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By looking to the left we can see that

What scares you in a horror film?

the thing that scares my targeted audience the most is jumpy scenes. This is a good indicated for me and my

Jumpy scenes

group because we now know what to

The villain

include in order to scare them. If we

Gore/Torture Music

wanted to develop this further we

Based on a true story

could add a suggestions bit in which


people could give us suggestions on what to include so we are acting on

the feedback received by our audience. This is also something I could include in my evaluation.

By looking to the left we can see that

How much gore do you like to see? (10 being a lot and 1 being none)

the most popular answers were ‘5’ and ‘7’ this would mean that we would have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

to find an equal balance between the two. This has given us a good indication because we now know that our target audience doesn’t like loads of blood because if they did then ‘10’ would be the most popular answer. We should ensure that we use some blood but not loads.

By looking to the left we can see that

Do you believe in ghosts?

‘yes’ and ‘no’ option were equal. This means that our target audience are split between believing in ghosts or not. We have a small minority that is Yes

unsure as well. This can help our group


because we could include some ghosts


in our trailer and it would be effective.

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