Our Voice August 2020

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n w o d k c o l t s o p T S I L O TO D

d ess owners an reopen, busin tto os e p u n e ti lif n of co s d down usinesses an b s ’s p n u io e at th n e ce r As th perien t embracing ou e started to ex tentative abou ill st ld consumers hav e u ar co s u u yo ile many of a look at what lockdown. Wh rottle, we take u’ve finished th yo ll fu er ft (a om d ’, normal ew ‘n r newfound free u yo e you navigat of course!) consider while sed loved ones is m r u yo g n visiti

Support local businesses Remember when you couldn’t find flour anywhere other than your local greengrocer? And you internally whooped with joy when you found toilet paper still on the shelves at the corner shop during Toilet Paper Armageddon? Even as the queues to popular supermarkets die down and one-way-systems ease off, don’t forget about shopping in independent stores and supporting your local community. They now need your support more than ever.

Sort out that barnet Many of us breathed a huge sigh of relief when hairdressers were told they could reopen their doors to the public, after months of DIY snips and tucks. While you could still get away with ‘bird’s nest chic’ with a strategically placed webcam for the foreseeable future, in light of helping out local businesses, it could be worth getting booked in for a tidy up.

Take a break… …and have a KitKat. Or any biscuit of your choice, really. In all seriousness, make sure you take time off for yourself. While many of us may not be quite ready to travel abroad for an incredibly pricey kebab quite yet, there’s plenty of places within the UK to explore, including the Lake District, Peak District, Dorset, Yorkshire and The Cotswolds. Whether it’s for a scenic day trip or for a long weekend break, think about where you can safely go to blow off the cobwebs.




What are you looking forward to the most as lockdown continues to ease? Have you had any weird or wonderful experiences in the name of social distancing? Let us know your stories at internalcommunications@ bravo-group.co.uk

Stock up on reusable facemasks (and save the dolphins) Over lockdown, we’ve been given mixed messages about the benefits of wearing facemasks but now the guidance is clear, we need to be wearing face coverings on public transport and in shops or we may face a fine. But amidst the economic crisis, many of us have glossed over the implications of disposing billions of facemasks on a regular basis and conservationists have warned this could cause a surge in ocean pollution. To help prevent this, why not seek out or make your own reusable masks? There’s plenty of tutorials and independent sellers out there to ensure they’re fit for purpose.

Get your appointments in order When we were all in the tight grip of full lockdown, many of us had to cancel important appointments – including those related to our health and wellbeing. As lockdown continues to ease further, ensure to get these missed appointments rebooked in. If you’ve been putting off indulging in your hobbies over this period – if it’s safe to do so – perhaps it’s also time to put these back on your radar?

Reflect and restrategise Over the lockdown period, many of us have been put into a completely different day-to-day working environment and while in some areas it has been difficult to adjust, there have been many others where people have thrived. Now that we’re out of the thick it for the time being, take some time to reflect on what’s important to you and what you want to focus on and prioritise in the future.

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