Roma online april 2014 eng

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ROL 162 - APRIL 2014

ROMA ONLINE Brothers of Charity After a few days in Belgium, where we had some meetings, we arrived on 19th March in Rome for a short but intensive 10 days. It was more than seven weeks that we had left Rome, so the many files who were waiting in the office took our attention. We also added the final touches to the preparations of our meeting with the provincial and regional superiors at the end of April.

others to reflect more on our fundaments with clear arguments why we can never accept any kind of euthanasia, because all life is a gift from God and is holy. The next day we had our historical commission. We can say that the work of the postulation is moving in the good direction and we still hope that we will finish the diocesan process this year.

On Friday 4th April, we had a good meeting with the representatives of the congregation and organization of the Brothers of Charity in Belgium, and the day On 31st March, we started with 2 weeks lessons in our afterwards we gave a conference to the associate International Institute Canon Triest. All the students members of the Walloon part of Belgium. came together in Moerzeke, and it was a nice experience to share so many ideas with them about ethics, about We also continued to have some meetings in the light of Fracarita International, and the most important charity and about spiritual life. one was with Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, the president During that period, we had of course also several other of the European Community. activities. Only a few that are important to be shared. On Wednesday 2nd April, we could present our last We finished our stay in Belgium on Saturday 12th book “Pandora’s Box”, a reflection on euthanasia in April, going back to Rome in order to celebrate the the light of the recent changing of the law in Belgium. Holy Week in the Holy City. Archbishop Leonard and the rector of the Catholic University of Louvain gave both a very appreciated May I wish all of you a blessed Easter with the real joy introduction to a big audience and afterwards we of the Resurrection in our hearts. had the opportunity to sign the book. We hope with the publication of the book to invite Christians and Bro. René Stockman, Superior General


FRATELLI DELLA CARItà • Curia Generalizia • Via Giambattista Pagano 35 • 00167 Roma • Italia t. (+39) 06 66 04 901 • F. (+39) 06 66 31466 • Responsable: Communication Service Brothers of Charity •

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THE SUPERIOR GENERAL’S VISIT SCHEDULE - 12 April: schedule in Rome: - 22 April: General Council with the provincial superiors - 28 April-8 May: meeting with the provincial and regional superiors - Around 12 May: retreat to a group of associate members from Belgium - 19 May: Belgium - 21 May: Rwanda, with a session on mission for the boards and teaching the novices - 25 May: inauguration of the new centre in Ngozi (Burundi) - 26 May: visit Uvira (DR Congo) - 27 May: visit Shabunda (DR Congo) - 30 May: visit Goma (DR Congo) - 31 May: visit Bukavu (DR Congo) - 1-5 June: retrait in Bukavu - 6 June: perpetual profession in Bukavu - 7 June: back to Belgium

NEWS FROM THE COMMUNITIES u ROME : CASA GENERALIZIA • 9 March: The Brothers together with Belgian College had their first match of the Clericus Cup against the Roman Major Seminary (NB: the Clericus Cup is a World soccer competition for priests and seminarians, living in the Diocese of Rome, organized by the Centro Sportivo Italiano, under the patronage of the Roman Vicariate). The score was 4:1 in favor of the Romans.

• 13 March: The first anniversary of the Roman Pontiff, Pope Francis. The Community, together with the Belgian Pontifical College, had a solemn Mass, and prayed for this servant of God who is always pleading for the least and the last.

• 16-17 March: Saint Patrick’s feast is a big event in Ireland, because he is the Patron Saint of the Irish. On this occasion the Community surprisingly organized an evening aperitivo for Brother John O’Shea (the superior of the House), who was so much impressed and happy of the closeness shown to him by the Brothers. • 18 March: Brother Jean Mbeshi (the General Assistant) travelled to Belgium for his visit to Abidjan; we wish him a safe journey and a blessed stay in Ivory Coast. • 19 March: Saint Joseph’s feast, the patron Saint of the Belgian College. The Community had a Eucharistic celebration followed by a reception. Brother Superior General is back home after being for six weeks in the mission. Welcome back, Brother.

ROL 162 - APRIL 2014 - p. 3 • 21 March: We welcomed Brother Victor Hugo M.C (General Assistant) from Sri Lanka. We also presented our condolences to our Brother for the loss of his mother, back in Peru. May her soul rest in peace! • 22 March: On Saturday, we celebrated Brother Daniel’s birthday which was to be on 23rd March. In his vote of thanks he only repeatedly presented his happiness and his thanks to God and to the Brothers! He was also happy to have Brother General Superior, Brother Victor Hugo and the General Secretary present this day!

• On 23 March the Brothers and Belgian team lost with honor against the Brazilians by 1-2. • 29 March: After his being away, Brother General invited once more the Community for a fraternal evening, during which the traditional tombola was held and the Brothers got different presents. I personally got a very special gift from Assisi. • 30 March: Our team played its last game and we lost against the strongest team of the group by 4-2. We need to underline that we were very encouraged and honored by the presence of Brother General (despite his traveling) and the Brothers, although we couldn’t make it. Brother General travelled that evening to Belgium. We wish him a safe journey and a welcoming back!

Bro. Bienvenue

u AFRICA : SAINT AUGUSTINE PROVINCE u International Novitiate NAIROBI • KENYA The International Novitiate of Africa province Nairobi-Kenya is pleased to share with you its joy of last month - March. We had the opportunity to start the month with Brother General who gave the postulants a retreat of six days. On the 7th, 42 postulants were accepted in the Congregation as novices of Brothers of Charity by the General Superior. We thank God for blessing us this much.

Every end of the month, our community has the tradition of celebrating the birthdays of our community members. On 29th, we celebrated the birthdays of three novices (Pascal, Admasu and Dieudonné) with great joy. The celebrants expressed their joy and gratitude to the community. It was a good moment for the community to share life, happiness and joy together with the celebrants. May God bless us all. It is our Religious culture to end the month with recollection to thank God for His protection of the past month and ask for God’s graces for the coming month. On 30th, we had our monthly recollection by the Novice Master. We reflected upon the following theme: “Though he was rich, yet for your sake He became poor” (2 Cor 8:9). It was a fruitful reflection and we had time to confess; it ended with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Novices Ledo Gamechu and Gaspar Ofisi

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u Our Lady of Africa Region D.R. CONGO

Saint Francis Xavier Community Lusambo March began with a series of different activities: • 2 March : renewal of temporary vows by Brs Yves Masasa and Joseph Kafindo during a simple H. Eucharist. They promised obedience, poverty and chastity for two years.

• 20 March : during a meeting of the community we considered our prayer life and decided to heed Pope Francis’ exhortation with regard to Lent as it was commented by Brother General in SCOL, March 2014: “We, the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity, welcome Pope Francis’ first Lenten message as an inspiring document for our charism and a call to live this charism of charity even more intensely.” The Pope discussed the true face of charity so that Br General concluded: “The Good Samaritan remains the absolute icon for us, Brothers of Charity, and all who share in our movement of charity.” • On 22 March we prayed for Bro. Bernard on his anniversary. • On 27 March we interchanged ideas led by Bro. Jospeh Kafindo about the theme, “the vow of poverty according to Jesus Himself.” In his introduction, Bro. Joseph characterized the difference between poverty and the “vow” of poverty: poverty means lack of essential human means on both social and economic level. It is one of the main points of attention of international institutes and governments to oust poverty from societies where people live in extreme poverty. In contrast, the vow of poverty consists in imitating the life of the Son of God who took our

nature. We try to live this poverty while we recognize that the Son received everything from the hand of the Father and returns it to Him out of love (cf. Jn 17, 7-10). • On Sunday 30 March, we had our monthly recollection and pondered the theme, “God is love for us.” It is an idea taken from the animation brochure 2014, 1st chapter. Bro. Bernard Ntambwe explained how the entire Bible proclaims God’s love for us all the time, is the basis of each teaching whether in the Old or in the New Testament. God’s love surpasses all human love, is unconditional, eternal, limitless, a mystery that deserves to be pondered; an unconditional invitation to an unconditional response from our side. St Paul suggest to apply the light of God’s love to our own life (Rm 8, 35-37). He mentions the dangers and enemies that threaten our love: anxiety, persecution, the sword, hunger nakedness… He ascertan that not a single of these dangers can overcome this divine Love. Therefore, we should envision our life and bring its anxieties to the surface: distress, threats, complexes, weaknesses, sad memories; for Love has been poured out into our soul and should spill over; it is about the Love of which St Therese of Lisieux said, “Your Love, Lord, has preceded mine from my youth. It developed as I grew.” Bro. Bernard Ntambwe

Blessed Anuarite Nengapeta Community • Goma All our apostolic works are doing well, thank God: every Brother cooperates in one or other way with our common vocation of Brother of Charity; therefore, a recollection was organised during Lent for all the religious and priests (Asuma) with as theme, “Community and the Cross” led by a White Father, which emphasised three characteristic dimensions of the religious life, viz. the spiritual life, community life and the apostolate. By observing this trio, the Cross of Christ remains our model, for there is no life without the Cross ; therefore, we have to see everything through the eyes of Jesus the Crucified, while supporting one another and witnessing our faith to the world. Bro. Innocent Tamfutu flew from Kinshasa to Uvira via Goma ; he was welcomed at the airport and joined

ROL 162 - APRIL 2014 - p. 5 us at table. He went to see some people but in the evening he was tortured by pain ; we had to call in the nurse of our centre who took care of him after he had consulted Dr Justin ; the latter told us to bring Brother Innocent to the maternity, having heard the report of nurse Simon Katembo. The following morning, Bro. Innocent was operated of appendicitis, an operation which took one and a half hours. Thank God, everything went smoothly and Brother is recovering well. A monthly recollection together with the Associate Members of Goma was organised with the topic : “The canonisation of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II”. The White Father Pino, in spite of his arm injured during the distribution of food, took the trouble to tell us the following : John XXIII was a personality who taught us compassion and who invites us to come out of our old habits and to open ourselves to the world, while John Paul II was a personality who invited us to a universal love and openness to all : “Don’t be afraid, we should be open our heart to the world,” were the first words Pope John Paul II said on his first appearance of the balcony of St Peter’s Basilica.

were developing and applying all means they make available for the continuity and quality of our works. Conclusion, all of them left greatly satisfied with the way of our structure in clear cooperation with them, in consequence of their remarks. Bro. William de la Croix Mulenda Mwema

u Saint Francis Xavier Region RWANDA/BURUNDI

Neuro-psychiatric Centre of KamengE (CNPK) • Burundi - CNPK has just finished a waiting room for the ambulant patients. The room is also meant as a meeting place for educational, information and sensibilisation sessions about neuro-psychiatric disorders. It has a TV set for that purpose.

The Physically Disabled Centre is preparing its 50th anniversary which will be celebrated on 15 September 2014. A recollection was organised for the staff of the School of Life, Mental Health, Special School, ITM and CHP inspired by our chaplain Rev. A. Eustache. The latter urged our coworkers to sanctify themselves by taking good care of their charges, to maintain a professional conscience by making good use of Confession. After a Thanksgiving Mass we shared a brotherly meal. In the end, Floribert Kabindu, the Director, thanked everyone for their cooperation. We were privileged to receive the visits of an external auditor, a member of Caraes, as well as of the members of CICR of Geneva, the Members of CIBM. All of them came to ascertain the manner we

- A national reference library of mental health is being extended. Our project is to build a documentation centre (the history of psychiatry in Burundi, a library and research centre). We thank the “Doctors without holiday” for the gift of a PC

ROL 162 - APRIL 2014 - p. 6 and accessories. Soon an Internet connection will be installed to answer the many demands of the university students, the trainees and CNPK staff.

- Regional formation of the medical doctors (Mont Sion, 17-19 March 2014) by Doctor Amy, “Doctor without holiday”. The aim of this formation consists in elaborating a curriculum which the GPs at work in the mental health centres of the subregion will use as a manual of continued formation. We are grateful to Dr Amy for the dedication to the well-being of the mental health patients in the subregion. - Regional formation of the occupational therapy staf (Mont Sion in Bujumbura 24-28 March 2014) by Martine Dermine, Doctor without holiday : the training aimed at the enhancement of the staff ’s capacities for the accompaniment of the mentally ill within the multidisciplinary team. It was the occasion to exchange experiences in occupational therapy of the respective centres of mental health in the subregion. We thank Dr Martine for her commitment and the regional coordination of Fracarita Belgium for the organisation. - Formation of technicians of biomedical maintenance (Mont Sion, 17-21 March 2014). This training was arranged by Doctor Without Holidays for the technicians of the respective mental health centres of the subregion. The purpose was to ensure the right management of the biomedical apparatus by means of high-quality of maintenance. - Training of the staff of CNPK reception: this formation consisted of teaching the team how to use the information system which CNPK has just created in order to centralise the data of the Centre.

- Regional formation of the agents in charge of coaching at the mental health centre of the subregion (Kigali, 17 March to 4 April 2014): this coaching aimed at supporting and accompanying the care staff by competent internal personnel in this domain. The training was organised by the regional coordination of Fracarita Belgium and will embrace four periods per year during a 3-year stretch, 20142016. The opening ceremony of this training was enhanced by the presence of the General Directors of the mental health centres in the subregion. - Regional Seminar of quality care and coordination of the mental health centres of the subregion (Kigali, 17-19 March 2014), organised by Fracarita Belgium: the objective was the joint analysis of the position of the agents in charge of coaching at the mental health centres, their book of projects, profile an intervention domains. The seminar was also an occasion to exchange ideas about the new logical framework 2014-2016. - 1 and 8 April : workshop of CNPK and MSV (Médecins Sans Vacances) about the priorities or priority needs of CNPK. The MSV support CNPK by strengthening the staff ’s capabilities by means of formations, exchange of expertise and material/ equipment aid. To make the most of this cooperation, MSV want to focus on the real needs of CNPK. Therefore, this workshop was organised for CNPK to submit its priority needs which the MSV will work out during three years, 2014-16 (neurology, addictology, and paedopsychiatry). - From 14 to 27 April, the mission of nurse Audrey Allias, member of “Esther” (Ensemble pour une Solidarité Thérapeutique Hospitalière en Réseau), a French ONG. This mission aims at improving the know how regarding the care of HIV patients in a psychiatric milieu. CNPK is a point of reference in the integration of VIH in a psychiatric environment. - We wish you a Happy Easter! Bro. Hippolyte Manirakiza

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nicaragua March was very quiet with regard to activities. We have now two co-workers who possess a University diploma so that we can reckon on a social worker for either of our apostolates. Another step forward for the welfare of our institutes is that we obtained the approval of the set of measures we took with regard to the children and adolescents living at our home. Since Bro. Emmanuel left for Ivory Coast on holiday, one of the co-workers of “Jesus Amigo Centre” lives with us at the Brothers’ house. It is an opportunity for him to get to know better the lifestyle of the Brothers. Bro. Richard Bardier

PERU On the occasion of the meal celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Escuela de Vida, Bro. Jimi announced the decision of the Board composed by the representative of different Congregations, to entrust him with the direction of the Board and work as Director General of the three phases of the Institution. Nobody was surprised since the Brothers of Charity had been supporting the institution almost from the beginning. Two steps forward towards have been done towards self-sufficiency of apostolic services in Peru. One is about COSMA with the precious help of the Bishop of Ayacucho (President of the Conference of the Bishops) in making of the non-profit organization a full right Mission of the Church which in virtue of the Concordat, signed between Peru/Vatican in 1989, allows benefiting of the help of the Government. The second is a strategy to reassess the generation of incomes made by “Taller de Vida” and the possibility to enlarge its mission.

At Ayacucho, all Mondays, Bro. Bernard Houle, director of the department of persons with mental handicap of COSMA, visits the monastery of the Clarisses to give them a conference which is very much appreciated and rewarded with delicious homemade cookies. Bro. Bernardo did his annual retreat this month. Bro. Roli, member of the team Fracarita Volunteers, travelled to Ayacucho to know COSMA and begin the work on evaluation of the quality of the services. March means also the résumé of the academic year at the University for Bro. Roli. This means the return to the normal timetable with rise one hour earlier. Bro. Jimi is also beginning a Mastery in Social Management of the Catholic University of Lima. A first fruit of it is that together with a multidisciplinary team (anthropologist, social worker, environment and communication engineer) will be realised a situation study and elaborated a strategic planning for the Institution in the inspiration of the Culture of Charity. On his side, Bro. Johnny resumed his teaching career in the public College Jose Martin of Comas. The Cepetri and COSMA (department of mental disability) restarted the school year after two months of preparation. Important works of maintenance have been done in Comas and Lima. One is the conversion from electricity to gas which represents an economy on the monthly bill of about 70%. A meal was held in Comas to thanks the help of two Canadian benefactors, one collaborating with

ROL 162 - APRIL 2014 - p. 8 Escuela de Vida for many years and a new one of his friends. Among you there are others sensible to the same values...

u Saint Anna Region CANADA

The mother of Bro. Victor Hugo Merino Conde passed away on March 18 while Brother was in Pakistan which made the process of mourning somehow different for all involved, the family, the confreres and the friends. A meeting of the vocational group was held on the last Sunday of the month.

- 1 March : Funeral of Bro. Benoît Poulin. Parishioners joined us in church. After the ceremony the family was invited to share their distress with us. Declarations about the care given to the Brother were moving witnesses. - 1 March : 86th anniversary of Bro. Rolland René. As usual we do not take him by surprise : his retort is quick and cheerful. In the picture we see him with Michel, the cook, and Hélène, the caretaker of St. Vincent House. - 6 March : signing of the sale of St. Vincent House for Garimdev Inc. Company. - 11 March : Bros. Gilles Rivard and Gaston Paquet move house to St Sulpice.

Did you know that the Brothers of the community of Lima are living in two different houses at a distance of about 20 km? They gather on Sundays, for prayer, lunch and sharing the events of the week, and sometimes they even cook themselves the lunch they will take. Once a month they celebrate a time of recollection together with the Associate Members linked to the community. Bro. Donald Joyal

- 14 March : a new arrangement at St Sulpice : telephones and configuration of the network. Not everything will be in working order from the first day! - 26 March : anniversary of Bro. Provincial, Joel Ponsaran. Thanks to Skype we can celebrate at a distance! - 29 March : birthday of Bro. Marcel Delisle; his most recent picture in the margin.

ROL 162 - APRIL 2014 - p. 9 - 30 March : Exhibition of the « Group of Farmwives » at St Sulpice : craftsman’s trade. One of the ladies belongs to our team of cooks. This visit is a proper occasion for the « new Sulpicians » to make the acquaintance of the parishioners. The choir is another way. We often make up half the number of the choristers, with five Brothers. Talking about choristers, Bro. Philippe, 95 years of age, embellishes the entertainment of a reception centre every week. As they are people with Alzheimer disease, one asks him often to repeat the same songs of the good olden times…

- 31 March : 78th birthday of Bro. Jacques Bellemare. Bro. Jacques Bellemare

- 30 March : In anticipation of the polls of 7 April, people can already vote. On that same day it seems that we have left winter behind us. Alas, it rains cats and dogs. Don’t worry : springtime will bring the first maple tree near the house.

u ASIA : SAINT THOMAS PROVINCE u Blessed Andre Phu Yen VIETNAM During February and March there was a building constructed at Vincent de Paul community. There are two Brothers in this community: Bro. Nicola and Vincent. We also ask Bro. Joseph Son to be a member of this community and help with the construction as well. On 6 March we were happy to welcome Brothers Michael and Paul come back from Sri Lanka, after they finished their second year novices and took their first vows in Sri Lanka. On 12 March Brothers Michael and Paul went to Vincent community at Bao Loc-Lam Dong for helping with the construction of the building. Since Vincent de Paul commuity started construction in February and March, some minor works need to be done. So the two Brothers have come for help. At Lavang community, all young Brothers are going to school, and doing apostolic work at Ho Chi Minh City. On 19 March we celebrated feast Saint Joseph and one of our Vietnamese Brothers received baptism, namely

Joseph. Thus we bring all together for the Mass, prayer and share a meal together. On 29 March the meeting of all the Vietnamese Brothers about the apostolate operation for the future. We asked Brs. Savio and Emmanuel to introduce the work that they are going to do for next period. So planning for activities at Lavang community will be operated soon. Bro. Nicola Nguyen

u Father Constant Lievens Region INDIA

SainT JohN DE BRITTO Sivagangai - Tamil Nadu Last month on 28th February, the newly professed Brothers were supposed to leave for our community, but unfortunately, the flight time was changed, and on 1st March they arrived in our midst; we gave them a warm welcome. On 4th March we had to go and attend a recollection for diocesan Priests and Sisters from the Religious Congregations in Pulial, Sivagangai District. In the

ROL 162 - APRIL 2014 - p. 10 evening we had a Confession and Holy Eucharist in preparation for the Lenten Season. It was very good inspiring moment for us. On 5th March, we attended Ash Wednesday Mass in our Parish Church. On 7th March, we received one of our aspirants, namely Nitesh Kerketta, in our community. We had to go to Calicut, Kerala and Ranchi, Jharkhand on a visit and for the animation of the Brothers.

SainT GIUSEPPE MOSCATI PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION CENTER Sivagangai - Tamil Nadu After a long time we have had the visit of the Doctor, namely Dr. Ganesan, who came from Madurai on 6th March. He is a simple person and we have had all the documents that are necessary to put in our files. We made a contract with him, so that there will not be a problem for us in the future. On 15th March, we have had the family meeting in our house; most of the residents’ family members came to meet their relatives. Now we have 16 residents and some have run away, but now most of them are staying in a good way and taking treatment at our house.

St ALPHONSA MUTTATHUPADATHU Ranchi - Jharkhand On 2nd March there was a thanksgiving celebration of perpetual religious profession of Bro. Subodh Ekka in his village. Rev. Bro. Dayal Tigga from St. Alphonsa Muttathupadathu and Bro. John Ranjit Minz from Bl. Kuriakose Elias Chavara went to participate in the program and they were very happy to see the place and to witness the event. On 13th March Bro. Samuel Topno arrived safely in Ranchi and doing his study in the Philippines. Brothers gave him a warm welcome and he was happy to help the community and apostolate. On 23rd March we were very happy to receive Bro. Swamynathan Wilfred, the Regional Superior of India. He was accompanied with Rev. Fr. Amalan Arockiam, the first Associate Member of our Region. It was his first visit to Ranchi, Brothers and Residents gave him a warm welcome in a traditional way of Jharkhand and he was happy to see all the Brothers.

PARAM MITRA SADAN Ranchi - Jharkhand In the month of March we had 11 residents in our Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Center. Some are doing well and some are still having difficulty due to their sickness. On 8th and 9th March, students came from the Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi came for their study purposes and to see our apostolate; they appreciated the way we look after these patients. A second group of students came on 18th March from the same Institute to see our Rehabilitation Center; they organized some activities for our Residents. On 27th March Dr. Anil Kumar came to see our patients. He comes every month and is always ready to help.

Blessed PIER GIORGIO FRASSATI Calicut - Kerala In Blessed P.G. Frassati House there are three Brothers who are doing well, but due to the death of Rev. Fr. Martin George, our daily activities of the community diminished, but the Brothers did not lose heart. On 7th March in the evening about 5.30 pm, Rev. Fr. Martin George passed away in the Hospital. On 8th March Rev. Fr. Martin George was brought to Santhi Bhavan in the morning at 7:30. At 9:30 am his body was taken to (Kannur Diocese), near to his birth place. Moreover, about 2:00 pm his body which had been kept in his house, was taken to the parish church at 3:30 pm for a farewell service offered by the Bishop of Kannur Diocese; Norbertine Fathers and parish priests also concelebrated the Holy Eucharist. Many people came to see him off on his funeral day.

ROL 162 - APRIL 2014 - p. 11 On 12th March Bro. Wilfred Swamynathan, the Regional Superior of India, arrived in Calicut, Kerala. On 13th March we went to Rev. Fr. Martin George’s family to celebrate the 7th Day of Death Anniversary Celebration. Bro. Wilfred Swamynathan, Norbertine Fathers, parish priest, religious Sisters, and lay people participated. On 20th March Rev. Fr. Martin George’s Death Memorial Celebration was held in Santhi Bhavan, which was organized by Abbot of Manandavadi. Rt. Rev. Dr. Remegious Bishop (Syrian) of Tarassery Diocese has come to offer the Holy Eucharist. Good news is that on 24th March Norbertine Fr. Benny and a Brother had come to stay in Santhi Bhavan. Norbertine Fathers and Brothers of Charity together said morning prayer, Holy Mass, evening prayer and performed other kinds of services for the future support.

JEEVAVIHAR Calicut - Kerala We, the Brothers as care givers, are trying to arrange the Chronic Psychiatric Old age care home. We went to meet the social work of the Government Mental Hospital, Social welfare office from Calicut District. The result was negative, due to lack of documents; there was no place for our Chronic Psychiatric Patients. Due to the death of Rev. Fr. Martin George, all the residents and Brothers were in a sad mood. We prayed for his soul and his family members! Each Friday we do the Way of the Cross, and on Saturday we say the Rosary in the evening with the residents, who get each Saturday walking therapy, slowly as well as improving the other kinds of activities.

Blessed KURIAKOSE ELIAS CHAVARA Ranchi - Jharkhand Greetings to you all from the Blessed Kuriasose Elias Chavara Community, Ranchi, Simalia! We, Brothers and our residents, are keeping fine. On 23rd March Brother Ranjit Minz went to Belgium for his further studies Our residents are occupied with horticulture. They are happy with their tasks. They are happy that we pray together in our Chapel. On 25th March Bro. Wilfred Swamynathan, the Regional Superior, appointed Bro. Praween Kullu as the new Superior of the Community. Our first Associate Member, Rev. Fr. Amalan, spoke about the meaning of responsibility and to be a superior, sharing with the Brothers his personal experience.

ST Peter’s school Ranchi - Jharkhand Greetings from the teachers, students, and coworkers! Our students sat for their annual exam; almost all the students participated in the exam. On 21st March we gave the result to the students in the presence of their parents. It was good that parents of the students came to attend the ceremony! Many students are weak in their studies so their result was very poor. Now admissions are being registered; at the same time the students receive books from the library. There were also former students of our school who have returned to our school. For the moment 36 new students have been admitted to our school. We are happy that students and parents are longing for the education of their children. We hope and believe that our school can play a role model school in Ranchi, Jharkhand.

TRIEST house Ranchi - Jharkhand Bro. Praween participated in the closing centenary ceremony of St. Albert Seminary in Ranchi on 2nd March. There was a Holy Mass offered by His Eminence Oswald Gracias, the Cardinal and Archbishop of Mumbai, and president of CBCI and CCBI. On 3rd March two aspirants submitted their passport form to passport office and on 10th March Criminal Investigation Department came for verification and the following week the police came. We hope that they will receive their passport soon. On 23rd March, Bro. Praween went together with Bro. Subodh to fetch Bro. Wilfred Swamynathan, the Regional Superior. He was accompanied by Fr. Amalan Arockiam, the first Associate Member of our Region. On 24th March, the Regional Superior together with Fr. Amalan visited Triest House. There was welcome program followed by lunch and in the afternoon Regional Superior talked privately with the Brothers and returned home. On 25th March, we celebrated the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, the installation of the superior Bro. Dayal Tigga for Triest House and the arrival of two aspirants who became postulants. Rev. Fr. Amalan Arockiam celebrated Holy Eucharist for us.

ROL 162 - APRIL 2014 - p. 12 On 26th March Bro. Praween moved to Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara, Simalia. We wished him all the best and may God bless us all! Bro. Wilfred Swamynathan

values that find a concrete expression in our Charism, Charity. Out there, we enjoyed swimming, singing and playing other games, bearing in mind our Lenten commitments. Indeed, the fresh air, and waters gave us a wonderful and memorable treat. In short, it was really a joyous moment for us all.

Novice Swarup with Fr. Joseph Zhang

On 12th March, we had a farewell celebration for our visitor, Fr Joseph Zhang, who was going back to China after staying with us for four days. We had entertaining songs and dances in different languages, representing different nationalities; a sense of internationalization among ourselves. We closed the celebration with farewell messages from our formators.

u Sacred Heart Region PHILIPPINES

Our Lady of Fatima International Formation House The month opened with a call to prayer, almsgiving and fasting (Ash Wednesday) and on 7th March, we were blessed with a visit from Fr. Joseph Zhang from China. He is an associate member in our congregation, particularly in his country (China), also a representative of the associate members in Asia. Since on the following day, we novices, formators and co-workers, had a community outing to San Miguel Island, he joined us to experience the joy of belonging to an international community with multiple cultural

On 22nd March, we had a group of visitors from Daet Parish, Camarines norte. It was no other than our beloved teacher Fr. Philip Ibasco (who teaches us Sacred Scriptures) with seventy parishioners from his parish, they had a pilgrimage at Kawa kawa Hill for the way of the cross and while going back to Daet, their love for us moved them to pay us a short visit so as to see how we were doing. And finally, we wish to say that it was a fantastic moment; we shared songs and fraternal love that was visible on each of our faces. After messages of well wishes, Fr Philip blessed us with a prayer and our visitors took a short walk around our surroundings before going back to Daet. Novices Courage Soko and Lukas Buregeya

ROL 162 - APRIL 2014 - p. 13

u Our Lady of Sheshan Beijing • CHINA

On March 6, our community heartily welcomed the return of our two newly professed brothers: Bro. Augustine Xu Jun Xi and Bro. James Wang Xiao Qiang. They have already spent about three years both in the Philippines and Sri Lanka to follow the international formation program. Last February, they made their first professions together with some other novices from Asia and Africa in the International Novitiate in Katugastota, Kandy, Sri Lanka. On March 7, we held a thanksgiving mass at our community for the said event. The mass was presided by Carmelite Fr. Alexander Agung, assisted by his confrere Fr. Erik Cahyono, both of them are Indonesian. Our former postulant Mr. Paul Sun Ji Jun was also present during the mass and the fraternal dinner afterwards.

On March 16, an official agreement has been signed between our Congregation and the Parish Church of Honggou, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China, concerning a plot of land (9.000 sq.m) that is donated to our Congregation for starting our apostolate in China. As our first plan, we would like to start developing a rest

house for the elderly people there. Our Chinese Bro. Jose Yuan Shi Ping and our associate member, Fr Paul Liu Jiangang, are given responsibility to set up the new project there. On March 17, we held a recollection for our brothers and associate members. The theme of the recollection was “Deepening our spirituality of our Patron, St Vincent de Paul”. The speaker was Fr. Peter Reedy CM, an Australian missionary stationed in Beijing. Everyone was very pleased to be able to learn more of St Vincent’s spirituality and to deepen it as a source of our life inspiration as religious brothers and associate members.

On March 27, Bro. Augustine Xu and Bro. James Wang started their new apostolate as volunteers at the Liming Family Vocational Training Center for the Mentally and Physically Disabled Children in Tangqiu Village, Ningjin County, Hebei Province, China. The center is run by the Sisters of St Teresa of Lisieux, Biancun Diocese, Hebei Province, China. The director of the center is our associate member, Sr. Teresa Wang Qingfen. She has helped us in providing guidance for our candidates in the past few years since the foundation of our mission in China started in 2008. Let us pray for the further progress of our mission in China. Bro. Adrian Hartotanojo

If you know Brothers, associate members or sympathizers who do not receive Roma Online, please send their email address to The texts for the next Roma Online are expected to arrive here before 1 May 2014.

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