Early Childhood Summer 2013

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Early Childhood SUMMER 2013

Practical guides | Assessments | Textbooks | Curricula

LOOK INSIDE for new titles on: IMPROVING BEHAVIOR Page 21




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NEW Early Childhood Kits—

one-stop solutions to your biggest professional challenges! With your busy schedule, you probably don’t have the time you’d like to hunt down just the right books for your program or school. Let us help with these ready-made Early Childhood Kits that solve your biggest challenges! Choose from three kits, stocked with the practical, research-based resources you need to improve screening, behavior, and early literacy.

Successful Screening & Assessment Kit LEARN MORE ON PAGE 7

Better Behavior Kit LEARN MORE ON PAGE 20

Launching Literacy Kit LEARN MORE ON PAGE 29

FACULTY—request an exam copy at www.brookespublishing.com/exam-copies

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CONTENTS Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Early Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Home Visiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Cultural Competence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Autism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Behavior / Social-Emotional Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 For Parents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) . . . . . . . . 24 Early Childhood Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Literacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Communication & Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Mathematics & Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 General Disability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Special Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 TPBA2 and TPBI2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 AEPS® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 ORDER FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

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Do You



rusted for more than 15 years to pinpoint delays as early as possible, the parent-completed ASQ questionnaires are reliable and valid, cost effective, recommended by top organizations, and easy to administer and score. Use ASQ-3™ for developmental screening and ASQ:SE for social-emotional screening, and you’ll see why more professionals choose ASQ over any other screener!





• Areas screened: Communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social • Age range: 1–66 months

• Areas screened: Self-regulation,compliance, communication, adaptive behaviors, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people

• Number of questionnaires: 21

• Age range: 3–66 months

• Number of items: About 30 per questionnaire

• Number of questionnaires: 8

• Available in English and Spanish

• Available in English and Spanish

• Number of items: About 30 per questionnaire

Turn the page to see how ASQ works! Why Choose ASQ?

Get ASQ training!

“A quality assessment tool that is extremely cost effective.”

Ensure the best, most accurate ASQ implementation—invest in high-quality training through Brookes On Location (BOL).

—Pamela Forni, Director, First Christian Church Day School, Corpus Christi, TX

“Allows our staff to catch delays quickly.” —Sharon Gee, Supervisor, Healthy Families Niagara

“Offers a comprehensive screen . . . accommodates active parent participation.” —Cindy Flauger, Director, Early Intervention Services, Neenah, WI

“[ASQ’s] reliability and ease of administration were key for us.” —Jerri Helmreich, M.Ed., Learning Advocate Coordinator, SPARK Ohio

“A great tool to lead parent education.” —Rebekah Hermann, RN, Family Home Visiting Services Coordinator, Orange County Health Department

TRAINING INSTITUTES Need training for only a few staff members? BOL’s training institutes are the easiest, most convenient way to get ASQ training and network with fellow ASQ users. We make all the arrangements with the expert speakers—all you have to do is show up! For information on the upcoming institute on June 5–7 in Orlando, go to www.brookespublishing.com/asq-institute. ON-SITE SEMINARS Make the most of ASQ with customized, affordable training seminars, held at the location you choose. We’ll tailor the content to your learning needs, whether you want a basic one-day introduction, a two-day comprehensive seminar, or a multiple-day “training-of-trainers” workshop. QUESTIONS? Contact the Brookes On Location Staff at seminars@brookespublishing.com or 1-800-638-3775.


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How ASQ Works 1. SCREEN Screening is easy with the parent-completed ASQ: • Choose your screener—ASQ-3™ or ASQ:SE • Choose your language—English or Spanish (for other languages, visit www.agesandstages.com) • Choose the right ASQ questionnaire for the child’s age • Give it to the parent—in person, by mail, or through ASQ Family Access (online questionnaire completion—see the next page). • The parent completes the fun screening in about 10–15 minutes. Questionnaires are fast and easy for parents to fill out. Clear illustrations help them provide the most accurate responses.

2. SCORE Scoring couldn’t be easier—it takes just 2–3 minutes, whether you do it on paper or through ASQ Online (see the next page to learn more). If the parent did the questionnaire online through ASQ Family Access, their answers go right into the online data management system, which scores the questionnaire and generates easy-to-read results in seconds. A quick review of the summary sheet shows you if any further assessment is needed.

ASQ questionnaires take just seconds to score with ASQ Online’s automated system—see the next page to learn more!

3. SHARE RESULTS Once you’ve reviewed results, share what you learned with the child’s parents. The User’s Guides give you helpful hints on partnering with families and making referrals if needed, and ASQ Online generates customizable letters for communicating results and recommendations. To help parents support their child’s development in key areas, give them the ASQ-3™ Learning Activities (see page 6) and sample activity stickers from www.agesandstages.com.

FREE activity stickers—print them now at www.agesandstages.com and share with parents!

Share ASQ results with parents and decide on next steps together.

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Online Data Management & Questionnaire Completion with

ASQ Online

ASQ Pro & ASQ Enterprise Online Data Management


rganize your screening program and expertly manage your ASQ-3™ and ASQ:SE data with these user-friendly, cost-effective systems—ASQ Pro for single-site programs and ASQ Enterprise for multisite programs. (ASQ Online is available for purchase when you buy an ASQ-3™ or ASQ:SE Starter Kit.) BENEFITS:

 Automated scoring—eliminates scoring errors and reduces over- and underreferral

 Automated questionnaire selection, so you choose the right questionnaire every time

 Child and program records that are fast and easy to create and manage

 Individual child reports and overall program reports that help you analyze and monitor progress

ASQ Family Access

Online Questionnaire Completion


ow parents can fill out ASQ questionnaires online—quickly and securely! Available for purchase when you buy a subscription to ASQ Pro or ASQ Enterprise, the parent-friendly ASQ Family Access is just what your program has been waiting for. BENEFITS:

 Lets your program set up a secure website where parents complete questionnaires

 User-friendly—easy for parents to fill out questionnaires accurately

 Saves money and reduces mailing costs  Seamlessly integrates with ASQ Pro and ASQ Enterprise  Allows you to customize—add your own logo and contact information, tailor the welcome page, and more ASQ Family Access—US$349.95 annual subscription | Stock #: 13106P-70403

 Customizable letters for mail-out campaigns and sharing results with parents

 Easy tracking of when children need to be screened again  Convenient access to activities parents can try at home to encourage child progress

 and more! ASQ Enterprise offers additional benefits for multisite programs—it’s the easiest way to organize a screening and monitoring program across multiple locations and track trends across programs. ASQ Pro—US$149.95 annual subscription* | Stock #: 13106P-70380 ASQ Enterprise—US$499.95 annual subscription* | Stock #: 13106P-70397 *Plus quarterly billing based on screening volume. Visit www.agesandstages.com for information on costs per screen.

Watch VIDEO SHORTS of ASQ Online and sign up for a FREE DEMO at www.agesandstages.com ASQ questionnaires are now part of two electronic pediatric systems—PTI and CHADIS. Visit www.agesandstages.com to learn more.


TO ORDER: ONLINE: www.brookespublishing.com | CALL: 1-800-638-3775 | MAIL order form on page 43 AGES & STAGES QUESTIONNAIRES® (ASQ)


Order Your ASQ Starter Kit today! Starter Kit

Starter Kit

Box includes: paper masters of the questionnaires and scoring sheets, a CD-ROM with printable PDF questionnaires, the User’s Guide, and a FREE laminated Quick Start Guide (in English or Spanish).

Box includes: paper masters of the questionnaires and scoring sheets, a CD-ROM with printable PDF questionnaires, and the User’s Guide. With English Questionnaires­ US$225.00 | Stock #: 13106P-70120 2002 | ISBN 978-1-59857-012-0

With English Questionnaires US$275.00 | Stock #: 13106P-70410

With Spanish Questionnaires US$225.00 | Stock #: 13106P-70137

2009 | ISBN 978-1-59857-041-0

2002 | ISBN 978-1-59857-013-7

With Spanish Questionnaires—US$275.00 | Stock #: 13106P-70427

For information on ordering the other ASQ components, see www.brookespublishing.com.

2009 | ISBN 978-1-59857-042-7

Order the complete ASQ system all at once! Complete ASQ-3™ US$1,219.75* | Complete ASQ-3™ & ASQ:SE US$1,494.70* TO ORDER: Contact your sales representative at 1-800-638-3775 *Plus online screening charges. Price will vary for multisite programs.


ASQ Training DVDs


ASQ-3™ Learning Activities

fter an ASQ screening, help parents promote children’s growth and development with more than 400 fun, fast learning activities—now in a new edition developed to complement ASQ-3™. Available in English and Spanish, the Learning Activities are better than ever with a new set of activities for 0–2 months, more language and literacy activities, more language modeling for parents, and a new format (a book and CD packaged together, so you can photocopy or print them as needed). And now you can email the Learning Activities to parents, so it’s easier than ever to connect families with quick and effective ways to boost development. English—US$49.95 | Stock #: 13106P-72469

2013 | 160 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback with CD-ROM | ISBN 978-1-59857-246-9


hese three engaging DVDs are great resources for inexpensive professional development: The Ages & Stages Questionnaires® on a Home Visit. Get a rare inside look at ASQ as a home visitor guides a family with three children through the items on a questionnaire. US$49.95 | Stock #: 13106P-69711 | 1995 | 20 minutes

ASQ-3™ Scoring & Referral. Through footage of ASQ-3™ tasks and close-ups of sample questions and scores, learn how to score the questionnaires and decide if a referral is needed. US$49.95 | Stock #: 13106P-70250 | 2004, 2009 | 16 minutes

Spanish—US$49.95 | Stock #: 13106P-72476

2013 | 160 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback with CD-ROM | ISBN 978-1-59857-247-6

ASQ-3™ Materials Kit


et quick, convenient access to all the items you need during screening! With more than 20 engaging toys, books, and other items prepacked in a convenient tote bag, the ASQ-3™ Materials Kit will encourage child participation and support accurate ASQ administration. All materials in the kit are safe, durable, easy to clean, age appropriate, culturally sensitive, and gender neutral.

ASQ:SE in Practice. Watch a home visitor using ASQ:SE with the family of a 4-year-old boy. You’ll see how parents complete the questionnaires and learn about success factors in working with families. US$49.95 | Stock #: 13106P-69735 | 2004 | 26 minutes

LEARN MORE: www.agesandstages.com

US$295.00 | Stock #: 13106P-70274 | ISBN 978-1-59857-027-4 Ages & Stages Questionnaires® is a registered trademark and ASQ-3™ and

are trademarks of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.

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Your big-picture plan for better screening & early detection NEW

Developmental Screening in Your Community An Integrated Approach for Connecting Children with Services

By Diane Bricker, Ph.D., Marisa Macy, Ph.D., Jane Squires, Ph.D., & Kevin Marks, M.D.

“This amazing resource will no doubt impact the quality of early detection/Child Find systems across our country.” —Mary McLean, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


s a professional who works with young children, you know how early detection of delays and disabilities can change the course of a child’s life. But in today’s communities, many programs and providers still struggle to coordinate their screening efforts so children who need services don’t slip through the cracks. Integrated, communitywide screening and early detection/child find systems are the answer—and this is the first book with the big-picture guidance and specific information you need to develop your own system or strengthen your existing system.

US$34.95 | Stock #: 13106P-72179 2013 | 272 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-59857-217-9

Guidance on 6 key components: 1. Program goals 2. Community public awareness 3. Centralized contact and referral 4. Developmental-behavioral screening system 5. Follow-up 6. Ongoing program evaluation

You’ll get detailed guidance on 6 key components of effective, low-cost early detection, a framework you can use to develop a plan that works for your state, region, or local community. And you’ll discover the critical foundations and procedures for: • meeting each child’s whole continuum of needs, from universal screening to community services • connecting everyone who screens children across settings into a single unified system • ensuring that all parts of the system align and work seamlessly together • selecting and using the best developmental and behavioral screening measures • monitoring your system so that all parts keep functioning smoothly and children get the services they need • improving screening and referrals across diverse settings

NEW! Successful Screening & Assessment Kit


trengthen your screening and assessment program with this ready-made kit of five key resources! Get practical, big-picture guidance on choosing the best screener for your program, developing a cost-effective community-wide screening program, and finding just the right assessments for bilingual children and children with special needs. ORDER NOW >> US$182.75 | Stock #: 13106P-S1081

SAVE $20.00

when you buy this kit!


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Help parents nurture their new baby’s development Coming Home from the NICU A Guide for Supporting Families in Early Infant Care and Development

By Kathleen A. VandenBerg, Ph.D., & Marci J. Hanson, Ph.D.


upport the transition from NICU to home with this accessible book, the complete guide to helping parents meet their baby’s special needs, develop strong parent–child bonds, and ensure optimal development in the first year after homecoming.


US$34.95 | Stock #: 13106P-70199

2013 | 160 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback with CD-ROM ISBN 978-1-59857-019-9

Author Q&A Online! VandenBerg & Hanson talk about meeting the needs of new babies and parents, during and after a stay in the NICU. http://bit.ly/SupportAfterNICU

LEARN HOW TO HELP PARENTS: • Develop a loving and satisfying relationship with their baby • Manage the changes to their daily routines and home environment • Support the baby’s management of sleep/wake cycles • Recognize, interpret, and respond to the baby’s signals and behaviors • Actively encourage development and identify concerns • Locate and access community resources and social supports PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Helpful parent handouts on CD-ROM, including Reading Your Baby’s Cues, Feeding Your Baby, Playing With Your Baby, and Helping Your Baby Learn

Collaborative Consultation with Parents and Infants in the Perinatal Period By Zack Boukydis, Ph.D.


et practical, step-by-step guidance on supporting new parents through collaborative consultation: respectful and equal partnerships that increase parents’ skills and responsiveness and help them nurture their baby’s development. YOU’LL LEARN TO: • Understand and document key aspects of infant behavior and child–parent interaction • Observe the baby together with parents, engaging in thoughtful, respectful communication • Nurture parent–infant attachment • Guide parents in “reading” their baby’s signals • Develop strong active listening skills so you can better support parents US$39.95 | Stock #: 13106P-70786 2012 | 240 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback ISBN 978-1-59857-078-6

PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Helpful forms & tools, including Observation of Infant Neurobehavior, My Baby’s Behavior Diary, and Cry Consultation Interview.

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Put the PSP approach to work in your program! BESTSELLER

The Early Intervention Teaming Handbook The Primary Service Provider Approach

By M’Lisa L. Shelden, PT, Ph.D., & Dathan D. Rush, Ed.D., CCC-SLP

“M’Lisa and Dathan provide another game-changing guide for evidence-based early intervention.” —Ann Turnbull, Ed.D., University of Kansas


ooking for an effective way to ensure coordinated, family-centered services for young children and families? Discover the why and how of the primary service provider (PSP) approach, a widely used, evidence-based model for effective teaming. Developed by the early childhood experts who pioneered the PSP approach to teaming, this is the first how-to guide that clearly lays out the logistics and benefits of making one team member the consistent point of contact with a family.

US$34.95 | Stock #: 13106P-70854 2013 | 264 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback ISBN 978-1-59857-085-4

Includes ready-to-use tools: • Role Expectation Checklists • Sample Early Intervention Program Brochure • Blank and Completed Physician’s Progress Reports • Worksheet for Selecting the PSP • Sample IFSP • Joint Visit Planning Tool • Team Meeting Agenda • Individual Family Staffing Report • and more

LEARN HOW TO: • establish a cohesive team that collaborates effectively • ensure buy-in and support from program leaders and team members • select the most appropriate primary service provider for each family • fully introduce families to the procedures and practices of the PSP approach • develop family-focused and child-focused IFSP outcome statements • master the three essential components of a successful home visit • coordinate joint visits with other service providers • conduct successful, efficient team meetings to share expertise and resources PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Case studies and transcripts from team meetings give you vivid demonstrations of best practices, and the photocopiable forms, tools, and checklists guide your team every step of the way.

Don’t miss the other bestseller from

Rush & Shelden The Early Childhood Coaching Handbook By Dathan D. Rush, Ed.D., CCC-SLP, & M’Lisa L. Shelden, PT, Ph.D.

“Makes coaching come alive!” —Sue Reed, University of Southern Maine Learn more about coaching now! Go to http://bit.ly/ECcoaching to read a Q&A with Dathan Rush and M’Lisa Shelden. Discover the keys to successful coaching, learn how this approach helps you meet Part C mandates, find out how it differs from other early intervention approaches, and more!

US$34.95 | Stock #: 13106P-70670 2011 | 240 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback ISBN 978-1-59857-067-0

Evidence-based and highly effective, coaching helps you support other professionals and families as they enhance their knowledge, develop new skills, and promote healthy child development. This hands-on guide walks you step by step through the coaching process and shows you explicitly what best practices look like.


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Supporting Development in Internationally Adopted Children

Understanding Newborn Behavior & Early Relationships

The Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO) System Handbook

By Deborah A. Hwa-Froelich, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

By J. Kevin Nugent, Ph.D., Constance H. Keefer, M.D., Susan A. Minear, M.D., Lise Johnson, M.D., & Yvette Blanchard, P.T., Sc.D.,

Ensure better outcomes for internationally adopted children with this evidence-based guidebook.

with invited contributors

• In-depth information on 7 key areas of development US$39.95 | Stock #: 13106P-71912 2012 | 264 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback ISBN 978-1-59857-191-2

Referral indicators for each chapter help you make the best decisions about followup assessments!

• Critical insights on developmental milestones • Guidance on effective intervention strategies

US$57.95 | Stock #: 13106P-68837 2007 | 280 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback illus. with full-color photos ISBN 978-1-55766-883-7

(Appropriate use of the NBO tool in clinical practice requires training through the NBO training program.)

“At last—a truly unique family-centered perspective on the assessment of the newborn.” —Elsie Vergara, ScD, OTR, FAOTA, Boston University

Relationship-Centered Practices in Early Childhood

Understanding Early Childhood Mental Health

By Gail L. Ensher, Ed.D., & David A. Clark, M.D.,

Edited by Susan Janko Summers, Ph.D., & Rachel ChazanCohen, Ph.D.

Working with Families, Infants, and Young Children at Risk

A Practical Guide for Professionals

with invited contributors

Enhance child outcomes by weaving best practices in mental health into early childhood services. This accessible text gives you practical, researchbased guidance to help you

Meet IDEA requirements for family-centered care with this essential guide. You’ll discover practical ways to

US$34.95 | Stock #: 13106P-70595 2011 | 248 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback ISBN 978-1-59857-059-5

“A wonderful text that brings forward the very important and yet delicate issues surrounding our work with families.” —Megan L. Purcell, Ph.D., Eastern Kentucky University

This easy-to-use observational tool and handbook give you a systematic way to build positive parent–professional relationships and help parents respond with confidence to their baby’s individual needs. Includes step-by-step instructions, case studies, and beautiful color photos by a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer.

• Enhance your current models for early intervention with children from birth–age 8 • Build strong working relationships with families • Respond appropriately to different types of family diversity • Empower families to sustain the benefits of early intervention

US$39.95 | Stock #: 13106P-70755 2012 | 296 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback ISBN 978-1-59857-075-5

“Keeps its promise to be a practical guide . . . suggests actual strategies to put into practice.” —Jane D. Hochman, Ed.D., co-editor, Mental Health in Early Intervention

• Recognize indicators of mental health problems in very young children • Promote parents’ and caregivers’ mental health through direct and indirect supports • Build on child and family strengths and mitigate risk factors • Work effectively with outside mental health consultants

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Improve interventions and monitor progress Feeding Challenges in Young Children

Strategies and Specialized Interventions for Success By Deborah A. Bruns, Ph.D., & Stacy D. Thompson, Ph.D.

“Few authors have been as successful in synthesizing and condensing the wide array of information about children and eating.” —Philippa Campbell, Ph.D., Thomas Jefferson University


his book-and-CD-ROM set give you specific, practical, research-based guidance on resolving feeding issues in children birth–5. Ideal for supporting children with sensory issues, oral motor difficulties, tube feeding requirements, and other feeding challenges. YOU’LL LEARN TO: • Conduct effective screening, assessment, and monitoring • Use evidence-based interventions and strategies • Develop appropriate, individualized feeding plans • Strengthen collaboration among members of the feeding team

CD-ROM US$39.95 | Stock #: 13106P-71219

2012 | 336 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback w/ CD-ROM ISBN 978-1-59857-121-9

PRACTICAL MATERIALS: CD-ROM with 50 pages of printable tools, forms, and handouts, including feeding logs, recordkeeping forms, and quick-guides to feeding milestones and red flags.

Routines-Based Early Intervention

Using IGDIs

Monitoring Progress and Improving Intervention for Infants and Young Children

Supporting Young Children and Their Families

By Judith Carta, Ph.D., Charles Greenwood, Ph.D., Dale Walker, Ph.D., & Jay Buzhardt, Ph.D.

By R.A. McWilliam The authoritative guide to routines-based early intervention—straight from the top expert on this trusted, family-centered model.

The only complete guide to using the IGDIs to monitor young children’s developmental progress.

US$34.95 | Stock #: 13106P-70656 2010 | 264 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback ISBN 978-1-59857-065-6

“The definitive and comprehensive source of information on the IGDIs . . . hugely important.” —Mary McLean, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

• Specific, in-depth guidance on using all five IGDI tools

US$36.95 | Stock #: 13106P-70625

• Perfect for use with RTI

Includes 25+ photocopiable checklists and forms to help you implement the model!

• Includes concise, quickreference summaries of key child development areas

2010 | 288 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback ISBN 978-1-59857-062-5

• Address families’ individual needs • Help children participate in daily routines • Write high-quality IFSPs and IEPs • Empower families to continue intervention between visits


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Animals in Our Lives

Child-Centered Practices for the Courtroom & Community

Human–Animal Interaction in Family, Community, & Therapeutic Settings

A Guide to Working Effectively with Young Children and Their Families in the Child Welfare System

Edited by Peggy McCardle, Ph.D., Sandra McCune, Ph.D., James A. Griffin, Ph.D., Layla Esposito, Ph.D., & Lisa Freund, Ph.D.

By Lynne F. Katz, Ed.D., Judge Cindy S. Lederman, & Joy D. Osofsky, Ph.D., with Candice L. Maze, J.D.

US$34.95 | Stock #: 13106P-70731

2011 | 240 pages | 7 x 10 | layflat paperback ISBN 978-1-59857-073-1

“Simply a beautiful book— informative, practical, and comprehensive.” —Stephen J. Bavolek, Ph.D., President, Family Development Resources, Inc.

Improve the lives of children and families in the child welfare system with the evidencebased strategies in this book. Learn how to build supportive relationships with families, navigate a court appearance, improve access to quality care and education, and more.

Explore current research on the positive effects of human– animal interaction (HAI) on child health and development.

US$44.95 | Stock #: 13106P-71578 2011 | 264 pages | 6 x 9 | paperback ISBN 978-1-59857-157-8

“A virtual gold mine of information for parents, educators, and clinicians.” —Anthrozoös

A Developmental Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers

By Helen H. Raikes, Ph.D., & Carolyn Pope Edwards, Ed.D.

This joyful activity-based curriculum enhances infant and toddler development in eight critical areas.

2006 | 460 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback with CD-ROM and sticker set ISBN 978-1-55766-820-2

Includes goal sheets and charts for recording objectives and stickers that help kids celebrate progress!

This warm and practical program guide helps you promote parent–child attachment and develop nurturing relationships with children.

• More than 350 fun and effective activities on CD-ROM • Collaborate with parents to choose goals and objectives

US$29.95 | Stock #: 13106P-68592

• Build on each child’s natural strengths and interests

“These authors know where school readiness really begins.”

• Recognize and expand on emerging developments

• Clarify directions for new research studies

Enhancing Attachment & Relationships

By Helen H. Raikes, Ph.D., & Jane McCall Whitmer, M.S.

US$49.95 | Stock #: 13106P-68202

• Learn principles of evidence-based HAI practices and therapies

Extending the Dance in Infant & Toddler Caregiving

Beautiful Beginnings


• Contributions by Temple Grandin and 20+ other experts

2009 | 224 pages with 8-page full-color insert | 6 x 9 | paperback ISBN 978-1-55766-859-2

—J. Ronald Lally, Ed.D., Co-Director, Center for Child & Family Studies, WestEd

• Establish a successful relationship-based program • Promote social skills and cognitive development • Develop mutually beneficial partnerships with parents

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A fast & reliable tool for assessing parenting interactions—coming this summer! Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes (PICCOLO™) COMING SOON!

By Lori A. Roggman, Ph.D., Gina A. Cook, Ph.D., Mark S. Innocenti, Ph.D., & Vonda Jump Norman, Ph.D. with Katie Christiansen, Ph.D., & Sheila Anderson, Ph.D.


here are parents’ skills the strongest—and how can they be encouraged to better support young children’s cognitive, social, and language development? Home visitors can find out in minutes with PICCOLO™, the quick, reliable observational tool designed to assess and monitor the quality of parent–child interactions.


At A Glance What it assesses Parenting behaviors in 4 areas— Affection, Responsiveness, Encouragement, Teaching Who conducts it Home visitors, parent educators, nurses, social workers, early childhood teachers, researchers, program evaluators Number of items 29 items, organized in 4 areas Time to complete 10 minutes for observation Time to score 3-5 minutes WHAT TO ORDER Provider Starter Kit Includes: One 120-page User’s Guide with easy instructions on how to use PICCOLO™, photocopiable Spanish translation of the tool, and information on the tool’s development and psychometric properties. One shrink-wrapped Tool pack of 25 forms US$55.00 | Stock #: 13106P-73657 | August 2013 Training DVD 64-minute introductory presentation and 16 clips of parent–child interactions (some in English, some in Spanish) that let viewers practice scoring PICCOLO™ and check their scores. US$150.00 | Stock #: 13106P-73046

August 2013 | 2 hours | ISBN 978-1-59857-304-6 NOTE: Each practitioner using the tool should have a copy of the Provider Starter Kit. Each program should have a copy of the DVD for staff training.

DVD available! Practice observing and scoring with 16 clips of real parent–child interactions.

Developed for use with parents of children ages 1 to 3, PICCOLO™ measures 29 developmentally supportive parenting behaviors in 4 critical domains—Affection, Responsiveness, Encouragement, and Teaching. It’s the best way to assess which parenting behaviors are working, develop individualized interventions that help parents improve, and track the positive outcomes of your parent support program. WHY PICCOLO™? • Research-based—assesses parenting behaviors with direct, proven links to positive child outcomes • Quick, clear, and easy to use—takes just 10 minutes for parent–child observation • Highly reliable—based on 4,500 video observations of 2,000 diverse families • Training DVD includes 16 invaluable DVD clips of parent–child interactions to help you practice observing and scoring • Culturally sensitive and relevant • Ready to use anytime: at program entry, throughout the year, and at program exit • Helps you provide positive feedback to parents and plan intervention • Great way to monitor parent/child outcomes and program effectiveness • Spanish translation included PICCOLO™ is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.

After a PICCOLO observation, share the ASQ Learning Activities with parents— a great way to help them increase positive interactions with their children and encourage developmental progress in key areas. (See page 3 for more on ASQ.)


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More great resources to strengthen your home visiting program BESTSELLER

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LSP HELPS YOUR PROGRAM • measure family competencies in key areas (see sidebar) • establish baseline client profiles • identify strengths and needs • plan interventions • monitor outcomes and progress LSP INCLUDES: All-in-one manual with information on field testing, best practices in the field, and detailed LSP instructions; companion CD-ROM with the printable tool and instructions.

Meets the Parents as Teachers affiliate requirements for family-centered assessment and goal setting.

LEARN MORE at the Brookes site: http://bit.ly/OVQt6W



earn the ABCs— supportive attitudes, positive behaviors, and program content—of facilitating developmental parenting! You’ll get easy-to-implement strategies for putting parents confidently in charge of supporting their children’s developmental progress.

his bestselling guide has been a trusted companion for thousands of home visitors. Covers all the basics of effective home visiting, including building trust, maintaining boundaries, and addressing risk factors.

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Strengthen interactions with diverse children & families


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. . .and then use it to transform interactions Use the Skilled Dialogue model to strengthen collaboration and improve challenging interactions with young children, other professionals, and families. Includes practical tools such as • self-assessments • case analysis exercises • a handy Skilled Dialogue Quick Sheet By Isaura Barrera, Ph.D., & Lucinda Kramer, Ph.D. US$34.95 | Stock #: 13106P-69551 2009 | 296 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback with laminated guide | ISBN 978-1-55766-955-1

New Voices~ Nuevas Voces

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Understanding Families



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Individualized Autism Intervention for Young Children


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The SCERTS® Model

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EASY-SCORE™ CD-ROM Automated scoring and printable forms ease the SCERTS® process and help you use the system fully and consistently. SCERTS® is a registered trademark of Barry M. Prizant, Amy M. Wetherby, Emily B. Rubin, and Amy C. Laurent. EasyScore™ is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.

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Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children

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By Robert C. Pianta, Ph.D., Karen M. La Paro, Ph.D., & Bridget K. Hamre, Ph.D.


he widely used, highly reliable CLASS™ tool gives you an accurate way to assess teacher–child interactions—a primary ingredient of quality educational experiences that promote future school success. With versions for toddler, pre-K, and K–3 classrooms, this bestselling tool

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• Assesses crucial domains of teacher–student interaction: Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support. (The NEW CLASS™ Toddler tool focuses on Emotional and Behavioral Support and Engaged Support for Learning.) • Provides developmentally appropriate descriptions of what effective interactions look like • Establishes an accurate, complete picture of classroom interactions through brief, repeated observation and scoring cycles • Highlights areas of strength and areas for growth useful for guiding improvement efforts • Provides important information related to programs’ most urgent needs: accountability, professional development, and research

Pre-K Spanish—US$49.95 | Stock #: 13106P-72384 2012 | ISBN 978-1-59857-238-4

K–3—US$49.95 | Stock #: 13106P-69421 2008 | ISBN 978-1-55766-942-1

CLASS™ Forms Toddler—US$28.00 | Stock #: 13106P-72605 2012 | ISBN 978-1-59857-260-5

Pre-K–3 English—US$28.00 | Stock #: 13106P-69438 2008 | ISBN 978-1-55766-943-8

Pre-K–3 Spanish—US$28.00 | Stock #: 13106P-72360 2012 | ISBN 978-1-59857-236-0

TRAINING AVAILABLE: CLASS™ Observation Training is an essential prerequisite for accurate use of the CLASS tool. Learn more at www.teachstone.org/training-programs. CLASS Dimensions Overviews also available at www.brookespublishing.com Classroom Assessment Scoring System™ and CLASS™ are trademarks of Robert C. Pianta, Ph.D.

LEARN MORE at the Brookes site: http://bit.ly/N4FZ4x

CLASS™ Dimensions Guides. With versions specially tailored for Toddler, Pre-K, and K–3, these quick guides are a great way to get teachers on board with the CLASS™ tool and help them understand each of the key areas it assesses.



NEW CLASS™ Toddler tool! The highly anticipated toddler version of the CLASS™ tool is ideal for measuring teacher–child interactions in programs for children 15–36 months.

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Instructional Technology in Early Childhood Teaching in the Digital Age

By Howard P. Parette, Jr., Ed.D., & Craig Blum, Ph.D., with invited contributors

“Provides concrete examples of how to integrate readily available technologies that can easily be used to support young children’s learning. The authors have produced an innovative framework . . . that is just what teachers need right now.” —Sharon Judge, Ph.D., Old Dominion University


ideos, apps, SMART boards—how can you choose and use instructional technology options like these to strengthen teaching and learning in pre-K and kindergarten? Discover the answers with the step-by-step EXPECT IT-PLAN IT-TEACH IT framework in this problem-solving guide, aligned with the NAEYC policy statement* on technology in early childhood programs.

US$39.95 | Stock #: 13106P-72452 2013 | 280 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback ISBN 978-1-59857-245-2

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Get ready to replicate and sustain best practices NEW

Applying Implementation Science in Early Childhood Programs and Systems Edited by Tamara Halle, Ph.D., Allison Metz, Ph.D., & Ivelisse Martinez-Beck, Ph.D.


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NEW research volume on RTI in early childhood NEW

Handbook of Response to Intervention in Early Childhood Edited by Virginia Buysse, Ph.D., & Ellen S. Peisner-Feinberg, Ph.D.

“A remarkably clear and comprehensive overview of RTI that is framed specifically for early childhood audiences.” —David K. Dickinson, Ed.D., Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College


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Lift-Off for Early Literacy

PAVEd for Success

By Charlene IannoneCampbell, M.A., C.A.S.E., NBCT, & Susan Lloyd Lattimore, Ed.M., M.S.

By Claire E. Hamilton, Ph.D., & Paula J. Schwanenflugel, Ph.D.

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From the author of the bestselling Phonemic Awareness in Young Children BESTSELLER

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Early Language & Literacy Classroom Observation Tool (ELLCO) Pre-K

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Support and teach dual language learners Dual Language Learners in the Early Childhood Classroom

Assessing Spanish–English Bilingual Preschoolers

Edited by Carollee Howes, Ph.D., Jason T. Downer, Ph.D., & Robert C. Pianta, Ph.D.

A Guide to Best Approaches and Measures By Sandra Barrueco, Ph.D., Michael López, Ph.D., Christine Ong, Ph.D., & Patricia Lozano, M.A.

Enhance school readiness of young dual language learners with this research volume from 25+ experts.

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Second Edition

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MacArthur-Bates Inventarios

By Donna Jackson-Maldonado, Ph.D., Donna J. Thal, Ph.D., Virginia A. Marchman, Ph.D., Larry Fenson, Ph.D., Tyler Newton, M.A., & Barbara Conboy, Ph.D.


ap into parents’ knowledge about their children’s language and communication skills with the standardized, parent-completed CDIs and their Spanish adaptation, the Inventarios. Both include • A words and gestures form (ages 8–18 months) documenting the child’s understanding and production of early vocabulary items and communicative and symbolic gestures. • A words and sentences form (ages 16–30 months) documenting production of words and early forms of grammar. • CDI-III, a CDI extension for ages 30–37 months that measures expressive vocabulary and grammar. • User’s Guide and Technical Manual, each tailored to the content of its corresponding tool. CATALOG SPECIAL!

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Talk to Me, Baby!

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PrePS™ is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.

Includes sample schedules, assessment guidelines, and detailed sample activities

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Cowboys Count, Monkeys Measure, and Princesses Problem Solve

Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood By Sally Moomaw, Ed.D.

Teach critical math concepts to pre-K and kindergarten students while meeting national standards for mathematics education.

Building Early Math Skills Through Storybooks

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At a Glance

Order today!

Core State Standards in Kindergarten and NCTM Standards and Focal Points

What is it?

A quick number sense screening tool that accurately identifies children at risk for mathematics difficulties

When is it done?

At least three times: in the fall of kindergarten, the spring of kindergarten, and the fall of first grade

Which areas are screened?

Counting skills, number recognition, number comparisons, nonverbal calculation, story problems, and number combinations

How many items are there?

There are 29 items. (Sample: “Kisha has 6 pennies. Peter takes away 4. How many pennies does Kisha have now?”)

Who completes and scores it?

NSS can be easily completed and scored by a teacher, a learning specialist, or a school psychologist.

How long does it take?

About 15 minutes per child, and about 5 minutes to score

Is the tool valid and reliable?

Yes. NSS has internal consistency of .85 and predictive validity of .70 (end of third grade math achievement).

Number Sense Screener™ (NSS™) Set K–1, Research Edition By Nancy C. Jordan, Ed.D., & Joseph J. Glutting, Ph.D., with Nancy Dyson, Ph.D.

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The definitive reference on disabilities BESTSELLER

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“Provides guidance for ensuring maximum participation in everyday routines.” —R.A. McWilliam, Ph.D., Director, Center for Child and Family Research, Siskin Children’s Institute

CARA’s Kit for Toddlers

Creating Adaptations for Routines and Activities By Philippa H. Campbell, Ph.D., Suzanne A. Milbourne, Ph.D., & Alexis A. Kennedy, M.S.Ed.


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Multimedia CD-ROM included! • • • •

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LEARN MORE: http://bit.ly/CARAsKit

Which alternative assessment methods are right for your program? Alternative Approaches to Assessing Young Children

Learn about 6 popular methods: • • • • • •

Second Edition

By Angela Losardo, Ph.D., & Angela Notari Syverson, Ph.D.

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popular textbook and a key reference for early childhood programs, this book introduces early childhood educators to the fundamentals of six alternative assessment methods for children birth–8 who are culturally, linguistically, or developmentally diverse. Includes student-friendly features such as chapter review questions, in-depth case studies, and a sample syllabus, plus a CD-ROM with 2 dozen printable forms for data collection, progress monitoring, and more.


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Preschool Education in Today’s World

Assessing Young Children in Inclusive Settings

Teaching Children with Diverse Backgrounds and Abilities

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The Blended Practices Approach

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By Jennifer Grisham-Brown, Ed.D., & Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, Ph.D., with invited contributors

This highly accessible core text prepares early childhood educators to teach all young learners effectively—including children of different cultural, linguistic, and economic backgrounds and children with special needs.

This comprehensive textbook is an in-depth blueprint for high-quality assessment in today’s age of inclusion, standards-based education, and accountability.

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Filled with field-tested strategies and 30+ pages of photocopiable forms, this book helps you increase children’s engagement and prevent behavior problems by making key adjustments to your classroom. • Reduce wasted time and misbehavior during down time and transitions

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Blended Practices for Teaching Young Children in Inclusive Settings

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Engagement of Every Child in the Preschool Classroom

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Includes sample forms, vignettes and examples, helpful chapter summaries, and dozens of learning activities!

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Trusted assessment & intervention resources BESTSELLER

The Carolina Curriculum By Nancy M. Johnson-Martin, Ph.D., Susan M. Attermeier, Ph.D., PT, & Bonnie J. Hacker, M.H.S., OTR/L


or use with young children from birth to 5 years who have mild to severe disabilities, this criterion-referenced system seamlessly links assessment and intervention. It’s easy to use: you’ll observe the child playing with familiar toys in a naturalistic environment, examine strengths and weaknesses, work with parents to pinpoint items that need the most work, and select from teaching activities that correspond to the items. SYSTEM HIGHLIGHTS: • Covers five developmental domains: personal-social, cognition, communication, fine motor, and gross motor • Trusted by thousands of professionals for more than a decade • Completed by professionals in home-, school-, or center-based environments • Encourages interdisciplinary collaboration among teachers, family members, and service providers


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Volumes also sold separately. Forms also available in paper format or as downloadable PDFs; see www.brookespublishing.com. Downloadable forms are nonreturnable.

WHAT TO ORDER: • For children from birth to 36 months: The Carolina Curriculum for Infants & Toddlers with Special Needs (CCITSN). 24 teaching sequences for addressing the five domains. Includes a list of behaviors for each domain, plus guidelines and functional activities that help elicit each behavior. • For children from 24 to 60 months: The Carolina Curriculum for Preschoolers with Special Needs (CCPSN). 22 teaching sequences that cover the same five domains but target more advanced, age-appropriate behaviors. • Carolina Curriculum Forms that help you record data and summarize the assessment. (Forms for both volumes are on one CD-ROM.)

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mprove interventions for young children with disabilities by implementing the consultation model—a systematic process that helps professionals, educators, and parents work together to address concerns and identify goals for children. This book leads you step by step through a practical 8-stage model, from initiating contact to reviewing outcomes.

By Virginia Buysse, Ph.D., & Patricia W. Wesley, M.Ed.


he only book with professional ratings and reviews of 81 widely used assessment measures for children birth–8, this popular reference helps you select high-quality assessment materials for your early childhood program. A must-have resource for cutting through the hype, recognizing valid measures backed by solid evidence, and determining which assessments best meet the needs of your program.

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Learn more about authentic assessment in this Q&A with the authors: http://bit.ly/LINKing


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Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs Book, Second Edition

by Susan R. Sandall, Ph.D., & Ilene S. Schwartz, Ph.D., with invited contributors

Trainer’s Guide (CD-ROM)

by Gail E. Joseph, Ph.D., Susan R. Sandall, Ph.D., & Ilene S. Schwartz, Ph.D.


ith the popular, highly effective Building Blocks model, preschool teachers will be ready to fully include children with disabilities and promote progress in critical areas like behavior, emergent literacy, and peer relationships. Easy to use with any existing curriculum, including Creative Curriculum and High/Scope, this model includes three types of research-based inclusion strategies: curriculum modifications, embedded learning opportunities, and child-focused instructional strategies that help students with individual learning objectives.


Great for pre- and in-service teacher training! Book US$38.95 | Stock #: 13106P-69674

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BOOK In the bestselling book, teachers will discover how the Building Blocks approach aligns with OSEP child outcomes to help meet the federal requirements for special education, and they’ll get a strong foundation of knowledge about evidence-based practice and how to apply it in the classroom. Includes more than a dozen helpful forms (printable from CD-ROM). TRAINER’S GUIDE ON CD-ROM An essential companion for instructors of preschool teachers, this convenient CD-ROM provides a vivid blueprint for inclusive education using the Building Blocks approach. Includes video clips and photos that demonstrate successful curriculum modifications and adaptations; 8 engaging audio-visual presentations; helpful activities; and more.

Assistive Technology for Young Children

A Guide to Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Services

By Kathleen C. Sadao, Ed.D., & Nancy B. Robinson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

By Laurie A. Dinnebeil, Ph.D., & William F. McInerney, Ph.D.

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Harness the power of assistive technology (AT) to help children with disabilities fully participate in natural, inclusive learning environments from birth–5. CD-ROM

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2011 | 256 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback ISBN 978-1-55766-965-0

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Itinerant special educators will make a real difference in preschool classrooms with this book, the first to offer a clear, research-based model for effective itinerant service delivery. You’ll learn how to take on 5 key roles that improve outcomes for young children: consultant, coach, assessor, team member, and service coordinator. To help you excel in each role, you’ll get a detailed model for providing itinerant services, case studies and sample dialogues, and practical planning forms and tools.

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“TPBA and TPBI are pivotal to providing quality services.” —Shannon Haley-Mize, early interventionist, Institute for Disability Studies, University of Southern Mississippi


Transdisciplinary Play-Based System

Administration Guide • TPBA2 • TPBI2 • Forms CD-ROM By Toni Linder, Ed.D., with invited contributors


or 15 years, the Transdisciplinary Play-Based System has been one of the most natural, easy-to-use assessment and intervention approaches for children birth to age 6. Use this popular, highly effective system to get accurate assessment results, choose customized play-based interventions, and improve child outcomes. SYSTEM HIGHLIGHTS: • Explicitly links assessment and intervention • Play-based and child-directed, so children are relaxed, engaged, and motivated • Helps children progress in four domains: sensorimotor, emotional and social, communication and language, and cognition • Aligned with DEC and NAEYC guidelines • Keeps parents involved • Strengths-focused, assessing what children can do instead of what they can’t • Helps you determine a child’s eligibility for services • Includes OSEP child outcomes crosswalk WHAT TO ORDER: Administration Guide: Comprehensive guidance on conducting TPBA and TPBI TPBA2: In-depth assessment guidance, plus detailed tables on typical birth-tosix development TPBI2: Step-by-step intervention guide on partnering with parents to support children’s progress across domains CD-ROM: Printable PDFs of all forms for planning, tracking, and reporting Observing Kassandra: Effective and affordable training DVD


Training available through Brookes On Location; see www.brookesonlocation.com CATALOG SPECIAL

LEARN MORE: http://bit.ly/TPBA-I2

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A Transdisiplinary Play-Based Assessment of a Child with Severe Disabilities, Revised Edition Great for staff training, Observing Kassandra lets you simulate a TPBA2 session with a preschooler who has severe disabilities. Includes a 50-minute DVD of a recorded play session, a tablet of blank TPBA2 forms, a CD-ROM with sample completed forms, and a helpful training workbook. US$179.00 | Stock #: 13106P-69698 | 1996, 2010 | 12 x 9 folder | ISBN 978-1-55766-969-8



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The premier assessment, intervention, & programming system for birth to 6


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practices for assessment

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 Helps you write meaningful IFSP/IEP goals and objectives  Saves time, with web-based data management and group assessment activities

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—Bonnie McCouch, preschool special education coordinator, Mascoma Valley Regional School District, New Hampshire

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How AEPS® Works 1. Assessment With the AEPS® Test, you’ll assess goals and objectives across developmental areas while observing children and their caregivers engaging in everyday activities.

2. Goal Development Using results of the AEPS® Test as a guide, you’ll pinpoint areas in which the child needs intervention and select them as IFSP/IEP goals and objectives. AEPS® includes a helpful list of sample goals and objectives to use as a model for writing meaningful IFSPs and IEPs.

3. Intervention

4. Evaluation/Progress Monitoring

AEPS®’s seamlessly linked test and curricula make it simple to tier instruction by choosing interventions that help children meet IFSP/IEP goals and objectives. Now that AEPS® curricular content is embedded in AEPSi™, it’s easier than ever to access exactly the right interventions—just a few clicks take you right to the strategies and teaching suggestions you need.

The AEPS® Test is a highly effective way to monitor child progress over time, whether you use it for ongoing monitoring or for annual evaluations. AEPS Child Progress Record Fine Motor

Timmy McAdams | DOB: 01/23/2000 | Level: II

Gross Motor

Strand A: Bilateral Motor Coordination

Strand A: Balance and Mobility

Strand B: Emergent Writing

Strand B: Play Skills

Test 1. 03/09/05

Test 2. 03/07/08

AEPS® & EasyIEP—AEPSi™ subscribers can now link up with the popular online EasyIEP system! Goals and objectives you identify with AEPSi™ can be transferred into your EasyIEP account—quickly and without additional data entry. Learn more and get pricing information at www.aepsinteractive.com.


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Turn the page here to learn more about AEPS®!

What to Order





Order the set that meets your needs:


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Birth to Three Set—(Administration Guide, Test, Curriculum for Birth to Three Years) US$179.00 | Stock Number: 13106P-66024 | 2002 | ISBN 978-1-55766-602-4

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Get AEPS® training Ensure the best, most accurate AEPS® implementation—invest in high-quality training through Brookes On Location (BOL). Customized, affordable AEPS® training seminars are held at the location you choose. We’ll tailor the content to your learning needs, whether you want a basic introduction to AEPS® or a more advanced workshop customized seminar for veteran users. LEARN MORE at www.brookesonlocation.com

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or more than ten years, professionals turn to Brookes On Location first for expert-led training on popular tools such as AEPS®, ASQ (page 3), ELLCO (page 29), The Carolina Curriculum (page 37), and TPBA2 and TPBI2 (page 39). Whether you set up a customized seminar or attend a training institute, you’ll get hands-on practice and definitive guidance from the experts who know the tools best. To learn more about BOL training for these and other Brookes tools, please call 1-800-638-3775 or contact the Brookes On Location Staff at seminars@brookespublishing.com. www.brookesonlocation.com

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