Brookes—Social-Emotional Development, 2018

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SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING And other skills children need to get ready for kindergarten!






ASQ:SE-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


SEAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

CALL Pyramid Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Strong Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


For Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Supporting Parents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 More Ready-to-Learn Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

order form on page 25 For information about international ordering, please see page 25 and


Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25




Specially developed to complement ASQ:SE-2, this new resource makes it a snap to share practical social-emotional strategies and handouts with parents of children from birth to age 6. PAGE 4

Learn how to use the proven Prevent-Teach-Reinforce approach with families to help them resolve their child’s behavior problems in their own homes. PAGE 11

New professional preparation guide! Discover how to work effectively with children, families, and colleagues to foster social-emotional growth in the critical early years. PAGE 14

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Valid and reliable social-emotional screening

Q:SE-2 Early identification of social-emotional problems is crucial to building a strong foundation for learning. With ASQ®:SE-2, a highly reliable, parent-completed tool with a deep, exclusive focus on social and emotional development, it’s easier than ever to screen important areas of social-emotional competence, pinpoint behaviors of concern, and identify any need for further assessment. Screen with ASQ:SE-2 at regular intervals to monitor progress and catch potential social-emotional issues, so children get the services they need as early as possible.


Questionnaires also available in Spanish! See to order.

Fast Facts about ASQ:SE-2 Which social-emotional areas does ASQ:SE-2 screen? Self-regulation, compliance, communication, adaptive functioning, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people

What age range does it cover? 1–72 months

How many questionnaires are there? 9 questionnaires—2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, and 60 months

How many items are there? 19–39 items per questionnaire

How long does a questionnaire take? 10–15 minutes for parents to complete and 2–3 minutes for professionals to score

Is it valid and reliable? Yes. ASQ:SE-2 has been investigated with a normative sample of more than 14,000 diverse children across the age intervals and their families. Test-retest reliability is .89 and validity agreement is .83 across intervals (both excellent). Sensitivity is .81 and specificity is .83.

ORDER YOUR STARTER KIT: only $295! Box includes: paper masters of questionnaires and scoring sheets, a CD-ROM with printable PDF questionnaires, User’s Guide, and laminated Quick Start Guide (English or Spanish). With English Questionnaires—$295.00 | Stock #: 18115P-79611 2015 | ISBN 978-1-59857-961-1 With Spanish Questionnaires—$295.00 | Stock#: 18115P-79628 2015 | ISBN 978-59857-962-8 Ages & Stages Questionnaires® and ASQ® are registered trademarks and ASQ-3™, ASQ:SE-2™, and the ASQ logos are trademarks of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.

2 | 1-800-638-3775 |





6 easy steps to screening success!

A 1

Choose the right questionnaire for the child’s age. Photocopy or print it…


Give it to the parent to complete and return.


Score the questionnaire when the parent returns it.




…or use ASQ Online.



Parent fills out the questionnaire at home.


Score by hand in minutes… …or in seconds with ASQ Online.

Questionnaires are clearly worded and easy to complete.



Share results with the parent.

Discuss follow-up and referral options if there are potential behavioral concerns.



Give parents fun ASQ:SE-2 learning activities & handouts

Help them learn about key milestones and boost social-emotional development between screenings!

See page 18 to learn about developmental screening with ASQ-3 | 1-800-638-3775 |



Boost child development between screenings!


ASQ®:SE-2 Learning Activities & More By Elizabeth Twombly, M.S., Leslie J. Munson, Ph.D., & Lois M. Pribble, Ph.D.

Enhance the social-emotional development of infants and young children with this treasure trove of learning activities, handouts, and more! Specially developed to complement ASQ:SE-2, this essential resource makes it a snap to share practical social-emotional strategies with parents of children from birth to age 6. In this book and CD-ROM set, you’ll get:



• Social-emotional learning activities: More than 90 fun, developmentally appropriate activities that promote adult–child interaction and key social-emotional skills. • Newsletters for parents: These nine engaging newsletters explain important social-emotional milestones, share practical tips, and offer parents encouraging words of wisdom. • Topic-specific handouts: Get one-sheets that answer parents’ urgent questions about topics important to social-emotional development: feeding, sleeping, and calming, choosing child care, establishing routines, and more.

Perfect for sharing with families, these creative activities are an effective, lowcost way for parents and children to learn and have fun together. English—$49.95 | Stock #: 18115P-69780 | 2018 | 136 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback with CD-ROM | ISBN 978-1-55766-978-0

Spanish version available May 2018!

Spanish—$49.95 | Stock #: 18115P-52735 | May 2018 | approx. 144 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback with CD-ROM | ISBN 978-1-68125-273-5

WHAT YOU’LL GET 90+ learning activities Helping Your Baby Grow, 0–3 months (continued) Great Big World


Soothing Voices


How Are You Feeling?

Activities for 0 to 3 Months

Gentle movement is usually calming for babies. Dancing or rocking in a chair is relaxing for both you and your baby. Listen to soft, soothing music, or sing quietly. Gently sway back and forth, holding your baby close. Whisper in your baby’s ear and let them know how much you love them. From birth, babies are interested in exploring your face, voice, and body. Your baby tells you a lot through body movements and sounds. Watch and listen to your baby during playtime and other daily activities. Who is this Help older siblings get to know the new baby by making time for them to be together. Show big little person? Respond to sounds your baby makes, and let your baby know sister (or brother) how to be gentle with the baby. Tell big sister what a good job she is doing. you are trying to understand. Through back-and-forth interactions with your “Wow, she really likes your smile. Look at how she’s watching!” Encourage siblings to talk to baby, you become connected, or attached, to each other. Encourage family the baby. Have an older brother come close and say, “Hi, I’m James. Can you see me?” Gently members to show love for the new baby (and each other). Your positive position your baby’s body so everyone can look at each other. back and forth interactions with your baby are key to their social-emotional development.

Your baby recognizes your voice. Hearing familiar voices is comforting to your baby. Talk to your baby about everything. For example, while grocery shopping, talk about what you are buying. “Bananas. Let’s get some bananas.” Your baby also loves to hear your singing voice. YouYour may baby can see your face, smell you, feel your skin, and hear your voice. Your baby can even Talk Time remember some simple songs or lullabies from your childhood. sense how you are feeling. Talk, sing, look at, and smile at your baby. Say your baby’s name. Watch and wait to see what your baby does. Does your baby look at your face and eyes? Is your baby listening to you? When you move, does your baby try to follow your voice with head movements? Your baby doesn’t like to be far from you. Find a quiet, comfortable place to feed your baby. Hold your baby close and look into their eyes. While feeding, watch your baby closely and see what helps them calm and focus. Does your baby relax and suck better when you talk or sing to them or when you are quiet? See what At 2toweeks, your baby can see clearly 8 to 10 inches away. Hold your baby close to your face and works best for your baby. Pay attention to how you are feeling, too.Silly Your baby is connected Faces watch what they do. If your baby opens their mouth, open your mouth. Stick out your tongue. you and can sense how you feel. When you relax, your baby relaxes. Watch and wait a bit. Does your baby try to copy you? Your baby may not be able to copy you at first, but keep trying! Watch your baby carefully and guess how they are feeling. Is your baby hungry? Full? Uncomfortable? Is your baby happy, mad, or sad? Is your baby ready to play or getting sleepy? Place your baby on their tummy on a clean blanket on the floor. Lie down next to your baby, talk, Talk to your baby about what you think your baby is feeling. “I saw that yawn. You look sleepy.” Tummy and watch what your baby does. When your baby starts to pick up their head, let them know you One day soon your baby will be able to tell you! For now, your baby Playtime tells you with behaviors, noticed. “You picked up your head!” Celebrating new skills with your baby as they grow builds body movements, cries, sounds, and facial expressions. confidence. Now your baby can look at the world in a whole new way. Never leave your baby alone on their tummy.



ASQ®:SE-2 Learning Activities & More, Twombly, Munson, & Pribble. © 2018 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.


Your Toddler’s Social-Emotional Development

27 to 33 Months


0–3 months

Sibling Social

Topic-specific handouts


Take your baby out for short walks. Let your baby see the sky and trees, listen to the birds, and feel the wind. If you can carry your baby, they can feel the warmth of your body and hear your heartbeat, and they will feel safe and secure. Your baby may cry less and calm more easily when they are physically close to you. Talk to your baby about what you can see, hear, or feel. This is how your baby learns the meaning of words.

Helping Your Baby Grow

Rock-a-Bye Baby

9 newsletters for parents

Your baby is never too young to listen to a story or look at pictures in a book. Your baby will feel warm, safe, and calm in your arms. Reading books is an activity you and your baby can do every day as a routine, to help you get close and connect. Your baby listens to the tone of your voice and hears the words you are saying. At this age, your baby focuses best on simple black-andwhite pictures or big, brightly colored pictures.

Your child is learning what they can do and are more confident in their abilities. They are proud of their big kid skills. Your child also wants control. They want to do things their way and on their timeline. It can be frustrating when your child tells you “no” or wants to do things “by myself.” The trick is to give your child a little control while still being in control yourself. For example, always offer two acceptable choices when requesting something of your child: “Do you want to put on your red shirt or your blue shirt?” This small choice provides a little bit of control that feels good to your independent toddler.

Getting Ready for Kindergarten Entering kindergarten is a big change for you and your child. It is an exciting time, and it also might be a little scary for you both. You can help by preparing yourself and your child for this big step well ahead of time. Provide opportunities for your child to practice being away from you and being more independent with self-help skills such as eating and dressing. Visit the school and find out what to expect. These steps will increase your child’s confidence and make both of you feel more prepared for this big change!

In The Year Before Kindergarten

“Keep on Trying” Your toddler is taking on more challenges, and these challenges can trigger big feelings. It doesn’t take much for your child to become discouraged and give up on a task that is hard or to say, “You do it.” Encourage and support your child: “Keep on trying. You can do it.” Stay close and, if needed, help your child before they do give up. Let your toddler know you have confidence in their abilities. When your child learns something new, let them know how proud you are.

First Friends Make times when your child can be with other children their age. Your child may enjoy attending music, movement, or dance classes with other children. If that is not possible, consider trips to the park or dancing together during play dates. Such activities are low-stress for your child, since there is little need to share toys or other belongings.

• Set up times for your child to play with other children—including future classmates, if possible. Knowing how to play and get along with peers is a big part of kindergarten. Having a few friends in class will help your child feel more comfortable.

What Is Social-Emotional Development?

• Teach your child how to do things independently. This will help your child start to build autonomy— the ability to do things separately from you.

Social-emotional development is your child’s ability to • Experience, express, and manage emotions

• Encourage your child to practice writing their first name. Teach them their address and telephone number.

• Develop positive relationships with you and others • Explore their environment with curiosity and confidence Social-emotional skills

Calm First, Talk Later Your child is learning to express and control their big feelings. This is a very hard thing to do! If your child is upset, help them calm down before trying to talk to them. Hold them lovingly in your arms and breathe together. “You’re okay sweetie. Mommy’s here.” Talk about and practice calming ideas at times when your child is not upset. Ideas include deep breathing, using words to talk about feelings, taking a break, or switching to a new activity.

• Let your child dress without your help. Teach your child how to open food containers. Teach them all the steps of using the bathroom alone. Your child’s self-confidence will grow as they learn how to do things independently. Be sure to praise your child’s growing independence: “You dressed all by yourself this morning!”

• Limit television and other screen time to 1 to 2 hours a day. Your child will need to be able to stay calm and focus on real-world activities or a teacher for periods of time. • Encourage your child to stick with activities for longer periods of time. This helps your child build self-regulation skills—the ability to monitor and control their own behavior. • Take your child with you out into the world—to the library, grocery store, and other places. This will help your child feel more secure exploring new places.

• Develop through positive and loving interactions with you and others

• Create bedtime and wake-up routines over the summer before kindergarten starts. Help your child prepare for the school schedule.

• Are key to your child’s success in school and in life

• Visit your local school and your child’s classroom. Meet the teacher. Find the bathroom! This will help build your child’s confidence.

Exploring the World Give your toddler opportunities to explore new activities and places. Take your child to a park, the library, or other fun places. New places may be scary for your child at first. Keep your child close and let them watch before joining in activities. Show your child how to greet new people, such as a clerk at a store. It is okay if your child is shy at first. When your child is ready, they will let you know.




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(continued) ASQ®:SE-2 Learning Activities & More, Twombly, Munson, & Pribble. © 2018 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.


Give these to parents after every screening to promote adult–child interaction and social-emotional skills.



ASQ®:SE-2 Learning Activities & More, Twombly, Munson, & Pribble. © 2018 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

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ASQ®:SE-2 Learning Activities & More, Twombly, Munson, & Pribble. © 2018 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

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Explain key social-emotional milestones to parents, share practical tips, and offer warm words of wisdom.

Answer parents’ urgent questions about feeding, sleeping, calming, choosing child care, establishing routines, and more. | 1-800-638-3775 |


Learn more about ASQ:SE-2 Use these resources to learn ASQ:SE-2 basics, jumpstart or strengthen a social-emotional screening program, and get families involved in the screening process.




ASQ:SE-2 effectively screens 7 key social-emotional areas. This infographic defines each of these essential areas and provides examples from the questionnaires. GET THE INFOGRAPHIC:

JANE SQUIRES ASQ:SE-2 VIDEO In this short, engaging video, ASQ:SE-2 developer Jane Squires gives you a brief introduction to how the screener was developed, how it works, and why it’s important. WATCH IT NOW:

ASQ:SE-2 SOCIALEMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT GUIDE POSTER Use this colorful poster of key milestones to support the social-emotional development of children from 2 to 60 months of age. Great for sharing with parents! PRINT YOUR POSTER: SocEmoPoster

| 1-800-638-3775 |

SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL SCREENING TOOLKIT This 28-page, full-color toolkit is packed with handouts, tip sheets, charts, and other resources to help your program get started with social-emotional screening using ASQ:SE-2. GET YOUR TOOLKIT:



When ASQ:SE-2 results say a child needs more, follow up with SEAM™

Q:SE-2 Social-Emotional Assessment / Evaluation Measure (SEAM™) Research Edition


By Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., Misti Waddell, M.S., Kristin Funk, M.A., LCSW, Jantina Clifford, Ph.D., & Robert Hoselton

When results from a screener like ASQ:SE-2 say a child needs more support, your next step is SEAM™, a discovery and planning tool for helping young children at risk for social-emotional challenges. For use with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, the SEAM assessment reveals detailed qualitative information on children’s social-emotional competence—and identifies caregivers’ strengths and areas of need. The ideal Work on family outcomes as well as child outcomes follow-up to ASQ:SE-2! Start sensitive but important talks with parents Educate families about social-emotional milestones Develop functional goals for the child





AT A GLANCE DEVELOPERS: Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., Misti Waddell, M.S., Kristin Funk, M.A., LCSW, Jantina Clifford, Ph.D., & Robert Hoselton DOMAINS ASSESSED: Social-emotional development and parenting strengths and needs AGE RANGE: 2–66 months (Infant: 2–18 months; Toddler: 18–36 months; Preschool: 36–66 months) WHO CONDUCTS IT: Early interventionists, early childhood teachers, Head Start and Early Head Start professionals, home visitors, parent educators WHERE IT’S CONDUCTED: In early education programs, child care centers, homes, or other settings where children are served LANGUAGES AVAILABLE: English and Spanish (both on the included CD-ROM)

• • • •


SEAM Tool. SEAM includes three intervals with different developmental ranges: Infant (2–18 months), Toddler (18–36 months), and Preschool (36–66 months). Each interval assesses 10 child benchmarks critical to social-emotional competence, including empathy, adaptive skills, self-image, emotional responses, and healthy interactions with others. The SEAM system also includes SEAM with Ages, an alternate version of the tool annotated with a helpful list of age ranges for each item. This version makes it easy to give caregivers general guidance on how social-emotional skills typically develop and where their child’s development fits on the continuum. SEAM Family Profile. The Family Profile assesses parent/caregiver strengths and helps identify areas in which they need more supports to foster their child’s social-emotional skills. Like SEAM, the Family Profile assessment includes three intervals—Infant, Toddler, and Preschool. Each interval measures four benchmarks: responding to needs, providing activities and play, providing predictable routines and an appropriate environment, and ensuring home safety. WHAT TO ORDER

Complete SEAM™, Research Edition—$52.00 | Stock #: 18115P-72803 2014 | 46-page User’s Guide (8 ½ x 11, paperback), plus 179 pages of master forms on CD-ROM | ISBN 978-1-59857-280-3 SEAM™ is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.


Customized training for SEAM is available through Brookes On Location Please call 1-800-638-3775 or contact to learn more.

6 | 1-800-638-3775 |


Inside SEAM™



The SEAM Tool assesses 10 benchmarks critical to social-emotional competence: 1. Child participates in healthy interactions 2. Child expresses a range of emotions 3. Child regulates social-emotional responses

The SEAM Family Profile assesses 4 benchmarks key to a nurturing home environment: 1. Responding to needs 2. Providing activities and play

4. Child begins to show empathy for others

3. Providing predictable routines and an appropriate environment

5. Child attends to and engages with others

4. Ensuring home safety

6. Child explores hands and feet and surroundings (for infants) or demonstrates independence (for toddlers/preschoolers)

Caregivers choose from response options and offer more details in the space provided. Each item comes with helpful examples.

7. Child displays a positive self-image 8. Child regulates activity level 9. Child cooperates with daily routines and requests 10. Child shows a range of adaptive skills To assess each item on the SEAM tool, caregivers choose from simple response options. Each item comes with examples for ease of understanding and accuracy of response.

| 1-800-638-3775 |

LEARN MORE about SEAM, watch a webinar, read an author Q&A, and download sample forms:


An expanding library of resources to help you make the most of ASQ & SEAM



Visit the ASQ® website!



We’ve gathered some of our most helpful resources on developmental and social-emotional screening into full-color, PDF toolkits you can download and use right away. Get parent handouts, implementation tips, and much more!

Download the popular ASQ Age & Adjusted Score Calculator, a free app that helps ASQ users choose the right questionnaire every time and adjust scores for omitted questionnaire items.




Promote children’s development between screenings in the same areas screened with ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2. Print free sheets of fun, inexpensive activities from the ASQ website and share them with parents of young children.

Everything you need to know about developmental screening, all in one place! This dynamic visual guide links you to resources for every stage of screening, from getting started to implementing and monitoring a program.



Need to get new users started with ASQ? We’ll soon be offering official developer-approved training materials, including introductory PowerPoints, one-sheets and handouts, and activities and quizzes to use in training sessions.

Want to network with other ASQ users? The upcoming networking directory will give you a chance to connect with other users from organizations like yours, so you can compare notes and learn from each other’s experiences. 8 | 1-800-638-3775 |



Is your program among the thousands using the Pyramid Model for Promoting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children? If you’re using this evidence-based model—or if you want to start—the tools and books on these pages can help. You’ll discover how to implement all three levels of the pyramid (universal, targeted, and individualized positive supports) and assess how well your program is using the model to support the behavior and social-emotional skills of all learners.





Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT™) for Preschool Classrooms Research Edition

By Lise Fox, Ph.D., Mary Louise Hemmeter, Ph.D., & Patricia Snyder, Ph.D. An in-depth observational assessment tool, TPOT™ is used to measure how well teachers in individual preschool classrooms are implementing all three levels of the Pyramid Model. Through classroom observations and teacher interviews, trained administrators uncover valuable information about a teacher’s current practices and responses to challenging behavior. TPOT results show schools which practices are being implemented successfully—and what teachers need to focus on to ensure positive social-emotional outcomes for young children ages 2–5. WHAT IT ASSESSES:

TPOT assesses 14 key teaching practices, 17 red flag items, and 3 strategies for addressing challenging behavior. TPOT HELPS YOUR PROGRAM:

“Serves as a critical tool to any and all who are looking to implement the Pyramid Model to fidelity.” —Rob Corso, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University

• • • • •

Support effective implementation of the proven PBIS-based Pyramid model Promote social-emotional competence in young children Implement strategies to prevent and address challenging behavior Compare implementation across classrooms, teachers, and programs Identify where teachers need extra professional development and support


COMPLETE TPOT (includes the manual and one pack of forms) $90.00 | Stock #: 18115P-76528 | 2014 Manual and tool also sold separately at TPOT™ is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.


Customized training for TPOT™ is available; see | 1-800-638-3775 |



Preschool-Wide Evaluation Tool™ (PreSET™) Assessing Universal Program-Wide Positive Behavior Support in Early Childhood, Research Edition By Elizabeth A. Steed, Ph.D., Tina M. Pomerleau, M.Ed., & Robert H. Horner, Ph.D. . A comprehensive tool that assesses PBIS in your whole early childhood program or school, PreSET™ focuses on the bottom level of the Pyramid Model—universal strategies used with all children. Through classroom observations and interviews, PreSET shows you how well your program is implementing PBIS and what you need to work on. WHAT IT ASSESSES: CD-ROM

PreSET Results Help Your Program: • See at a glance how your program is implementing PBIS • Measure progress toward goals • Work on trouble spots and report outcomes to OSEP • Better support the critical social-emotional skills children need for kindergarten • Target quality improvement efforts and strengthen intervention plans • Determine professional development needs for teachers

PreSET assesses 8 primary features of program-wide PBIS: • Expectations defined • Behavioral expectations taught • Responses to appropriate and challenging behavior • Organized and predictable environment • Monitoring and decision making • Family involvement • Management • Program support WHAT TO ORDER: MANUAL—$50.00 | Stock #: 18115P-72070 | 2012 | ISBN 978-1-59857-207-0 TOOL on CD-ROM—$99.95 | Stock #: 18115P-72087 | 2012 | ISBN 978-1-59857-208-7 Preschool-Wide Evaluation Tool™ and PreSET™ are trademarks of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.


THE BROOKES–PYRAMID MODEL PARTNERSHIP Brookes is committed to helping all young children develop critical social-emotional skills—and as part of that commitment, we’ve proudly partnered with The Pyramid Model Consortium (PMC). The leading nonprofit dedicated to promoting highfidelity use of the Pyramid Model, PMC provides early childhood educators with training and technical assistance activities. Now Brookes and PMC are combining their knowledge and experience to • expand access to the Pyramid Model’s evidencebased practices 10

• develop resources and training based on PMC’s work and distribute them to educators • help ensure that teachers and families have reliable, proven tools for nurturing children’s healthy development PMC and Brookes are working hard together—for you, and for all early childhood educators and families. Together, we’ll help you improve the socialemotional competence of young children, reduce behavioral challenges, and get all children ready for school success. | 1-800-638-3775 |






Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children

The Early Childhood Model of Individualized Positive Behavior Support By Glen Dunlap, Ph.D., Kelly Wilson, B.S., Phillip Strain, Ph.D., & Janice K. Lee, M.Ed.

“If I were asked to recommend the best approach for preventing challenging behavior patterns among preschoolers, this book would be my first and only choice. This is truly an amazing resource.” —Hill Walker, Ph.D., University of Oregon

Resolve persistent behavior challenges in early childhood settings with this practical guide to the Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children (PTR-YC) model, a research-proven, family-centered approach drawn from the principles of applied behavior analysis and positive behavior support. LEARN HOW TO:

• Successfully address severe problem behaviors common in younger children • Set individualized goals for children • Conduct assessment and intervention • Help children with and without disabilities • Work effectively with diverse families • Collect reliable data and use it to inform next steps PRACTICAL MATERIALS: CD-ROM with planning forms and

worksheets, including a Goal Sheet, Daily Log, Behavior Rating Scale, Intervention Menu, and Team Implementation Guide. $42.95 | Stock #: 18115P-72506 | 2013 | 216 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback w/ CD-ROM | ISBN 978-1-59857-250-6

| 1-800-638-3775 |

Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Families A Model of Individualized Positive Behavior Support for Home and Community

By Glen Dunlap, Ph.D., Phillip S. Strain, Ph.D., Janice K. Lee, M.Ed., BCBA, Jaclyn D. Joseph, M.S.W., BCBA, Christopher Vatland, Ph.D., & Lise Fox, Ph.D. With the Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Families (PTR-F) model in this accessible guidebook, you can use the proven PTR approach with families to help them prevent behavior challenges in children ages 2–10, teach proactive communication and social skills, and reinforce positive behavior. You’ll discover how to take on the role of PTR-F facilitator and meet each family’s unique needs through a clear 5-step process: 1. Initiating the process with the family and working together to set individualized goals 2. Assessment: Guide the family through the steps of functional behavioral assessment (FBA) 3. Intervention: Help the family choose from a menu of options to build a behavior support plan 4. Coaching the family to implement the plan 5. Monitoring behavioral data with the family PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Printable forms online, plus extended

case examples that walk you through the PTR-F steps and bring the process to life. $44.95 | Stock #: 18115P-79789 | 2017 | 240 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-59857-978-9



Merrell’s Strong Start

A Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, Second Edition Merrell’s Strong Start—Pre-K and Merrell’s Strong Start—Grades K–2, by Sara A. Whitcomb, Ph.D., & Danielle M. Parisi Damico, Ph.D. ALSO AVAILABLE:

Merrell’s Strong Kids—Grades 3–5 and Grades 6–8; Merrell’s Strong Teens—Grades 9–12, by Dianna Carrizales-Engelmann, Ph.D., Laura L. Feuerborn, Ph.D., Barbara A. Gueldner, Ph.D., & Oanh K. Tran, Ph.D.

“We really like this program . . . In a world where children see so much that’s negative, it’s so refreshing that we as a school can offer them a way to see the positive.” —Joy Deates, Positive Behavior Support Facilitator, Central Point Elementary School, Central Point, Oregon



WHAT’S NEW: • Crosswalk of Strong Start lessons with five key social-emotional learning competencies • Time-saving options for chunking the lessons into smaller pieces • Guidance on how to use Strong Start within a multi-tiered systems of support framework • Instructor reflection sections that help educators with lesson preparation • Mindfulness-based activities that help students focus and reflect • Extension activities that generalize and reinforce skills as students practice what they learn • Fidelity checklists to help guide you through successful implementation of Strong Kids

Teach social-emotional competence with the NEW editions of the Strong Start curricula! Part of the Strong Kids™ series, Strong Start is the fun, easy way to help children in preK–Grade 2 develop the social-emotional skills they need to build a strong foundation for school success. Developed by a team of educational and mental health experts, each evidence-based, age-appropriate curriculum is

3 Low cost and low tech 3 Proven to help decrease emotional and behavioral problems 3 Easy to implement with no mental health training required 3 Brief enough to use with any program HOW IT WORKS: Each curriculum runs for 10–12 weeks. You can fit the lessons easily into your existing schedule—especially with these new editions, which have options for breaking lessons into smaller chunks. You get everything you need to implement the program with little added cost or preparation. Partially scripted lessons, handouts, and worksheets are included—all photocopiable and available as convenient downloads. In just 20 minutes per lesson, you’ll deliver engaging, thought-provoking classroom activities. Your students will learn about emotions and strengthen the social-emotional skills they’ll use for the rest of their lives: managing anger, reducing stress, solving interpersonal problems, and much more. Each curriculum: $42.95 | 2016 | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback Pre-K: Stock #: 18115P-79697 | ISBN 978-1-59857-969-7 Grades K–2: Stock #: 18115P-79703 | ISBN 978-1-59857-970-3 Also available! Strong Kids curricula for Grades 3-12: Grades 3–5: Stock #: 18115P-79536 | ISBN 978-1-59857-953-6 Grades 6–8: Stock #: 18115P-79543 | ISBN 978-1-59857-954-3 Grades 9–12: Stock #: 18115P-79550 | ISBN 978-1-59857-955-0

12 | 1-800-638-3775 |



Reproducible handouts give students helpful models to support their learning.

Reader-friendly bulletins for families reinforce the home-school connection and help parents continue the learning at home.

READ AN EXCERPT OF STRONG START: PRE-K Simple, partially scripted activities help students understand and deal with their emotions.

| 1-800-638-3775 | StrongStartPreK



Early Social-Emotional Development



Your Guide to Promoting Children’s Positive Behavior By Nicole M. Edwards, Ph.D. Behavior is one of the biggest and most pressing challenges faced by early childhood educators and providers. Find research-based guidance and strategies in this book, an essential resource for professionals working with children from birth to 5. You’ll start with a comprehensive, reader-friendly overview of early growth and learning across developmental domains, with special emphasis on the components of emotional development and the environmental factors that influence it. Then you’ll learn the guiding principles for nurturing social-emotional development, aligned with the positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) framework and the Pyramid Model. Concrete examples of specific strategies help you put the principles into action and improve child outcomes in center- and home-based settings. DISCOVER HOW TO:

• apply evidence-based universal prevention strategies • collect data and use tailored secondary behavior strategies with children who have more intensive challenges • collaborate with families and share concerns sensitively • overcome roadblocks to PBIS through team communication and consistency • encourage mindfulness in yourself and parental caregivers • engage in ongoing reflection to improve your self-efficacy and confidence Sample scenarios that show you how to apply strategies, quotes from parents and educators, reflection questions, supplemental exercises, and access to a list of web-based resources PRACTICAL MATERIALS:

$34.95 | Stock #: 18115P-51929 | June 2018 | approx. 192 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-68125-192-9

Little Kids, Big Worries

Addressing Challenging Behaviors in Early Childhood Settings

Stress-Busting Tips for Early Childhood Classrooms By Alice Sterling Honig, Ph.D.

When little kids have big worries, intervene with proven stress-busters before pressures turn into problems. This warm and friendly how-to guide helps you recognize and alleviate common causes of stress in a young child’s life, including separation anxiety, bullying, and family difficulties. You’ll discover simple, effective ways to support a child’s self-soothing methods, teach problemsolving strategies, provide verbal reassurance, use openended questions to pinpoint a child’s fears, and much more!

A Teacher’s Guide By Dawn M. Denno, Victoria Carr, Susan Hart Bell, Ph.D.

Understand young children’s challenging behaviors—and get solutions that work. This bookand-CD set is a complete professional development package filled with practical tools, worksheets, and strategies. CD-ROM

$42.95 | Stock #: 18115P-69841 | 2010 | 256 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback with CD-ROM | ISBN 978-1-55766-984-1

$26.95 | Stock #: 18115P-70618 | 2010 | 184 pages | 6 x 9 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-59857-061-8

14 | 1-800-638-3775 |

WORKING WITH FAMILIES Parents are their children’s very first teachers. That’s why we publish screeners, guidebooks, and other resources to help you partner with families and nurture important parenting skills. Use the resources on the next few pages to assess the quality of parent–child interactions, provide families with sensitive and effective support, and empower parents to promote healthy child development every day in their homes.



Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes (PICCOLO™) By Lori A. Roggman, Ph.D., Gina A. Cook, Ph.D., Mark S. Innocenti, Ph.D., Vonda Jump Norman, Ph.D., Katie Christiansen, Ph.D., & Sheila Anderson, Ph.D. Where are parents’ skills the strongest—and how can they be encouraged to better support young children’s cognitive, social, and language development? Home visitors can find out in minutes with PICCOLO™, the quick, reliable observational tool designed to assess and monitor the quality of parent–child interactions.


CUSTOMIZED TRAINING AVAILABLE! Call 1-800-638-3775 or visit WHAT TO ORDER Provider Starter Kit Includes: One 124-page User’s Guide, one shrink-wrapped Tool pack of 25 forms $60.00 | Stock #: 18115P-73657 | 2013 Training DVD 64-minute introductory presentation and 14 clips of parent–child interactions that let viewers practice scoring PICCOLO™ and check their scores. $155.00 | Stock #: 18115P-73046 | 2013 | 2 hours | ISBN 978-1-59857-304-6 NOTE: Each practitioner using the tool should have a copy of the Provider Starter Kit. Each program should have a copy of the DVD for staff training.

Developed for use with parents of children 10–47 months, PICCOLO™ measures 29 developmentally supportive parenting behaviors in 4 critical domains—Affection, Responsiveness, Encouragement, and Teaching. It’s the best way to assess which parenting behaviors are working, develop individualized interventions that help parents improve, and track the positive outcomes of your parent support program. WHY PICCOLO™?

• Research-based—assesses parenting behaviors with direct, proven links to positive child outcomes • Quick, clear, and easy to use—takes just 10 minutes for parent–child observation • Highly reliable—based on 4,500 video observations of 2,000 diverse families • Training DVD includes 14 invaluable DVD clips of parent–child interactions to help you practice observing and scoring • Ready to use anytime: at program entry, throughout the year, and at program exit • Helps you provide positive feedback to parents and plan intervention • Great way to monitor parent/child outcomes and program effectiveness • Spanish translation included PICCOLO™ is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.

| 1-800-638-3775 |



Developmental Parenting By Lori A. Roggman, Ph.D., Lisa K. Boyce, Ph.D., & Mark S. Innocenti, Ph.D.

Help parents address their child’s: • • • • •

Self-regulation Sleep problems Feeding issues Biting and hitting and more


“Wise and practical . . . More than a 'how to' guide, it's a 'how come' guide.”—Jon Korfmacher, Ph.D., Erikson Institute

Learn the ABCs—supportive attitudes, positive behaviors, and program content—of facilitating developmental parenting! You’ll get easy-to-implement strategies for putting parents confidently in charge of supporting children’s developmental progress, and you’ll learn how to encourage positive parent–child interactions, provide parents with clear information on child development, and much more.


Watch the webinar, co-sponsored by Brookes and ZERO TO THREE:

Tackling the Tough Stuff

Includes the Home Visit Rating Scales (HOVRS), an observation tool for practitioners and supervisors to assess the quality of home visits from direct observation. $34.95 | Stock #: 18115P-69766 | 2008 | 248 pages | 6 x 9 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-55766-976-6

A Home Visitor’s Guide to Supporting Families at Risk

By Angela M. Tomlin, Ph.D., HSPP, IMH-E (IV), & Stephan A. Viehweg, ACSW, LCSW, IMH-E (IV)

“I highly recommend this essential guide.”


—Lisa Hodges, IMH-E (II), Developmental Specialist, Sitka, Alaska

How parents of preschoolers can support social-emotional development

Home visits with at-risk families present unique, complex challenges that professionals must be ready to address with skill and sensitivity. With the authors’ PAUSE framework (Perceive, Ask, Understand, Strategize, and Evaluate), home visitors will manage their on-the-job challenges—and support and empower vulnerable families of children birth to 3. LEARN HOW TO:

Partner with parents to understand their perspectives Take direct action to help solve key challenges Blend relationship-based and reflective practice approaches Understand what’s behind children’s challenging behaviors • Work sensitively with families facing difficult situations, including domestic violence and substance abuse • Set appropriate boundaries with families • Use self-care strategies to address symptoms of burnout • • • •

Sample dialogues and vignettes, plus reproducible forms on discussing difficult topics, reflecting on practices, helping parents improve their skills, and more. Forms are included with the print book and available as downloads online. STUDENT-FRIENDLY FEATURES:

Adapted from Social-Emotional Assessment/Evaluation Measure (SEAM™), Research Edition by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., Misti Waddell, M.S., Kristin Funk, M.A., LCSW, Jantina Clifford, Ph.D., & Robert Hoselton, B.S. © 2014 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. SEAM™ and the SEAM logo are trademarks of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.

Children’s ability to regulate their emotions and skillfully manage social interactions is critical to their healthy development and future success. Share this infographic with parents, so they can use it as a handy guide to help encourage and support their preschooler’s social-emotional development.

$29.95 | Stock #: 18115P-79277 | 2016 | 240 pages | 6 x 9 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-59857-927-7

16 | 1-800-638-3775 |

ESSENTIALS FOR PREPARING ALL LEARNERS All learners deserve to meet their full potential. That’s what we believe at Brookes—and that’s why we publish practical, research-based resources that help get every young child ready to learn. With the screeners, interventions, and practical guides on the next few pages, you’ll nurture young children’s development and build successful inclusive programs that prepare all kids for kindergarten. You’ll find essential resources on the topics most important to children’s future success, including boosting reading readiness, encouraging early math skills, and creating classrooms that meet the needs of learners with and without disabilities.



ASQ-3™ Learning Activities By Elizabeth Twombly, M.S., & Ginger Fink, M.A.

“We hand out the ASQ-3 Learning Activities at all of our well child checks . . . [They] provide fun activities that help parents teach problem solving and fine and gross motor skills that are often missing from their everyday interactions.”—Deneta Sells, Intown Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, P.C.

“A wonderful resource . . . parents will have concrete activities to complete weekly in all domains to enhance their child’s developmental skills.”—Deborah Gallagher, Early Head Start Director, Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center, Inc.

Between ASQ screenings, help parents promote children’s growth and development with the 400+ fun, creative, and inexpensive learning activities in these books. Available in English and Spanish, the Learning Activities encourage progress in all five key developmental areas screened with ASQ-3: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social. These playful, developmentally appropriate activities BESTSELLER

• • • •

use safe, age-appropriate materials that most families have at home help even the youngest children develop crucial early language and literacy skills promote closer parent, child, and family interactions serve as a natural follow-up for children who score in the ASQ-3 monitoring zone

You can photocopy the activities from the book, print them from the CD-ROM, or email them to parents for quick, effective ways to boost development. English—$49.95 | Stock #: 18115P-72469 | 2013 | 160 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback with CD-ROM | ISBN 978-1-59857-246-9 Spanish—$49.95 | Stock #: 18115P-72476 | 2013 | 160 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback with CD-ROM | ISBN 978-1-59857-247-6

| 1-800-638-3775 |




The trusted developmental screener for young children The parent-completed ASQ®-3 is the most accurate, family-friendly way to screen children for developmental delays between one month and 5 ½ years, without any gaps between the questionnaire age intervals. Recommended by top organizations such as the American Academy of Neurology, First Signs, and The Child Neurology Society,* ASQ-3 is highly valid and reliable. ASQ-3’s questions on behavior and communication also help elicit parent concerns that may point to autism. Screen children with ASQ-3 at regular intervals to monitor their progress and catch potential delays as early as possible!

Questionnaires also available in Spanish, French, Arabic, and Vietnamese! See to order.

Fast Facts about ASQ-3 Which developmental areas does ASQ-3 screen? Communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social

What age range does it cover? 1–66 months (includes questionnaires for use at 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 42, 48, 54, and 60 months)

How many items are there? 30 items per questionnaire, plus 10 overall questions

Parents answer quick questions about 5 key areas of development

How long does a questionnaire take? 10–15 minutes for parents to complete and 2–3 minutes for professionals to score (less with ASQ Online.)

Is it valid and reliable? Yes. Rigorous research with an unparalleled sample of 15,138 diverse children shows that ASQ-3 is reliable and valid. ASQ-3 identifies children for further assessment with excellent sensitivity (.86) and specificity (.85), the two most important indicators of accuracy for a screener. Clear illustrations help parents provide accurate responses

ORDER YOUR STARTER KIT: only $295! Box includes: paper masters of the questionnaires and scoring sheets, a CD-ROM with printable PDF questionnaires, User’s Guide, and laminated Quick Start Guide (in English or Spanish). With English Questionnaires—$295.00 | Stock #: 18115P-70410 2009 | ISBN 978-1-59857-041-0 With Spanish Questionnaires—$295.00 | Stock #: 18115P-70427 2009 | ISBN 978-1-59857-042-7


*Does not imply endorsement by these organizations | 1-800-638-3775 |

Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs

Six Steps to Inclusive Preschool Curriculum

Book, Second Edition by Susan R. Sandall, Ph.D., & Ilene S. Schwartz, Ph.D.,

By Eva M. Horn, Ph.D., Susan B. Palmer, Ph.D., Gretchen D. Butera, Ph.D., & Joan A. Lieber, Ph.D.,

A UDL-Based Framework for Children’s School Success

with invited contributors CD-ROM

Trainer’s Guide by Gail E. Joseph, Ph.D., Susan R. Sandall, Ph.D., & Ilene S. Schwartz, Ph.D.

With the popular, effective Building Blocks model, you’ll be ready to fully include children with disabilities and promote progress in critical areas like behavior and emergent literacy. In the book, you’ll discover how the Building Blocks approach aligns with OSEP child outcomes, and you’ll get a strong foundation of knowledge about evidence-based practice and how to apply it. And the Trainer’s Guide on CD-ROM provides video clips, photos, 8 audio-visual presentations, and activities for implementing the model. Book—$44.95 | Stock #: 18115P-69674 | 2008 | 256 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback with CD-ROM | ISBN 978-1-55766-967-4


with invited contributors


How can inclusive early educators plan and deliver challenging instruction to help all young learners succeed in kindergarten? This guide has authoritative answers from some of today’s most renowned names in early childhood education. Presenting the Children’s School Success+ (CSS+) framework for building a UDL-based plan for inclusive preschool instruction, this book is a powerful tool for using your existing curriculum to address each child’s unique learning needs. Includes vignettes, a wealth of downloadable online resources for implementing the framework, and specific tips and strategies.



$39.95 | Stock #: 18115P-77549 | 2016 | 248 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-59857-754-9

Trainer’s Guide—$99.95 | Stock #: 18115P-70496 | 2010 | 209 pages on CD-ROM | ISBN 978-1-59857-049-6

45 Strategies That Support Young Dual Language Learners By Shauna L. Tominey, Ph.D., & Elisabeth C. O’Bryon, Ph.D.

The number of dual language learners in early childhood classrooms is expanding every year—and teachers EBOOK AVAILABLE often feel underprepared to bridge language barriers and effectively meet these students’ learning needs. Help is here in this urgently needed book, a toolbox of 45 practical, developmentally appropriate strategies for teaching dual language learners (both Spanish speakers and children who speak other languages). Discover how to strengthen social-emotional learning for dual language learners, promote their early academic skills, partner with families, and more. Includes classroom activities, quizzes, reflection questions, and sample letters and forms (photocopiable and available online). $36.95 | Stock #: 18115P-50434 | 2018 | 224 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-68125-043-4

| 1-800-638-3775 |

Talk to Me, Baby! How You Can Support Young Children’s Language Development, Second Edition By Betty S. Bardige, Ed.D.

The second edition of this friendly, down-to-earth guidebook shows you how to engage with kids in ways EBOOK that directly support their language AVAILABLE skills and overall development. Developed by celebrated early education expert Betty Bardige, this book takes you on a fascinating tour through six stages in a child’s language development—starting with baby babbles and ending with kindergarten literacy skills. Learn how to engage in effective pretend play, include children in conversations, respond effectively to children’s questions, boost language skills with fun games, help bilingual children develop skills in both languages, and more. Includes printable, downloadable handouts in English and Spanish! $29.95 | Stock #: 18115P-79208 | 2016 | 336 pages | 6 x 9 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-59857-920-8




A Phonological Awareness Intervention for Young Children By Howard Goldstein, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

“Sure to strengthen phonological awareness . . . Children will enjoy the colorful cards and the game-like format.”

When young children have difficulty with phonological awareness and alphabet knowledge, get them on the PAth to Literacy with this supplemental curriculum for ages 4 to 6. Through fun activities and word games, children will learn how to blend and segment words, identify first parts of words, identify first sounds of words, learn letter names, and master letter–sound correspondence. Lessons are scripted and easy for any teacher or aide to administer, and each one provides the explicit teaching, modeling, and multiple practice opportunities that children need to improve their skills.

—Cecile Spector, Private Practice and Consultant

Components • Teacher’s manual with 36 lesson scripts, lesson data sheets, progress monitoring assessments, attendance record sheet, fidelity of implementation observation form and scoring guide

PAth TO LITERACY BENEFITS 3 Addresses key predictors of later reading success 3 Engages children with fun multisensory activities 3 Includes fully scripted lessons that are easy to administer 3 Comes with progress monitoring assessments

• More than 450 4-color instructional cards and word sheets

3 Developed by leading early childhood researchers

• Storage box with dividers

3 Takes just 10 to 15 minutes a day

• Online materials o Lesson data sheets and assessments o Professional development modules with video clip examples $149.95 | Stock #: 18115P-51950 2016 | boxed set with 294-page Teacher’s Manual and instructional cards and word sheets | ISBN 978-1-68125-195-0 MILLIE™ and the MILLIE logo are trademarks of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.

3 No special training required Boost skills by playing fun word games with your students! Each lesson encourages active participation and gives kids multiple chances to repeat sounds, observe actions, and answer questions.

PAth to Literacy and Story Friends™ are part of the MILLIE™(Multitiered Interventions for Language & Literacy in Early Childhood) family of products. Together, the products boost reading readiness by addressing oral language skills, vocabulary, phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, and comprehension. Learn more at, and stay tuned for updates about other MILLIE products, now in development!

20 | 1-800-638-3775 |

Story Friends™

An Early Literacy Intervention for Improving Oral Language By Howard Goldstein, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, & Elizabeth Spencer Kelley, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

“A wonderful evidence-based resource for helping young children learn new concepts through literacy while learning how to use literacy to learn!" —Nickola Wolf Nelson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Professor Emerita, Western Michigan University


When young children struggle to learn and understand new words, intervene early with Story Friends™, a fun and engaging language intervention program for 4- to 6-year-olds. Through 26 interactive storybooks about funny, relatable animals, Story Friends boosts the early language skills that predict success in reading. Not only does Story Friends introduce children to challenging new words—from enormous to exhausted—it also helps kids master concept words like high, low, many, and few, which will help them learn new academic content faster and easier. And through the prosocial stories, children strengthen other important skills, such as solving problems, empathizing, and working together.


• Two series of illustrated, full-color children’s books, Jungle Friends and Forest Friends.

3 Strengthens vocabulary and comprehension skills

• Audio tracks on USB thumb drive with explicit vocabulary and comprehension instruction from Wanda the Word Wolf

3 Developed by leading early childhood researchers

• Teacher Guide with scope and sequence charts, implementation guidelines, audio scripts, and more • Screener & progress monitoring assessments • Program implementation modules to support staff development Specialist’s Kit (one-to-one use). Teacher Guide, assessment card set, audio files on USB drive, and one set of 26 illustrated storybooks $599.95 | Stock #: 18115P-51301 | 2016 | ISBN 978-1-68125-130-1 Classroom Kit (small group use). Everything in the Specialist’s Kit plus two extra storybook sets for small-group sessions $1,199.95 | Stock #: 18115P-51288 | 2016 | ISBN 978-1-68125-128-8



3 Hooks young attention spans with fun interactive storybooks 3 Boosts listening and critical thinking skills 3 Helps children learn important social-emotional skills 3 Comes with a screener and progress monitoring assessments 3 No special training required Deliver the Story Friends intervention in your classroom’s listening center in 10- to 15-minute sessions. Kids follow along with the recorded stories and interact with the book, with prompts from narrator Wanda the Word Wolf.

Story Friends™ and the Story Friends logo are trademarks of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.

| 1-800-638-3775 |



Includes sample activities, scripts, and recommended books and songs!

Includes classroom activities, self-reflection checklists, practical strategies and modifications, and more!

Let’s Talk About Math

Engaging Young Engineers

The LittleCounters® Approach to Building Early Math Skills EBOOK


By Donna Kotsopoulos, Ph.D., & Joanne Lee, Ph.D.

Drawn from the authors’ popular LittleCounters workshops, this guidebook shows you how to use purposeful play with children from birth to 5 to promote mathematical thinking and get them ready for formal math instruction. ®

• • • • •

Discover amazing facts about the mathematical minds of young children Transform ordinary toys into math learning tools Add purposeful math talk to daily tasks Infuse math learning into daily routines, such as meals and chores Get started with your own LittleCounters workshop— or use the principles in your program or home

$29.95 | Stock #: 18115P-75897 | 2014 | 152 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-59857-589-7 LittleCounters® is a registered trademark of Donna Kotsopoulos and Joanne Lee.


Teaching ProblemSolving Skills Through STEM


By Angi Stone-MacDonald, Ph.D., Kristen B. Wendell, Ph.D., Anne Douglass, Ph.D., and Mary Lu Love, M.S.

Using a clear instructional framework and fun activities tailored for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, this book helps you support problem-solving skills of children birth to 5 by teaching them basic practices of engineering and five types of critical thinking skills. • • • • •

Teach four key engineering practices: think about it, try it, fix it, and share it Boost problem-solving skills with activities piloted and tested in classrooms Plan effective lessons for all children using universal design for learning Work toward kindergarten Common Core State Standards Weave language and literacy development into problem-solving experiences

$36.95 | Stock #: 18115P-76535 | 2015 | 216 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-59857-653-5


Phonemic Awareness in Young Children A Classroom Curriculum By Marilyn Jager Adams, Ph.D., Barbara R. Foorman, Ph.D., Ingvar Lundberg, Ph.D., & Terri Beeler, Ed.D.

Join the hundreds of thousands of teachers nationwide who rely on this proven, bestselling curriculum to strengthen preliteracy skills in pre-K to Grade 1. • • • • •

Engaging, adaptable activities—from simple listening games to more advanced exercises in rhyming and alliteration Complements any existing reading program Takes just 15–20 minutes a day Activities increase in complexity as kids learn Includes an easy-to-use tool for screening up to 15 children at a time

ABC Foundations for Young Children A Classroom Curriculum By Marilyn Jager Adams, Ph.D.

Answer the call for effective alphabet instruction with this playful, highly engaging curriculum supplement, aligned with the goals of the Common Core State Standards. Great for kids in preschool through kindergarten (and primary-grade students who need help with alphabet basics), this book gives you 56 fun lessons that help children recognize and write each letter in both upperand lowercase forms and know the primary sound each letter represents. An ideal companion to Phonemic Awareness in Young Children! (Download free game cards, activity sheets, and more at $36.95 | Stock #: 18115P-72759 | 2013 | 360 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | spiral-bound | ISBN 978-1-59857-275-9

$32.95 | Stock #: 18115P-63214 | 1998 | 208 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | spiral-bound | ISBN 978-1-55766-321-4

22 | 1-800-638-3775 |

Quick Interactive Language Screener™ (QUILS™)

A Measure of Vocabulary, Syntax, and Language Acquisition Skills in Young Children By Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph.D., Jill de Villiers, Ph.D., Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Ph.D., Aquiles Iglesias, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, & Mary Sweig Wilson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

“[QUILS] is like no other screening for the early childhood population.”—Melissa Scopio, M.S., CCC-SLP, Clinical Supervisor

LEARN MORE Visit to • Watch a 3-minute animated video for a quick intro to QUILS and its benefits. • See a step-by-step walkthrough of how QUILS works • Read QUILS case stories • Get details on QUILS development, field testing, validity, and reliability

Annual subscription: $99.95 Stock #: 18115P-52308 | 2017

Includes access to a website with: • The screener • Student, parent, and group reports • An online User’s Manual and Quick Start Guide • Language Questionnaire • Practical language activities and tips • Downloadable materials to help you administer QUILS. User's Manual also available in paperback!



Early identification is the first step to helping young children with language delays get on track for reading proficiency and school success. But how do you find the children who might need extra support? It’s simple with the Quick Interactive Language Screener™ (QUILS™), a game-like, web-based screener that helps you evaluate the language skills of children ages 3 through 5 years—and make sure their progress is appropriate for their age group. QUILS stands apart from all other language screeners. That’s because it measures not only language products (what the child already knows) but also language processes (how the child learns new words and grammar structures). QUILS looks at three critical areas: • Vocabulary: What words do children already know? • Syntax: What do children understand about how words go together in sentences? • Process: How good are children at learning new language items? QUILS BENEFITS

• Screens key domains that predict later academic success • Fun and engaging for kids, with interactive items and cute cartoon illustrations • Expert-developed and research-based • Convenient and time-saving, with automatically generated scores and reports • Quick and easy—takes just 15−20 minutes • No special training required

$29.95 | Stock #: 18115P-52278 | 122 pages | ISBN 978-1-68125-227-8

| 1-800-638-3775 |



The Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP™) Set Research Edition

By Elena P. Soukakou, Ph.D.

“Holds huge potential for guiding program improvement.” —Susan Sandall, Ph.D., University of Washington

How well is your early childhood program implementing quality inclusive practices? Now there’s a comprehensive, field-tested observational tool that uncovers the answers. A one-of-a-kind tool for classrooms serving children ages 2–5, the Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP™) assesses 12 key practices with the strongest research base for supporting the education and development of young children in inclusive programs:

AT A GLANCE DEVELOPER: Elena P. Soukakou, Ph.D. AREAS ASSESSED: The quality of 12 daily classroom practices that support the developmental needs of young children with disabilities AGE RANGE: Ages 2–5 SETTNGS: Various inclusive early childhood programs, including child care, public preschool, private programs, and Head Start classrooms WHO CONDUCTS IT: Early childhood special educators, professional development providers, and program administrators TIME TO ASSESS: About 3½ hours, plus 20 minutes to score

DOWNLOAD THE RESOURCE ALIGNMENT Improve your ICP scores with this list of key Brookes resources that help you address each item:

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Adaptations of Space, Materials, and Equipment Adult Involvement in Peer Interactions Adults’ Guidance of Children’s Free-Choice Activities and Play Conflict Resolution Membership Relationships between Adults and Children Support for Communication Adaptation of Group Activities Transitions between Activities Feedback Family–Professional Partnerships Monitoring Children’s Learning


For accurate results, the ICP is conducted by a trained outside observer, such as a technical assistance professional or administrator. The observer conducts the three parts of the ICP: a classroom observation scheduled during everyday routines; a face-to-face interview with the teacher; and a documentation review of the program’s policies, screeners and assessments, and child intervention plans. Comprehensive assessment with the ICP takes about 3½ hours, plus 20 minutes to score. BENEFITS

The in-depth ICP evaluation process gives you the rich information and insights you need to: • assess your program’s current inclusive practices • establish a baseline for measuring future progress • apply recommended inclusive practices for young children • guide quality improvement efforts by linking assessment data with instructional decision-making • tailor professional development to teachers’ specific needs The ICP is also a perfect companion to popular early childhood inclusion guides like Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs (page 19). Determine your strengths and needs with the ICP, and then find effective inclusion strategies in Building Blocks. SET COMPONENTS The Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP) Manual, Research Edition. A concise introduction to the structure, administration, and scoring of the ICP. The Inclusive Classroom Profile Forms. Each kit includes the forms observers need to conduct the complete ICP assessment, in a convenient pack of 5. ORDER THE SET $70.00 | Stock #: 18115P-52193 | 2016 | ISBN 978-1-68125-219-3 ICP™ is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.

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