ROL 157 - November 2013
ROMA ONLINE Brothers of Charity After our visit to Ranchi, with the final professions of Bro. Suboth, Bro. Navin and Bro. Dayal, in the presence of the Archbishop of Ranchi, His Eminence Cardinal Toppo, we went to Sevagangai, where we have our third psychiatric rehabilitation house, with for the moment 17 residents. I could observe a great devotion of the brothers involved in the care and a wonderful good atmosphere between the patients. On Saturday 19th of October, we had a meeting with the family members, and all expressed their appreciation for the work the
The visit to China and to Taiwan had two purposes: I went there as president of the Verbiest foundation, and therefore I had to meet the responsables of the bishop conference and of the national seminary in Beijing and the co-workers of the Verbiest foundation in Taipei (Taiwan). At the other hand I took the opportunity to visit our community in Beijing, where I was welcomed by Bro. Adrian and postulant John. The next days we visited several places in order to reflect together on the future of our community in China, and especially with the bishop of Taigyan we had a very good meeting and we received clear perspectives for the future. Some associate members renewed their promise and also a new one, Fr. Paul expressed his promise for the first time. Fr. Paul studied social NEWS FROM THE SUPERIOR GENERAL doctrine in Kruibeke and became very touched by our charism. He is now the third priest to become associate member in brothers are doing. Also our associate member Fr. Amalan was China, together with one sister and one lay-woman. present and we reflected together how to enforce the animation for vocations. Next December, Bro. Jose is coming back to China after his studies in Belgium and in March next year our two novices On the 21st together with Bro. Wilfred, the regional superior, who are now in Sri Lanka will also arrive after their profession, I left for Sri Lanka, where a heartily welcome was organized so the reflection about the apostolate became very urgent and by our second year novices in Katugastota. The next day necessary. For the time being, we decided that our brothers I gave a conference to them about ethics and the following should be involved in the orphanages of the sisters, until the days I gave some conferences about leadership to the regional moment we can open our own apostolate in Taiyuan, which superiors, regional coordinators and the bursars of Asia who was discussed with the local bishop. During our visit we had were following a session of two weeks organized by Fracarita the opportunity to meet a catholic family who is taking care International. There we had also the occasion to meet several of for 25 orphans, most of them boys and girls with a handicap, the participants personally. all abandoned by their parents because of their handicap. We could not imagine that this was possible in China, really, Directly after the session I left for Colombo, and on the 25th I some Catholics are making the difference. was back in Belgium. On the 26th I had to give a conference in the Netherlands in the Institute of the Social doctrine of the After the visit to Taipei where we met the co-workers of the Church who celebrated their first lustrum. Verbiest foundation and also the former archbishop, we returned again to Belgium for one day, where we had some With a day of meetings we ended our short stay in Belgium and meetings about Fracarita International, and on the 7th we left on the 29th for China, where we arrived on the 30th. finally we arrived in Rome after a long absence.
FRATELLI DELLA CARItà • Curia Generalizia • Via Giambattista Pagano 35 • 00167 Roma • Italia t. (+39) 06 66 04 901 • F. (+39) 06 66 31466 • Responsable: Communication Service Brothers of Charity •
ROL 157 - NOVEMBER 2013 - p. 2 Here in Rome, as usual, we are occupied with a lot of administrative work, preparing documents and conferences and participating some meetings at the University of Latran, the congregations of education and consecrated life, and of course at the mean time we are preparing a very important next step in the process of beatification of our beloved Founder: the opening of his tomb in Lovendegem on the 25th of November. Being home after several weeks of visits gives always a good feeling. At the same time it gives the time to reflect on all the good that is happening in the congregation and we pray that with the grace of God the congregation may continue to grow in India, Sri
Lanka and China, as we all know, in not so easy circumstances. The month of November is also the time to commemorate our beloved who passed away, and here in Rome especially Bro. Eugene Geysen, who was so many years our superior and the postulator of the causa of Father Triest is present in our daily prayers.
Bro. René Stockman, Superior General
THE SUPERIOR GENERAL’S VISIT SCHEDULE 7/11-21/11: Rome 21/11 - 26/11: Belgium 26/11-8/12: Rome 8/12-11/12: Belgium 11/12-31/12: Central African Rep. / Rwanda /Burundi / Kenya
NEWS FROM THE COMMUNITIES u ROME: CASA GENERALIZIA JUNE: The student Brothers have completed their first-year exams. Holiday time is about to start. In the community, the Brothers are happy to welcome summer, although it’s always sunny and warm in Rome. JULY: The four student Brothers have their annual results, and we are happy to report that they all did well . We thank them for their diligence and for the good help and assistance received from the community. We also wish them the best for the coming year. (PHOTO 1) AUGUST: The Community received the young Student Brothers from Belgium, and had a good time with them. We enjoyed their company and they helped the Community with the maintenance of the Casa, and then paid a nice visit to Assisi, which according to them, was not only a discovery but a deep spiritual experience. (PHOTOS 2,3) The Brothers had a pilgrimage, under the guidance of Brother General Superior, to Subiaco (considered as the root of our Religious life, because of Saint Benedict), and this far from being a simple human experience, was a
renewal of our engagement and an occasion of spiritual growth. During their stay in Rome, the Brothers had the opportunity to visit the Holy City, with the resident Brothers, and visited, with Brother General, Ostia Antica, an historical City, and the former commercial city during the Roman Empire. (PHOTO 4) On the 11th of August, the Brothers went back to Belgium, together with the four student Brothers and Brother Seraphin, where they had the Annual Retreat in Moerzeke, preached by Brother General from Monday 12th to Friday 16th, with the procession together with the parishioners of the place, on 15th August, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The retreat was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the main theme was: ‘Through Mary to Jesus’ and several great saints who dedicated their life to the devotion of Our Lady, were presented by Brother General. (PHOTO 5) SEPTEMBER: After a period of holiday, the Brothers are back in the community. The new academic year
ROL 157 - NOVEMBER 2013 - p. 3 starts for the Student Brothers. The community, through the Community meeting, wishes a good and fruitful beginning of the year to the Student Brothers. OCTOBER: On the 7th, Brother Seraphin travelled to Tanzania, for a new apostolate. The community is very grateful to Brother Seraphin for the time he lived in Rome, and for the service rendered, but in a particular way, a heartfelt thanks from the young Brothers, who passed a successful year under his guidance and
assistance. We wish you, Brother Seraphin, a successful apostolate, may God bless you. On the 10th, the community celebrated the birthday of Brother Bienvenue Kiyombo. We thank God for all the wonders He has done to our Brother and for his presence in our midst. (PHOTO 6) Brother Willy is back from Belgium since the 17th October, where he had his holiday and annual retreat. Welcome Brother. Bro. Bienvenue
u AFRICA : ST. AUGUSTINE PROVINCE On 20 October we left for the Provincial Council meeting in Tanzania via Bujumbura where we spent a day with the Brothers and proceeded the next day to Kigoma (Tanzania). I sincerely thank Brother Hippolyte, Brother Augustin and all the other Brothers of Bujumbura community for their hospitality and services during our passing. From 22 to 24 October we had the Provincial Council Meeting in Kigoma (Tanzania). We thank a lot all the Provincial Councillors for their presence at that meeting and in a special way we thank Brother Venance Kapita, the Regional Superior of Saint Dominic Region/Tanzania for accepting to accommodate the fellow Provincial Council Members; thanks also to all the Brothers in the Region for their charitable and warm welcoming in each community and apostolate institution.
Provincial Council Meeting in Kigoma
Indeed the holding of the Provincial Council meeting in Saint Dominic was a significant sign of unity, solidarity and internationalization for us. On this occasion, we visited all the communities and apostolates of the region located in the area of Kigoma:
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Mujimwema Community
Children of Bangwe
Bangwe Community
Maendeleo School
Bangwe, Mujimwema, Rumonge, Kihinga High School, Maendeleo Youth Centre, Psychiatric Centre of Kasaka and Marumba Centre and the postulancy. On 25 October we visited the community of Tabora together with the Regional Superior; we also visited the Bishop of the Diocese of Tabora and the institute of the Deaf where some of our Brothers do their apostolate. On 29 October we visited the community of Uvira in East Congo. From 6 to 8 November we attended the meeting of the Major Superiors of Kenya (RSCK) and here some essential points concerning Religious Congregations were shared such has issues of health Insurance where 2 insurance companies came to give some conferences about. But also about the formation, the new Evangelization, the relations between Religious Congregations and Dioceses, etc. I found in all theses points that they belonged to our realities as Province/ Congregation, and it was enriching.
Bro. Pierre Ngoie in the Ahadi Office
Bro. Paulin Kindambu Kasaka Psychiatric Centre
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u Our Lady of Africa Region D.R. CONGO
LUSAMBO COMMUNITY We made a retreat during the month of October dedicated to Our Lady; its theme was “The Virgin Mary, our model? Yes” under the guidance of Br Bernard. Among other things he explained the following: • The mystery of a vocation is lived in the mystery of the Annunciation (the coming of Jesus into this world. A virgin betrothed to a carpenter of Nazareth, Joseph, learns from the Angel Gabriel that she will become Mother of God through the power of the Spirit, mother of a child who will be called “Son of the Most High”.) • At the Annunciation every name witnesses to the loving attention of God for mankind. • Each person, each place therefore enters the framework of a story where the acceptance or refusal of God’s love is most decisive. • Brother illustrated too the four essential elements that make up a vocation, viz. gratuitous love of God, enhancement of man’s freedom, consent approval of the vocation of God, and trust. On 4 October we had a pedagogic meeting with the ITP personnel to explain the goals and missions of ITP (the profile of a teach; attention to professionalism; functioning of the educational units; the role of the head of the school). On 16 October we gathered with all parents to appoint a parents’ committee: we pointed out the role of the committee, viz to watch over the bonds of cooperation between the school and the parents. The committee will be responsible for upholding a spirit of dialogue and to assure the cooperation between parents and school. Dialogue supposes transparency, kindness, trust and prudence. We clarified the objective of education and the educational responsible people. The open spaces between the buildings of our monastery have been sown with maize with regard to the food consumption of our community. From December we hope to harvest the maize. Br Patrick Lokonga gave us a lecture about “charity”, love for the neighbour, in October, he declared that politicians do not often use the word, neither solidarity which they have on their programme. He stressed charity in the sense St James does in his letter and according to Lk 10: 25-37 in the gospel. Some words like sympathy, empathy are associated with it. He concluded that love can be translated by caritas if we live it: it is the principle of Christian life and consecrated life in particular.
We finished October with a community meeting where we evaluated the performance indicators by means of “brotherly unity” as displayed by the early Church. St Paul points out in his letters that brother unity is essential to any community, also to the Christians of Corinth among whom dissenting groups had formed: “God is faithful, who has called you to be one with his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.” Thus we will share the difficulties and joys of our apostolates, “we know that, sharing our sufferings, you will also share our consolations,” (2Co 1: 7). Shocking news was the announcement of Br Henri’s father who was killed in a car accidents in Mbuji-Mayii, 240 km from Lusambo. May he rest in peace. Bro. Bernard Ntambwe
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At the end of October we visited 5 students Brothers from St. Dominic region who are studying in our scholasticate of Lusaka. We were very pleased with their warm welcome and hospitality. Special thanks to Brother Constantino Kaunda who calmed me when I was anxious of some events. I had just witnessed a young man being beaten severely at Nakonde border, for allegedly stealing a piece of cigarette. When I informed Brother Kaunda about the incident, he just said in a calm tone, “You will see more vituko [dramas] in Zambia, Karibu Baba!”
u Saint Dominic Region TANZANIA
Food for thought
and forgotten? They were furious and angry with the company. This prompted Tanesco officials to come to Kasaka to investigate the matter, since they knew for sure the connection was not yet done. In their thoughts, they assumed maybe the Brothers had connected the electricity illegally and they came to catch the culprits! The fact of the matter is, the Brothers had turned on the electricity using their own generator to test the electric installation that was just completed (as you can see in the photo). The officials, who came with a lot of drama and intimidation, left quietly feeling embarrassed.
The incident has prompted me also to reflect on how we sometimes in our communities can have wrong perception about things and events. It is very tempting to make conclusions and to label people, without gathering the facts, or missing other information that could help us see another reality. It is always wise to have positive opinions about everything, and to speak about each other in a charitable way. How often have we judged a person or had prejudice about someone, only to discover later that the opposite is true? It requires humility to recognize this and to have the courage to say, “Sorry, I was wrong.” We pray that we may have that discernment and wisdom to recognize our mistakes and to say, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me a sinner!”
When the villagers of Kasaka saw the electricity was on at our psychiatric center, they rushed to launch complains to the electric company (Tanesco). Their argument was, why the Brothers have been favored to get electricity first, and they have been bypassed
ROL 157 - NOVEMBER 2013 - p. 7 At the end of September Maendeleo Youth Center organized sports tournaments for the youth in Kigoma. About 20 netball teams from schools in Kigoma Township participated. We thank Mr. Lokanda and Br. Saul Osong for organizing the event. We believe through sports we can educate our youngsters about discipline, health, and acquiring virtues. We have to remember the old Flemish saying, “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop!”
Bangwe Omari got a wheel chair from the Deaf Community in Belgium. We thank Mr. Wilfried who organized fundraising to help Omari get a wheel chair. Omari will be going soon for treatment further treatment to our center in Gatagara, Rwanda. Have you heard of innovation? The community of Bangwe just changed the room that was used for chickens into their new chapel! We thank Br. Marc for the creativity and volunteers who helped to paint and refurbish the room. Now they have a place where you can pray and meditate without much distraction.
Kasaka On October 10, the World Mental Health Day was observed in Kasaka with presentations and a film about mental illness and factors that can contribute to it. We invited local govermnet leaders, villagers, and health
care professionals who work in the neigbhoring health care centers, to sensitize and educate them about mental health. The highlight of the event, was the emotional testimonies given by one patient and one family member who said, people with mental illness deserve respect, care and love. They strongly recommened the participants that when they have their loved ones who is sick, they should not go to traditional healers, but come to Kasaka, since they can see the positive results, and how they are getting better. The number of participants was very encouraging. On this date we also officially appointed Brother Frederick Makengo as the new Director of Kasaka Mental Health Center. He is doing a very good job and we wish him a continued dedication and commitment, to make Kasaka a center of excellence for mental health care in Kigoma region. To end the event we had a nice reception that “cheered men’s hearts.”
Marumba We opened our house of postulants in Marumba on October 17. Brother Victor Mupisi and Novice Jean de Dieu are responsible. Currently we started with three postulants (standing from left Fidelis from Tanzania, Kizito from Zambia, Jean from DRC), but we expect 2 more postulants to join the group after they will have visited their family. We hope that during their stay they will learn about our charisma, spirituality, and history of the Congregation as outlined in our formation plan.
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-The ISP General Academic Secretary -The Principal Provincial Inspector for Exétat and the head of the EPSP Provincial Division for TENAFEP. We thank also the Belgian government who has accepted to continue to support Ahadi financially for the repatriation program of students’ refugees. We are very encouraged by this generous support. Bro. Pierre Ngoie
Dar Es Salaam
The first mission to Kalemie DRC, was carried out by the Program Manager Mr. Edson Bashimbe and the Ahadi General Secretary Br. Pierre Ngoie. The purpose of the mission was to negotiate with the government officials of DRC, to reduce the examination fees for pupils and students in the refugees’ camps, where Ahadi organizes the exams. It was a very successful mission. The following authorities have been met:
Thank God that we are doing well; we hope you’re doing well also. Therefore I would like to inform you that we have received gifts from a Christian, named Mr.Kilato Hubert from Mavurunza Parish. The gifts are a ciborium and lectionary of the new Roman Missal translation. The lectionary which we use in our chapel during the Mass, is now for our Congregation, in particular way, for our community. Thanks to Mr. Kilato Hubert and the Parish Priest for the collaboration with Brothers of Charity. May God bless his family! Bro. Bruno
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Communities in Lima
families on the understanding of the diagnostic of their child. Hno. Jimi sits on the therapeutic council of Escuela de Vida. Bro. Donald Joyal
Hno. Johnny Apestegui continues his task of counseling the students with problems at the College Jose Martin. He was also involved in the most important and popular procession of the Señor de los Milagros in carrying the sacred picture in the streets of Comas. Hno. Bernard Boulay achieved the annual campaign of production of “turrones” at the bakery of the Escuela de Vida. The reception of the sacraments of baptism and confirmation was also celebrated among the members of the group of the Escuela de Vida. On the 6th of October the Brothers and their associates held their customary monthly recollection day according to the habitual program: prayer, talk to introduce the theme, reflection, mass, meal in silence, adoration, concluding sharing. The two Brothers joined Hnos. Jimi and Roli in the house of Lima for a joyful celebration of the arrival of Hno. Donald on the 1st of October.
The three Brothers of the new vocational team have already held two meetings to think and organise the relaunching of the promotion.
u Saint Anna Region
The office of Fracarita Peru under the guidance of Hno. Jimi is developing with the collaborators a common vision and a strategy where the three main apostolates in Peru (special school Cepetri, drug rehabilitation Escuela de Vida, psychiatric center Cosma de Ayacucho) will implement the services not only in the spirit of Triest but according to the standards that will inspire confidence to the funders, organizations and governments. Such move is possible since Hno. Jimi acts as the president of the board of the three institutions.
27 September: Today our confrere Maurice Cournoyer finished his earthly pilgrimage. He was buried on 5 Oct. in St Sulpice parish church.
Among the events of October, Fracarita secured collaboration with a Spanish ONG to provide drugs for Cosma. Hno. Jimi held a 2nd meeting with the personnel of COSMA on the objectives of Fracarita and a project to help chronic patients was accepted to be presented to PAMS. While the Cepetri celebrated the national day of the person with handicap by a outing picnic together with the families, Cosma celebrated the international day of mental health, organizing a grand parade in the streets of the city of Tambo, a community banquet and offered free consultations. A workshop presided by Dr. Caballero was held in Cepetri for the information of the
Since May 2013 we have pursued a policy of safety and prevention of several abused among the children in our charge. This policy is led by a Nicaraguan organization specialised in the protection of children adn adolescents. The whole action takes into account the many laws about children and adolescents in this country. Six people of both our centres have drawn up the text. All co-workers will take the course and be provided with the necessary aids to guard our children from the different types of child abuse. This heavy and precious task requires our special attention. I congratulate all who take part in this action. Bro. Richard Bardier
6 October : Washington Good news: last night my laptop arrived and br Dominic will install my programs. I hope to make use of skype next Tuesday. I will keep you posted. I’m glad to have a new laptop to keep up the good work. Bro. Joel Ponsaran 8 October : Br Richard arrives from Nicaragua. In anticipation of the closing meeting of the provincial chapter, he visited his family. Today we received news from Belgium that our regional house in Montreal had been sold, and that we will leave the premises in Feb. 2014. We will regroup at St Sulpice.
ROL 157 - NOVEMBER 2013 - p. 10 On 9 October we celebrated the birthdays of Brs Joseph (8 Oct.), Leo Deschneaux (9 Oct.) and Remi Gauthier (10 Oct.). We combined the three anniversaries to gather the confreres of Drummondville and Montreal and make it a landmark event. It was the occasion to enjoy a fraternal gathering as the pictures will show. The traditional “happy hour” preceded lunch: the celebrated Brothers were officially congratulated; we sang and listened to the reports on the experiences in the respective communities, and we reminisced about the past. Our cook, pampered us greatly on this occasion. Many thanks! 24 October : General meeting of St Bernard College in Drummondville. Mr Luc Gaudreau, adjunct director of SBC, invited the Brothers to the annual meeting. 29 October : Our provincial superior arrived back, directly from Rome at 13:15h via Delta/Air France 8579! 30 October : Preparation of the logistics for the concluding meeting of the provincial chapter.
11 October : Lima (Peru) It is quite a job to maintain the house. Temperatures remain cool, so much the better. A few days ago, I made a cycling trip to the Pacific Ocean. The new telephone number in Lima is +511 637 1791, and the one of Fracarita Peru is almost the same: … 1790. I had never been in a community where meals took so long (three dishes). One always find some news to tell, and I but listen. I may have to buy a helmet, for the cars, uneven sidewalks and dogs are a real danger. Bro. Donald Joyal 22 October : Alain Cournoyer, domiciliated in Quebec, paid us a visit. His visit is always an occasion for lively conversation. For many years he has organized the “Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France” in de provincial capital. On the occasion and since many years he is involved in the right technical procedure of the polls on federal, provincial and municipal level. He has a lot of work on hand. On that same day, Br. Richard Bardier returned to our community, having visited his family (Ste.-Victoire). 23 October : the ashes of Br. Maurice Cournoyer were buried in the cemetery of Our Lady’s. A few confreres attended the ceremony, which was kept simple on demand.
31 October : Halloween ! Illustration by our cook, Michel Pageau.
The provincial superior, Br Joel Ponsaran, and the Brothers Bernard Houle en Richard Bardier have already arrived. Br André Payeur will arrive from Brazil on 2 Nov.; the Brothers John Fitzgerald and Jimi Huayta will arrive on 3 November. With the Brothers Gaston Paquet, Origène Bergeron, Gilles Rivard and Jacques Bellemare already here, the chapter will be held on 4 and 5 November at the residence of St Vincent (Montreal). On 9 November the last one of our confreres who do not live in Quebec will have returned to the Missions. We regret not to be able to give you more details about it; we will do so in Roma Online of 15 December since the regulation is now that the news items must be forwarded on the first of the months at the latest, instead of the 10th as before.
ROL 157 - NOVEMBER 2013 - p. 11 On 3 November 1,000 municipalities of Quebec Province will go to the polls. We know that Mr Alexandrre Cusson, former general principal of St Bernard College, Drummondville, stands as candidate for the mayorship of Drummondville. If the poll of Radio Canada remains unchanged, he will have been elected by the time you read this. On 4 and 5 November: final meeting of the provincial chapter at St Vincent’s. More details in the following Roma Online. Fr Tiburce, sma, will say Mass on both these days. The members of the chapter are: Brs Joel, John, Richard, Gaston, Origène, Gilles, Jacques, Bernard and Jimi. 7 November : On that day the first of our confreres will move house from St Vincent to St Sulpice, viz Br Joseph Turcotte. It is so that all his confreres have already chosen their room over there. Bro. Jacques Bellemare
BEAUPORT Recently we celebrated the 20th anniversary of this apostolate led by Fr.. André Morency, cssr. Our former novitiate buildings accommodates alcoholics who were accommodated at “L’Auberivière” house, but in practice lived on the streets of Quebec City. After some time, we rented a house of the School Commission of St. Pius X District for 15 people. The central inspiration of this house is the gospel, which provides adequate spiritual guidance. In 2001 the Brothers of Charity offered freely their big house to help the development of this work. It is fit for 26 residents and more than 500 urgent cases per month; it is the meeting place of several groups and organization who support the process of re-integration of client whose average age is 40 years and who are referred to us by CLSC, to therapeutic practice, social workers of hospitals and correctional services. The house also caters for youths between 15 and 25 years of age for compensating community work. Their talents make them useful and enhance their self-image. About 100 volunteers give assistance to different tasks and to the annual activities of fund raising for the house. Besides, the following institutes are totally behind St. Alphonse Fraternity: the Brothers of Charity, the Redemptorist Fathers, the Sisters of Charity of
Quebec, “Moisson Quebec”, the corporation of social development of Beauport and many benefactors. A big number of people wounded in body and heart find back their dignity here and are helped to socially re-integrate. This project of Fr. André Morency is first of all a project of God, who supports his perseverance, liberality and unfaltering trust in Providence. The climax of this festive year was the solemn celebration of the Fraternity’s jubilee in August, presided by the Archbishop of Quebec, Mgr. Gérald-Cyprien Lacroix. In March, the magazine Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré of the Redemptorist Fathers dedicated its front page of this apostolate.
u Formation House St. John Neumann Washington - USA
It has been a long time since Brothers around the world have heard from us. The fact is we are doing fine through God’s grace despite the busy academic schedules for the student brothers. So far, the community is composed of three students Brothers: Dominic, Jules, and Tresor. Last October, the community celebrated Br. Dominic’s birthday. It was a moment of joy that we had to be as a community but also as a thanksgiving for the gift of Br. Dominic in our community.
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We were also happy to welcome as usual the associate members in our community on Oct 19. It is a moment when Brothers and associate members come together once a month for the morning Mass at St. Anthony Parish; thereafter follows the gathering at the community for sharing news, talk, and a cup of coffee. The community is still waiting for Br. Martin de Porres, who is the Americas Fracarita continental coordinator. He is still in his home country, in Indonesia. Bro. Tresor
u ASIA : SAINT THOMAS PROVINCE u Father Constant Lievens Region INDIA
ST. JOHN DE BRITTO COMMUNITY After completing the probation period Bro. John Bosco Julian arrived in our community, he then felt at home on 5th October. On the same day in the evening Rev. Bro. Swamynathan Wilfred and Bro. Komal Lomga left for Calicut, Kerala for preparation to the visit of Rev. Bro. Dr. René Stockman, the Superior General, who arrived on 7th October. Then together with Rev. Bro. Dr. René Stockman, we went to see all other communities in India, it was a whole moth visit. During the visit of our General Superior Rev. Bro. Dr. René Stockman, we could visit the Carmel Convent in Karaikudi, Sivagangai District. Finally, we arrived in Sri Lanka for the meeting with Fracarita International and then followed by the Provincial Chapter.
ST. GIUSEPPE MOSCATI PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION CENTER In the month of October was full of visits to other Communities of Rev. Bro. Swamynathan Wilfred. Finally, on 19th October we have had the celebration of the families of our Residents in Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu. We welcomed in the name of our Residents our Rev. Bro. Dr. René Stockman, the Superior General and the family appreciated the visit of General Superior Rev. Bro. Dr. René Stockman, for his generosity. On the same day Rev. Fr. Amalan Arockiam, who came to visit the house and we could make few appointments and discussions in regarding few points on the community in Sivagangai. On 27th October, the visit of Dr. Sugadev took place and he consulted all the Residents and outdoor patients as well.
ST. ALPHONSA MUTTATHUPADATHU COMMUNITY On 10th October Bro. Aiswan Lakra arrived safely from Kerala Calicut to Ranchi at St. Alphonsa community. On 12th October Rev. Bro. Dr. René Stockman the General Superior of the Brothers of Charity arrived safely in Ranchi at St. Alphonsa community together with Vicar General Rev. Bro. Jos Mathijssen, Regional Superior of India Rev. Bro. S. Wilfred, Mr. Prakash and Mr. Dominic. On 13th October Mr. Prakash and Mr. Dominic left for Delhi. On 15th October Bro. Dayal Tigga, Bro. Navin Xess and Bro. Subodh Ekka made their perpetual religious profession in the presence of General Superior Rev. Bro. René Stockman, the Superior General. Solemn Holy Eucharist celebrated by His Eminence Cardinal Teleshpore P. Toppo with many priests, religious and relatives of the Brothers. On 17th October Rev. Bro. René Stockman, the General Superior, left for Mumbai together with the Regional Superior of India and the evening Fr. Laurence SJ from Hazaribag arrived to St. Alphonsa Community for his 10 days program to have an experience to work in our Half Way Home. On 24th October Brothers went to Claretian house in Saparam on the Feast of Saint Antony Mary Claret for evening Dinner. On 30th October FCC sisters, Parish Priest and Brothers went together outing to Hudru Water Falls.
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PARAM MITRA SADAN We have 8 residents in our Half Way home and three residents are in Simalia under the guidance of our Brothers and working together. On the 8th October we celebrated the mental health day in Xavier Institute of Social Science together with the Students and Brothers of Charity. Dr.Anil Kumar was the Chief Guest for this Program. On 24th October Dr.Anil Kumar came to see our residents and took time to speak with them one by one for consultation.
BL. PIER GIORGIO FRASSATI COMMUNITY We received Rev. Bro. Swamynathan Wilfred, the Regional Superior, and Bro. Komal Lomga in our house on 4th October in order to prepare the visit of Rev. Bro. René Stockman, the Superior General. Greeting from the community of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Calicut Kerala, 7th October, our Superior General Bro. René Stockman with us a three days to give Some guide lines for the brothers how to build up the good community, on 8 October we visited the Bishop of Calicut, Kerala, in Malaparmba, Superior General Bro. René Stockman and all the Brothers from the community we had very good meeting with the Bishop, hope that may fruitful for the congregation. Also we had many Visits from the Belgium priests it was very good they were very happy to see our new Community in Calicut, Kerala and we had visited some places with them.
JEEVAVIHAR For the moment we have 11 Residents some are very week and old but brothers are helping them in order to improve their daily life. All the residents receiving the medicine from the government hospital, it is very good we can say that day by day we are improving our center. Also very good we can say that Fr. Martine started the building work for the brother’s rooms and the co-work’s room in the center. Also Superior General Bro. René Stockman visited in Jeevavihar Rehabilitation center and we had meeting with him all the staff members.
BL. KURIAKOSE ELIAS CHAVARA COMMUNITY Rev. Bro. Dr. René Stockman, the Superior General, and Regional Superior, Rev. Bro. S. Wilfred, Bro. Aiswan and Bro. Subodh visited Blessed Kuriakose Community on 16th October. We all, the Community Members and
Residents, welcomed them all. His visit was positive for us. He gave his time to the Brothers to listen to their personal experiences and difficulties in life. After 20 years he has seen the positive result in the FL region (India). Brothers are growing in number and many brothers are out of country for their studies and mission. At the moment we all teachers, students, and co-workers are keeping fine. In the month of October we have had long holidays during the ‘Puja Feast’. After Puja Feast we all came back in normal order of the day. Our three Residents are happy and doing well their duty. They help in the field and in the kitchen. They are happy and satisfied with their pocket money. They go once a month to see the Doctor and get the medicine.
ST. PETER’S SCHOOL St.Peter’s School is going on well with God’s grace and his blessing, but we ask your prayers that the factory gas may be stopped because it creates problems for teachers and students to coming to the school and they feel headache and dizziness. We see one of our teachers come late to the school. Many students are coming to the school but not regular, we have had a meeting, but still they don’t change their behaviour.
TRIEST HOUSE We were invited to celebrate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi by the Franciscan association of Ranchi on 4th October. Bro. Praween and Bro. Alphonse participated on this auspicious occasion for festive meal in the evening. On 14th October Bro. Praween Kullu departed for Sri Lanka and the same day, Rev. Bro. René Stockman, the General Superior, and Rev. Bro. Swamynathan Wilfred, the Regional Superior, visited Triest House (Formation House) Ranchi, Jharkhand. There was welcome programme followed by meal after that they returned to St. Alphonsa community in Ranchi, Jharkhand.
Bro. Wilfred Swamynathan
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u Sacred Heart Region PHILIPPINES
INTERNATIONAL NOVITIATE FORMATION HOUSE On 14th October, Rev. Fr. Andy Cosalan arrived in our community safely and we thank God for that. He was invited by the Brothers for a particular reason and purpose, during his stay he taught the novices the subject: “The Biblical Foundation of the Vows”. It was indeed interesting. The novices then were very enthusiastic to raise their hands for some clarification; Fr. Andy discussed everything very clearly. The subject took five days to finish.
staff and with the residents as well. During the program some of us displayed their talents. It was a joyful day for all of us; in the afternoon we had outdoor games. Thank you for reading our news. God bless us all, keep smiling everyone as we walk along with Christ Jesus. Take care till we meet again.
Novice Lucas Ezekiel Buregeya and Rey Montalban
u Our Lady of Sheshan Community Beijing • CHINA
On 18th October, our class with Fr. Andy was over, however; we are grateful and happy for that certain and transparent discussion. The same day at 3.00 o’clock in the afternoon, great silence was observed in the community as we began our monthly recollection. After the evening meal, we had the celebration of Holy Adoration that was organized and prepared by the Vietnamese novices with the help and cooperation of Fr. Andy as well. This extraordinary devotion moved us to deep meditation. During the adoration some of us took the privilege to go to confession. After the ceremony, we ended by up singing a hymn in honour of Our Lady. . The next morning, 19th of October, Fr. Andy celebrated the Holy Eucharist with us as part of the program. After the celebration, Rev. Fr. Andy went back to his hometown, Baguio City. Our special thanks to the Brothers who organized the program. On 26th October, we had our pilgrimage; we visited a place where you can find Our Lady of Penafrancia in Naga City. There we prayed for a while and after praying we had the opportunity to touch the Miraculous Statue of Our Lady; it was a nice experience for us. And on the same day we also visited other churches; one of the churches we visited was the old Cathedral of the City. After the whole visit we had our meal somewhere in a park. October is a special and important month for the Holy Face Rehabilitation Center as they commemorate the month of Mental Health. On this occasion we were invited by the staff of that center to celebrate with them the joyful occasion. We sung during Mass; the program had been drawn up by the residents and staff. Thereafter we had our charitable meal with the Brothers present,
From October 30 to November 3, Brother General paid a visit to China. The first day, he had the opportunity to meet with our associate member, Sister Teresa Wang Qingfen of the Congregation of the Sisters of St Teresa of Lisseux, Biancun, Hebei, who renewed her promise for another three years. During the occasion, we also talked about the future collaboration between our Congregation with hers in the care of the mentally-disabled children in Biancun. In the late afternoon, Brother General visited the National Catholic Seminary of China at Daxing, Southeast Beijing, where he had a meeting with the Rector concerning further collaboration with the Verbiest Foundation in the formation of religious and priests from China. The second day of his visit, on October 31, Brother General had a meeting with the Chinese Bishops Conference in Beijing to discuss further collaboration with the Verbiest Foundation in Belgium. In the evening, we had a dinner together with our former brother and former postulant, as well as two Indonesian Carmelite Fathers who are studying in Beijing.
ROL 157 - NOVEMBER 2013 - p. 15 On November 1, Brother General, accompanied by our associate member Fr Joseph Guo and me, went to Taiyuan City where we had a meeting with our associate members and some friends. During the meeting, Brother General presented a lecture concerning the Social Doctrine of the Church and the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity. After the meeting, we had a Eucharistic celebration wherein Fr Joseph Guo renewed his promise as an associate member for another three year period, whereas Fr Paul Liu was accepted as a new associate member for one year. The day was concluded by a fraternal dinner together.
World Food Day, and took place in Reo Parish, which is
The next day, November 2, after breakfast Brother General visited an orphanage at Qingxian Village where as many as 24 abandoned disabled children were adopted and are taken care of by an old Catholic couple. Then we visited the Honggou Village, where the majority of the people are Catholics, to see a possibility of setting up a collaboration with our Congregation in the field of the care for elderly people. Before leaving Taiyuan, Brother General paid a short visit to the Coadjutor Bishop of Taiyuan, Mgr Paul Meng Ningyou, where we discussed how our Congregation could collaborate with the Church in his diocese in the near future. On the last day of his visit, Brother General attended the English Mass at the South Cathedral of Beijing, and visited the famous and touristic Qianmen Street. Brother General then left Beijing in the evening to continue his journey to Taipei, Taiwan. We thank Brother General for his kindness during his visit and stay in China. It was a short but meaningful visit for all of us here who are just starting our mission of charity in China.
Bro. Adrian Hartotanojo
u Rama Sandjaja Region INDONESIA
Ruteng - Flores Community On Sunday 13th October, three young people joined our daily activities for two weeks. They were interested in becoming Brothers of Charity, but for that moment they still study at Vocational High School in 3rd grade (last grade) of their studies. Let us hope, and pray may God give the grace of vocation to those three young people. On Friday to Sunday, 18th to 20th October, I attended an event together with a group of religious people who are living in Ruteng. The event happened on the occasion of
about 3 hours’ drive from the city of Ruteng and located in the north of Florest Island where very hot weather is common. The event was organized by Ruteng Diocese and about 100 religious and lay people participated, Priests, Brothers and Sisters, who belonged to different Congregations. On the first day, the opening Mass led by the Bishop of Ruteng, Mgr. Hubertus Leteng, while on the second day seminars on “agriculture and local food” were held. The Brothers of Charity had the opportunity to introduce themselves and their apostolic works. The event closed with a Eucharist celebration; having had lunch together, we went back to Ruteng. Bro. Bartolomeus
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Purworejo The occasion was the celebration of the 8th anniversary of the Rehabilitation Center for Mental Illness People. Sahabat Kita Reformatory organized some activities such as games and matches, socialization programs to enliven the celebration. There were different kinds competitions like writing poems, drawing, healthy habits, volleyball, chess and other games. The socialization program on “Mental Illness, Intervention and Treatment” took place in in WonosariNgombol, Purworejo Regency, on 18th October under the guidance of Br. Ferdinandus Harun, fc, and the team. On 29th October, Sahabat Kita Reformatory celebrated eight years of existence. The ceremony took place in Sahabat Kita hall attended by all the clients, family, benefactors and other guests. The Eucharist was presided by Fr. Miranto, msc, and concelebrant Fr. Wignyo Sumarto, msc; the choirs added lustre to the Mass. Ms Benedicta
u International Novitiate House Katugastota • SRI LANKA After six months of practicum period, the novices started a journey to the International Novitiate House in Sri Lanka. • On August 13th, novices James and Augustine both from China, as well as Romain from Africa arrived. • On August 15th, novices Simon from Tanzania arrived. • On August 24th, novices Raymond and David Bizimana from Africa arrived. • On August 25th, the two Indonesians novices Hironimus and Nelson arrived. • On August 28th, the two Pakistani novices Imran and Chand Paul arrived. • On August 29th, the novices from Indian: Surjeet Kerketta and Vijay Soreng arrived. • On September 1st, the two novices from Vietnam: Paul and Michael arrived. We thank God for His protection of each one of us. We also expressed our gratitude to Br. Janvier and Br. Gary for preparing the place for us nicely. We are very happy to see each other once again, healthy, strong and fresh. And furthermore, we are full of enthusiasm and eagerness to contribute to the good of our community. After the arrival of all the novices, on September 4th, Br. Janvier who is our formator gave us an introduction about the program of second year novitiate, the rule of the House, the staff and the culture of Sri Lanka as well. It was really a necessary introduction, we could feel at home and adapt to the new environment easily.
On Sunday November 3rd, the Catholic Women’s Group (WKRI) from Saint Peter Parish of Pekalongan paid a visit to Don Bosco Institute. The group of 60 people arrived at Don Bosco at 2 pm in Wonosobo received by Brs Octavianus, Phillip and John. On this occasion the Brothers explained the history of the institution and also answered questions from the group participants. This group of participants there is also a high school teacher who taught the former students of Don Bosco in the public schools. They had a very good impression of the former students of Don Bosco who attended those schools where they actually followed the lessons as other children from public schools. Bro. John Baptista
On September 7th, we had a personal outing to Kandy after the introduction of Br. Gary about the places in Kandy and the place to take the bus as well. It is such a beautiful and classical city. We enjoyed the outing much. Thank God for the great love and mercy that we could have a safe outing. On September 23th, Br. Victor Hugo who is General Assistant as well as our Novice Master arrived in our community. We are very happy to have him in our midst. From that moment the formation team was complete: Br. Victor Hugo, Br. Janvier and Br. Gary. We believe that they shall share with us their knowledge and lead our community in a very good way. On September 29th, we organized the birthday celebration for Br Surjeet, Bro. Nelson and Br. Michael
ROL 157 - NOVEMBER 2013 - p. 17 as the expression of our love for them. It was a simple but meaningful celebration. We wished them all the best, especially for their vocation and their families. May their dreams come true.
May God bless our community so that it can become a home of love and happiness for many who are in need as well as for ourselves living in it. God bless you all of you who are reading our news.
Novices Michael, Vijay and Simon
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