BMS | January Newsletter

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January Newsletter B rookwood M iddle S chool

Brookwood Middle School 200 E. Glenwood-Lansing Road Glenwood, IL 60425

School: (708) 758-5350 Absentee Line: (708) 757-2110 Mrs. Onquanette Pierce, Principal

A Message From The Principal

Mrs. Onquanette Pierce

iSTRIVE I am a Brookwood Middle School Student I Strive I Build I Learn I Achieve I am accountable for my own growth I am a person of integrity and purpose I can accomplish anything I put my mind to I am strong I am determined I am the future

Mrs. Onquanette Pierce Principal, Brookwood Middle School

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Brookwood Middle School

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.� --Zig Ziglar


Brookwood Middle School

Change Of Information Parents/Guardians are required to notify the school immediately of any changes in name, address, home, work or emergency telephone numbers; a change in the emergency contact person, changes in guardianship, etc. Any information that might be pertinent to school records or contacting parent/ guardian in case of an emergency.

Daily Anti-Bullying Pledge

I will use my Hands for building and my Words for encouragement 33


Brookwood Middle School


Please remember to review the “Parent/Student Handbook� with your child. It is very important that your family is familiar with all school procedures.


Principal’s ClassDojo... Are

you up to date on all information that the school

sends home? Please download the app and sign up for the

Principal’s ClassDojo. Everything we send home in the book bags are also posted in this Principal’s ClassDojo. You can also text the Principal and Assistant Principal through this app.

Assignment Notebooks... Does

Assignment Notebook? This really helps with organization and communication to you. Please purchase your child an assignment notebook and request that they write their assignments in the notebook. This includes reminders etc. Assignment notebooks can be purchased daily in the office at $8.00. your child have an


Brookwood Middle School

Christmas Luncheon

All of the staff at Brookwood Middle School would like to thank for

Ms. Lindsay for the great luncheon that was provided

Christmas and all of District Office staff for serving us. It made us all feel special!


January 7th

School Resumes

January 20th

Martin Luther King Day – NO SCHOOL

January 24th

Early Release Day

January 30th

Parent/Teacher Conferences – NO SCHOOL

January 31st

Half Day School Improvement

After p.m.

school activities are underway.


2:00 p.m. Dismissal 11:30 a.m. Dismissal

have something for everyone

Monday - Thursday | 3:15

- 4:30 p.m. If your child has not signed up, let them know they can pick up a form in the office.

Tutoring (Crescenti - Thursdays)

Student Council (Schiemann - Mondays)

Yearbook Club (Schiemann - Monday - Friday (Lunch Period))

Band (Neely - Tuesday & Thursday)

Girls Club (Seyller - Tuesdays)

Art Club (Rab - Wednesdays)

Anime Club (Rab - Tuesdays)

Basketball (Chinn - Wednesdays

Robotics (Seyller - Thursdays)

Tutoring (Seyller - Wednesdays)

Gospel Choir (Ross - Tuesday & Thursday - 7:30 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.) Male Mentoring (Dixon - Mondays)

Chess Club (Wesley - Tuesdays)

Wrestling (Malone – TBA)

Book Club (Ms. Pam - Thursdays (Lunch Period))


Brookwood Middle School

ABSENCE REPORTING Parents must call the school and report any student who will be absent. Should a child become ill at school, parents will be notified and it is their responsibility to see that the child is picked up. For each absence or tardiness, a parent must call the school before 8:30 a.m. When calling, please IDENTIFY yourself; give the STUDENT’S NAME, GRADE, and the TEACHER’S NAME and REASON FOR BEING ABSENT. BROOKWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL


(708) 757-2110




Brookwood Middle School 200 E. Glenwood-Lansing Road Glenwood, IL 60425

School: (708) 758-5350 Absentee Line: (708) 757-2110 Mrs. Onquanette Pierce, Principal

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