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Short Course Easy Enrollment

By Mail or In Person

Complete the enrollment form and mail your deposit or stop by in person at either campus location.

By Phone

Have your American Express, Discover, MasterCard or VISA ready and contact us at 405.377.3333.


Online enrollment is available at meridiantech.edu/shortcourses. Visit our searchable catalog at meridiantech.edu/catalog. Sign up to be first to learn about our courses and receive a monthly listing of upcoming courses at meridiantech.edu/newsletter.

Enrollment Hours

Monday through Thursday from 7:30 am - 10 pm | Friday from 7:30 am - 5 pm


Students enrolling in a course must be 16 or older for all courses except those where noted that registration is for one adult and one child age 8-15.

Can’t Find a Course

Need a course that isn’t being offered? Let us know at 405.377.3333.


Programs and instructional materials are adapted based on the expressed needs of the student. Students requiring special equipment or arrangements should notify a Meridian Technology Center employee during enrollment.

Short Course Refund Policy

A non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your enrollment for each class. The deposit guarantees your enrollment and is applied to your tuition. A $50 deposit is required for classes $399 and under. A $100 deposit is required for classes $400 and over. We are happy to refund your deposit if a class is canceled. The balance of tuition is due when the first class meets and is non-refundable. Supplies are not included in tuition, unless otherwise noted. Please be sure to take your projects with you when a class ends. Unforeseen circumstances may cause us to change the date or time of a class.

Our District

The Meridian Technology Center district includes residents living in communities served by the following school districts: Agra, Carney, Glencoe, Guthrie, Morrison, Mulhall-Orlando, Pawnee, Perkins-Tryon, Perry and Stillwater.

Student Information:

Name: _________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________

City: __________________________________________ State: _______________ ZIP: _________________________

Home Phone: ___________________________________ Business Phone: __________________________________

Birthdate (optional): ______________________________________________________________________________

Email (optional): __________________________________________________________________________________ SSN (optional): ___________________________________________________________________________________

Payment Information:

Charge Enrollment to: o o o o

Card No. __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __

Expiration Date ______ / ______ o Enclosed is my cash, check or money order

Amount Enclosed $ _____________________ (Payable to Meridian Technology Center)

Signature: ______________________________________________

Course Title Date Tuition

Stop by or clip and mail to:

Meridian Technology Center Main Campus | 1312 South Sangre Road | Stillwater, OK 74074 Meridian Technology Center South Campus | 3025 South Division Street | Guthrie, OK 73044

Highlights Course

Cryptocurrencies 101 - pg. 4 • Mastering the Landlord-Tenant Relationship - pg. 5 • LinkedIn Series - pg. 9 • 13 pg. Food Cuban Experience: Cultural • Charcuterie, Butter and Tapas Boards - pg. 15 • Emergency Medical Technician - pg. 18 • 22 pg. Treats Dog Homemade • Marketing for Photographers - pg. 23 •


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ll Fr ee: 888.377.9604 To 405.377.3333 | | 1312 S. Sangr e Road | Stillwater , OK 74074-1899

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