Mahoney Gary M. Manuse William Moughan, Jr. Paul W. Ojeda Robert B. Pepe Brian P. Peppers Melissa Zurlo Sanford Sheila Strong Ryan M. Tompkins Leah Santirocco Torregiano Sharon Wallace-Frater William R. Wilkinson


$2,161 Raised 2% Participation Jimmy Borden Cynthia L. Cooper Monica J. Defendorf Donald J. Favro Scott Green Heidi Kozireski Amy Kruppenbacher Roberta T. Majka Becca Markel Antonio Mastroberardino Andrea McClatchie Christopher Mount Frank Palumbo Pamela Cooper Reamer Bradley W. Rowe Lindsey Schmitt Rozzi Kathleen Saville Leanne Schmidt

Lauren Richmond Snyder Lisa M. Tiffin Cynthia R. Utter Brian B. Wood Allison M. Wright


$3,535 Raised 2% Participation Justin Beach Michelle Bishop-Utano Jeanne Boise Brian M. Brady Rebecca G. Cousins John and Lucinda Dumaw Rebecca Gillette Rachael D. Hetzel James P. Kane Lauren Kelly Jeremy Macaluso and Kristen Long Kirsten Martin Rachel Skelly O’Donnell Marjorie Oster Robinson Barbara A. Schrage Peter A. Sidari Nick Smyth Janeen M. Thompson Susyn Wood Tillman Gyongyi Tokar Adam J. Waite Benjamin Wineburg


$1,840 Raised 2% Participation Michael Arena Sarah Sotherden Bohnstadt

Scott A. DeCaro Joshua Fegley Nathan P. Harvey Frank R. LaSala Jeffrey Martin Robert F. X. O’Brien Dawn Santiago-Marullo Joanne Stevens Jason Waite Alyshia M. Zurlick

Laurie Haelen Jennifer Heim Meehan Gail T. Merzke John and Sarah Morgan Andrew P. Smith Lindsay Stephany Chuck Wade


$3,433 Raised 2% Participation Marisa Ballaro Sarah Bulka Catanzaro Daniel D. Cody Sara Dierks Kelly Nicole Mattis Carl R. O’Connor Bill Sachman Brandie Schultz Douglas M. Waite Tristan Walach Tim Wilson


$3,009 Raised 2% Participation Kathleen Bailey Susan J. Bishop Peter Bryant Jared Burnett Timothy Burns Michael T. Davis Kim Ehret Mark Fanara Alfred J. Heilman Cheryl Hungerford Kalyani K. Madhu Donald C. Sisson Lori Van Auken Kimberley Willis Nicholas Wockasen Racheal Mastin Wood


$2,285 Raised 2% Participation Gwen Appleby Carolyn Zon Baker Kimberly Becker Alissa D. Chaney Kimberly Frame Duquette Elizabeth Durfee Mona A. Haleem Seth M. Johnston Daniel Kepler Emily Lottes Robert and Erika Schuh Maxwell


$2,868 Raised 2% Participation Colleen J. Amundson Nicholas Catanzaro Steven B. Lewis Mary McCrank and

Greg Podgorski Kirsten A. Whittaker


$7,496 Raised 2% Participation Anonymous Sandra Glantz Robin S. Hamm Eamon Kays Justin Kimball Jessica Reidy Paul Rushlo Bethany L. Schlegel


$2,426 Raised 3% Participation Nicole Bower Kristi Faulkner Damian J. Flint Lauren Gildemeyer Nicole Leung Peter Manktelow Kim Remley Jeffrey Smith


$2,677 Raised 4% Participation Amanda S. Inman Randi Lang Emily Marullo Michael Winter * deceased

Honors and Memorials The following donors showed how much they care by making gift to the Brockport Foundation in honor or memory of a family member, close friend or colleague.

In Honor of: Melanie Aceto Rudy ’56 and Joan ’54 Aceto All Current Students Thomas Ganley ’61 William and Monika Andrews Frances Moroney Whited Mike Andriatch ’85 Frances Moroney Whited Dr. Michael Auleta Salvatore Salorenzo ’61

Betsy Balzano’s Retirement Morris and Carol Beers

Robert Carges Frances Moroney Whited

Christine Black Cummings Frances Moroney Whited

Jeanette D’Agostino Banker ’53 Elaine Leshnower ’61 Salvatore Salorenzo ’61

Class of 1961 Frances Moroney Whited Class of 1962 Bruce H. Mac Gregor ’62

Jacquie Davis Edward * and Jeanette ’53 Banker Joseph and Evelyn DelRosso Frances Moroney Whited

Class of 2011 Allan Silverman ’70

James and Judith Denio Rosie Rich

College Roommates Nort, Moose and Claire Judy Saunders Thomas ’62

Crystal Diaz Joan Hutton-Steward ’65

Joseph Bellanca Frances Moroney Whited Emily Bettendorf Melvyn Maas ’57 Dr. Albert W. Brown’s 90th Birthday Walter Brautigan ’63 Dr. Charles Clevenger ’73 Richard and Joan ’79 Fenton

Robert and Ruth Conrad Frances Moroney Whited


Kim Ehret John Sapienza ’96

Wallace Elton Frances Moroney Whited

Elaine Leshnower ’61 Frances Moroney Whited

Margie Lovett-Scott Pamela Cooper Reamer ’02

Mike Weaver Rita M. Turkiewicz MSW ’78

Joan Fenton’s Birthday Melvin ’53 and Helen ’55 Smagorinsky Carol ’61 and George W Bott Joanne Tandler Nancy Ackles Prudence K. Pecorella Richard ’62 and Linda ’68 Knab Richard and Donna ’84 Evans Robert and Patricia Molnar Sandra Shields

Joe Lesnau Edward and Mary Lesnau

Theresa Shaheen’s 90th birthday Bernadette Shaheen Bill and Ivette Shaheen John Shaheen

Dr. Frances Moroney Whited Elaine Leshnower ’61 Ricardo P. Paredes ’78 Kristine E. and Francis X. Short

Dr. Frank Short Frances Moroney Whited

The Wedding Anniversary of Jack and Gladys Wolsky Jack and Gladys ’91 Wolsky

Richard and Joan Fenton Mark and Lisa Fenton Robert ’90 and Suzette Fenton Frances Moroney Whited

Albert and Ann McBride Frances Moroney Whited

Mary Fessenden Frances Moroney Whited Professor Herbert Fink William ’71 and Marcy ’00 Mackin Dr. John Fitzpatrick Curtis J. Hill Norman J. Frisch Frances Moroney Whited Rosemary and Francis Fugle John and Roxanne Johnston Dr. Les Gale Salvatore Salorenzo ’61 Kristin and Ian Gardner Mark Gardner Dr. Ralph P. Gennarino’s 90th Birthday Dr. Charles Clevenger ’73 Richard and Joan ’79 Fenton

Jody Levine Scott R. Bump ’96 Brian and Lauren Lowe James and Laurie Lowe

Margery P. Mitchell Helena Mitchell Lindsey ’70 Winston Mitchell ’79

Stull Lumber David and Margaret ’83 Hale

Clyde Morgan Landsman Development Corp

Justin Swan Jacqueline Biddle Mary Tarbrake Frances Moroney Whited

Dr. Warren Morgan Salvatore Salorenzo ’61

Marcia Ullman Valerie Aarne Grossman ’98

Sheila Myer Valerie Aarne Grossman ’98

Andrew Virgilio’s Birthday David ’72 and Marianne ’86 Virgilio

Taryn Mogavero Melva Ann Owens ’54

The Retired Nursing Faculty Patricia A. Baxter ’95

Andy ’49 and Sue ’46 Virgilio Curtis J. Hill Connie Walker on the occasion of installation as President of Monroe County Bar Association Elaine Leshnower ’61 Frances Moroney Whited Anne and Mike Weaver Curtis J. Hill

Dr. Eugene Orbaker Andrew J. Meyer ’83 Laura Neale Paredes Frances Moroney Whited Irma and Myrko Pylyshenko Frances Moroney Whited

Warren Hewes Carol E. Hutchins ’61

Dr. George Queen Salvatore Salorenzo ’61

The Marriage of Dr. Anne Huot and Joanne Cepelak Linda Martin and Valerie Benzing ’67 Patricia Pietropaolo

Nancy Rath Lynne Maier ’04

Barbara B. Korneliusen ’56 Jocelyn G. Rowley

Mrs. Sterrit, 1947 Professor of Student Teaching Ada S. Phelps ’47

Professor Elaine Miller David Stoloff ’73

Mary Jo Gigliotti Frances Moroney Whited

Donald and Gloria Huot Allan ’79 and Jean ’69 Berry Anne Ireland Ellen M. Simkulet ’70 Rosie Rich

Lou Spiro retirement Rosie Rich Barbara Sherwood Craig and Dona Hazen Karen Riotto Thomas and Nancy O’Connor

Emily Marullo John Sapienza ’96

George * and Rosa Rich Frances Moroney Whited Salvatore Salorenzo ’61 Arielle Schneider Hayyim Joseph Kassorla Brad Schreiber ’83 Frances Moroney Whited


Jack Wolsky’s Birthday Gladys Wolsky ’91 Dr. Kathryn Wood Ann Marie Treanor ’74 Martha Zollweg James and Carol Zollweg

In Memory of: Thomas G. Adams Jean Adams ’56 My wife, Sandra Adriance Richard Adriance ’62 Patricia Lund Anderson Jean Adams ’56 Monica Andrews Ian and Rita Henderson Dr. Stuart Apelle Janet Gillespie Stacy Birch Melissa M. Brown Marie Desrochers Frederick Gravetter Deborah Lamphron Joan M. Lucas Sandra L. Mullin Jennifer Ratcliff Marcy Stickles Louis Avino Jr. Frances Moroney Whited

Roger A. Bell, Class of 1956 Mabel Joy (Bell) Zang ’56

F. David Craddock Paul D. Craddock ’62

Steven G. Foster Gerald and Jean Foster

Coach Dick Bonalewicz Erie Codgers Joyce Faria

Winifred E. Craddock Diana Craddock Joel P. Craddock Roger and Marcia Fisher Jeff Fletcher James and Annette Fritz John and Loretta Long David and Helen Mathes Chad T. Robacker Joann Smith ’62 Sid Strasenburgh

Steven Fugle John and Roxanne Johnston

Jill Crandall Shauna E. Anderson ’77 Jeanette D’Agostino Banker ’53 Kenneth and Lucy Esposito Joseph R. and Janice A. Kandor Charles R. ’58 and Carol ’58 Patton Frances Moroney Whited William and Frieda Pizer Gayle Schulte

John E. Gorski Bernard and Jane Lynch

Theodore “Ted” Bondi Ronald A. Clark ’54 William ’50 and Bernice ’48 Cobbett Ginny Dekin ’41 Jean Scheuerle Eschner ’51 Eugene C. ’52 and Lorraine ’75 Kolacki William Nelson ’65 Shirley K. Stellhorn ’51 Donald Thompson ’51 Robert Boozer Melvyn Maas ’57 Nicholas J. Bottoni Joanne T. Ensign ’51 Peggy Boutet Division of Advancement Reverend Dr. Eugene V. Bowers Leslie G. Bowers ’72 Frank O. Branstrom Jennifer Haytock Marguerite Hare Browne Jeanette D’Agostino Banker ’53 Sally Coffey ’83

Brian Harvey Mary Lou Galasso ’77 Dr. William Hemmer Helen Hemmer Terrin L. Hover Anonymous Melvin ’53 and Helen ’55 Smagorinsky John Sapienza ’96 Edmund Hundt Allan ’79 and Jean ’69 Raschiatore Berry

Lorraine Vandewall Dennis Corinne Lynch-Smith ’51

Dr. John F. Disinger H. Keith Stott ’51

Talva Chapin Roberta L. Klein ’74

John Donlon Dennis Porter ’70

The Class of 1953 Classmates that have passed away Shirley Wikiera ’53

Harvey Dorfman ’57 Melissa Dorfman France

Drs. Ambrose and Eileen Corcoran Phyllis Corcoran Woods

Thomas V. Grace Patrick Grace ’79

Genevieve Dandrea Mary Lou Galasso ’77

Ed Caputo Kim Caputo

Dr. Raye Conrad Fran Connors ’59

Eve Gillmor Sharon Wall ’78

Francis Edmund Dahill Ph.D. Marcia Gere ’64

Mildred Deutsch Mary Lou Galasso ’77

Deceased Classmates William ’61 and Hannelore ’62 Heyen

Santo Giglio Joanne Tulli Setzer ’73

Dr. John Crandall Salvatore Salorenzo ’61

Ed Cain Bob and Ann Getz

Classmates from 1958 to 1962 that have passed away Richard Adriance ’62

Coach James Fulton Dennis A. Woodard ’64

Gloria T. Huot Michael ’85 and Katie ’93 Andriatch Linda Martin and Valerie ’67 Benzing Allan ’79 and Jean ’69 Raschiatore Berry Gary and Elizabeth Caruso

Paul T. Duffey Michael Duffey ’80 Dr. Harold G. Emmerson Norma Emmerson ’52 Dr. James E. Fatula Sarah J. Sotherden-Bohnstadt ’04 Sandra Glantz ’09 Steven B. Lewis ’06 Sarah Liebschutz Denise Long ’11 Julie Murawski ’99 Betty Jennejahn Fiegl Charles Fiegl ’50


Anne M. Cavuto John and Jane Daly Jack and Sandra Elias Richard and Joan ’79 Fenton Joel Frater and Sharon Wallace-Frater ’01 Mary Ann Giglio ’73 Stephen Godleski Gina Gonick Mary Gundel John and Kathy Halstead Kathleen Helfand Anne Ireland John and Roxanne Johnston Francis and Claire Lemay Richard and Christine Lena James and Taryn McGrann Paul and Janice Nalette Patrick O’Connor Dr. Dan Petree Patricia Pietropaolo David Podell Darwin Prioleau Smith Wyckoff and Allison Pruitt Peter and Karen Psaledas Rosie Rich Howard and Julie Rosenbaum George and Maureen Rotondo Aroonsiri Sangarlangkarn Bradley C. Schreiber ’83 Louis ’82 and Gene Spiro Peter and Laurie Stoddard Chris and Chaley ’99 Swift Felicia Therrien James and Antonia Therrien Daniel Tobin Transitions Optical Inc. Transitions Optical team at Euro RSCG Worldwide PR Scott Turner and Mary Worboys-Turner Frances Moroney Whited Yale Internal Medicine, Med/Peds and Primary Care

Dr. A. Ibrahim, Math Professor Kathleen Clark ’73

Suellyn (Tenney) Nelson ’66 Judy Loughlin ’66

Julius Y. Kaplan Florence Becker Kaplan ’51

Our Parents Jacob and Lois ’84 Kluger Erma Pettis Jeanette D’Agostino Banker ’53 Jerry ’53 and Nancy Dunn Mary Goldfein ’53 Frances Moroney Whited Melvin ’53 and Helen ’55 Smagorinsky

Dorothy Kasprzyk Anonymous James H. Keeler Jeremy Babcock Dr. Howard Kiefer Fran Connors ’59 Kathleen Krebs Mary J. Altaner ’83 Rose Zarola Kuhle ’50 Norma Jean Marie Halligan ’50 Leah Leary ’60 Elaine Leshnower ’61 Helen Blatchford Lee John Lee Vincent Lista Frances Moroney Whited Herman F. Lybarger David Lybarger Richard Mahoney Brian J. Buchanan ’86 Andrea Majewski Todd M. Majewski ’88 Dr. Richard V. Mancuso Allan ’79 and Jean ’69 Raschiatore Berry Sara ’72 and Jim Cook Laurie A. Freeman ’93 Donna Mancuso Mary Anne Pietrzykowski ’81 Marc C. Tarplee ’81 E.J. McGuire John Flanagan ’76 Julie McWherter Barbara Joyce Helf Peter Milano, Class of 1980 Patrick Capuano ’80 Lucile Morris Frances Moroney Whited Raymond Morris Frances Moroney Whited Richard Mothorpe Donald Thompson ’51

Jacob and Francesca Cohen Sara ’72 and Jim Cook Anthony F. Crupi ’87 Sandy Davis-Wilson Charlie Dean ’68 Joseph ’55 and Evelyn ’52 D’Aurizio Del Rosso John and Ann Dellaquila Romine and Barbara ’95 L. Deming James ’62 and Judith ’61 Wade Denio John and Marjorie Derrick Foster J. Difiore Robert ’82 and Nancy ’78 Duff W. Raymond and Ute ’78 Duncan Marilyn Duryea ’55 Norma Emmerson ’52 Rosemary Fatcheric Richard and Joan ’79 Fenton Anthony and Bernadette Ferrara Christa Filipowicz ’77 Herbert and Alicia ’95 Fink Gordon ’66 and Margaret ’68 Fox H. James Gauvreau ’54 Jeanne Gerber ’81 Bob and Ann Getz Mary Ann Giglio ’73 Thomas D. Gillett ’74 Patricia Good Jim ’73 and Connie Graves Rita Grosser ’88 John and Kathy Halstead Allyn ’86 and Lynne ’71 Hammel Elmer and Carol Henretta Juanita B. Henry ’80 Warren ’57 and Mary Ann Hewes William ’61 and Hannelore ’62 Heyen James Horn Dr. Anne Huot and Dr. Joanne Cepelak Anne Ireland Claus and Diane Janzen Tiffany L. Jewell

John H. Orcutt ’73 Peter Van Wart ’72 Anthony Piccione David Fraher ’73 Al Poulin David Fraher ’73 Patrick J. Pugliese Elaine Pugliese ’51 Sandra A. Reiss, Class of 1958 Ann Hiemenz ’58 George M. Rich ’54 Rudy ’56 and Joan ’54 Aceto Merritt W. Ackles Robert and Anne Allen Arthur and Mary Alvut Carrie Andrews Michael ’85 and Katie ’93 Andriatch Anonymous (4) Arthur ’73 and Cathy Appleby ’75 Peter Arras ’63 Patricia Baker ’61 Betsy Ann Balzano Jeanette D’Agostino Banker ’53 Mr. and Mrs. James Bannister Nance Baranowski ’61 Katherine G. Barkley ’81 Joseph ’59 and Beth Bellanca Lyman “Beans” Bement ’54 Linda Martin and Valerie ’67 Benzing Allan ’79 and Jean ’69 Raschiatore Berry Margaret B. Blackman Robert and Carol Blake Richard Boardman ’63 Betty J. Bohrer ’60 Robert and Diane Boyd Sandra Boyko Walter Brautigan ’63 Harold and Ann Broadhurst Sylvia Burke ’74 Ann E. Butler Sandra Cain Donna L. Carter ’05 Gary and Elizabeth Caruso Charlie Chase ’47


Phillip Johnson ’63 Pauline Tung Johnson ’77 Michael Johnson John and Roxanne Johnston Valerie Huff Jones ’75 Benita M. Jorkasky Rita Kearney John ’69 and Donna ’72 Kennedy Richard ’62 and Linda ’68 Knab Rosemary Ksiazek Bradley C. LaSorte DDS Elaine Leshnower ’61 W. Bruce Leslie Thomas and Patricia ’01 Mahoney Nugent John and Helen ’83 Maier Donna Mancuso Richard and Sandra ’87 Meade Mary Brei Merle ’64 Frances Moroney Whited Betty-Jane Tillotson Nasca ’52 Sona Nocera J.W. and G.S. Nystrom Tom ’75 and Eileen ’84 O’Hara David O’Keefe ’59 Anne O’Toole Louis Pettinelli Jr. Mark and Nancy Ragus Cassandra Rich Christine Rider ’68 Rochester Teachers Association Pauline R. Rossman ’55 Lillian Rowell Ron Ruffino ’09 Frank Sacheli ’45 Salvatore Salorenzo ’61 William ’64 and Diane ’63 Santora Mary A. Scarborough ’70 Doug Rodas and Dawn Schmidt Bradley C. Schreiber ’83 Marilyn Secord Harry and Deanna Shifton William and Mary ’75 Signor Helen Simpson

Jean Skop ’63 Melvin ’53 and Helen ’55 Smagorinsky Jack and Carol Smith Louis ’82 and Gene Spiro Rick and Karen Spurr Arline Stephany Elizabeth K. Svitavsky ’59 Randy and Bonnie ’69 Sweeting Rick and Linda ’92 Sweeting Doris Sweeting Mary Tachco Lyle and Linda Tague William Tepas ’75 Harold ’64 and June ’62 Thompson Lee Tinneny ’63 James J. ’69 and Nancy M. ’70 Vanzetta David ’72 and Marianne ’86 Virgilio Josephine Wallin ’46 Western Monroe Historical Society Morton ’56 and Diana ’57 Wexler Carl D. ’65 and Sharon Wheat Timothy ’79 Ginge and Kathleen ’71 Williams-Ging Claire Craw Zappone ’83 Mary Zimmer ’75 Shelia Robinson Lester J. Robinson III ’89 Dr. Martin Rogers Dr. John Lemcke ’60 Gary Root John and Roxanne Johnston

Patricia Ryan Eileen A. Pillmeier ’82 Joanne Stevens ’04

Rick and Linda ’92 Sweeting Stephen M. ’88 and Tamera S. ’81 Zaffuto

Dominic Santirocco Victor ’87 and Leah ’01 Torregiano

Dr. Victor E. Schmidt Andrew T. Caruso ’61

Frank and Carrie Sapienza Louis and Rosa D’Angelo Frontier Glass Inc. James Leone Joseph and Lisa Mazzeo Frances Moroney Whited John Sapienza ’96 John and Betty Sapienza Frank and Antoinette Sapienza A. Bruce Schlagater Anonymous Brockport Teachers Association Henry and Shelley Earle Jeanette D’Agostino Banker ’53 Ralph and Margaret Byrd Annette Calvaruso Priscilla Facer ’47 Gordon ’66 and Margaret ’68 Fox Maryellen Giese Judith Goldstein Shawn and Deanna ’04 Halquist C. Bruce and Sue Lawrence Jack ’54 and Chris ’54 Mazzarella Craig and Debby ’75 Merritt Janice Schlageter Northrup ’49 Thomas and Susan Powell J. Noel and Grace Costich Schlageter William and Jean Schlageter Bradley C. Schreiber ’83 Pasquale and Lena Soricone

Curtis Wagner Robert Nixon ’83 Michael C. Walker Jr. Jeanette D’Agostino Banker ’53

Jeffrey Session Joann G. Session ’75

John R. Waple Mary McCrank ’06 and Laurie Haelen

Phyllis Shiesley Mary Lou Galasso ’77

La Verne Waterman Ginger Waterman Van Der Meid ’56

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skelton Richard Skelton ’65

Harvey Werber Tina Szmyr Haldeman ’83

Peter and Eleanor Small Catherine Small ’85

John Wilson Lawrence D. Wilson ’53

Mrs. Joan Smith Frances Moroney Whited

Catherine Wismer Richard Wismer ’81

Edward O Stephany Arline Stephany

Howard Whatford Donald Thompson ’51

Philip Suskind Diana Suskind ’68

Linda White (Culver) Carol H. Blessing (Metzler) ’61

Martha Svika Mary Lou Galasso ’77

Robert and Tillie Wehle Linda Martin ’75

Debbie Tranello Stephen ’89 and Allison Kaiser

Cathleen Zwierzynski John Zwierzynski ’85

Jayne Vogan Judith Brown ’84 Joseph R. and Janice A. Kandor Melvin ’53 and Helen ’55 Smagorinsky

Endowed and Annual Scholarships One of the main tenets of Brockport’s mission is to offer a high quality education that is affordable for our students. Yet for many, cost is still a barrier. Private scholarships, both restricted and endowed, can make a critical difference. A scholarship may mean that students can forego part-time jobs and give their full attention to their studies; it may open the door to a study abroad experience; or for some, it may make a college education a reality — not just a dream. Through the Brockport Foundation, generous individuals, foundations and corporations bring education within reach for many of our students. In 2011-12, the Brockport Foundation awarded over scholarships totaling $440,312. The Foundation also provides the College with $275,000 annually to support the Extraordinary Academic Scholarship Program, which provides scholarships based on overall academic achievement. Listed below are the endowed and annual scholarships that make it possible for Brockport students to achieve their educational goals. Agape Physical Therapy Services Scholarship Alain Maca ’72 Leadership and Teamwork Scholarship Allen V. Upton Scholarship Alliance Nursing Fund Alpha Chi Honor Society Scholarship Alton J. and Edna A. Boyle Memorial Scholarship Ambrose L. Corcoran Art Award

Andrew D. and Sue P. Virgilio Scholarship Andrew J. Brown Memorial Fund Anna A. McGinnis Award Anne and Lynn Parsons Graduate Scholarship Fund Anne M. Fallon Memorial Nursing Scholarship Annette Lamphier Rock Nursing Scholarship Advantage Professionals Scholarship

Arthur M. Lee History Award Arts for Children Award Barbara E. Kowalczyk Memorial Award in Economics Barnes and Noble College Bookstore/BASC Scholarships BASC Employee Fund Beatrice and Donald E Leffler Award Bernice Skirboll ’79 Scholarship in the Mental Health Field Bessie Walker Browne Award


Beth and Joe Bellanca Scholarship Bette Bailey Scholarship for Excellence in Dance Betty J. Watson Scholarship Bill Hullfish Service in Music Award Billy Reed Prize in Public Speaking Blaine M. Delancey Memorial Award Blaine M. Delancey Teaching Excellence Award Boa Editions Ltd. Fellowship

Brian M. Brady ’03 Marketing Scholarship Brockport Alumni Association Scholarship Brockport College Foundation Scholarship Fund Brockport College Memorial Scholarship Brockport Kiwanis Leadership Scholarship Brockport Student Government Scholarship Campus Recreation Professional Development Fund Carol A. Susswein Memorial Award Cassidy Ball Scholarship Fund Charles J. Ashworth Award in Business and Economics Charles S. Thomas Memorial Award Charles W. Baden Award Chemistry Memorial Fund Clark V. Whited Award Class of 1949 Scholarship Class of 1950 Scholarship Class of 1951 Scholarship Class of 1952 Scholarship Class of 1953 Scholarship Class of 1954 Scholarship Class of 1955 Scholarship Class of 1956 Scholarship Class of 1959 Scholarship Class of 1960 Scholarship Class of 1961 Memorial Scholarship Fund Class of 1962 Scholarship Class of 1963 Scholarship Class of 1964 Anniversary Gift Class of 1964 Scholarship Class of 1965 Scholarship Class of 1966 Scholarship Class of 1967 Scholarship Class of 1969 Scholarship Class of 1970 Scholarship Class of 1975 Scholarship Class of 1980 Scholarship Class of 1984 Scholarship Class of 1985 Scholarship Class of 1987 Scholarship Class of 1990 Scholarship Class of 2011 Scholarship in Memory of Daniel Dix Class of 2012 Scholarship Fund Collier Fellowship for Undergraduate Research in Chemistry Communications Scholarship Computer Science Departmental Award Conrad Family Endowment Fund Covering Ground Scholarship in Memory of Santo Giglio Daniel Kandris Strive for Improvement Award Daniel Senkowski Scholarship Dawn and Jacques Lipson, MD Arts and Performance Fund Department of Computer Science Scholarship Fund

Department of History Program for Ireland Department of Sociology Endowment Departmental Scholar Awards in Earth Science, Geology, Meteorology and Water Resources Distinguished Professors Endowed Fund for Graduate Education Dolly Pike Nursing Scholarship Donald and Gloria Huot Excellence in Leadership Awards Donald F. and Maxine B. Davison Scholarship Donald J. and Julie McWherter Scholarship Donald M. Tower Award Dorothea Deitz Memorial Scholarship Dorothy E. Foster Award Dr. and Mrs. Herbert S. (Inez W.) Bailey Scholarship Dr. Betty Marian Anderson REOC Scholarship Dr. Harold W. Nash and Lorraine B. Porter Nash Scholarship Dr. John J. Perry International Scholarship Dr. Louis R. Desfosses Sr. Scholarship Dr. Richard Mancuso Undergraduate Research Award in Physics Dr. Sanford S. Miller Award in Mathematics Eastridge Kiwanis Award Edmund and Tina Hundt Scholarship Edward J. and Ruth Bauer Gafney Washington Internship Award Edward J. Kumar Administrative Services Scholarship Edward Matejkovic Sport Management Scholarship Edward O. Stephany Award Edwin S. Hall Jr. Anthropology Scholarship EFP Rotenberg Scholarship Eileen L. Corcoran Education Award Elaine K. Miller Women and Gender Studies Scholarship Elaine Leshnower Scholarship in Social Equality Elizabeth More Bretton Scholarship Ella Potote Ashworth Departmental Scholarship in Education and Human Development Elmer J. and Fay Gallup Cloutier Scholarship Empire Girls State Scholarship English Club Student Poetry Award English Teaching Award Environmental Health Award EOC Maxine Gooden Scholarship Fund Ernest C. Hartwell Memorial Award Ernestine Ford Graduate Scholarship in Dance Eugene C. Fish Scholarship Eugene F. Orbaker Award in Physical Education - Teacher Education for Soccer

Eugene F. Orbaker Scholarship for Teacher Education in Physical Education Evelyn L. Schurr Scholarship Evelyn Sorce Pengelly Scholarship Farash Foundation First in Family Scholarship Fletcher and Alice Garlock Graduate Student Scholarship in Education and Human Development Flieger Family Fellowship Flieger Family History Award for Study Abroad Four Sisters Scholarship Frances Moroney Whited Award Frances Moroney Whited Reading Award Francis Claffey Award Frank and Carrie Sapienza Memorial Scholarship Frank Beltran International Business Fund Fred Dean Scholarship Frederick G. Turner Pre-Law Scholarship Friends of Brockport Dance Friends of Brockport Dance (FOBD) Endowed Fund Friends of Dance NDEO Student Chapter Gary D. Root Memorial Scholarship George and Mary Bauer Award George P. Toth Career Advancement Fund George Rich Student Philanthropy Award George S. Queen History Award Essay George W. Cornell Library Science and Administration Award Gladys W. Queen Future Teacher Award Glenn S. Goldberg ’80 Scholarship Gloria Mattera/Eric M. Steel Endowment Award


Hannelore and William Heyen Scholarship in Creative Writing Harold Rakov Political Science Scholarship Harriet Whitney Women’s Studies Award Harry and Peggy Boutet Scholarship Harvard House Award Haynes Research Fund Helen and Emanuel N. Mouganis Scholarship Fund Helen Rice Blissett Nursing Scholarship Henry Gould Award Henry L Bretton and Marian More Bretton Scholarship History Department/Melinda Kleehamer Senior Seminar Prize History Department Endowment Ida Casucci Memorial Scholarship Ingersoll Family Endowment Interdisciplinary Award in Mathematics International Experience Scholarship International Student Scholarship Fund Irene Rivera de Royston Award in Counselor Education Jack Crandall Award Jack Wolsky Art Scholarship Jacob and Inez Wishman Memorial Award James A. Schiller Award James C. Fallon Scholarship James E. Fatula, PhD Memorial Scholarship James Francis Harris Memorial Scholarship James H. Keeler Endowment Fund Jane Clark Summer Scholars Program Janie Hill International Scholarship Jeanette D’Agostino Banker International Scholarship Jennifer Lloyd Prize Joan C. Young Scholarship John R. and Kathleen A. Halstead Scholarship Fund

John R. Halstead Family Leadership in Higher Education Award John Sinacore Student Award for Excellence in Health Science Jorge Marti Spanish Prize Joseph P. Winnick Adapted Physical Education Scholarship Fund Joseph R. Kandor Award of Excellence Josephine Mannix Scholarship JPMorganChase-Clark V. Whited Scholarship Katharine M. Reichel Award Fund Katherine Parker Memorial Award in Art History Kathleen Burns O’Connell Scholarship Kathy J. McGrath Scholarship Kempes Schnell History Scholarship Kenneth E. Damann Research Award Kleehamer Department of History Scholar Prize Kurt Williams Scholarship for Excellence in Reporting Lathan H. and Alyce M. Lampen Award Lawrence C. and Stasia J. Arcarese Scholarship Fund Lea Cowles Masters Award LeChase Construction Business Student Scholarship Lena Sunseri Piedmont ’34 Scholarships M. Chen Geometry Scholarship Madama Family Scholarship Endowment Maggie M. Fox Award for Creativity in Poetry Marc and Ann Iacona Family Scholarship Marcia Coleman Ullman Memorial Scholarship Marguerite Hare Browne Professional Education Awards Marguerite Rock Ward Memorial Award Marie Dollard McGrath Scholarship Marion J. Wells Library Service Award Marion R. Sortore Award Marion Schrank Student Leadership Award Marjorie Helen Stewart Award Martin H. Rogers Award Mary I. Luskey Award Fund Mathematics Departmental Award Maureen Casey Scholarship Maurice J. Kleiman Computer Science Scholarship Maurice J. Moss Fine Arts Award McCue Scholarship Melinda Kleehamer Department of History Scholar Prize Michael Doyle Communication Scholarship

Michael Weaver Washington Semester Award Monserrat Dance Fund Morris Chemistry Research Challenge Fund Morris Fellowships Morris Opportunity Scholarship for the Study of Science Nat Goodhartz Award Nathan and Joan Lyons Scholarship Newman Scholarship Fund Next Generation Vending/BASC Scholarships Norma and Herbert Spiro Memorial Scholarship Norman J. Hill Award NYS Federation of Home Bureaus Award Olga Bondar Unger Memorial Book Scholarship for Theatre Ora Van Slyke Award O’Reilly Scholarship Orlo L. Derby Elementary Education Award OSAD/BSLF Scholarship Patricia A. Ryan Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund Paul and Agnes Bower Summer UG Research Award in Biology Paul B. Hanks Sr. and Paul B. Hanks Jr. Award Paul J. Kronthaler Chemistry Award Paul Yu Scholarship Fund Pauline M. Haynes Music Award Payton Choreographic Award Perkins Award Peter and Marguerite Kane Graduate Communication Scholarship Phyllisa McEwen ’06 Prize Physics Undergraduate Summer Research Award Pi Kappa Phi Fund Political Science Research Award Pre-Health Professions Fellowship President Albert W. and Marjorie H. Brown Scholarship President’s Citation Pylyshenko Family Endowment Fund for International Study Pylyshenko-Strasser Graduate Dance Award R. Nelson Mandela Scholarship Racheal Wood Scholarship for Nursing Ralph Gennarino Award Ralph P. and Elizabeth B. Gennarino Research Awards Ralph P. and Elizabeth B. Gennarino Scholarship Ray M. Di Pasquale Student Life Award Raymond C. Shaheen Business Award Raymond C. Shaheen Nursing Award

Reading Educator Emeriti Scholarship Resident Assistant of the Year Award Rev. Dr. Robert W. and Sally R.B. Bermudes Travel Fund Richard and Joan Fenton Scholarship Richard L. Canuteson Award Richard Maxwell Award Robert Bager Memorial Fund Robert E. Boozer Fund Robert E. Hall Math Scholarship Robert E. Marx Art Fund Robert J. and Nancy B. Marino Business Leadership Scholarship Robert M. Caryl Award Robert R. Griswold History Award Rocco Valvano Scholarships Rochester West Central Kiwanis Club Award Ronnie and Richard Zusman Scholarship Rosa LaSorte Rich Scholarship Rose L. Strasser Dance Award Rose L. Strasser Memorial Dance Endowment Fund Rosemary and Francis Fugle Scholarship Ross M. Coxe Memorial Award Ross Vasta Memorial Scholarship Roy and Helen Doody Scholarship in Business Ruth A. Garis Scholarship Sabina Kutolowski Scholarship Samuel, Elizabeth and Dr. Francis J. Manno Award Sandra A. Mason Award Sandra Hill Scholarship Santo J. Giglio Award in Choreography Sara T. Jackson Award Schmitt Foundation Scholarship in Business Science Scholar Awards Shannon Adams Scholarship in Accounting


Sherrill’s Promise Award Sherwin G Swartout Memorial Award Stephen Ullman Award in Political Science and International Studies Steven C. Fugle Memorial Scholarship Student for Tomorrow Scholarship Student Travel Awards Study Abroad Scholarship Fund Susan Kwas Maloney ’67 Scholarships Susan S. Collier Dance Scholarships Tae Kwon Do Scholarship Ted Bondi Memorial Scholarship Terry Gore History Fund The Josh Silber ’93 Excellence in Leadership Award The Kakaty Group (TKG) Education Scholarships Thiem Foundation Award for Nursing Thomas R. and Mary P. Markusen Scholarship Fund Thomas R. Taber Scholarship Fund Undergraduate Research Fellowships in Chemistry Victor E. Schmidt Scholarship Vira Hladun-Goldmann Scholarship W. Raymond Duncan Alumni Scholarship Fund W. Wayne Dedman Award Warren and Mary Ann Hewes Scholarship Warren M. Morgan Memorial Award in English WHEC Scholarship Fund William B. DeCarlo Award William C. and Annette L. Rock Study Abroad Scholarship in the Liberal Arts William F. McEnery Scholarship William P. Manitsas Memorial Art Award William R. Stewart Award in Visual Arts William Stebbins Award in Health Science

George and Rosie Rich Honored at 2012 President’s Donor Recognition Dinner

A couple that has long been a part of the fabric of The College at Brockport community was honored April 27, 2012 for their commitment to the College. Long-time Brockport resident Rosie Rich and her husband George, who passed away in December, 2011, were named the Brockport Foundation Volunteers of the Year at the College’s sixth annual President’s Donor Recognition Dinner. The award, which is in its fifth year,

is presented annually to an individual or couple who has been generous to the College with their time and talent. Approximately 200 donors and friends of the College attended the dinner, the most in the event’s history. More than $13,000 was raised to benefit the Foundation. “George and Rosie Rich have indelibly left their mark on our campus,” said Brockport President John R. Halstead, PhD. “The way they have inspired our


students has been nothing short of remarkable. They are truly deserving recipients of this prestigious award.” In honor of George and Rosie Rich, the Brockport Foundation awarded The George and Rosie Rich Volunteer of the Year Scholarship to a student who best exemplifies the ideals of commitment and service to others. This year’s recipient is Adam Shoff, a senior who is majoring in exercise physiology.

The Special Events Recreation Center (SERC) Ushers in a New Era at Brockport A sparkling new facility formally opened at The College at Brockport during Homecoming Weekend in September. The $44 million, 160,000-square-foot Special Events Recreation Center (SERC) includes a 5,500 seat house of fields, a 200-meter indoor track and an expansive fitness center that will benefit the entire campus community. As part of the opening ceremonies, three generous donors were recognized for their

giving. Ribbons were cut on the Brian Brady ’03 Room, the Professor Salvatore P. Salorenzo ’61 Room and the Eagle’s Lookout, given in memory of George Rich ’54/’62 by his wife Rosie Rich. Also, the newly renovated Smith Hall was officially reopened with its own ribbon cutting. Smith Hall, home to the College’s chemistry and physics programs, now offers state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.


A day of celebration followed, culminating in an indoor picnic for alumni, students and the campus community; dance and musical performances; and a grand finale choreographed by Brockport’s own William (Bill) Evans and performed by more than 500 students. More than 700 alumni were on hand for the celebrations, setting a new Brockport record.

Our Mission

Mission Statement of the Brockport Foundation

The mission of the Brockport Foundation is to seek, secure and steward philanthropic support to advance The College at Brockport in its commitment to student success. Since 1976, the Brockport Foundation has partnered with The College at Brockport to foster a culture of philanthropy that honors and supports our mission of student success. The Foundation, in collaboration with the Offices of Development and Alumni Relations, oversees the investment and financial management of all gifts to the College. This group of committed volunteers dedicates its time, talent, and treasure to help ensure that sustainable funding for scholarships, academic and facility enhancements, and special events is available so that we may continue to provide our students with a transformational educational experience.

Mission Statement of The College at Brockport State University of New York

The College at Brockport State University of New York is committed to providing a liberal arts and professional education—at both the undergraduate and graduate level—for those who have the necessary ability and motivation to benefit from high quality public higher education; Has the success of its students as its highest priority, emphasizing student learning, and encompassing admission to graduate and professional schools, employment, and civic engagement in a culturally diverse society and in globally interdependent communities; and Is committed to advancing teaching, scholarship, creative endeavors, and service to the College community and the greater society by supporting the activities of an outstanding faculty and staff.


BROCKPORT FOUNDATION Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2011 (With Comparative Totals for June 30, 2010)

Temporarily Permanently Total Total Unrestricted Restricted Restricted 2012 2011 ASSETS Assets Cash and cash equivalents $217,521 $2,412,839 $- $2,630,360 $2,151,618 Funds held for deferred giving 31,191 - - 31,191 33,314 Student loans receivable 45,797 - - 45,797 45,797 Pledges receivable, net of allowance for uncollectible pledges of $52,112 and $15,093 in 2012 and 2011 115,744 507,768 137,032 760,544 339,469 Other receivables 66 - - 66 3,245 Marketable securities - 1,339,688 4,972,017 6,311,705 6,096,643 Property and equipment, net 110,039 - - 110,039 114,879 Total Assets $520,358 $4,260,295 $5,109,049 $9,889,702 $8,784,965 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $78,682 $ - $ - $78,682 $11,915 Deferred giving obligations 13,004 - - 13,004 13,578 Deferred revenue - - - - 40,418 Total liabilities 91,686 - - 91,686 65,911 Net Assets Unrestricted 428,672 - - 428,672 379,887 Temporarily restricted - 4,260,295 - 4,260,295 3,500,277 Permanently restricted - - 5,109,049 5,109,049 4,838,890 Total net assets 428,672 4,260,295 5,109,049 9,798,016 8,719,054 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $520,358 $4,260,295 $5,109,049 $9,889,702 $8,784,965

Source: Financial Statement, EFP Rotenberg, LLP, 11/1/12.


BROCKPORT FOUNDATION Statement of Activities For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 (With Comparative Totals for June 30, 2011)

Temporarily Permanently Total Total Unrestricted Restricted Restricted 2012 2011 Support and Revenue Support Gifts, donations and pledges $485,624 $1,067,376 $348,894 $1,901,894 $1,640,834 Non-cash support from SUNY Brockport 1,652,062 - - 1,652,062 1,488,100 Gifts in kind 7,000 131,454 - 138,454 108,890 Total support 2,144,686 1,198,830 348,894 3,692,410 3,237,824 Revenue Alumni programs 84,327 - - 84,327 66,388 Interest and dividends 13,559 161,960 - 175,519 162,575 Realized gain (loss) on marketable securities - (21,247) - (21,247) 1,815 Unrealized gain on marketable securities - 55,303 - 55,303 934,272 Other 105,849 181,925 - 287,774 106,402 Total revenue 203,735 377,941 - 581,676 1,271,452 Total support and revenue before released from restriction 2,348,421 1,576,771 348,894 4,274,086 4,509,276 Net assets released from restrictions 1,074,928 (1,074,928) - - Total support and revenue 3,423,349 501,843 348,894 4,274,086 4,509,276 Expenses Program expenses Student financial assistance 417,091 - - 417,091 404,796 College enhancement 204,427 - - 204,427 180,232 College activities 33,451 - - 33,451 20,268 Campus restoration and beautification 801 - - 801 1,100 Recreation and athletics 318,372 - - 318,372 76,216 Arts and cultural 33,138 - - 33,138 31,213 Academic enrichment 12,153 - - 12,153 6,019 Contributions to SUNY Brockport 131,454 - - 131,454 108,890 Provision for uncollectible pledges 37,020 - - 37,020 38,908 Total program expenses 1,187,907 - - 1,187,907 867,642 Supporting services expense 2,007,217 - - 2,007,217 1,729,156 Total expenses 3,195,124 - - 3,195,124 2,596,798 Change in Net Assets 228,225 501,843 348,894 1,078,962 1,912,478 Net Assets - Beginning 379,887 3,500,277 4,838,890 8,719,054 6,806,576 Interfund Transfers (179,440) 258,175 (78,735) - - Net Assets - Ending $428,672 $4,260,295 $5,109,049 $9,798,016 $8,719,054


BROCKPORT FOUNDATION Giving by Constituency Students $148,734

Other $127,700 

Student Families $32,459

Foundations $236,578

Alumni $659,892

Friends $136,174

Faculty/Staff $61,755

Emeriti & Relatives $150,449

 Corporations $298,769

Total Support $1,852,510

BROCKPORT FOUNDATION Program Support Arts and Cultural Programs $55,221

Academic Enrichment $117,436

 Unrestricted $356,746 

 College Enhancement


Recreation and Athletics $201,613 

 Gifts-In-Kind


Campus Restoration


 Student Financial Assistance $606,108

Total Support $1,852,510 47

Gift Officers To make a gift, please contact a member of our development staff. Roxanne Johnston Vice President for Advancement President, Brockport Foundation (585) 395-2390 Mike Andriatch ’85 Executive Director of Advancement (595) 395-5809 Brad Schreiber ’83/’85 Executive Director of Development (585) 395-5161 Darby Knox Director of Campaign and Leadership Giving (585) 395-5160 Curtis Hill Leadership Giving Officer (595) 395-5581 Jamie Beers-Wilson Leadership Giving Officer (585) 395-2380


Every Gift Makes a Difference Thank you for the generous support you’ve already given to the College! We hope we can continue to count on you. Choose the method of giving that suits your needs, and you’ll help us ensure that we continue to offer an extraordinary educational experience for our students.

A Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) is another planned giving option. A CGA is an agreement between you and the Brockport Foundation in which you transfer an asset to the Foundation and, in return, the Foundation makes lifetime payments to you. Benefits of a charitable gift annuity can be impressive. You’ll receive an immediate income tax deduction and avoid upfront capital gains tax upon transfer. Visit to learn more.

Make an Annual Gift

An unrestricted gift to the Fund for Brockport gives the College the flexibility to use that money where it’s needed most — most often for scholarships, but also for new programs and initiatives, research, faculty excellence, campus beautification, athletics, and more.

Honor or Memorialize a Loved One

Any gift may be made in honor of or to memorialize a family member, friend, colleague or favorite faculty member. When you make your gift, just indicate the name of the person you wish to honor on your pledge form, on the online form, or call us at (585) 395-2451 to make your gift.

You’re also welcome to designate your gift to a scholarship, an academic department, athletics, dance or any other program you wish to support. Just let us know, and we’ll make sure that your dollars go to work for your favorite programs. To make your gift online, please go to

Create an Endowment

An endowment is an excellent way to leave a lasting legacy. With a minimum gift of $25,000, the Foundation will manage your investment in the College in perpetuity. The earnings on your endowment will fund a scholarship or they can be designated to another area of the College in accordance with your wishes.

Establish a Planned Gift

Consider including Brockport in your estate planning by naming the College as beneficiary in your will. This will provide tax advantages for your estate and allow you to show your loyalty to Brockport, without impacting your current finances.

Check: Payable to the Brockport Foundation

Yes, I want to make a difference!

Credit card:

q MasterCard

q Discover

q AmEx

(Please complete the following section)

Name _____________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________

Card #:

Phone ______________________________________________________


Email ______________________________________________________


Name as it appears on card _________________________________________

Employer ____________________________________________________ (We use this information to see if your company offers matching gifts.)

Signature ____________________________________________________

Give online:

Questions? Contact the Office of Alumni Relations and Development at (585) 395-2451

Give by mail: I want to support students with a tax-deductible gift in the amount of: q $50 q $100 q $250 q $500 q $1,000 q Other $_____________

Please return this completed form and mail to:

To be used as follows:

Brockport Foundation The College at Brockport 350 New Campus Drive Brockport, NY 14420

$________ Area of Greatest Need $________ Other_________________________________________________________ (Please designate department, program or fund)

q Visa


The College at Brockport 350 New Campus Drive Brockport, NY 14420


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