5/11/22, 9:09 AM
What Is Inflation and How Does it Affect You? | Brooklynn Chandler Willy | Finance
What Is Inflation and How Does it Affect You? by Brooklynn Chandler Willy | Apr 29, 2022 | Finance, Financial Planning
When you hear the word inflation in relation to economics, you may get worried. However, a normal amount of inflation is necessary for an economy. Healthy economies generating inflation is actually a good thing when it’s minimal. Growing about 2 percentage points normally reflects a healthy increase in the economy’s activity, normally happening because of a growing population. However, when inflation begins to rise outside of the rate of wage increases, we have a problem.
What exactly is inflation? When looking at inflation in layman’s terms, inflation is when the prices of goods and services increase. Inflation can happen because of things such as product shortages, labor shortages, and wage increases. It can also be caused by hikes in prices for raw materials and higher demand for products. Changes in policy decisions for issues such as interest rates, tariffs, and government spending can also increase inflation.
How bad can it get? https://brooklynnchandlerwilly.net/what-is-inflation-and-how-does-it-affect-you/