5 minute read

Written Language among English Learners




A HUMAN RIGHT 1. Literacy for All 2. Developing Language and Communication 3. Addressing Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in

Language and Literacy Instruction 4. Inclusive Literacy Instruction: State and National

Standards and Beyond 5. Creating Accessible, Rich and Engaging Literacy


INSTRUCTION 6. Getting the Point: Comprehension Instruction 7. A Broader Approach to Fluency 8. Words, Glorious Words! 9. What’s the Word? Word Recognition Instruction 10. Conveying Your Message: Writing Instruction 11. Organizing Effective Literacy Instruction:


LITERACY IN SCHOOL AND BEYOND 12. Adapting Books and Other Literacy Genres 13. Beyond the Common Core: Art, Music, And

Creativity in Literacy Learning 14. Literacy Beyond High School 15. Where Do We Go from Here?

Effective Literacy Instruction for Learners with Complex Support Needs

Second Edition

Edited by Susan R. Copeland, Ph.D., BCBAD (University of New Mexico), & Elizabeth B. Keefe, Ph.D. (University of New Mexico)

What are today’s best methods for teaching literacy skills to students with complex support needs—including autism, intellectual disability, and multiple disabilities? This comprehensive guidebook has up-todate, evidence-based answers for pre- and in-service educators.

Developed by Copeland and Keefe, the experts behind the landmark book Effective Literacy Instruction for Students with Moderate or Severe Disabilities, this thoroughly reimagined follow-up reflects 10 years of ground-breaking research and advances in the field. You’ll discover current recommended practices on critical topics, including how to build vocabulary, increase word recognition, enhance fluency, address cultural and linguistic diversity, and use academic standards when designing instruction. You’ll also get the guidance you need to put theory into practice: lesson planning strategies, practical examples, and case studies that bring key principles of instruction to life.

Whether used as a text for teachers in training or a guide for practicing educators, this book will help teachers of Grades K–12 increase access to literacy and prepare all learners for successful communication, employment, and community life.

WHAT’S NEW: • New section on literacy as a human right for all learners (the

“why” of instruction) • Chapters on how to design engaging learning environments • Cutting-edge guidance on today’s assistive technology and augmentative and alternative communication • A dedicated chapter on how to use national and state standards in designing instruction • Recommendations for adapting books and other materials to increase all learners’ access • Chapters on combining literacy and the arts to enhance student engagement • More on literacy beyond high school, including community-based learning opportunities

Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills

Fourth Edition

BOOK edited by Judith R. Birsh, Ed.D., CALT-QI (independent literacy consultant), & Suzanne Carreker, Ph.D., CALT-QI (Lexia Learning Systems) ACTIVITY BOOK by Suzanne Carreker, Ph.D., CALT-QI, & Judith R. Birsh, Ed.D., CALT-QI

Listed by the 2020 National Council on Teacher Quality’s Teacher Prep Review as an exemplary text With the fourth editions of this bestselling textbook and activity book, you’ll fully prepare a new generation of educators to use the highly respected multisensory teaching approach to literacy. covering all five elements In the textbook—the most comprehensive of effective reading text available on multisensory teaching—instruction. your students will get timely new information on using multisensory literacy approaches effectively with K–12 students who have dyslexia and other learning disabilities. Updates include: • New chapters on prekindergarten literacy, executive function, and math learning disabilities • Content aligned with the 2018 IDA Knowledge and Practice

Standards for Teachers of Reading; prepares students for the

IDA certification exam • The latest research in the field • New insights and guidance on technology • Online companion materials and resources • More student-friendly features, including learning objectives, reflection questions, and new case studies In the activity book, your students will get more than 100 activities that boost their knowledge in all the areas covered in the textbook. The updated edition includes NEW activities on executive function, prekindergarten literacy, and math learning disabilities.

Book—US$84.95 | Stock #: 52261 | 2019 | 920 pages | 7 x 10 | hardcover | ISBN 978-1-68125-226-1 Activity book—US$34.95 | Stock #: 53084 | 2019 | 192 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | layflat paperback | ISBN 978-1-68125-308-4



1. Connecting Research and Practice 2. Structured Literacy Instruction 3. Oral Language Development and Its Relationship to

Literacy 4. Pre-Kindergarten Literacy 5. Alphabet Knowledge: Letter Recognition, Letter

Naming, and Letter Sequencing 6. Teaching Phonemic Awareness 7. Assessment of Reading Skills: A Review of Select Key

Ideas and Best Practices 8. The Role of Executive Function in Literacy Instruction 9. Teaching Reading: Accurate Decoding 10. Teaching Spelling 11. Multi-Modal Handwriting Instruction for Pencil and

Technology Tools 12. Fluency in Learning to Read: Conceptions, Misconceptions, Learning Disabilities, and Instructional

Moves 13. Math Learning Disabilities 14. The History and Structure of Written English 15. Working with Word Meaning: Vocabulary Instruction 16. Strategies to Improve Reading Comprehension in the Multisensory Classroom 17. Composition: Evidence-Based Instruction 18. Designing the Learning Environment and Planning

Multisensory Structured Literacy Lessons 19. Language and Literacy Development Among English

Language Learners 20. Instruction for Older Students with a Word-Level

Reading Disability 21. Working with High-Functioning Adults with Dyslexia and Other Academic Challenges


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