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Now that the second quarter is behind us, we have come to the most important part of our school year. Teachers are conscientiously teaching, and students learn the core content they should know at their grade level. Attendance is crucial for optimum learning, and this is a critical time for students to attend every day possible in school. Parents, please discuss the importance of your child being at school on time, and we all must take extra precautions to ensure the good health of our students. With the many viruses and illnesses accompanying the winter months, please encourage good eating, sleeping habits, and hand washing. If your child is showing symptoms of illness, please keep them at home until the symptoms subside. Contact the school and your child’s teacher for missing assignments.

Jill Larson Principal jlarson@brookwood167.org

School Hours

Students’ school day is from 8:30 a.m. until 3:10 p.m.

Students should not arrive earlier than 8:10 a.m.

As always, please reach out to your child’s teachers for any questions/concerns, or if I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me and know that my door is always open. I can be reached at the school number (708) 758-5252, by email jlarson@ brookwood167.org or by cell phone at (708) 362-0115.

Our second Parent Teacher Conferences are being held this month on February 8th from 10:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Parents do not need an appointment to attend conferences

Parent-Teacher conferences are a good way to meet your child’s teacher and learn about your child’s academic performance, as well as the teacher’s expectations. If you know what is expected in the classroom, you can more easily address any issue that comes up as your child moves through the school year. By attending conferences, you also send a positive message to your child that school is important. Keep in mind that you are an equal partner at the conference. If you have questions or observations, the conference is a good time to share them with the teacher. Don’t forget to share what you know about your child. Your information helps the teacher better understand how to teach your child.

I am honored to serve as your prIncIpal

Student Support Intervention (SSI)

We hold Student Support Intervention Meetings (SSI) all year long, before school at 7:45 a.m. or after school at 3:15 p.m. to schedule a meeting, please email Ms. Mitchell at rmitchell@ brookwood167.org, or call the school at (708) 758-5252.


Our teachers do an excellent job of communicating with families. Here is where you can stay informed proactively:

• School and District Website - www.brookwood167.org

• Bull Dog News - Weekly school newsletter that will be sent home on Fridays

• ClassDojo - It is essential that you sign up for the Principal’s ClassDojo. If you have not already joined, an invitation will be sent to you during the first week of school. To join, you will need either your phone number or email address.

• A phone call or an email is an efficient way to communicate with your child’s teacher. Please remember that our teachers are with students throughout the day and will return the call/email as soon as possible. At times, this may be the next school day.

If a child has any symptoms listed below, they should stay home in the morning or go home if these symptoms first occur at school.


When a child can return to school is based on the specific symptom they have.

• Fever of 100.4 or higher

• New onset of moderate to severe headache

• Shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat

• Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

• Abdominal pain from unknown cause

• New congestion/runny nose

• New loss of sense of taste or smell

• Fatigue from unknown cause

• Muscle or body aches

If you answer “YES” to any of the above, your child MUST stay home. Please call the school to report your child’s absence (708) 708-758-5252 (Option 1.)


We make a COMMITMENT to stand against bullying.

We will treat others with RESPECT and KINDNESS.

We will have the COMPASSION to not be a bully.

We will have the COURAGE to not be a bystander.

It is our RESPONSIBILITY to help others and to report bullying.

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