Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. M AT T H E W 2 8 : 1 9 - 2 0
Contents Introduction
Year in Review
Board of Deacons
Board of Management
Senior Pastor
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Small Groups
Shine On Summer Camp
Pastoral Care
Audited Financial Statements
Church Organization & Officers 2016
A New Logo
BRBC Annual Report 2015
We exist to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, one step at a time.
Introduction Have you ever watched a movie or a TV show that you just love? One that as you watched, you got so wrapped up in the story that you didn’t want the episode to end? There is a show that I like to watch that, at the end of every episode, I just wish would keep on going! I want to find out out what happens! It’s just so good that I don’t want it to end. That’s sort of how I felt about 2015 here at Bromley. Some things were just so good I just didn’t want them to end! These were small glimpses of God’s goodness in our midst. This report is like a reminder of those glimpses. Glimpses of our best year of Shine On Summer Camp yet, where more kids came and we connected with more families by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Glimpses of four baptisms, four amazing stories of how God has changed people’s lives and has given them hope. Glimpses of people loving and caring for each other, through joyful gatherings and sorrowful support. What you have in your hands is not just words on a page. It’s stories of joy and hope. Stories of God’s good grace this past year. A year that can’t be repeated, but that is wonderful to reflect on. As we strive to lead each other into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, one step at a time, I pray that you will let this report be a reminder of the steps we took together in 2015. In partnership,
Pastor Rob Sellitto Senior Pastor BRBC Annual Report 2015
Year in Review S U N DA Y S TA T I S T I C S
Historical Average Weekly Attendance 2015 | 115 2014 | 134 2013 | 147 2012 | 143 Average Sunday BRBC Kids Attendance
Total Number of Baptisms in 2015
Average Sunday Nursery Attendance
Number of First-time Visitors who filled out Contact Cards
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Number of Visits to bromleyroadbaptist.org
Number of Twitter Followers
Number of people who’ve ‘Liked’ our Facebook Page
112 2
+6 -3 -5 -1
Additions as Full Members Ariana Coleman Josh Godin Anne Mallette
Jonathan Memmott Pamela Memmott Samantha MacKenzie
Reductions by Death Fred Cole (Associate) Gale Foubert Dorene Tuff
(as of January 1, 2016)
Full Associate
Non-Resident Full Associate
Reductions by Transfer Colleen Post (Non-Resident) Robert Mackenzie Barbara Mackenzie
Membership Summary
Lilian Rotar Pat Rushworth
Non-Active Full Associate
Reductions by Request Randy Quammie
182 16 198 61 3 64 149 10 159
Total Membership: 421
YOUTH GROUP Average Weekly Attendance at Youth Group
Number of Youth who Attended Blizzard 2015
CAUSES Funds Raised to Support Nepal Earthquake Relief
Funds Raised as Part of the Christmas Challenge
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Throughout this past year, we’ve heard God’s message through our Senior Pastor Rob Sellitto and several guest speakers and lay leaders. Below is a reminder of the series that we worked through together in 2015.
Total Number of Sermon Series in 2015
Board of Deacons FRANK FEDYK, CHAIR
The Book of Acts explains that a Deacon is a servant-leader who ministers to the needs of church members. Throughout 2015, Deacons worked side-by-side with the Pastoral Team to support the fellowship and to help it grow spiritually, in an effort to become the church that God is calling Bromley to be. Bromley’s ministries, teachings, programs, and worship services sought to be a blessing as pastors, leaders and members worked together to advance our three ministry priorities: spiritual formation, newcomers and small groups. Deacons were faithful in praying for members, leaders and pastors. Deacons sought to be of service and to provide practical support to the church family. Worship services, ministries and programs were designed to praise, glorify and honour God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Active participation of members during Sunday worship included the celebration of Communion, singing worship songs and hymns, sharing of testimonials, collective prayer, and using gifts in service to others. Ministry leadership changes included the resignation of Christina Fisher as the Kids’ Pastor and Sarah Armstrong as the Pastor of Youth and Young Adults at the end of June. Bromley’s kids, youth, young adults and families have been blessed by Christina and Sarah’s joy, passion and commitment to teach them about Jesus, and living according to his teachings. Saralyn Tyler joined Bromley’s ministry team in September as Children’s Ministry Coordinator, charged with the organization and planning of Bromley’s Sunday morning kids’ ministries. Saralyn’s ministry at Bromley ends in mid-April as her plans have her returning home to Toronto. Bromley thanks Saralyn for her devoted service to the children and families of our church.
Ariana Coleman, Anne Mallette, Jonathan Memmott and Joshua Godin followed their Lord in baptism and were welcomed as members of Bromley. Pamela Memmott and Samantha Mackenzie also joined, based on experience. Pastor Rob, lay leaders and the fellowship spent time to listen and discern what God is calling Bromley to become. “To lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, one step at a time” was adopted as Bromley’s congregationally discerned and approved mission. “To be a church that does not make it difficult for people to turn to God” is the vision God is inspiring for us. All praise and glory be to God. 5
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Deacons spent time at each meeting in prayer seeking God’s mind and will for Bromley. New initiatives were undertaken to build leadership abilities, teamwork and unity amongst leaders, pastors and members including, for example, open forums for prayer/discussion and the Culture of Honesty workshop. Shine On Summer Camp, the church-wide small group study of 1 John (Simple), preparations to call a Pastor of Youth and Family Ministries, a visit by the director of Camp Kwasind and Bruno and Kathleen Soucy (our Partners in Mission serving in Central America, Davidson Desrosiers’ mission trip to China, facility improvements, and many acts of kindness to be a warm, welcoming and loving church family are some of the special blessings of the year. The Shine On Sunday BBQ and fun activities for camp kids and their families was enjoyed by all. Thank you too, to Pastor Rob who hosted a volunteer appreciation evening in September.
Board of Management PA U L B L A C K , C H A I R
In 2015, the Board of Management was hard at work monitoring and discussing the financial management of the church’s resources and the upkeep of the church building. The Board was comprised seven (7) volunteers to start the year, including: Lisa Praine (Chair), Michael Franklin (Vice-Chair), Eric Ebeltoft (Secretary), Murray Sturk, Ian Smiley, Mark Fathers and Paul Black (Treasurer). In June 2015, we were sorry to see the resignations of Lisa Praine and Mark Fathers, but were pleased to welcome Velma Parker as a new member. Paul Black completed the year as Chair. As part of the budget process, our church adopted three ministry priorities for 2015. These included Spiritual Formation, Small Groups, and Newcomers. As the Board of Management, we focused our energies primarily on welcoming Newcomers and made plans to refresh some of the more tired and run-down spaces of our church. While we were able to accomplish some of these plans - including refreshes to the washrooms on the main floor - our plans were derailed when the gas-fired boilers which heat the sanctuary and basement were deemed to need replacing. Prior to proceeding with the replacement, we undertook some extensive due diligence to determine the best options for replacement. These included investigation of the possibility of adding air conditioning into these spaces. In the end, it was decided to simply replace the two boilers with more efficient models and the work was completed in August 2015. Air conditioning is still a long-term option for the sanctuary, subject to financial resources being available. While we would have liked to make other improvements to the building in 2015, we are thankful for God’s provision of the resources needed to provide a comfortbale and warm space for worship and Sunday school. Thanks to all who were involved in the research, review and replacement of the boilers.
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Aside from major projects, we are also thankful to the continued work of the Indoor and Outdoor Working Teams, led by Irvin Stewart and Ron Black, respectively, who diligently work to complete much of the smaller, day-to-day upkeep of our church building. We are also thankful to Helen Flaherty for her dedication and help throughout the year in managing the many contractors who work on the building. Throughout 2015, the Board continued to work on the preparation and adoption of additional Operating Policies, stemming from the continuance process under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act and adoption of General Operating By-law No. 2 in 2014. Additional policies were adopted at the November business meeting, and the Board continues to work at adopting additional policies to close out this process. Thanks to your continued generous support of Bromley Road Baptist Church, we were able to accomplish many things in 2015. Ultimately, we finished with a deficit of approximately $7,600 for the year. This is as a result of the boiler replacement and the difference will be covered using operating reserves. Midway through 2015, our longtime relationship with St. Timothy’s Classical Academy came to an end after over 10 years of partnership. While their departure means a significant drop in revenue for 6
the church, it was not unexpected, and we are thankful for the years of partnership and relationships that we were able to foster with them. We are also excited about the space that their departure has made available for the ministries of our church. Join us in praying for the continued success of St. Timothy’s in their mission. In November 2015, the church approved a budget for 2016 totalling approximately $381,000, slightly reduced from 2015. We look forward to seeing how God uses this pledged money for ministry through Bromley this year. We look forward to continuing our work for welcoming newcomers to the church through further improvements and renovation of spaces within our church.
CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGS Rejoice! Annual General Meeting // April 26, 2015 Highlights: • Rejoiced in all the good things that God did at Bromley in 2014 and over the past 100 years of ministry • Heard plans for Family Ministry going forward, in light of the resignation of Christina Fisher and Sarah Armstrong • Received a financial update for the first quarter of 2015 • Appointed McKechnie and Company Chartered Accountants as auditors for 2015
Congregational Meeting // June 7, 2015 Highlights: • Approved job descriptions and established the search teams for the Associate Pastor of Family Discipleship and Children’s Ministry Coordinator staff positions • Heard an update regarding Shine On Summer Camp 2015
Highlights: • Elected church officers for 2015 • Adopted additional Operating Policies • Adopted the Ministry Plan and Budget for 2016 including five ministry priorities: Spiritual Formation, Newcomers, Small Groups, Children, and Families • Designated bequest funds from the estate of Gale Foubert • Passed a motion to initiate a review the church governance structure
BRBC Annual Report 2015
reALIGN Church Family Meeting // November 22, 2015
Senior Pastor R E V. R O B S E L L I T T O
If I had to pick one word to describe this past year of ministry at Bromley Road Baptist Church, it would be: movement. For both good and bad reasons this, to me, is a statement of what this past year was for us. The year began with a movement forward. The lay leaders and staff prayerfully reflected and discerned three priorities for the church to focus on for the year to bring for congregational approval. Together as a church we voted to move forward with the priorities of Spiritual Formation, Small Groups and Newcomers, focusing our energy and effort on what God was doing in our midst. We also saw how people chose to move forward in their relationships with Christ. We celebrated this with four baptisms in November and welcomed six new members who wanted to be a part of this church family. Some of us joined small groups for a first time this past year in taking the next step in our growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We also had my first child dedication here, and I look forward to more to come! I hope each of us moved forward in our relationship with Jesus Christ in our own way.
BRBC Annual Report 2015
There was also a moving away. Christina Fisher resigned as Kids’ Pastor in March of last year, followed by Sarah Armstrong as Pastor of Youth and Young Adults. This was a sad time, saying goodbye to some wonderful and faithful servants of God who blessed this church with their gifts. There was also the moving away of some of our friends. Some who went to be with the Lord, and others who have chosen to worship elsewhere as they do not feel they can do so at Bromley at this time. While we are sad to see them go, I am grateful that the Kingdom of God is much bigger than Bromley Road Baptist Church, and that these wonderful saints remain faithful to Christ their Lord in another church context. Last year my goal was to help us move inward and upward. With spiritual formation as our priority I desired to see us grow in self reflection and intimacy with our Lord Jesus Christ. It is my hope that we have done that and from some of the stories some of you have shared with me, I can see that we have grown in this area. I have heard positive feedback from the teachings of Scripture we’ve explored, and from the Culture of Honesty Workshop we held. This is a movement that is ongoing, and we will continue to strive to be self-reflective and intimate with our Saviour in 2016 and beyond. Last year was a year of movement, for both good and bad. And as we continue to move forward, I am grateful God calls us on this journey together.
Children’s Ministry Coordinator S A R A LY N T Y L E R
This past fall and winter in Sunday school were a lot of fun. Though our numbers have been small, they have also been consistent. I really believe that small group settings give us more opportunities to build authentic relationships. Getting to know these kids over the last few months has been awesome! They have a deep sense of curiosity, and are asking great questions about God in Sunday school. I am very thankful for our wonderful team of volunteers that make Sunday school an inviting, safe, and fun environment for kids to grow into personal relationships with Jesus. I am also very thankful we are a church who care a lot about what happens downstairs – thank you to all who have asked how things are going, have come downstairs to speak to us or teach occasionally, contributed snacks in December, and those who continue to pray for our kids. This fall and winter we averaged about 5 kids in our elementary Sunday school class (grades 1 to 6) and 4 kids in our nursery. In November, we packed 2 Operation Christmas Child show boxes. In December, we raised about $20 towards the Boys and Girls Club Christmas tree gift. We made Christmas cards for our shut-ins, and served cupcakes to the church during a coffee hour in December. These initiatives all fit into what we were learning in Sunday school at the time – ways we could show God’s love to other people around us. In December we also had various church members provide snacks for our Sunday school class. This was really sweet to see our upstairs congregation connect a bit with our downstairs Sunday school ministry.
God is at work and it truly excites me to see these kids grow each week. Please continue to pray for our Sunday school ministry – that God would be glorified in everything we do!
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Two things I would love for us to be thinking about in the future are: the Sunday school curriculum we use, and our sign-in/sign-out process. I like our Sunday school curriculum. It is published by an awesome group called Orange, but I sometimes wonder if it could be more in depth in our Bible stories. The curriculum is also written with a much larger Sunday school group in mind then what we currently have. I would suggest doing a Sunday school curriculum review for September 2016 (the new school year) just to see if there is an alternative option that might be better suited to our current Sunday school ministry. Finally, our sign-in/sign-out process is currently a paper clipboard system. While this works, sometimes kids do not get signed in or signed out. Often guests who are unfamiliar with the system get missed. I would like to suggest we review how this process could be made more effective.
Small Groups Small Groups were identified as a priority for our ministry in 2015. As a result, we made a concious effort to expand the number of small groups available, to resource groups and group leaders with relevant study materials, and we published our first small group study in the fall, called “Simple�. The Simple study expanded on the Sunday morning teaching and brought all groups and the church together to study the same thoughts and passages. We look forward to continuing with Small Groups as a priority in 2016.
Number of People in Small Groups
Number of Active Small Groups
Number of rightnow media Users
Worship BRBC Annual Report 2015
Sunday mornings are our opportunity to corporately worship the Lord, our God, each week. Each service is carefully planned to match music to media and message, and to create an environment that is conducive to worshipping together. Countless hours of work by staff and volunteers are put in to create a meaningful worship experience each week.
Number of Regular Choir Members
Number of Songs led by the Worship Team
Number of Congregational Songs Sung
274 10
Shine On Summer Camp Shine On Summer Camp had it’s most successful year yet in 2015, running for a total of four (4) weeks and selling out for all four of the weeks. We are thankful to the group of volunteers who took over the hiring of staff, planning of activities, registration and scholarship funding to make the camp a success. Thanks also to all of you for your financial support of the camp’s scholarship fund which allowed 49 kids to attend and provided over $6,000 of funding. The camp was run by Stephanie Krulicki, hired as the camp director and supported by three (3) cousellors. Rob Sellitto offered oversight and support to Stephanie as she took on the Camp Director’s role. We are thankful to all staff for their hard work. Each week of Shine On featured swimming, games, crafts, music, outtrips and time spent learning about God’s love for each and every one of the kids. We saw many returning campers, as well as some new ones. It’s great to see the lasting relationships that are being built through the camp with these families. We celebrated Shine On Sunday on September 13. Despite the weather, everyone had a great time celebrating the summer of camp, and kicking off the fall activities. We are excited to see what God has planned for Shine On Summer Camp in the summer of 2016!
Historical Average Weekly Attendance
126 330
Number of Millimetres of Rain that fell on Shine On Sunday
Scholarship Funds Disbursed in 2015
19.4 11
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Number of Hot Dogs served up on Shine On Sunday
2015 | 20 2014 | 14 2013 | 12 2012 | 15
Church Attendance at Shine On Sunday
GORD + KAREN LORIMER, CO-CHAIRS Our partners in mission for 2015 continued to be CBM missionaries Bruno and Kathleen Soucy who are serving in Latin America, Église Chrétienne le Rocher in Chateauguay, Quebec, and Iglesia Bautista Emmanuel in El Salvador. We as a congregation made a formal commitment to the people of IBE to send a team to El Salvador during our three-year partner in mission agreement. We had originally hoped to send a team during the summer of 2015 but it soon became apparent that the timing was not going to work. IBE pastor Miguel Castro visited our church in August to share on the work that IBE has been doing. During that session we explored ideas as to what a Bromley team of volunteers could do while in El Salvador. Pastor Miguel talked about his vision for building a youth centre in Alegria. This is the same community where our church volunteers built homes with IBE on an earlier mission trip. We also explored other opportunities where we could be of assistance, such as sharing team member skills in auto mechanics and massage therapy with local youth. After our discussion with Miguel, our plan evolved into sending a 12 member team the first week of August, 2016.
BRBC Annual Report 2015
In the fall of 2015, Bromley’s Christmas Challenge raised funds for both the Ottawa Mission and a much needed Bromley Church face lift. This initiative also served to build awareness of the work of the Ottawa Mission. Bromley folk rose to this challenge with a donation of $3,558 to the work of the Mission. In addition, 120 Christmas treat bags were prepared and delivered to the Mission for distribution to their clients. Bromley volunteers are now participating in Mission activities with hopes that this participation can grow.
Funds Raised for the Ottawa Mission
Number of Meals Purchased at the Mission
Number of Christmas Bags Sent to the Mission
Funds sent to Bruno and Kathleen Soucy
Funds sent to Iglesia Bautista Emmanuel
Funds sent to Eglise Chretienne Le Rocher in 2015
“When did we see you sick and in prison and came to visit you? And the King will reply to them, Truly I tell you , in so far as you did it for one of the least of these my brethren, you did it for Me� Matthew 25:39-40 The purpose of the Pastoral Care team is to visit all those who are sick or shut-in, at home or in hospital, and those who are lonely or in mourning. We are a team of 10 and meet monthly for lunch together and to report on how everyone we visit or call are doing. At Christmas we take flowers and homemade goodies, and at Easter we take flowers. We also visit those who want to receive Communion. Team members in 2015 included Fred and Laraine Bigham, Eileen Smith, Barbara Brown, Mary Rosebrugh, Velma Parker, Melvine Petroff, Kay and Joe Foster, and Carol Lesnick.
Number of times Communion was served
Average Number of Visits per Month
Number of Christmas and Easter Plants Delivered
Average Number of Phone Calls per Month
Number of Anniversary, Birthday and Sympathy Cards Sent
25 13
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Treasurer PA U L B L A C K , T R E A S U R E R
In 2015, we finished the year with a small deficit of approximately $7,600. In all, our revenues - including donations, use of facilities, grants, etc. - totalled $408,903 in 2015, as compared to our expenditures of $416,567. The deficit will be covered using Operating Reserve funds. The deficit is as a result of major investments that were required to the church’s heating system in 2015, which had not been previously anticipated. The boilers to heat the Sanctuary and basement were replaced with new high-efficient units that will ultimately save money over the long-term. The nearly $22,000 cost of this project resulted in the small deficit for the year. In past years, our revenues have been boosted by large injections from the rental of our building to a variety of community groups. St. Timothy’s Classical Academy has been our largest tenant for the past 11 years but left at the end of the 2014-2015 school year to move to a new location. Their departure meant a financial hit for our operating budget, but we had already taken steps to reduce our reliance on that income and was their departure was therefore felt more in the Capital Projects Fund (where 75% of use of facilities revenue is transferred). In 2015, we received approximately half of the revenue we were accustomed to receiving from St. Timothy’s and 2016 will represent the first year with no rental income from them. We continue to rent our space to a number of community groups whose smaller, but steady rental payments are split between the general operating budget (25%) and capital projects fund (75%). In 2016, all use of facilities income will go to the Capital Projects Fund.
Number of Regular Donors (at least 12 donations)
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Historical Total Number of Donors Using Pre-Authorized Debits 2015 | 21 2014 | 20 2013 | 15
Number of Regular PreAuthorized Debits Donors
2012 | 10 Historical Total Annual Givings (in thousands of dollars) 2015 | 368 2014 | 388 2013 | 386 2012 | 346
Number of Regular Online Donors
01 14
The 2015 audit and preparation of financial statements was once again completed by McKechnie and Company Chartered Accountants. This was their fourth consecutive year completing this work and I am appreciative of all their help and guidance. The audited financial statements can be found beginning on page 23. In what is now my sixth year as Treasurer, I continue to be thankful for the tireless efforts of Theresa Fruhwirth, Financial Secretary, and Susan Andrews, Associate Treasurer who are a great help to me throughout the year. In the following pages, please find schedules for each of the church funds detailing receipts and expenditures for each over the course of 2015. Thank you for your continued financial support of Bromley Road Baptist Church and it’s ministries. Our impact is indeed being felt throughout our city, and around the world.
Dollars spent on Missions
Dollars spent on Church Operations
Dollars spent on Benevolent Causes
$324,913 $3,500
BRBC Annual Report 2015
General Fund TO DECEMBER 31, 2015
(Dollars) 2015 Actual
BRBC Annual Report 2015
RECEIPTS Donations Designated Offerings Convention and Missions World Relief and Sharing Way Partners in Mission Grants (CBOQ, Canada Summer Jobs, etc.) Use of Facilities Investment Income Unrealized Investment Gains (Losses) Miscelleaneous TOTAL RECEIPTS
2014 Actual
299,993 12,047 27,426 17,496 10,572 500 32,263 3,354 (2,827) 8,079 408,903 $
307,658 16,113 30,629 20,223 13,840 5,489 58,566 3,943 179 13,386 470,026
2015 Budget
2016 Budget
292,600 24,120 24,120 9,000 5,300 18,200 12,700 386,040
296,000 23,400 11,700 9,000 4,000 36,750 380,850
DISBURSEMENTS Amortization Capital Projects 75% Transfer Out
18,247 24,197
20,726 -
D100 · Building Services D105 · Natural Gas D110 · Hydro D115 · Insurance D120 · Piano & Organ Tuning D125 · Cleaning Supplies D130 · Water & Sewer D135 · Yard Maintenance D140 · Building Repair D145 · Furniture & Equipment Purchase i tS i &R i D150 · E Equipment Service Repair D155 · Heating & A/C Service & Repair D160 · Elevator Maintenance & Repair D175 · Fire System Maintenance & Repair D165 · Audio Visual Supplies Total D100 · Building Services
7,913 12,588 6,957 1,798 2,275 762 8,124 4,185 406 3 035 3,035 31,001 2,000 203 81,244
8,115 10,711 6,266 1,819 2,546 830 3,852 3,383 738 2 377 2,377 2,428 1,703 30 44,798
9,000 12,000 6,780 1,300 2,000 750 6,500 8,000 500 500 1,800 2,000 150 51,280
8,500 12,000 7,000 1,200 2,500 650 5,500 2,500 500 500 2,000 1,500 2,000 150 46,500
1,927 1,774 6,379 943 731 1,476 47 299 4,158 296 17,733
4,100 1,200 3,600 750 600 1,100 300 250 3,500 550 15,950
1,550 1,500 4,200 800 600 800 300 4,000 500 14,250
D200 · Support Services D205 · Telephone + Internet D210 · Stationery & Postage D215 · Photocopier D225 · Miscellaneous & Bank Fees D230 · Computer Equipment & Supplies D298 · Internet Services D240 · Publicity & Marketing D245 · Website D250 · Reincorporation Legal Fees D255 · Audit Fees D380 · Transportation Costs Total D200 · Support Services
3,109 1,871 4,586 2,044 364 1,290
1,676 3,638 703 18,578
(Dollars) 2015 Actual D300 · Pay & Benefits Staff Salaries D355 · Summer Camp Staff D360 · Pulpit Supply D365 · Administrative Secretary Supply D370 · Organist Supply D375 · Ministry Team Professional Development D435 · Senior Pastor Discretionary D385 · Benefits D390 · Volunteer Appreciation D300 · Pay & Benefits - Other Total D300 · Pay & Benefits
150,232 16,399 150 623 600 1,269 210 33,191 202,674
D400 · Board of Deacons Service Review New Pew Bibles Video Podcast Video Announcements Gym and Lower Hallway Refresh Newcomer Info Centre Prayer Guide D405 · Anniversary Team D415 · Coffee Hour D420 · Flowers & Decorating D425 · Newcomers' Events D430 · Convention Travel D440 · Other D445 · Volunteer Appreciation D450 · Spiritual Disciplines Practicums D455 · Spiritual Formation Resources for Leadership D460 · Spiritual Director Total D400 · Board of Deacons $
719 182 3,004 392 244 4,541
2015 Budget
166,419 13,104 500 495 600 968 159 38,189 (2,306) 218,129 $
7,700 545 276 2,561 271 11,354
166,978 17,494 600 800 600 3,000 200 36,955 226,626
600 200 1,000 2,500 350 600 600 5,850
2016 Budget
165,844 16,640 1,100 700 600 6,000 250 36,940 500 228,574
1,500 900 100 300 10,000 250 200 500 100 1,000 2,500 500 750 18,600
1,453 3,634 157 1,346 -
1,507 4,795 -
1,500 1,700 6,500 150 -
4,000 1,700 3,500 150 500 150 150 500 200
2,139 408 880 1,496 -
1,500 1,500 1,500 150
2,800 750 -
342 1,600 829 84
BRBC Annual Report 2015
D500 · Family Ministries Team D510 · Kids' Ministry D511 · Kids' Zone Improvements D512 · Bromley Kids/Tots Program D513 · Summer Day Camp D515 · Kids' Pastor Discretionary D516 · Kids' Ministry Protection Plan D517 · Sunday School Bibles D518 · Sunday School Worship Time D519 · Volunteer Training and Appreciation D520 · Multi-Generational Connection Events D520 · Youth & Young Adults Ministry D521 · Jr. High Youth Program D521B · Sr. High Youth Program D522 · Special Events D523 · Retreats D524 · Transportation for Retreats D525 · Pastor Youth & Young Adults Discretionary
2014 Actual
(Dollars) 2015 Actual D530 · Community Fellowship Ministry D532 · Church-Wide Study D534 · Small Groups D535 · Small Groups Leader Training D536 · Small Groups Kickoff D540 · Family Ministries General D541 · Family Connection Events D542 · Event Advertising D543 · Family Resource Library D544 · Sunday Morning Take It Home Materials D545 · Shine On Sunday D546 · Parent Café Events Total D500 · Family Ministries Team
2015 Budget
2016 Budget
3,231 -
667 515 -
2,500 600 -
2,500 1,000 500
954 14,745
100 1,459 12,292
1,500 19,100
1,000 250 150 1,000 500 21,300
803 413 524 145 227 2,111
726 519 499 379 2,124
1,100 500 500 400 300 2,800
800 450 550 200 300 2,300
D700 · Pastoral Care Team D705 · Flowers & Gifts D710 · Pastoral Care Courses & Training Total D700 · Pastoral Care Team
321 295 616
404 20 424
200 50 250
400 125 525
D800 · Missional Initiatives D805 · Missional Opportunities Total D800 · Missional Initiatives
1,200 1,200
500 500
27,427 17,496 4,800 10,572 60,295
30,629 20,223 4,824 13,840 69,516
24,120 24,120 4,824 9,000 62,064
23,400 11,700 4,700 9,000 48,800
D950 · Designated Expenditures D952 · Alpha Program D971 · Rob Sellitto Education D972 · Pastor's Vision D973 · Nepal Earthquake Relief Total D950 · Designated Expenditures
27 1,245 1,998 2,350 5,620
2,508 1,280 1,682 1,682 5,470
D1000 · Miscellaneous Disbursements
(7,664) $
D600 · Worship Planning Team D605 · Music & Worship D610 · Music Copyright Fees D615 · Video Copyright Fees D620 · Worship Team D625 · Worship Resources Total D600 · Worship Planning Team
D850 · Canadian Baptist Missions D851 · CBOQ D852 · World Relief & Sharing Way D853 · Ottawa Baptist Association D854 · Partners in Mission Total D850 · Canadian Baptist Missions
BRBC Annual Report 2015
2014 Actual
(9,880) $ 402,427
(25,789) 419,971
Bequest Fund TO DECEMBER 31, 2015 TOTAL Balance of Fund, beginning of year Income Designated Offerings (Estate of Gale Foubert) Investment Income Unrealized Investment Gains (Losses)
10,000 1,844 (1,554) TOTAL
Expenditure TOTAL
Excess of Revenue (expenditure) for the year Balance of Fund, end of year Fund Commitments
Projects Kids' Zone Improvements El Salvador Mission Project Youth Ministries Refugee Project Roof Replacement Project TOTAL
Remaining Commitment
Original Commitment 9,000 1,000 15,000 20,000 28,800 73,800
9,000 1,000 6,832 7,311 28,800 52,943
Actual Spending (2015)
Future Commitments
Status -
Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing
9,000 1,000 6,832 7,311 28,800 52,943 322
Uncomitted Funds
Halley Fund TO DECEMBER 31, 2015
Balance of Fund, beginning of year Income Investment Income Unrealized Investment Gains (Losses)
62 (52) TOTAL
Expenditure Excess of Revenue (expenditure) for the year Balance of Fund, end of year
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Benevolent Fund TO DECEMBER 31, 2015
TOTAL Balance of Fund, beginning of year Income Donations Expenditure Designated Expenditures
6,207 TOTAL
3,500 TOTAL
Excess of Revenue (expenditure) for the year Balance of Fund, end of year
Mission Initiatives Fund TO DECEMBER 31, 2015 TOTAL
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Balance of Fund, beginning of year Income Donations Expenditure Davidson Desrosiers Mission Trip
$ 1,000 TOTAL
1,769 TOTAL
Excess of Revenue (expenditure) for the year Balance of Fund, end of year
$ $
(769) 7,671
Capital Projects Fund TO DECEMBER 31, 2015 TOTAL Balance of Fund, beginning of year Income Donations Interfund Transfer (*See note 1) Expenditure Fire System Completion
300 24,197 TOTAL
9,288 TOTAL
Excess of Revenue (expenditure) for the year Balance of Fund, end of year
Notes: 1. Consistent with the approval of the 2015 Budget, 75% of all revenue collected from the rental of the church facility (i.e. "Use of Facilities") is transferred into the Capital Projects Fund from the General Fund. In 2015, the total transfer value was $24,497.
Shine On Scholarship Fund TO DECEMBER 31, 2015 TOTAL
Expenditure Interfund Transfer (*See note 1)
5,787 TOTAL
(6,251) TOTAL
Excess of Revenue (expenditure) for the year Balance of Fund, end of year
Notes: 1. In 2015, 49 total scholarships were issued for a total value of $6,251. The scholarship funds were transferred to the General Fund to cover costs associated with the 2015 Camp staff and program.
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Balance of Fund, beginning of year Income Donations
Memorial Fund TO DECEMBER 31, 2015
TOTAL Balance of Fund, beginning of year Income Donations
Expenditure Excess of Revenue (expenditure) for the year
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Balance of Fund, end of year
Bromley Road Baptist Church Financial Statements December 31, 2015
BRBC Annual Report 2015
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MCKECHNIE & CO. Suite 500, 1390 Prince of Wales Drive Ottawa, Ontario, K2C 3N6
Independent Auditor’s Report
To the Members of Bromley Road Baptist Church We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Bromley Road Baptist Church, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2015 and the statements of operations, changes in fund balances and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion. Page 2 of 11
Basis for Qualified Opinion In common with many not-for-profit organizations, Bromley Road Baptist Church derives revenue from donations, the completeness of which is not susceptible to satisfactory audit verification, Accordingly, verification of these revenues was limited to the amounts recorded in the records of Bromley Road Baptist Church. Therefore, we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to donation revenue, excess of revenue over expense, and cash flows from operations for the year ended December 31, 2015, current assets, current liabilities and fund balances as at December 31, 2015. Qualified Opinion In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the matters described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Bromley Road Baptist Church as at December 31, 2015, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations.
Chartered Professional Accountants, Licensed Public Accountant Ottawa, ON April 11, 2016
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53,265 0 0 53,265
0 $ 0 0 0
$ 450,181 $ 53,265 $
0 253,816 140,545 394,361
$ 24,152 $ 5,617 26,051 55,820
See accompanying notes to the financial statements
1,457 $
1,457 0 0 1,457
0 $ 0 0 0
1,457 $
$ 450,181 $ 53,265 $
Page 4 of 11
5,090 $
5,090 0 0 5,090
0 $ 0 0 0
5,090 $
5,090 $ 0 0 5,090 0
Halley Benevolent Fund Fund
1,457 $ 0 0 1,457 0
Bequest Fund
$ 176,208 $ 53,265 $ 18,772 0 1,385 0 196,365 53,265 253,816 0
General Fund
Approved on behalf of Bromley Road Baptist Church:
Commitments (note 8)
Balance of funds (note 2) Externally restricted Invested in capital assets Unrestricted
Current Accounts payable and accrued Government remittances payable Deferred contributions (note 5)
Liabilities and Fund Balances
Capital (notes 2 and 4)
Current Cash and investments (note 3) Accounts receivable Prepaids
Statement of Financial Position As at December 31, 2015
Bromley Road Baptist Church
BRBC Annual Report 2015
15,209 0 0 15,209
0 $ 0 0 0
7,671 $ 15,209 $
7,671 0 0 7,671
0 $ 0 0 0
7,671 $ 15,209 $
0 $
0 0 0 0
0 $ 0 0 0
0 $
0 $ 0 0 0 0
Capital Shine On Camp Projects Scholarship Fund Fund
7,671 $ 15,209 $ 0 0 0 0 7,671 15,209 0 0
Bromley Mission Initiative
61,742 272,063 147,908 481,713
89,490 253,816 140,545 483,851
6,798 $ 539,671 $ 532,866
6,798 0 0 6,798
22,102 8,091 20,960 51,153
0 $ 24,152 $ 0 5,617 0 26,051 0 55,820
6,798 $ 539,671 $ 532,866
6,798 $ 265,698 $ 232,776 0 18,772 26,252 0 1,385 1,775 6,798 285,855 260,803 0 253,816 272,063
Memorial Fund
1,000 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,769 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,769 (769) 8,440 0 7,671 $
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,500 0 0 3,500 2,707 2,383 0 5,090 $ Page 5 of 11
See accompanying notes to the financial statements
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,288 0 0 9,288 (8,988) 0 24,197 15,209 $
300 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,787 464 (6,251) 0 $
5,787 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,787
Halley Benevolent Bromley Mission Capital Shine on Camp Fund Fund Initiatives Fund Projects Fund Scholarship Fund
6,207 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,207
Bequest Fund
Revenue Donations $ 299,993 $ 0 $ 0 $ Designated offerings 12,047 10,000 0 Convention and Missions 27,426 0 0 World Relief and Sharing Way 17,496 0 0 Partners in Mission 10,572 0 0 Grants 500 0 0 Use of facilities 32,263 0 0 Investment income 3,354 1,844 62 Unrealized investment gains/losses (2,827) (1,554) (52) Miscellaneous 8,079 0 0 408,903 10,290 10 Expense Building services 81,244 0 0 Support services 17,733 0 0 Pay and benefits 202,760 0 0 Board of Deacons 4,751 0 0 Family Ministries Team 15,698 0 0 Worship Planning Team 2,111 0 0 Pastoral Care Team 616 0 0 Missional Initiatives 0 0 0 Canadian Baptist Missions 27,427 0 0 World Relief and Sharing Way 17,496 0 0 Partners in Mission 10,572 0 0 Ottawa Baptist Missions 4,800 0 0 Designated expenditures 5,620 0 0 Amortization 18,247 0 0 Miscellaneous 7,492 0 0 416,567 0 0 Excess of revenue over expense (7,664) 10,290 10 Fund balances, beginning of year 419,971 42,975 1,447 Interfund transfers (note 6) (17,946) 0 0 Fund balances, end of year $ 394,361 $ 53,265 $ 1,457 $
General Fund
Statement of Operations and Change in Fund Balances For the year ended December 31, 2015
Bromley Road Baptist Church
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Total 2014
0 81,244 44,798 0 17,733 18,578 0 202,760 218,673 0 4,751 11,513 0 15,698 13,751 0 2,111 2,124 0 616 424 0 1,769 1,200 0 27,427 30,629 0 17,496 20,223 0 10,572 13,840 0 4,800 4,824 0 18,408 59,434 0 18,247 20,726 0 7,492 9,498 0 431,124 470,235 765 2,138 15,818 6,033 481,713 465,895 0 0 0 6,798 $ 483,851 $ 481,713
765 $ 314,052 $ 321,335 0 22,047 16,113 0 27,426 30,629 0 17,496 20,223 0 10,572 13,840 0 500 5,489 0 32,263 58,566 0 5,260 6,191 0 (4,433) 281 0 8,079 13,386 765 433,262 486,053
Memorial Fund
Bromley Road Baptist Church
Statement of Changes in Cash Flows For the year ended December 31, 2015
Operating activities Excess of revenue over expense Item not involving an outlay of cash Amortization
Change in non-cash working capital Accounts receivable Prepaids Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Government remittances payable Deferred contributions Increase (decrease) in cash during the year Cash and investments, beginning of year $
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Cash and investments, end of year
See accompanying notes to the financial statements Page 6 of 11
2,138 $
2014 15,818
18,247 20,385
20,726 36,544
7,480 390 2,050 (2,474) 5,091
(9,501) (1,775) (3,217) (96) (7,476)
265,698 $
Bromley Road Baptist Church Notes to the Financial Statements December 31, 2015 1.
Purpose of the Organization Bromley Road Baptist Church was incorporated under Part II of the Canada Corporations Act on July 11, 2007. The Church was continued under section 211 of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act on August 18, 2014. It is a registered charity within the meaning of the Income Tax Act and is exempt from income tax. Its primary activity is to preach, teach and promote the Gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, Son of God, within the local community, throughout Canada and to people everywhere.
Significant Accounting Policies These financial statements were prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations and include the following significant accounting policies: Fund Accounting The Church follows the deferral method of accounting for contributions. The General Fund reports the contributions from the congregation and expenses related to the operations and administration of the ministry. The Bequest Fund reports contributions from estates or funds otherwise left to the Church. The fund is used for approve capital projects or mission initiatives as approved by the congregation. Any investment income earned on the fund is used for the same purpose as the fund. The Halley Bursary Fund was established on December 29, 1982 to assist children to attend summer camps. Investment income earned on the fund is used for the same purpose as the fund. The fund is administered by the Family Ministries Team. The Benevolent Fund reports designated contributions from the congregation to be used exclusively to provide assistance to those who are hurting, suffering or are in need. Investment income earned on the fund is reported as income of the general fund. The fund is administered by the Benevolent Committee.
The Shine On Camp Scholarship Fund was established on November 11, 2014 to assist children to attend Shine On Summer Camp, a day camp run by the Church. Investment income earned on the fund is to be used for the same purpose as the fund. The fund is administered by the Treasurer.
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BRBC Annual Report 2015
The Bromley Mission Initiatives Fund reports designated contributions from the congregation and fund specific fundraising activities to be used for Mission Trips or Initiatives in Ottawa, throughout Canada, or around the world. Investment income earned on the fund is reported as income of the general fund. The fund is administered by the Missions Team, subject to Board approval.
Bromley Road Baptist Church Notes to the Financial Statements December 31, 2015 2.
Significant Accounting Policies (con’t) Fund Accounting (con’t) The Capital Projects Fund reports designated contributions from the congregation and an allocation of 75% (2014 - 50%) of use of facilities income to be used for capital projects. Investment income earned on th fund is reported as income of the general fund. The fund is administered by the Board of Management. The Memorial Fund reports designated contributions made in memory of a member or adherent of the church and can be used for mission or capital projects as determined from time to time. Investment income earned on the fund is reported as income of the general fund. The fund is administered by the Board of Management. Capital Assets Capital assets are recorded at cost and presented on the financial statements net of accumulation amortization. Capital assets are amortized using the declining balance method over the estimated useful lives of the assets at the following annual rates: Building Furniture and equipment
5% 20%
Revenue Recognition Restricted contributions and unrestricted contributions are recognized as revenue of the appropriate fund when received or receivable if the amounts to be received can be reasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured. Contributed Materials and Services Contributed materials and services are not recognized in the financial statements unless their fair value is determinable, the contributed materials or services are used in the normal course of business and would otherwise have been purchased and their value is significant.
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expense during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from these estimates.
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Bromley Road Baptist Church Notes to the Financial Statements December 31, 2015 2.
Significant Accounting Policies (con’t) Financial Instrument Measurement Bromley Road Baptist Church initially measures its financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value. The Church subsequently measures all its financial assets and financial liabilities at amortized cost, except for investments in equity instruments that are quoted in an active market, which are measured at fair value. Changes in fair value are recognized in the statement of operations. Financial assets measured at amortized cost include cash, accounts receivable and fixed income investments. Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost include accounts payable and accrued liabilities. Financial assets measured at fair value include investments in mutual funds.
Cash and Investments
Money market funds, measured at fair value Mutual funds, measured at fair value Cash
2015 2014 Book Value Market Value Book Value Market Value $ 5,633 $ 5,633 $ 5,560 $ 5,560 125,684 117,789 120,500 117,036 142,276 142,276 110,180 110,180 $ 273,593 $ 265,698 $ 236,240 $ 232,776
Capital Assets 2015
Accumulated Net Carrying Net Carrying Amount Amortization Amount 22,550 $ 0 $ 22,550 $ 22,550 259,097 58,613 200,484 211,036 93,938 63,156 30,782 38,477
375,585 $
Page 9 of 11
121,769 $
253,816 $
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Land Building Other equipment
Bromley Road Baptist Church Notes to the Financial Statements December 31, 2015 5.
Deferred Contributions Alpha Christmas Challenge Director of Community Care Fellowship Room Redecoration Food Drive Fourth Avenue Baptist Church Outdoor Ramp Pastor’s Vision Plant Seed for New Alliances Soldiers for Jesus Sunday School
$ 6.
2014 132 0 1,878 2,976 100 50 17 15,229 115 25 438
Received during year $ 0 $ 7,115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20,960 $
7,115 $
Expended during year 27 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,997 0 0 0
2015 105 7,115 1,878 2,976 100 50 17 13,232 115 25 438
2,024 $
Interfund Transfers Interfund transfers are comprised of the following: General Fund Capital Projects Shine on Camp Fund Scholarship Fund $ (24,197) $ 24,197 $ 0
75% facilities rental revenue Shine on Camp Scholarships
Balance, December 31, 2015
BRBC Annual Report 2015
(17,946) $
0 24,197 $
(6,251) (6,251)
Financial Instrument Risk The Church is exposed to various risks through its financial instruments. The following analysis presents the Church’s exposures to significant risk at December 31, 2015. Credit Risk There are no existing accounts receivable that represent a substantial risk for the Church.
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Bromley Road Baptist Church Notes to the Financial Statements December 31, 2015 7.
Financial Instrument Risk (con’t) Interest Rate Risk The Church is subject to interest rate risk on its fixed interest rate financial instruments. Fixed-rate instruments subject the Church to a fair value risk. The Church is exposed to this type of risk as a result of investments in bonds. However, the risk associated with the investments is reduced to a minimum since these assets are invested in government securities. Other Price Risk Other price risk associated with investments in shares is the risk that their fair value will fluctuate because of changes in market prices. This risk is reduced to a minimum, since the Church mitigates the risk by regularly rebalancing its portfolio and investing in the Canadian financial sector.
Commitments The Church has entered into various agreements related to the ongoing operations of the Church, including snow plowing services, elevator maintenance, photocopier and pipe organ, as follows: 2016 2017
$ 7,199 $ 3,048
BRBC Annual Report 2015
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Church Organization & Officers 2016 Officers
Term End
Ron Black
Membership Secretary
Ron Black
Paul Black
Associate Treasurer
Susan Andrews
Financial Secretary
Theresa Fruhwirth
Board of Deacons
Frank Fedyk
Eleanor Smiley
Marie-JosĂŠe Dionne
Kaitlyn Black
Ian Smiley
Velma Parker
Michael Franklin
Bill Crompton
Paul Black
Karen Lorimer
Gord Lorimer
John Thompson
Michael Armstrong
Board of Management
BRBC Annual Report 2015
Missions Team
A New Logo It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. But logos might say even more, with less. The golden arches you see driving down the road, the swoosh on the side of a pair of shoes, or the bitten apple on the back of a computer. We know what they signify just by glancing at them, without any lengthy explanation. Over the past year, you have likely noticed a new logo for Bromley Road Baptist Church. A logo is important - even more than we may realize. It shows people who we are, and where we are. It is often the first thing someone will see. In this regard, for us, it is important that it communicate the mission of the church. This new logo replaces a series of former logos that have been used over the past many years, with a fresh, clean look. The process of developing a new logo has been ongoing over the past several months and was implemented in the fall of 2015. The new logo is simple. This is intentional. The circular shape represents the unending love of Christ for all. The stylized cross represents the obvious death and resurrection of God’s son, but also represents a crossroads - a nod to both the physical location of the church (at the corner of Bromley and Lauder) but also to the crossroads in someone’s life when they come to Christ. Finally, the green colour of the church logo is representative of growth, and to Bromley’s desire to not make it difficult for people to grow in their relationship with God. As part of the logo, individual ministries will also benefit from a standardized logo using the same circle and cross, but using different colours to represent each group. For example: • The orange in the BRBC Kids logo is a combination of red and yellow. Red representing the love of the family and yellow the light of the church, when these two influences combine they can have a greater impact in the lives of children.
• The red of the BRBC Youth logo represents the fire/passion that young people need to grow in their faith. • The purple in the BRBC Missions logo represents the sharing of our riches through our church, our city, and our world. Ultimately a logo is only as important as the message it sends. And together we are the ones who will share the message this logo represents. Together we will lead others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, helping them see the goodness of God at the crossroads of their lives. 35
BRBC Annual Report 2015
• The blue for BRBC Groups (small groups) represents the lifegiving water that community in small groups can bring.