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Educate. Enrich Lives. Secure Economic Futures.
OUR VISION An extraordinary experience for learning. A passionate partner for success.
STRATEGIC FOCUS Students and Clients Make a measurable difference in the lives and careers of individuals through a wide array of high quality education, training and services accessible to all.
Educate. Enrich Lives. Community Partnerships Secure and Engagement Economic Futures
Optimize stakeholder value and economic impact and strengthen relationships with community partners, educational entities, businesses, entrepreneurs and residents across the district.
Culture Foster “best place to be” culture for all employees by implementing human resource practices and programming that allow for employee engagement, collaboration, inclusion and diversity.
Finance and Operations Operate with ethical management and stewardship of financial resources by maximizing operational efficiency, implementing structured processes, and through continuous evaluation of operations.
Continuous Improvement Incorporate innovations, best practices and datadriven information in the development, design and operations of Meridian’s programs, services and organizational operations.
STRATEGIC FOCUS Students and Clients
Strategic Plan 2021 - 2026
GOAL 1 Make a measurable difference in the lives and careers of individuals through a wide array of high quality education, training and services accessible to all. Initiatives 1.
Launch 3 new programs to meet identified critical occupations by 2026.
Expand opportunities for all students to engage in work-based learning experiences.
Continue to develop blended/online/virtual course offerings.
Increase student engagement in career planning services and student organization opportunities.
Full implementation of ACTE High Quality Programs of Study in full-time programs.
Critical Success Measures 1.
Increase all full-time program retention rates to 90% or higher.
Increase all full-time program completion rates to 90% or higher.
Maintain positive placement rate of 90% or greater with an emphasis in related placement rates.
Increase employer-based work-based learning experiences from (percent TBD by committee) in 2021 to TBD by 2026.
Increase CTSO participation rate to 80% by 2026.
Expand Adult Basic Education enrollment baseline in FY22 by 10% by 2026.
Increase unique sites served by 15% by 2026.
Develop baseline measure for ACTE High Quality Programs of Study for 2021 and increase to 90% by 2026.
Strategic Plan 2021 - 2026
GOAL 2 Optimize stakeholder value and economic impact and strengthen relationships with community partners, educational entities, businesses, entrepreneurs and residents across the district. Initiatives 1.
Complete a review of all Business & Education Councils to ensure active participation of individuals, organizations, communities and partners representative of the district.
Implement a system for the tracking of industry engagement with the student experience by 2022.
Enhance presence among employers, entrepreneurs and industry stakeholders in Guthrie and Logan County.
Critical Success Measures 1.
Increase business consulting hours by 10% annually.
Increase the number of unique businesses engaged in the student experience by 50% from (percent TBD by committee) in 2022 to TBD by 2026.
Improve Business & Education Council average participation rate from (percent TBD by committee) in FY21 to TBD by FY26.
Improve the ODCTE Accreditation Community Partnerships and Involvement (Standard 6.2) score from 3.07 in 2020 to 4 by 2026.
STRATEGIC FOCUS Community Partnerships and Engagement
Strategic Plan 2021 - 2026
GOAL 3 Foster “best place to be” culture for all employees by implementing human resource practices and programming that allow for employee engagement, collaboration, inclusion and diversity.
Initiatives 1.
Continue to address employee engagement and satisfaction.
Increase customized professional development offerings for non-certified staff.
Review and assess content and delivery format of professional development for certified staff.
Assess current level of and create common understanding among all staff of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.
Evaluate the current review process for non-certified staff and development of a rubric for evaluators which can better direct performance improvement.
Critical Success Measures 1.
Increase overall employee engagement as measured by the TWP survey to 90% by 2026.
Invest in employee development by offering every employee the opportunity for at least two professional development experiences each fiscal year.
Engage a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion score on TWP survey to set baseline measure in 2021 and increase to be above the 90th percentile by 2026.
Strategic Plan 2021 - 2026
GOAL 4 Operate with ethical management and stewardship of financial resources by maximizing operational efficiency, implementing structured processes, and through continuous evaluation of operations. Initiatives 1.
Maximize building capacity for South Campus through incubator occupancy, workforce and economic development, and facility usage.
Implement policy review processes and committee to maintain efficiency and effectiveness.
Formalize long-range facility and capital improvement planning process by 2022.
Critical Success Measures 4.
Obtain 60% incubator occupancy at South Campus by 2026.
Generate 1,500 enrollments annually in workforce development courses through the South Campus.
Review 20% of Meridian’s policies annually with 100% reviewed by 2026.
South Campus to generate income of 50% of operating costs by 2026.
STRATEGIC FOCUS Finance and Operations
GOAL 5 Incorporate innovations, best practices and data-driven information in the development, design and operations of Meridian’s programs, services and organizational operations. Initiatives 1.
Implement data visualization for key organizational data points and critical success measures by 2022.
Improve utilization and operations of campus learning management system(s).
Engage students in the accreditation self-assessment process.
Develop appropriate blended/online/virtual learning professional development opportunities for all instructional groups by 2022.
Maximize efficiency and quality of programs, services and operations with improved student and client evaluation collection, analysis and reporting.
Identify and implement a unified campus-wide measurement and process for overall student/client/guest satisfaction.
Critical Success Measures 1.
Improve the ODCTE Accreditation Operational Effectiveness score (Standard 6.1) from 2.89 in 2020 to 3.25 by 2026.
Improve the ODCTE Accreditation Strategy Development and Implementation (Standard 1.3) score from 3.45 in 2020 to 4 by 2026.
Develop baseline measure of student/client/guest satisfaction for 2022 and increase by 5% by 2026.
STRATEGIC FOCUS Continuous Improvement
1312 S. Sangre Rd. | Stillwater, OK 74074 | 405.377.3333 888.607.2509 | www.meridiantech.edu