ISSUE: 001 YEAR: 2021
BROOKWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL IT IS WITH GREAT JOY THAT I HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY... To introduce myself as the new Principal of Brookwood Middle School. I am honored to have this opportunity to lead a school with such extremely dedicated parents. I feel very fortunate to be part of this school to assist in supp01iing the students, families, and community of Glenwood. The guiding principle that I ascribe to in education is to have P.R.I.D.E. in it. P.R.I.D.E. stands for being Punctual, being Respectful, having Integrity, being Dependable and being Energetic. I will require and expect excellence from the students and parents of Brookwood Middle School and you can expect the same from me. And always remember, “Do not make excuses, make improvements.”
One of the things the staff and teachers of Brookwood Middle School has done this year is to develop five (5) goals that will lead us through the 2021/2022 school year.
Those goals are: •
Help students to develop selfawareness and interpersonal skills to maintain positive relationships. (Heart) Staff and teachers will use a more standards based approach to measure student growth and progress. (Head) Staff and teachers will provide the students with more opportunities to improve their mental and physical
health. (Health) Staff and teachers will work with students to decrease the amount of student misconduct by implementing restorative practices. (Hands) • Staff and teachers will work collaboratively to increase parent involvement within our school community. (Home)
I look forward to collaborating with you and this great community as we work together to make sure every student has a great year here at Brookwood Middle School. LaShawn Stewart, PRINCIPAL