Student Athlete Manual

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Student-AthleteManual LAST AUGUSTUPDATED23,2022

ContentsMESSAGEFROMTHE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS AND RECREATION ................................ 4 ELIGIBILITY AND COMPLIANCE................................................................................................................... 5 Academic Eligibility .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Academic Eligibility – Important Warning ............................................................................................................ 6 Eligibility Years .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Registration - Athlete Form .................................................................................................................................... 6 U SPORTS Athletes – U SPORTS Eligibility and Consent Verification ............................................................... 7 Minimum Academic Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 8 Disqualification as a Student-Athlete ................................................................................................................... 8 FINANCIAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Athletic Financial Awards ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Black or Indigenous Heritage Bursary (BIHS) ....................................................................................................... 8 Academic Scholarships, Bursaries and Financial Support ................................................................................... 9 Athlete Tuition Relief ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Special Funding ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Student-Athlete Fees ............................................................................................................................................... 9 ACADEMIC SERVICES AND SUPPORT ...................................................................................................... 10 Study Hall for First Year Student-Athletes ......................................................................................................... 10 Tutoring Support .................................................................................................................................................... 10 Academic Conflicts ................................................................................................................................................. 10 ATHLETE HEALTH AND WELLNESS ............................................................................................................ 11 Personal Counselling Services .............................................................................................................................. 11 Concussions And Post-Concussion Protocol ...................................................................................................... 11 Rowan’s Law ............................................................................................................................................................... 11 CCES Drug Education Webinar ............................................................................................................................. 12 Therapeutic Use Exemptions ................................................................................................................................ 13 What is a TUE?........................................................................................................................................................... 13 Who should apply for a TUE? ................................................................................................................................. 13 Under what circumstances will a TUE application be approved? 13 How do I apply for a TUE? ....................................................................................................................................... 13 What is a retroactive TUE? ...................................................................................................................................... 13 How long is my TUE valid? 14 What should I do if my competition level changes? .......................................................................................... 14 Brock Sports Medicine (BSM) ................................................................................................................................ 14 How to Book an Appointment to see the Doctor or Athletic Therapist 14 Cancellation Policy ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Varsity Trainer’s Room (VTR) .................................................................................................................................. 15

Brock Sports Performance (BSP) .......................................................................................................................... 15 Expectations of Student-Athletes within the BSP 16 Sexual Violence ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Out-Of-Country Medical Coverage ..................................................................................................................... 16 Brock University Student Code of Conduct ........................................................................................................ 16 OUA Code of Conduct ........................................................................................................................................... 17 U SPORTS Code of Conduct .................................................................................................................................. 17 Harassment ........................................................................................................................................................... 17 Social Gatherings Policy ....................................................................................................................................... 17 Restriction against attendance at events ........................................................................................................... 18 Consequences for violating social gatherings restriction 18 Orientation (formerly “Rookie Nights”), Hazing & Initiation ......................................................................... 18 Alcohol, Cannabis, Vaping/Smoking & Chewing Policy .................................................................................... 18 Alcohol Code 18 Cannabis .................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Vaping/Smoking & Chewing ................................................................................................................................... 19 Social Media Usage - Individual and Team ......................................................................................................... 19 Team Social Media – UPDATED for 2022-23 ..................................................................................................... 20 Travel Policy ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 Accommodations For Away Competitions 20 Parking Overnight When Traveling ....................................................................................................................... 20

As athletes, you all play such a vital role in the success of our programs. Brock Sports prides itself on providing an exemplary student-athlete experience. This goes beyond your athletic achievements, and extends to academic excellence, leadership development and community engagement. These are key components to the development of our future leaders and serve as the pillars of our department and what constitutes Badger pride.

Message from the Executive Director of Athletics and Recreation Brock Badgers Student-Athletes

Thank you for your continued support!

Welcome to the 2022-23 Season!

The 2021-22 season was an unprecedented year with the impacts of COVID-19 and remarkable athletic success. As we come out of the year with an incredible, historic season, we recognize the 2022-23 season will be a year of renewal. We anticipate there will continue to be significant ongoing transitions as we move through new policies and operations. We will also continue to address the next waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please ensure you stay apprised of the latest COVID-19 information, which is available at: Through this guide, we have tried to encompass the critical information, procedures and policies to help ensure you can succeed as a Brock Badger. Our policies are in place to protect both our student-athletes and our coaching staff. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to stop in our offices to speak to me or any one of our varsity staff.

Go Badgers!

Melissa ExecutiveKristDirector, Brock Sports & Recreation

Academic Eligibility

Student-Athlete Manual 2022-2023 5

A. Dropping from full-time status to less than three (3) credits at any time during the academic year.

B. Falling below the minimum requirement of 1.5 credits in any given term.

1. A student-athlete is declared a full-time student during the current academic year (September - April). Full-time status at Brock, as of September, means enrollment in a minimum of three (3) credits (1.5 credits must be taken in each of the Fall and Winter terms). Returning student-athletes must have completed three (3) credits in the previous year to be eligible to compete in the current year (certain sports only).

Eligibility and Compliance

2. A student-athlete becomes immediately ineligible for any competition by:

The following eligibility regulations apply to ALL student-athletes at Brock University.


5 YEARS - MAXIMUM » Basketball » Cross Country » Curling » Hockey » Women’s Rugby » Soccer » Swimming » Track & Field » Volleyball » Wrestling » Rowing (CURC)

Student-Athlete Manual 2022-2023 6

Should a student-athlete drop a course, which places them below the minimum required, a course must be added at the same time to retain their full-time eligibility status. Should a student-athlete participate in any contest while ineligible, the department will be required to report that it has used ineligible student-athletes, and the league will apply the appropriate penalties and fines (i.e. loss of points gained, forfeiture of game, etc.).

OUA, CUFLA and OUS affiliated sports generally have an unlimited number of eligibility years. However, studentathletes must be registered as full-time and in a degree granting program. Registration - Athlete Form Student-athletes are required to fill out an “Athlete Form” before trying out for ANY team. This form is available on-line for all students registered at Brock University through the Brock University Portal. Once completed, student-athletes will receive ongoing notifications regarding their eligibility for their chosen sport(s). Student-athletes who are under the age of 19 years must complete the form, print it and have their legal guardian/parent sign it. Once signed, these forms must be returned a minimum of seven (7) days prior to tryouts to determine eligibility. Forms can be returned electronically to

Student-athletes who take part in any of the U SPORTS aligned sports (Basketball, Cross Country, Curling, Hockey, Women’s Rugby, Soccer, Swimming, Track and Field, Volleyball and Wrestling) or CURC (Rowing) are afforded a maximum of five (5) years of eligibility to compete.

U SPORTS regulations for each particular sport and competition thresholds vary from sport to sport. Studentathletes are encouraged to review the rules which may impact their playing ability.


Eligibility Years

U SPORTS Eligibility Rules 40.10.1-40.10.6 can be found online


Loss of academic eligibility can only be rectified by successful completion of three (3) credits during a subsequent calendar year. During this time period, the student-athlete is not allowed to compete. Sitting out or not attending an institution for one year or more does not restore one’s academic eligibility. Academic eligibility, once lost, can only be regained by completing three (3) credits in the following academic year.

Academic Eligibility – Important

Student-Athlete Manual 2022-2023 7 How to complete the Athlete Form Please complete the following steps: 1. Log onto your portal 2. Click on the Applicant & Student Self Serve tab on the top left 3. Scroll to the bottom and click on the Athlete Form tab on the left 4. Click the button marked New 5. Select your sport and hit the Go button The Athlete Form will appear. Please review the updated terms and check that you agree and understand the new terms. 6. Click Save and Continue 7. You will now be taken to the Medical Information form. Once completed, click Submit If you are under the age of 19, you need a parent or guardian to sign off as well. Just use your phone camera or scanner to send the completed, signed copy to U SPORTS Athletes – U SPORTS Eligibility and Consent Verification sanctionedwithinwhoStudent-athletescompeteUSPORTSsports must additionally register in the U SPORTS athlete’s portal, and annually update their consent to participate. This process is exceptionally quick and must be performed prior to the start of regular season competitions. To start the process of completing your U SPORTS eligibility, follow these steps: Returning Athlete: 1. Go to 2. Confirm your personal details 3. Complete your acknowledgement of consent to participate in U SPORTS New Athletes: 1. Go to 2. Register for the first time. There will be a $50 one time cost (credit cards only) 3. Forward your receipt with your U SPORTS ID to 4. Once Tim has confirmed you have been assigned to Brock, sign back in and complete the acknowledgement of consent Transfer Athlete: 1. Email Tim your U SPORTS ID to 2. Once Tim confirms your transfer to Brock, sign into and complete the confirmation of details and acknowledgement of consent Save and Continue

To apply:

Student-athletes participating on varsity teams are required to remain in ‘good academic standing’ throughout their academic and competitive season.

Minimum Academic Requirements

Good academic standing - when you have an overall average of 60% or more

2. A student-athlete has not successfully completed three (3) credits in the previous academic year, and therefore, is academically ineligible. This individual must regain their academic status to be eligible to compete the following year.

• returning student-athletes must have achieved a minimum 65% average during the prior academic year. Disqualification as a Student-Athlete

1. A student-athlete is not officially registered in the required number of credits. The eligibility processes within BrockDB make no allowance for individuals on waiting lists to get into courses, hoping to get into courses, or intending to add courses later. This individual is ineligible to participate until they are officially registered.

3. The participating student-athlete has dropped below the minimum number of required credits for the year or term. If a student drops below three (3) credits for the year, or one and one-half (1.5) credits for the term, the student-athlete becomes immediately ineligible and must be removed from further participation. The student-athlete is not eligible until they have officially added courses to their registration.

AthleticFinancialFinancial Awards

• New entering student-athletes require a minimum 80% admission average or must achieve a 65% minimum average during the Winter or Spring term of their initial year.

Athletic Financial Awards (AFA) are afforded to select programs within Brock Sports. The recipients of these awards are nominated by the head coach of their program.

• Academic Probation (AP) - when you have attempted 2 or more credits and obtained an overall average below 60%*

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Disqualification happens when:

• Returning student-athletes (second year and each subsequent year) must have attained a 70% overall average in coursework calculated on credits achieved in the previous academic year, from September 1st to August 31st. Additionally, nominated student-athletes must appear on their sport’s eligibility certificate.

Athletic financial awards cannot exceed $4,500 and/or the maximum of tuition and fees paid during the Fall/Winter term.

• Application decision: November 15

• Any combination of an Athletic Financial Award (AFA) and BIHS Bursary cannot exceed the student-athlete’s total tuition and fees for that academic year.


Academic Standing refers to your status as a student within the university. There are three possible states:

• Application deadlines: October 15 via

• Incoming first year student-athletes must hold an incoming admit average of 80% or better and appear on their sport’s eligibility certificate.

• Academic Suspension – when you have attempted 3 or more credits since being placed on Academic Probation and do not attain the minimum academic performance requirements in mind that AP is a university-wide policy; specific programs have additional average requirements beyond this—make sure you know them!

Black or Indigenous Heritage Bursary (BIHS) Up to $2,000 is available to OUA student-athletes appearing on the eligibility certificate of an OUAsanctioned sport, whose heritage is self-identified as either Black or Indigenous. The BIHS Bursary provides support to those demonstrating financial need. To be eligible for consideration:

To be eligible for an athletic financial award:

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Academic Scholarships, Bursaries and Support



Apply to hundreds of awards and bursaries at once through the OneApp. To access the OneApp, proceed to the Brock Student Portal at, click on Applicant & Student Self Serve In the center of the page at the bottom there is a box dedicated to student financial aid. Open/Close Dates: NEW Entering Students: Apply between November 1 in the year prior to your entrance, up to April 15 of the year you enter. You will need an offer and student number in order to apply. Apply early for best selection. Students (Returning and New Entrants): Apply between August 1 and October 15 in the current year for best selection. However, the app remains open until May 31. Students: Apply between August 1 and April 30 for graduating awards only. You are still eligible for returning awards as above. Your OneApp will be reviewed on the following dates: April 15 – Brock awards for entering students; May 31 – Brock awards for returning students; Oct 15 – General and donor bursaries for current students; April 30 – Graduating student awards.

Student-Athlete Fees Brock Sports charges all student-athletes mandatory fees. These mandatory fees will be automatically applied to student-athlete’s accounts. The fees are charged for team participation, use of the Brock Sports Performance Centre and team specific fees. Student-athletes can review these fees through their Brock Student Portal ( and are reminded to ensure fees are paid prior to any interest being added to their account. Non-Payment of fees could “lock” a studentathlete’s account, preventing them from registering in further courses, receiving marks and even graduating. At the start of the sport season, coaches will review these fees with their respective teams.

close Oct 31st, 2022 11:59 p.m., processing begins the following work week and the adjustments on student accounts occur within two (2) weeks of processing.


Athlete Tuition Relief Brock University tuition fees are assessed either on a per credit cost (those enrolled in 3.5 credits or less) or by a flat rate (4.0 credits or more). The university recognizes that student-athletes have significant time commitments which often preclude them from taking full course loads. The Athlete Tuition Relief is available to all varsity athletes enrolled in 4.0 or 4.5 credits during the Fall/Winter terms. Us the QR code or go to the website and select the Athlete Tuition Relief link located under StudentApplicationsAthlete.

Special Funding Varsity student-athletes selected for FISU Games participation (exclusive of FISU Championships and World Cup events) are eligible for up to $500 in special grants. Please contact your coach if this applies to you, and your coach will connect with Emily Allan, Associate Director.


Student-Athlete Manual 2022-2023 10 Academic Services and StudySupportHallfor First Year StudentAthletes Piloted in the 2021-22 season, a mandatory study hall has been implemented for all first-year students for the 2022-23 season. The delivery will be a combination of both in-person and virtual. Study hall also includes free access to both subject and writing tutors. For more information contact Brandon Student-AthleteEdwardsAcademic Support Coordinator Learning Services (formerly A-Z Learning Services) student-athletescollaborativelystaffLearningpersonalizedServicescanStudent-athletesattendLearningDrop-Intogetsupport.Serviceswillworkwithon: • Essay writing • Problem solving (math and science) • General study skills (time management, exam preparation, etc.) Learning Services will also review essays and assignments with you to help you develop your ability to identify problem Additionally,areas.Learning Services staff can show studentathletes’ ways to: • Integrate research • Organize ideas • Correct sentence and grammar errors • Edit effectively

Tutoring Support Brock Sports provides three (3) hours of complimentary tutoring support to varsity student-athletes through Learning Services. To arrange tutoring support, contact Tim Manager,StangVarsity Student-Athlete Services & Compliance

Academic Conflicts Throughout the varsity season teams are required to travel for scheduled league play. Consequently, there will be occasions when attendance in or focus on classes, tests and/ or assignments may be compromised. It is the student-athlete’s responsibility to ensure they maintain their academic performance. In this regard, it is also the student-athlete’s responsibility to ensure their professors/TA’s are advised of such situations, in writing, as soon as any academic conflict is identified. To aid in clear communication between studentathletes and professors, the department has developed an “Accommodation Application for Approved Student Activity” form for student-athletes to fill out and submit to their respective professors in the event of a conflict (located on under the Student-Athlete section). This form does not exempt the student-athlete from writing tests, attending seminars, etc. It is designed to inform professors of conflicts and to facilitate dialogue about potential accommodations. It is the studentathlete’s responsibility to inform their professors within the first two weeks of the term of any potential conflicts.

IMPORTANT: Student-athletes will need to be prepared for service; they will need to bring their class material (i.e. assignments, syllabus, books) or they will not be allowed to swipe in and get their name on the reports provided to Brock


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And Post-Concussion


PersonalWellnessCounselling Services



• headache • dizziness • ringing in the ears • memory loss • nausea • light sensitivity • drowsiness • depression • increasing confusion or irritability • repeated vomiting • seizure or convulsion • weakness or tingling / burning in arms or legs • deteriorating conscious state • unusual change in behavior • double vision

As of July 1, 2019, new rules came into effect through Rowan’s Law, to improve concussion safety in amateur competitive sport.

Health and

A Rowan’s Law step-by-step guide has been provided to all Websitecoaches.


Counselling is offered as part of the ancillary fees that students pay annually. There are no restrictions to the number of appointments. Our counsellors are all trained in Trauma Informed Practices. We aim to provide each individual with the support needed to address their concerns about their well being. Counselling is completely confidential within the limits of the law. How to seek counselling services: Book an appointment (in person or online); please call 1-833-276-2533 (1-833-BROCK33). Outside North America call 001 416 382 3257 (long distance charges may apply). This line is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Text or chat using the My SSP app 24/7. Download My SSP in the App Store or Google Play and search Brock University Personal Counselling Program when creating your profile. Same day urgent counselling is available at Harrison Hall, Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Please call x3243 for an appointment.

Athlete-specific counselling is offered on Tuesdays at Harrison Hall. For more information, check out the Student Wellness and Accessibility website counselling-services/ Concussions

If you are an athlete under 26 years of age, parent of an athlete under 18, coach, team trainer or official and your sport organization has advised that you need to follow the rules of Rowan’s Law, you need to complete the resource document provided and provide a signed and dated confirmation of completion of the Rowan’s Law by the end of your team selection process.



IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM PLAY The studentathlete is not to return to the activity until they are assessed medically and cleared for further participation. the student-athlete or coach report ANY of the following symptoms, the student-athlete is to be safely and immediately removed from the field:

Every student-athlete who has a possible concussion must see a Physician in the Brock Sports Medicine Clinic and follow the Return to Play and Return to Learn process. Link for the Brock Sports Medicine Concussion Protocol: SPORTS MEDICINE CONCUSSION PROTOCOL (V2).pdf

U SPORTS varsity student-athletes (Basketball, Cross Country, Hockey, Women’s Rugby, Soccer, Swimming, Track & Field, Volleyball and Wrestling), please follow the instructions below as you must complete a tracked version of CCES Drug Education. If you are a varsity student-athlete competing in non-U SPORTS sport, please use the following link: http://cces. Onceca/truesportclean101untrackedcompleted,pleaseprintor email a copy of your certificate to your Head Coach. and Support Personnel Instructions you have taken the CCES online course previously: Please use this link to login: Use the login information you previously created.



4. Use the “Forgot Password?” function to retrieve your password if you have forgotten it.


7. One you have logged in, follow the appropriate steps to complete the True Sport Clean Quiz.

If you are taking the CCES online course for the first time:






3. Can’t remember your username? Try your email address.



The mandatory Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) Drug Education course is now available online. varsity student-athletes (both OUA and U SPORTS) must complete this course, as well as all varsity coaches (both Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches). This course should be completed prior to your first exhibition or league Forcompetition.all

1. Please follow this link: com/?KeyName=USPORTS-2022https://cces.myabsorb. Copy-and-paste the key below into the appropriate text box and press Sign Up. Enrolment Key: USPORTS-2022 You will be prompted to enter your name and your email address. Your email address will become your username. Enter a password that you will remember. Log in with your new username and password. Go to “My Courses”. You must complete the “Profile” module before you can start the course. Return to “My Courses” to begin the course True Sport Clean Quiz. If you return at a later date to start the course or to continue a partially completed course, you must log in with your unique username and password. If you use the enrollment key again you will be creating a duplicate account and will have to start your training from the Ifbeginning.youhave trouble logging in, please contact the CCES for assistance. Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport 1-613-521-3340 x3236 or 1-800-672-7775


Student-Athlete Manual 2022-2023 12 Please make an appointment with your lead therapist and a physician by contacting Brock Sports Medicine Clinic email: phone: 905-688-5550 x3791 Our Physicians, in collaboration with our lead therapists, will oversee and help you navigate the return to learn and return to play protocols. In addition, to ensure student-athletes get the required academic accommodation, please request a Brock University Student Health Services Medical Concussion Certificate, which is available from the Physicians in Student Health Services and the Brock Sports Medicine Clinic. Student-athletes can access the following two great resources surrounding concussions:,LeadTherapistsandConsultantsplease CCES Drug Education Webinar

5. Contact the CCES if you have forgotten your login information. Do not use the enrollment key below to create a new account.

All athletes who are subject to doping control must be aware of the TUE rules and requirements that apply to them. These rules and requirements will vary depending on the athlete and will determine when and to which organization an athlete must submit a TUE application. Check your requirements now.

To check your medications to ensure they are not banned please go to the Global Dro To by WADA on January 1, 2022 please go to resources/science-medicine/prohibited-list-documents

Keep a copy of your application form and medical file for your records.

Therapeutic Use Exemptions

• A complete TUE application can be reviewed within 21 days of receipt of a complete application.

Under what circumstances will a TUE application be approved?

Athletes are not automatically granted authorization and must ensure they follow the appropriate process for their sport and competition level.

Examples include:

What is a retroactive TUE?

Athletes, like all others, may have illnesses or conditions that require them to take medications. If the medication an athlete is required to take happens to fall under the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Prohibited List, a therapeutic use exemption (TUE) can give the athlete authorization to take the needed medicine.

Who should apply for a TUE?

• Incomplete applications will be returned and will need to be resubmitted with additional information.

• Beta-2 Agonist inhaler, such as terbutaline, for the treatment of asthma; or

Athletes competing in national events but not included in the CCES Registered Testing Pool (RTP) or the CCES National Athlete Pool (NAP) are not required to have a TUE application approved prior to using a prohibited substance. Instead, they may go through a retroactive TUE application process to validate and permit the use of prescribed medications for therapeutic reasons.

• Insulin for the treatment of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus;

What is a TUE?

Try the Medical Exemption Wizard Email:

Application timelines and information:

• Costs incurred for the completion of the TUE application form or additional investigations, examinations, or imaging studies are the responsibility of the athlete.

• Methylphenidate for the treatment of ADD or ADHD.

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How do I apply for a TUE?

Call the toll-free information line: 1-800-672-7775

The substance or method is needed to treat an acute or chronic medical condition, such that the athlete would experience a significant impairment to health if the prohibited substance or method were to be withheld; the use of the prohibited substance or method would produce no additional enhancement of performance other than that which might be anticipated by a return to a state of normal health following the treatment of a legitimate medical condition; and there are no reasonable therapeutic alternatives or other alternatives are ineffective.

Use the Medical Exemption Wizard to determine your medical exemption requirements, and to download the application form if required.

• The CCES will contact the athlete once a decision has been rendered on the application, or if more information has been deemed necessary.

• The CCES will confirm receipt of a TUE application by email within two business days. If you do not receive a confirmation of receipt within that time frame, please contact the CCES.

A TUE application will be considered by the CCES under the following circumstances:

A CCES TUE is granted in accordance with the TUE rules of the 2015 Canadian Anti-Doping Program and is valid only in Canada, unless otherwise stated in your International Federation’s anti-doping rules. If at any time you are included in your IF’s Registered Testing Pool (RTP) or compete at an international level, you must comply with their IF TUE requirements. You should contact the CCES to determine whether your CCES TUE is valid for international Regardingcompetition.the information pertaining to Cannabis in sport please go to the CCES

2. Contact the lead BSM therapist for your team and they can schedule your therapy and/or doctor’s appointment via the Brock Sports Medicine EMR software.

Mission Statement: To provide Brock University students with exceptional care and education in the prevention, assessment and treatment of sport and exercise related Student-athletesinjuries. are encouraged to have their athletic injuries assessed and treated at the Brock Sports Medicine Clinic or Varsity Trainers Room (VTR). Sports Medicine physicians are now available in the Brock Sports Medicine Clinic 2-3 days per week. Certified athletic therapists, physiotherapists and fee-for-service consultants (chiropractors, osteopaths and pedorthists) are available in the clinic Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during the varsity season. For more information on the Brock Sports Medicine Clinic and the Physicians, Lead Therapists and Consultants please visit:

Student-athletes who drop in before practice cannot be assured they will be assessed and treated during this very busy time.

If at any time an athlete is added to the CCES RTP, the CCES NAP, their International Federation’s (IF) RTP, or the athlete attends an international event, it is their responsibility to ensure that they meet all additional TUE requirements imposed by the CCES or their IF.

Brock Sports Medicine (BSM)

The retroactive TUE application process is initiated by the CCES after an athlete goes through doping control and the sample analysis reveals the presence of a banned substance. The CCES would contact the athlete through their sport organization to determine whether or not the substance was used as part of a medical treatment plan. If so, the athlete would be asked to have their physician complete a TUE application form and provide documentation to support their medical history. The application is submitted to the CCES for review.

A TUE granted by the CCES is valid for the duration of the treatment as prescribed by the physician, up to a maximum of four years. It is your responsibility to know when your TUE expires and to apply for renewal before this date if necessary. What should I do if my competition level changes?

3. If a student athlete sees a doctor in Student Health Services (SHS) because the sports medicine doctor was not available, please ask the SHS doctor for a referral slip so the therapist can see the doctor’s diagnosis and suggest therapy prior to the clinic appointment.

Student-Athlete Manual 2022-2023 14

The TUE application provided to the CCES must include a medical file which satisfies certain conditions.

How long is my TUE valid?

How to Book an Appointment to see the Doctor or Athletic Therapist Student-athletes may be asked to book an appointment with a Sports Medicine physician preferably prior to treatment with a lead therapist. In order to book an 1.appointment:Contactthe Brock Sports Medicine Clinic via email: or phone (905) 688 5550 ext 3791. The administrative staff will assist in booking your appointment and confirm via email or phone.

Varsity Trainer’s Room (VTR)

Please note that the VTR closes at 7:30 p.m. at the latest (depending on the evening varsity practice schedule) during weekday practices and is open for 15 minutes after every home game.

• Combative vs. non-combative training

The Varsity Trainer’s Room is located in the Walker Sports Complex on the lower level, just left of the change room entrance, and is open daily from 3:00 p.m. to approximately 7:30 p.m. (ext. 4835). It is also available during the day if teams are practicing prior to 3:00 p.m. Services include prepractice/pre-competition taping and support techniques, hot pack applications, hydrotherapy, Game-ready and Normatec compression recovery tools as well as therapist-related stretching when required. Student-athletes who are being taped before a competition or practice must allow enough time for taping and preparation or they may be late for their practice or Post-game/ include icing, cold whirlpool and acute injury assessment to determine if the athlete should see a Sports Medicine Physician for further evaluation. A certified Therapist will be on duty Monday-Friday from 3:00 p.m. to approximately 7:30 p.m. to help service the studentathletes and to be available for any emergency situations.

Brock Sports Performance (BSP) is a division within Brock Sports offering expert performance coaches and quality strength and conditioning programming to our Brock varsity student-athletes. Brock Sports Performance is comprised of four lead sports performance coaches and 45 kinesiology undergraduate student volunteer coaches.

• Student interns assigned to lead warmup/cooldown at as many games/practices when possible

What to bring for your physicians’ appointment:

To better serve more student-athletes and meet the high demand for therapy, the Brock Sports Medicine Clinic requires 24 hours’ notice to cancel a scheduled therapy appointment. Students who miss appointments deny fellow students the opportunity to receive prompt care. Therefore, patients who do not follow the cancellation policy may be charged $25 before receiving their next treatment. Additional missed appointments may result in suspension of therapy privileges.


Cancellation Policy

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All student therapists have first responder certification, CPR, First Aid and Emergency Action Plan Training. All student therapists carry the team’s medical cards and emergency contact numbers for family, as well as all emergency first aid supplies (i.e. masks, gloves, Band-Aids, tape, etc.) in their kits.

1. All student-athletes need to bring their Ontario Health Card or international Health Card with them in order to see a BSM physician.

The clinic’s staff is dedicated to the student-athlete’s health and welfare during competition. At times an athlete may be advised not to participate for fear of future serious injury. If the University’s Sports Medicine Doctor or lead Therapist indicates that a student-athlete should not compete then the athlete is required to follow the doctor’s or therapist recommendation.

Brock Sports Performance (BSP)

• Strength & conditioning workouts either in the BSP Centre or in the Rowing Centre weight room

• Performance coach led sessions each week

Based on the sport model, services that are offered to sports include:

• Gym Aware Implementation with High Training Age

• Program demo by sports performance lead interns

The BSP oversees the development of most varsity programs. These teams receive annual testing, programming, periodization and expert coaching in order to improve performance in their given sport.

Brock Sports Medicine Clinic, Harrison Hall Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., ext. 3791 Sports Medicine physicians are available Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at varying times during the varsity season. Three Certified Athletic Therapists and one Sport Physiotherapist are available in the clinic during the varsity season.

• Testing completed by sports performance coaches and/ or interns (spot testing completed as needed)

Brock Sports has a zero-tolerance policy for actions that reflect poorly on the ideals of participation in athletic endeavor. As representatives of your team, your coaches, your department, and the university, you are expected to behave in a manner that reflects a positive image of Brock student-athletes. You are ambassadors for all student-athletes, all programs, and the institution.

While misconduct can lead to sanctions from the University Student Conduct Council, student-athletes will also be subject to sanctions from Brock Sports. Generally, sanctions for non-academic misconduct will pertain to playing privileges and membership on Brock Sports teams.

1. To access training sessions

Brock University is committed to promoting and maintaining a respectful work, learning and living environment for all its community members - one that is free from all forms of harassment, discrimination and bullying. This includes all forms of sexual violence.

For information on how to approach reporting sexual violence, visit


Sexual violence is a spectrum of non-consensual sexual contact and behaviour, which includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, sexual exploitation, indecent exposure, and voyeurism. Sexual violence is an attack on an individual’s bodily integrity, and can cause lasting mental, physical, and emotional damage to a victim or survivor.

3. Expectations are that the athlete will complete all sessions with their team unless otherwise communicated with sport coach and lead performance coach via email.

Expectations of Student-Athletes within the BSP

Brock will provide access to supports, services, and appropriate accommodation for Brock community members who are impacted by sexual violence.

Brock community members’ conduct will be held in accordance with the Brock Sexual Assault and Harassment Policy. Any breach of this policy should be reported to the Brock University Human Rights & Equity Office.

Sexual Violence

Out-Of-Country Medical Coverage

Please be advised that all student-athletes must have their own medical coverage for out-of-country travel. Should a student-athlete not have this insurance, or is not covered through another policy, they can purchase insurance through BUSU. More information regarding the Brock BUSU undergraduate Health and Dental plans:

athletes are to always: Track their progress on Team Buildr via their cell phone or iPad provided, bring a water bottle and wear Brock or neutral gear (when possible);


Brock University recognizes that sexual violence is a serious and complex issue that can adversely affect Brock community members. Brock prohibits and will not condone, tolerate, or ignore any form of sexual violence that affects the work and learning environment at the University.

Student-Athlete Manual 2022-2023 16

It is the student-athlete’s responsibility to ensure that they are familiar with the University Code of sites/34/Student-Code-of-Conduct.pdf

2. T-shirt with sleeves required to access (no cutoffs, tank tops, etc.);

Code of Conduct and BrockPoliciesUniversity Student Code of Conduct

Victims and survivors will be provided confidential support, guidance, referrals, and accommodations in accordance with the Policy.

See Brock University’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy: Social Gatherings Policy

• St. Catharines: filepro/documents/806/?preview=2643


Student-athletes are considered representatives of Brock University and as such, are expected to conduct themselves, both on and off campus, in a responsible manner that brings respect to the University and its athletic teams. Student-athletes and Brock Sports benefit from your neighbours’ and community support.

U SPORTS Policy 90.60 can be found here:

• All applicable provincial alcohol regulations will be followed, including with respect to minors.

Student-Athlete Manual 2022-2023 17

A responsible student gathering would ensure the below, but not be limited to:

U SPORTS Code of Conduct

The OUA Governance policy outlines the norms of behaviour and Conduct and Ethics for all OUA stakeholders, athletes, coaches, officials and administrators. All OUA members are bound by these policies in our participation in OUA sport.

Harassment is defined as a course of vexatious comments or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be constituteseveritySingleunwelcome.actsofsufficientmayalsoharassment. This definition includes Workplace Harassment under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Harassment may include: verbal, written (including electronic, digital communications whether by email, text messages, posting on internet sites or otherwise), and/or actual or threatened physical actions directed at an individual or group by another individual or group who know(s) or reasonably ought to know that the behaviour is unwanted.

• An unofficial (social) team gathering will only be advertised to team members and only team members will be invited.

Brock University and Brock Sports is committed to building and maintaining a diverse and inclusive community where our students, staff, volunteers and visitors can work, learn, train and compete in an environment that respects the dignity and worth of members of the Brock community. Any form of harassment will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with as applicable.

• If alcohol is served, non-alcoholic drinks must be provided/available.

• Gathering will strictly follow city noise bylaws. Quiet hours generally begin at 11:00 p.m. and end at 7:00 a.m. in the City of St. Catharines. For links to city bylaws please see:

In addition to complying with Brock’s Student Code of Conduct, student-athletes are reminded of their additional responsibilities, with respect to social gatherings, to ensure that all students are viewed as responsible members of the University and the local community, and that the wellbeing and safety of all students is not compromised.

The U SPORTS Governance policy 90.60 to 90.70 outlines the code of conduct, code of ethics and relief from policies for all U SPORTS stakeholders including athletes, coaches, officials and administrators.

OUA Code of Conduct

• Thorold: resources/Documents/By-law-37-2014.pdf

The OUA Governance policy can be found here: Policies.pdf

• If alcohol at an unofficial team gathering is present, no social media postings with alcohol and Brock Badgers logos are to be posted from the gathering.

These restrictions apply during the academic calendar year.

• Access to neighbouring properties is not impeded.

Consequences for violating social gatherings restriction

Hazing is defined as any implicit or explicit initiation activity that creates an environment where dignity and respect are absent by degrading, abusing, humiliating, intimidating, harassing, sexually harassing, inflicting harm and threatening the mental and physical health of a person regardless of their willingness to participate in such acts. As per the Brock University Student Code of Conduct, hazing is regarded as a non-academic misconduct. The Student Conduct Council will define the outcomes (sanctions) of such offences. Everyone who participates (directly or indirectly) in the process of such activities has a personal responsibility for the potential outcome of the acts engaged in, and therefore, the consequences of those acts.

• No alcohol shall be consumed at AWAY events including 36 hours prior to the competition start time and continues to be prohibited for the entire trip, to the time the team arrives back on campus.

Orientation (formerly “Rookie Nights”), Hazing & Initiation Brock University has established standards of behaviour to promote and maintain respect for the rights, responsibilities, and well-being of all members of our community and prohibits activities that reasonably can be construed as hazing for the purpose of initiation, admission into, or as a condition for continued membership in a group, team or student organization both on and off university premises.

In addition to the Student Conduct Council sanctions, Brock Sports will use its discretion to severely penalize teams and individuals engaging in such unacceptable practices. Furthermore, sanctions may include but are not limited to individual suspensions from competition for one or more competitions, team suspensions for one or more competitions, suspension of individuals or teams from competition for one competitive season or cancellation of the Student-athletes,program.

• Student-athletes are highly encouraged to avoid large crowds or areas known to be prone to violence.

coaches and staff have the responsibility to report to the Executive Director of Brock Sports if someone is planning or has acted in any such activities.

Restriction against attendance at events

Infractions will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. In the first instance, the case will be reviewed by the department who will review the case and impose the sanction (if any) and inform all necessary individuals, including University Administration. Sanctions may be in addition to sanctions or discipline by University Administration applicable to all students. Sanctions may include but are not limited to individual suspensions from competition for one or more competitions, team suspensions for one or more competitions, suspension of individuals or teams from competition for one competitive season or cancellation of the program.

Alcohol, Cannabis, Vaping/Smoking & Chewing Policy Alcohol Code The standard for Brock Sports for all student-athletes are as follows:

Student-Athlete Manual 2022-2023 18 • No litter or debris is left visible to the public.

• No alcohol shall be consumed by student-athletes 36 hours prior to the competition start time for all HOME games.

• Student-athletes are to abide by the legal Ontario drinking age – 19 years of age.

• It is recommended student-athletes avoid large social gatherings that have the potential to violate university policies.

• If attending any external social gathering that includes alcohol or drugs, student-athletes must not wear any identifiable team gear or Brock Badgers insignia (both athletic and general).

Vaping, smoking and chewing is prohibited at all practices and competitive events including in buses, hotel rooms, when on the sidelines or in front of fans, etc.

Student-Athlete Manual 2022-2023 19 • No alcohol shall be consumed in any Brock University facility, including but not limited to team rooms, labs, and classrooms. Alcohol shall never be brought onto a bus/van.

• pictures, videos, comments or posters that condone drug-related activity. This includes but is not limited to images that portray the personal use of drugs and drug paraphernalia;

Cannabis Cannabis is strictly prohibited for all student-athletes during the competitive season (from the start of training camp to the last competition day).

The Brock Media Relations Policy can be found at:

• No alcohol is to be served for student athlete team specific functions such as orientations and team building events.

• Note: Social norms and special circumstances may apply. These special circumstances need permission prior to the event from the Associate Director/Executive SeeDirector.traveland

accommodation policies for further restrictions regarding alcohol and alcohol consumption. Social Media Usage - Individual and Team

The use of new technologies comes with both rights and responsibilities. Blogs, digital media and social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok, offer new and exciting opportunities for Brock University faculty, staff and students to share knowledge, express creativity and connect with people who have common interests. Student-athletes and staff are reminded that images, postings, dialogues and information about themselves or others posted on the internet are public information. When participating in social media, it is important to always be upfront and honest about who you are and what you represent, to use common sense before you post or comment, and to respect the values and etiquette of communities you join.

Vaping/Smoking & Chewing

• photos, videos, comments or posters showing the personal use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco;

All other restrictions can be found under Brock University alcohol policy

• photos, videos, comments that are of a sexual nature. This includes links to websites of pornographic nature, and other inappropriate material;

• information that is sensitive or personal in nature or is proprietary to Brock Sports or the university which is not public information (future schedules, student-athlete injuries, eligibility status, travel plans and itineraries).

For your own safety, please keep your security setting up to date so that only your friends can view your profile and

Whileinformation.University officials do not actively monitor staff and student social media sites, content that is brought to the attention of the University that describes or documents behaviour that reasonably suggests breach of University policy (i.e. The Student Code of Conduct, The Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy, Academic Integrity Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, etc.) may be subject to further investigation. The University reserves the right to appropriately respond to these incidents, which may include disciplinary action.

• content that is unsportsmanlike, derogatory, demeaning, or threatening toward any other individual or entity (such as derogatory comments regarding another institution, taunting comments aimed at a studentathlete, coach or team at another institution and derogatory comments against race, culture, and/or gender);

Examples of inappropriate and offensive social media behaviour that falls under Brock Sports expectations of behaviour for coaches, staff and student-athletes include, but are not limited to:

Parking Overnight When Traveling Student-athletes must visit Parking Services prior to their trip to make overnight parking arrangements as outlined Student-athletesbelow. with a valid Brock parking permit must visit Parking Services during business hours before departure and will receive a temporary hang tag, at no cost, for the duration of the time they are away for their sport. Student-athletes parking overnight are asked to park on the west side of Zone 3 (Lot S) closest to the daycare as this is the designated overnight parking area.

6. Student-athletes are considered representatives of Brock University and as such, are expected to conduct themselves, both on and off campus, in a responsible manner that brings respect to the University and its athletic teams.

Travel Policy

2. Student-athletes may not drive themselves by their own personal vehicle unless the coach provides permission. Student-athletes who have received permission to make alternate travel arrangements will be asked to provide details of their travel plans in advance. If such permission is given, the studentathlete must complete and submit a Travel Waiver Form, available from Brock Sports, and absolve the university of any responsibility during such travel. In addition, no expense reimbursement shall be provided for this travel. Should permission be given to travel by personal car, no other team member shall be allowed to accompany the student-athlete.

Accommodations For Away Competitions

5. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the accommodations booked through Brock Sports.

4. Student-athletes are personally responsible for any damage to the room or any items reported missing from the room.

4. Alcoholic beverages are not to be carried or consumed in any vehicle used for team transportation.

2. Student-athletes should examine their assigned rooms for any items of disrepair and report any problems to the hotel front desk to ensure that such problems are not attributed to their occupancy.

Student-athletes that do not have a valid Brock parking permit and need to park on campus for away games must also visit Parking Services in advance of their departure for a Zone 3 (Lot S) temporary hang tag for the duration of the time they are away for their sport. It is the responsibility

Student-Athlete Manual 2022-2023 20 Team Social Media – UPDATED for 2022-23

7. Any charges due to misconduct will be charged to the student-athletes’ direct account.

If a coach or student-athlete initiates, creates, or manages a team account on any social media platform with the purpose of the promotion and/or dissemination of information for the Brock Sports program, and in doing so uses the brand, likeness, and/or name of the University, the Brock Badgers brand or the specific team, they will need to contact Brock Sports to provide the department administration rights.

All new and existing team-managed social media accounts are considered the property of Brock University and Brock Sports must maintain administrative access to all accounts.

1. It is expected that all student-athletes travel with their team to and from all athletic competition in the designated vehicles provided through Brock Sports.

5. If a student-athlete goes home after competition the Travel Itinerary form must indicate this and coaches must be advised.

1. All student-athletes must stay in the accommodations booked for the team’s overnight trips. It is permissible for student-athletes to stay overnight at their home if they have their coaches’ prior consent.

3. Student-athletes will return with the team in the designated vehicles provided through Brock Sports unless permission is received from the coach (as outlined on the Travel Itinerary Sheet).

3. Student-athletes are personally responsible for any charges to the room, other than the cost of the room rental.

Student-Athlete Manual 2022-2023

21 of the student-athlete to pay the fee of $12 per night for these hang tags. Student-athletes that do not have parking permits may wish to carpool to campus with a permit holder (who has made prior arrangements as noted above) in order to save that charge. In all cases, if prior arrangements have not been made and tickets are issued for unauthorized overnight parking, they cannot be voided and will need to either be paid or appealed by the student-athlete.

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