Brookes Publishing—Social-Emotional Development, Summer 2017

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Social-Emotional Development

Books, tools, and curricula for successful inclusive classrooms SUMMER 2017

CONTENTS CONTENTS Early Childhood Inclusive Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Early ReadingChildhood & Literacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Screening &&Science Assessment Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Cultural Diversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ASQ:SE-2.........................................2–4 Behavior/Social-Emotional Development. . . . . . . . 14 SEAM...................................................5 Autism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 TPOT...................................................6 For PreSET..................................................7 Parents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Communication & Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Behavior & Psychology Screening & Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Prevent-Teach-Reinforce.......................8 ASQ-3 & NEW ASQ:SE-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Behavior................................................9 SEAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 TPOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Carolina Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 AEPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 TPBA2/TPBI2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 PreSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 PICCOLO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Bullying Prevention.............................10 CDIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 CSBS DP Checklist & Easy-Score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Mediation............................................11 CLASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 PBS...............................................12–13 ELLCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 LSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 NBO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45


Behavior & Psychology


Disability References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Strong Start.........................................14 Early Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Strong Kids & Teens...........................15 ORDER FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 VISIT THE BLOG

Infographics. Free downloads. Tips from our experts. And much, much more. Visit the Brookes Inclusion Lab—a blog for everyone who believes that all kids deserve to reach their full potential. Stop by and see what’s brewing, and share this link with your fellow educators:




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ocial-emotional screening is better than ever with ASQ:SE-2™, the NEW addition to our ASQ family.



IT’S HERE! The second edition of this highly reliable, parent-completed tool helps you pinpoint behaviors of concern in young children and identify any need for further assessment. Updates include a 2-month questionnaire, an expanded age range, new behavior and communication items, and more additions to help you support better social-emotional development.

Visit to learn more & watch FREE webinars!

You talked. We listened. This year, we’re bringing you an online treasure trove of practical information about three pressing topics our readers have brought up on social media: Fair Isn’t Always Equal . . . Now What? All students should get what they need to succeed— but how can busy teachers meet diverse learning needs in their limited time? Find out with “How I Did It” case stories and readyto-use tips on UDL, differentiated instruction, and more!

Social-Emotional Development Across the Ages Healthy social-emotional development is fundamental to a child’s success in school and in life. Discover practical, effective ways to guide social-emotional development at every age and stage,. starting with the first ASQ:SE-2 screening. | 1-800-638-3775 |

Language and Literacy Development Get tools and strategies on everything from closing the word gap and encouraging shared reading to improving early literacy skills.

DON’T MISS A THING. Get access to all the tips, strategies, and free downloads! Just: Subscribe to the Brookes Inclusion Lab blog: !!!"#$%%&'()*+,-()%*,.#"+%/ Follow us on Twitter: @BrookesPubCo Like us on Facebook:



Order the complete Order22the! comp NEW!

Everything you need to conduct and catch delays early NEW NEWASQ edition—valid and reliable NEW edition—valid and reliable Everything you need to conduct socia social-emotionalscreening screening social-emotional


arly Wi com emotional of concern

Screenwith withASQ:SE-2™ ASQ:SE-2™atatregular regularintervals intervalstotomonitor monitorprogress progress Screen andcatch catchsocial-emotional social-emotionalissues, issues,sosochildren childrenget getthe theservices servicesthey they and needasasearly earlyasaspossible. possible. need

Screen wit and catch need as ea

ASQ-3™ complete package price: $1,219.75, plus quarterly screening charges

ASQ-3™ & ASQ:SE-2™ complete ASQ-3™ complete package price: $1,219.75, package price: $1,544.70*, plus quarterly screening charges plus quarterly screening charges

(price includes 5 free Quick Start Guides) WHAT’S inQuickASQ:SE-2 (price includes 5NEW free ASQ-3™ Start Guides and

WHAT’S NEW in in ASQ:SE-2 ASQ:SE-2 This package* includes: (price includes 5 free Quick Start Guides)

package* includes: 5 freeThis ASQ:SE-2™ Quick Start Guides)

• ASQ-3 Questionnaires


arlyidentification identificationofofsocial-emotional social-emotionalproblems problemsisiscrucial. crucial. arly WithASQ:SE-2™, the NEW ASQ:SE-2™, a highly reliable, parentWith a highly reliable, parent-completed completed tool with a deep, exclusive focus social and tool with a deep, exclusive focus on social andon emotional emotional development, it’s ever easier ever to pinpoint development, it’s easier than tothan pinpoint behaviors ofbehaviors concern of concern needassessment. for further assessment. and identifyand any identify need forany further

ASQ-3includes* Questionnaires This •package everything that comes in

• 2-month ASQ-3 User’s Guide New questionnaire (now New 2-month questionnaire (now99questionnaires questionnaires

New questionnaire (now 9 questionnaires the ASQ-3™ package, plus: • 2-month ASQ-3complete User’s Guide

® • Ages &age Stages Questionnaires on ascreen Homechildren Visit DVD Expanded range: Now you can

• ASQ:SE-2 Guide • ASQ-3User’s Scoring and Referral DVD • ASQ:SE-2 in Practice DVD Expanded age range: Now you® can • Ages & Stages Questionnaires on ascreen Homechildren Visit DVD

total): screen and monitoring Reliably screenStart and start start monitoringchildren childrenasasyoung young • Reliably ASQ-3 Quick Guides as 1 month, so critical interventions can start earlier. month, so critical interventions can start earlier. • ASQ-3 Scoring and Referral DVD

total): Reliably screen and start monitoring children as young • ASQ:SE-2 Questionnaires • ASQ-3 Guides can start earlier. as 1 month, so Quick criticalStart interventions

✓ Expanded age range: Now you can screen children

from 1–72 months, Start so youGuides can use ASQ:SE-2™ through • ASQ:SE-2 • ASQ-3Quick Learning Activities kindergarten and the transition to school.

ASQ-3 Learning Activities from•1–72 months, so can 1–72 months, so you you can use use ASQ:SE-2™ ASQ:SE-2™through through kindergarten and the transition to school. kindergarten and the transition to school. • ASQ-3 Materials Kit

• ASQ-3 Materials Kit

• ASQ Pro (1 year)

✓ New New behavior behavior and and communication communication items itemsdesigned designed

ASQ Pro (1and year)communication items designed New• behavior • ASQ Family Access year) to elicit parent concerns that point to elicit parent concerns that(1may point to autism and early parent concerns that(1may may pointto toautism autismand andearly early • ASQ Family Access year) communication issues. communication issues. communication issues. Need ASQ in Spanish? You can add ASQ Spanish products to either set, or order a complete English/Spanish ASQ combo! Call 1-800-638-3775 or visit to learn more.

✓ data and —ASQ:SE-2™ based *Plus online screening charges. Prices will vary for multisiteis New New data and cutoffs cutoffs —ASQ:SE-2™ isprograms. basedon on

updated updated research research and and aa large large sample sample size sizeof of14,000 14,000diverse diverse children. children.

Need ASQ in Spanish? You can add ASQ Spanish products to either 1-800-638-3775 or visit to learn more.

New data77 and —ASQ:SE-2™ based on Screen key areas of Screen keycutoffs areas ofwill vary for multisiteisprograms. *Plus online screening charges. Prices

updated research and a large sample size of 14,000 diverse social-emotional social-emotionaldevelopment: development: children. • Self-regulation

children children close close to to the the cutoff cutoff and and helps helps you youmake makedecisions decisions about about followup. followup. Starter Kit:

only $275 ✓ New New Quick Quick Start Start Guide Guide to to help helpusers usersimplement implement

ASQ:SE-2™ ASQ:SE-2™ accurately accurately and and efficiently. efficiently.

Starter Kit Order an 2

ASQ:SE-2™ accurately and efficiently.

Box includes: paper masters of the questionnaires and scoring sheets, a CD-ROM with printable PDF questionnaires, the User’s Guide, and a FREE laminated Quick Start Guide (in English or Spanish).


Order an

✓ New New monitoring monitoring zone zone that that clearly clearlyidentifies identifies

• Self-regulation • Compliance • Compliance • Communication New monitoring zone that clearly identifies • Communication • Adaptive children close tofunctioning the cutoff and helps you make decisions • Autonomy Adaptive functioning • about followup. Autonomy Starter Kit: •• Affect Starter Kit: • Affect • Interaction with people only $275 New Quick Start help$275 users implement • Interaction withGuide peopleto only

Box includes: paper masters of questionnaires includes: paper masterswith of the questionnaires and Box scoring sheets, a CD-ROM printable scoring sheets, a CD-ROM withfree printable PDFand questionnaires, User’s Guide, and lami- PDF questionnaires, the User’s Guide, and a FREE laminated Quick Start Guide (English or Spanish). nated Quick Start Guide (in English or Spanish). With English Questionnaires—$275.00 With English Questionnaires—$275.00 With English Questionnaires—$275.00 | 2015 Stock #: 16106W-70410 | 2009 | Stock #: 79611 16106W-79611 | 2015 | #: 16106W-70410 | 2009 | ISBN 978-1-59857-041-0 ISBNStock 978-1-59857-961-1 ISBN 978-1-59857-041-0 AgesWith & Stages Questionnaires® is a registered trademark and With Spanish Questionnaires—$275.00 Spanish Questionnaires—$275.00 Ages & Stages Questionnaires® is a registered trademark and (See page 30 for d (See page 30 for details) With Spanish Questionnaires—$275.00 ASQ-3™, ASQ:SE-2™, and the| 2015 ASQ logos are trademarks of 79628 | 2015 #: 16106W-70427 Stock#: 16106W-79628 | ASQ-3™,Stock ASQ:SE-2™, and the ASQ| 2009 logos| are trademarks of Stock #: 16106W-70427 | 2009 | Paul ISBN H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. ISBN 978-1-59857-042-7 978-59857-962-8 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. ISBN 978-1-59857-042-7 Ages Stages Questionnaires® is a registered Ages & Stages Questionnaires® is a registered trademark and ASQ-3™, ASQ:SE-2™, and the ASQ logos are&trademarks of Paul H. Brookes Publishingtrademark Co., Inc. and ASQ-3™, AS



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NEW! NEW! 2 More essentials 22Order 2 ! ete ! the complete !WEN

dition—valid and edition—valid and reliable lbailedelays r dnreliable a dearly ilav— noineed t®ide W N NEWASQ SQ and ecatch Everything you toEconduct and catch delays early ASQ :SE-2 Learning Activities & More emotional screening gnineercs lanoitome-laicos social-emotional screening


By Elizabeth Twombly, M.S., Leslie J. Munson, Ph.D., & Lois M. Pribble, Ph.D. ntification of social-emotional arly identification of social-emotional problems is crucial. .laicurc si smelproblems borp lanoiistocrucial. me-laicos fo noitacfiitnedi ylra nhance the social-emotional development of infants young children withreliable, this parenthe NEW ASQ:SE-2™, With the NEW and ASQ:SE-2™, a highly -tneraaphighly ,elbailereliable, r ylhgihparenta ,™2-ES:QSA WEN eht htiW treasure trove of learning activities, handouts, and more! Specially developed to ted tool with a deep, completed tool with a deep, exclusive focus on social and dna lexclusive aicos no sfocus ucof eon vissocial ulcxe ,and peed a htiw loot detelpmoc complement ASQ:SE-2, this essential resource makes it a snap to share practical socialelopment, it’s easier than ever to pinpoint behaviors sroivaheb tniopnip ot reve n aht reisae s’ti ,tnempoleved lanoitome emotional development, it’s easier than ever to pinpoint behaviors emotional strategies with parents of children from birth to age 6. identify any need for further .tnemassessment. ssessa rehtruf rof deen yna yfitnedi dna nrecnoc fo of concern and identify any need for further assessment.


and SQ:SE-2™ at regular to omonitor Screenget: with ASQ:SE-2™ at regular intervals to monitor progress ssergorintervals p rotinom t slavretnprogress i ralugerIntathis ™2book -ES:Q SACD-ROM htiw neercset, S you'll al-emotional issues, yeht so secchildren ivres ehtget tegthe nerservices dlihc os they ,seussi lanoitome-laicos hctac dna and catch social-emotional issues, so children get the services they • Social-emotional Withasmore than 90 fun, developmentally s possible. need as early possible. .elbissop sa ylraelearning sa deen activities. appropriate activities—10+ per age range—you'll promote adult–child interaction and key COMING IN FALL 2017 social-emotional skills. Give them to parents after every screening to help children make progress in their social-emotional development. • Newsletters for parents. Along with the activities, give parents a copy of the newsletter ASQ-3™ & ASQ:SE-2™ complete ASQ-3™ complete package price: to $1,219.75, ASQ-3™ that corresponds their child's age. Engaging and fun & to ASQ:SE-2™ read, these ninecomplete newsletters package price: $1,544.70*, plus quarterly screening charges package price: $1,544.70*,this area of explain important social-emotional milestones, share tips on strengthening plus quarterly screening charges plus quarterly (price includes 5 free Quickdevelopment, Start Guides) and offer parents warm and encouraging wordsscreening of wisdom.charges price includes 5 free ASQ-3™ Quick Start Guides and (price includes 5 free ASQ-3™ Quick Startparents’ Guides and • Topic-specific handouts. You'll get concise, age-specific one-sheets that answer This package* includes: free ASQ:SE-2™ Quick Start Guides) 5 free ASQ:SE-2™ Quick Start development: Guides) urgent questions about three big topics important to social-emotional • ASQ-3 Questionnaires feeding, sleeping, and calming. Also includedThis arepackage tip sheetsincludes* on special topics suchthat as This package includes* everything that comes in New• 2-month questionnaire 9 questionnaires seriannoitseuq 9 won( e riannoitseuq heverything tnom-2 weNcomes in ASQ-3 User’s Guidechoosing (now child care, establishing routines, learning to use the toilet, preparing he ASQ-3™ complete package, plus: the ASQ-3™ complete package, for plus: total): Reliably screen and start monitoring children gnuasoyyoung sa nerdlihc gnirotinom trats dna neercs ylbaileR :)latot kindergarten, and more. • ASQ-3 Guides ASQ:SE-2 Questionnaires as 1 month, so Quick criticalStart interventions can start earlier. .reilrae trats •nacASQ:SE-2 snoitnevrQuestionnaires etni lacitirc os ,htnom 1 sa • Hello, Parent! letter. Use this friendly letter to introduce the handouts to families and • ASQ-3 Scoring and Referral DVD ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide • ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide reinforce the importance of social-emotional development. ® can screen children Expanded age range: Now you n e r d l i h c n e e r c s n a c u o y w o N : e g n a r egDVD a dednapxE ASQ:SE-2 in Practice DVD • Ages & Stages Questionnaires on a Home Visit DVD • ASQ:SE-2 in Practice from 1–72 months, so you can use ASQ:SE-2™ through h g u o r h t ™ 2 E S : Q S A e s u n a c u o y o s , s h t n om 2accessible 7–1 morf to a materials are written at a fourth- to sixth-grade reading level to make them • ASQ-3 Learning All Activities ASQ:SE-2 Quick Start Guides •oohASQ:SE-2 Quick Start Guides kindergarten and the transition to school. . l c s o t n o i t i s n a r t e h t d n a n e t r agrednik wide range of parents. You can access and share the content in three easy ways: photocopy



• ASQ-3 Materials Kit

sheets right from the book, print full-color copies from the included CD-ROM, or email

ASQ Pro (1and year)communication New• behavior endesigned gised sm ti noitaASQ cinuOnline. mmoc dna roivaheb weN them to parents fromitems the d CD-ROM orethrough

to elicit parent concerns that(1may point to autism and ylraearly e dna msitua ot tniop yam taht snrecnoc tnerap ticile ot • ASQ Family Access year) communication issues. Perfect for sharing with families of children who are developing typically .seussi nor oitneed acinunonintensive mmoc or order a complete English/Spanish ASQASQ combo! Call support Need in Spanish? You canwith add their ASQ Spanish products to eitherthese set, or order aactivities completeare English/Spanish ASQ combo! Call social-emotional skills, creative an effective, low-cost 1-800-638-3775 or visitway to learn more. have fun together. and is children to learn New and —ASQ:SE-2™ based on no deand sab si ™2-ESScreen :QSA—s7ffkey otucareas dna aof tad weN Screen 7 key areas of *Plusdata fo sscreening aeracutoffs yek 7Prices nfor ewill eparents rvary cSfor multisite online charges. programs. updated research and a large sample size of 14,000 diverse e s r e v i d 0 0 0 , 4 1 f o e z i s e l p m a s e g r a l a d n a h c r a e s er detadpu social-emotional social-emotional development: :tndevelopment: empoleved lanoitom e-la—$49.95 icos | Stock #: 69780 | Fall 2017 | 136 pages | 8½ English x 11 | paperback w/ CD-ROM | children. .nerdlihc • Self-regulation • Self-regulation • • • • • •

noitaluger-fleSISBN • 978-1-55766-978-0 Compliance • Compliance ecnailpmoC • Spanish version coming in 2018! sefiitnedi ylr•aelcCommunication taht enoz gnirotinom weN Communication New monitoring noitazone cinumthat moCclearly • identifies children close to the cutoff and helps you make decisions s n o i s i c e d e k a m u o y s p l e h dna ffofunctioning tuc eht ot esolc nerdlihc Adaptive functioning • Adaptive gninoitcnuf evitpadA • about followup. .puwollof tuoba Autonomy • Autonomy ymonotuA • Starter Kit: Starter Kit: Starter Kit: An app by The Connections Model, Affect • LLC Affect tceffdeveloped A • only $275 only New Quick help users implement tnemelpmTwombly, i sresu p•lehInteraction ot ediuGwith tratpeople S kciuQ w eN$275 Interaction with people elpoeStart p htiwGuide noBy itcaJane reto tnonly I Squires, • $275 Ph.D., & Elizabeth M.S.

Starter Kit Order an Starter Kit The KidConnect™ App 2

ASQ:SE-2™ in Practice DVD




children with behavior issues manage their own challenges— ASQ:SE-2™ accurately and elp efficiently. .yltneicfife dna yletarucca ™2-ES:QSA without any need to leave the classroom intervention. With helpful, companion to thefor Ages Stages Questionnaires®: Box includes: paper masters ofBox questionnaires includes: paper masters of theinformative questionnaires Box&includes: paper masters ofSocialquestionnaires the iPad-based KidConnect™ app, designed by a special educator and schoolgives an overview Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2) screening system, thisaaDVD nd scoring sheets, a CD-ROMand withscoring printable sheets, a CD-ROM with printable PDF and scoring sheets, CD-ROM with printable it’sand easysocial provide instant,and specific interventions thatintroduction help User’s students DF questionnaires, User’s Guide, and free lamiof emotional development provides thorough to ASQ:SE-2. questionnaires, thepsychologist, User’s Guide, and a to FREE lamiPDFaquestionnaires, Guide, and free lamiwith autism and other behavior issues solve their problems and improve emo-(English ated Quick Start Guide (English or Spanish). nated Quick Start Guide (in English or Spanish). nated Quick Start Guide Spanish). Viewers get an inside look at the screening system in practice as they watch a homeorvisitor tional regulation. An ideal way to bridge the gap between the therapy room and using ASQ:SE-2 with the family of a 4-year-old boy. With English Questionnaires—$275.00 With English Questionnaires—$275.00 With English Questionnaires—$275.00 the classroom! tock #: 16106W-79611 | 2015 |Stock #: 16106W-70410 | 2015 | 2009 | Stock #: 79611 16106W-79611 | 2015 |

ARTER KIT:!only $275! 572ISBN $ORDER y978-1-59857-041-0 lno :TYOUR IK RETRATS SBN 978-1-59857-961-1



ISBN 978-1-59857-961-1 With this instructive DVD, early interventionists, home visitors, pediatricians, teachers, and WHY USE KIDCONNECT? Ages & Stages Questionnaires®other is a registered trademark and professionals will be fully prepared to administer and score ils) (See page 30 for details) ) s l i a t e d r o f 0 3 e g a p e e S ( • Reduces lost learning time by keeping kids in the classroom forASQ:SE-2. behavior With Spanish Questionnaires—$275.00 Spanishand Questionnaires—$275.00 With Spanish Questionnaires—$275.00 ASQ-3™,With ASQ:SE-2™, the ASQ logos are trademarks of tock#: 16106W-79628Paul | 2015 | 79628 | 2015 Stock #: 16106W-70427 | 2009 | Stock#: 16106W-79628 | 2015 | intervention H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. Available in the SBN $49.95 2004, minutes 978-1-68125-160-8 ™, and978-59857-962-8 the ASQ logos is trademark .cnI ,are .oCtrademarks gnihsilbuP sof ekPaul ooISBN rBH. .HBrookes lua978-1-59857-042-7 P fo sPublishing krAges amed&arStages tCo., era•sInc. oQuestionnaires® golDelivers QSA| Stock eht dncustomized a#: ,™a51608 2registered -ES:QS| A ,™ 3-Q2017 SA dn|and a26 krstudents aASQ-3™, medart dASQ:SE-2™, e|rcan eISBN tsigetry rISBN a s(e.g., i and ®se978-59857-962-8 rthe ian nASQ oita selogos u Q seare gatof Strademarks &water, segA of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. strategies get drink

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Assess and monitor social-emotional development

Order the com

Everything you need to condN s


Social-Emotional Assessment / Evaluation Measure (SEAM™) Research Edition

em of

By Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., Misti Waddell, M.S., Kristin Funk, M.A., LCSW, Jantina Clifford, Ph.D., & Robert Hoselton

Scr and nee


ith this in-depth, easy-to-use tool, your program can reliably assess and monitor social-emotional development in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers at risk for delays or challenges. An ideal followup to screeners such as ASQ:SE-2™, the SEAM™ assessment reveals detailed qualitative information on children’s social-emotional competence—and identifies complete package price: $1,219.75, caregivers’ strengths and areas of ASQ-3™ need. plus quarterly screening charges


SEAM™ HELPS YOUR PROGRAM:(price includes 5 free Quick Start Guides) EBOOK




Developers: Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., Misti Waddell, M.S., Kristin Funk, M.A., LCSW, Jantina Clifford, Ph.D., & Robert Hoselton

Domains assessed: Social-emotional development and parenting strengths and needs

Age range: 2–66 months (Infant: 2–18 months; Toddler: 18–36 months; Preschool: 36–66 months)

Who conducts it: Early interventionists, early childhood teachers, Head Start and Early Head Start professionals, home visitors, parent educators

Where it’s conducted: In early education programs, day care centers, homes, or other settings where children are served

Languages available: English and Spanish (both on the included CD-ROM)

Ensure early identification of social-emotional difficulties and behavior disorders This package* includes: Build strong, proactive partnerships with families ASQ-3 Questionnaires Promote positive parent–child• interactions in the critical first years of life developmentally New• 2-month questionnaire 9 questionnaires Assist with developing appropriate intervention ASQ-3 User’s Guidegoals and (now total): Reliably screen and start monitoring children as youn activities • social-emotional ASQ-3 as 1 month, so Quick criticalStart interventions % Monitor child progress toward goalsGuides can start earlier. % % % %

• ASQ-3 Scoring and Referral DVD


Expanded range: Now you® can • Ages &age Stages on ascreen Homechildren Visit DVD SEAM™ Tool. The main SEAM™ includes threeQuestionnaires intervals with different from 1–72 months, so you can use ASQ:SE-2™ through developmental ranges: Infant (2–18 months), Toddler (18–36 months), and • ASQ-3 Learning Activities kindergarten and the transition to school. Preschool (36–66 months). Each interval assesses 10 child benchmarks critical • ASQ-3 Materials Kit to social-emotional competence, including empathy, adaptive skills, self-image, ASQ Pro (1and year)others. healthy New• interactions behavior communication emotional responses, and with The SEAM™items designe to elicit parent concerns thatversion point autism system also includes SEAM™ with Ages,Family an alternate of thetotool an- and early • ASQ Access (1may year) issues. notated with a helpful list ofcommunication age ranges for each item. This version makes it Need ASQ Spanish? You can add skills ASQ Spanish products t easy to give caregivers general guidance oninhow social-emotional typically 1-800-638-3775 or visit to learn mo child’s New data andfits cutoffs is based on develop and where their development on the—ASQ:SE-2™ continuum. *Plus online screening charges. Prices will vary for multisite programs. updated research and a large sample size of 14,000 diverse SEAM™ Family Profile. The Family Profile assesses parent/caregiver strengths children. and helps identify areas in which they need more supports to foster their child’s social-emotional skills. Like the SEAM™, the Family Profile assessment includes Newand monitoring zone that clearly identifies three intervals—Infant, Toddler, Preschool. Each interval measures four children close to the cutoff and helps you makepredecisions benchmarks: responding to needs, providing activities and play, providing about followup. dictable routines and an appropriate environment, and ensuring home safety.

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New Quick Start72803 Guide to only help$275 users implement Complete SEAM™, Research Edition—$49.95 | Stock #: 16106W-72803

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Using a simple framework of 3 Rs • ASQ-3 Materials Kit Help students respect schoolwide positive behavior supports, this is a must-have acceptance in K–2 classrooms. et By theLauren research-based interventions your K–12 school Kenworthy, Ph.D., you’ll have everything you and needin-service to conduct effective assessment, set (Recognize, Respond, and Report), master the core guide for preservice K–12 educators. and accept other’s through three •stop ASQ Pro differences (1and year) needs New behavior items designed team toeach bullying in its communication tracks—and pre- methods: Laura Gutermuth Anthony, goals and objectives for the child, plan interventions, ensure components of preventing and addressing bullying and dis1) reading diversity-themed stories and conducting brief and early to elicit parent that(1 may point to autism Ph.D., Katie Alexander, M.S., vent it before it starts. Using aconcerns simple framework of 3 Rs • C.ASQ Family Access year) THE GUIDE YOU NEED TO: generalization of skills, and monitor progress. ability-based harassment at the district level, classroom level, whole-class discussions ; 2) forming small learning OTR,Respond, Monica Adler Werner, communication issues. (Recognize, and Report), you’ll master the core groups • Improve the behavior of students with or without a and that individual M.A., Lynnlevel. Cannon, M.Ed., & encourage children from diverse backgrounds to interNeed ASQ Spanish? You can addand ASQ Spanish products toWHAT’S either set, or order a complete English/Spanish ASQ combo! 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eveloped by trusted PBS and child mental health • ASQ:SE-2 Quick Guides experts and packed withStart concrete strategies, this book and the transition to positive school. behavior 50 years of experience training teachers in with kindergarten invited contributors • classroom, ASQ-3 Materials Kit will get you ready presents a highly effective tiered approach to preventing and support in the this book ayprevent the groundwork for bully-free this designed reducing severe behavior problems and increasing academto further behavior challenges andschools create awith safe, • behavior ASQ Pro (1and year) New communication items toolbox of adaptable, practical strategies for promoting positiveto learning environment for each student in your class. elicit parent concerns that(1may point to autism and early ic engagement. Aligned with recommended practices for • ASQ Family Access year) schoolwide positive behavior supports, this is a must-have social acceptance in K–2 classrooms. Help students respect communication issues. DISCOVER HOWeach TO: other’s differences through three methods: guideset, fororpreservice and in-service K–12 educators. andaaccept her set, or order complete Need ASQ English/Spanish in Spanish? ASQ You can combo! add ASQ Call Spanish products to either order a complete English/Spanish ASQ combo! Call • Determine which students willstories benefitand from targeted brief 1) reading diversity-themed conducting 1-800-638-3775 or visit to learn more. New and cutoffs —ASQ:SE-2™ is based on THE GUIDE Screen YOU NEED7 TO: Screen 7 data key areas of key areas of behavior supports *Plus online screening ;charges. Prices willsmall vary for learning multisite programs. whole-class discussions 2) forming groups updated research and a large sample size of 14,000 diverse • Improve the behavior of students with or without a ntervention Strategies • social-emotional Choose formal and informal targeted supports that meet development: social-emotional development: that encourage children from diverse backgrounds to interchildren. specific diagnosis student’s needs storybooks you read with familiesso •each Self-regulation • Self-regulation act; and 3) sharing • Boost your behavior management skills and empower Michael• P.•Make George, Ed.D., andsupports Mark D. Weist, Ph.D. the most of targeted already available if your they can continue discussions at home. Compliance • Compliance yourself to take action New monitoring zone that clearly identifies school uses PBIS • Communication • Communication • Assess and improve your classroom environment, PBS and child mental health andhelps packed with USE THIS PROGRAM children close to TO theexperts cutoff and youown make decisions • •Organize and develop Tier 2 supports on your if your Adaptive functioning • Adaptive functioning including physical setup, routines, and emotional climate •presents Enrich your existing classroom activities with to lessons on this book•school a highly effective tiered approach about followup. doesn’t currently implement PBIS Autonomy • Autonomy • Directly teach social skills during your everyday classes social acceptance g severe• behavior and increasing academic your interventions through data Startereffective Starter Kit: Kit: Starter Kit: •Strengthen Affect problems • Affect and routines • Strengthen students’ literacy skills while they learn to collection analysis only to $275 only only $275 Newand Quick Start Guide help$275 users implement th recommended practices for schoolwide positive • Interaction with people • Interaction with people • Identify student mental health problems and select apcelebrate differences • Fade out or step up the intensity of interventions and accuratelyand and in-service efficiently. K-12 s a must-haveASQ:SE-2™ guide for preservice propriate interventions • Support friendships among children of diverse abilities, when necessary Boxsupports includes: Box paper includes: masters paper of questionnaires masters of the questionnaires Box includes: paper masters of questionnaires • Selectand andscoring use a behavioral management to track backgrounds, family • Recognize when students needwith more intensive, and scoring and sheets, scoring a and CD-ROM sheets, astructures CD-ROM printable with printable PDF sheets, a CD-ROM withsystem printable student progress • Choose books, toys, and other materials that reflect our PDFindividualized questionnaires, questionnaires, Guide, the User’s andGuide, free lamiand a FREE lamiPDF questionnaires, User’s Guide, and free lamiTierUser’s 3 supports O: diverse world nated Quick nated Start Guide Quick Start (English Guide or Spanish). 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Start curricula! Part of the Strong Kids™ series, Strong Start is the fun,

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A Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, Second Edition



Everything you need to condN s

Merrell’s Strong Start—Pre-K and Merrell’s Strong Start—Grades K–2, by Sara A. Whitcomb, Ph.D., & Danielle M. Parisi Damico, Ph.D.

Merrell’s Strong Kids—Grades 3–5 and Grades 6–8; Merrell’s Strong Teens—Grades 9–12, by Dianna Carrizales-Engelmann, Ph.D., Laura L. Feuerborn, Ph.D., Barbara A. Gueldner, Ph.D., & Oanh K. Tran, Ph.D.

“Initiates incredible discussions that have lasting effects on classroom dynamics and individual decision making.” —Linda Johnston, fifth-grade teacher, Yolanda Elementary, Springfield, Oregon

“Very effective in targeting the development of emotional understanding and regulation.”


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—Margaret O’Hearn-Curran, Principal, Johnny Appleseed School; Adjunct Faculty, Fitchburg State College

ASQ-3™ complete package price: $1,219.75,

“We really like this program . . . In screening a world where plus quarterly chargeschildren see so much that’s negative, it’s so refreshing that we as a (price includes 5 free Quick Start Guides) WHAT’S NEW in ASQ:SE-2 school can offer themThis a way to see the positive.” package* includes:

—Joy Deates, Positive Behavior Support Facilitator, • ASQ-3 Central PointQuestionnaires Elementary School, Central Point, Oregon

WHAT’S NEW: The new editions include user-requested updates: • Crosswalk of Strong Kids lessons with five key social-emotional learning competencies • Time-saving options for chunking the lessons into smaller pieces • Guidance on how to use Strong Kids within a multi-tiered system of support framework • Instructor reflection sections that help educators with lesson preparation • Optional mindfulness-based activities that help students focus • Extension activities that generalize and reinforce skills as students practice what they learn • Fidelity checklists to help guide you through successful implementation of Strong Kids™ • Companion website with supplemental materials and resources

New• 2-month questionnaire (now 9 questionnaires ASQ-3 User’s Guide


Reliably screen and start of monitoring each social-emotionaltotal): competence—the foundation school andchildren social as youn • ASQ-3 Quick Start Guides can start earlier. as 1 month, so critical interventions success—with the NEW editions of the Strong Kids™ curricula! Strong ASQ-3 Referral Kids is the fun and easy way to•help yourScoring studentsand develop the DVD social-emotional Expanded range: Now you® can children skills they need to manage their• challenges and succeed in school and life. DeAges &age Stages Questionnaires on ascreen Home Visit DVD from 1–72 months, so you can use ASQ:SE-2™ through veloped by a team of education and mental health experts, each evidence-based, • ASQ-3 Learning Activities kindergarten and the transition to school. age-appropriate curriculum is:

• ASQ-3 Materials Kit Low cost and low tech • behavior ASQ Pro (1and year) New communication items designe emotional and behavioral problems Proven to to help helpdecrease increase students’ knowledge of healthy behavior to elicit parent concerns that(1may point to autism and early • ASQ Family Access year) health training required Easy to implement implementwith withno nomental training required communication issues. Brief enough to use with any program Need ASQ in Spanish? You can add ASQ Spanish products t HOW IT WORKS:

or visit to learn mo New1-800-638-3775 data and cutoffs —ASQ:SE-2™ is based on *Plus online screening charges. Prices will vary for multisite programs.

updated research and a large sample size of learn 14,000 diverse Through engaging, thought-provoking classroom activities, students about children. emotions and the social-emotional skills they’ll use for the rest of their lives: managing anger, reducing stress, solving interpersonal problems, and much more. Each scientifically-based runs zone for 10-12 lessons are Newcurriculum monitoring thatweeks, clearlyand identifies easy to fit into your existing schedule (especially with and the new for breakchildren close to the cutoff helpsoptions you make decisions ing them into smaller chunks). scripted lessons, handouts, and workaboutPartially followup. sheets are included—all photocopiable and available as downloads—so Starter Kit: teachers have everything they needNew to implement the program with added cost or only Quick Start Guide to little help$275 users implement preparation. ASQ:SE-2™ accurately and efficiently.

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Box includes: paper masters of the questionnaires

Each curriculum: curriculum: $39.95 ½ |xpaperback 11 | paperback Each $39.95 || April 2016 2016 | 8 ½ |x811 and scoring sheets, a CD-ROM with printable PDF Pre-K: 79697 | ISBN 978-1-59857-969-7 Pre-K: Stock #: 16102W-79697 | 978-1-59857-969-7 ISBN 978-1-59857-969-7 79697 | ISBN questionnaires, the User’s Guide, and a FREE lamiGrades K–2: Stock #: 16102W-79703 79703 | ISBN 978-1-59857-970-3 Grades K–2: | 978-1-59857-970-3 ISBN 978-1-59857-970-3 79703 | ISBN nated Quick Start Guide (in English or Spanish). Grades 3–5: Stock Stock #: #: 79536 | ISBN 978-1-59857-953-6 79536 | ISBN Grades 3–5: 16102W-79536 |978-1-59857-953-6 ISBN 978-1-59857-953-6 Grades 6–8: Stock Stock #: #: 16102W-79543 79543 | ISBN 978-1-59857-954-3 79543 | ISBN Grades 6–8: | 978-1-59857-954-3 ISBN 978-1-59857-954-3 With English Questionnaires—$275.00 Grades 9–12: Stock Stock #: #: 16102W-79550 79550 | ISBN 978-1-59857-955-0 Grades 9–12: | 978-1-59857-955-0 ISBN 978-1-59857-955-0 79550 | ISBN


Stock #: 16106W-70410 | 2009 | ISBN 978-1-59857-041-0

Ages & Stages Questionnaires® is a registered trademark and (See page Spanishand Questionnaires—$275.00 ASQ-3™,With ASQ:SE-2™, the ASQ logos are trademarks of Stock #: 16106W-70427 | 2009 | Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.


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P.O. Box 10624 Baltimore, MD 21285-0624

A fun and easy way to develop social-emotional skills! The new edition of the series features great updates, such as: A crosswalk of Strong Kids lessons with five key social-emotional learning objectives Time-saving options for chunking the lessons into smaller pieces Guidance on how to use Strong Kids within an RTI/multi-tiered system of support framework Instructor reflection sections that help educators with lesson preparation and student observation Mindfulness-based activities that help students focus Extension activities that reinforce skills as students practice what they learn Fidelity checklists to help guide you through successful implementation of Strong Kids

Learn more on pages 14-15

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