ROL 153 - May 2013
ROMA ONLINE Brothers of Charity From the 16th of April, I was in Rome in order to preside the general council meeting. All the councillors were present and we had a very fruitful meeting. Also Brother Jean Mbeshi came to Rome and will stay here and he will become next to his function of general assistant regional coordinator for Fracarita Italy. Let us hope that we can find some funds in Italy in order to support our many projects worldwide.
Lat, where we were staying with the Bishop, was very fruitful and we hope to start there a new community. In the meantime, we had a celebration where Brother Joseph renewed his vows and Nicolao started again his probation time. We may be very proud of our Brothers who have been 10 years present in Vietnam and who have come to a turning point in starting a clear apostolate.
Finally we visited Pakistan, where we received the final profession of Brother Samuel and Brother Ameel, where NEWS FROM THE SUPERIOR GENERAL also Nahman started again his probation time and where we opened two hostels: in Gujrat and in Narowal. The next weeks I visited the United States, Vietnam We left on the day of the election, so the situation was not and Pakistan. In the United States I was together with so ideal to visit Pakistan. Brother Joel Ponsaran, the provincial superior and Brother Martin De Porres, the continental coordinator of On the 13nd of May, my birthday, I was the whole day Fracarita International. We visited together New York, in the hospital for some examinations; the following Philadelphia and Washington. In New York we had days I will be in Belgium and the Netherlands, before several meetings, also in the United Nations, in order returning to Rome on the 17th of May. I like to thank to start up our real presence as NGO with consultative the Brothers and friends who sent me their wishes at the status at the United Nations. In Philadephia we visited occasion of my birthday and a special thanks for their our Brothers and in Washington we had meetings in the prayers. Catholic University of America. We also made the clear plans to start up our office of Fracarita in Washington During the next period in Rome, we will participate in with Brother Martin De Porres as the coordinator. the anual meeting of the General Superiors. In Vietnam, that I visited together with Brother Godfried I wish you all a blessed feast of Pentecost! Bekaert, the provincial superior of Asia, we met all the Brothers, and we visited also some places where we are Bro. René Stockman, Superior General planning to establish a new Community. The visit to Da FRATELLI DELLA CARItà • Curia Generalizia • Via Giambattista Pagano 35 • 00167 Roma • Italia t. (+39) 06 66 04 901 • F. (+39) 06 66 31466 • Responsabile: Fr. Séraphin Tshijika Mbumba •
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NEWS FROM THE COMMUNITIES u CASA GENERALIZIA • ROME The Community started the month with a meeting as it is the case for every month, when every first Friday of the month the Brothers meet in the evening for a fraternal evaluation on the community and spirituality. The evening was opened and concluded by a prayer said by the superior. 2 April 2013, the community celebrated the birthday of Brother Floyd Kalyati (one of the four student Brothers). We thanked God for the gift of our Brother in the community and we prayed for his studies and for all those who contributed in one way or another to his life. 30 April, we commemorated the birthday of our Brother Superior John O’Shea (the General Bursar) ; the local counsel organized the celebration, in particular Brother Jean Baptiste, who acts as the assistant
superior of the house, prepared the card that the community offered to the Brother: expression of the fraternal love and gratefulness to Brother John who is always ready to serve. Brother was happy with the organization, and said in few words that he thanked God for the gift of every Brother in the community; he hoped to always see the presence of the Holy Spirit in the house. After his meeting with the Vicar and the Assistants General, Brother General Superior is out on his mission first to the United States, then to Asia. The community welcomed the first group of the General Superiors of the Sisters from Holland for their meeting which was held in May here in Rome.
Bro. Bienvenue Kiyombo
THE SUPERIOR GENERAL’S VISIT SCHEDULE 18 May: from Belgium to Rome with a meeting of the general superiors. 2 June: from Rome to Belgium, and the 4th leaving for Rwanda until the 11th of June for the training of the Fracarita coordinators. 13 June: from Belgium to Rome, for active participation in the congress of Catholic Health Care. 18 June: leaving for Indonesia for visits, retreat, etc.
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u MESSAGE FROM THE VICAR GENERAL BROTHER VICTOR HUGO Regarding the task that I have as General Assistant, I have done some work in Rome. Harmonization of the Congregation’s formation plan; we started for the novitiates because they are more fixed and they are only for houses. We are organizing the information in order to have a complete program with a summary and content; in this way it will be easier to compare the information of our two internationals novitiates for the first year, and also to evaluate and update it yearly. I’m working with Brothers Ghislain, Janvier, Deogratias. Also, the team of formators of Asia is preparing the information about it. I’m in contact through Facebook with some Brothers in charge of formation, and it is good because it gives me a better view and we can interchange ideas about formation.
SUPERVISION OF THE ASSOCIATE MEMBERS WORLDWIDE The associated members are, according to their statutes, believing Christians of all ranks of life who want to sanctify their lives by radicalizing their life’s mission by taking the charisma of Peter Joseph Triest as an inspirational starting point. As members of our Congregation, we have to care for their spiritual growth as well as we care for that our Brothers. So, I prepare a self-evaluation tool to help them to arrive at a personal program to work and to evaluate when they are applying for their promises. Now this tool is in the stage of translation in the three official languages of
the Congregation, namely English, French and Dutch before I send it to the regional superiors and Brothers in charge of associated members for its application.
SUPERVISION OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE AND ANIMATION IN THE CONGREGATION At this moment the regionals and provincials chapters are being organized so I’m waiting for their organization and start to work with them for the spiritual animation plan with the provincials and regionals superiors. Brother Victor Hugo Merino Conde
u REGION FATHER CONSTANT LIEVENS • INDIA SAINT JOHN DE BRITTO COMMUNITY SIVAGANGAI Greetings from the Brothers Saint John De Britto! 1st April 2013, we celebrated the birthday of our Brother Maria Johnson in Saint John De Britto community. 4th April, in the evening at Carmel Villa, the Brothers and Sister gather together for the Easter Celebration. 5th April, Father Cyril visits the Community and the Apostolate. He appreciated our Noble task. 12th April, we have our monthly recollection with reverend Father Maria Asir who came to give us some insights and we have had the chance to have confession and Holy Eucharist. 16th April, reverend Brother Aiswan Lakara visits our Community and we have had the renewal of promise of our Associate Member, Reverend Father Amalan during a celebration of the Holy Eucharist and then followed by
a lunch. On the same day, Brother Wilfred Swamynathan went to organize the regional chapter and also to discuss about other issues in Ranchi, Jharkhand. 17th April, reverend Brother Aiswan Lakara and reverend Brother Maria Johnson went to Ranchi Community in Jharkhand to attend the regional chapter meeting. We are happy to inform you that from 22nd April to 24th April 2013, the Indian Region had the Regional Chapter in Ranchi Community, in Jharkhand. 29th April, reverend Brother Sandeep and reverend Brother Julian went to Bangalore in order to attend a meeting: “New Evangelization in the year of Faith”, which was organized by Vincentian Family of India. On the same day we celebrated the birthday of Brother Sandeep George with a Holy Eucharist and festive meal. For us it was a time to thank God for his gift to our Congregation and we thanked Brother for his dedication and service.
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Greetings from Saint Guiseppe Moscati Psycho - Social Rehabilitation Center!
Greetings from Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Community, Calicut Kerala! May the Risen Lord Jesus Christ grant you love and peace!
The residents are keeping fine since it is the hot season, so we have indoor activities. Brother Sandeep George together with other Brothers organized all the activities in and out, and they are busy with some of the activities. 17th April 2013, the Rotary Club of Karaikudi, Sivagangai District, came to offer bed covers and food for the residents. 27th April, we had Family Meeting and many residents family came to attend the meeting. At this moment we have 16 residents and some of them went for home visit and Mr. Ganesan was discharged after two years of rehabilitation.
BLESSED KURIAKOSE ELIAS CHAVARA COMMUNITY - SIMALIA Greetings to all the Brothers, Associate Members and Co-workers! We attended the jubilee year celebration of Mother Teresa Brothers in Harmu on 8th April 2013. 16th April, we unexpectedly saw fire in our compound of which we didn’t know its source or origin. We therefore offered our excuses to the owners of neighbouring properties that were burnt. Sunday 21st April, all the Finance Committee members came together from all the houses of India, in Simalia School to talk about the new way of book keeping for our Region. From 22nd to 24th April, Brother Praful Surin and Brother Paul Lakra went to “Jharna” retreat house of Jesuit for the Regional Chapter in Namkum.
SAINT PETER’S SCHOOL - SiMALIA 18th April 2013, Mr. Prakash Goossens and Brother Wilfred Swamynathan, Regional Superior, visited our Community and had a meeting with all the Brothers, Staff members, and the Principal.
16th April 2013, reverend Brother Aiswan Lakra went to attend the renewal of the Associate member, Father Amalan Arockiam, in South India, Tamil Nadu. From 22nd April to 25th April, Brother Aiswan Lakra went to participe in the Regional meeting in Ranchi, Jharkhand. 19th April, Brother Praphupratap arrived safely in Kerala, Calicut to become member of the Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Community. Now we are four Brothers in our Community. The Spirit of our Founder Peter Joseph Triest is working through the Brothers in the Community.
JEEVAVIHAR COMMUNITY - CALICUT For the moment, we have 11 residents, in Jeevavihar. Four Brothers and co-workers are taking care of them. The residents are following the daily tasks and therapies according to their physical, mental, social and spiritual capacities.
SAINT ALPHONSA MUTTATHUDATHU COMMUNiTY - RANCHI 15th April 2013, Brother Prabhupratap left for Kerala Calicut to join the new Community of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. 17th April, Brother S. Wilfred, Regional Superior, arrived in Ranchi at Saint Alphonsa Community together with Mr. Prakash Goossens, responsible for International Fracarita, for a short visit to see the project in India; the following day, he left for Belgium. 20th April to 24th April, Brothers Aiswan Lakra, Suboth, Dayal and Maria Johnson attended the Regional Chapter Meeting in Namkum, Jharna. 26th April, Brother S. Wilfred, Regional Superior of India, left early morning for Tamil Nadu Saint John De Britto Community. On the same day, Brother Aiswan
ROL 153 - May 2013 - p. 5 Lakra left for Kerala Calicut and Brother Maria Johnson left for Tamil Nadu to Saint John De Britto Community.
PARAM MITRA SADAN COMMUNITY RANCHI In this month of April, we have 13 residents in our Half Way Home Centre, in Ranchi. 25thApril 2013, Dr Anil Kumar visits our residents for a consultation. Most of our residents are doing well and they are stable. 29th April, a team from Ranchi Institute of Neuro -Psychiatry and Allied Sciences came for monthly Inspection. They asked many questions about our Half way Home and gave the positive remark. 30th April, in the evening, our residents started the solemn procession and Rosary prayer in honour of our mother Mary together with the Brothers.
TRIEST HOUSE COMMUNITY - RANCHI We are almost keeping fine at present. Summer heat is increasing day by day.
Brother Alphonse is busy these days for vocation promotion. We have Holy Eucharist offered by Reverend Father Odil Tete SDB, on the 2nd of April in the evening, after that there was a fellowship meal. Brother Prabhu Pratap Barjo visits us, on 11th April 2013, before leaving for Calicut – Kerala. 12th April, Brother Alphones Kujur had gone to Ambikapur for recruiting; he met with some young boys who are willing to join the Congregation. Let us pray and hope that many young boys may come to join us. 17th April, Brother Praween went together with Brother Praful and Brother Subodh to Ranchi’ airport to welcome Brother Swamynathan Wilfred, Regional Superior, and Mr. Prakash Goossens. From 22th April to 24th April, Brother Praween attended the Regional Chapter meeting which was held in the of Spirituality Centre Jharna Namkum. 28th April, the Brothers were invited to celebrate the feast of St Grignion de Montfort by the Brothers of Saint Aloysius Community, Dr. Camil Bulcke Path Ranchi in the evening.
u SACRED Heart region • PHILIPPINES OUR LADY OF FATIMA COMMUNITY BICOL Thursday, April 4, 2013, around 7:00, an unexpected car accident happened, where there was a staff member involved; fortunately, there was no serious damage. And at 2:00pm, the Tabaco fire brigade came to the rescue. 23th April 2013, Brother Edcel Lacierda, superior region, visits two Communities, Our Lady of the Rosary (Manila) and Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Baguio).
HOLY FACE REHABILITATION CENTER FOR MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE From 14th to 19th April 2013, the residents’ vacation for the staff deve-
lopment was enjoyed; it is to break the routine of daily activities within the center for the Brothers of Charity and Staff of the center, in Matnog, Sorsogon. Everybody enjoyed swimming under the sun, visiting nice places in Matnog, and afterwards went back home safe and sound. They return in the center on the 22th April 2013. 26th April, the residents had an outing to Dream Land Beach Resort in Bacacay Albay. They enjoyed swimming and eating. This was a refreshing/swimming therapy for the residents. Brother Albert Belibor
Dear Brothers, Associate Members and Friends, Warm greetings to you all from the International Formation House in Philippines. We are very glad to share our Community news update. We all are keeping fine by the grace of God. 18th March 2013, we had the opening ceremony in the International Postulancy. We were14 postulants present during the ceremony. Brothers Isidore and Jesus welcomed the postulants at the International postulancy and explained the rules and regulations of the house. They also gave the orientation of the house and surroundings of Tabiguian, Tabaco City for a week. 1st April 2013, we started classes as part of our formation. We
ROL 153 - May 2013 - p. 6 learned psychology of self-knowing ourselves, who we are, how to relate to others and the liturgy of the hours (prayer life and Sacraments). 10th April, we welcomed a Filipino postulant and Brother Damian to the Community and we had a party for the occasion.
13th April, we have our first Community meeting. Brother Isidore reminds us all about rules and regulations during our postulancy. 19th April, postulant Mark, from Sri Lanka, arrived at our Community; he was accompanied by Brother Clement.
20th April, we enjoy the Community outing, thanks to our formators. We went to one of the islands, called Saint Michael. We enjoyed the place and the swimming. 27th April, we have our monthly recollection given by Father Junvic. Postulant Barnabas
During the visit of Brother General and Brother provincial to Vietnam we have had the opportunity to celebrate some important events. We congratulate the Brothers and 19th April 2013, Brother James from China went to his new pray for them and the region of Pakistan. Community in Ja-Ella after two weeks in our center with patients; we feel much gratitude to Brother James for the Center through his commitment for the few days he stayed with patients. 20th April, the wedding house was completed paint, thankful to the superior and direct of the Center, Brother Lawrence Packiam, for making things in order. 24th April, holiday day, Pre-school Le Cheile had shown some of the demonstrations learned in class with their teachers before their parents in the Center and they had spent the whole day with Brother Romain in the center. The parents were very happy to see how their children grow in in- 7 May 2013, Gujrat in Our Lady of the Holy Rosary telligent and morality. Few days past, the regional superior, Community Brother Stan, visited the Pre-School Le Cheile and noticed - Final vows of Brother Ameel ANJUM & Brother Samuel that the children still need much educational material clas- Yaqub sics to put them on the level of modern learning. - Oblation (probation period): Brother Naman Gill 28th April, the members of Legion of Mary came to visit the - Inauguration of Holy Rosary Boys Hostel by Bishop Rupatients in our center; they prayed and sung together with all fin Anthony (Rawalpindi Diocese) the members of the center. Brother Lawrence, the superior of the Community, thanked them in the name of the center for their kindness and said: “It is not all people who still have thet heart to spend only some time just to visit patients and to give them hope that they are not alone.” 30th April, the Center had birthday’s celebration of the superior and direct, Brother Lawrence Packiam, all the patients, co-workers, Brothers wished him a long life and prayed for him to continue with the same heart and spirit, serving God through others. 2nd May, the chapel inside the center was rebuilt and soon the Priest will come to bless it, the Brothers and patients will 10 May, Narowal – Saint-Francis-Xavier Community use it for office and prayers. Many thanks to the superior and - First promise associate member: dr Fahkar Nazar director of the center, Brother Lawrence Packiam, for his - Inauguration of Saint-Raphael Boys Hostel by Bishop motivation and zeal to the work of God. Benjamin Shaw (Lahore Diocese) Brother Romain-Lwamba Brother Stan
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blessed andre phu yen Viet Nam 22nd April 2013, we welcomed Brother Godfried Bekaert, provincial superior and Brother Stan, regional superior. 29th April, we welcomed Brother René Stockman, General Superior, who visited Viet Nam. There are a lot of changes which will be a turning point in the history of the Brothers of Charity in Viet Nam such as, on 1st May, we visited the Bishop of the Diocese in Da Lat to asked permission to establish more communities in his diocese. At Bao Loc town – Lam Dong Province, we will start the rehabilitation center for chronic mental patients in the land which is donated by Mr. Long, who is our benefactor in Lam Dong. We encourage Brother Joseph Son and Brother Nicolao to prepare this apostolate,
so that we can start before the end of 2013. Meanwhile we will try to set up the community at this center. With the start of new communities in Lam Dong province and in order to save money, we need Brothers to go to Lam Dong. The community of Andre Phu Yen will be closed and members will join the Lavang community before the end of the year. For the apostolate at Lavang community, we will open a day care centre for autistic children and others disabled people. We ask Brothers Emmanuel and Dominic Savio to prepare and to start this apostolate. On the occasion of the visit of Brother General and other Brothers, we had some events on 4th May. We held a Eucharistic celebration and shared a meal with the Sisters and friends who have helped us for the past 10 years of the Brothers of Charity in Viet Nam. On the same day, Brother General received Brother
Nicolao as novice on probation and the renewal of vows of Brother Joseph Son for 2 years. For the last day of Brother General’s visit, he had a meeting with all the Brothers and encouraging them. He emphasized four points during the meeting: • Thanksgiving to God for the Brothers of Charity present in Viet Nam and who are living the charisma of Father Triest in the Communities. • Quality of life through contemplative life throughout daily life. Brothers of Charity should be faithful to the prayer life which is the foundation of religious life. • To take care of the community life of each Brother by understanding, listening and forgiving. To help and to support each Brother to grow in community life. • For the future plan of apostolate in Lavang Community and in Lam Dong province. Brother Ignasio Vu Sang
u ST. AUGUSTINE PROVINCE COMMUNITY OF THE HOLY BAKHITA YAMOUSSOUKRO • IVORY COAST 5th April, Brother Stanislaus and Mr. Gerard Yeo, the ergotherapist in our hospital, went to Abidjan, to participate in a training session on setting up and managing projects, which lasted from 07.04 to 12.04 at the center Saint John Eudes. And we hope that this will allow us through them, to develop better the various projects we undertake for our patients. 13th April, the psychiatric home Saint Vincent de Paul was visited by the “Jeune Chambre I nt e r n at i o n a l”, JCI, that came to visit the hospital and the patients, they make a significant donation of food and non-food for the patients; Brother Director took the opportunity to
thank and show gratitude at this great act of generosity, and took the opportunity to explain to them the work that the Brothers are cutting down through the patients in our hospital. After the ceremony gifts and guided visit to the hospital, a cocktail was offered to everyone who attended the ceremony in the refectory of the community. 20th April, the community has received the visit of the catechumens of Saint Augustine Cathedral, who had come to visit the community accompanied by the Sisters of the Holy Family Congregation and their catechist. They donated to the community and also to the patients as an expression of their efforts of Lent. The community was happy and Brother superior thanked them saying : “When you give, it is the intention which is to be considered and not the quality of donations and it is more blessed to give than to receive.” And the group enjoyed the hospitality of the community; and made a tour with Brother Stanislaus to visit the Hospital. 21th April, the fourth Sunday of Easter, that is the Sunday of Good Shepherd and also the World Day of Vocations. The Community was involved because it is on this day that the various Congregations went to meet the young who seek their vocation, to discover their charisma and their spirituality. The Brothers of Charity didn’t make
ROL 153 - May 2013 - p. 8 exception. Brother Félicien, superior of the community and Brother Donatien Dejoie went to meet with the young from the parish of Saint-Felix. Brother Félicien presented to them the Congregation, the charisma and the spirituality, and there was a friendly exchange with the young people; meanwhile, Brother Stanislas, held a conference on the vocation at the parish SainteMonique, our parish. In the afternoon at 15:00, we went to the center of the diocesan to meet with the youth and to talk about the Congregation in order to generate new vocations to the Congregation, the pamphlets of the Congregation were distributed to the participants, seen in order to know more about the Brothers of Charity. It was a day full of experiences and sharing. 1st May 2013, the feast of Saint-Joseph the worker and feast of work, our home care of psychiatric St Vincent de Paul organized a Mass of thanksgiving in the chapel of the community in which all the coworkers participated actively as well as in the practical organization. At the
end of the Mass, a fraternal meal was offered to share the joy of the day. 4th May, a group of Catholic students from the Institute National Polytechnic HouphouetBoigny (INPH) visited our psychiatric hospital and made donations of food and non-food to the patients. Brother Director thanked them for the occasion and especially for their generosity. 7th May, Brother Félicien, superior of the community, left Abidjan for Yamoussoukro to do some shopping for the hospital. He was accompanied by two patients who returned to their families after a long stay in the hospital. He took the opportunity of this visit to complete formalities for his trip to Nairobi, Kenya, where he will participate in the provincial council, which takes place from 12 May to 19 May. From there, he will go to Kigali, Rwanda for the training of “Fracarita International” which begins on 27 May and ends on 07 June 2013. Brother Donatien Dejoie Mawaya
u SAINT ANNE REGION • CANADA pourApril ROMA on April, LINE, de la Région On 13th April 2013, our chaplain, Article From 17th to 18th Brothers Poulin.Ste-Anne Place: Church of Our Lady of Father Tiburcio Fernandez, left aumônier for Gaston Jacques to St Alphonse the sma, Field est “Notre-Dame-des-Champs 13 avril:sma, Notre duand lundi, le went P. Tiburce Fernandez, parti pour Rome où de il Rome where he arrived 6. Hedernier. (chalet). was au stillChapitre snow. Much Repentigny.du Canada. arrivaitonleApril 6 avril Il yThere participe général,Repentigny” à titre deofProvincial participates in theC'était, GeneralceChapter, as son work outside: cleaning the grounds, 13 avril, anniversaire de naissance. Il a d'abord été impressionné par le Pape Provincial of Canada. It was his scraping,Lesawing, minor 2013,son we celebrate 81 years François, etbirthday. on le comprend! 20 avril, sa repairs, Sociétégeneral (SMA) a1st éluMay ce jour nouveauthe Supérieur général en laFrancis, personnecleanliness. du P. Fachtna quido.était jusque là, leOrigen, Provincial d'Irlande. Il He was first impressed by Pope In short:O'Driscoll something to of Brother our nurse in Saintremplace confrère and we understand! On 20thJean-Marie April, his Guillaume d'Alsace. Le 3 mai, il nous informe Sulpice que (Massle and meal)!quiHeestisvenu also avecthe luinew à Rome (François élu conseiller nous encouncillor. réjouissons: le society (ADM) elected Superior 19th Gnonhossou) April, Brother estGaston goes on général. superiorNous and regional P. Tiburce nous who reviendra! General, Father Fachtna O’Driscoll, a spiritual retreat in Ireland. Recluses, was, previously the13 Provincial “field”Jacques decor avril: ofAnniversaire du in Frère He replaces Jean-Marie Guillaume proper for praising the Bellemare. Vu qu'il était en retraite le 31 mars, d’Alsace. On 3th on May,a retardé he informed us Creator. Our confrere was de le souligner. that the confrere who came with him to particularly delighted with 15-19 avril: Cette semaine, les vérificateurs Rome (Francis Gnonhossou) was elected the opportunity to get very d'une firme reconnue sont venus nos general councillor. We welcomed Father close to deer ausculter and cardinals. livres comptables. Tiburce on his return. 23th April,de Meeting our 16 avril: Réunion/atelier la atCRC 13 April, Birthday(conférence of Brother religieuse Jacques place for the Sisters Grises canadienne) à l'Oratoire Bellemare. Since St-Joseph. he was on Fr. a retreat & Gratton, Gaston Paquet y prendaccounting: part. on 31th March, we delayed the skills that will help us in 17 et 18 avril: FF. Gaston et Jacques se rendent à St-Alphonse (chalet). Il y a encore de la neige. announcement. management, and at less cost! Ce séjour se répétera du 25 au 17 avril et du 1er au 3 mai. Beaucoup de travail à l'extérieur: 4 May, we have a special intention in propreté du terrain, raclage, sciage, réparations mineures, propreté générale. En somme: de quoi 15th April to 19th April, the auditors 26th April, we celebrated at Saint-Sulpice, our liturgical prayer for Brother André s'occuper. of a firm recognized came to check the the 83-year-old Brother Jean-Marie Nadeau [Philadelphia] who turned 57. 19 avril: Fr. Gaston s'en va en retraite spirituelle chez les Recluses, dans un décor "champêtre" accounts. Laliberté. Three Brothers of Saint-Vincent bien propre à louanger le Créateur. Notre confrère a notamment été ravi de la possibilité de VOIR 16th April, meeting and workshop of represented us. 5 May, ceremony of “blessing” of de très près chevreuils et cardinaux. CRC, (Canadian Religious Conference), MUSTANGS (cars “racy” sports) at the Rencontre defuneral SœursofGrises & Mme Gratton, comptables: ce show and ... quite at the Oratory of23Stavril: Joseph’s; Brother chez 27thnous April, Jean-René Pradet, Oratory. Spectacular sont des qui dans la et à moindre coût! Gaston Package took part in compétences it. 102 nous yearsaideront old, Brother in gestion, law of our some noise! Provincial Jean-Marie 26 avril: On souligneformer à St-Sulpice les Superior 83 ans du Fr. Jean-Marie Laliberté. 3 confrères de St-Vincent nous représentent.
es Recluses, dans un décor "champêtre" mment été ravi de la possibilité de VOIR
Gratton, 7th comptables: May, We cedo t à moindre coût!that our not forget confrereLaliberté. Richard ean-Marie 3 Bardier is 71 years old today! s, beau-frère de notre N.-D.-des-Champs 14th May, de The
enthronement at the Pantheon (the81fifth) mai: On fête les ans du Fr. Origène o of people from the College Saint-Bernard (messe et tre infirmier N 1 à St-Sulpice
pas)! Il est aussi Supérieur et conseiller gional.The Pantheon of the College Saint-Bernard wants to highlight the achievements of mai: its nous avons une intention former students, graduates spéciale and staff. ns notre prière liturgique pour Fr.generate, André Beyond the recognition they deau the winners [Philadelphie] qui atteint of the Pantheon are also role intenant 57 for ans.our students who now make models educationde at the College. mai: their Cérémonie "bénédiction" des ever in 2013, College staff tacleMore haut than en couleurs et enthe …bruit! contributes, through professionalism and warm leadership provided, engaging each student and to feed his passions. Transcendence, kindness, discipline, perseverance, and these values, again shared by the Brothers of Charity, are still alive and well in college. That’s why the famous Pantheon celebrate foremost “human achievement” in the noblest sense.
Ce séjour se répétera du 25 au 17 avril et du 1 au 3 propreté du terrain, raclage, sciage, réparations mineure ROL 153 - May 2013 - p. 9 s'occuper. 19 Fr. Gaston s'en vauncle en had retraite spirituelle chez been a Brother of Charity), Thisavril: year, among the 10 “elected and Luc Sylvain, 1971-1975 Program representatives” Paul-André bien propre àFather louanger le Créateur. Notre confrère a nota Cournoyer [1963-1964, and religious Coordinator-Football/ studies at College de très près chevreuils et cardinaux. education at CBS from 1981 to 1992)] Saint-Bernard.
and Father Guylain Prince, OFM, in 23 avril: Rencontre chez nous de Sœurs Grises & Mme 1976-1981. The first is Priest in charge of Visitors: We are told, for “any week of sont des compétences qui dans la Spanish gestion, June”, aideront the visit of two students five parishes (diocese of Nicolet) and the nous second is at the service of the ministry
priests in Washington, of whom one is
26 avril: les“our” 83chaplain. ans du a PhD student and TheyFr. (including the On music souligne [the “label” of à his St-Sulpice willreprésentent. stay with us and they will offer the records and INTER-CD] and preaching, confrères de St-Vincent nous including the Sanctuary “Notre-Dame- daily service of the Eucharist. After this
week, they will continue their visit to du-Champ”. 27 avril: funérailles de M. Jean-René Pradet, 102 a To these two, I add a member of “Cirque “Canada” [and Quebec, hopefully!]. ancien Jean-Marie Poulin. Lieu: Églis du Soleil” Sup. [Bernardprovincial Petiot: 1967-1970], Brother Jacques Bellemare a former Chairman of the Board of Repentigny. CBS Marc Boisselle, 1971-1976 (his late
1 n re ré
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5 MUSTANGS (autos "racées" sportives) à l'Oratoire. Spe
u BLESSED ISIDORE BAKANJA REGION • KENYA / ETHIOPIA Beloved Brothers and dear Associate Members in Christ; we, Brothers from Blessed Isidore Bakanja, Kenya/ Ethiopia region send you warm greetings. On 4th Mars 2013, the Community of Frederick Ozanam in Gefersa received Brother Evarist who is assigned to do service in the Gefersa Mental Health Rehabilitation Centre (GMHRC): he will be in the medical department. The Community of Blessed Ozanam is happy to welcome Ms Veerle, who is a psychiatric nurse from Belgium and has come to offer her services to the people of Gefersa more so within the Institution. She will stay with us for a couple of months. On 9th April 2013, we received our new Brother John Leo who is assigned in GMHRC for his apostolic mission. We wish him well. On the same day, we received Brother Nepo, the superior of the Scholasticate Nairobi, who stayed with us for a couple of days as he was attending the Regional Council and the Regional Chapter meetings.
On the 14th April, in the evening, the Kenya/ Ethiopia region converged at the Lazarist provincial house for the Regional Chapter. The six day assembly was conducted by the Regional Superior, Brother Gerald, as the Chapter reflected on the different themes and motions of the General Chapter 2012. On the final day, we received a reflection on leadership given by Brother Nepo: the content of leadership entails serving others, listening, understanding, hearing, awareness, commitment to others’ growth etc. According to his reflection, leadership ought to have a clear way of thinking, an appropriate school of thought (paradigm), that can be projected to support and to deliver life. In his final word, Brother Regional Superior invited all the Brothers and the entire region to show commitment in each and everything we do for the betterment of our Apostolic Mission.
ROL 153 - May 2013 - p. 10 On the 20th April, the team of the Regional Chapter together with other Brothers, our patients, the youths, candidates and the co-workers gathered after the regional chapter at Saint-Gabriel Community in Addis Ababa for ‘Bunna’ celebration, coffee celebration as known to the Ethiopian culture On 21st April, the team of the regional chapter together with the other Brothers paid a courtesy visit to the Archbishop of Ethiopia His Grace, Birhn Yesus. It was a joyful moment to be together with him as he shared his gratitude and happiness to the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity, regarding our mission in Ethiopia and more so in Gefersa. On 22nd April, Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Community of Awassa, received the Regional Superior accompanied by the designated local superior Brother Ambrose and three other Brothers Nepo, Kelvin and Bernard the local Superior of St Gabriel Community, Addis Ababa. On the 23rd April, morning, the Community of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, as a family visited the Bishop of Awassa in his office, where they discussed a number of issues; it was a blessing to them as the Bishop was introduced to other visiting Brothers. On the same day, in the evening during vespers (evening prayer), Brother Regional Superior installed officially
Brother Ambrose as the local superior of the community of our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, the Bishop too was invited to the ceremony. The Bishop expressed his joy of having the Brothers of Charity in his diocese, and he is overwhelmed with our apostolic mission in Ethiopia. On 24th April, the three Brothers, Nepo, Kelvin and Bernard left for Addis Ababa, leaving behind Brother Regional Superior in Awassa, who later joined the Community of St Gabriel on the 27th April, where he met our prospective candidates On the Sunday of 28th April, our Brothers from Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Community participated in the Palm Sunday and Charisma Mass for all Priests, Religious Brothers and Sisters in the Awassa Diocese. On 27th April, the Community of St Gabriel in Addis Ababa accompanied the two candidates, Elias Abute and Adimassu Johannes, who graduated and are now holders of a Diploma in Community Development – Congratulations! The other five candidates are expected to graduate soon. This now allows them to have enough time to concentrate on their discernment as they will realize their vocation of becoming Brothers of Charity. With the increase in vocations, we have hope for the future. We thank the Regional Superior for his support in this as he was in attendance Brother Gerard
u OUR LADY OF AFRICA REGION • CONGO The news of Our Lady of Africa region (D. R. Congo) for the month of April 2013 is dominated by the great movement of the Brothers, but also by the two partners from Belgium, who founded the home of St Augustine Community in Kinshasa, the Regionalate of DR Congo. Brother John Mbeshi, Assistant General, moved to Rome where, in accordance with resolutions of the XXII General Chapter held in Rome in May 2012, he became a permanent resident. Until then, Brother John had been living halfway between Rome and Goma when it came to appoint Brother Floribert as director of the Centre. 15th April 2013, all newly professed that the region had the joy to welcome since 2nd March returned from family holidays and started their apostolate, as Brothers of Charity, each in the Community where he was appointed: Brother Eric IMANI in Saint-Augustin/ Kinshasa, Brother Henri NGOYI in Saint-Michael/ Mapangu, Brother Jean-Marie CIZA in Saint-Gabriel/
Nioki, Brother Nicola MATAMBA in Saint-Bernard/ Lubumbashi, Brother Simplice MOSANDA in SaintVincent De Paul/ Kananga, Brothers Yves MASASA and Joseph KAFINDO in Saint-Francis Xavier/ Lusambo, Brother Pascal BARAGATAin Saint-Ambroise/ Kabinda, Brother Augustine TSHIMANGA in Blessed Anuarite/ Goma, Brothers Marcel MPANYA and André LUASU in Our Lady of Peace/ Bukavu and finally Brother Edouard CHIPIMO in Saint-Raphael/ Shabunda. We wish them all a happy religious life and a long and fruitful apostolate. Meanwhile, Brother Theodore NKONDO returned to his family after the decree exclaustration taken against him by the General Council, while Brother Moses BIRINGAMINE was accepted to start his apostolic experience in the community of SaintMichael of MAPANGU after submitting his request for reinstatement. For his part, Brother Joseph SHAKO finally left for Saint-Damien in Bangui, his new community,
ROL 153 - May 2013 - p. 11 after several delays due to political instability in the Central African Republic. Finally, in addition to the Brothers, we also welcomed Mr Ornelis André and Dr. De Smet Eric, both from Belgium,
the first for an assessment mission to the pedagogy of the Brothers of Charity in schools in Kabinda and the second to install the EEG that he brought to Lusanga/ Kikwit. Bro. Maferland Kubhela
u SAN MARTIN DE PORRES REGION • PERU From April 1sr to 15th 2013, our Regional Superior, Brother Richard Bardier, together with Brother Emmanuel came from Nicaragua to Peru to attend our regional Chapter which took place on Saturday, 6th to Sunday 7th April. On Sunday, our six Associate Members shared with the Brother this gathering. Brother Richard together with the Regional Council got a meeting and took the time to visit our institutions in Comas and in Ayacucho, and had a reflection with our co-workers.
COMMUNITY FATHER TRIEST – AYACUCHO Brother Bernard Houle is alone this time; he organized the first meeting for the seven candidates Associate Members in order to start their formation. He came to Lima the last week of April for his ten days of annual retreat at the Jesuit’s house.
COMMUNITY SAINT MARTIN DE PORRES – LIMA Brother Roli continues his lesson at the university; the first week of May he got a middle semester examination. Brother Jimi continues working in order to organize Fracarita Peru’s office; he got some medication for Ayacucho and he held a meeting with Dr. Herrera to study a strategy for setting up a program to prevent suicide in order to look for means for Ayacucho. He also animated the meeting on Saturday 6th May for the
Associate Members: “Father Triest and two dimensions of life”.
COMMUNITY SAINT JOHN MASIAS – COMAS Brother Johnny received the visit of his older Brother and his family from USA. Brother Bernard Boulay is fully involved in the spiritual animation of the residents of the Rehabilitation Centre “Escuela de Vida”, and creation of a good environment. Brother Jimi Huayta, fc
NEWS FROM OUR INSTITUtIONS: COSMA – SPECIALIZED MENTAL HEALTH CENTER The remodeling of a new environment for the Rehabilitation Department for our chronic patients is finished. Our psychiatric Dr. Romero participated in the “IV Regional Congress of Psychology” as speaker. The team of the Rehabilitation, travel to Lima to be part of the seminary of Systemic Family Therapy. The nurses Nory, Beatriz, Gisela and Tania received extra training as reward for their dedication to the clinical department. A new committee among the co-workers was elected for the period 2013. Mgr. Salvador Piñeiro celebrated Holy Mass at COSMA for the visit of our Regional Council to Ayacucho. Ms Cristina de la Cruz
CEPETRI – SPECIAL EDUCATION SCHOOL The training for the families continues. During the month of April the training in the classrooms, parents and their children together, was organized. also the parents received extra sessions after classes. The co-workers organized the birthday celebration and also a sharing on 30th April as it was Psychologist’s Day. Tuesday 16th April, we were honored by the visit of Mr. Dulanto, a coordinator of the Local Direction of Education, who took information about our students who are in the inclusion program. On 18th April, we received a representative of Comas’ Municipal Office for People with Disabilities to promote a Campaign to bring Free Disabilities Certificate. Mr.Juan Jose Flores
ROL 153 - May 2013 - p. 12
u OUR LADY OF CHARITY REGION • USA Associate Members in the USA held their joint meeting in Philadelphia on March 24, 2013. Our associates meet twice each year which includes members from Washington DC and Philadelphia PA, and this time also included two candidates for associate membership. The regional superior, Brother John, facilitated this meeting which reviewed the discussions and motions of the General Chapter of 2012. Mr. Tom McFarlane was the representative from the associates of Our Lady of Guadalupe Province at that General Chapter. Since this meeting, the members are now prepared to further discuss actions points that will follow. It was also a good opportunity for the Brothers in the Triest Hall community to meet the associate members again, and also for the intellectually disabled residents to meet them as well.
the local hockey team. Brother Denis assists full-time in our apostolate for ID men at Triest Hall in Philadelphia. Brother Aurel Valdrez is busy preparing the soil for the planting of the vegetable garden at Triest Hall in Philadelphia. We expect that with the Lord’s help, we will see the fruits of his labor in July. Brother John J. Fitzgerald
Later, on April 26th 2013, the associate members from Washington DC were also present for the installation of Brother Joel Ponsaran as provincial superior in the Community chapel in Washington. It was also opportunity to share a meal and conversation with the Superior Associate Members in the USA heldBoard their joint mee Brother Michael Lonsway represents the Brothers of Charity on the of Dire General, Brother Rene Stockman, who was visiting the Our associates meet twice each year which include Saint Vincent Mission in David, KY and recently attended a meeting of the finan United States at that time. On the same occasion, thanks Philadelphia PA, and this time also included two ca committee and the general board in David. The Mission was founded by the late B regional was offered to Brother Donald Joyal, former Provincial th superior, Brother John, facilitated this mee anniversary summer in July. Matthew Burns in 1968; it celebrates its 45 Associate Philadelphia onthis March 2013. of the General Chapter of24, 2012. Mr. Tom M Superior. Members in the USA held their joint meeting inmotions
associates of Our Lady of Guadalupe Our associates meet twice each year which includes members from Washington DC Province and at th the members are now prepared to further discuss ac Brother Michael Lonsway represents the Brothers of Charity two candidates for associate membership. The Philadelphia PA, and this time also included good opportunity for the Brothers in the Triest Hall on the Board of Directors for Saint Vincent Mission in members again, and the also discussions for the intellectually regional superior, Brother John, facilitated this meeting which reviewed anddisab David, KY and recently attended a meeting of the financial motions Chapter of Michael 2012. Mr. Tomrepresents McFarlane was the representative from the committee of andthe theGeneral general board inBrother David. The Mission Lonsway the Brothers of Charity on the Board of Directo SaintBurns Vincent Mission KY and recently attended a meeting of the financial was founded by lateLady BrotherofMatthew inProvince 1968; it inatDavid, associates of the Our Guadalupe that General Chapter. Since this meeting, committee general actions board in David. Mission was founded by the late aBro celebrates its 45thare anniversary this summer July.and the the members now prepared toinfurther discuss pointsThe that will follow. It was also Matthew Burns in 1968; it celebrates its 45th anniversary this summer in July. good opportunity for the Brothers in the Triest Hall community to meet the associate Brother Denis Nadeau celebrated his 57th birthday on members and also we forcelebrated the intellectually May 4, 2013.again, As is our custom, along with disabled residents to meet them as well.
our intellectually disabled residents with whom we live day-to-day. Brother Denis, a Canadian and a fan of ice hockey, received a hat and shirt of the Philadelphia Flyers,
Brother Denis Nadeau celebrated his 57th birthday onthMay 4, 2013. As is our cust on April 26 2013, the associate members fro celebrated along with our intellectuallyLater, disabled residents with whom we live day the installation of Brother Joel Ponsaran as provinci Brother Denis, a Canadian and a fan ofWashington. ice hockey, received a hat andtoshirt the It was also opportunity shareof a meal Philadelphia Flyers, the local hockey team. Brother Denis assists full-time in our General, Brother Rene Stockman, who was visiting for ID men at Triest Hall in Philadelphia. same occasion, thanks was offered to Brother Dona
Brother Denis Nadeau celebrated his 57th birthday on May 4, 2013. As is our custom celebrated along with our intellectually disabled residents with whom we live day-to Brother Denis, a Canadian and a fan of ice hockey, received a hat and shirt of the Philadelphia Flyers, the local hockey team. Brother Denis assists full-time in our apo for ID men at Triest Hall in Philadelphia.
challenges they shared was lack of computer ROL 153 - May 2013 - p. 13 training course, which is part of their curriculum. St. Dominic Region • TANZANIA We have tried to u answer to this need by purchasing 5 so that students will have the opportunity to have computer Food for Thought new desk tops, training and meet the government requirement. We hope so Ithat have the opportunity training and computers meet the in the future as we gradually that we can add more Recently was students travellingwill from Tabora to Kigoma intoahave very computer government requirement. We hope that we can add more computers in the future as specialwe bus. No kidding it had five capacity. conductors (driver’s build the financial capacity. gradually build the financial On the same day it was workers’ day in which two outstanding assistants)! Onesame conductor job was to holdday theingear all two On the day his it was workers’ which outstanding workers (the workers (the Academic the time and connect the wires when weNdemeleje stopped, soand that the the Cook Mr. Zabron Academic Master Mr. Cornery Nkwezi) Master were Mr. Cornery Ndemeleje Mr. Zabron Nkwezi) were recognized for for their dedication commitment. and WetheareCook grateful for their enginerecognized could start. Another conductor wipedand the windscreen extraordinary service to the school. their dedication and commitment. We are grateful for their since the radiator had no cover to contain the steam that
obstructed the driver, another one his job was to add water in extraordinary service to the school. Uvira, DRC the radiator every 20 minutes to cool the engine. In addition, special No it toyou therebus. was akidding conductor hold thefrom door this sincemonth it couldthe not Uvira, DRC Wealso wish to inform that s jobclose wasbyCommunity toitself hold the and was responsible to put the logs region under tires ofgear Uvira will belong to the of Congo. Brothers started to St hat the engine could when we stopped, sostart. that have it could not go relocating backward, and the We wish to inform you Dominic and Victor Mpisi has arrived already or had noconductor cover tocollected containthe money. It was a perfectwith fifth team that from this month two postulants from Uvira and the remaining b was to add water in the work! the Community of brothers will be moving soon to Kigoma. here was also a conductor Uvira will belong to responsible to put the logs We (passengers) hadwillseveral the region of Congo. At the samelost timepatience Brother since Andre we Lisaka be backward, andWethe fifthshouting breakdowns. started at them, but what most transferred to Blessed Joseph Vaz Region in SriBrothers have started ! Lanka and Brother Celestin Kalunga will be going impressed me was their calmness and the assurance they relocating to St Scholasticate in Bujumbura. wish to thank gave us,forthat we would eventually arrive We to our destinations. Dominic and Victor Brother Celestin for his commitment to be in breakdowns. We started They never shouted back at us, but responded kindly to our Mpisi has arrived Uvira andand to guide We know it theirfrustrations. calmness the our candidates. I started wondering how do I respond to those already with two postulants from Uvira and the remaining was not easy for him to be both a formator and student. to our destinations. They who have contradicting views and irritate me. Do I respond brothers will be moving soon to Kigoma. our frustrations. started and mercy or do I hit back? It kindly and withI compassion ting is views and Lodge irritate me.and reflect. As our novice Master At the same time Brother Andre Lisaka will be transferred to Aqua something to ponder I hit Brother back? Pipito It is something used to say: “don’t come to me and say Brother Blessed Joseph Vaz Region in Sri-Lanka and Brother Celestin Theme? final vows Brother Louis renewal of vows of Brother o used to say: “don’t come what is wrong with You knowofwhat is wrong withKusaya you!” ItandKalunga will be going for Scholasticate in Bujumbura. We Ronaldo Njau and Brother Fidel Ngwej is scheduled on July 6, in Kigoma whatrequires is wrong with you!” It emotional intelligence to know how to respond in a wish to thank Celestin Cathedral. Brother Provincial Superior will receive their vowsBrother and you are all for his commitment to be in a Christian way when we Christian way when wefor are this boiling with anger. That requires and to the guide our candidates. We know it was not easy invited special day. Brother Hilalius Uvira is heading committee to st. Someone said,prepare knowing knowing ourselves first.for Someone said, knowing oneself to is pray the celebration. We continue that they forfor himthese to beBrothers both a formator and student. may continue to give themselves unreservedly to the Lord. discovering God.
a n t f g e
We had the visit of Ms. Rita Daneels from Belgium who is helping us with Lodge projects and Mr. Gaston Niyonzima from AHDAqua Burundi who came to explore from how Communities we can collaborate to develop some vocational training programs for
College in which three students graduated.
The First of May was a double celebration in Kihinga. We had our first graduation ceremony of Teacher’s Training
One of the challenges they shared was lack of computer training course, which is part of their curriculum. We have tried to answer to this need by purchasing 5 new desk tops,
The final vows of Brother Louis Kusaya and renewal of vows of Brother Ronaldo Njau and Brother Fidel Ngwej is scheduled on July 6, in Kigoma Cathedral. Brother Provincial Superior will receive their vows and you are all invited for this special day. Brother Hilalius is heading the committee to prepare for the celebration. We continue to pray for these Brothers that they may continue to give themselves unreservedly to the Lord. We had the visit of Ms. Rita Daneels from Belgium who is helping us with projects and Mr. Gaston Niyonzima from AHD Burundi who came to explore how we can collaborate to develop some vocational training programs for the youth in Kigoma, and renovate Aqua Lodge. Brother Julius and Ms. Rita organized an information session in which about 50 youth showed up and were very interested. We had also a short seminar with all responsible of the different entities, on proper financial reporting. We thank our Accountant Mr. Dismas Msanya who facilitated the training.
MaendeleoOn gotApril new Brothers: Brother SaulNg 07, Brother Pierre ROL as 153 - May 2013 -the p. Brother 14 Osong local superior Jose Congregation inand delegation of th Tabua as Local Bursar. They are working to of the New Bishop of the Diocese establish acommunity good structure and in have met we all d meeting which the clients as they try to gather information Mjimwema Regional Chapter. On April 26, Brot of their psychosocial history. They also visit his Brother who washave hospitalize started soap was forappointed tosick represent the presence two daysthe comforted the sick he is well at and he and is well at home. MaendeleoOn April 07, Brother Pierre Ngoie asReverend part Congregation in the delegation of thehome. Diocese of Kigoma for the Onmaking April 30, we received theinstallation visit of Reverend Brother Brother Regional Superio of the income of the New Bishop of the Diocese of Bukoba. On April 13, we had our Regional Superior accompanied by Brother Chrisantus.with We a c We had to enjoy together Maendeleo got new Brothers: Brother Saul Osong as local generating community meeting in which we discussed the recommendations of the had to enjoy together with a cool glass of soda and “moja Brother Pierre Ngoie. superior and Brother Jose Tabua as Local Bursar. They are activity. Regional Chapter. On April 26, Brother Ambrose was in Nyanza/ Burundi to moja!” working to establish a good structure and have met all the Brother Julius Katota informed us, that he lostdays comforted hisinformation Brother who was hospitalized. His presence for two Nairobi clients as they try tovisit gather of their psychosocial Brother Pierre Ngoie. his isbeloved grandmother, Ms. Claudia sick and at of home. history. They have the also started soaphe makingwell as part the On April 30, we received the visit of Nyambadza, on Superior May 10 inaccompanied Zambia. We by prayBrother for Reverend Brother Regional Chrisantus. Fr income generating activity. Nairobi the repose of her soul. We had to enjoy together with a cool glass of soda and “moja moja!” By P Brother Julius Katota informed us, that he lost his beloved Brother Pierre Ngoie. pa grandmother, Ms. Claudia Nyambadza, on May 10 in From May 13-19 ch Zambia. We pray for the repose of her soul. we will have the Tabora Nairobi w Provincial Chapter A new plot was purchased where we hope to here in Nairobi. Tabora a daywe center children From develop May 13-19 will forhave the with mental For disabilities participants and a small community for the B A new plot Provincial Chapter here in Nairobi. For C who Brothers. arrived early was purchased are grateful to Brother participants whoWe arrived early they had General for of they his had chancethe where we hope and social we areevening confident chance to support attend thatthat the plans M to attend the social to develop to have by thisour day center will be realized inRegion the was organized dear novices. delegates from evening that future. was organized by our dearSaint-Dominic novices.that Brother a day center near We are informed his office. All the participants are here for children theconfreres local superior is sick met and for need our BrotherFrederick Louis Kusaya (substituted Brother we haven’t long time Mjimwema Brother Louis Kusaya (substituted Brother Chrisantus with mental prayers. Chrisantus who could not attend because may be fruitful Chapter. On April 07, Brother Pierre because Ngoie wasofappointed to represent the not demands) attend school demands) and disabilities of who his could school andofhis Associate Congregation in the delegation of the Diocese Kigoma for the installation Associate Member Bernard Mashaka are the delegates from of the New Bishop of the Diocese of Bukoba. Onare April 13,the we had our and a small Member Bernard Mashaka Washington, DCthe superior community meeting in which we discussed recommendations of the Saint-Dominic Region. The region attends right c o m m u n i t y delegates from Saint-Dominic Region. Regional Chapter. On April 26, Brother Ambrose was Nyanza/ to The region superior attends by inright ofBurundi by visithis his office. Brother who was hospitalized. His presence for two days comforted of All the participants are here and it is great joy to for the Brothers. his We are grateful General are for his office. All to theBrother participants heretheand joy to On meet friends and sick it andishegreat is well at home. April 30, we Kalima received thewho visit ofis studying Brother Tresor Reverend Brother and Regional Superior we accompanied by Brother confreres haven’t met forChrisantus. Bangwe support and we are confident thathaven’t the plansmet to have confreres we for this longday Wefriends need your constant prayers that itlong time. We at aThe Catholic University We had to enjoy together with cool glass of soda and “moja moja!” Byof Americ need your constant prayers that it may be fruitful Chapter. center will be realized in the near Chapter. future. We are informed Brother Pierre Ngoie. may be fruitful his family holidays from May 12 to Ju Brother Marc Beetens moved to Bangweexpected from Marumba. is the superior that Brother Frederick the local superior is sick and need our Nairobi to arriveHe today in Dar Es Sa there and at the sameWashington, time he has been asked totoserve as a postulant prayers. Washington, DC From May 13-19 we will have the to visit h willDC go first Lubumbashi Provincial Chapterinhere in Nairobi. For master. He is enjoying being with Children. He close collaboration thenparticipants heworks willwho come visit arrived to early they our had commun Brother local Bursar andchance Mr.Jean the Programand to attend the social evening that Kalima who isGodson studyingthe Nursing Brother Tresor wish him a Michel warm welcome Bangwe Brother Tresorwith was organized by our dear novices. Manager and contact person with Lo-Se-Ca foundation. With the support at The Catholic University of AmericaKalima begins who is Holidays! Brother Louis Kusaya (substituted Brother from from this foundation the children of Bangwe now have got small car for his family May 12 to July. He is Nursing studying Chrisantus who could not attend because Brother Marc Beetens movedholidays to Bangwe from Marumba. transport ininemergencies. We are thankful forof their support. his school demands) and Associate expected to arrive today Dar Es Salaam and at The Catholic Trivial He is the superior there and at the same time he has been Member Bernard Mashaka are the go firstmaster. to Lubumbashi to being visit his family, delegates from Saint-Dominic University of Region. The region superior attends by right of asked to serve aswill a postulant He is enjoying his office. All the participants are here and it is great joy to meet friends and then he will come to visit our communities. We America we haven’t met for long time. We need your constant prayers that it 21begins with Children. He works in close collaboration with Brother confreres may Happy be fruitful Chapter. wish him a warm welcome and his family holidays Godson the local Bursar and Mr.Jean Michel the Program Washington, Holidays! fromDC May 12 to Manager and contact person with Lo-Se-Ca foundation. Tresor who is studying Nursing July. He is Kalima expected With the support from this foundation the children of Brother at The Catholic University of America begins Trivial arrive today in 12 to July. He is holidays from May Bangwe now have got small car for transport in emergencies. histofamily expected to arrive today in Dar Es Salaam and did you see Who is this man? Dar Es Salaam and will Where go first to Lubumbashi to visit his We are thankful for their support. will go first to Lubumbashi to visit his family, this image? Hint…his “birthday” was then he will come to visit our communities. We family, then he will come to visit our communities. We wish wish him a warm welcome and Happy 22 celebrated recently. Holidays! him a warm welcome and Happy Holidays!
On April 07, Brother Pierre Ngoie was appointed to represent the Congregation in the delegation of the Diocese of Kigoma for the installation of the New Bishop of the Diocese of 22 Bukoba. On April 13, we had our community meeting in which we discussed the recommendations of the Regional Chapter. On April 26, Brother Ambrose was in Nyanza/ Burundi to visit his Brother who was hospitalized. His
Who is this man? Where did you see
Trivial this image? Hint…his “birthday” was
celebrated recently. Who is this man? Where did you see this image? Hint…his “birthday” was celebrated recently.
ROL 153 - May 2013 - p. 14
u SAINT BENEDICT PROVINCE • NETHERLANDS PROVINCIALATE EIKENBURG Brothers Fons Ment, Veron Raes and Victor Grard celebrated their anniversary in April. Paula Klee, co-worker of St Anna Convent Foundation and working in Oasis pavilion on Eikenburg grounds in Eindhoven, was elected as deputy of Eindhoven for the inauguration of King William Alexander. It was a great honor for Paula and for her work of monitoring ex-detained to be rehabilitated in the society. On Eikenburg grounds many acitivities are organized. In April we had a tree climbing. In the accompanying picture you see a rescue operation to save a wounded climber.
its foundation Jan van Eijndhoven was sinds de oprichting van Caraes Nederland lid van de Raad van Advies, het huidige Fracarita Netherlands. He was known in particular for his work a priest director of St Michiles Institute for the deaf. Because of his expertise in education of the deaf he had also been involved in projects of the Congregation, for example in Tanzania.
ROERMOND For 50 years, Reverend Father Cremers has presided at Sunday Eucharistic service. On account of his advanced age this is no longer possible. The Brothers community thanked him for the years-long faithful service rendered to the Brothers in Roermond. Roermond Brother Martien Hussaarts
ETTEN-LEUR The work on the property of the Brothers in Etten-Leur is proceeding well. The construction of the new school is in full swing. Shortly the building of the houses in the area where the former Don Bosco School stood will start. The layingout of gardens is also progressing; recently grass was seeded. The Fathers of the H. Spirit who preside at the Eucharistic service in the main chapel at Eikenburg once a month, do the same somewhere else in Eindhoven for an international English-medium Eucharistic celebration. The choir of mainly Africans has been rehearsing at Eikenburg since last month. After the rehearsal they join the community over a cup of coffee. Brother Wout Lips
BROTHER HOUSE EIKENBURG OBITUARY: On 22 April Br Pierre Huijbers passed away at the Brother House of Eikenburg, after a short illness. Brother Pierre spent his whole life working for this fellow humans. As a cook and a co-worker of the civil service, he considered especially his stay at Oostrum as very important. During his free time he composed the village newspaper. He established the youth section of the football association at Oostrum. He coached many young players in his own, unique way. In 1990 he was decorated with the papal medal Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice for his years-long dedication to his fellow men. On 21 April, emiritus priest Jan Eijnhoven passed away at the Brother House. He had served on the Council of Advice of Caraes Nederland, the present Fracarita Netherlands, since
Brother Tarcisius Inderfurth
ROL 153 - May 2013 - p. 14
u SAINT VINCENT REGION • BELGIUM tHE second session of the regional chapter This second session was helt from Thursday 21 March till Saturday 23 March included at the hospitable formation house of St-Maria-Aalter. The session had been prepared well, which was properly led and monitored. A workable programme had been composed of the approximately 100 motions of the regional, provincial and general chapters. The programme had been discussed during several one-day meetings of December 2012 attended by both Brothers and Associate Members in diverse religious communities. The aftermath of the discussions was tabled as information a the regional chpater. During the chapter days a proposal of a policy plan of the regional council was thoroughly discussed and completed with three chapter working groups. Other important topics were: the associate members (explanation by Mr Lieven Claeys); looking for a reference frame of the spirituality working (explanation by Br Dirk Beirnaert); the current position of the new organizational structure (explanation by Mr Raf De Rycke); and the start of a financial commission
by the region (explanation by Br Regional Luc Lemmens). The amendments of the regional regulations were discussed extensively. A deputation of the Associate Members attended as observers throughout the session. On Saturday 23 March one arrived at an initial clear rounding off: a policy programme had been shaped for the reference frame of spirituality working. The further working out of the policy plan via the collected proposals, and the suggestions for amending the regional regulations were entrusted to the chapter bureau and the regional council. On Thursday 20 June 2013, the regional chapter will meet again. The atmosphere during the chapter was open and fraternal. The prayer moments, the living together with the younger Brothers from all over the world, the hospitality, the evening recreations were enjoyable. The whole proceedings were encouraging. Let us keep the flame of caritas burning in our daily activities, individually and communally.
Bro. Luc Maes