ROL 158 - December 2013
ROMA ONLINE Brothers of Charity During the past month, during the time I was mostly in Rome, we had the opportunity to give a follow-up to our administrative work. In the meantime, we had several meetings with responsibles of congregations in the Vatican. On the 15th of November, I participated in a congress about Catholic Education organized by the commission of Education for Religious superiors, and also the commission for Interreligious dialogue came together.
November. In a separated text I will give you a report of this unique event. At the end of the month, we had the general assembly with the general superiors, whom were received by Pope Francis. Due to circumstances, I could not be present in the audience with the Pope, where he announced that 2015 will be the year of consecrated life. The 4th of December, I came to Belgium to have some medical check-up and to prepare myself for the visit to Central African Republic, Rwanda, Burundi and Kenya until the end of the year.
May I wish you a blessed Advent period in preparation of Christmas. Let us be thankful for all the graces we On the 17th we had our recollection, and I gave the received this year, as a person, as a community and brothers a conference about the vocation and mission as a congregation. And let us continue to proclaim the of the brothers today. “Joy of the Gospel”, as expressed in the exhortation of Pope Francis. An important event was the opening of the tomb of our beloved Founder Peter Joseph Triest on the 25th of Bro. René Stockman, Superior General
THE SUPERIOR GENERAL’S VISIT SCHEDULE 11/12-31/12: Kenya/ Rwanda /Burundi 12/2 : Belgium 31/12 : Belgium 13/2 : Rome 02/1: Rome 15/2 : Belgium 22/1: Belgium 19/3 : Rome 27/1: DR Congo
FRATELLI DELLA CARItà • Curia Generalizia • Via Giambattista Pagano 35 • 00167 Roma • Italia t. (+39) 06 66 04 901 • F. (+39) 06 66 31466 • Responsable: Communication Service Brothers of Charity •
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NEWS FROM THE COMMUNITIES u ROME: CASA GENERALIZIA • All Saints Day: Vespers and Mass, animated by the Brothers and the Collegio Pontificia Belga.
• 2 November: the Community celebrated in a special way the memory of the deceased members of our families, establishing a list which was read during the Mass; we remembered Brother Eugene Geysen too. • 7 November: the Community welcomed Brother General Superior who had been away for almost a month. • 16 November: Brother Anthony (from the Philippines), arrived safely from Nicaragua, where he has been in Mission for the past two years. He shared with us his experience in the apostolate. The Brother will stay with us for a while. (photo 1) • 17 November: The Community had a Recollection preached by Brother General Superior. He focused on : ‘’The Vocation and mission of Religious Brothers today’’ A booklet on Consecrated Life was distributed among the Brothers. (photo 2-3)
• It has become a tradition that the Brothers and the Students from the Belgian College have a friendly mini-football match some Wednesdays, and on 20 November, they played. This, far from being merely a human experience aimed at the physical and psychological wellbeing and fraternal friendship, is also a spiritual experience, because it ends with a Salve Regina, in front of the statue of our Lady which is next to the ground. (photo 4)) • 21 November: Brother Jean Baptist celebrated his birthday. The community is grateful to him for his services. We thank God for the gift of this Brother to the Congregation. On 29th, we will celebrate Brother Francis’ birthday. (photo 5-6-7) Bro. Bienvenue
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u AFRICA : ST. AUGUSTINE PROVINCE u Our Lady of Africa Region D.R. CONGO The Regional Administration Team is complete ! In the living room of the Region, in Kinshasa, took place a workshop attended by the Regional Superior and his collaborators on Friday, 29 November. All his collaborators. It is worth mentioning, for besides the regional administrator and the secretary of the accountant who have always attended, there were also the regional bursar, Br Edward Chipimo. The latter was appointed to this post last July; he arrived from Shabunda (via Bukavu, Goma) on the eve of the meeting. In Bukavu he was a member of St Raphael community and of the management of the psychiatiric centre. Thus the regional administrative team of NDA region was complete the day after the decisions made at the 3rd ordinary session of the Regional Council held in Kinshasa / Mbudi. In the cours of the meeting, mainly devoted to the welcoming and presentation of Brother bursar, followed the description of the tasks of each member of the regional administration at the close of which the Regional Superior urged the essential values he expects from his immediate collaborators on them : discretion, genuine collaboration and mutual respect, as well as a shared vision on the action of the regional administrative team. It was also an opportunity to wish Br Edward a good and fruitful apostolate at the regional house. From now on a member of St Augustin community in Kinshasa, Br Edward was officially received by his new community on Saturday, 30 November; at the same time we celebrated the anniversary of two members of the community : Br Cleophas Mukwa (18/11) and Br Jacob Kazadi (28/11), as well as the chaplain of our community, Fr ClĂŠment Kabobo, whose anniversary is on 30 December. Finally, Br AndrĂŠ Ngalula, a novice trainee, was also celebrated because of the feast of his patron saint, St Andrew the Apostle. The day started with a H. Mass of thanksgiving and was closed with a brotherly meal of the Brothers and Sisters of Charity. Maferland Kubhela
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Community of Blessed Anuarite GOMA
Two data marked the history of our community in its apostolic activities, viz. The Centre of Mental Health Care and the Centre for People with a Physical Disability: on 10 October and 11 November 2013 we celebrated both events with H. Mass and a logistic dimension in all its forms. Life in community with the newly arrived Brothers is going on well; everyone makes an effort to keep the harmony, a healthy environment, attention to the spiritual, community and apostolic dimensions. We welcome the Brothers who came to attend the commemorative ceremonies of our apostolic works, viz Brs Jean Salumu, the local superior of Bukavu, Br Innocent Tamfutu: local superior of Uvira, and Br Edward, the bursar of Shabunda. 10 October was a busy day for the Centre of Mental Health Care: we offered a Holy Mass of thanksgiving, presided by Rev. Fr. Lwanzo; then followed a workshop to exchange experiences among families of former and new patients and caregivers. All of them feel grateful for the work done by the Brothers of Charity in North Kivu Province; all feel relieved by our care, regardless of recidivism. They stressed the lack of attention to the violence of their milieu: they are molested, hit and treated as witches when they recidive. Through mutual consultation, the relatives proposed to found their own committee (cf. pictures 1 and 2: a brotherly meal, a glass of beer, sweeties for all patients in a musical atmosphere, with Br Cletus and other young Brothers). On 11 November we celebrated the golden jubilee of the Centre for People with a Physical Disability, as well as the feast of St Martin of Tours. Two conferences were given: Br Simon, the local superiors, talked about St Vincent de Paul; and Br Floribert, general director, hung up a picture of St Martin of Tours. Both Brothers urged us to imitate these great Saints to continue our apostolate in the spirit of P.J. Triest. Then followed H. Mass presided by the Bishop’s vicar general, Msgr ThÊophile Kaboyi. Thereafter several games were played, organized by the ITM stdents, by students of the School of Special Educations and of the School for Life, in the presence of guests who could not believe their eyes when they saw how our disabled students managed to organize it all. Bros Jean Salumu and Innocent Tamfutu represented the Brothers of Charity. H. Mass was sung by the choir of our co-workers; a special prayer was said on this occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Centre. The feast was concluded with eating, drinking and dancing (cf. pictures 3, 4 and 5).
Bro. William Mulenda
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u Blessed Isidore Bakanja Region KENYA / ETHIOPIA
saint GABRIEL COMMUNITY mekanisa On 11 November, St. Gabriel Community in Mekanisa received 5 new candidates, 2 Kenyans and 3 Ethiopians. We wish them well in their stay and more so as they follow the call of God to be Brothers especially in the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity. On 15 November, St. Gabriel Community in Mekanisa received Bro. Patrick Maloba back from Kenya. He had been away from Ethiopia to attend his graduation ceremony in Catholic University of Eastern AfricaTangaza College. Bro. Patrick graduated as Bachelor of Social Ministry. We applaud him with a vote of congratulations.
Fredrick Ozanam Community Gefersa On 13 November, Fr. Alloys from the Congregation of the Apostles of Jesus visited Frederick Ozanam community to bid them goodbye as he was leaving for Uganda for a new mission. On his departure he visited our patients in the Centre and he had a social moment with them. On 14 November, the Frederick Ozanam Community received a visit from Mrs. Mellat, a member of the board/NIHME and the pioneers of GMHRC. She was accompanied by Miss Iman, a public health officer, who currently resides in the USA. Miss Imam is interested to support GMHRC by giving different ideas, fund- raising, writing proposals for the new projects of GMHRC, sending volunteers from the US to our institution and to mobilize the Ethiopians who are in the Diaspora (US in particular) to support the works of the Brothers in the GMHRC. They appreciate the work and the apostolate done by the Brothers and they encouraged the Brothers to continue with the same spirit since a lot of change has been realized in the Centre.
received Bro. Erick Jeje who came back from his holidays in Congo. Bro. Erick is expected to resume his duties in the centre as soon as possible. We present him our condolences for he lost his beloved father who passed away last month and we continue to pray for the eternal rest of his soul. On 20 November, Frederick Ozanam community received Bro. Gerald, regional superior of BIB region. We all wish him a happy stay. On 29 November, Gefersa Mental Health Rehabilitation Center was honored by a surprise visit of the Minister of Health Care. In his address, he appreciated the work done by the Brothers at the center and he encouraged them to continue improving the quality life of the patients and the development of the center as a whole despite the challenges faced in changing the mentality and introducing a new management system at the center.
Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Community • Awassa From 23 to 25 November, the Miraculous Medal community of Awassa received the regional superior. During his visit he came to a resolution of transferring the new Brothers from Father Lievens Region to Kenya for the preparation of their studies. This has come as a result of the difficulty faced in getting student visas for them in Ethiopia. The Miraculous Medal community rejoices at the progress of the other Brothers. The local superior, Bro. Ambrose, has started his studies in the nearby Institution, while Bro. Charles of the same community has started his teaching practicum.
Bro. John Leo
On 19 November, Bro. Dawson Benguye reported to have started his academic classes in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
We are glad to send you some news after a period of silence due to the insecure politico-military crisis in our country since 24 March 2013.
On 19 November, Frederick Ozanam Community
Above all, we than the Lord for having spared our
ROL 158 - DECEMBER 2013 - p. 6 community any plunder and for the protection granted to all our Brothers, especially on 1 November and 5 December.
From 14 to 18 October we held a session on the integration of the interpostulancy and the official start of our formation programme of 2013-2014.
We thank Rev. Brother General and his Council for their support and prayers since the start of the disorders. We thank Br Jean Mbeshi in particular for his many phone calls and encouragement, as well as Br Paulin, the provincial superior, who mobilized all regions of our province to say special prayers to our intention. The list of all Brothers all over the globe who have shown solidarity with us is long. Thanks for helping our country to overcome this crisis.
On 16 October a thanksgiving Mass was celebrated in Bangui cathedral to thank God for all that the papal Nuntius, Mgr. Judeus Thadeus, means to the Church of Central Africa. In his homily he urged the bishops conference to continue the reforms to avoid the worse… The event was concluded with a family meal in his honour. The following day, before he left for America where he is now on a mission, he visited the interpostulancy to encourage and advise us to realize our dream to imitate Christ.
We give you the events of September, the month in which we were welcomed by the community of Bangui to start our postulancy. 15 September, anniversary of our local superior, Br Hubert. It was a sober celebration in a brotherly atmosphere. As it fell on a Sunday, we made a special intention during the Vespers to thank the Lord for the gift of our confrere. From 23 to 29 September the pastoral year 2013-2014 was launched in the archdiocese of Bangui; its central theme is, “the responsibility of the Christian faced with a crisis”. Our Lady of Fatima parish in Bangui was the cadre for all activities. Priests, religious and ecclesiastical delegates took part in it. As the number of guests was limited we participated in the opening day (24th Sept.) only. That day started with the Lauds followed by the opening speech of Mgr. Dieudonné Nzapalainga, Metropolitan op Bangui, with debate on the theme, “the biblical foundation of the politico-social engagement.” Br Emile Eloi represented our community and took part from the first to the final day. At dinner every evening he reported to us on the respective activities of the past day. On 5 October, Br Hubert was invited by the Lazarist Fr Etienne to participate in the commemorative H. Mass in honour of St Vincent de Paul, which should have been celebrated on 27 September, but had been postponed due to the opening of the pastoral year. The church was filled with member of the Society of St Vincent de Paul from the respective parishes of the Archdiocese of Bangui. Br Hubert was introduced to the audience by Fr Etienne, and interviewed by a few journalists at the end of H. Mass.
5 December will be indelibly printed on our nation’s memory when almost 400 people died in the confrontation between former rebels of the Seleka coalition and the anti-Balaka militia. Since then the inhabitants of Bangui have gone through a difficult time: no traffic, many people have fled their homes and have taken refuge in churches, mosques, etc. The preparation of our community for the visit of Brother General, the provincial superior of Africa and the regional superior of Congo on 10 December was in full swing, but alas after the incidents of Thursday, 5 December, the visit was cancelled. Finally, on behalf of our community, we want to avail ourselves of the opportunity to wish all Brothers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014!
Postulants Martial Senekkian and Herve Honore Kroquet
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SAN VICENTE DE PAUL granada The month of November is the time that we budget for 2014 – a new given because we received money from Canada for our apostolic works before. At present, as we have to try to collect money for them, we rely on Providence to help us bring to a good end what we have started. Our children’s school year ends at the close of November; therefore, there is a kind of end-of-year frenzy. On 30 November we celebrate parents’ day with an evaluation of the school results. On 26 November we held a diocesan meeting with CONFER of Granada. Forty religious, male and female, to elect the new management for the period of 2014 – 2017. At present, Father Valère from Belgium is visiting us. Mgr Bernard established the apostolice work, Jesus Amigo, but as he had to leave the diocese he asked Fr Valère to find a religious Congregation to continue the work of the bishop. That is why the Brothers of Charity settled in Nicaragua. Our benefactor, Fr Valère, follows up our work and pays us a visit every year so that he shares the ups and downs of the institute under the able leadership of Br Emmanuel. Blessed Advent wishes in preparation of a Merry Christmas.
Bro. Richard Bardier
PERU Our delegates to the provincial chapter (Bros Bernard Houle and Jimi) came back at the beginning of November with the news that we would celebrate the closing session of the regional chapter in January 2014. After the October rush for the production of turrones at the School for Life Bro. Bernard Boulay is now in full production of thousands of panetones for Christmas. If you buy more than 100 you pay nothing for delivery. Meanwhile our Comas community was two days without water.
We could not wait to celebrate the birthday of Bro. Johnny and we found motives to do it in advance at the end of November together with the family. He also celebrates his 50th year as a brother of charity. Bro. Jimi held his annual week of retreat at the usual convent of the Benedictines. He has to pay a visit to Ayacucho to meet the Director of the region’s Healthcare services and other administrative tasks. The Cepetri together with the schools enter in the holiday period. This is occasion to organize for December 1st a great fair and tombola that meet several needs such as fundraising and socialization. Ayacucho sends two representative teachers for the occasion. In Lima our student Hno Roli was elected representative of the students at his university and thanks to a modern mediatic virtual campaign on Facebook. Now rest to fulfil the promises…to organize a congress… Do you know that Lima is, after Cairo, the second city in the world built in a desert. This year it enjoyed every month some 10 to 30 earthquakes of magnitude 4 to 5.8
Bro. Donald Joyal
u Saint Anna Region CANADA
Rev. Fr. Johnny Apéstegui continues his function of counsellor for problem children at José Marti College. He is also involved in the most popular and important procession – « the Lord of Miracles » - where he carries the blessed image on the streets of Comas. Br Bernard Boulay his annual campaign of producing « turrones » at the the Escuela de Vida’s bakery. To a group of of the same school the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation were administered. On the sixth, the monthly recollection according to the usual programme took place : prayer, introduction to the topic, reflection, H.Mass, lunch in silence, adoration and conclusion in the form of a sharing of ideas. Both Brothers of Chacra Cerro joined Brs Jimi and Roli at the house of Lima for a joyful celebration of the arrival of Br Donald on 1st November. The three Brothers of the new vocation team have already had two meetings to relaunch the promotion.
ROL 158 - DECEMBER 2013 - p. 8 Fracarita-Peru Office, under the aegis of Br Jimi, are developing a common vision and a common strategy in cooperation with the co-workers while the three main apostolates of Peru (CePETri, Escuela de Vida and Psychiatric Centre Cosma) will make their services available not only in the spirit of Fr Triest, but also according to norms which will inspire confidence in sponsors, organisaties end het gouvernement. This has been made possible by the appointment of Br Jimi as chairman of the board of the three institutions. Fracarita can now rely on the collaboration of a Spanish NGO which will provide Cosma with medicine. Br Jimi had a second meeting with the COSMA personnel concerning the objectives of Fracarita; an aid programme for chronic patients was accepted for presentation to PAMS. Whereas CePeTri focused on the national day of the disabled by organising a picnic for the families, Cosmas concentrated on de international day of mental health by means of a great parade in the streets of Tambo, where a community banquet was offered as well as gratis consulations. A workshop led by Dr Caballero was held at the CePeTri for the families concerning the interpretation of the diagnoses of their children. Br Jimi is a member of the therapeutic council of Escuela de Vida. The Brothers and Associate Members held their regular retreat day during October.
3 November: Meeting of the provincial council. 5 November: Fr. Joseph moves to St Sulpice. 6 November: Fr. Marcel Delisle hospitalised. 10 November: Fr. Marcel Delisle goes to St Sulpice to convalesce. Since 10 November Br. Marcel Deslile has been at St Sulpice where he keeps well… remains independent, with surveiled walking. The environment seems to please him; he joins the community : meals, chapel, TV, etc, and keeps smiling. In short, the milieu is fine at present and he does not ask for a return! André Payeur is here (Coronet) since 11 o’clock. Tomorrow evening he will leave from Dorval for Brazil at 7.00 pm. Tomorrow morning the regional council gathers at St Sulpice. As it has customary, one or other Brother avails himself of the opportunity to move part of his « trousseau » there. After the meeting, Gaston will remain at the « chalet » till Sunday. We have just received the following information : Mrs Alfee Kaufman, estate agent, has informed us that the buyers of our house in Coronet are Messrs Garbarino and Trihey. Either of them will accompany the contractor for a visit to the site, having met Gaston.
Gilles went to St Sulpice for an antiflu vaccination; Pierre-Noel and Rolland René accompanied him. Gilles avails himself always of the opportunity to move a few « pieces» (furniture, files, books) to the place. On his return we will know more news about Marcel’s condition.
18 November 2013 Br Donald gave me the medicine which was missing on the doctor’s prescription : sincere thanks. I’ll be well off for at least a year. I had not taken the medicine for a month. Yesterday we had recollection day. Bros Roli and Donald participated in it. At present, Br Jimi is doing a retreat at the Benedictine monastery of Nana. He’ll be back today. Last year, Hirahoka bought 1600 small baskets from us. Let us hope they do so again this year. For this is very important for us. The production is in full swing and we have a good team at the bakery.
I am at AMINCIR for the archives; I’ve already filled four boxes this morning… to be burnt. I ask Bernard Houle how that’s done!
This year the Health Centre managed by SS. N.-D.-de-laPaix will celebrate its golden jubilee. They have ordered 200 small baskets for 9 December.
We appreciate very much the closeness of Maestro, an important ironworks, and of the Makro. There we find all foods at a reasonable price. I often go and do my errands there on foot.
10 november : Marcel Delisle dropped in at ICI (Coronet) yesterday; Léo Descheneaux drove him to St Sulpice where his condition will be evaluated and treated more efficiently than in Drummondville.
Bro. Jacques Bellemare
(it seems that my email address is not yet known very well.
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I regret to have to sell our house in Coronet, which was near to us; but one has to face reality and make the right decisions. BBT 22 November 2013 São Sebastião da Amoreira, Good day, My flight was excellent and I arrived home at 22.30 h as foreseen. Eric came to fetch me at the airport. Many thanks for the warm welcome in the cold temperature. I felt a small pinch in my heart when I left, knowing that I would not see back our house in Coronet; it was the first house where I stayed. Kind regards and unity of prayer.
Bro. André
Br Léo Deschenaux’s brother-in-law, Mr Claude Plante, died a sudden death last Monday during his class that started his work for the protection of the bushes. His death was probably due to an arterial rupture, all of a sudden and without suffering, and where he wanted it to happen at home, with his wife who had come to help out. Our condolences and prayers to our confrere and his relatives. Léo Descheneaux CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU, CANADA! Canada’s Disaster Assistance Response Team [=DART] arrived in the Philippine city of Iloilo Thurdsay morning to help Filipinos reeling from the devastating aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan. A Canadian C-17 transport landed on the island of Panay with the first wave of emergency responders on board. A second C-17 arrived in the next day or two. Then, there will be about 200 Canadians on the ground. Also Thursday, a Royal Canadian Air Force Challenger jet is taking a small group led by Afghan veteran Lt.Col. Walter Taylor to the region that the Red Cross, Oxfam and the Philippines government have said is in urgent need of assistance. “They will be able to assist governmental and non-governmental agencies in restoring essential services in the area,” he said.
Bro. Joel Ponsaran
u Formation House St. John Neumann Washington - USA
This month of November was celebrated with joy by Bro. Bill who had his birthday that marks his 72nd years young with 44 years in Religious life (Isn’t that amazing?). The community joined him with special prayers and later an outing to a restaurant for a delicious dinner. We also had the associate members in our community and as usual we had good time for sharing news but mostly the ongoing project of the new apostolate in Washington D.C. Best wishes for the New Year! Thanksgiving Holiday 2013 November 28th is the biggest family holiday in the US. The community in Washington, D.C for the first time celebrated THANKSGIVING day with a special dinner and as customary, a 16 pounds turkey was cooked with the collaboration of each brother in the community and since it was the first time to do such an exercise, we did some research online and of course YouTube video helped us to figure out how to harmonize our thanksgiving meal. Bro. William Riley
u House Sao José • Amoreira BRASIL The two-month holiday belongs to the past. I had to adapt to new situations in Belgium: My brothers and sisters-in-law were very hospitable, each of them at his own rhythm, job and lifestyle which are very diversified, different from the customs of my mother. In addition, I had not been living in a Brothers community for 30 years. The regular prayer moments were restful and I felt at home. Of course, this regularity was lacking at my brothers’ families, even with regard to meals. Ana Paula proposed to approach the works managers again to obtain their interest in our project for adolescents. To my great joy they lend us their full cooperation of the fazenda Cachoeira. They offered us immediately an apprentiship for two boys, with an option for a third one. This was a welcome affirmation of our past efforts in this respect. We selected seven adolescents to have them interviewed in the fazenda Cachoeira. They made our youths answer
ROL 158 - DECEMBER 2013 - p. 10 a lot of question and do some administrative tasks as if their business was in need of their help to survive. But all is well that ends well, for the managers decided to grant four adolescents an apprenticeship. This moved a number of parents to have their boys or girls registered for the professional project of our adolescents. The traditional rodeo took place last month. However, at the last moment a big investor decided to organize the rodeo again so that Amoreira can celebrate again.
He fenced in the terrain hermetically so that he could charge the visitors a higher entrance fee than before. Br André visited Canada for three weeks as a meeting of the local superiors was planned there. Such meetings are important for keeping the links between North and South alive and to pioneer new trails. He found it worthwhile to attend, but was in a hurry to return to his charges in Brazil, to the great pleasure of the youths.
Bro. Eric
international novitiate From 11 to 15 November, we had a whole day classes about the theological environment of the Bible; it was nice because the priest who taught us about that matter explained it in detail. At our sessions, Fr. Philip Ibasco explained both the Old and New Testaments, the Letters and the Books in the Bible and their background, but we did not finish it because we don’t have much time to explore more about it. Nevertheless, it will be continued next year, and we are still looking forward for that. We find it very important to discover more deeply the context of the Bible; however, we gained and learned knowledge; definitely we want to absorb more and to familiarize all the perspectives of the Bible. We give our special thanks to the Brothers (formaters) who had arranged the program. On 23rd of the same month, we celebrated the birthdays of our two novices namely; Barnabas (Vietnamese) and Gift Courage (Zambian). On this occasion the novices and the Brothers as well had prepared a short program as part of the merriment and it was done with fervent joy. Hence, we must thank the Lord for their presence here and for the gift of life that God has given them. May the good Lord protect them and their family as well. The last week of this month we gave special attention to the year of FAITH. The renewal of our baptismal promise was made. On 26 November, historical day of the Congregation Brothers of Charity, we held a special prayer service.
On 30th, great silence was observed as we began our monthly recollection. Thank you for reading our news. May God bless us always; keep smiling everyone as we walk along with our Lord Jesus Christ. Take care till we meet again. We wish you all a Blessed Advent… Novices Lucas Ezekiel Buregeya and Rey Montalban
u Rama Sandjaja Region INDONESIA
On 10 November, the Indonesian Associate Members had routine meeting for the months of October and November in Purworejo Community. New Candidate Associate Member Ms. Dini Handayani attended the meeting for the first time, joined the previous group of Ms. Benedicta Sri Setiayati and Ms. Theresia Sunni Sundari. Br. Peter Gordianus guided them to know more about our founder Peter Joseph Triest and our congregation. “Formation meeting programs” for Indonesia young Brothers is a routine program; it has been part of regional formation program as a realization of continued formation plan. On 8 December 2013 the meeting was held in Puworejo community and attended by most Indonesian young Brothers: Brs. Robert, Dismas, Rafael, Francis Danang, Vincent, Philip and Peter attende,
ROL 158 - DECEMBER 2013 - p. 11 whereas Br. John Baptista did not attend the meeting because he was pevented. Under the guidance of Br. Lucas Subiyatno our regional superior and chairmen of Pius Foundation, we considered the importance of the Pius and Karya Bakti Foundation to accommodate our apostolic works to the government regulations.
On 25 November, the Indonesian Government through Central Java Governor Mr. Ganjar Pranowo presented awards to all the students who won prizes of the Academic Olympic from different categories of schools both general and special education throughout the Central Java Province. We are very proud that among the students three of them are from the school Brothers of Charity, Don Bosco Wonosobo Institute for Mute and Deaf Children. They are Shaumadhani LP (15 years old) sixth grade elementary student, who got gold medal on Science Olympic, Nur Sahid (11) second grade elementary student who won a gold medal on Painting Olympic while Fathur Rozi (14) sixth grade elementary student got a silver medal on Mathematic Olympic. The Academic Olympic took place in Medan – North Sumatra Province from 16 to 20 November. The event was followed by various school throughout the country both general and special education school. During the award presentation; our students accompanied by the
director of the institution Mrs. Agnes Siti Saptaningsi had a chance to meet with Mr. Governor and they received an amount of money and scholarships for their further study.
Bro. Apolonaris Setara, F.C Formal Director of Drug Addict Rehabilitation Kunci - Yogyakarta took part in the meeting of the Indonesian Bishops Conference in Jakarta on 5 November. Indonesian Bishops Conference held its annual meeting of all the bishops around the country. This year the meeting focused on the topic “Politics and Drugs”. We hope that afterward they will publish an apostolic letter regarding politics in Indonesia before the general election 2014 in Indonesia. Kunci has been recognized by the Indonesian Social Minister as a model of Drugs Rehabilitation Center and it has been recommended to cooperate with the National Drugs Committee. For that reason the Indonesian Bishops Conference asked the Brothers of Charity, represented by Br. Apolonaris Setara, to talk about Drugs and the Importance of Rehabilitation Centers to work out with clients who are drug- addicted. During the session the Bishops also had occasion to hear the direct testimony of our formal drug-addicted clients.
Bro. Peter Gordianus
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u International Novitiate House Katugastota • SRI LANKA The month is going to end soon. Therefore, we would like to record all the activities in our community and happy to share with you all as sign of our unity. This month, we do not have so many activities: On 2nd November, we had monthly recollection and this time, theme was about “The Love of God”. We started the recollection day with the conference given by Bro. Victor Hugo at 9.00 am. Each member was invited to contemplate about God’s love in the line of our Founder; Father Triest witnessed the love of God. Thereafter, we had a silent adoration at 11.30 am where we gave our time to God, to feel His present love one again in our lives, to ponder ourselves and to fell our relationship with God and Lord Jesus Christ.
On 16th November, our community went for an outing in Trincomalee, the most province rich in tradition and nature. On the way to Trincomalee, we had our breakfast on the roadside, it was a nice place with fresh air and beautiful lake beside. By the time we arrived, we went to spend our togetherness on the Nilaveli beach. We spent some hours for swimming, playing games and moving along the beach. Afterwards, we had our lunch in Trincomalee city. We finished our outing by visiting the Hindu temple in Trincomalee where attracts many foreigners. We were all struck by how meticulously the temple designed with the art of all the statures and the building. We left the temple with a sense of admiration. Thank God for a safe and joyful outing. On 24th November, it was the solemnity of Christ the king as well as the last Sunday of the month, we sang in the parish for the invitation of the parish priest. It was an amazing moment. We sang with all our hearts and minds in the spirit of honour the kingship of Christ, the king of the universe. We were happy because we believe that we were able to create a new atmosphere of praying for those attended the Mass on that day. May Christ be always the king of every human being.
Then the program was followed by lunch. And the greatest moment of the day was the sharing of each one at 3.00 pm, where we could share our gratitude and what we had reflected. And then, finally, we ended up our blessing day gracious day through the Rosary with strong confidence in the intercession of Mary, our mother. We highly praised for everything
On the same day, during lunch, we organized birthday celebration for our beloved brothers: Bro. Janvier, Bro. Naman and Bro. Vijay. The celebration was well prepared by decorating, flower, birthday cake, food and wine and of course all the best to our brothers and their families. Together we thank God for the gift of life of each one and the shower of blessings in our lives. Bro. Janvier
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u Joseph Vaz Region SRI LANKA The regional chapter was held in Trincomalee, chaired by our provincial cum regional Reverend Brother Godfried, and all the members of the Congregation in the region attended from 1 to 3 October. The Brothers discussed and formulated all the motions brought up in the general chapter. Fracarita International organized a training session from 17 to 24 October. The Country Coordinators, regional superiors and the delegates from Asia participated in the Project Management Training. The key people of the Fracarita Organization delivered training sessions on various very useful and interesting topics, very essential for us to know and follow. The provincial chapter was also held in Sri Lanka for the regional superiors and the delegates from 28 to 30 October. The Provincial chaired the meetings, and the points formulated by the team will be presented by the Provincial in Rome. Bro. Wilfred Mariathas
From now on, Roma Online is sent in another digital way. If you know Brothers, associate members or sympathizers who do not receive Roma Online, please send their email address to Many thanks beforehand. The texts for the next Roma Online are expected to arrive here before 1 January 2014.
extra • extra • extra • extra • extra • Father P.J. Triest reburied On 25 November 2013 Fr Triest’s coffin was opened, controlled and reburied. This rather unusual event is part of the process of beatification which requires that before the closing of the diocesan process the grave of the servant of God must be opened to verify that the remains of the person in question are the real ones and to guarantee the preservation of the remains. At 1 o’clock pm the rerepresentatives of the Triest Congregations gathered at the burial chapel on the premises of the Sisters of Charity at Lovendegem, together with the members of the ecclesiastical tribunal, the Bishop of Ghent and the mayor of Lovendegem – thirty people in all. The exhumation was meant to happen in a closed circle. In the morning the tombstone had been taken away and the stone wall behind which the coffin lay had been cut away.. The moment was tense, and we were anxious to know what the coffin contained. Would there be a skeleton or just some bones left? What about the clothes in which
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Fr Triest had been buried? He had been buried in 1836 in the municipal cemetery around the parish church of Lovendegem, probably in a simple coffin. In his testament he had stipulated that he wanted to be buried there, his former parish: “Leaving my body to the consecrated earth to be buried in the churchyard of Lovendegem.” In 1844 the Sisters of Charity obtained permission to arrange their own cemetery, and when Mother Placida, the general superior, died that same year, the burial chapel was ready and consecrated the day before her burial so that her coffin could be buried there. Between 1880 and 1934 a law forbade to bury people in private ground. In 1902 the churchyard at Lovendegem was cleared and a new cemetery was taken up. The Sisters decided to exhume the remains of t our mutual Founder and put them in their own burial chapel. His coffin was put next to that of his successor, Canon De Decker. The present tombstone engraved by the Parmentier brothers in 1839 was preserved and attached to the wall of the parish church. The medallion presented Fr Triest without his medal so that it was added afterwards. The bas-relief shows a chalice, grapes and wheat stalks as symbols of the priesthood.
extra • extra • extra • extra • extra • Father Triest had been buried in the earth for more than 66 years; the exhumation and reburial has probably been done in haste and at night. How carefully had the operation been done? We would know so when the coffin was reopened.. When the tombstone had been taken away, it appeared tha the wooden coffin contained a lead casket. It seemed to guarantee us that the Triest’s remains had been preserved fairly well in spite of the high humidity of the crypt. Lifting both lead caskets was no sinecure; the funeral officers made a good job of it and showed great respect. The funeral director told me that he felt greatly honoured by being allowed to do the work, unique in his career. After the totally mouldered wooden coffin had been cleared the lead coffin was lifted. What struck the eye was that it measured about a metre in length; Triest’s remains had been put into it at random. After a prayer and blessing, the people in charge opened this coffin with much difficulty. It contained another casket, smaller than the other. It took some time to open it and the small casket was opened too. Everyone present
ROL 158 - DECEMBER 2013 - p. 15 could look into the casket: no skeleton was conserved, only some bones and decayed clothing like a piece of a shoe. Apparently, the remains had been exhumed in a hurry and put without verification or cleaning in the casket. I recognized pieces of the green chasuble which had been entrusted to the Triest Congregations in 1902 as first class relic together with a lock of hair. Thus we were confronted with the remains of our beloved Founder. It sent shivers through my spine, and probably through that of the other people present. The members of the tribunal among whom was an anatomist left for the mortuary to verify the remains, clean them and put them in a new coffin cautiously. At the same time relics would be given to the bishop, the three Triest Congregations, and to the Vatican in view of the hoped for beatification. Meanwhile we spent some time at the founding farm house of the Sisters of Charity; at 4 o’clock we were told to go to the parish church. There arrived the hearse with the new coffin at 4.30, which was carried in procession into the church. Father Triest’s remains, the former parish priest, were received with great honour. In silent devotion the remains were greeted and blessed; the record was signed by the members of
extra • extra • extra • extra • extra • the tribunal, the Bishop and the general superiors of the three Congregations; thereafter it was put into the coffin which was then closed and sealed. We returned in procession to the burial chapel where the coffin was put back in place: we saw the coffin disappear into the crypt just as we had seen the remains lifted from it a few hours before. We concluded the whole ceremony with a Salve Regina, feeling grateful, moved, intimately linked with our Founders but also with the many people who invoke him as their Founder and father. At present, the remaining bones are very fragile and limited in number. It could be that at the former exhumation only part of the skeleton was preserved, for no trace of the lower limbs was found. Parts of the cassock and chasuble are wonderfully well preserved, including the buttons and shoes. Of particular interest are the biretta and locks of hair which were put in the new coffin carefully as well.
ROL 158 - DECEMBER 2013 - p. 16 Father Triest’s remains rest again in the crypt; here and there his relics will get a place of honour and give rise to a veneration. For us who were privileged to attend the event, it meant a meditation on life and death, on the transience of life in the face of the mortal remains of man. I was also reminded of the small picture of Fr Triest in my office in Rome which bears the text: “In this picture you see the true image of mortal Triest, but who will succeed in reviving his virtues?” Indeed, on that day we saw the Triest, in his mortality, but we received the strong invitation to live and work in his spirit, and to take care that the poor, whom he called his best friends, enjoy a glimpse of God’s love. Bro. René Stockman, Vice-Postulator
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