BMS | May Newsletter

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May Newsletter B rookwood M iddle S chool

Brookwood Middle School 200 E. Glenwood-Lansing Road Glenwood, IL 60425

School: (708) 758-5350 Absentee Line: (708) 757-2110 Mrs. Onquanette Pierce, Principal

A Message From The Principal

Mrs. Onquanette Pierce Dear Parents, I know that this has been a difficult time for all and the transition to working & learning from home is a difficult one. We want to dedicate this next week to BMS Parents! The first week in May we normally acknowledge our staff for Teacher Appreciation Week. Not only will we acknowledge our teaching staff, we want to acknowledge you and bring you into the folds of “Teacher Appreciation Week”. I just want to thank all of the parents & guardians who have reached out to provide positive comments. We want to Thank You for being a support to your children and ensuring them that your love for them is unwavering. I am really impressed with how our teachers, students, parents and community has responded. Remember, we are in this together.

I just wanted to take some time to provide all of parents with a few important updates: •

We are working on a plan and process to close out the school year. Student belongings will be available to be picked up by curbside pick-up at Door #2 on Tuesday, May 12th - Thursday, May 14th, 2020, from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. (Staff will be on a lunch break from 11:45 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.). Students will need to return Social Studies Books if they are in the 6th grade, Band Uniforms, and Choir Uniforms at this time;

4th Quarter Grading will be a Pass or Incomplete. It is important that your child is either engaged with their teachers in Google Classroom each week and submit assignments or parents can call to talk to the teachers regarding the completion of learning packets that were distributed. The 4th Quarter Grading Details were sent via the Principal’s ClassDojo;

Our teachers and administration are trying to touch base with all students, including those who have not logged in or submitted work regularly. Remember that as of now, all work being done through this online instructional period will count towards student’s fourth quarter grade, It is important for students to keep up with their work and turn assignments in on time. We are reminding teachers of the need to focus on “quality over quantity” in regards to workload and to be mindful of the global pandemic we are in;

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Brookwood Middle School

“ E d u c a t i o n i s w h a t re m a i n s a f t e r o n e h a s fo r g o t t e n w h a t o n e h a s l e a r n e d i n s c h o o l.” – A l b e r t E i n s t e i n

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Brookwood Middle School

Yearbooks are being completed and can be purchased online with delivery to your house. We have included some pictures and things regarding the pandemic because it will be something historical for the students to look back on;

Please do not be afraid to share any positive comments or words of encouragement with your child’s teachers. Remember we are all in this together;

Please continue to reach out to your child’s teachers and let them know of any struggles so they can assist;

I would also encourage you to take this time with your children to really explore new areas of interests or partake in family reading, family game time or other things that you may not have had the luxury of time to do before now. A silver lining can always be found if we look hard enough!

Also, rest assured that teachers here at BMS and at Brookwood School District are ready to “meet students where they are” in their learning when they return for the 2020-2021 school year. Our mission will be to look for any learning gaps that occurred during the remote learning time, formulate lessons and resources to address them and make our Timberwolves even better than they already are!

Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time, we are only one E-mail away! Go Scotties! 33


Brookwood Middle School


I know parents may have questions as students have started to engage on their computers or tablets with their learning.

Please review the FAQ.



What Is ClassDojo? •

ClassDojo is a communication app that the Principals and teachers use to communicate with parents. The app allows you to send individual text messages, see a post from the school or the teacher, and stay updated on your student’s classroom behavior (optional).

What Is Google Classroom? •

Google Classroom is another app that allows teachers to set up a virtual classroom and create and post assignments, make announcements, post a question, video links etc. This is the main way we are staying connected to your child at BMS. Google Classroom allows teachers to give individual feedback on work submitted. Each student will need their Brookwood email address to access this app. Here is a Google Classroom Quick Tutorial for students.

Check it out:


Brookwood Middle School


How can I purchase a Yearbook? •

You can order online at: Click Here ==> | Passcode: 1014138234211566

Should we return the Packets? • [No], please hold on to them. You can submit these to the teachers. Reading and Writing goes to the ELA teachers and Math go to the Math teachers.

How do I submit them? •

You can take a picture of the completed pages and email them to the teacher. These can take place of some of the online assignments if you don’t have access to the online platform. You can email the teacher and notify them that of what pages have been completed. We would like the students to focus on the online Google Classroom assignments first.

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Brookwood Middle School

How can I get Breakfast/Lunch for my child? •

Brookwood School District distributes Breakfast/Lunch on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at Brookwood Middle School from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. If you need a drop off, please call Brookwood Middle School at (708) 758-5350 before 11:00 a.m. to request a drop off.

How do I obtain a device for my child’s Remote Learning? •

Parents can come to the school Tuesday - Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. to get a device.


Brookwood Middle School


What is a Remote Learning Schedule ? •

Parents and students can contact staff Monday - Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. | 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Monday and Wednesday | ELA, Writing, Social Studies

Tuesday and Thursday | Math, Science

Monday - Thursday | P.E., Art, Music

Parents/Students can engage with their respective teachers, Principal on these days using any of the resources given to contact/engage with them. (Google Classroom, Email etc.) We are available at the given times to answer question, support learning, and check-in on students.

Teachers will be following Remote Planning Days so they can engage in professional development, collaboration, and planning for remote learning. On these days, teachers are not required and may not be able to interact with students and parents.

We have scheduled the following Remote Planning Days •

May 8th |

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May 14th


June 4th (half day) End-of-Year District Collaboration

Brookwood Middle School




Mrs. Nowels-Pierce


Ms. Mitchell

Assistant Principal

Mr. Dixon

Self-Contained | Resource Teacher

Ms. Horn

5th Grade Resource

Mr. Wesley

5th Grade Social Studies

Ms. Kirtley

5th Grade ELA

Ms. Eason

5th Grade Math

Ms. Miller-Cooper

5th Grade STEM/Science

Mr. Chinn

5th Grade P.E.

Mr. Gardner

6th Grade Resource | Do The Math

Ms. Schiemann

6th Grade Social Studies

Mr. Crescenti

6th Grade ELA

Ms. Brylewski

6th Grade Math

Ms. Seyller

6th Grade STEM

Mr. Brandt

6th Grade P.E.

Mr. Barton

Math 180

Ms. Parker

R180/6th Grade ELA (4th Period)

Mr. Rab

Art Teacher

Ms. Neely



Follow us on Youtube! •

Check out our Youtube Page: “BMSFamily”. Here we have been posting the student led morning announcements and encouraging videos to our students.


Soon we will be saying a Happy Good-Bye and Congratulations to Ms. Emma Kirtley as she completes her 33rd year in Brookwood

School District. We wish her many Happy Times and Special Moments during her Retirement!

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Brookwood Middle School

Are parents informed of their students academic performance at the end of the 3rd grading quarter? • The following guidelines have been established to address grades for the 3rd Quarter: •

The 3rd Quarter was designated to end on March 27th. We are allowing students to make up work, redo work, or complete alternative assessments as outlined by their teachers;

All students will have an opportunity to make up work, complete alternate assignments, or complete additional assignments to improve their grades for the 3rd quarter as outlined by their teachers;

All students will have an opportunity to make up a quiz or assessment only if it is feasible to do so. Please remember that previously taught material may not be easy to remember at this point in time;

The time frame to make-up work or complete additional assignments to improve grades will be from April 7th through April 27th;

Students with A’s will retain those grades;

Students will not go down in a grade, they can only move up. Example: A “D” cannot go down to an “F”;

Teachers will be looking for a student’s BEST efforts to complete work;

Non-Electronic Learning Packets that were sent out to students can be used for 3rd quarter grading;

Parent statements that work was completed by their student will be acceptable because we are not collecting non-electronic work at this time. Students that can complete assignments electronically are encouraged to do so;

• •

Students staying engaged in learning by any means is very important at this time.

Parents should be routinely informed through Class Dojo. ISBE is saying that student engagement of any kind is important. We need to remove as many barriers as possible on our end and encourage and support parents as much as possible.


Brookwood Middle School



Brookwood Middle School 200 E. Glenwood-Lansing Road Glenwood, IL 60425

School: (708) 758-5350 Absentee Line: (708) 757-2110 Mrs. Onquanette Pierce, Principal

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